
This module SoView2DMenuItem defines properties of one item for a SoView2DMenu.

If it is traversed before a SoView2DMenu it describes appearance and functionality of one item in the shown menu.

The SoView2DMenuItems macro is a predefined convenience module with 10 SoView2DMenuItem modules which have identical settings like a SoView2DMenuItem module. The Menu Id parameters for the items are set from MenuId01 to MenuId10.


A menu item can have three different states:

  • on: the menu item has been clicked or chosen by other means.
  • off: the menu item is deselected and the mouse cursor is not over the item.
  • over: the mouse cursor is over the menu item; it can be active or inactive.


Default Panel


Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Align X: Enum Is active: Bool Show background: Bool
Align Y: Enum Is mouse over: Bool Text: Color
Back: Color Label (labelOn): String Text Opacity: Float
Back Sel: Color Label (labelOff): String Use as button: Bool
Background Opacity: Float Label (labelOver): String Use separate color if item is selected: Bool
Border Width: Float Menu Id: String Use text shadow: Bool
Deselected: Trigger Min Extents: Vector2 Value (valueOn): String
editable: Bool Position: Vector2 Value (valueOff): String
Icon (iconOffPath): String Selected: Trigger Value (valueOver): String
Icon (iconOnPath): String Sensitive: Bool  
Icon (iconOverPath): String Show: Bool  

Visible Fields

Label (labelOn)

name: labelOn, type: String

Sets a label for an active menu item.

Value (valueOn)

name: valueOn, type: String

Sets a value for an active menu item.

Label (labelOff)

name: labelOff, type: String

Sets a label for an inactive menu item.

Value (valueOff)

name: valueOff, type: String

Sets a value for an inactive menu item.

Label (labelOver)

name: labelOver, type: String

Sets a label for a menu item under the mouse cursor.

Value (valueOver)

name: valueOver, type: String

Sets a value for a menu item under the mouse cursor.


name: color, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets a color the menu item’s text.


name: backgroundColor, type: Color, default: 0.400000005960464 0.400000005960464 0.400000005960464

Sets a color for the menu item’s background.

Use separate color if item is selected

name: useBackgroundColorSelected, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, a different color is used for an active menu item.

Back Sel

name: backgroundColorSelected, type: Color, default: 0.699999988079071 0.699999988079071 0.699999988079071

Sets the background color for a selected menu item.

If only used if Use separate color if item is selected is checked.

Text Opacity

name: transparency, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the opacity of the menu item’s text.

Background Opacity

name: bkTransparency, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

Sets the opacity of the menu item’s background.


name: showItem, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the menu item is shown.

Show background

name: showBackground, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the background of the menu item is shown.

Use text shadow

name: useShadowText, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the text of the menu item is rendered using a shadow.

Border Width

name: borderWidth, type: Float, default: 3

Sets the border width.

Use as button

name: useAsButton, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the menu item is used as a button.

That means that is is only triggering an activated notification when clicked.

Otherwise, the menu item stay active after being clicked.


name: sensitive, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the menu item is sensitive to mouse release events.


name: selected, type: Trigger

If checked, the menu item sends a notification if being clicked.


name: deselected, type: Trigger

If checked, the menu item sends a notification if being deselected.

Is active

name: isSelected, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the menu item is currently active.

Is mouse over

name: isHighlighted, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the menu item is currently under the mouse cursor.

Align X

name: alignX, type: Enum, default: ALIGN_CENTER

Defines how the menu item aligns the label and value in x-direction.


Title Name

Align Y

name: alignY, type: Enum, default: ALIGN_Y_CENTER

Defines how the menu item aligns the label and value in y-direction.


Title Name


name: itemPosition, type: Vector2, default: 0.5 0.5

Sets a position of the menu item. The actual position on the viewer also depends on position settings in the SoView2DMenu.

Icon (iconOffPath)

name: iconOffPath, type: String

Sets a path to an icon that is shown when the menu item is neither active nor under the mouse cursor.

Icon (iconOnPath)

name: iconOnPath, type: String

Sets a path to an icon that is shown when the menu item is active.

Icon (iconOverPath)

name: iconOverPath, type: String

Sets a path to an icon that is shown when the menu item is under the mouse cursor.

Min Extents

name: minItemExt, type: Vector2, default: 16 16

Sets the minimum x/y extent of the menu item in pixel.

Hidden Fields


name: editable, type: Bool, default: FALSE