
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoPathTracer
definition SoPathTracer.def


The SoPathTracerVolumeBase provides basic settings for volumes and volume instances.

Input Fields


name: inMaterial, type: SoNode

The input material scene. Typically, it consists of a single SoPathTracerMaterial, but in the case of per-tag materials, it can also contain a SoGroup with multiple SoPathTracerMaterial modules. The materials are assigned per tag, starting with 0 in the order they appear in the SoGroup.


name: inDiffuseLUT, type: MLBase

The input LUT.


name: inEmissionLUT, type: MLBase

Parameter Fields

Hidden Fields


name: enabled, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the loading of the volume is enabled.


name: enableVolumeRendering, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the rendering of the volume is enabled.

If the volume should only be used by other modules like SoPathTracerVolumeInstance, SoPathTracerIsoSurface, or SoPathTracerSlice, it makes sense to set this to false and let the other modules do the rendering.


name: volumeName, type: String

Sets the name of the volume.

Other rendering modules, such as SoPathTracerVolumeInstance, SoPathTracerIsoSurface, and SoPathTracerSlice, can use this name to specify which volume they want to render.


name: maskVolumeName, type: String, default: mask

Sets the name of the mask volume to use.

The renderer looks for a SoPathTracerMaskVolume with the specified volumeName and uses it if found.


name: tagVolumeName, type: String, default: tags

Sets the name of the tag volume to use.

The renderer looks for a SoPathTracerTagVolume with the specified volumeName and uses it if found.


name: timePoint, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the time point of the input dataset.


name: maskColor0, type: Color, default: 1 0 0

Sets the outside mask color.


name: maskColor1, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

Sets the inside mask color.


name: maskAlpha0, type: Float, default: 0

Sets the outside mask alpha.


name: maskAlpha1, type: Float, default: 1

Sets the inside mask alpha.


name: maskTag0, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the tag offset that should be added to the tag value when outside the mask.

This allows for using per-tag effects on the inside and outside of the mask volume.


name: maskTag1, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the tag offset that should be added to the tag value when inside the mask.

This allows for using per-tag effects on the inside and outside of the mask volume.


name: stepSizeFactor, type: Float, default: 3

Sets the step size for ray marching (1 indicates the best quality).


name: stepSizeFactorShadow, type: Float, default: 3

Sets the step size for shadow rays (1 indicates the best quality)


name: selfShadowingOffset, type: Float, default: 1

Sets the shadow offset that is used to avoid self-shadowing.


name: transposeAdditionalMatrix, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the additional matrix is transposed to accommodate both Inventor and ML matrices.


name: additionalMatrix, type: Matrix, default: 1 0 0 0, 0 1 0 0, 0 0 1 0, 0 0 0 1

Sets an additional transformation matrix.

This matrix can be updated without performance impact, allowing for arbitrary affine transformations of the volume (for example, for registration purposes).


name: enableClipping, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, Open Inventor clipping planes affect the volume.


name: flipClipping, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the Open Inventor clipping planes are flipped before being applied to the volume.


name: subVolumeStartX, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the start in the x-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeStartY, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the start in the y-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeStartZ, type: Integer, default: 0

Sets the start in the z-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeEndX, type: Integer, default: 999999

Sets the end in the x-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeEndY, type: Integer, default: 999999

Sets the end in the y-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeEndZ, type: Integer, default: 999999

Sets the end in the z-direction of the subvolume (in voxels).


name: subVolumeUseWorldPositions, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If checked, the subvolume is given in world positions.

Otherwise, it is given in voxel positions.


name: subVolumeWorldStart, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets the start of the subvolume (in world coordinates).


name: subVolumeWorldEnd, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0

Sets the end of the subvolume (in world coordinates).


name: tracingMethod, type: Enum, default: Tracing_RayMarching

Defines the tracing method.


Title Name Description
Woodcock Tracing_Woodcock Use Woodcock/delta tracking.
Ray Marching Tracing_RayMarching Use ray marching.


name: shaderType, type: Enum, default: Shader_Hybrid

Defines the shader type. This can be overridden in a SoPathTracerMaterial.


Title Name Description
Phase Shader_Phase Use the isotropic phase function (gradients of the volume are not used).
Brdf Shader_Brdf Use the material BRDF (gradients of the volume are used for shading).
Hybrid Shader_Hybrid Switch between phase function and BRDF depending on gradient magnitude. The gradient magnitude is scaled by the gradientFactor parameter.


name: gradientFactor, type: Float, default: 3

Sets the gradient factor that scales with the gradient magnitude; this only affects the hybrid shading mode.