
genre Resample
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll MLResample1
definition MLResample1.def
see also MPR, MPRPath, Reformat


The AccumulateImage allows to accumulate/resample multiple images into a global reference volume. The reference volume can be an existing dataset, or it can be created from multiple volumes/slices using e.g. CreateBoundingVolume.

Intersecting volumes are combined using either maximum intensity or weighted averaging.


The module supports all default datatypes, but MAXIMUM is not supported on datatypes with multiple components. In case of multiple components, the MAXIMUM mode falls back to overwrite, so that last value that is written to a voxel will win.

The weighted averaging mode uses a double precision accumulation buffer for all scalar types. For datatypes with multiple components, the datatype itself is used in the accumulation buffer.

Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

The image that should be added.


name: input1, type: Image

The reference image. Only the image properties are used, the image data is never requested.

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

The accumulated image.


name: output1, type: Image

summed weights

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Accumulation Mode: Enum
Add: Trigger
Border Handling: Enum
Clear: Trigger
Interpolation: Enum

Visible Fields


name: clear, type: Trigger

Clears the accumulated image and all buffers.


name: add, type: Trigger

Adds the input0 image to the accumulated image.

Accumulation Mode

name: accumulationMode, type: Enum, default: Maximum

Selects how volumes are accumulated.


Title Name Description
Maximum Maximum Accumulate with maximum intensity operator. The background is filled with the reference image’s minimum value.
Weighted Average WeightedAverage Calculate the weighted average of the intensity values. The weight is interpolated from 0-1 at the border of each volume, it is 0 outside the volume and 1 inside the volume. On the border of a volume, the weight is interpolated from 0-1. When weighted averaging is turned on, the second output of the image gives the sum of the weights, which can be used for masking or other purposes.
Minimum Minimum Accumulate with minimum intensity operator. The background is filled with the reference image’s maximum value.
Replace Replace Accumulate with replace intensity operator. The background is filled with the reference image’s minimum value.


name: interpolation, type: Enum, default: Trilinear

See MPR.interpolation.


Title Name
Nearest Neighbor NearestNeighbor
Trilinear Trilinear

Border Handling

name: borderHandling, type: Enum, default: UseFillValue

See MPR.borderHandling.


Title Name
Clamp To Edge ClampToEdge
Use Fill Value UseFillValue