¶ author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoRenderers
definition SoRenderers.def
The SoPostEffectCustomPass
allows for implementing an own effect for the SoPostEffectRenderer
module using GLSL shaders.
The module allows for accessing any number of named buffers as inputs and writes the output to the given output buffer.
The user provides a GLSL shader that is applied to a screen-space quad of the size of the output buffer. The GLSL shader will thus be called for each pixel/texel of the output buffer.
If one of the input buffers is the same as the output buffer, an extra output buffer will be generated and will be swapped after the shader was applied. This allows for easily writing to buffers that the shader also reads from.
The user-provided shader is basically a standard GLSL fragment shader (the vertex shader is provided by the module itself), which gets called for each output pixel/texel.
In addition to standard GLSL, there is a special syntax to reference buffers:
@buffer bufferName param1=value1 ...
A concrete example to reference buffers is:
@buffer colorBuffer filter=linear;
@buffer depthBuffer;
This will allow for using the colorBuffer and depthBuffer inside of the shader. Note that the filter=linear parameter turns linear filtering on, so that accessing the colorBuffer will use linear texture sampling. The default is filter=nearest.
All buffers are just simple 2D textures using sampler2D, so you can get a value from a buffer using texture2D.
GLSL Shader¶
The following shows a simple GLSL shader that just outputs the input colors:
@buffer colorBuffer;
varying vec2 samplePos;
void main()
gl_FragColor = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos);
This will just copy the colorBuffer to the output buffer. The built-in varying samplePos provides the center position of the current output pixel/texel.
Additional uniforms that are provided are:
// for the output buffer:
uniform vec2 outputTexelSize // the size of one texel in the output buffer (relative 0..1)
uniform vec2 outputSize // the size of the output buffer
// for each @buffer:
uniform vec2 "bufferName" + TexelSize // the size of one texel in the given buffer (relative 0..1)
uniform vec2 "bufferName" + Size // the size of the given buffer
// for multiple iterations:
uniform int iteration; // the iteration from 0 to iterations-1
uniform vec2 iterationDirection; // (1.,0.) for even iterations, (0., 1.) for odd iterations
The most useful uniform is the outputTexelSize, since it can be used to access neighboring texels. The following shows how to access the 8 neighbors:
@buffer colorBuffer;
varying vec2 samplePos;
void main()
vec4 color0 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(1.,0.));
vec4 color1 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(0.,1.));
vec4 color2 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(-1.,0.));
vec4 color3 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(0.,-1.));
vec4 color4 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(1.,1.));
vec4 color5 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(-1.,-1.));
vec4 color6 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(-1.,1.));
vec4 color7 = texture2D(colorBuffer, samplePos + outputTexelSize * vec2(1.,-1.));
gl_FragColor = (color0 + color1 + color2 + color3 + color4 + color5 + color6 + color7) / 8.;
This can be used to perform filtering, averaging, edge detection, or any other desired effect.
GLSL Shader Parameters¶
In addition to using the input buffers, you can provide any number of shader parameters and samplers using the input scene of this module, e.g., SoShaderParameter1f
, SoMLSampler2D
Have a look at the GLSL shader framework
for details.
Note that the shader parameters are collected only once even if using multiple iterations.
Tool functions¶
Some utility functions are provided, which can be used in the GLSL shader. Currently these are:
// get the linear depth from 0 (eye) to 1 (far plane)
float getLinearEyeToFarDepth(sampler2D depthTexture, vec2 samplePos)
// get the linear depth from near to far in eye space
float getLinearDepth(sampler2D depthTexture, vec2 samplePos)
// pack the given normal into a positive vec3 to store it in RGB8/10.
vec3 packNormal(vec3 normal)
// unpack the normal which was packed by packNormal and read from a RGB8/10 buffer
vec3 unpackNormal(vec3 normal)
// get the 3D eye position from the given depth, relative screenPos (0-1) and the
// inverse projection matrix.
// Example:
// float depth = texture2D(depthBuffer, samplePos).r;
// vec3 pos = getEyePositionFromDepth(depth, samplePos, gl_ProjectionMatrixInverse);
vec3 getEyePositionFromDepth(float depth, vec2 screenPos, mat4 inverseProjection)
Input Fields¶
, type:
¶ The input scene, which can be used to provide shader parameters and texture samplers using the GLSL shader framework (see
GLSL shader framework
Parameter Fields¶
Field Index¶
Blend Mode : Enum |
Output Buffer Name : String |
Clear Alpha : Float |
Output Buffer Scale : Float |
Clear Color : Color |
Output Buffer Type : Enum |
Enabled : Bool |
Output Mode : Enum |
fragmentShader : String |
resultShaderString : String |
Iterations : Integer |
needsEmissive : Bool |
needsNormals : Bool |
Visible Fields¶
Output Buffer Name¶
, type:
, default:
¶ Sets the output buffer name.
Output Buffer Scale¶
, type:
, default:
¶ Sets the scale of the output buffer (1.0 means screen size, 0.5 will be half the screen size, etc.).
, type:
, default:
, minimum:
¶ Sets the number of iterations for which the shader is applied.
The following uniform is updated from 0 to iterations-1:
uniform int iteration;
This makes the most sense when using the same input and output buffer; this will cause input/output buffer swapping on each iteration. It can be used to implement, for example, separable filters with a horizontal and vertical pass or a growing kernel size on each pass.
Output Mode¶
, type:
, default:
¶ Defines the output mode.
Title | Name | Description |
Use Existing Buffer | UseExistingBuffer | Uses an existing buffer. |
Create Buffer | CreateBuffer | Creates a new buffer. |