
genre Subimage
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLGeometry1
definition MLGeometry1.def
see also SubImage, ConcatenateImages
keywords Copy, Multiple, Geometry


The module DimensionSliceClone clones a slice from a selected dimension of the input image to an output image.


Select the Dimension of the input image from which a slice should be cloned.

Specify the input Slice.

Specify the number of clones with Clone Number which are copied into the selected dimension of the output image.


Default Panel


Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: dimension, type: Enum, default: x, deprecated name: DimensionID

Defines the dimension to be cloned from.


Title Name
x x
y y
z z
c c
t t
u u


name: inputSlice, type: Integer, default: 0, deprecated name: InputSlice

Sets the slice which should be cloned from the input image.

Clone Number

name: cloneNumber, type: Integer, default: 1, deprecated name: OutputCloneNumber

Sets how many clones of the specified line should be added to the output image.