
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoRenderers
definition SoRenderers.def


The SoPostEffectDepthHalo module renders a depth based halo as an effect for the SoPostEffectRenderer module.

It basically implements the algorithm described in the paper “Image Enhancement by Unsharp Masking the Depth Buffer”, Thomas Luft, Carsten Colditz, Oliver Deussen.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Back Color: Color Front Color: Color
Back Factor: Float Front Factor: Float
Background Halo: Bool Intensity: Float
Blur Iterations: Integer Precision: Enum
Blur Kernel Size: Integer Resize Mode: Enum
colorBufferName: String Sample Distance: Float
depthBufferName: String  
Enabled: Bool  

Visible Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables/disables the effect.

Blur Kernel Size

name: blurKernelSize, type: Integer, default: 32, minimum: 3, maximum: 32

Selects the blur kernel size for the low pass filtering of the depth buffer.

Sample Distance

name: sampleDistance, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 32

Selects the sample distance for the low pass blur.

Blur Iterations

name: blurIterations, type: Integer, default: 1, minimum: 1, maximum: 32

Sets the number of blur iterations (with growing sample distance per iteration).


name: intensity, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 10

The overall intensity of the effect.

Background Halo

name: backgroundHalo, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Selects if empty background should receive the effect.

Front Factor

name: frontFactor, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 5

Chooses the factor for the part of the halo that is in the front.

Back Factor

name: backFactor, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 5

Chooses the factor for the part of the halo that is in the back.

Front Color

name: frontColor, type: Color, default: 0 0 0

Selects the color for the front halo.

Back Color

name: backColor, type: Color, default: 0 0 0

Selects the color for the back halo.

Resize Mode

name: resizeMode, type: Enum, default: Average2x2

Selects the downsample factor for the low pass filtered depth buffer.


Title Name
Average2x2 Average2x2
Average3x3 Average3x3
Average4x4 Average4x4


name: precision, type: Enum, default: High

Chooses the precision of the blurred depth buffers that are used.


Title Name Description
Low Low Very low, can show banding artifacts.
Medium Medium Should provide adequate quality.
High High Highest possible precision.

Hidden Fields


name: colorBufferName, type: String, default: colorBuffer


name: depthBufferName, type: String, default: depthBuffer