MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Annotation extension for the SoView2D. More...
#include <SoView2DAnnotation.h>
Classes | |
struct | Margins |
Stores top/bottom/left/right margins. More... | |
Public Types | |
Mode for alignment of text boxes on viewer. More... | |
Public Types inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
enum | Sign { ZERO , NEGATIVE , POSITIVE } |
defines the sign of a number, with zero as an extra value More... | |
Public Types inherited from SoInteractionProvider | |
typedef SoInteractionProvider *(* | GetProviderFunc) (SoNode *) |
Public Member Functions | |
SoView2DAnnotation () | |
Constructor. More... | |
~SoView2DAnnotation () override | |
void | draw (View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, int slice) override |
draw annotations on slice More... | |
bool | evalEvent (SoView2D *view2d, View2DSliceList *slicelist, View2DEvent *ec, View2DEventPhase phase) override |
handle keyboard events More... | |
void | toggleAnnotation () |
toggle displayed information More... | |
void | toggleTechnicalInfo () |
void | parseString (View2DSliceList *list, View2DSlice *slice, const SbString &string, SbString &resultString, int limitToChars=-1) |
parses the given string and substitutes and More... | |
void | drawAnnotation (const char *string, const PixelBoundingBox &pixelBoundingBox, int fontsize, AlignPosition pos, bool shouldDrawBox, int &outBoxWidth, int &outBoxHeight) |
draws an AnnotationBox at the given position More... | |
float | decimalFloor (float number, SbString &result, int ÷r) |
returns the closest decimal floor and copies a printable string into the buffer More... | |
void | drawVerticalRuler (View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, bool drawText, int marginRight, const PixelBoundingBox &pixelBoundingBox) |
draws an annotated ruler More... | |
void | drawHorizontalRuler (View2DSliceList *dsl, View2DSlice *dslice, bool drawText, int marginBottom, const PixelBoundingBox &pixelBoundingBox) |
virtual bool | drawVerticalRulerTextBelow () const |
override this to draw the unit text below the vertical ruler instead of to the left of it. More... | |
void | drawOrientation (const char *string, float posX, float posY, float fontSize, View2DFont *font, float relOffX, float relOffY, float *orWeights) |
Draw orientation letters. More... | |
virtual Margins | calculateTextMargins (int width, int height) |
calculates the margin of the text annotations (to be reimplemented by a derived class) More... | |
virtual Margins | calculateCenterTextMargins (int width, int height) |
margins for center text (horizontally) can be different More... | |
virtual int | calculateOrientationModelSize (int width, int height) |
calculates the size of the orientation model More... | |
virtual int | calculateOrientationModelOffset (int viewSize, const SoSFFloat &relativeOffset, const SoSFInt32 &minOffsetPixels, const SoSFInt32 &maxOffsetPixels) |
calculates an offset for the orientation model position More... | |
SbMatrix | calculateOrientationModelRotationMatrix (View2DSlice *slice) |
calculates the rotation matrix for the orientation model More... | |
virtual void | drawOrientationCube (const SbMatrix &rotationMatrix, int posX, int posY, int modelSize) |
draws the annotation model for the given rotation matrix at the given position and size using the built in model More... | |
virtual void | drawAndStoreCubePolygon (char letter, const SbMatrix &rotationMatrix, int posX, int posY, int modelSize, int pass, const SbVec3f &pos0, const SbVec3f &pos1, const SbVec3f &pos2, const SbVec3f &pos3) |
Draws an orientation cube polygon (a side of the cube) and stores the projected polygon in an internal structure for a later hit test. More... | |
virtual void | drawOrientationModelUsingInventor (SoAction *action, const SbMatrix &rotationMatrix, int posX, int posY, int modelSize) |
draws the annotation model for the given rotation matrix at the given position and size using the inOrientationModel scene More... | |
virtual void | drawOrientationCubeLetter (char letter, int modelSize, bool shadowPass) |
draw the given letters. More... | |
virtual bool | implementsManagedInteraction () const |
also implements managed interactions More... | |
bool | implementsManagedInteractionAndClassicEventHandling () const override |
this node is a hybrid module providing managed interaction and classic event handling More... | |
bool | isSensitiveAt (const SoPointerPosition &pos) override |
interface forwarded from SoPointingAction: More... | |
void | startPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &pos) override |
void | dragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &pos) override |
SoPointingAction * | endPress (int clickCount) override |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoView2DInteractionExtension | |
SoView2DInteractionExtension (const std::string &actionID, bool positionSensitive=true) | |
SoView2DInteractionExtension () | |
Constructor. More... | |
bool | implementsManagedInteractionAndClassicEventHandling () const override |
this node is a hybrid module providing managed interaction and classic event handling More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
SoView2DExtension () | |
Constructor. More... | |
void | init () |
setup internal state More... | |
virtual void | updateValues () |
Update fields to local variables, may be reimplemented if you want to update additional local vars. More... | |
virtual void | startDrawing (View2DSliceList *) |
virtual void | endDrawing (View2DSliceList *) |
virtual void | overwriteDrawingSettings (SoView2DDrawingSettings &) |
View2DEvent * | getEvent () |
get the current event (when inside of evalEvent) More... | |
float | getSelectDist () |
Set the distance tolerance on hit checking in pixels. More... | |
bool | isPointInsideDeviceRect (float pointX, float pointY, float centerX, float centerY, float hitRectangleSize=0.0) |
returns whether the given point is inside a rectangle around the given center. More... | |
void | drawMiniRect (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small rectangle with given half side length and a line width. More... | |
void | drawDashedMiniRect (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth) |
void | drawFilledMiniRect (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small filled rectangle with given half side length. More... | |
void | drawMiniTriangle (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small triangle with given center point, half height and line width. More... | |
void | drawFilledMiniTriangle (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small filled triangle with given center point and half height. More... | |
void | drawMiniCircle (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small circle with given center point and radius. More... | |
void | drawFilledMiniCircle (float xp, float yp, float ext, float lineWidth=1.f) |
Draws a small filled circle with given center point and radius. More... | |
void | drawFixedSizeMiniCircleAt (float xp, float yp) |
Draws a fixed size small circle at the given position. More... | |
void | drawVoxelBorder (View2DSlice *slice, float vx, float vy, float vz) |
surround the given voxel with a border More... | |
int | getX () |
get the x device position of current event, only returns valid result when called inside of evalEvent() More... | |
int | getY () |
get the y device position of current event, only returns valid result when called inside of evalEvent() More... | |
virtual bool | isDrawingOn () |
check if drawing is on More... | |
virtual bool | isEditingOn () |
check if editing is on More... | |
virtual bool | isFixZOn () |
check if z should stay fixed More... | |
virtual bool | isClipToSlice () |
check if the image is clipped to slice More... | |
virtual void | fieldChanged (SoSensor *sensor) |
handle if any field has changed More... | |
bool | isCreateNewMode () |
check if extension is in createNewMode More... | |
void | setCreateNewMode (bool flag) |
set this extension to create new objects More... | |
bool | isCreateNewModeRequest () |
check if extension has a request for createNewMode More... | |
void | setCreateNewModeRequest (bool flag) |
set that extension want to become createNewMode More... | |
virtual bool | isActive () |
returns if the extension is active (derive this method in child) (in createNewMode or with a selected object)(called by SoView2D) More... | |
virtual void | deleteSelectedObject () |
deletes the currently active object (derive this method in child) (called by SoView2D) More... | |
virtual void | getStatusString (SbString &status) |
get the current status of this extension More... | |
virtual bool | evaluateEvent (SoView2D *view2d, View2DEvent *ec) |
virtual bool | ignoreEvent (View2DEvent *ec) |
Return true if ec has been handled before and if ignoreHandledEvents is True. More... | |
bool | wantsMouseOverUpdates () const |
public access to _wantsMouseOverUpdateEvents More... | |
virtual void | consumeEvent (View2DEvent *ec, bool handled=TRUE) |
Set handled-flag of ec to true (= consumed) if handled is True and setEventHandled is True. More... | |
int | getSelectedModifierMask () |
Get compare and ignore mask for the currently selected button/modifier combination, usable with SoPointingAction. More... | |
int | getSelectedIgnoreMask () |
SoPointingAction::Trigger | getPointingActionTriggerFromFields () |
Get the trigger that matches the button/modifier field state. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProviderNode | |
SoInteractionProviderNode () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
~SoInteractionProviderNode () override | |
Destructor. More... | |
std::string | getID () const override |
Returns the ID string for identifying the provider and its actions. More... | |
void | objRef () override |
Memory management by reference counting; must be implemented in derived classes. More... | |
void | objUnref () override |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionOwner | |
SoInteractionOwner () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
~SoInteractionOwner () override | |
The destructor will destroy all interactions created with this object as owner. More... | |
std::list< SoInteraction * > | getInteractions (SoState *state) override |
Returns the list of all interactions of this provider. More... | |
void | pointerPosition (SoState *state, const SoPointerPosition &pos) override |
Same as below, with additional SoState argument. By default, simply calls the below version. More... | |
void | pointerLeftWindow (SoState *state) override |
Same as below, with additional SoState argument. By defaults, simply calls the below version. More... | |
void | addListener (SoInteractionOwnerListenerInterface *listener) |
Adds a listener object that is notified of changes in the interaction list. More... | |
void | removeListener (SoInteractionOwnerListenerInterface *listener) |
Removes a listener object that was notified of changes in the interaction list. More... | |
Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProvider | |
SoInteractionProvider () | |
Default constructor. More... | |
virtual | ~SoInteractionProvider () |
template<class T > | |
std::list< T * > | getInteractionsOfType (SoState *state) |
Returns list of interactions of a specific type. More... | |
virtual std::list< SoCommandAction * > | getCommandActions (SoState *state) |
virtual std::list< SoPointingAction * > | getPointingActions (SoState *state) |
virtual std::list< SoOffsetAction * > | getOffsetActions (SoState *state) |
Static Public Member Functions | |
static void | initClass () |
inventor runtime type system More... | |
static void | getExtOrientation (int axis, SbMatrix &matrix, float *orWeights, char *negOrientation, char *posOrientation) |
Return extended orientation letters (up to three letters for oblique views) and weights. More... | |
static SbVec2f | getTargetSizeInScene (SoNode *scene, int width, int height) |
Get the minimum view port size of all SoView2Ds in the given scene, provided the scene would be displayed in a viewer with size windowX * windowY. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoView2DInteractionExtension | |
static void | initClass () |
Initializes this class. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
static void | initClass () |
Initializes this class. More... | |
static float | snapToPixelCenter (float coordinateComponent) |
Snaps the coordinate component to the pixel center. More... | |
static void | fieldChangedCB (void *data, SoSensor *sensor) |
inventor callbacks if any field has changed, calls fieldChanged More... | |
static bool | isImageParallel (SoSFMLImage *image, View2DSliceList *dsl) |
Return true if image is parallel to the image of the slice list up to slice thickness. More... | |
static void | enableLineStippling (const SoSFEnum &lineStyleField) |
Set/reset stippling pattern. More... | |
static void | disableLineStippling (const SoSFEnum &lineStyleField) |
static void | getAxisOrientation (int axis, SbMatrix &matrix, char &negativeResult, char &positiveResult) |
Geometry helpers. More... | |
static float | pointToLineDistance (SbVec3f point, SbVec3f line1, SbVec3f line2) |
calculate 3D point to line distance More... | |
static float | pointToLineDistance (SbVec2f point, SbVec2f line1, SbVec2f line2) |
calculate 2D point to line distance More... | |
static Sign | edgeIntersectWithPlane (const SbVec3f &v1, const SbVec3f &v2, const SbPlane &plane, SbVec3f &intersect) |
intersect given edge from v1 to v2 with given plane, returns sign and intersect point More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProviderNode | |
static void | initClass () |
Initializes this class. More... | |
Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProvider | |
static void | registerInteractionProviderNode (SoType type, GetProviderFunc func) |
Registers a function to obtain a SoInteractionProvider from a SoNode. More... | |
static SoInteractionProvider * | getInteractionProvider (SoNode *node) |
Returns a SoInteractionProvider from a SoNode if registered, else NULL. More... | |
Public Attributes | |
SoSFString | annotationUserTopLeft |
Fields. More... | |
SoSFString | annotationUserTopRight |
SoSFString | annotationUserBottomLeft |
SoSFString | annotationUserBottomRight |
SoSFString | annotationUserBottomCenter |
SoSFString | annotationCTTopLeft |
SoSFString | annotationCTTopRight |
SoSFString | annotationCTBottomLeft |
SoSFString | annotationCTBottomRight |
SoSFString | annotationCTBottomCenter |
SoSFString | annotationMRTopLeft |
SoSFString | annotationMRTopRight |
SoSFString | annotationMRBottomLeft |
SoSFString | annotationMRBottomRight |
SoSFString | annotationMRBottomCenter |
SoSFString | shortTopLeft |
SoSFString | shortTopRight |
SoSFString | shortBottomLeft |
SoSFString | shortBottomRight |
SoSFString | shortBottomCenter |
SoSFInt32 | minDetailFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | maxDetailFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | minShortFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | maxShortFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | userDetailFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | userShortFontSize |
SoSFInt32 | rulerFontSize |
SoSFEnum | annotationMode |
SoSFEnum | showAnnotation |
SoSFEnum | annotationFontSize |
SoSFBool | textShadow |
SoSFColor | textShadowColor |
SoSFBool | rulerShadow |
SoSFString | fontWidthDummyString |
SoSFInt32 | targetWidth |
SoSFInt32 | targetHeight |
SoSFInt32 | marginTop |
SoSFInt32 | marginLeft |
SoSFInt32 | marginBottom |
SoSFInt32 | marginRight |
SoSFInt32 | abreviateChars |
SoSFInt32 | abreviateShortChars |
SoSFEnum | showOrientation |
SoSFBool | drawNegativeOrientation |
SoSFBool | drawPositiveOrientation |
SoSFColor | orientationColor |
SoSFBool | verticalRuler |
SoSFBool | horizontalRuler |
SoSFInt32 | verticalRulerMarginRight |
SoSFInt32 | horizontalRulerMarginBottom |
SoSFBool | orientationModel |
SoSFEnum | orientationModelPosition |
SoSFFloat | orientationModelRelativeSize |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMinSize |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMaxSize |
SoSFFloat | orientationModelRelativeVerticalOffset |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMinVerticalOffset |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMaxVerticalOffset |
SoSFFloat | orientationModelRelativeHorizontalOffset |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMinHorizontalOffset |
SoSFInt32 | orientationModelMaxHorizontalOffset |
SoSFColor | orientationModelColor |
SoSFBool | showTechnicalInfo |
SoSFString | input00 |
SoSFString | input01 |
SoSFString | input02 |
SoSFString | input03 |
SoSFString | input04 |
SoSFString | input05 |
SoSFString | input06 |
SoSFString | input07 |
SoSFString | input08 |
SoSFString | input09 |
SoSFDouble | numInput00 |
SoSFDouble | numInput01 |
SoSFDouble | numInput02 |
SoSFDouble | numInput03 |
SoSFDouble | numInput04 |
SoSFDouble | numInput05 |
SoSFDouble | numInput06 |
SoSFDouble | numInput07 |
SoSFDouble | numInput08 |
SoSFDouble | numInput09 |
SoSFBool | drawBackgroundBox |
SoSFColor | backgroundColor |
SoSFFloat | backgroundOpacity |
SoSFColor | backgroundEdgeColor |
SoSFFloat | backgroundEdgeOpacity |
SoSFNode | inOrientationModel |
SoSFBool | isMouseOverCube |
SoSFString | hitOrientationLetter |
SoSFBool | orientationAndScaleFromCamera |
field that enables getting the orientation matrix from the Inventor scene instead of the input image More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from SoView2DInteractionExtension | |
SoSFTrigger | singleClicked |
this is triggered when the user clicks without moving the mouse (this only is supported when using Managed Interaction) More... | |
SoSFTrigger | doubleClicked |
the same for the second click in a row More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
SoSFColor | color |
color that should be used for drawing More... | |
SoSFBool | drawingOn |
flag if the extension should draw, needs to be checked inside of the draw() method More... | |
SoSFBool | editingOn |
flag if the extension should edit objects on mouse events, needs to be checked inside of the evalEvent() method More... | |
SoSFBool | maskValid |
flag if the event mask is valid. More... | |
SoSFFloat | selectionTolerance |
the selection tolerance in pixels More... | |
SoSFBool | wantsAllEvents |
flag if ALL events should be passed to evalEvent(), if disabled, events are only passed to evalEvent when the mouse mask gets valid More... | |
SoSFBool | wantsKeyEvents |
flag if keyboard events should be passed to evalEvent() More... | |
SoSFBool | wantsMouseWheelEvents |
flag if MouseWheel events should be passed to evalEvent() More... | |
SoSFBool | setEventHandled |
Set event handled if it is indeed handled by this extension. More... | |
SoSFBool | ignoreHandledEvents |
Ignore events, that have been handled by previous extensions. More... | |
SoSFEnum | button1 |
mouse mask for button1 More... | |
SoSFEnum | button2 |
mouse mask for button2 More... | |
SoSFEnum | button3 |
mouse mask for button3 More... | |
SoSFEnum | shift |
shift modifier for mouse mask More... | |
SoSFEnum | control |
shift control for mouse mask More... | |
SoSFEnum | alt |
shift alt for mouse mask More... | |
SoSFBool | needsValidVoxel |
sets if a valid voxel must be hit to get evalEvent() calls More... | |
SoSFBool | renderOnSlab |
defines if the extension should be rendered on all slab slices More... | |
SoSFBool | createNewMode |
flag if extension is in createNewMode More... | |
SoSFTrigger | createNewModeRequest |
SoSFBool | clipToSlice |
Flag to clip drawing to slice. More... | |
SoSFEnum | cursorShape |
Set cursor shape if the mouse mask fits and mouseEvents are effectively sent to evalEvent for editing. More... | |
SoSFBool | fixZOn |
DEPRECATED flag that indicates that the extension should fix the z value, only used in SoView2DRectangle. More... | |
Public Attributes inherited from SoInteractionProviderNode | |
SoSFString | instanceName |
Defines interface field to store the instance name. More... | |
SoSFString | interactionProviderID |
This field overrides the instanceName as providerID if specified. More... | |
Protected Member Functions | |
virtual SbString | restrict (const SbString &value, int maxLength) const |
restrict string to maximum length, appending "..." if string was truncated More... | |
virtual SbString | asString (int value) const |
return numeric value formatted as string derived classes might e.g. More... | |
virtual SbString | asString (double value, int precision) const |
virtual SbString | getDicomTagValueAsString (DCMTree::Const_TagPtr tagPtr, unsigned int index, unsigned int precision) const |
get the value of a dicom tag for display purposes; derived classes might e.g. More... | |
void | editingOnChanged (SoField *field) override |
called when editingOn field is touched: More... | |
virtual void | clearViewerCache ([[maybe_unused]] SoField *field) |
called when any field is changed that affects cached changes More... | |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoView2DInteractionExtension | |
~SoView2DInteractionExtension () override | |
destructor More... | |
bool | isValidLocation (const SoPointerPosition &pos) |
return true if the position is inside the image or needsValidVoxel is not set More... | |
virtual bool | shouldPointingActionBeEnabled () |
void | editingOnChanged (SoField *field) override |
called when editingOn field is touched: More... | |
void | buttonMaskChanged (SoField *field) override |
called when one of the button/modifier fields is touched: More... | |
virtual int | getCurrentCursor (SoViewerProxy *viewerProxy) |
interface forwarded from SoPointingAction: More... | |
virtual void | setHighlightAt (const SoPointerPosition &) |
virtual void | unsetHighlight () |
virtual int | getNumInteractionModes () const |
virtual void | setInteractionMode (int) |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
virtual void | createNewModeRequestTriggered (SoField *) |
called when createNewModeRequest field ist touched: More... | |
~SoView2DExtension () override | |
destructor More... | |
void | GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action) override |
Inventor actions. More... | |
void | callback (SoCallbackAction *action) override |
void | handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action) override |
void | getMatrix (SoGetMatrixAction *action) override |
void | getBoundingBox (SoGetBoundingBoxAction *action) override |
void | pick (SoPickAction *action) override |
void | doAction (SoAction *action) override |
Protected Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionOwner | |
virtual void | pointerPosition (const SoPointerPosition &) |
Override this if you always need to be informed of the current mouse cursor position. More... | |
virtual void | pointerLeftWindow () |
This is called when the mouse cursor leaves the window. More... | |
bool | hasInteractions () const |
Returns whether there are any actions defined by this owner. More... | |
template<class T > | |
bool | hasInteractionsOfType () const |
Same as above, but asking for a specific type of interaction. More... | |
void | addPointingAction (SoPointingAction *) |
void | addCommandAction (SoCommandAction *) |
void | addOffsetAction (SoOffsetAction *) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
Protected Attributes inherited from SoView2DInteractionExtension | |
SoPointingAction * | _pointingAction |
Protected Attributes inherited from SoView2DExtension | |
SoNodeSensor * | _nodeSensor |
node sensor that is used to notice field changes More... | |
float | _rgbColor [4] |
Color of the object, update on each field change by _nodeSensor. More... | |
bool | _wantsMouseOverUpdateEvents |
set this flag to receive mouse over events while the extension is active More... | |
Annotation extension for the SoView2D.
For a detailed description of the module and its fields, see the MeVisLab HTML documentation
Definition at line 108 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
Mode for alignment of text boxes on viewer.
Enumerator | |
Definition at line 115 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoView2DAnnotation::SoView2DAnnotation | ( | ) |
override |
protectedvirtual |
protectedvirtual |
return numeric value formatted as string derived classes might e.g.
override the formatting
virtual |
margins for center text (horizontally) can be different
virtual |
calculates an offset for the orientation model position
SbMatrix SoView2DAnnotation::calculateOrientationModelRotationMatrix | ( | View2DSlice * | slice | ) |
calculates the rotation matrix for the orientation model
virtual |
calculates the size of the orientation model
virtual |
calculates the margin of the text annotations (to be reimplemented by a derived class)
inlineprotectedvirtual |
called when any field is changed that affects cached changes
Definition at line 385 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
float SoView2DAnnotation::decimalFloor | ( | float | number, |
SbString & | result, | ||
int & | divider | ||
) |
returns the closest decimal floor and copies a printable string into the buffer
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.
overridevirtual |
draw annotations on slice
Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.
virtual |
Draws an orientation cube polygon (a side of the cube) and stores the projected polygon in an internal structure for a later hit test.
void SoView2DAnnotation::drawAnnotation | ( | const char * | string, |
const PixelBoundingBox & | pixelBoundingBox, | ||
int | fontsize, | ||
AlignPosition | pos, | ||
bool | shouldDrawBox, | ||
int & | outBoxWidth, | ||
int & | outBoxHeight | ||
) |
draws an AnnotationBox at the given position
void SoView2DAnnotation::drawHorizontalRuler | ( | View2DSliceList * | dsl, |
View2DSlice * | dslice, | ||
bool | drawText, | ||
int | marginBottom, | ||
const PixelBoundingBox & | pixelBoundingBox | ||
) |
void SoView2DAnnotation::drawOrientation | ( | const char * | string, |
float | posX, | ||
float | posY, | ||
float | fontSize, | ||
View2DFont * | font, | ||
float | relOffX, | ||
float | relOffY, | ||
float * | orWeights | ||
) |
Draw orientation letters.
virtual |
draws the annotation model for the given rotation matrix at the given position and size using the built in model
virtual |
draw the given letters.
The letter should be drawn at [0.,0.] and may draw from [-0.5,-0.5] to [0.5, 0.5] to fill the side of the model. (Rotation and translation are done in the outer code).
virtual |
draws the annotation model for the given rotation matrix at the given position and size using the inOrientationModel scene
void SoView2DAnnotation::drawVerticalRuler | ( | View2DSliceList * | dsl, |
View2DSlice * | dslice, | ||
bool | drawText, | ||
int | marginRight, | ||
const PixelBoundingBox & | pixelBoundingBox | ||
) |
draws an annotated ruler
inlinevirtual |
override this to draw the unit text below the vertical ruler instead of to the left of it.
Definition at line 278 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
overrideprotectedvirtual |
called when editingOn field is touched:
Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.
overridevirtual |
handle keyboard events
Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.
protectedvirtual |
get the value of a dicom tag for display purposes; derived classes might e.g.
override the formatting
static |
Return extended orientation letters (up to three letters for oblique views) and weights.
static |
Get the minimum view port size of all SoView2Ds in the given scene, provided the scene would be displayed in a viewer with size windowX * windowY.
inlinevirtual |
also implements managed interactions
Definition at line 353 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
inlineoverridevirtual |
this node is a hybrid module providing managed interaction and classic event handling
Reimplemented from SoView2DExtension.
Definition at line 357 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
static |
inventor runtime type system
overridevirtual |
interface forwarded from SoPointingAction:
Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.
void SoView2DAnnotation::parseString | ( | View2DSliceList * | list, |
View2DSlice * | slice, | ||
const SbString & | string, | ||
SbString & | resultString, | ||
int | limitToChars = -1 |
) |
parses the given string and substitutes and
protectedvirtual |
restrict string to maximum length, appending "..." if string was truncated
overridevirtual |
Reimplemented from SoView2DInteractionExtension.
void SoView2DAnnotation::toggleAnnotation | ( | ) |
toggle displayed information
void SoView2DAnnotation::toggleTechnicalInfo | ( | ) |
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::abreviateChars |
Definition at line 175 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::abreviateShortChars |
Definition at line 176 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationCTBottomCenter |
Definition at line 136 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationCTBottomLeft |
Definition at line 134 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationCTBottomRight |
Definition at line 135 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationCTTopLeft |
Definition at line 132 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationCTTopRight |
Definition at line 133 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFEnum SoView2DAnnotation::annotationFontSize |
Definition at line 161 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFEnum SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMode |
Definition at line 159 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMRBottomCenter |
Definition at line 142 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMRBottomLeft |
Definition at line 140 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMRBottomRight |
Definition at line 141 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMRTopLeft |
Definition at line 138 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationMRTopRight |
Definition at line 139 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationUserBottomCenter |
Definition at line 130 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationUserBottomLeft |
Definition at line 128 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationUserBottomRight |
Definition at line 129 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationUserTopLeft |
Definition at line 126 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::annotationUserTopRight |
Definition at line 127 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFColor SoView2DAnnotation::backgroundColor |
Definition at line 228 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFColor SoView2DAnnotation::backgroundEdgeColor |
Definition at line 230 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFFloat SoView2DAnnotation::backgroundEdgeOpacity |
Definition at line 231 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFFloat SoView2DAnnotation::backgroundOpacity |
Definition at line 229 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::drawBackgroundBox |
Definition at line 227 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::drawNegativeOrientation |
Definition at line 179 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::drawPositiveOrientation |
Definition at line 180 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::fontWidthDummyString |
Definition at line 166 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::hitOrientationLetter |
Definition at line 236 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::horizontalRuler |
Definition at line 184 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::horizontalRulerMarginBottom |
Definition at line 186 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFNode SoView2DAnnotation::inOrientationModel |
Definition at line 233 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input00 |
Definition at line 204 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input01 |
Definition at line 205 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input02 |
Definition at line 206 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input03 |
Definition at line 207 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input04 |
Definition at line 208 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input05 |
Definition at line 209 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input06 |
Definition at line 210 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input07 |
Definition at line 211 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input08 |
Definition at line 212 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::input09 |
Definition at line 213 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::isMouseOverCube |
Definition at line 235 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::marginBottom |
Definition at line 172 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::marginLeft |
Definition at line 171 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::marginRight |
Definition at line 173 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::marginTop |
Definition at line 170 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::maxDetailFontSize |
Definition at line 151 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::maxShortFontSize |
Definition at line 153 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::minDetailFontSize |
Definition at line 150 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::minShortFontSize |
Definition at line 152 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput00 |
Definition at line 215 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput01 |
Definition at line 216 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput02 |
Definition at line 217 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput03 |
Definition at line 218 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput04 |
Definition at line 219 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput05 |
Definition at line 220 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput06 |
Definition at line 221 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput07 |
Definition at line 222 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput08 |
Definition at line 223 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFDouble SoView2DAnnotation::numInput09 |
Definition at line 224 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::orientationAndScaleFromCamera |
field that enables getting the orientation matrix from the Inventor scene instead of the input image
Definition at line 240 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFColor SoView2DAnnotation::orientationColor |
Definition at line 181 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModel |
Definition at line 188 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFColor SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelColor |
Definition at line 200 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMaxHorizontalOffset |
Definition at line 198 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMaxSize |
Definition at line 192 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMaxVerticalOffset |
Definition at line 195 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMinHorizontalOffset |
Definition at line 197 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMinSize |
Definition at line 191 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelMinVerticalOffset |
Definition at line 194 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFEnum SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelPosition |
Definition at line 189 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFFloat SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelRelativeHorizontalOffset |
Definition at line 196 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFFloat SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelRelativeSize |
Definition at line 190 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFFloat SoView2DAnnotation::orientationModelRelativeVerticalOffset |
Definition at line 193 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::rulerFontSize |
Definition at line 157 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::rulerShadow |
Definition at line 164 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::shortBottomCenter |
Definition at line 148 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::shortBottomLeft |
Definition at line 146 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::shortBottomRight |
Definition at line 147 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::shortTopLeft |
Definition at line 144 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFString SoView2DAnnotation::shortTopRight |
Definition at line 145 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFEnum SoView2DAnnotation::showAnnotation |
Definition at line 160 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFEnum SoView2DAnnotation::showOrientation |
Definition at line 178 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::showTechnicalInfo |
Definition at line 202 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::targetHeight |
Definition at line 168 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::targetWidth |
Definition at line 167 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::textShadow |
Definition at line 162 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFColor SoView2DAnnotation::textShadowColor |
Definition at line 163 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::userDetailFontSize |
Definition at line 154 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::userShortFontSize |
Definition at line 155 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFBool SoView2DAnnotation::verticalRuler |
Definition at line 183 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.
SoSFInt32 SoView2DAnnotation::verticalRulerMarginRight |
Definition at line 185 of file SoView2DAnnotation.h.