
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoRenderers
definition SoRenderers.def


The SoPostEffectDownsample module allows to downsample a given buffer using averaging.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Enables/disables the effect.

Resize Mode

name: resizeMode, type: Enum, default: Average2x2

The downsample mode.


Title Name Description
Average2x2 Average2x2 Downsample to half the size.
Average3x3 Average3x3 Downsample to a third of the size.
Average4x4 Average4x4 Downsample to a quarter of the size.

Source Buffer Name

name: sourceBufferName, type: String, default: sourceBufferName

The source buffer name.

Target Buffer Name

name: targetBufferName, type: String, default: targetBufferName

The newly created target buffer, which will have the same datatype as the source buffer.