
The AnonymizeMacro offers the possibility to remove unwanted dicom tags from a dataset. It is possible to change tags like the patient’s name to anything you want.


The macro is quite simple to use - just put it in the network behind an ImageLoad for example and the dataset on the output field is automatically anonymized. In the module panel you can specify new templates for the replacement of personal patient data. You can also define a file name and path. By pressing the save button the anonymized dataset will be saved.


The AnonymizeMacro works internally with the DicomTagModify and the MakeName modules. An ImageSave module is also used, but not really necessary for the macro’s functionality. It offers only the additional functionality to save the dataset more comfortably.

The example network shows a simple load module which is connected to the AnonymizeMacro. The anonymized result image or dataset can be shown in a View2D macro.


Default Panel

This panel contains parameters to specify new values for patient-individual data:

You can modify further tags by pressing the Modify Further Tags button. The resulting output dicom tags can be inspected by pressing the View Tags button. The modifications can be saved using the save button. The file name is specified in Out Name.


Input Fields

The module has one input which must be an image data type. It does make sense to put image data(sets) with dicom tags in it.


name: input0, type: Image

Output Fields

The module has one output, containing an image data type.


name: output0, type: Image

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Change Patient ID: Bool Patients Name: String
Change Patients Birth Date: Bool Save: Trigger
Change Patients Name: Bool Series Description: String
Change Series Description: Bool Status: String
Comment: String Tiff Compression: Enum
Out Name: String  
Patient ID: String  
Patients Birth Date: String  

Visible Fields

Patients Name

name: patientsName, type: String, default: NewPatientsName

Series Description

name: seriesDescription, type: String, default: NewSeriesDesc

Patients Birth Date

name: patientsBirthDate, type: String, default: 20000101

Patient ID

name: patientID, type: String, default: NewPatientID

Change Patients Name

name: changePatientsName, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Change Series Description

name: changeSeriesDescription, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Change Patients Birth Date

name: changePatientsBirthDate, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Change Patient ID

name: changePatientID, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Out Name

name: outName, type: String

The path and file name for the anonymized dataset or image. Default values are the new patient name with a unique trailing number and the source path.


name: save, type: Trigger


name: status, type: String, persistent: no


name: comment, type: String, default: Anonymized by MeVisLab

Tiff Compression

name: tiffCompression, type: Enum, default: None


Title Name
None None
Packbits Packbits