MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NboostForward declaration for the boost::mutex class
 NDCMTreeClass to dump a DCMTree DICOM message into a human-readable file
 NDCMTree_UtilsDictionary class to provide DICOM meta information
 NgdcmNamespace of the Grassroots DICOM library
 NitkInclude dll-specific settings
 NlightweightNamespace lightweight, provides utilities to wrap large objects in a lightweight variant whose static size is 2*sizeof(void*)
 NmlMain documentation file for ML users and developers
 NSoView2DShaderBuiltInIncludesAll includes implemented by the GVR itself shall be included in this namespace
 NstdSTL namespace
 C_ml_numeric_limitsDefines a template to get the minimum and maximum values for each basic integer type
 C_ml_numeric_limits< char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< double >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< float >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< short >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< signed char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short >
 C_MLFloatRangeCheck< float, double >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheckCompile-check functions only if needed
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheckUtility template that multiplexes between the different combinations of casting between integer and float types
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 CAxisA class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL
 CBaseGraphItemClass BaseGraphItem
 Cbroken_VC_ptr_traitsSince the correct std::iterator_traits rely on partial template specialization which is not supported by VC6 we must use a special traits class to get value_type correct
 CcompareEdges— Class compareEdges
 CComplexTypesDefines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CCreateDefaultDeviceSerialNumberHelper class to returning a value usable as device serial number
 CCreateDefaultManufacturerHelper class to returning a value usable as manufacturer
 CCreateDefaultManufacturersModelNameHelper class to returning a value usable as manufacturer
 CCreateDefaultSoftwareVersionHelper class to returning the current MeVisLab version
 CCSOCreateActionAction for creating CSOs
 CCSOEditorStateStructure holding information about the processor/editor state
 CCSOHeapObjectCSOHeapObject: base class for objects to be used with the heap
 CCSOLabelRenderInformationStructure to store render information for a certain CSO and viewer
 CCSOPathPointsRenderSettingsClass for setting visualization parameters for CSO editors
 CCSOTrailIntersectionStruct holding the CSO/trail point index and the computed intersection point
 CCSOVisualParametersStructure to hold visual parameters for the old editor
 CCSOVoxelSlabDefines the z slab of a CSO bounding box in voxel coordinates
 CDefaultExtendedTypesDefines a variable type for the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CDefaultPropertyAccessorProject global and OS specific declarations
 CDefaultTypesDefines a variable type for all scalar and the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CDefaultValueCreatorBaseBase class for classes creating default values
 CDefaultValueCreatorForDICOMUIDsHelper class to create a DICOM UID as default value
 CDICOMCachedIOFileHandlePythonPluginCan be used to resolve DICOMCachedIOFileHandle from python
 CDicomDOCSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of Encapsulated Document IOD and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomEnhancedSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of Enhanced modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomFIDSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of FID modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomREGSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of REG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfil the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomSaveBaseBase class for modules implementing their own specialized DICOM exporters
 CDicomSCSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of modality secondary capture (SC). At the required input #0 the image must be connected whose content shall written as secondary capture image data. At optional input #1 an image can be connected from which secondary DICOM tag information shall be derived. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomSEGSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of SEG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomSRSaveCreates and composes a DICOM structured report and exports it to different file formats or fields. It derives the generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase
 CDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTAdditionalDrugSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTAdditionalDrugSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicationSetupSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicationSetupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicationSetupSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicationSetupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBeamSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBreedRegistrationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBreedRegistrationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelShieldSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelShieldSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelShieldSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelShieldSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelSourceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelSourceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTChannelSourceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTChannelSourceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCompensatorSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCompensatorSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTConceptCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTConceptCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTConceptCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTConceptCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTConceptNameCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTConceptNameCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContentItemModifierSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContentItemModifierSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContentItemModifierSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContentItemModifierSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContourImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContourImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContourImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContourImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContourSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContourSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContourSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContourSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTContributingEquipmentSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTContributingEquipmentSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTControlPointSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTControlPointSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTCorrectedParameterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTCorrectedParameterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDerivationCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDerivationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDerivationCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDerivationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDoseIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTDoseIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDVHReferencedROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDVHReferencedROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDVHSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTDVHSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTDVHSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTDVHSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTExposureSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTExposureSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTExposureSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTExposureSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFixationDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFixationDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFixationDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFixationDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFluenceMapSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFluenceMapSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFluenceMapSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFluenceMapSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionGroupSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionGroupSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIconImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIconImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIconImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIconImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTImageIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTImageIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTInstitutionCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTInstitutionCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBeamSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBeamSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTIonBlockSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBlockSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonBlockSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonBlockSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonControlPointSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonControlPointSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonPlanIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonPlanIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonWedgeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTIonWedgeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTIonWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTMACParametersSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTMACParametersSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMACParametersSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTMACParametersSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTModalityLUTSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTModalityLUTSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTModalityLUTSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTModalityLUTSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTModifiedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTModifiedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTOriginalAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTOriginalAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOverrideSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTOverrideSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTOverrideSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTOverrideSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientSetupSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientSetupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientSetupSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientSetupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPlanIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTPlanIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTProcedureCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTProtocolContextSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTProtocolContextSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTProtocolContextSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTProtocolContextSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedBlockSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedBlockSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedBlockSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedBlockSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedSnoutSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedSnoutSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRecordedWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedControlPointSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedDoseSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedInstanceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedInstanceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedPatientSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedPatientSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedPatientSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedPatientSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedStudySequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedStudySequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRequestAttributesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRequestAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRequestAttributesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRequestAttributesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTROIContourSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTROIContourSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTROIContourSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTROIContourSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTDoseROISequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTDoseROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTDoseROISequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTDoseROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTRelatedROISequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTRelatedROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTRelatedROISequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTRelatedROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSetupDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTSetupDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSetupDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTSetupDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTShieldingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTShieldingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSnoutSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTSnoutSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSnoutSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTSnoutSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSourceImageSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTSourceImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSourceImageSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTSourceImageSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSourceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTSourceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTSourceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTSourceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTStructureSetIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTStructureSetIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTStructureSetROISequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTStructureSetROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTStructureSetROISequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTStructureSetROISequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTToleranceTableSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTToleranceTableSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIODBaseWrapperA class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIOD object for use in Python
 CDRTVOILUTSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTVOILUTSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTVOILUTSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTVOILUTSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTWedgePositionSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTWedgePositionSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTWedgeSequenceItemWrapperA class that wraps DRTWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CDRTWedgeSequenceWrapperA class that wraps DRTWedgeSequence Item for use in Python
 CEdgeAnalyser— Class EdgeAnalyser
 CFloatTypesDefines a variable type for all built-in floating point datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CGL2DFontA bridge to the FTGL library that manages font rendering with texture fonts
 CGLBufferManages a generic OpenGL buffer object
 CGLContextStackManages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation
 CGLElementArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data
 CGLFrameBufferFrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
 CGLPixelBufferPixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object)
 CGLRenderBufferRenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension)
 CGLResourceCollection of OpenGL related resource classes, such as textures, buffers, fragment programs etc
 CGLResourceManagerManages OpenGL resources
 CGLSLFragmentShaderGLSL FragmentShader resource
 CGLSLGeometryShaderGLSL GeometryShader resource
 CGLSLProgramGLSL Program resource
 CGLSLShaderGLSL Shader resource
 CGLSLVertexShaderGLSL VertexShader resource
 CGLTextureTexture class
 CGLTexturesTexture class that manages multiple texture IDs
 CGLVertexArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data
 CGLVertexBufferVertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension)
 CGPUInfoSingleton class that provides information about GPU
 CGraphDefines the basic Graph class which holds sets of nodes, edges and roots to model tubular structures with graph-like topologies such as vascular systems
 CGraphActionDefines the GraphAction class
 CGraphAnalyser— Class GraphAnalyser
 CIntegerTypesDefines a variable type for all built-in integer datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CIntrusivePtrBaseA base-class enabling the use of boost::intrusive_ptr in derived classes
 CLegendItemClass holds legend item information
 CManagedActionTriggerManagedActionTrigger is a base class for all triggers of managed interactions
 CManagedKeyboardShortcutClass ManagedKeyboardShortcut encapsulates the combination of modifier keys and another key that activates a command
 CManagedMouseButtonTriggerClass ManagedMouseButtonTrigger encapsulates the combination of required and ignored mouse buttons and modifier keys that activate a pointing action
 CManagedMouseWheelTriggerClass ManagedMouseWheelTrigger encapsulates the combination of required and ignored modifier keys that must be pressed while the mouse wheel is rotated
 CManagedOffsetTriggerClass ManagedOffsetTrigger may contain a ManagedMouseButtonTrigger, a ManagedMouseWheelTrigger, or one (or two) ManagedKeyboardShortcut, together with a sensitivity configuration
 CMatrixHashFunctionStruct for retrieving a hash key for a Matrix4 which is used in the caches for voxel bounding boxes
 CMatrixHashPairStruct for storing hash information for hashing by a Matrix4 and its precomputed hash key
 CmeasureSkeletonAgent— Class measureSkeletonAgent
 Cml_ug_out_edge_iteratorIterator class to iterate over all out edges of a vertex (out_edge_iterator)
 CMLAccessDirectDicomImportWrapperThis class wraps MLAccessDirectDicomImportCache objects
 CMLApplicationPropertyCallbacksDefines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access
 CMLBaseWithParameterInfoWrapperA class that wraps BaseWithParameterInfo objects for use in Python, and inspectable by the ParameterInfoInspector module
 CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeLoaderPluginBase class for plugins which support loading of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file loading)
 CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeWriterPluginBase class for plugins which support writing of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file saving)
 CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCacheClass for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCacheContainerStructure containing a container for pixel frames and an index of the most recently used one
 CMLDICOMCachedIOProxiesAn instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all caches are not removed as long as an instance of this exists
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheClass for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheMapStructure containing the DCMTag look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheClass for DICOM tree accesses and caching of them for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMapClass containing the DCMTree look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMapEntryClass describing one entry in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache of cached DICOM trees
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheSingleMFMapEntryClass describing one SingleMultiFrameFrame entry in the map of locked single frames in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache
 CMLMemoryAllocatorThe memory allocator used by the memory manager
 CMLMemoryBlockHandleThe strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 CMLMemoryManagerThe memory manager
 CMLMetaProfilePtrThe pointer is automatically reset when the metaprofile is destroyed
 CMLMFPixDataFramesCacheEntrySmall helper class to manage a list of data frames related to a filename
 CMLParameterInfoWrapperA class that wraps ParameterInfo objects for use in Python, and inspectable by the ParameterInfoInspector module
 CMLPCLBaseObjectWrapperThis class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python
 CMLTimeStatisticsTime is stored in seconds
 CMLTypeInfosStructure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type
 CMLWeakMemoryBlockHandleThe weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 CMutableView2DPositionMutableView2DPosition just exists as a way to set the values in a View2DPosition object which will be attached to a SoPointerPosition
 CNodeAnalyser— Class NodeAnalyser
 COpenGLMeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)
 CPropertyTraitsClass PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way
 CPropertyTraits< double >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint16 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint32 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint64 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint8 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint16 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint32 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint64 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint8 >
 CPropertyTraits< Vector3 >
 CPropertyTraits< Vector6 >
 CPropertyValueClass PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way
 CSbFocusInfoClass transporting focus information for one sub graph
 CSbListThis contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations
 CSbMapOpen Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType
 CSbMapItemClass SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree
 CSbMLImagePropertiesInventor element storing ML image properties in the OpenInventor state
 CSbSamplerInfoOpen Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler
 CSbSlabRenderingPropertiesOpen Inventor element to store information about current slab mode
 CScalarAndComplexTypesDefines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CScalarTypesDefines a variable type for all built-in datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 CSiemensASCIIConvertParserDeprecated helper class SiemensASCIIConvertParser to partially decode Siemens ASCII CSAHeader contents and providing by-name access to values of the ASCIIConvert-Part of a Siemens proprietary MR Spectroscopy data set
 CSkeletonSkeleton objects represent centerline voxels stored in a VesselEdge object
 CSmartPropertyIndexA self-updating index for efficient name-based access of properties
 CSoArrowGenerates an arrow the arrow has a position and a reference point, from where he points at
 CSoBackgroundSoBackground renders a background bar It uses the lookuptable element to draw a 8bit Lookuptable on the bar rendering
 CSoBlendModeClass SoBlendMode to manage the blending state in an Open Inventor node
 CSoBlockNotificationSoBlockNotification is a SoGroup that blocks parent notifications on underlying scene changes
 CSoCalculatorWrapperSoCalculatorWrapper wraps the SoCalculator engine to make it usable inside of MeVisLab
 CSoCameraViewAllThe Inventor module class SoCameraViewAll derived from SoNode
 CSoCheckShaderSupportOpen Inventor node to check if OpenGL shader support is provided by the OpenGL driver
 CSoClearShaderStateOpen Inventor node to clear shader state
 CSoClipBoxSoClipBox defines a node with 6 clipping plane manipulators that are arrange on the sides of a box
 CSoCommandActionSoCommandAction is the base class for instantaneous actions
 CSoCSO3DVisModule for visualizing CSOs in 3D as an Open Inventor scene
 CSoCSOAngleEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance polyline CSO
 CSoCSOAnnotationDeviceCoordinatesExtension computing the device coordinates for annotation on a viewer for visible CSOs
 CSoCSOArrowEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying an arrow icon CSO
 CSoCSOBulgeEditorExtension for bulging any type of CSO in an influence radius
 CSoCSOCreatorEditorExtensionBase class for extensions that extend the editor with interaction and rendering for specific CSO types and that can create new CSOs
 CSoCSOCrossSectionRendererExtension for rendering CSOs in their cross-section
 CSoCSODefaultRendererExtension for rendering CSOs
 CSoCSODistanceLineEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance line CSO
 CSoCSODistancePolylineEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance polyline CSO
 CSoCSOEditorExtensionBase class for an editor extension for the SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor
 CSoCSOEllipseEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a circle/ellipse CSO
 CSoCSOFillingRendererExtension for rendering filled (tessellated) CSOs
 CSoCSOGeneralRendererEditorExtensionBase class for extensions that render all CSOs of a CSOList
 CSoCSOImageStatisticsExtension for gathering voxel information inside CSOs on the current slice
 CSoCSOIsoEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying an iso CSO
 CSoCSOLabelRendererExtension for rendering labels for CSOs
 CSoCSOLineCreatorEditorExtensionBase class for extensions that generate line-type CSOs with special interaction on finished CSOs
 CSoCSOLiveWireEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a live wire CSO
 CSoCSOModifyEditorExtension for modifying an existing CSO
 CSoCSOPointEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a point CSO
 CSoCSOPolygonEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a polygon CSO
 CSoCSORectangleEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a square/rectangle CSO
 CSoCSOSplineEditorExtension for rendering, generating, and modifying a spline CSO
 CSoCSOTransformAbstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes
 CSoCSOTransformEditorExtension for transforming existing CSOs
 CSoDragger3DSoDragger3D is a 3d dragger consisting of a 2d and 1d draggers
 CSoDummySoDummy class is used to create a place holder node if the created node was unknown
 CSoExtText2Implements a node similar to SoText2, but by using the GLUT font and some extra features (shadow, background, etc.)
 CSoFlashOpenInventor node SoFlash provides a changing material node that blends one color into another
 CSoFocusSoFocus is a general facility to detect focus changes
 CSoFocusElementOpen Inventor Element defining if the currently rendered Graph has the focus
 CSoFragmentShaderOpen Inventor fragment shader node
 CSoFramebufferSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes based on a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSampler2DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 2D image from a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSampler3DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 3D image from a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoGeometryShaderOpen Inventor geometry shader node
 CSoGLCompleteShaderShader class which directly takes src for vertex, geometry and/or fragment shader, compiles and links it
 CSoGLInventorShaderProgramDerived class which supports OpenGL legacy emulation and updating of uniforms when rendering Inventor scenes
 CSoGLRenderStateClass SoGLRenderState to manage the GL state in an Open Inventor node
 CSoGLShaderAbstract base class for shader objects
 CSoGLShaderObjectVertex or fragment shader object class
 CSoGLShaderProgramClass managing an OpenGL shader program
 CSoGLShaderProgramAllowedElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoGLShaderProgramElementOpen Inventor element representing a SoGLShaderProgram in the Open Inventor state
 CSoGLVertexAttributeElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
 CSoImageSamplerThe abstract Inventor class SoImageSampler
 CSoInheritedFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node used to access a previous OpenGL framebuffer sampler
 CSoInteractionSoInteraction is the base class for SoCommandAction, SoPointingAction, and SoOffsetAction
 CSoInteractionControllerSoInteractionController is the controlling instance of managed interactions
 CSoInteractionCoordinatorProvides a coordinating interface to the SoInteractionHandlers in the scene
 CSoInteractionCoordinatorElementElement that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer
 CSoInteractionHandlerSoInteractionHandler is a mix-in class for instances of SoNode to handle the interactions it provides in the handleEvent method
 CSoInteractionMapperSoInteractionMapper is the base class for instances that map SoPointingActions or SoCommandActions to other key/button combinations
 CSoInteractionNodeSoInteractionNode is the base class for normal interaction nodes in OpenInventor that handle their interactions directly
 CSoInteractionOwnerSoInteractionOwner is a mix-in class for instances of SoNode that should have interaction objects
 CSoInteractionOwnerListenerInterfaceInterface for getting notified about changes in the interaction list of an owner
 CSoInteractionProviderSoInteractionProvider is an abstract interface class that provides interactions to the SoInteractionController
 CSoInteractionProviderNodeSoInteractionProviderNode is the base class for all interaction nodes in OpenInventor
 CSoKeyGrabberSoKeyGrabber is a general facility to grab keyboard events
 CSoMetaInformationMapSoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state
 CSoMFShaderObjectOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader objects
 CSoMFUniformShaderParameterOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader parameters
 CSoMLImageElementInventor element storing ML image properties in the Open Inventor state
 CSoMLImagePropsInventor node providing access to ML image properties
 CSoMLLUTOpen Inventor node implementing an interface to the ml::LUTFunction
 CSoMLLUTChangeColorDefines a change color extension to the SoMLLUT
 CSoMLLUTElementOpen Inventor element to administrate a pointer to a SoMLLUT node in the inventor state
 CSoMLLUTExtensionSoMLLUTExtension is a base class to extends the SoMLLut with functionality
 CSoMLLUTExtensionElementSoMLLUTExtensionElement collects a list of SoGVRExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step
 CSoMLSamplerAbstract base class for sampler nodes that handle ML images
 CSoMLSampler1DSampler node that uses a 1D ML subimage to define a 1D sampler
 CSoMLSampler2DSampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler
 CSoMLSampler3DSampler node that uses a 3D ML subimage to define a 3D sampler
 CSoMLSamplerCubeMapSampler node that uses 6 2D ML subimages to define a Cubemap sampler
 CSoMLTransformSoMLTransform applies the ML WorldToVoxel matrix to the Inventor scene
 CSoMLVolumeBoxSoMLVolumeBox renders a background bar
 CSoMouseGrabberSoMouseGrabber is a general facility to grab mouse events and to map mouse movement to x/y values
 CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node to accumulate multiple render passes in a sampler
 CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoMultiplePassOpen Inventor group node traversing its subgraph a number of times
 CSoOffsetActionSoOffsetAction is the base class for any interaction that only provides (numeric) offsets in one or two axes
 CSoOffsetPointingActionSoOffsetPointingAction is an internal proxy class that helps controlling SoOffsetActions through a SoPointingAction
 CSoOrthoView2DSoOrthoView2D uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views
 CSoOrthoView2DBaseSoOrthoView2DBase uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views
 CSoPlaneDraggerDefines a plane dragger that can be used to manipulate a plane (and translation+rotation)
 CSoPlaneSyncOpen Inventor node calculating a new translation from a translation, a rotation and a distance factor
 CSoPointerPositionSoPointerPosition manages the current position of the mouse cursor
 CSoPointingActionSoPointingAction is the base class for any mouse based interaction
 CSoRotateCameraAllows to rotate the camera around the focal point
 CSoSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes
 CSoSampler2DAbstract Open Inventor base class for 2D sampler nodes
 CSoSamplerInfoElementElement stores information about all current sampler nodes
 CSoSceneWriterOpen Inventor engine to write scene representation to file
 CSoSFMLBaseThe SoSFMLBase field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output ML Base objects to the outside world
 CSoSFMLConnectorSoSFMLConnector field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output input/output ML connector fields to the outside world
 CSoSFMLImageThe SoSFMLImage field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to access image data (in the current implementation from the ML - MeVis Image Processing Library)
 CSoShaderShader-releated types
 CSoShaderObjectAbstract Open Inventor node for vertex or fragment shader nodes
 CSoShaderObjectElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex or fragment shader nodes in the Open Inventor state
 CSoShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor group base class for shader parameter nodes
 CSoShaderParameter1fOpen Inventor uniform shader node that defines one float parameter
 CSoShaderParameter1fvOpen Inventor uniform shader node that defines an array of float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter1iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one integer parameter
 CSoShaderParameter2fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter2iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters
 CSoShaderParameter3fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter3iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three integer parameters
 CSoShaderParameter4fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderParameterCollectorA helper class that collects uniforms instead of setting them to a shader
 CSoShaderParameterColorOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines tree float parameters using a color selector
 CSoShaderParameterMatrixOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines a matrix parameter
 CSoShaderParameterMLImagePropsOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines integer and float parameters to represent the size and range of a connected ML image
 CSoShaderParameterMLImageSizeOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters to represent the size of a connected ML image
 CSoShaderParameterPlaneOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderParameterRotationOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderProgramOpen Inventor shader program node
 CSoShowFPSSoShowFPS renders the current frame rate onto the scene
 CSoSlabRenderingElementInventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state
 CSoToggleSoToggle is a SoSwitch node that has a boolean field to toggle the underlying scene graph on/off
 CSoUniformParameterBaseBase class for uniform shader parameters
 CSoUniformShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes
 CSoUniformShaderParameterElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
 CSoVectorToFloatSoVectorToFloat transforms vector to float (not an engine)
 CSoVertexAttribute1fVertex attribute of type float
 CSoVertexAttribute1iVertex attribute of type Int32
 CSoVertexAttribute1uiVertex attribute of type UInt32
 CSoVertexAttribute2fVertex attribute of type SbVec2f
 CSoVertexAttribute3fVertex attribute of type SbVec3f
 CSoVertexAttribute4fVertex attribute of type SbVec4f
 CSoVertexAttribute4ubVertex attribute of type UInt32 interpreted as 4 unsigned bytes NOTE: the values are interpreted as RGBA colors in the sense of a SbColor::getPackedValue()
 CSoVertexAttributeBaseOpen Inventor vertex attribute nodes
 CSoVertexAttributeInfoOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes
 CSoVertexAttributeRotationVertex attribute of type SbRotation
 CSoVertexShaderOpen Inventor vertex shader node
 CSoView2DSoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data
 CSoView2DAnnotationAnnotation extension for the SoView2D
 CSoView2DAutoCenterNode that allows a View2D zoom fly in on mouse click
 CSoView2DBorderSoView2D extension that draws a border with variable width and highlighting of focused viewport
 CSoView2DBorderHighlightSoView2D extension that draws a border around a selected range of slices
 CSoView2DCallbackSoView2DCallback allows to set a callback for evalEvent and draw virtual functions of a SoView2DExtension
 CSoView2DCurrentStateImplements additional features for SyngoVia-like annotations
 CSoView2DDeformationGridViewSoView2DExtension for displaying a vector field
 CSoView2DDrawingSettingsDrawing settings that can be overwritten by extensions
 CSoView2DEnlargeOnClickAllows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel
 CSoView2DExtensionSoView2DExtension Base class for all View2DExtensions used for drawing and event handling on the View2D
 CSoView2DExtensionElementSoView2DExtensionElement collects a list of SoView2DExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step
 CSoView2DExtensionSeparatorSoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation
 CSoView2DGridThe Inventor module class SoView2DGrid derived from SoView2DExtension
 CSoView2DHintSoView2DHint allows to switch the SoView2D module into 3D rendering mode
 CSoView2DHintElementSoView2DHintElement is read by the SoView2D and influences it's rendering mode The SoView2DHintElement is typically set by the SoView2DHint node
 CSoView2DInteractionExtensionSoView2DInteractionExtension is base class for all SoView2DExtensions that want to support the Managed Interactions and provide a single SoPointingAction
 CSoView2DLegendSoView2DLegend allows to draw legends on SoView2D
 CSoView2DMagnifyControllerThe Inventor module class SoView2DMagnifyController derived from SoView2DExtension
 CSoView2DOverlayDraws an overlay image on the SoView2D
 CSoView2DOverlayDecorationDraws an overlay image on the SoView2D
 CSoView2DPositionDraw and edit a position on the SoView2D
 CSoView2DRectangleAllows drawing and editing of a rectangle on a SoView2D
 CSoView2DRigidRegistrationEditorGui grabber to accumulate a transformation matrix
 CSoView2DRigidRegistrationEditorBaseInteractive editor to accumulate a transformation matrix
 CSoView2DRulerSoView2D extension for drawing rulers
 CSoView2DShaderCustomIncludeThe helper class for the include which is added to the GVR
 CSoView2DShaderCustomOperationContainer class to specify a change operation with a custom function for the shader pipeline
 CSoView2DShaderOperationContainer class to specify a change operation for the shader pipeline shader
 CSoView2DShaderOverlayInfoStores information for each overlay to render
 CSoView2DShaderStateStores the state that defines the shader of the shader pipeline, used to detect if a regeneration of the shader is needed
 CSoView2DSlicePanAllows to pan the slice by mouse movement inside of a SoView2D
 CSoView2DSlicerAllows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel
 CSoView2DSliceZoomAllows to change the slice zoom by y mouse movement
 CSoView2DSliderDisplays an interactive slider in a 2D view
 CSoView2DTransRotAllows to edit a rotation and translation on a SoView2D
 CSoView2DVectorFieldViewSoView2DExtension for displaying a vector field
 CSoView2DVoxelValueReads the voxel value at the mouse position on a SoView2D
 CSoView2DVoxelViewSoView2DExtension for detailed voxel viewing
 CSoViewerElementElement that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer
 CSoViewerProxyThis class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal
 CSoVirtualVolumeFor fast voxel based access to paged ML images; see also mlVirtualVolume and mlTVirtualVolume in project MLTools for examples etc
 CStringXDefines library specific stuff, mostly for system independence
 CTypedObjectHolderBaseBase class for all derived classes containing an itk object type pointer and some of its basic information
 CTypedObjectHolderTTyped version of a mini class containing an itkObject smart pointer
 CVesselEdgeClass VesselEdge
 CVesselNodeVesselNode is derived from GraphNode, hence it can be stored as node item in a class Graph object
 CView2DCineParametersThis class provides the cine mode for SoView2D and SoView2DCine
 CView2DDrawGL extended drawing routines, used by SoView2DExtensions, e.g. SoView2DSphere
 CView2DEventView2DEvent stores all information on an event on a SoView2D
 CView2DFontAbstract GL font drawing using FTGL
 CView2DFontFTGLAbstract GL font drawing using FTGL
 CView2DFontQtQt based implementation of View2DFont
 CView2DIconsDefines and implements a class to store multiple images and draw them via OpenGL
 CView2DInteractionHandlerView2DInteractionHandler is derived from SoInteractionHandler mainly to provide additional SoView2D information to the SoPointerPosition passed to many SoPointingAction methods
 CView2DInteractionProviderThe View2DInteractionProvider extracts the interactions from the SoView2DExtensions
 CView2DLutA small wrapper class for the LUT data
 CView2DPositionThis class stores all position information needed by SoView2DExtensions to handle the pointer position
 CView2DShaderBase class for hardware shaders that can be used on a View2DTexture
 CView2DShaderCacheGLSLGlobal GLSL shader cache for all shaders that are used in the SoView2D
 CView2DShaderGLSLSpecialized shader that uses GLSL to implement a (up-to) 16 bit Hardware Lut
 CView2DSliceSingle slice that is stored in a View2DSliceList, typically created by a View2DSliceList
 CView2DSliceListList that holds all View2DSlice objects (lazily created) of a SoView2D
 CView2DTextureA class to render images as OpenGL Textures
 CView2DTextureLUTShaderAbstract base class for shaders that use a 2D texture for LUT lookup
 CXStringClass transcoding local code page to XMLCh data for display
 CXVImageSizeSoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes
 CXVStatusClass for passing status information to a host system