
author MeVis Medical Solutions AG
package MeVisLab/Standard
dll SoCSO
definition SoCSO.def
see also SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor, CSOLabelRenderer


The module SoCSOImageStatistics computes statistics for the voxels inside a CSO.


Attach this module to a SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor to compute image statistics for all closed, in-plane CSOs on the visible slice.

All shown statistic information is also added to the CSOs as user data.

The module’s GUI shows the statistical data of the most recently processed CSO, along with that CSO’s ID.

The module can also work on an attached input image if that image has the same extent and world-to-voxel matrix as the image that is shown in the 2D viewer.


The computed image statistics are displayed on the module’s GUI only for the last CSO that was processed.

The image statistics values are stored in the CSO’s user data, for each CSO individually.

If the field Viewer Id is set to a non-empty value, only for the viewer with the same ID (ideally there is only one viewer with that ID) the image statistics are updated, and the name of the user data is tagged by the viewer ID.




Input Fields

inVisualizationSettings (hidden)

name: inVisualizationSettings, type: CSOVisualizationSettings(MLBase)

Hidden field, not in use.


name: inputImage, type: Image

If this image has the same extent and the same world-to-voxel matrix as the image visible in the 2D viewer the user is working on, the attached input image is used for computing the image statistics.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Abs. Mean Value: Float Mark All CSOs For Update: Trigger shouldRender: Bool
Allow Modification: Bool Max. Value: Float Std. Deviation: Float
allowCreation: Bool Mean Value: Float Sum: Float
allowSeedPointInteraction: Bool Min. Value: Float Values valid: Bool
Avg. Squared Sum: Float Modality: String Variance: Float
CSO Id: Integer Num. Voxels: Integer Viewer Id: String
csoIdUnderMouseCursor: Integer Rescale Intercept: Float  
Extension Id: String Rescale Slope: Float  

Visible Fields

Extension Id

name: extensionId, type: String, default: imageStatistics

Sets a string that is used to identify cooperative editor modules.

Allow Modification

name: allowModification, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked, the module updates the image statistics for CSOs that have been modified.


name: currentCSOId, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the current CSO ID.

Num. Voxels

name: numVoxels, type: Integer, persistent: no

Shows the number of voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Min. Value

name: imageMinValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the minimum voxel value of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Max. Value

name: imageMaxValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the maximum voxel value of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Mean Value

name: imageMeanValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the mean voxel value of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Abs. Mean Value

name: imageAbsMeanValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the mean voxel value of the absolute values of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.


name: imageVarianceValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the variance of voxel values of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Std. Deviation

name: imageStdDeviationValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the standard variation of voxel values of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.

Avg. Squared Sum

name: imageAverageSquaredSumValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the average squared sum of voxel values of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.


name: imageSumValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the sum of voxel values of all voxels enclosed by the current CSO.


name: imageModality, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the image’s modality string as read out from the DICOM tags.

This is left empty if the DICOM information was unavailable.

The DICOM tag used here is (0008,0060).

Rescale Intercept

name: imageRescaleIntercept, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the image’s rescale intercept (shift) value as read out from the DICOM tags.

This is left at value 0 if the DICOM information was unavailable.

The DICOM tag used here is (0028,1052).

Rescale Slope

name: imageRescaleSlope, type: Float, persistent: no

Shows the image’s rescale slope (factor) value as read out from the DICOM tags.

This is left at value 1 if the DICOM information was unavailable.

The DICOM tag used here is (0028,1053).

Values valid

name: imageValuesValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Shows whether the displayed information is valid.

Viewer Id

name: viewerId, type: String

Sets an ID of a viewer for which the statistics shall be updated. If left blank, the statistics are updated for the last viewer the CSO is rendered in.

The non-empty string value of this field is concatenated to the user data’s name with a leading underscore. E.g, the image’s maximum value is stored in the user data named imageMaxValue if the Viewer Id is set to viewer1, the resulting user data’s name is imageMaxValue_viewer1.

Mark All CSOs For Update

name: markAllCSOsForUpdate, type: Trigger

When pressed, all CSOs are being marked for an update.

On the next rendering / drawing after pressing this button, the image statistics for all CSOs are being computed anew. This trigger is important when, for example, the image on which the CSOs are rendered changes by changing a threshold value.

Hidden Fields


name: allowCreation, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Inherited, not in use.


name: allowSeedPointInteraction, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Inherited, not in use.


name: shouldRender, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Inherited, not in use.


name: csoIdUnderMouseCursor, type: Integer, persistent: no