►Nasio | |
CAsynchronousExecution | An asynchronous execution policy |
CCommunicationChannel | A communication channel template for the given data type |
CConnection | Abstract base class for a connection between two I/O processors |
CExecutableType | |
CExecutableType< ParameterPack< Args... > > | |
CExecutionPolicy | Abstract base class for all asio::ExecutionPolicy derivatives |
CInputChannel | Abstract class template facilitating the definition of an input channel |
CObservableType | |
CObservableType< ParameterPack< Args... > > | |
CVoidOrArgsObservable | |
CVoidOrArgsObservable< void > | |
CObservableConnectionInput | Templated input configuration class for the asio::ObservableConnection |
CObservableConnection | Templated implementation of the asio::Connection interface for multi-input asynchronous pipelines using asio::Processable |
CObservableConnection< Result > | |
CObservableConnection< void > | |
CObservableConnection< void, Args... > | |
CProcessableType | |
CProcessableType< Result, ParameterPack< Args... > > | |
CParameterPack | |
CProcessor | Base class for all asynchronous I/O interfaces |
CProcessorConnection | |
CProcessorConnection< ParameterPack< Args... > > | Templated implementation of the asio::Connection interface for the connection of suitable processors |
CResourceDestructionGuard | A guard that protects resources of a given class from being detroyed if another thread still works with them |
CSemaphore | A simple semaphore with increment and decrement functionality |
CScopedSemaphoreAccess | A scoped semaphore access object that increments on construction and decrements on destruction |
CSocket | Abstract base class for an asynchronous channel supporting read and write of binary data |
CSocketCreationSession | Class template facilitating the definition of asio::Socket generators |
CSynchronousExecution | An synchronous execution policy |
CTcpAcceptor | A TCP acceptor listening on a given port and interface address |
CTcpAcceptorSession | A TCP acceptor session continuously waiting for incoming connections |
CTcpConnectorSession | A TCP connector session asynchronously connecting to a TCP server |
CTcpSocket | A TCP socket class implementing the asio::Socket interface |
CThreadPool | A thread pool executing an asio::Context's run method with a bunch of threads |
CTlsAcceptorSession | A TCP acceptor session with TLS support continuously waiting for incoming connections |
CTlsConnectorSession | A TCP connector session with TLS support asynchronously connecting to a TCP server |
CTlsSocket | A TCP socket class with TLS support implementing the asio::Socket interface |
►Nboost | Forward declaration for the boost::mutex class |
Cml_graph_traversal_tag | This describes the ways in which the vertices and edges of the graph can be visited |
Cgraph_traits< ml_graph_ptr > | Definition of traits for ml::Graph class |
Cml_vertex_id_map | Vertex id Maps each vertex to a unique id |
Cproperty_map< ml_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t > | |
Cml_edge_weight_map | |
Cproperty_map< ml_graph_ptr, edge_weight_t > | |
Cml_iterator_map | This is a helper template to create an external property map for an std random access container |
Cml_undirected_graph_traversal_tag | This describes the ways in which the vertices and edges of the graph can be visited |
Cgraph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr > | Definition of traits for ml::Graph class |
Cml_ug_edge | Simple wrapper to store an ml::VesselEdge together with a ml::VesselNode, so that the source() function and the out_edge_iterator will always be able to return an edge which points away from a vertex |
Cml_ug_vertex_id_map | Vertex id Maps each vertex to a unique id |
Cproperty_map< ml_undirected_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t > | |
Cml_ug_edge_weight_map | |
Cproperty_map< ml_undirected_graph_ptr, edge_weight_t > | |
►NDCMTree | Class to dump a DCMTree DICOM message into a human-readable file |
►CCharacterSetConverter | The class CharacterSetConverter is used for converting string values from one DICOM character set to another; character set names are those specified for the SpecificCharacterSet DICOM tag |
CFactory | Factory class must be installed by the implementing DLL |
CDict | |
CDLLInit | This class is responsible for initializing the DLL when it is loaded |
CDump | |
CException | Exception class for DCMTree |
CFileCache | |
CIOParameter | Base class to wrap parameters to be used for reading/writing messages |
CPixelData | Contains pixel data that is either shared/ref-counted or a direct pointer |
CDate | Date class for DCMTree library |
CTime | Time class for DCMTree library |
CMessage | Class to hold data of an DICOM message that is not part of the message itself |
CMFPixelTag | |
CPixelDataTag | |
CReader | |
CStructuredMF | Support for structured multi-frame (SMF) DICOM objects |
CTag | Class to represent one DICOM tag |
CTagId | Class to wrap a tag ID |
CTagInfo | Class to carry meta information about a specific tag |
CTree | |
CValue | Class to store tag values |
CWriter | |
►NDCMTree_Serialization | |
CSink | Interface of a data sink for the serialization of objects |
CSource | Interface of a data source for the deserialization of objects |
CSerializable | Interface that provides a method to serialize an object |
CDeserializable | Interface that provides a method to deserialize an object |
CSerializerIntf | Interface of a class that can be used to serialize objects |
CDeserializerIntf | Interface of a class that can be used to deserialize objects without a default constructor |
CFileSink | Class to write DCMtree as file stream |
CFileSource | Class to read DCMtree file stream |
►NDCMTree_Utils | Dictionary class to provide DICOM meta information |
Cthread_scoped_criticalsection | Class to manage thread specific critical sections |
CUIDGenerator | Class to generate unique IDs, valid to be used in a DICOM environment |
CLoadLibraryDelegate | The delegate that is responsible for loading the specific DICOM library |
►Ngdcm | Namespace of the Grassroots DICOM library |
CCSADecoder | Class CSADecoder adopted from gdcm implementation to decode Siemens CSA DICOM header tags |
►Nitk | Include dll-specific settings |
CFFTImageFilterInitFactoryRegisterManager | |
CMLITKStructuringElementBase | Template class to create an itk structured element from an ML kernel |
CMLITKStructuringElement | Specialized class for generated toolkit modules using normal kernels |
►Nlightweight | Namespace lightweight, provides utilities to wrap large objects in a lightweight variant whose static size is 2*sizeof(void*) |
Cheap_storage | Wrapper for large objects (i.e |
►Cmake_lightweight | |
Capply | |
Clightweight_visitor | |
►Nml | Main documentation file for ML users and developers |
►NCSOGeometry | The CSOGeometry namespace offers some common methods for various geometric problems, e.g., determining whether a CSO lies in a plane, if a CSO is self-intersection, computing the center of gravity, thinning out path points or applying boolean operations |
CPositionObj | |
CCSOPlaneGuard | |
►Ndetail | |
Cexecutor | |
►NDICOMTagInformation | Namespace collecting tools, tables, and dictionaries about known DICOM tags |
CDICOMTagInfoEntry | Class managing some bits needed to initialize tag tables as well as a vector of indexes into table where the tag appears |
CDICOMTagDescriptions | Container to manage some tag information such as the indexes to all appearances of the tag in DICOMTagFullInfos and a bit mask indicating which types the tag can have |
►NDICOMTagTools | A namespace collecting tools related to DICOM tags and tree tools |
CDicomPaletteInfo | DICOM palette container which is to be used for ML index image to RGB image voxel translation |
CDcmTagIdToRemove | Small helper class describing the raw-id of the DICOM tag as well as its human readable name |
CZTUIndex | Class managing a multi-frame Z, T, and U-dimension plus a string value |
►NDicomToMLTools | Tool functions for the extraction and handling of information of specific DICOM frames |
CFrameSpecificTags | Helper structure to store a z, t, u position of a frame in a structured multi-frame tree, and a tag belonging to that frame |
CPositionSpecificDouble | Helper structure to store a z, t, u position with an associated double value |
CDicomFrameSetMinMaxCalculation | Class to collect incrementally per frame all min/max related parameters of a DICOM frame set |
CNeedsSignednessCorrectionShiftingOrMasking | Tool class to retrieve the values of HightBit, BitsAllocated, BitsStored, and PixelRepresentation from dcmTree and to set needsCorrection to true if pixel data needs post processing such as masking of retired overlay planes, sign extension, or shifting |
CFrameSpecificTag | A struct containing a information about a specific frame (position, tagId, tagPtr, and whether it's from tree root) |
CFrameSpecificValueTag | A struct containing a information about a specific frame (position, tagId, tagPtr, and whether it's from tree root) as well as an associated value retrieved from the tag and the value validity |
CDICOMPixelReadAndCopyParameterResults | Container storing parameters needed to copy data from DICOM pixel data into a SubImage |
CDICOMPixelReadAndCopyParameters | Small container storing and validating all input and result parameters needed to copy data from a DCMTree given by a DICOMCachedIOFileHandle into a SubImage |
CDCMTreeInfo | Small container for statistical information about a DCMTree |
►NDirectDicomImportDPLImageToMultiFileVolume | Tools to convert a DPLImage to one or more MultiFileVolumes |
CConversionParameters | Container for all parameters needed to convert a DPL::Image to MultiFileVolume(s) |
►NFileListTools | |
CDPLConfiguration | Manages some DPL (DICOM Processing Library) configurations which control sorting and partitioning of imported DICOM frames |
CFileAttribute | Attributes assigned to files in a FileList according to filter operations on the file names or DICOM tags found in the files |
CFileList | A tool class to manage a list of file/frame names/urls associated with attributes |
►Ninternal | |
CProfilingScope | Helper class that stops measuring when it gets out of scope |
CTypedHandlerBase | The base class for TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler and TypedProcessAllPagesHandler |
CSingleTypeCaller | Internal helper class that uses a VariableType to convert a data type integer to the correct Processor::process<DataType>() call |
CDualTypeCaller | Internal helper class that uses VariableType1 and VariableType2 to convert two data type integers to the correct Processor::process<DataType1, DataType2>() call |
Cvoider | |
Cnonesuch | |
Cdetector | |
Cdetector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... > | |
►Nmarker_conversion | |
CMissingReferenceImagePropertiesException | |
►NMLToDicomTools | Tool function namespace with many tool functions for the conversion of DICOM information and tag values to comparable ML information objects |
CAdvancedTagSetUpArgs | Some dedicated parameters for advanced tag setups when setting pixel data and related tags in DICOM files |
►NPCLMLTools | Namespace with a collection of converter tools between the libraries ML and PCL |
CImageToPointCloudConversionParameters | A container with parameters for the conversion from ML images to point clouds |
►NPCLSupportTools | A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport |
CPointCloudStatistics | Container for statistical point cloud parameters |
►NR2SonicWC | Namespace containing R2Sonic loader specific functionality. |
CR2SonicWCLoader | Class to read R2Sonic water column sonar data |
CWaterColumnSectionBase | A base class for all WaterColumn section formats |
CWaterColumnH0 | A structure describing the H0 section of a WaterColumn data package (only one per ping) |
CWaterColumnA1 | A structure describing the A1 section of a WaterColumn data package containing float beam angles, arbitrarily-spaced (only one per ping) |
CWaterColumnM1AndM2Header | A structure describing the common data header of an M1_Data and an M2_Data section of a WaterColumn data package |
►CWaterColumnM1OrM2 | A structure describing the common data header of an M1_Data and an M2_Data section of a WaterColumn data package |
CDoubleMLint16 | Vector entry for storage for data from M2 sections |
CWaterColumnPacket | Class describing a introducing data packet of a WaterColumn data package |
CWaterColumnDataSetPing | Class managing all sections belonging to the same ping |
CWaterColumnDataSet | Class describing the common data header of a WaterColumn data package |
►NScopeGuardDetail | |
CScopeGuard | |
►NWEMNodeOp | Helper namespace for performing smoothing on nodes |
CWEMSmoothingParameters | |
CClassicHost | Classic ML host used internally to calculate getTile and processAllPages requests |
CGetTileJobBase | Base class for TileRequest based jobs |
CGetTileJob | Public interface for requesting a tile from a an ML PagedImage using the PageRequestProcessor |
CMultiThreadedPageRequestProcessor | A multithreaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively |
CPageRequest | A PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage |
CPageRequestCursor | A cursor to create page and tile requests iteratively, allowing breaks and resumption at any time, and avoiding a recursive tree traversal that is difficult to resume |
CPageRequestQueueInterface | Virtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing |
CPageRequestProcessor | Abstract base class for page request processors |
►CPageRequestProcessorBase | Base class for single and multithreaded processor |
CPerThreadStorage | Data that is available on a per-thread basis to cache items that are reused across PageRequest calls, e.g., the UserThreadData |
CScopeStackEntry | Each processing scope has its own GUI work queue and flags/counters for errors and tiles to wait for |
CProcessAllPagesJob | Public interface for processing all pages of a temporary output image |
►CProcessingTimeLine | Stores a processing timeline for multiple threads |
►CTimeLine | Timeline for a single thread |
CEntry | Single timeline entry |
CSingleThreadedPageRequestProcessor | A single-threaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively |
CTileRequest | A TileRequest either represents the input subimage that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile |
COutputConnector | Class to manage an output connection for a Module module |
CInputConnector | Class to manage an input connection of a Module module |
CEngine | Base class for all ML Engines that are derived from Module, and have no inputs or outputs but implement field connections or operations on fields |
►CField | Base class for all fields used in the ML |
CFlags | Flags for internal usage |
CFieldContainer | Defines the class FieldContainer to encapsulate a vector of fields (see class Field) |
CBoolField | Field to encapsulate a boolean value |
CIntField | Field to encapsulate an integer value |
►CEnumField | Field to encapsulate an enumerated value |
CEnumEntry | Defines the entry for one enum value |
►CEnumValues | Helper class that stores a list of typed enum values and their string names |
CEntry | Defines the entry for one enum value |
CTypedEnumField | TypedEnumField is used to encapsulate a C++ enum value and work with a real enum value instead of int |
CFloatField | Field to encapsulate a float value |
CProgressField | Field to encapsulate an increasing float value from range [0,1] |
CDoubleField | Field to encapsulate a double value |
CStringField | Field to encapsulate a string value |
CNotifyField | Field without value for notifications |
COutputConnectorField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an output connector which represents a module output |
CInputConnectorField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an input connector that represents a module input |
CBaseField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object |
CTypedBaseField | Templated version of BaseField that only stores the template type as pointer |
CSoNodeField | Field to encapsulate a pointer to an SoNode instance of OpenInventor |
CPointerField | Field to encapsulate a void pointer to arbitrary data |
CVector2Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of two double values |
CVector3Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of three double values |
CVector4Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values |
CVector5Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of five double values |
CVector6Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of six double values |
CVector10Field | Field to encapsulate a vector of ten double values |
CColorField | Field to encapsulate a vector of three float values representing an (RGB) color with all properties of Vector3Field |
CMatrix2Field | Field encapsulating a 2x2 matrix |
CMatrix3Field | Field encapsulating a 3x3 matrix |
CMatrixField | Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix, same as Matrix4Field for backward compatibility |
CMatrix4Field | Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix |
CMatrix5Field | Field encapsulating a 5x5 matrix |
CMatrix6Field | Field encapsulating a 6x6 matrix |
CMLDataTypeField | Field to encapsulate an MLDataType value |
CImageVectorField | Field to encapsulate an ML vector ImageVector with six integer components |
CSubImageBoxField | Field to encapsulate an ML integer SubimgBox |
CSubImageBoxdField | Field to encapsulate an ML double SubimgBox |
CUniversalTypeField | Field to encapsulate any of the registered ML types |
CRotationField | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a rotation with all properties of Vector4Field |
CPlaneField | Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a plane with all properties of Vector4Field |
CFieldSensor | Class to define and to manage field sensors |
CHost | The Host is the central image processing class in the ML |
CImageProperties | This class represents basic image properties: |
CInputSubImageProperties | Defines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method |
CListField | |
CIntListField | |
CDoubleListField | |
CVector2ListField | |
CVector3ListField | |
CVector4ListField | |
CMedicalImageProperties | This class encapsulates basic medical image properties: |
CMemoryImage | A memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector |
CModule | Base class for an image processing module of the ML |
CModuleDiagnosisStackScope | |
CUserThreadData | Base class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage |
CCalculateOutputImageHandler | Base class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module |
CModuleTools | Class containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself |
CPagedImage | The class PagedImage, representing a fragmented image that manages properties and data of an image located in pages |
CPageIDIterator | A class that allows to incrementally iterate over all IDs of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage |
CProcessAllPagesHandler | Base class for handlers that are used for the Module::processAllPages facility |
COrderedSingleInputProcessAllPagesHandler | A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on a single input image |
COrderedProcessAllPagesHandler | A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on any number of input images |
CTScaleShiftData | The class defines a first order linear transformation |
CMLTStdTypeInfos | Template class to register the standard integer classes as voxel types in the ML |
CStringConversion | The class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings |
CSubImage | This class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory |
CTSubImageBox | This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions |
CSubImageBoxd | SubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type |
CTreeNodeException | The class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes |
CTreeNode | The class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects |
CTSubImageCursor | Predeclaration for cursor |
CConstTSubImageCursor | Predeclaration for const cursor |
CTSubImage | This template class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region in memory that is organized linearly |
CTSubImageCursorBase | Base class for all TSubImage Cursors |
CTSubImageWithCursor | A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor |
CVariableType | Base class for all variable types, mainly for Doxygen documentation purpose |
CTypedProcessAllPagesHandler | TypedProcessAllPagesHandler can be used as a base class for a custom ProcessAllPages handler and supports up to four type variable types |
CTypedCalculateOutputImageHandler | TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler can be used as a base class for a custom CalculateOutputImageHandler and supports up to four variable types |
CTypeTraits | TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes |
CDataTypeSelector | Helper template so select a data type from its type ID |
CTQuaternion | Declaration of complex type traits |
CTvec2 | Declaration of float vector type traits |
CTvec3 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec4 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec5 | Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies |
CTvec6 | A six dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec7 | An seven dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec8 | An eight dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec9 | An nine dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec10 | An ten dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec16 | A 16 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec32 | A 32 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTvec64 | A 64 dimensional vector class for floating point types |
CTmat2 | Declaration of matrix type traits |
CTmat3 | A 3x3 matrix class of three row vectors |
CTmat4 | A 4x4 matrix class consisting of four row vectors |
CTmat5 | A 5x5 matrix class of five row vectors |
CTmat6 | A 6x6 matrix class of six row vectors |
CTVectorNDBase | Declaration of integer vector type traits |
►CBackgroundTask | Base class for a task that is started in an extra thread |
CObserver | Abstract interface to observe the BackgroundTask |
CBackgroundTaskBaseModule | Base class for ML modules that use background tasks |
CBackgroundTaskHandle | A handle to a task that has been created by the background task manager |
CBackgroundTaskHandleAccessor | This class offers direct access to the contained background task |
►CBackgroundTaskManager | The BackgroundTaskManager is the central singleton that manages running background tasks |
CObserver | Abstract interface to observe the BackgroundTaskManager |
CBackgroundTaskMessageReceiver | The background task receiver is a light-weight base class that can be inherited (e.g., with multiple inheritance) |
CBackgroundTaskMessage | The base class of all background messages |
CBackgroundTaskMessageQueue | |
CBackgroundTaskFinishedMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMLGetTileBaseMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMLGetTileMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMLProcessAllPagesMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMLGetTileResultMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMLProcessAllPagesResultMessage | |
CBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage | A generic message that allows to call the member function method on a given object , passing the arguments args |
CBackgroundTaskModuleHandler | |
CBackgroundTaskStatusInformation | BackgroundTaskStatusInformation creates a snapshot of the status of a given BackgroundTask to allow for a later read access without race conditions or even destruction of the background task |
CBackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase | BackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase is the base class for processors that request an input image tile-by-tile |
CBackgroundTaskTileProcessor | A BackgroundTaskTileProcessor can be used as a base class for processing an input image tile-by-tile without handling the details of an asynchronous request queue yourself |
CDistantObject | A DistantObject stores the pointer to an object of type T and forbids direct access to the stored pointer |
CDistantObjectAccessor | The DistantObjectAccessor can be used to get the value stored in a DistantObject |
►CImagingBackgroundTask | |
CAsyncTileRequest | An asynchronous tile request. This is copyable! |
CProcessAllPagesRequest | An asynchronous process all pages request. This is copyable! |
CMainExecutorT | This class implements an executor that allows you to execute a task in the ML's main loop without implementing a different BackgroundTaskMessage for each occasion |
CManagedSubImage | ManagedSubImage is derived from SubImage and frees its allocated memory automatically when it is destructed |
CMessagingBackgroundTask | MessagingBackgroundTask extends the BackgroundTask with the functionality to call methods on DistantObject instances on the GUI thread to communicate with the GUI (e.g., to send some intermediate result to the GUI) |
CPagedImageProperties | PagedImageProperties extends the MedicalImageProperties with the page extent |
CModuleBackgroundTask | ModuleBackgroundTask extends the ImagingBackgroundTask with several useful methods that allow asynchronous access to a Module's images |
CProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask | Class ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask |
CTileIterator | Iterator that takes a region and a tile extent, and returns subsequent tiles that cover the region starting at region.v1 |
CTypedBackgroundTaskHandle | The TypedBackgroundTaskHandle class provides a secure interface to communicate with a running BackgroundTask |
CFloatingPointVector | Template class for vector arithmetic with floating point datatypes |
CFloatingPointMatrix | Base class of all matrix classes that holds the data buffer and provides some general access methods |
CAbstractPersistenceStream | AbstactPersistenceStream is the base class for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream and AbstractPersistenceInputStream, and implements the methods that are common for both these classes |
CAbstractPersistenceOutputStream | Class for writing object data to a stream |
CAbstractPersistenceInputStream | Class for reading object data from a stream |
CPersistenceStreamException | This class represents the exceptions that can be thrown while reading from or writing to the persistence stream |
CPersistenceStreamIOException | Derived class |
CPersistenceStreamFormatException | Derived class |
CPersistenceStreamInternalError | Derived class. This exception usually denotes programming errors |
CApplicationProperties | Static class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application |
CArgumentList0 | Empty argument to allow running with zero arguments |
CArgumentList1 | ArgumentList with one argument |
CArgumentList2 | ArgumentList with two arguments |
CArgumentList3 | ArgumentList with three arguments |
CArgumentList4 | ArgumentList with four arguments |
CArgumentList5 | ArgumentList with five arguments |
CBarrier | A barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe |
CScopedBarrierWaiter | A helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs |
CBase | Class representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()), arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree()), or a data stream (using writeTo() and readFrom()) |
CCompilerInfo | |
CComputerModelInfo | |
CConstantStringValue | Shared container for the string value and its hash |
CConstantString | A ConstantString that contains a std::string and its hash |
CIs | In combination with the in function, it returns true if a passed value is in the set of possible values |
►CContainerProxy | This template implements a proxy for containers that contain a collection of items normally accessed with a get-by-index method |
Citerator | |
Ctree_node | |
CCPUInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware-specific information |
CDateTime | Class for performing date/time arithmetic, comparisons and formatting |
CErrorOutput | Class to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information |
CErrorOutputInfos | Struct that contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information, or debug prints |
CEventSource | EventSourceBase class adds event listener handling to Base |
CBaseEvent | BaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase |
CEventSourceDeletedEvent | EventSourceRemovedEvent is used to indicate when the EventSourceBase object is removed |
CImagePropertyExtension | Base class from which one can derive own image properties |
CImagePropertyExtensionContainer | This class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension |
►CMemory | Basic memory management class for the ML |
CDeleter | A custom delete that can be used in std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr |
CMemoryInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware specific information |
CNotify | Class to handle all ML Notify prints, errors, and warnings |
CRefCountedBase | RefCountedBase class adds intrusive reference counting support to the Base class |
CRuntime | This class contains the runtime system of the ML |
CRuntimeDict | This file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes |
CRuntimeType | RuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType |
CStringSwitch | |
COverload | |
CTimeCounter | Class to measure precise time intervals |
CTraceBuffer | This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings |
CTrace | This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor |
CWaitCondition | WaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization |
CWMIInterface | Interface to the Windows Management Instrumentation https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa394582.aspx |
CFloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase | Base class of the FloatingPointVector class that holds the data buffer |
CTVector6DBase | TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension |
CTImageVector | ImageVector is the 6D TVector specialization used by the ML for all image indexing |
CTVector | ML integer image vector class to be specialized for different purposes |
CLine | Class to define the geometry primitive 'Line' consisting of a position and a direction |
CPlane | Class defining a plane in 3D |
CRotation | Class to handle Rotations (internally, the rotation is stored as a unit quaternion) |
CVector2DataContainer | Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase |
CVector3DataContainer | Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase |
CMLImageFormat | File format class to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file |
CMLImageFormatCompressionParams | Helper class for compressor arguments managed inside of a module |
CMLImageFormatAbstractFileHandle | A base class for abstract read/write access of the MLImageFileFormat |
CMLImageFormatDiskFileHandle | Implements reading and writing from a given file descriptor |
►CMLImageFormatIdxTable | Internal and private index table for the MLImageFormat |
CPageIdxType | Internal helper class |
CMLImageFormatInfos | A internal structure containing information about an opened file |
CMLImageFormatTag | Class defining a tag used in the MLImageFormat class |
CMLImageFormatTagList | Class defining a list of tags used in the MLImageFormat class |
CMLImageFormatTools | Basic tool functions used to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file, used by the MLImageFormat |
CDicomTree | Can be used to transport a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr as a ml::RefCountedBase object |
CDicomTreeImagePropertyExtension | Implements an ImagePropertyExtension object that can be passed to the ML |
CMutableDicomTree | The DicomTree class can be used to transport a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr as an ml::RefCountedBase object |
CDataCompressor | Abstract base class for ML data compression algorithms |
CDataCompressorFactory | Factory for ML data compression algorithms |
CLUTDataId | |
CLUTDataBase | Untyped base class for LUTData template classes |
CLUTData | A LUTData object stores an instance of a LUT, rendered for a specified visual type, data type, reference range and index/row/layer set |
CLUTFBlend | Generate a 2/3D-LUT by blending two 1/2D-LUTs |
CLUTFChannelMap | A LUT function mapping the individual channels of the input LUT to the channels of the output LUT |
CLUTFColor | LUT transform to apply or remove color to an input LUT |
►CLUTFCombine | A LUT function combining several input LUTs into a single output LUT |
CLUTEntry | Stores a lut function entry that should be combined |
CLUTFCompose | A LUT function composing several input LUTs into a single output LUT |
CLUTFConcat | Concatenate LUTs in row or layer direction |
CLUTRGBAPoint | A LUT sampling point with index position and RGBA channel values, |
CLUTFLinear | A color/gray LUT with sampling points and linear, nearest neighbor or truncated interpolation inbetween |
CLUTFloatRGBA | Implements a float RGBA color table |
CLUTFPrimitive | A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes |
CLUTFRampPair | An RGBA LUT consisting of a RGB ramp and an alpha ramp |
CLUTFRescale | LUT transform to rescale a LUT's index range and to convert an absolute to a relative LUT |
CLUTFSelect | Select a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT |
CLUTFunction | Common base class for lookup tables |
CLUTIteratorBase | LUT iterator base class with type independent functionality and declarations |
CLUTIterator | The LUTIterator class template is used by a LUTFunction object for rendering into a LUTData object |
CPrivateDICOMTagDecoder | Class decoding all private DICOM tags it finds decoders for to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container |
CPrivateDICOMTagDecoderPluginBase | Base class for plugins decoding private DICOM tags to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container |
CPrivateDICOMTagInfos | Small container class managing one decoded sub element of a private DICOM tag |
CPrivateDICOMTagValueFields | List type managing and maintaining a number of PrivateDICOMTagValueFields::PrivateTagField containers describing information extracted from private tag values |
CBaseItem | General Base object class for list items that have an id and a name |
CBaseItemParser | Parser class for BaseItem strings, containing an object's id and name |
CBaseContainerItem | Base object class BaseContainerItem encapsulates a pointer to a Base object as a list item |
CBaseListSortParameters | Class that is designed to hold custom list sorting parameters (such as sort mode) |
CBaseList | Base object class BaseList which stores a list of BaseContainerItem entries |
CComposeBaseList | Engine module ComposeBaseList composing two base objects |
CCopyBase | Engine template module CopyBase to copy any Base-derived object that provides a virtual assignment operator which allows to copy from Base |
CCopyList | Engine module class for copying ListBase derived classes, which is okay because lists have an assignment operator |
CCurveData | Base object class representing a single curve object, consisting of zero or one X- and any number of Y-data series |
CCurveList | Base object class CurveList with a list of CurveData (smart) object pointers |
CDecomposeBaseList | Engine module decomposing a BaseList into one base object and a so-called rest list |
CDiscList | Base object class DiscList |
CDynamicStylePalette | |
CExtractObjectFromList | Engine module ExtractObjectFromList extracting a single list item (identified by its index) from a given list |
CKeyFrame | Class KeyFrame consisting of a 3D position, tangent and up vector |
CKeyFrameList | Base object class KeyFrameList storing a list of KeyFrame entries |
CListBase | Base object class ListBase managing a number of BaseItem objects |
CListTemplate | Basic list class template combining properties of ListBase and a vector of the template argument type |
CBaseListTemplate | Base object template list class for list item classes derived from BaseItem |
CListContainerBase | Abstract module class ListContainerBase implementing basic functionality for a list container module |
CListContainerTemplate | Template module class ListContainerTemplate for a specific list class |
CListParser | Parser class for parsing persistent state strings of list objects |
CMarkerList | Base object class MarkerList managing a list of markers represented by Vector4's |
CMat3List | Base object class Mat3List managing a list of 3x3 matrices |
CMat4List | Base object class Mat4List managing a list of 4x4 matrices |
CMergeLists | Engine module MergeLists merging two BaseListTemplate-derived objects |
CParserBase | Basic parser class from which special parser classes can be derived for parsing persistent state strings |
CPointList | Base object class PointList managing a list of points |
CRasterFunction | Base object to handle implicit or explicit functions to draw into subimages |
CRasterFunctionList | Base object class to handle a list of raster functions |
CSphereList | Base object managing a list of Sphere objects |
CStringList | Base object class managing a list for items of type BaseItem usable for string storage |
CStringListContainer | Base object class StringListContainer managing a list of items of type StringList |
CStylePalette | Base object class StylePalette for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types |
CStylePaletteOp | Defines the StylePalette operator for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types |
CVecListTemplate | BaseObject list class template (derived from ListTemplate) for lists of n-tupels of a given type |
CVec3iList | Base object class Vec3iList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVec4iList | Base object class Vec4iList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVec6iList | Base object class Vec6iList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVec3fList | Base object class Vec3fList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVec4fList | Base object class Vec4fList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVec6fList | Base object class Vec6fList derived from VecListTemplate |
CVectorList | Base object representing a list of vectors given as Vector4's |
CXMarker | Base object class XMarker (derived form baseItem) with 6D pos, 3D vec and type int |
CXMarkerList | Base object class XMarkerList (derived from BaseListTemplate) specialized for XMarker items |
CXMarkerListContainer | Base object class XMarkerListContainer (derived from ListContainerTemplate) for XMarkerList objects |
CMLImageFormatFileCache | An ML module class for file caching and modification of a whole ML PagedImage volume as MLImageFormat file which is changed only if load, clear or auto load is activated |
CMLImageFormatInfo | Information retrieval module for the .mlimage MLImageFormat files |
CMLImageFormatIOBase | IO base class to manage/save/load/modify .mlimage files and to derive specific save, load and modification classes from it |
CMLImageFormatLoad | ML module class to load an ML PagedImage from a file of type MLImageFormat with .mlimage suffix |
CMLImageFormatSave | ML module class to save an ML PagedImage as file of type MLImageFormat with .mlimage suffix |
CBitMorphologyFilter | The class to apply BitMorphology based kernel filters to images |
CCloseGapFilter | The class to apply CloseGap based kernel filters to images |
CCompassFilter | A class implementing different compass filters |
CConvolutionFilter | This class implements convolutions with fixed kernel sizes |
CCorrelation | Correlation of image with kernel image |
CExtConvolutionFilter | This class implements different convolution filters with changeable kernel sizes |
CTKernel | Class to manage a filtering kernel for images |
CKernelBaseModule | The module base class to apply kernels to an image |
CKernelCurvatureEstimationFilter | Implements a filter to estimate curvatures |
CKernelEditor | The class to edit a 6D kernel |
CKernelLineApplicator | The KernelLineApplicator class takes a Kernel instance and filters one line of an mlSubImage and writes it to an output also given by another mlSubImage |
CKernelLineApplicatorBase | The KernelLineApplicatorBase class is designed to implement new kernel based filters to be applied to a line of an mlSubImage and and to write the filtered line to an output mlSubImage |
CKernelModule | The typically used convenience class to apply a kernel to an image |
CfctLineFilter | The basic implementation of a filter to filter an image row with kernel operations |
CuseObjectLineFilter | Wrapper for the use of object bound row filters |
CKernelTools | Class collecting a set of templated an normal functions for filtering operations using kernels |
CLineApplicator | The LineApplicator class provides pure virtual functions used by the old applyFiltering functions from the KernelTools class to filter one row of an SubImage and writes it to an output also given by another SubImage |
CLocalMaximaFilter | Class searching local maxima in images using a kernel based filtering |
CMorphologyFilter | The class to apply morphology based kernel filters to images |
CRankFilter | The class to apply rank based kernel filters images |
CRobertsFilter | Class to apply a kernel based roberts filtering to an image |
CSigmaFilter | A sigma filter class |
CSobel3DFilter | Applies a Sobel edge detection or a Sobel gradient estimation in 3D to a volume image |
CStdDeviationFilter | This class is a kernel filtering operator, which calculates the standard deviation in the (defined by the kernel) neighborhood of a voxel |
CSurroundFilter | Class to cover an object specified by a threshold with a voxel thick surface of selected values |
CZeroCrossingsFilter | A kernel filtering operator, which searches for zero crossings in the input image |
CEditObject | Allows to edit an ml::base-derived object via its XML description |
CIOHandler | Handles the different possible IO modes |
CLoadBase | Allows to load ml::base-derived objects from file |
CSaveBase | Saves an ml::base-derived object to a file class SaveBase |
►CXMLPersistenceStream | Mix-in class that manages a stack of names for list elements and if the parent scope of the list is suppressed (for handling legacy file formats) |
CListStackEntry | |
CXMLPersistenceOutputStream | Implementation for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream using Xerces DOM Parser |
CXMLPersistenceInputStream | Implementation for AbstractPersistenceInputStream using Xerces DOM Parser |
CXMLTreeNodeException | Extends the exceptions already provided by class TreeNodeException |
CXMLTreeNode | The class XMLTreeNode implements the abstract class TreeNode to allow export and import of ML objects to and from XML files and strings |
CBitImage | Class to manage a binary image |
CDisc | Class to handle the geometry primitive "Disc" consisting of a center, a normal and a radius |
CMultiField | Field to represent a dynamic vector of DATATYPE values |
CDoubleMultiField | Save warning state |
CFloatMultiField | Class FloatMultiField. See MultiField for documentation |
CIntMultiField | Class IntMultiField. See MultiField for documentation |
CInt32MultiField | Class Int32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation |
CUInt32MultiField | Class UInt32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation |
CSphere | Defines the class to handle the geometry primitive "Sphere" with a radius and a center point |
CStringLineMultiField | The field class StringLineMultiField which manages a vector of std::string lines typically separated by "\r\n" on windows systems and by "\n" on non windows systems |
CTools | Class which collects some useful functions needed in many places of operator programming |
CTVirtualVolume | The TVirtualVolume class implements random access to a paged input image or a pure virtual image without mapping more than a limited number of bytes. Pages of the input volume are mapped temporarily into memory when needed. If no input volume is specified the pages are created and filled with a fill value. When the permitted amount of memory is exceeded then older mapped pages are removed. When pages are written they are mapped until the virtual volume instance is removed or if they are explicitly cleared by the application |
CVirtualVolume | This class manages a virtual volume organizing efficient voxel access to the output image of an input module given as input inIdx of thisBaseOp |
CPageBuffer | PageBuffer is a helper structure to manage one page of input data of the VirtualVolume class and it also handles the most important properties of the page |
CArrowHeadSettings | |
CWEMPersistenceParameters | Structure to gather persistence parameters |
CWEMProgressUpdater | Helper struct for updating the progress bar while loading/saving |
CWEMReadParameters | Helper struct for bundling parameters to keep method interfaces small |
CWEMEventContainer | This struct holds all necessary data for the different notifications |
►CWEM | A WEM comprises a number of WEMPatches |
CWEMNotificationCBData | This struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism |
CWEMAttributes | This class comprises some attributes that are common for a WEM and a WEMPatch |
CWEMBoundingBox | This class represents an axis aligned bounding box for a WEMPatch |
CWEMDefaults | Struct providing default values for the WEM library |
CWEMEdge | Defines the mesh component: edge |
CWEMFace | Defines the mesh component: face |
CWEMIndexedFace | Defines the mesh component: an face holding a list of up to 100 indices |
CWEMGenerator | The WEMGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate WEMs, be it automatically or interactive |
CWEMInspector | This class is the base class for WEM modules that have one WEM input but no WEM output |
CWEMModule | Some common fields and methods for WEMProcessors, WEMGenerators and WEMInspectors |
CWEMProcessor | The WEMProcessor is the base class for all modules that process WEMs, be it automatically or interactive |
CWEMNode | Defines the mesh component: node |
CCentroidIndex | Structure used to sort faces in z-direction |
CWEMPatch | Base class for triangle and quad patches |
CWEMPatchPersistence | Class to save/load a WEMPatch |
CFileMapReadOutOfBoundsException | |
CFileMapWrapper | Wraps a FileMap so we can handle errors and exceptions more easily |
COutStreamWrapper | |
CWEMPolygon | Defines the mesh component: polygon |
CWEMPolygonPatch | This represents a WEMPatch consisting of polygons only |
CWEMPrimitive | This is the base class for the WEM elements nodes, edges, and faces |
CWEMMinHeapCompare | |
CWEMPrimitiveValueList | Stores a value list where the values are associated to primitives (WEMNode, WEMEdge, and WEMFace) |
CWEMQuad | Defines the mesh component: quad |
CWEMQuadPatch | This represents a WEMPatch consisting of quads only |
CWEMRequirements | This class represents WEMPatch requirements to be used by WEMProcessor |
CWEMTriangle | Defines the mesh component: triangle |
CWEMTrianglePatch | This represents a WEMPatch consisting of triangles only |
CWEMContainer | Container with the ability to detect double inserts |
CWEMFastVector | Dynamic templated vector |
CWEMHeap | Min-Heap structure with property v[i]<v[2*i+1] and v[i]<v[2*i+2] Parent at index i has children at indices 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Smallest values are stored closer to root of tree |
CWEMIndexVector | Dynamic vector, based on a memory pool. Keeps track on entry numbers of stored primitives |
CWEMObjectVector | Dynamic template vector |
CWEMQueueElement | The WEMQueueElement represents an element of a single linked list |
CWEMQueue | The WEMQueue is a single linked list with pointers to its head and tail elements |
CWEMVector | Dynamic templated vector |
CWEMCut | Class to manage cut faces |
CWEMFaceCut | Helper class for performing a cutting on a face |
CWEMPartialFaceCut | Class for managing partial face cuts |
CWEMEdgeDiagnosis | This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMEdge |
CWEMFaceDiagnosis | This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMFace |
CWEMNodeDiagnosis | This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode |
CWEMPatchDiagnosis | This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode |
►CWEMNearestPointOnSurface | This class constructs a bounding sphere hierarchy of all non-empty triangles (i.e |
CResult | Result structure for getNearestTriangle: |
CCSO | The CSO represents a contour segmentation object |
CCSOAttributes | This class comprises some attributes that are common for a CSO and a CSOGroup |
CCSOBoundingBox | The CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision |
CCSOEvent | Class for all CSO events |
CCSOGroup | A CSOGroup comprises a number of CSOs, which themselves can be in a number of different CSOGroups |
►CCSOList | A CSOList comprises a number of CSOs and CSOGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation objects |
CCSONotificationCBData | This struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism |
CCSOManager | The CSOManager allows for storing and iterating CSOs, and implements an undo/redo mechanism |
CCSOBaseModule | Base class for CSOModules |
CCSOConvertor | Base class for modules that convert CSOs to voxel images |
CCSOGenerator | The CSOGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate CSOs, be it automatically or interactive |
CCSOGeneratorBase | |
CCSOModificator | Base class for performing modifications on the CSOs of a CSOList |
CCSOPathPoints | The CSOPathPoints is a list of world coordinates which are interpolated by a certain interpolation scheme between seed points of a CSO |
CCSOGroupRules | This handles rules like the maximum number of CSOs in a group and applies them |
CCSOListRules | Controls how the CSOList should treat CSOGroups if their CSOs are removed |
CCSOChangeEventScope | Base class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSO |
CCSOModuleEventGroupScope | This class is to be used in modules, not in the CSO base library |
CCSOAttributeChangeScope | Class for sending events if visual attribute of a CSO have changed |
CCSOGeometryChangeScope | Class for sending events if the geometry of a CSO has changed |
CCSOModificationScope | Class for sending events if a CSO was changed by an algorithm |
CCSOGroupChangeEventScope | Base class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSOGroup |
CCSOGroupAttributeChangeScope | Class for sending events if visual attributes of a CSOGroup have changed |
CCSOGroupAddScope | Class for sending events if a CSOGroup has been added |
CCSOAddScope | Class for sending event if a CSO has been added |
CCSOCreationScope | Class for sending event if a CSO has been created |
CCSOSelectionChangeScope | Class for sending events if the selection of CSOs has been changed |
CCSOGroupSelectionChangeScope | Class for sending events if the selection of CSOGroups has been changed |
CCSOAddToGroupScope | Class for sending events if a CSO was added to a Group |
CCSORemoveFromGroupScope | Class for sending events if a CSO was removed from a Group |
CCSOSeedPoint | The CSOSeedPoint can be interactively set and modified and is the framework for contours |
CCSOCommand | Base class for a CSOCommand for the undo/redo mechanism |
CCSOCmdAddCSO | Class for undo/redo of adding a new CSO to the CSOList |
CCSOCmdRemoveCSO | Class for undo/redo of removing a CSO from the CSOList |
CCSOCmdAddCSOGroup | Class for undo/redo of adding a CSOGroup to the CSOList |
CCSOCmdRemoveCSOGroup | Class for undo/redo of removing a CSOGroup from the CSOList |
CCSOCmdAddCSOtoGroup | Class for undo/redo of adding a CSO to a Group |
CCSOCmdRemoveCSOfromGroup | Class for undo/redo of removing a CSO from a Group |
CCSOCmdAddCSOList | Class for undo/redo of adding multiple CSOs to the CSOList |
CCSOCmdMoveContour | Class for undo/redo of the moving of a contour |
CCSOCmdMoveSeedPoint | Class for undo/redo of the moving of a single seed point |
CCSOCmdInsertRemoveSeedPoint | Class for undo/redo of the insertion/removal of a single seed point |
CCSOCmdAddCSOSet | Class for undo/redo of of adding a set of CSOs to the CSOList |
CCSOCmdRemoveCSOSet | Class for undo/redo of removing a set of CSOs from the CSOList |
CCSOCmdModifySet | Class for undo/redo of modifying a set of CSOs |
CCSOCmdCSOModifyVisualAttributes | Class for undo/redo of modifying attributes of a CSO |
CCSOUndoRedoManager | Manager class for maintaining the undo and the redo stacks |
CCSOVoxelSetPoint | |
CCSOVoxelSet | The CSOVoxelSet represents a contour segmentation object in discrete voxel coordinates |
CCSOVoxelSetGroup | |
CCSOVoxelSetList | |
CCSOFunction | Base class for distance functions for application in the marching cubes algorithm |
CCSOInterpolate3DFunctionSettings | This class encapsulates the settings for CSOInterpolate3DFunction |
CCSOInterpolate3DFunction | The CSOInterpolate3DFunction holds the interpolation function which is a smooth thin-plate spline surface |
CCSOLiveWireGraph | The class maintains a graph for applying a shortest path algorithm on |
CVoxelPos | Structure holding a 2D voxel position |
CCSOLiveWireNodeBase | Structure holding a live wire node for the shortest path algorithm |
CCSOLiveWireNodeSimple | Simple node, which stores a single cost value per node |
CCSOLiveWireNodeExtended | Extended node, which stores various features per node |
►CCSOMarchingSquares | This class implements the Marching Squares algorithm to find isolines on 2D image slices |
CFillCSOParameters | |
CCSOMarchingSquaresCell | Marching squares cell |
CCSOObjectHeap | Heap structure with property i>2*i+1 and i>2*i+2 Parent i has children 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Smallest values are stored closer to root of tree Elements are sorted while inserting them in the heap |
CCSOObjectVector | Dynamic templated vector For speed and better memory handling, the vector is an array within an array The base blocks have a BLOCKSIZE of 65535 This allows for quick expanding |
CCSOPathPointIterator | |
CCSOPathPointConstIterator | |
CProjectedCSO | This class is a helper class used internally by CSOPointInPolygon |
CCSOPointInPolygonChecker | Checks whether a point is inside a planar, closed polygon in an arbitrary plane |
CCSOPredicate | |
CCSOIsClosedPredicate | |
CCSOIsOpenPredicate | |
CCSOIsNotSelfIntersectingPredicate | |
CCSOIsInPlanePredicate | |
CCSOIsInSamePlaneAsPredicate | |
CCSOIsParallelToPlanePredicate | |
CCSOValidator | |
CCSOVisualizationSettings | |
CCSOVisualizationSettingsWithStylePalette | |
CCSOLabelPlacementDistanceLines | |
CCSOLabelPlacementGlobal | Label placement strategy |
CCSOLabelPlacementLocal | Label placement strategy |
CCSOLabelPlacement | Base module for providing custom label placement strategies |
CCSOLabelRenderer | Module encapsulation the SoView2D extension for rendering labels for CSOs |
CMainAxisPCA | This class computes the main axis for a point cloud by a principal component analysis |
CMinimalDistancePointClouds | The MinimalDistancePointClouds implements a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects' |
CTileSphere | TileSphere is used in the class MinimalDistancePointClouds |
CTileSphereHashTable | TileSphereHashTable is used in the classes MinimalDistancePointClouds and TileSphere |
CVariant | Stores different data types |
CModelIndex | This class serves as an index into an AbstractItemModel |
CAbstractItemModel | This class represents an abstract hierarchical item model where the items have named attributes which can be queried and even modified |
CItemModelEvent | This intermediate class only exists to conveniently get the source() as the model() from an event |
CTwoPhaseItemModelEvent | This is the base class for all events that are sent before and after a change |
CItemsInsertedEvent | This event informs about inserted items |
CItemsRemovedEvent | This event informs about removed items |
CItemChangedEvent | This event tells us that the children of the item have changed completely |
CItemsDataChangedEvent | This event informs about attributes that have changed their values |
CItemModelAttributeFilter | |
CItemModelItemFilter | |
CItemModelProxy | |
►CStandardItemModel | This could be the interface for a standard item model |
CAttribute | Defines the name of an attribute and its default value |
CItemChildrenRequestEvent | This BaseEvent informs that the children of an item are requested for the first time |
CComputeClusterParameters | Structure to hold parameters for cluster computation |
CClusterAlgorithm | Type specific implementations of the interface class for clustering algorithms |
CClusterHandler | ClusterHandler that is used to provide slice-by-slice data to the cluster algorithm |
CClusterAlgorithmBase | Interface class for clustering algorithms |
CClusterUserDataParameters | Cluster user data parameters |
CClusterBoundingBox | Cluster bounding box |
CClusterInfo | Holds basic information about a cluster |
Cless | Implement comparison operator for ClusterInfo used by std::sort |
CClusterRefType | Container class derived from ClusterInfo |
CClusterRefCollection | Class for handling cluster references |
CClusterRefVolume | A stack of slices where each entry encodes an id of a ClusterRef |
CClusters | Structure computes and holds all cluster information. For internal use |
CTypedComputeClusters | |
CComputeClusters | Computes the clusters |
CIdenticalIntensitiesClusterAlgorithm | Implementation of a clustering algorithm checking for identical image intensity values |
CSelectedClusters | Class for filtering/selection clusters |
CSimilarIntensitiesClusterAlgorithm | Implementation of a SimilarIntensities clustering algorithm |
CSimilarVectorDirectionsClusterAlgorithm | Implementation of a clustering algorithm for vector data types |
CUndirectedGraph | Tags a Graph object to be handled as undirected graph containing VesselEdges |
CSmartSnapSkeletonFinder | |
CVesselVoxelCreator | |
CPointMap | PointMap constitutes a lightweight object for storage of data of two nodes |
CPathInfo | Class to store informations about connection path for use in calculation of distance matrices |
CIsomorphismMap | IsomorphismMap class handles the information of the isomorphism between two Graph structures in form of a PointMap-list |
CAssocGraph | AssocGraph class provides a matrix representation of the association graph of two Graph objects |
CSlice_iter | Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::.. |
CCslice_iter | Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing using const references This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::.. |
CMatrixTemplate | MatricTemplate implements general Matrix class based on valarray of objects with Template class type for nummeric calculations with dynamic size |
CMatrixSizedTemplate | General Matrix class based on MatrixTemplate<T> to allow fixed size setting with object declaration |
CITKCommandIterationUpdate | Implementation of the Command Pattern to be invoked every iteration |
CITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper | Class to provide a number of get/set functions for often used templated objects, for example function pointers |
CFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper | Special case wrapper for ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper |
CITKFlatStructElement | ML class to wrap the itkFlatStructElement class in an ML module |
CITKWrapperBase | Helper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper |
CITKTypedPointerWrapper | Class to create a Base wrapper around an object of a certain template type |
CITKModuleAddOns | Class to implement much functionality used in ML modules wrapping filters |
CMLITKObjectFactory | A class to manage a void pointer to an object of a certain class type a type dataType and dimension dim |
CVTKObjectWrapper | Helper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper |
CVTKModule | Base class to derive from all modules which wrap automatically generated VTK classes |
►CAlgorithmModule | ML-Module base class to simplify development of modules encapsulating an algorithm with dedicated input and output interface |
CError | Data structure to indicate an error within an AlgorithmModule derivative's implementation of interface methods |
CInputObjectError | Data structure indicating an error because of an invalid input object |
CInputParameterError | Data structure indicating an error because of an invalid input parameter |
CInternalError | Data structure indicating an internally caused error |
CAlgorithmModuleExample | Example to demonstrate the development of an ML module based on AlgorithmModule |
CAlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImage | Example to demonstrate the development of an ML module with an output image based on AlgorithmModule |
CAlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImageOutputImageHandler | The AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImageOutputImageHandler handles the page calculation of an output image of AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImage |
CDicomTreeCompare | ML module class to compare two DCMTrees, to display the differences and to post errors if the difference is not as expected |
CDicomTreeInfo | ML module class to display general statistical information about a connected DCMTree and to search and extract strings and values from the tag dump, even from private tag values |
CStringLineFilterFieldAddOn | Class implementing the StringLineFilterFieldAddOn which manages fields for line based filtering of a text string |
CDICOMCachedIOFileHandleBase | Forward template declaration for typedef'ing |
CDICOMCachedIOFileHandlePlugin | Class for resolving filenames from a given identifier (url,etc...) for DICOM importing modules |
CDICOMCachedIOFileHandleProvider | Class for FileHandleProvider for DICOM importing modules |
CDicomMessageCollector | Class to collect messages and errors related to a given frame handle |
CMessageCollector | Class to collect messages of different types |
CDicomConfigurableMessageFilter | ML module class DicomConfigurableMessageFilter usable as plugin for modules which produce many messages and which allows message output configurations |
CDicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted | Provides a configurable message filter for DICOM modules |
CDicomMessageFilter | Class describing a string id of a message, a set of substrings how it can be found by searching them in a string as well as a match routine performing such a search |
CApplyDicomPixelModifiers | ML module class ApplyDicomPixelModifiers which provides the modification of an ML image according to DICOM tags such as RGB palette information, rescale/slope data etc |
CDicomModifyBase | A base class which allows the modification of DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree |
CDicomModifyCreateTree | Constructor creating an output connector for the result tree,
a modifyPlugin connector and tree input connection(s) |
CDicomModifyFieldAddOnBase | The class DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase is dedicated to manage fields for ML modules and instances derived from DicomModifyBase to combine field handling and tag modification functionality to modify DCMTree's and to allow concatenation of them to pipelines |
CDicomModifyFieldAddOnList | Class managing a list of BASE_FIELD_ADD_ON_TYPE to simplify usage of multiple AddOns; AddOns are never owned by DicomModifyFieldAddOnList instances, this the life time of the AddOns must be longer than the usage of DicomModifyFieldAddOnList instances |
CDicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn | DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees |
CDicomModifyImageTagsPlugin | ML Module class making use of DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn which replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees |
CDicomModifyList | Class which manages a list of DicomModifyBase or derived objects, with an input for concatenation to another DicomModifyList object and which can apply their operations according to their parameters to DCMTrees |
CDicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport | ML module class DicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport which exports a MultiFileVolume composed of DICOM frames as files with modified DICOM information into a destination directory |
CDicomModifyOrdinary | A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of ordinary, non-private, non-sequence DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree |
CDicomModifyOrdinaryFieldAddOn | FieldAddOn class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOrdinary to modify ordinary DICOM tags |
CDicomModifyOtherTagOperations | A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows some operations on tag groups in a (cloned) DICOM tree such as removal or modification of all Type 2 or Type 3 tags |
CDicomModifyOtherTagOperationsFieldAddOn | FieldAddOn class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOtherTagOperations to modify OtherTagOperations DICOM tags |
CDicomModifyPrivateAdd | A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the addition or replacement of private DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree; see also DicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn |
CDicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn | DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyPrivate to modify private DICOM tags; see also DicomModifyPrivateAdd |
CDicomModifyPrivateRemove | A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the removal of non-ordinary, non-sequence, private DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree |
CDicomModifyPrivateRemoveFieldAddOn | DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyPrivate to modify private DICOM tags |
CDicomModifySequence | A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of ordinary, non-private, non-sequence DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree |
CDicomModifySequenceFieldAddOn | DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOrdinary to modify sequence DICOM tags |
CDicomModifySubTreeSelectorFieldAddOn | DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to select DCMTree sequence or MeVis SMF subtrees which then can be modified by appended DicomModify instances |
CDicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin | ML module class DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin which allows the selection of DCMTrees inside of Sequence tags or MeVis SMF trees to make it possible that other DicomModifyTagPlugins manipulate them |
CDicomModifyTagsPlugin | ML Module class DicomModifyTagsPlugin which provides a number of DCMTree::Tag manipulators which can be applied to DCMTree::Trees |
CDicomModifyTagsVariousFieldAddOns | Class composing many typical DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase classes to a single new and easy to use one and which provides input/output base fields to concatenate many of them to pipelines |
CDicomModifyTree | ML module class DicomModifyTree for modifying DICOM trees |
CDicomModifyTreeAndImage | ML module class DicomModifyTreeAndImage for composing and decomposing MLImages with DICOM trees as well as for modifying DICOM trees |
CTreeAndVolumeInputFieldAddOn | Class implementing a FieldAddOn managing fields and functionality for a multi- purpose input connector for MultiFileVolumeList(s) and DICOM-Tree(s) |
CDicomDOCSave | |
CDicomDOCSaveAddOnPointers | Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList |
CDicomEnhancedSave | |
CDicomEnhancedSaveAddOnPointers | Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList |
CDicomFIDSave | |
CDicomREGSave | |
CDicomSaveBase | |
CDicomSCSave | |
CDicomSEGSave | |
CDicomSEGSaveAddOnPointers | Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList |
CDicomSRSave | |
CDicomAcquisitionContextModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Acquisition Context Module C.7.6.14, currently only by adding an empty Acquisition Context Sequence (0040,0555) |
CDicomBoolInheritAndWriteTagInterface | FieldAddOn class supporting inheritance and optional writing of a boolean tag value |
CDicomCIDEditTagInterface | Manages a module field interface to edit a list of CID value from a given table |
CDicomCIDSingleEntryEditTagInterface | Manages a module field interface to edit a single CID value from a given table |
CDicomCommonInstanceReferenceModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to Common Instance Reference Module in DICOM Part 3 |
CDicomContentDateTimeTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM ContentDate and ContentTime tags |
CDicomContentIdentificationMacroTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Content Identification macro, 10.9 |
CContributingEquipmentSettings | Helper class to inherit, buffer and set an entry of a Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001), see C.12.1 SOP Common Module |
CDicomCopyGroupsTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Equipment, C.7.5.1 |
CDicomCopyTagSetInterface | Provides control to copy/inherit a set of tag (values) from an input DCMTree, buffer it, and add it to the output tree |
CDicomDeformableSpatialRegistrationModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Deformable Spatial Registration C.20.3 without ContentDate, ContentTime, and ContentIdentificationMacro |
CDicomEncapsulatedDocumentModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to Encapsulated Document Module C.24.2 |
CDicomEncapsulatedDocumentSeriesModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Series, C.24.1 |
CDicomEnhancedMRImageModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Enhanced MR Image Modules C.8.13.1 |
CDicomFrameOfReferenceModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface for the DICOM Frame Of Reference Module.
CDicomGeneralEquipmentModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Equipment, C.7.5.1 |
CDicomGeneralImageModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Image, C.7.6.1 |
CDicomGeneralSeriesModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Series, C.7.3.1 |
CDicomGeneralStudyModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Study, C.7.1.3 |
CDicomImageDescriptionTagInterface | Manages the module field interface similar to the Image Description Macro C.8.16.2 |
CDicomImagePlaneModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Image Plane Module, C.7.6.2 |
CDicomImageTypeTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to the Image Type tag from DICOM Enhanced MR Image Modules C.8.13.1 |
CDicomManufacturing3DModelModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Manufacturing 3D Model Module C.35, currently only by adding Measurement Units Sequence with one CID 7063 entry |
CDicomMRSeriesModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Series Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro |
CDicomPatientModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Patient Module, C.7.1.1 |
CDicomPresentationStateIdentificationTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM PresentationCreationDate and PresentationCreationTime tags in C.11.10 Presentation State Identification Module, however without Content Identification Macro Attributes, which can be handled with ContentIdentificationMacroTagInterface, for example |
CDicomReferencedImageSequenceTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to Common Instance Reference Module in DICOM Part 3 |
CDicomSCEquipmentModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM SC Equipment Module, C.8.8.1.
CDicomSCMultiframeImageModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM SC-Multi-frame Image, C.8.6.3 Image Pixel module C.7.6.3 SOP Common Module, C.12.1, handled by adding a newly created SOPInstanceUID by default |
CDicomSegmentationImageModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Image Module, C.8.20.2, however, it does not set the tags |
CDicomSegmentationSeriesModuleAttributesTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Series Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro |
CDicomSegmentSequenceTagInterface | Class managing the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Image Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro |
CDicomSeriesAndInstanceReferenceMacroTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to Series And Instance Reference Macro in DICOM Part 3 |
CDicomSOPCommonModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to SOP Common Module shown in DICOM Table 12-1 |
CDicomSOPInstanceReferenceMacroTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to SOP Instance reference Macro shown in DICOM Table 10-8 |
CDicomSpatialFiducialsModuleTagInterface | Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Spatial Fiducials C.21.2 without ContentDate, ContentTime, and ContentIdentificationMacro |
CDicomValueComboBoxSelectorTagInterface | A complex field interface managing a value selector for combo boxes with a number of predefined values; a checkBox whether the fieldValue shall be checked by the module for validity, an InheritMode which determines in which way the value shall be inherited from the input connection |
CDicomValueInheritAndCreateTagInterface | FieldAddOn class supporting inheritance and auto creating tag values (for example DICOM UIDs or tag values) |
►CPrivateDICOMTags | Class collecting some known private DICOM tag information |
CPrivateTagDesc | Small helper container to manage private tag information |
CDicomTagDumpFieldAddOn | Class managing fields to show and handle a DICOM tree tag dump |
CDirectDicomImport | Imports image files directly from DICOM or other file types without an intermediate representation |
CDirectDicomImportDPLImporter | Class handling all DICOM Processor Library Import (DPL) stuff for the DirectDicomImport module |
CDirectDicomImportDPLLogger | Extended DPL logger class redirecting messages from the DPL to a DirectDicomImport instance |
CDirectDicomImportDPLSecondPassPartitioner | A derived DPL SecondPassPartitioner to avoid that multi-frame files are composed when imported by DirectDicomImport instances |
CDirectDicomImportDPLSecondPassPartitioningProvider | An implementation of the DPL::SecondPassPartitioningProvider class for the DirectDicomImport modules |
►CDirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider | An DPL::TagValueProvider class for the DirectDicomImport module |
CHardOverwriteTag | Simple structure of a tag id and a string which overwrites this tag value |
CDirectDicomImportImporterBase | Base importer class for the DirectDicomImport module |
CDirectDicomImportOtherImporter | Derived importer to import non DICOM files into DirectDicomImport |
CDICOMFileListFilter | An ML module which searches files containing DICOM information, passes them through possibly connected FileListFilterPlugin(s), and provides the found files as list of file paths in a text field |
CFileListFilterPlugin | A concrete module class for file and DCMTree filtering which can be used by FileList importers to filter, classify and label files |
CFileListFilterPluginBase | A base class for plugins which can be used by file list importers to filter and classify files |
CFilterMessage | Helper class to store and handle error messages occuring in filter calls as well as to convert them to std::strings |
CGDCMPrivateDICOMTagDecoders | Class decoding private Siemens CSA header information with the help of an adapted gdcm::CSADecoder tool class |
CGenericPrivateDICOMTagDecoder | Default decoder usable for all private DICOM tags as well as some tool functions for derived classes |
CDicomSegmentItem | Class implementing a segmentation item according to the DICOM Segmentation Image Modul as described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES |
CDicomSegmentItemImage | Class describing one segment as it is described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES |
CDicomSegmentItemImageBase | Pure virtual base class describing an abstract image type to be read/written as DICOM SEG image as it is described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES |
CSourceFrameReference | Structure to collect important information of input frames |
CEnhancedMFObjectInfosBase | Currently empty class used as base for all classes carrying additional IOD object information |
CLegacyConvertedEnhancedMRInfos | Structure providing additional (IOD specific) information for Legacy Converted Enhanced MR; still nothing special inside, but used to identify LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR export type via rtti |
CSegmentInfos | Structure providing SEG IOD specific information for and about composed BitImage Frame heap to be saved |
CEnhancedMFSEGObjectInfos | Structure providing SEG IOD specific information for and about composed BitImage Frame heap to be saved; also used to identify LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR export type via rtti |
CZTUFileNameSet | Class to manage a 3D set of handles describing frames or volumes to be composed to a higher dimensional volume where the frames are located in z, t, and u dimension |
CMRSASCIITagDecoder | Deprecated class decoding private DICOM MRSASCII tag data to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container |
CPMTFToshibaPrivateDICOMTagDecoders | An experimental DICOM tag decoder class for private Toshiba PMTF tags |
CPrivateSequenceDICOMTagDecoders | An experimental decoder for private DICOM sequence tags |
CDMFileReader | A tool classes to load Digital Microscopy files |
CDMImage | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMImageDataStruct | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMTag | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMTagData | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMTagDirectory | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMTagGroup | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CDMFileReaderPlugin | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CFileReaderPluginsBase | Base class for a generic file reader plugin with factory interface |
CXYLibReaderPlugin | Representation for the DM file as data structure |
CXYLibHeader | Header information loader for files supported by xylib |
CModuleLoaderBackendsControl | Small class only used for script wrapper and to observe global ModuleLoaderBackends a bit, do not use manually |
CCoreModuleLoaderBackendInterface | A collection of some tool functions loading files with modules or other backends |
CByteDataReader | Base class to implement raw data loaders which need byte swapping and basic file access on byte or raw data level |
CFieldAddOnBase | Abstract base class for field interfaces to be added to other ML module classes |
CFieldAddOnList | Class managing a list of FieldAddOns to simplify usage of multiple AddOns; AddOns are never owned by FieldAddOnList instances, this the life time of the AddOns must be longer than the usage of FieldAddOnList instances |
CProgressLogger | Configurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging, interruption checks and collection of messages in a user defined stream |
CMultiFileVolume | Management class used by DirectDicomImport to create, represent and describe volumes composed of multiple DICOM or other files without needing additional intermediate representations or copies of the composed files |
CMultiFileVolumeAdditionalOptions | Container which stores additional options for MultiFileVolumes which can have an arbitrary number of entries such that future or user defined parameters can be added to MultiFileVolumes without changing the version of the persistent data |
CMultiFileVolumeList | Class managing a list of MultiFileVolume instances for the DirectDicomImport module; taking ownership of all added, push_back-ed or inserted MultiFileVolume instances |
CMultiFileVolumeListFind | Class implementing some search functionality on MultiFileVolumeLists |
CMultiFileVolumeListRefCounted | Class managing a list of MultiFileVolume instances for the DirectDicomImport module |
CMultiFileVolumeListSort | Tool class to sort MultiFileVolumeLists according to specific properties |
CMultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput | The ML module base class MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput used to implement further output modules for the MultiFileVolumeList class |
CMultiFileVolumeListDiagnosisOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListDiagnosisOutput applies different types of information, diagnosis and verification tools on MultiFileVolumes(Lists) |
CMultiFileVolumeListDOCOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListDOCOutput providing an additional output for (encapsulated documents) DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module |
CMultiFileVolumeListFIDOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListFIDOutput providing an additional output for FID (fiducial) DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module |
CMultiFileVolumeListFilterOutputs | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListFilterOutputs to filter the volume list of a MultiFileVolumeList module |
►CMultiFileVolumeListImageOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput for extending the number of image outputs of MultiFileVolumeList modules |
COutputImageProperties | Helper container to manage fields related to an image output |
CMultiFileVolumeListIteratorOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListIteratorOutput providing some support to specify a list of volumes and then to iterate over them and generating file names and indexes for them |
►CMultiFileVolumeListREGOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput providing an additional output for spatial REG DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module |
COverallTabTags | Contains values of overall tab tags |
CREGMatrix | Matrix and matrix type values: |
CREGMatrixVector | The Vector type representing matrices of one Registration sequence entries |
CMultiFileVolumeListSEGOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListSEGOutput providing an additional output for SEG DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module |
CMultiFileVolumeListSMImageOutput | ML modules class implementing an additional image output for MultiFileVolumeLists for an extended display of Whole Slide Microscopy data |
►CMultiFileVolumeListView | Manages the volume list view and its contents for the DirectDicomImport module |
C_ColumnNameHeadValue | Composition of a column name, the head entry, and the column value |
CDirectDicomImportColumnDesc | Simple class to manage a list view column |
CRelatedDicomVolumeFieldAddOn | Class managing fields fields to show and reference other volumes in a MultiFileVolumeList |
CBaseToMultiFileVolumeList | The ML module class BaseToMultiFileVolumeList class which converts object(s) from the connected input Base field to a MultiFileVolumeList |
CParameterInfo | We would normally co-derive from QVariantMap, but this turned out to cause at least linker problems down the line, so we just hold the data |
CBaseWithParameterInfo | Mixin class to support generic getParameterInfo() object wrapping of supporting classes (e.g |
CUnprotectedMainThreadCommunicator | |
CMainThreadCommunicator | |
CMainThreadCommunicatorTestSupport | |
CPCLClusterStatistics | ML Module providing arithmetic operations on a selectable subset of members/fields of the points of the input cloud |
CClusterSubGraph | Internal helper class to manage OpenInventor visualization stuff for one cluster |
CPCLClusterStatisticsToInventor | ML Module class to convert the input pcl classes to Inventor SoVertexProperty, SoPointSet, and SoIndexedFaceSet nodes |
CStatisticalClusterInfo | Small helper container managing some information about a cluster |
CPCLCloudDistances | ML Module class to calculate distances between two PCL point clouds |
CPCLFeatureHistogram | ML Module class applying the pcl::FeatureHistogram filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLPCA | ML Module class applying the pcl::PCA filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLNormalEstimation | ML Module class applying the pcl::NormalEstimation filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLBilateralFilter | ML Module class applying the pcl::BilateralFilter filter to smooth the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLCopy | ML module class copying points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2 |
CPCLCropBox | ML Module class applying the pcl::CropBox filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLIndexFilter | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on |
CPCLIntensityRankFilter | ML Module class applying the pcl::MedianFilter filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLMemberCopy | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another |
CPCLPassThrough | ML Module class applying the pcl::PassThrough filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | ML Module class applying the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | ML Module class applying the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLVoxelGrid | ML Module class applying the pcl::VoxelGrid filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter
result at two outputs; one containing a grid aligned point cloud and the second one as ML PagedImage |
CPCLToInventor | ML Module class to convert the input pcl classes to Inventor SoVertexProperty, SoPointSet, and SoIndexedFaceSet nodes |
CPCLLoad | ML Module class to load a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library from a file |
CPCLSave | ML Module class to store a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library in a file |
CPCLBaseListToPointCloud | ML Module class to convert a BaseList(PointList, VectorList, XMarkerList, XMarkerListContainer) to a point cloud |
CPCLMLImageToPointCloud | ML Module class to convert an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
CPCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | ML Module class to convert a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
CPCLR2SonicWCLoader | ML Module class to load a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library from a file |
CPCLIterativeClosestPoint | ML Module class wrapping the pcl::IterativeClosestPoint class from the PCL |
CPCLRegistration | Abstract ML Module class wrapping the pcl::Registration class from the PCL; PCL registration algorithms can/should derive from it to reuse interface descriptions and fields already integrated |
CPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping the pcl::SampleConsensus class from the PCL |
CPCLSampleConsensusModels | ML Module class wrapping the pcl::SampleConsensusModel model classes of the PCL |
CPCLEuclideanClusterExtraction | ML Module class applying the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLBaseObject | Base object containing pointers (as MLPCLObjectPtrsContainer) to objects from the Point Cloud Library (PCL) as well as a vector of PointIndices and to pass point clouds and result indexes from one module to another |
CPCLCompare | ML Module class to compare two PCL point clouds and optionally to post ML errors for testing purposes |
CPCLInfo | ML Module class to display information about a connected point cloud |
CPCLModule | ML Module base class for algorithms from the Point Cloud Library (PCL) |
CMLPCLObjectPtrsContainer | A container with pointers from the PCL (Point Cloud Library) passed in BaseObjects between PCL modules |
CPCLPointMemberArithmetic | ML Module providing arithmetic operations on a selectable subset of members/fields of the points of the input cloud |
CPCLScriptOutput | ML Module class to display ScriptOutputrmation about a connected point cloud |
CPCLConcaveHull | ML Module class applying the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLConvexHull | ML Module class applying the pcl::ConvexHull filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output |
CPCLMarchingCubesHoppe | ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe algorithm |
CPCLMarchingCubesRBF | ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesRBF algorithm |
CPCLMovingLeastSquares | ML Module class processing a point cloud with the MLS (Moving Least Squares) algorithm pcl::MovingLeastSquares from the Point Cloud Library |
CDicomTreeDefaultValidation | Class implementing some generic DICOM tree checks |
CDicomTreeValidate | ML module class to validate DCMTree and to display the validation result, and optionally to post errors on validation failures |
CDicomTreeValidationBase | A pure virtual ML module base class to validate a DCMTree which can be cascaded |
CDefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor | Default class providing the read function for getDCMTKObjFromFile which needs the option to extent its functionality for different IODs |
CMultiFileVolumeListPROutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListPROutput provides additional outputs for structured reporting document information for the MultiFileVolumeList module |
CMultiFileVolumeListSROutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListSROutput provides additional outputs for structured reporting document information for the MultiFileVolumeList module |
CPresentationState | Base object class for passing DVPresentationState objects between MeVisLab modules |
CSRDoc | Base object class for passing DSRDocuments between MeVisLab modules |
►CMultiFileVolumeListDraftView | A visualization class for the structure of a MultiFileVolume; work in progress |
CFrameInfo | Collects all information about a frame to be displayed |
CMultiFileVolumeListRTOutput | The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListRTOutput provides additional outputs for radio therapy information for the DirectDicomImport module |
CAccessDirectDicomImportCache | ML module class AccessDirectDicomImportCache provides access to tool functions implemented in MLDICOMCachedIO and MLDirectDicomImport |
CContourToCSO | |
CCSOListToRTStructureSetIOD | |
CDcmtkMLConverters | The tool function class DcmtkMLConverters |
CProgress | |
CRTStructureSetIODToCSOList | |
CStructureSetROIToCSOGroup | |
CMLToReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence | |
CMLToROIContourSequence | |
CMLToRTDoseROISequence | |
CMLToRTROIObservationsSequence | |
CMLToStructureSetROISequence | |
CDcmtkBaseObjects | The toolkit and factory class DcmtkBaseObjects |
CDRTDoseIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTDoseIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTImageIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTImageIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTIonPlanIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTIonPlanIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTPlanIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTPlanIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTStructureSetIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTStructureSetIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIODBase | Base object class for passing DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIOD objects between MeVisLab modules |
CRTBase | DcmtkBase derived base object class for base objects that wrap RT related objects |
►CDcmDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTAdditionalDrugSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTApplicationSetupSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTApplicationSetupSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBeamSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBeamSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBrachyControlPointSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBreedRegistrationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTChannelSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTChannelSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTChannelShieldSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTChannelShieldSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTChannelSourceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTChannelSourceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTCompensatorSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTCompensatorSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTConceptCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTConceptCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTConceptNameCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContentItemModifierSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContentItemModifierSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContourImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContourImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContourSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContourSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTContributingEquipmentSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTControlPointSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTControlPointSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTCorrectedParameterSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDerivationCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDerivationCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDVHReferencedROISequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTDVHSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTDVHSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTExposureSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTExposureSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFixationDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFixationDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFluenceMapSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFluenceMapSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFractionGroupSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIconImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIconImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTInstitutionCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonBeamSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonBeamSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonBlockSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonBlockSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonControlPointSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonControlPointSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonToleranceTableSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonWedgePositionSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTIonWedgeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTIonWedgeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTMACParametersSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTMACParametersSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTModalityLUTSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTModalityLUTSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTModifiedAttributesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTOriginalAttributesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTOverrideSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTOverrideSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPatientSetupSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPatientSetupSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTProcedureCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTProcedureCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTProtocolContextSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTProtocolContextSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeModulatorSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeShifterSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedBlockSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedBlockSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedSnoutSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRecordedWedgeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedControlPointSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedDoseSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedInstanceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedPatientSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedPatientSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedStudySequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedStudySequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRequestAttributesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRequestAttributesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTROIContourSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTROIContourSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTDoseROISequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTDoseROISequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTReferencedStudySequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTRelatedROISequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTRelatedROISequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTRTROIObservationsSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTSetupDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTSetupDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTShieldingDeviceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTSnoutSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTSnoutSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTSourceImageSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTSourceImageSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTSourceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTSourceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTStructureSetROISequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTStructureSetROISequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTToleranceTableSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTToleranceTableSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleInterface | Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTVOILUTSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTVOILUTSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTWedgePositionSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTWedgePositionSequence |
CItem | |
►CDcmDRTWedgeSequenceInterface | Class to provide access to DRTWedgeSequence |
CItem | |
CDcmtkAccessories | Class collecting some DICOM helper functions |
CDicomModifyApprovalModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyCalculatedDoseReferenceRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyCineModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyClinicalTrialSeriesModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyClinicalTrialStudyModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyClinicalTrialSubjectModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyContrastBolusModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyDeviceModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyFrameOfReferenceModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyGeneralEquipmentModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyGeneralImageModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyGeneralStudyModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyImagePixelModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyImagePlaneModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyMeasuredDoseReferenceRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyModalityLUTModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyMultiFrameModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyMultiFrameOverlayModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyOverlayPlaneModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyPatientModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyPatientStudyModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyROIContourModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTBeamsModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTDoseModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTDoseROIModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTDVHModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTFractionSchemeModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTGeneralPlanModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTImageModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTIonBeamsModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTIonToleranceTablesModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTPatientSetupModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTPrescriptionModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTROIObservationsModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTSeriesModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTToleranceTablesModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyRTTreatmentSummaryRecordModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifySOPCommonModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyStructureSetModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyVOILUTModuleFieldAddOn | |
CDicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnBase | |
CDicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnFactory | |
►NOverloadSelector | |
CSwitchType | Helper types to switch between implementations of functions by overloading |
►Nscl | |
CScopedLog | |
►NSoCSOEditorTools | |
CPathPointSlicePosition | |
CImageStatisticsForCSO | |
CPathPointsSegment | Structure for handling path points segments |
CvectorXSort | For sorting Vector3s according to their x-component |
CLineRenderSettings | |
►NSoView2DShaderBuiltInFunctions | |
CSoView2DShaderFunction | |
CSoView2DOverlayShaderFunction | |
►NSoView2DShaderBuiltInIncludes | All includes implemented by the GVR itself shall be included in this namespace |
CIncludeContainer | Container class for includes |
►Nstd | STL namespace |
Cless< ml::BaseContainerItem > | Specialize comparison class for BaseContainerItem |
►Nstd14 | |
Cinteger_sequence | |
Cmake_integer_sequence | |
Cmake_integer_sequence< T, 0, Is... > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits | Defines a template to get the minimum and maximum values for each basic integer type |
C_ml_numeric_limits< char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< double > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< float > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< int > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< long long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< short > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< signed char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long > | |
C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short > | |
C_MLFloatRangeCheck | |
C_MLFloatRangeCheck< float, double > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck | Compile-check functions only if needed |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck | Utility template that multiplexes between the different combinations of casting between integer and float types |
C_MLRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source > | |
C_MLRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source > | |
CApplyFunctorWithType | |
CAxis | A class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL |
CBaseGraphItem | Class BaseGraphItem |
Cbroken_VC_ptr_traits | Since the correct std::iterator_traits rely on partial template specialization which is not supported by VC6 we must use a special traits class to get value_type correct |
CCIdxFloat | |
CCIdxIdx | |
CcompareEdges | — Class compareEdges |
CComplexTypes | Defines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CCoordinateAxis | |
CCreateDefaultDeviceSerialNumber | Helper class to returning a value usable as device serial number |
CCreateDefaultManufacturer | Helper class to returning a value usable as manufacturer |
CCreateDefaultManufacturersModelName | Helper class to returning a value usable as manufacturer |
CCreateDefaultSoftwareVersion | Helper class to returning the current MeVisLab version |
CCSOAbstractCreateAction | |
CCSOBulgeAction | |
CCSOCancelCommandAction | |
CCSOCopyCommandAction | |
CCSOCreateAction | Action for creating CSOs |
CCSOCutCommandAction | |
CCSODeleteCSOCommandAction | |
CCSODeleteSeedPointCommandAction | |
CCSODrawCSOInfos | |
CCSODrawSliceInformation | |
CCSODrawView2DInfos | |
CCSOEditorState | Structure holding information about the processor/editor state |
CCSOEvalEventCSOInfos | |
CCSOEvalEventView2DInfos | |
CCSOHeapObject | CSOHeapObject: base class for objects to be used with the heap |
CCSOInsertSeedPointIntoPathPointListAction | |
CCSOLabelMoveAction | |
CCSOLabelRenderInformation | Structure to store render information for a certain CSO and viewer |
CCSOLabelResizeAction | |
CCSOPasteCommandAction | |
CCSOPathPointsRenderSettings | Class for setting visualization parameters for CSO editors |
CCSOPointDensity | |
CCSOPointingAction | |
CCSORedoCommandAction | |
CCSORemoveAllCommandAction | |
CCSOSelectAndMoveAction | |
CCSOSliceCrossing | |
CCSOTrailIntersection | Struct holding the CSO/trail point index and the computed intersection point |
CCSOTrailRenderer | |
CCSOTransformAction | |
CCSOUndoCommandAction | |
CCSOVisualParameters | Structure to hold visual parameters for the old editor |
CCSOVoxelSlab | Defines the z slab of a CSO bounding box in voxel coordinates |
CDefaultExtendedTypes | Defines a variable type for the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CDefaultPropertyAccessor | Project global and OS specific declarations |
CDefaultTypes | Defines a variable type for all scalar and the default extended datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CDefaultValueCreatorBase | Base class for classes creating default values |
CDefaultValueCreatorForDICOMUIDs | Helper class to create a DICOM UID as default value |
CDICOMCachedIOFileHandlePythonPlugin | Can be used to resolve DICOMCachedIOFileHandle from python |
CDicomDOCSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of Encapsulated Document IOD and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomEnhancedSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of Enhanced modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomFIDSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of FID modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomREGSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of REG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfil the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomSaveBase | Base class for modules implementing their own specialized DICOM exporters |
CDicomSCSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of modality secondary capture (SC). At the required input #0 the image must be connected whose content shall written as secondary capture image data. At optional input #1 an image can be connected from which secondary DICOM tag information shall be derived. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomSEGSave | Creates and composes a DICOM file of SEG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones |
CDicomSRSave | Creates and composes a DICOM structured report and exports it to different file formats or fields. It derives the generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase |
CDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTAdditionalDrugSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTAdditionalDrugSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicationSetupSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicationSetupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicationSetupSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicationSetupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBeamSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBreedRegistrationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBreedRegistrationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelShieldSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelShieldSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelShieldSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelShieldSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelSourceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelSourceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTChannelSourceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTChannelSourceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCompensatorSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCompensatorSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTConceptCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTConceptCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTConceptCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTConceptCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTConceptNameCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTConceptNameCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContentItemModifierSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContentItemModifierSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContentItemModifierSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContentItemModifierSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContourImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContourImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContourImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContourImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContourSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContourSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContourSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContourSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContributingEquipmentSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTContributingEquipmentSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTControlPointSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTControlPointSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCorrectedParameterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTCorrectedParameterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDerivationCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDerivationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDerivationCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDerivationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDoseIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDoseIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDVHReferencedROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDVHReferencedROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDVHSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDVHSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTDVHSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTDVHSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTExposureSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTExposureSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTExposureSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTExposureSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFixationDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFixationDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFixationDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFixationDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFluenceMapSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFluenceMapSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFluenceMapSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFluenceMapSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionGroupSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionGroupSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIconImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIconImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIconImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIconImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTImageIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTImageIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTInstitutionCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTInstitutionCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBeamSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBeamSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTIonBlockSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBlockSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonBlockSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonBlockSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonControlPointSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonControlPointSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonPlanIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonPlanIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonWedgeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTIonWedgeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTIonWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTMACParametersSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMACParametersSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMACParametersSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMACParametersSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTModalityLUTSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTModalityLUTSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTModalityLUTSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTModalityLUTSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTModifiedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTModifiedAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOriginalAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOriginalAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOverrideSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOverrideSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTOverrideSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTOverrideSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientSetupSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientSetupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientSetupSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientSetupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPlanIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPlanIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTProcedureCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTProtocolContextSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTProtocolContextSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTProtocolContextSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTProtocolContextSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedBlockSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedBlockSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedBlockSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedBlockSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedSnoutSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedSnoutSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRecordedWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedControlPointSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedDoseSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedDoseSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedInstanceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedInstanceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedPatientSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedPatientSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedPatientSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedPatientSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedStudySequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedStudySequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRequestAttributesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRequestAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRequestAttributesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRequestAttributesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTROIContourSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTROIContourSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTROIContourSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTROIContourSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTDoseROISequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTDoseROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTDoseROISequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTDoseROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTReferencedStudySequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTRelatedROISequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTRelatedROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTRelatedROISequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTRelatedROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTRTROIObservationsSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSetupDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSetupDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSetupDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSetupDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTShieldingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTShieldingDeviceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSnoutSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSnoutSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSnoutSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSnoutSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSourceImageSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSourceImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSourceImageSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSourceImageSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSourceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSourceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTSourceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTSourceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTStructureSetIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTStructureSetIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTStructureSetROISequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTStructureSetROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTStructureSetROISequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTStructureSetROISequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTToleranceTableSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTToleranceTableSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTToleranceTableSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIODBaseWrapper | A class that wraps DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIOD object for use in Python |
CDRTVOILUTSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTVOILUTSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTVOILUTSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTVOILUTSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTWedgePositionSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTWedgePositionSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTWedgePositionSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTWedgeSequenceItemWrapper | A class that wraps DRTWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CDRTWedgeSequenceWrapper | A class that wraps DRTWedgeSequence Item for use in Python |
CEdgeAnalyser | — Class EdgeAnalyser |
CEndpointDecorator | |
CFloatTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in floating point datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CFromStringFunctor | |
CGL2DFont | A bridge to the FTGL library that manages font rendering with texture fonts |
CGLBuffer | Manages a generic OpenGL buffer object |
►CGLContextStack | Manages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation |
CStoreCurrentGLContextScope | Stores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted |
CTemporaryGLContextScope | Creates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope |
CGLElementArrayAccess | Helper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data |
CGLFragmentProgramARB | ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM resource |
CGLFrameBuffer | FrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLPixelBuffer | PixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object) |
CGLRenderBuffer | RenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLResource | Collection of OpenGL related resource classes, such as textures, buffers, fragment programs etc |
►CGLResourceManager | Manages OpenGL resources |
CGLResourceList | Dynamic list of GLResource objects |
CGLSLFragmentShader | GLSL FragmentShader resource |
CGLSLGeometryShader | GLSL GeometryShader resource |
CGLSLProgram | GLSL Program resource |
CGLSLShader | GLSL Shader resource |
CGLSLVertexShader | GLSL VertexShader resource |
CGLTexture | Texture class |
CGLTextures | Texture class that manages multiple texture IDs |
CGLVertexArrayAccess | Helper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data |
CGLVertexBuffer | VertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension) |
CGPUInfo | Singleton class that provides information about GPU |
CGraph | Defines the basic Graph class which holds sets of nodes, edges and roots to model tubular structures with graph-like topologies such as vascular systems |
CGraphAction | Defines the GraphAction class |
CGraphAnalyser | — Class GraphAnalyser |
CIntegerTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in integer datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CIntrusivePtrBase | A base-class enabling the use of boost::intrusive_ptr in derived classes |
CLabel | |
CLabelText | |
CLastViewerInfo | |
CLegendItem | Class holds legend item information |
CltSbPolygonLayerId | |
CManagedActionTrigger | ManagedActionTrigger is a base class for all triggers of managed interactions |
CManagedKeyboardShortcut | Class ManagedKeyboardShortcut encapsulates the combination of modifier keys and another key that activates a command |
CManagedMouseButtonTrigger | Class ManagedMouseButtonTrigger encapsulates the combination of required and ignored mouse buttons and modifier keys that activate a pointing action |
CManagedMouseWheelTrigger | Class ManagedMouseWheelTrigger encapsulates the combination of required and ignored modifier keys that must be pressed while the mouse wheel is rotated |
CManagedOffsetTrigger | Class ManagedOffsetTrigger may contain a ManagedMouseButtonTrigger, a ManagedMouseWheelTrigger, or one (or two) ManagedKeyboardShortcut, together with a sensitivity configuration |
CMatrixHashFunction | Struct for retrieving a hash key for a Matrix4 which is used in the caches for voxel bounding boxes |
CMatrixHashPair | Struct for storing hash information for hashing by a Matrix4 and its precomputed hash key |
CmeasureSkeletonAgent | — Class measureSkeletonAgent |
Cml_out_edge_iterator | |
Cml_ug_out_edge_iterator | Iterator class to iterate over all out edges of a vertex (out_edge_iterator) |
CMLAccessDirectDicomImportWrapper | This class wraps MLAccessDirectDicomImportCache objects |
CMLAccumulatedProfile | |
CMLApplicationPropertyCallbacks | Defines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access |
CMLBaseWithParameterInfoWrapper | A class that wraps BaseWithParameterInfo objects for use in Python, and inspectable by the ParameterInfoInspector module |
CMLCallGraphFunction | |
CMLCallGraphNode | |
CMLCountProfile | |
CMLCurrentlyUsedMemoryTracker | |
CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeLoaderPlugin | Base class for plugins which support loading of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file loading) |
CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeWriterPlugin | Base class for plugins which support writing of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file saving) |
CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCache | Class for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules |
CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCacheContainer | Structure containing a container for pixel frames and an index of the most recently used one |
CMLDICOMCachedIOProxies | An instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all caches are not removed as long as an instance of this exists |
CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCache | Class for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules |
►CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheMap | Structure containing the DCMTag look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names |
CTagHashFunction | This is a self defined hash function for the boost::unordered map used as cache for tags |
CTagKey | TagKey for the tag cache |
CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache | Class for DICOM tree accesses and caching of them for DICOM importing modules |
CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMap | Class containing the DCMTree look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names |
CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMapEntry | Class describing one entry in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache of cached DICOM trees |
CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheSingleMFMapEntry | Class describing one SingleMultiFrameFrame entry in the map of locked single frames in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache |
CMLGlobalFunctionKey | |
CMLMemoryAllocator | The memory allocator used by the memory manager |
CMLMemoryBlockHandle | The strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock |
CMLMemoryManager | The memory manager |
CMLMemoryProfile | |
CMLMetaProfile | |
CMLMetaProfilePtr | The pointer is automatically reset when the metaprofile is destroyed |
CMLMFPixDataFramesCacheEntry | Small helper class to manage a list of data frames related to a filename |
CMLParameterInfoWrapper | A class that wraps ParameterInfo objects for use in Python, and inspectable by the ParameterInfoInspector module |
CMLPCLBaseObjectWrapper | This class is an object wrapper for MultiFileVolume objects for Python |
CMLProfilingManager | |
CMLTimeProfile | |
CMLTimeProfileHandle | |
CMLTimer | |
►CMLTimeStatistics | Time is stored in seconds |
CValues | |
CMLTypeInfos | Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type |
CMLWeakMemoryBlockHandle | The weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock |
CMunkres | |
CMutableView2DPosition | MutableView2DPosition just exists as a way to set the values in a View2DPosition object which will be attached to a SoPointerPosition |
CNodeAnalyser | — Class NodeAnalyser |
►COpenGL | MeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton) |
CTypeInfo | Struct to store infos about a type, e.g., about a uniform |
CPixelBoundingBox | |
CPropertyContainer | |
CPropertyManager | |
CPropertyTraits | Class PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way |
CPropertyTraits< double > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLint16 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLint32 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLint64 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLint8 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLuint16 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLuint32 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLuint64 > | |
CPropertyTraits< MLuint8 > | |
CPropertyTraits< Vector3 > | |
CPropertyTraits< Vector6 > | |
CPropertyValue | Class PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way |
CSbFocusInfo | Class transporting focus information for one sub graph |
CSbGroundplane | |
CSbList | This contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations |
►CSbMap | Open Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType |
CAccessClass | AccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator on an SbMap |
CByLevelIterator | SbMap::ByLevelIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map top to bottom, level by level left to right. |
CIterator | Regular low->high (++) and high->low (–) iterator class for an SbMap |
CParentFirstIterator | SbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from top to bottom |
CParentLastIterator | SbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from bottom to top |
CSbMapItem | Class SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree |
CSbMLImageProperties | Inventor element storing ML image properties in the OpenInventor state |
CSbPolygonLayer | |
CSbSamplerInfo | Open Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler |
CSbSet | |
CSbSlabRenderingProperties | Open Inventor element to store information about current slab mode |
CScalarAndComplexTypes | Defines a variable type for the complex datatypes (float and double) to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CScalarTypes | Defines a variable type for all built-in datatypes to be used with a TypedProcessAllPagesHandler/TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler |
CSiemensASCIIConvertParser | Deprecated helper class SiemensASCIIConvertParser to partially decode Siemens ASCII CSAHeader contents and providing by-name access to values of the ASCIIConvert-Part of a Siemens proprietary MR Spectroscopy data set |
CSkeleton | Skeleton objects represent centerline voxels stored in a VesselEdge object |
CSmartPropertyIndex | A self-updating index for efficient name-based access of properties |
CSoActionLog | |
CSoActionNotify | |
CSoArrow | Generates an arrow the arrow has a position and a reference point, from where he points at |
CSoAxis | |
CSoBackground | SoBackground renders a background bar It uses the lookuptable element to draw a 8bit Lookuptable on the bar rendering |
CSoBlendMode | Class SoBlendMode to manage the blending state in an Open Inventor node |
CSoBlockNotification | SoBlockNotification is a SoGroup that blocks parent notifications on underlying scene changes |
CSoCalculatorWrapper | SoCalculatorWrapper wraps the SoCalculator engine to make it usable inside of MeVisLab |
CSoCameraViewAll | The Inventor module class SoCameraViewAll derived from SoNode |
CSoCast | |
CSoCheckShaderSupport | Open Inventor node to check if OpenGL shader support is provided by the OpenGL driver |
CSoClearBuffers | |
CSoClearShaderState | Open Inventor node to clear shader state |
CSoClipBox | SoClipBox defines a node with 6 clipping plane manipulators that are arrange on the sides of a box |
CSoCommandAction | SoCommandAction is the base class for instantaneous actions |
CSoCoordinateSystem | |
CSoCrossHair | |
CSoCSO3DVis | Module for visualizing CSOs in 3D as an Open Inventor scene |
CSoCSOAngleEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance polyline CSO |
CSoCSOAnnotationDeviceCoordinates | Extension computing the device coordinates for annotation on a viewer for visible CSOs |
CSoCSOArrowEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying an arrow icon CSO |
CSoCSOBulgeEditor | Extension for bulging any type of CSO in an influence radius |
CSoCSOCreatorEditorExtension | Base class for extensions that extend the editor with interaction and rendering for specific CSO types and that can create new CSOs |
►CSoCSOCrossSectionRenderer | Extension for rendering CSOs in their cross-section |
CCrossingPoint | |
CSoCSODefaultRenderer | Extension for rendering CSOs |
CSoCSODistanceLineEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance line CSO |
CSoCSODistancePolylineEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a distance polyline CSO |
CSoCSODrawOnSurface | |
CSoCSODrawOnSurfaceCancelCommandAction | |
CSoCSODrawOnSurfaceDrawAction | |
CSoCSODrawOnSurfaceRedoCommandAction | |
CSoCSODrawOnSurfaceUndoCommandAction | |
CSoCSOEditorExtension | Base class for an editor extension for the SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor |
CSoCSOEllipseEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a circle/ellipse CSO |
CSoCSOFillingRenderer | Extension for rendering filled (tessellated) CSOs |
CSoCSOGeneralRendererEditorExtension | Base class for extensions that render all CSOs of a CSOList |
CSoCSOImageStatistics | Extension for gathering voxel information inside CSOs on the current slice |
CSoCSOIsoEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying an iso CSO |
CSoCSOLabelRenderer | Extension for rendering labels for CSOs |
CSoCSOLineCreatorEditorExtension | Base class for extensions that generate line-type CSOs with special interaction on finished CSOs |
CSoCSOLiveWireEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a live wire CSO |
CSoCSOModifyEditor | Extension for modifying an existing CSO |
CSoCSOPointEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a point CSO |
CSoCSOPolygonEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a polygon CSO |
CSoCSORectangleEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a square/rectangle CSO |
CSoCSOSplineEditor | Extension for rendering, generating, and modifying a spline CSO |
CSoCSOTransform | Abstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes |
CSoCSOTransformEditor | Extension for transforming existing CSOs |
CSoCSOTransformElement | |
CSoCSOVisualizationSettings | |
CSoDragger3D | SoDragger3D is a 3d dragger consisting of a 2d and 1d draggers |
CSoDummy | SoDummy class is used to create a place holder node if the created node was unknown |
CSoExtText2 | Implements a node similar to SoText2, but by using the GLUT font and some extra features (shadow, background, etc.) |
CSoFlash | OpenInventor node SoFlash provides a changing material node that blends one color into another |
CSoFocus | SoFocus is a general facility to detect focus changes |
CSoFocusElement | Open Inventor Element defining if the currently rendered Graph has the focus |
CSoFragmentShader | Open Inventor fragment shader node |
CSoFramebufferSampler | Abstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes based on a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSampler2D | Open Inventor sampler node that gets it's 2D image from a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSampler3D | Open Inventor sampler node that gets it's 3D image from a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSamplerElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoGeometryShader | Open Inventor geometry shader node |
CSoGLClearError | |
CSoGLColorDepthInfo | |
CSoGLCompleteShader | Shader class which directly takes src for vertex, geometry and/or fragment shader, compiles and links it |
CSoGLGet | |
CSoGLInventorShaderProgram | Derived class which supports OpenGL legacy emulation and updating of uniforms when rendering Inventor scenes |
CSoGLRenderState | Class SoGLRenderState to manage the GL state in an Open Inventor node |
CSoGLShader | Abstract base class for shader objects |
CSoGLShaderObject | Vertex or fragment shader object class |
►CSoGLShaderProgram | Class managing an OpenGL shader program |
CUniformInfo | Information structure for SoGLShaderObject containing location, type, and size |
CSoGLShaderProgramAllowedElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoGLShaderProgramElement | Open Inventor element representing a SoGLShaderProgram in the Open Inventor state |
CSoGLStateInfo | |
CSoGLVertexAttributeElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes |
CSoGroundplaneElement | |
CSoGroundplaneVerticesElement | |
CSoImageSampler | The abstract Inventor class SoImageSampler |
CSoInheritedFramebufferSampler | Open Inventor node used to access a previous OpenGL framebuffer sampler |
CSoInteraction | SoInteraction is the base class for SoCommandAction, SoPointingAction, and SoOffsetAction |
CSoInteractionController | SoInteractionController is the controlling instance of managed interactions |
CSoInteractionCoordinator | Provides a coordinating interface to the SoInteractionHandlers in the scene |
CSoInteractionCoordinatorElement | Element that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer |
CSoInteractionHandler | SoInteractionHandler is a mix-in class for instances of SoNode to handle the interactions it provides in the handleEvent method |
CSoInteractionMapper | SoInteractionMapper is the base class for instances that map SoPointingActions or SoCommandActions to other key/button combinations |
CSoInteractionNode | SoInteractionNode is the base class for normal interaction nodes in OpenInventor that handle their interactions directly |
CSoInteractionOwner | SoInteractionOwner is a mix-in class for instances of SoNode that should have interaction objects |
CSoInteractionOwnerListenerInterface | Interface for getting notified about changes in the interaction list of an owner |
CSoInteractionProvider | SoInteractionProvider is an abstract interface class that provides interactions to the SoInteractionController |
CSoInteractionProviderNode | SoInteractionProviderNode is the base class for all interaction nodes in OpenInventor |
CSoKeyGrabber | SoKeyGrabber is a general facility to grab keyboard events |
CSoMetaInformationMap | SoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state |
CSoMFShaderObject | Open Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader objects |
CSoMFUniformShaderParameter | Open Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader parameters |
CSoMLImageElement | Inventor element storing ML image properties in the Open Inventor state |
CSoMLImageProps | Inventor node providing access to ML image properties |
CSoMLLUT | Open Inventor node implementing an interface to the ml::LUTFunction |
CSoMLLUTChangeColor | Defines a change color extension to the SoMLLUT |
CSoMLLUTElement | Open Inventor element to administrate a pointer to a SoMLLUT node in the inventor state |
CSoMLLUTExtension | SoMLLUTExtension is a base class to extends the SoMLLut with functionality |
CSoMLLUTExtensionElement | SoMLLUTExtensionElement collects a list of SoGVRExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step |
CSoMLSampler | Abstract base class for sampler nodes that handle ML images |
CSoMLSampler1D | Sampler node that uses a 1D ML subimage to define a 1D sampler |
CSoMLSampler2D | Sampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler |
CSoMLSampler3D | Sampler node that uses a 3D ML subimage to define a 3D sampler |
CSoMLSamplerCubeMap | Sampler node that uses 6 2D ML subimages to define a Cubemap sampler |
CSoMLTexture2 | |
CSoMLTransform | SoMLTransform applies the ML WorldToVoxel matrix to the Inventor scene |
CSoMLVolumeBox | SoMLVolumeBox renders a background bar |
CSoMouseGrabber | SoMouseGrabber is a general facility to grab mouse events and to map mouse movement to x/y values |
CSoMultiPassFramebufferSampler | Open Inventor node to accumulate multiple render passes in a sampler |
CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoMultiplePass | Open Inventor group node traversing its subgraph a number of times |
CSoOffsetAction | SoOffsetAction is the base class for any interaction that only provides (numeric) offsets in one or two axes |
CSoOffsetPointingAction | SoOffsetPointingAction is an internal proxy class that helps controlling SoOffsetActions through a SoPointingAction |
CSoOrthoView2D | SoOrthoView2D uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views |
CSoOrthoView2DBase | SoOrthoView2DBase uses three SoView2D nodes to create a 3D ortho viewer with three 2D views |
CSoPickableShadowCast | |
CSoPicking | |
CSoPixelScaleAccess | |
CSoPlaneDragger | Defines a plane dragger that can be used to manipulate a plane (and translation+rotation) |
CSoPlaneSync | Open Inventor node calculating a new translation from a translation, a rotation and a distance factor |
CSoPointerPosition | SoPointerPosition manages the current position of the mouse cursor |
CSoPointingAction | SoPointingAction is the base class for any mouse based interaction |
CSoPolygonLayerElement | |
CSoResolutionIndependentViewerProxy | |
CSoRotateCamera | Allows to rotate the camera around the focal point |
CSoSampler | Abstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes |
CSoSampler2D | Abstract Open Inventor base class for 2D sampler nodes |
CSoSamplerInfoElement | Element stores information about all current sampler nodes |
►CSoSceneWriter | Open Inventor engine to write scene representation to file |
CCOLORED_POINT | Struct holds point information when VRML_2 output is applied on SGI Inventor scenes |
ChashColoredPoint | For computing a hash value for a colored point |
CSoSelection2 | |
CSoSFMLBase | The SoSFMLBase field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output ML Base objects to the outside world |
CSoSFMLConnector | SoSFMLConnector field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output input/output ML connector fields to the outside world |
CSoSFMLImage | The SoSFMLImage field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to access image data (in the current implementation from the ML - MeVis Image Processing Library) |
CSoShader | Shader-releated types |
CSoShaderBuilder | |
CSoShaderObject | Abstract Open Inventor node for vertex or fragment shader nodes |
CSoShaderObjectElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of vertex or fragment shader nodes in the Open Inventor state |
CSoShaderParameter | Abstract Open Inventor group base class for shader parameter nodes |
CSoShaderParameter1f | Open Inventor uniform shader node that defines one float parameter |
CSoShaderParameter1fv | Open Inventor uniform shader node that defines an array of float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter1i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one integer parameter |
CSoShaderParameter2f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter2i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters |
CSoShaderParameter3f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter3i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three integer parameters |
CSoShaderParameter4f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderParameterCollector | A helper class that collects uniforms instead of setting them to a shader |
CSoShaderParameterColor | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines tree float parameters using a color selector |
CSoShaderParameterMatrix | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines a matrix parameter |
CSoShaderParameterMLImageProps | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines integer and float parameters to represent the size and range of a connected ML image |
CSoShaderParameterMLImageSize | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters to represent the size of a connected ML image |
CSoShaderParameterPlane | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderParameterRotation | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderProgram | Open Inventor shader program node |
►CSoShaderRepository | |
CSourceInfo | |
CSoShadowAwareTransformerManip | |
CSoShadowCallback | |
CSoShadowCast | |
CSoShadowFaceDetail | |
CSoShadowMaterial | |
CSoShadowMatrixElement | |
CSoShadowRenderElement | |
CSoShadowSwitch | |
CSoShowFPS | SoShowFPS renders the current frame rate onto the scene |
CSoSlabRenderingElement | Inventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state |
CSoToggle | SoToggle is a SoSwitch node that has a boolean field to toggle the underlying scene graph on/off |
CSoUniformParameterBase | Base class for uniform shader parameters |
CSoUniformShaderParameter | Abstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes |
CSoUniformShaderParameterElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes |
CSoVectorToFloat | SoVectorToFloat transforms vector to float (not an engine) |
CSoVertexAttribute1f | Vertex attribute of type float |
CSoVertexAttribute1i | Vertex attribute of type Int32 |
CSoVertexAttribute1ui | Vertex attribute of type UInt32 |
CSoVertexAttribute2f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec2f |
CSoVertexAttribute3f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec3f |
CSoVertexAttribute4f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec4f |
CSoVertexAttribute4ub | Vertex attribute of type UInt32 interpreted as 4 unsigned bytes NOTE: the values are interpreted as RGBA colors in the sense of a SbColor::getPackedValue() |
CSoVertexAttributeBase | Open Inventor vertex attribute nodes |
CSoVertexAttributeInfo | Open Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes |
CSoVertexAttributeRotation | Vertex attribute of type SbRotation |
CSoVertexShader | Open Inventor vertex shader node |
CSoView2D | SoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data |
►CSoView2DAnnotation | Annotation extension for the SoView2D |
CMargins | Stores top/bottom/left/right margins |
CSoView2DArrowHeadSettings | |
CSoView2DAutoCenter | Node that allows a View2D zoom fly in on mouse click |
CSoView2DBorder | SoView2D extension that draws a border with variable width and highlighting of focused viewport |
CSoView2DBorderHighlight | SoView2D extension that draws a border around a selected range of slices |
CSoView2DButton | |
CSoView2DCallback | SoView2DCallback allows to set a callback for evalEvent and draw virtual functions of a SoView2DExtension |
CSoView2DCine | |
CSoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor | |
CSoView2DCurrentState | Implements additional features for SyngoVia-like annotations |
CSoView2DDeformationGridView | SoView2DExtension for displaying a vector field |
CSoView2DDrawingSettings | Drawing settings that can be overwritten by extensions |
CSoView2DEnlargeOnClick | Allows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel |
CSoView2DExtension | SoView2DExtension Base class for all View2DExtensions used for drawing and event handling on the View2D |
CSoView2DExtensionElement | SoView2DExtensionElement collects a list of SoView2DExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step |
CSoView2DExtensionSampler | |
CSoView2DExtensionSeparator | SoView2D extension for grouping of extensions to control event evaluation |
CSoView2DGrid | The Inventor module class SoView2DGrid derived from SoView2DExtension |
CSoView2DHint | SoView2DHint allows to switch the SoView2D module into 3D rendering mode |
CSoView2DHintElement | SoView2DHintElement is read by the SoView2D and influences it's rendering mode The SoView2DHintElement is typically set by the SoView2DHint node |
CSoView2DInteractionExtension | SoView2DInteractionExtension is base class for all SoView2DExtensions that want to support the Managed Interactions and provide a single SoPointingAction |
CSoView2DKeyboardAction | |
CSoView2DLabel | |
CSoView2DLegend | SoView2DLegend allows to draw legends on SoView2D |
CSoView2DMagnifyController | The Inventor module class SoView2DMagnifyController derived from SoView2DExtension |
CSoView2DOverlay | Draws an overlay image on the SoView2D |
CSoView2DOverlayDecoration | Draws an overlay image on the SoView2D |
CSoView2DPlane | |
CSoView2DPosition | Draw and edit a position on the SoView2D |
CSoView2DRectangle | Allows drawing and editing of a rectangle on a SoView2D |
►CSoView2DRigidRegistrationEditor | Gui grabber to accumulate a transformation matrix |
CUndoStep | |
►CSoView2DRigidRegistrationEditorBase | Interactive editor to accumulate a transformation matrix |
CRegistrationState | |
►CSoView2DRuler | SoView2D extension for drawing rulers |
CPixelBoundingBox | |
CSoView2DShaderCustomInclude | The helper class for the include which is added to the GVR |
CSoView2DShaderCustomOperation | Container class to specify a change operation with a custom function for the shader pipeline |
CSoView2DShaderDevicePosition | |
►CSoView2DShaderDiagnosis | |
CSettings | |
CShaderDiagnosis | Class that is used for returning advanced shader diagnosis |
CSoView2DShaderElement | |
CSoView2DShaderFunction | |
CSoView2DShaderFunctionBase | |
CSoView2DShaderInclude | |
CSoView2DShaderOperation | Container class to specify a change operation for the shader pipeline shader |
►CSoView2DShaderOverlay | |
CActionState | |
CCachedShader | |
CSoView2DShaderOverlayInfo | Stores information for each overlay to render |
CSoView2DShaderState | Stores the state that defines the shader of the shader pipeline, used to detect if a regeneration of the shader is needed |
CSoView2DSlicePan | Allows to pan the slice by mouse movement inside of a SoView2D |
CSoView2DSlicer | Allows changing the current slice of the SoView2D with mouse movement and mousewheel |
CSoView2DSliceZoom | Allows to change the slice zoom by y mouse movement |
CSoView2DSlider | Displays an interactive slider in a 2D view |
CSoView2DTransRot | Allows to edit a rotation and translation on a SoView2D |
CSoView2DVectorFieldView | SoView2DExtension for displaying a vector field |
CSoView2DVoxelValue | Reads the voxel value at the mouse position on a SoView2D |
CSoView2DVoxelView | SoView2DExtension for detailed voxel viewing |
CSoViewerElement | Element that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer |
CSoViewerProxy | This class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal |
CSoViewportRegion | |
CSoVirtualVolume | For fast voxel based access to paged ML images; see also mlVirtualVolume and mlTVirtualVolume in project MLTools for examples etc |
CStringX | Defines library specific stuff, mostly for system independence |
CTessellationCrossingPoint | |
CToStringVisitor | |
CTypedObjectHolderBase | Base class for all derived classes containing an itk object type pointer and some of its basic information |
CTypedObjectHolderT | Typed version of a mini class containing an itkObject smart pointer |
CTypeStringVisitor | |
CVesselEdge | Class VesselEdge |
CVesselNode | VesselNode is derived from GraphNode, hence it can be stored as node item in a class Graph object |
CView2DCine | |
CView2DCineParameters | This class provides the cine mode for SoView2D and SoView2DCine |
CView2DDraw | GL extended drawing routines, used by SoView2DExtensions, e.g. SoView2DSphere |
CView2DEvent | View2DEvent stores all information on an event on a SoView2D |
CView2DFont | Abstract GL font drawing using FTGL |
CView2DFontFTGL | Abstract GL font drawing using FTGL |
CView2DFontQt | Qt based implementation of View2DFont |
CView2DIcons | Defines and implements a class to store multiple images and draw them via OpenGL |
CView2DInteractionHandler | View2DInteractionHandler is derived from SoInteractionHandler mainly to provide additional SoView2D information to the SoPointerPosition passed to many SoPointingAction methods |
CView2DInteractionProvider | The View2DInteractionProvider extracts the interactions from the SoView2DExtensions |
CView2DLut | A small wrapper class for the LUT data |
CView2DPosition | This class stores all position information needed by SoView2DExtensions to handle the pointer position |
CView2DShader | Base class for hardware shaders that can be used on a View2DTexture |
CView2DShaderCacheGLSL | Global GLSL shader cache for all shaders that are used in the SoView2D |
►CView2DShaderGLSL | Specialized shader that uses GLSL to implement a (up-to) 16 bit Hardware Lut |
CShader | Stores a full shader program for the given configuration |
CShaderConfig | Stores a shader configuration |
CView2DSlice | Single slice that is stored in a View2DSliceList, typically created by a View2DSliceList |
CView2DSliceList | List that holds all View2DSlice objects (lazily created) of a SoView2D |
CView2DTexture | A class to render images as OpenGL Textures |
CView2DTextureLUTShader | Abstract base class for shaders that use a 2D texture for LUT lookup |
CXString | Class transcoding local code page to XMLCh data for display |
CXVImageSize | SoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes |
CXVStatus | Class for passing status information to a host system |