MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
SoView2D Class Reference

SoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data. More...

#include <SoView2D.h>

Inheritance diagram for SoView2D:
SoInteractionOwner SoInteractionProvider

Public Member Functions

 SoView2D ()
 constructor More...
SbString getViewerId () const
 returns the viewer id of this viewer More...
View2DSliceListgetSliceList ()
 returns the slicelist that is used to manage the slices More...
SbVec2f getSliceSize ()
 get slice size x/y in millimeters (used by SoOrthoView2D) More...
SoAction * getAction ()
 get pointer to current action. More...
void GLRender (SoGLRenderAction *action) override
 reimplemented Inventor method which renders the slices More...
void updateSliceListOnImageChange ()
 update the slice list if the image has changed More...
void updateLayout (int viewportX, int viewportY, int viewportWidth, int viewportHeight, bool is3D=false)
 Update layout for given viewport size. More...
void handleEvent (SoHandleEventAction *action) override
 handle the mouse and keyboard events and send them to extensions More...
bool handleKeyboardEvent (int nKey, bool shift, bool alt, bool ctrl)
 handle standard key, returns true if handles More...
void computeBBox (SoAction *action, SbBox3f &box, SbVec3f &center) override
 when rendering in 3D, calculate the bounding box of the drawn slice(s) More...
void generatePrimitives (SoAction *action) override
 used for 3D picking More...
void rayPick (SoRayPickAction *action) override
 implements 3D picking More...
bool getEventLocation (SoHandleEventAction *action, bool &hit, float &dx, float &dy, SbVec3f &voxelHit, int &sliceID)
 get event location of the event contained in action, returns if the image is hit, the device location and the voxel position (extracted from handleEvent). More...
void setSliceInitFunc (SliceInitFunc fn, void *user)
 Set slice position initialization callback The callback function set by this method is called when the input image changes. More...
SliceInitFunc getSliceInitFunc (void)
 Get slice position initialization callback. More...
int getCurrentCenterSlice ()
 returns the central of all currently visible slices (e.g. startSlice, if numSlices is 1) More...
void adjustSliceOriginToCenter (float newSliceZoom)
 sets the new sliceZoom value and adjusts the sliceOrigin to zoom to the center of the ROI More...
void translateInnerSlice (float x, float y)
 translates the inner slice x/y pixel on the screen More...
void getStatusString (SbString &string)
 access status string More...
ml::LUTFunctiongetDefaultLut ()
 get the default lut object (just a relative ramp from 0 to 1) More...
ml::LUTFunctiongetLutFromScene (SoAction *action)
 get the lut from the scene (default ramp if no lut is set) More...
bool updateLutData (ml::LUTFunction *lut, View2DLut *data, SoSFMLImage *img, View2DLutPrecision precision)
 renders the lut data from the lut function according to the image data (lut may be NULL, SoView2D will then use a default ramp) returns if the lut could be rendered or if the rendering failed. More...
void startCineMode ()
 start the cine mode More...
void stopCineMode ()
 stop the cine mode More...
SbVec2f getSingleSliceSize (int windowX, int windowY)
 get the size of a single slice in the window area (this can be used to align annotation font size across several SoView2Ds) More...
int getMaxStartSlice ()
 returns the highest sensible value for startSlice More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionOwner
 SoInteractionOwner ()
 Default constructor. More...
 ~SoInteractionOwner () override
 The destructor will destroy all interactions created with this object as owner. More...
std::list< SoInteraction * > getInteractions (SoState *state) override
 Returns the list of all interactions of this provider. More...
void pointerPosition (SoState *state, const SoPointerPosition &pos) override
 Same as below, with additional SoState argument. By default, simply calls the below version. More...
void pointerLeftWindow (SoState *state) override
 Same as below, with additional SoState argument. By defaults, simply calls the below version. More...
void addListener (SoInteractionOwnerListenerInterface *listener)
 Adds a listener object that is notified of changes in the interaction list. More...
void removeListener (SoInteractionOwnerListenerInterface *listener)
 Removes a listener object that was notified of changes in the interaction list. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProvider
 SoInteractionProvider ()
 Default constructor. More...
virtual ~SoInteractionProvider ()
template<class T >
std::list< T * > getInteractionsOfType (SoState *state)
 Returns list of interactions of a specific type. More...
virtual std::list< SoCommandAction * > getCommandActions (SoState *state)
virtual std::list< SoPointingAction * > getPointingActions (SoState *state)
virtual std::list< SoOffsetAction * > getOffsetActions (SoState *state)

Static Public Member Functions

static void initClass ()
 inventor runtime type system More...
static View2DFontglobalFont ()
 get the global font used for annotations etc. More...
static View2DFontglobalFont (int)
 DEPRECATED: cache context id is no longer needed. More...
static View2DFontglobalFontRef ()
 Always return an existing font singleton as from globalFont(); used for annotations etc. More...
static std::string getDICOMTagValue (SoSFMLImage *image, const std::string &dicomTagName)
 Returns the value of a DICOM tag with the given name as a string, or an empty string if the tag was not found in the given image. More...
static SoInteractionProvidergetInteractionProvider (SoNode *node)
 static method to register with SoInteractionProvider for this class More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionProvider
static void registerInteractionProviderNode (SoType type, GetProviderFunc func)
 Registers a function to obtain a SoInteractionProvider from a SoNode. More...
static SoInteractionProvidergetInteractionProvider (SoNode *node)
 Returns a SoInteractionProvider from a SoNode if registered, else NULL. More...

Public Attributes

SoSFTrigger renderingDone
 output field is triggered from the inside when all rendering is done. More...
SoSFString instanceName
 Fields. More...
SoSFString interactionProviderID
 This field overrides the instanceName as providerID if specified. More...
SoSFMLImage image
 input ML image More...
SoSFBool drawImageData
 if set to false, only the extensions of the SoView2D are drawn, not the images More...
SoSFString viewerId
 id string, needs to be unique in a network if used More...
SoSFEnum blendMode
 blend mode for rendering More...
SoSFEnum filterMode
 filter mode for rendering More...
SoSFEnum cacheMode
 caching of slices More...
SoSFFloat alphaFactor
 alpha factor for rendering More...
SoSFColor baseColor
 base color in which the slices are drawn More...
SoSFBool useShaders
 if enabled, the SoView2D tries to emulate a hardware lut by using hardware shaders, only works on hardware that supports shaders and is ignored otherwise More...
SoSFBool applyLut
 select if the View2d should apply the scene LUT to the slice data (default is true) More...
SoSFEnum lutPrecision
 defines the precision of the LUT More...
SoSFInt32 startSlice
 current start slice More...
SoSFInt32 sliceStep
 step to next rendered slice More...
SoSFInt32 numSlices
 number of slices that are rendered More...
SoSFInt32 numXSlices
 number of slices that are rendered in X More...
SoSFInt32 maxSlice
 the maximum slice number, read from the image, used to restrict startSlice More...
SoSFBool keepSlicesInView
 if this is set, the slices are prevented from leaving the visible area. More...
SoSFInt32 timePoint
 the timepoint the viewers is currently showing More...
SoSFInt32 maxTimePoint
 the maximum timepoint, read from the image, used to restrict timePoint More...
SoSFInt32 userIndex
 the user index the viewers is currently showing More...
SoSFInt32 maxUserIndex
 the maximum user index, read from the image, used to restrict userIndex More...
SoSFInt32 slab
 the slab that is rendered (1=only one slice) More...
SoSFBool unzoomOnImageChange
 If enabled, the module unzooms automatically on an input image change. More...
SoSFTrigger forceImageUpdate
 Forces an immediate update of all fields that depend on the input image. More...
SoSFVec2f margin
 margin to the border of the viewer More...
SoSFVec2f spacing
 spacing between slices More...
SoSFPlane plane
 plane representing the slice in world coordinates More...
SoSFVec2f lowerLeft
 restrict the rendering to a subpart of the viewer, in normalized coordinated More...
SoSFVec2f upperRight
 restrict the rendering to a subpart of the viewer, in normalized coordinated More...
SoSFBool snapToCenter
 if set, the viewer snaps to center of image on each input image change More...
SoSFBool standardKeys
 enable the keypad and 0-9 keys More...
SoSFBool standardKeysNumbers
 enable number keys 0-9, depends on standardKeys being enabled More...
SoSFBool standardKeysNeedValidPosition
 set if the keys work anywhere or only if pressed with mouse inside of a slice (needed for SoOrthoView2D) More...
SoSFBool passHandledFlagToInventor
 Set this true if following inventor nodes should not react to events that have been handled by a SoView2DExtension Depricated name: updateInventorEvent;. More...
SoSFBool reverseExtensionDrawingOrder
 Reverse drawing order of extensions. More...
SoSFVec2f sliceOrigin
 the internal origin of the slice in voxels (for shifting inside of the view) More...
SoSFFloat sliceZoom
 the internal zoom of the slice (for zooming inside if the view) More...
SoSFFloat sliceZoomSynchronized
 same as sliceZoom, except that changes to this member update the slice origin so that the viewing center remains in the center of the viewer More...
SoSFVec2f zoomCenter
 center of zoom/scale operation in normalized coordinates More...
SoSFVec3f viewingCenter
 world position of the current center of the viewer More...
SoSFBool enableViewingCenter
 If enabled, the viewing center is activated for reading and writing. More...
SoSFFloat minSliceZoomKeyboard
 minimum slice zoom for keyboard modifications (always clamped by MIN_MIN_SLICE_ZOOM and 1.0) More...
SoSFTrigger unzoom
 sets sliceOrigin to (0,0) and sliceZoom to 1.0 More...
SoSFEnum sliceAlignX
 align the image inside of the slice if there is space left, default is VIEW2D_ALIGN_CENTER More...
SoSFEnum sliceAlignY
 align the image inside of the slice if there is space left, default is VIEW2D_ALIGN_CENTER More...
SoSFEnum zoomMode
 zoom mode that defines mapping to the viewer area More...
SoSFFloat zoomModeParameter
 zoom mode parameter, depends on zoomMode what its value means More...
SoSFBool invertKeyPanningDirections
 invert panning by keyboard More...
SoSFBool invertKeySlicingDirection
 invert slicing by keyboard More...
SoSFBool wrapAroundTimePointScrolling
 wrap-around timepoint scrolling More...
SoSFBool overrideAspectRatio
 set if the aspect ratio should be overwritten by user aspect ratio More...
SoSFFloat overrideAspectRatioValue
 user defined aspect ratio, is only used if overrideAspectRatio is set to true More...
SoSFColor backgroundColor
 fill slice background with given color More...
SoSFFloat backgroundAlphaFactor
 background alpha factor (0=background invisible) More...
SoSFBool clipBackgroundToImage
 clip background to image rect More...
SoSFBool handle2DEvents
 handle events when rendering in 2D More...
SoSFBool handle3DEvents
 handle events when rendering in 3D More...
SoSFBool useManagedInteraction
 prefer to use managed interaction instead of classical event handling if a SoView2DExtension provides it More...
SoSFBool enableZBuffer
 use Z buffer in 3D rendering More...
SoSFBool enableZWrite
 write Z buffer in 3D rendering More...
SoSFFloat devicePixelSize
 size of a pixel in mm when rendering in 3D More...
SoSFTrigger startCine
 Cinemode fields. More...
SoSFTrigger stopCine
 stop the cine mode More...
SoSFInt32 cineCenterT
 center of timepoint cine More...
SoSFInt32 cineIntervalT
 interval of timepoint cine More...
SoSFInt32 cineCenterZ
 center of z cine More...
SoSFInt32 cineIntervalZ
 interval of z cine More...
SoSFEnum cineMode
 mode of the Cinemode (Z,T,ZT) More...
SoSFEnum cineDirection
 direction of Cinemode More...
SoSFEnum cineRepeat
 flag to indicated if loop or ping-pong is used More...
SoSFFloat cineSpeed
 speed of cine mode (in seconds), minimum cine speed is fixed to one repaint per image More...
SoSFBool cineFullRangeZ
 flag if the full z range or the z interval is used More...
SoSFBool cineFullRangeT
 flag if the full time range or the time interval is used More...
SoSFBool cineAlwaysReset
 Always reset to start slice/time point and forward direction on start press (start with current position and direction otherwise) More...
SoSFBool cineModeActive
 read-only flag indicating whether cine mode is active or not More...
SoSFTrigger deleteSelected
 Interaction fields for extensions. More...
SoSFTrigger edit
 set the extensions into edit mode More...
SoSFString status
 status of current extension More...
SoSFString seriesInstanceUID
 the DICOM seriesInstanceUID of the image currently displayed More...
SoSFString frameOfReferenceUID
 the DICOM frameOfReferenceUID of the image currently displayed. More...
SoSFBool deletingEnabled
 enable/disable delete-events for SoView2D-Extensions More...

Protected Member Functions

 ~SoView2D () override
 destructor More...
void updateKeyboardActionEnabledStateCB (SoField *)
 update enabled state of the keyboard actions More...
void updateKeyboardActionEnabledState ()
void forceImageUpdateChangedCB (SoField *field=nullptr)
SbBool isMouseButtonPressed (int i)
 returns if given mousebutton (0-2) is currently pressed this is handles by the View2D, since Inventor only sends down individual MouseButtonPressed events and doesn't keep this state information More...
bool isDeviceCoordInViewerArea (float dx, float dy, const SbVec2s &viewportSize) const
 Returns if the event of the given action is located over the viewer area for a given viewportSize The coordinate must be relative to the current viewport origin. More...
void imageChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls imageChanged(); More...
void imageChanged ()
 React on image changed. More...
void maxSizeChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback that prevents maxSizes go out of image size More...
void sliceUnzoomCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls sliceUnzoomAction(); More...
void sliceUnzoomAction (void)
 Reset slice zoom and translation. More...
void updateViewingCenterAndPlaneCB (SoField *)
 callback which forwards to updateViewingCenterAndPlane() More...
void updateViewingCenterAndPlane ()
 update viewing center from sliceOrigin and sliceNumber More...
void enableViewingCenterChangedCB (SoField *)
 enable / disable viewing center usage. More...
void viewingCenterChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback which forwards to viewingCenterChanged() More...
void viewingCenterChanged ()
 sets slice origins of all viewers according to current viewing center if synchronizePanning is on More...
void updateSliceRepresentingPlane (const SbVec3f &worldCenter)
void sliceZoomChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback which forwards to sliceToomChanged More...
void sliceZoomChanged ()
 updates the member sliceZoomSynchronized More...
void sliceZoomSynchronizedChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback which forwards to sliceZoomSynchronizedChanged More...
void sliceZoomSynchronizedChanged ()
 updates the sliceZoom and corrects the slice origin, so that the viewing center of the slice remains in thew center of the view More...
void keepSlicesInViewCB (SoField *)
 if keepSlicesInView is activated, set startSlice to a permitted value More...
int setStartSlice (int slice, bool keepInView=false, bool noCB=false)
 set start slice, but obey possible restrictions (returns effective value) if keepInView is set, the slice will be restricted to the visible range if noCB is set, the field sensor is temporarily disabled when changing the value More...
void minSliceZoomKeyboardCB (SoField *)
 callback for minimum slice zoom modification that performs clamping to value range More...
void startCineModeCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls startCineMode(); More...
void stopCineModeCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls stopCineMode(); More...
void cineParametersChangedCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls updateCineParameters() More...
void updateCineParameters ()
 updates the cine parameters to the current field values More...
void deleteSelectedObjectCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls deleteSelectedObjectAction(); More...
void deleteSelectedObjectAction ()
 delete the selected object More...
void editObjectsCB (SoField *)
 callback that calls deleteSelectedObjectAction(); More...
void editObjectsAction ()
 switch extensions to edit mode More...
void handleScheduledActions (const SoNodeList *primitives)
 handle the actions given by deleteSelectedObject and editObjects More...
void getLutFromScene (SoAction *action, View2DLut *data)
 render the lut into the given lut data object More...
void layoutSlices (int wx, int wy)
 layout slices inside of the window area More...
void updateLayoutAndDraw (int originX, int originY, int width, int height, bool updateLayoutOnly, SoNodeList *primitives=nullptr, int sharedCacheContext=-1, bool is3D=false, bool reverse=false)
 update layout and draw in 2D or 3D More...
bool checkValid ()
 checks if image, start slice, timepoint, and user index are valid More...
void updateHighColorDepthFlag ()
 Checks if the current GL context has a bigger bit depth than 8 per channel and if so upgrades the flag to true. More...
void objRef () override
 Overriding SoInteractionProvider methods: More...
void objUnref () override
std::string getID () const override
 Returns the id string for identifying the provider (and its actions) More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from SoInteractionOwner
virtual void pointerPosition (const SoPointerPosition &)
 Override this if you always need to be informed of the current mouse cursor position. More...
virtual void pointerLeftWindow ()
 This is called when the mouse cursor leaves the window. More...
bool hasInteractions () const
 Returns whether there are any actions defined by this owner. More...
template<class T >
bool hasInteractionsOfType () const
 Same as above, but asking for a specific type of interaction. More...
void addPointingAction (SoPointingAction *)
void addCommandAction (SoCommandAction *)
void addOffsetAction (SoOffsetAction *)

Protected Attributes

SoAction * _action
 pointer to current action More...
 the internal slice list which stores and handles rendered slices More...
 the currently allocated lut data More...
SbBool _mouseButton [3]
 state of the mouse buttons (kept up-to-date with the handleEvent method) More...
SoFieldSensor * _viewingCenterSensor
 sensor for start slice More...
SoFieldSensor * _startSliceSensor
 sensor for start slice More...
SoFieldSensor * _sliceZoomSynchronizedSensor
SoFieldSensor * _sliceOriginSensor
 sensor for slice origin More...
bool _editObjectsScheduled
 flag if edit mode on extensions should be activated More...
bool _deleteSelectedObjectScheduled
 flag if delete of object on extension should be activated More...
bool _dragging
 remember if we are during a drag operation More...
bool _mouseOverViewer
 remember if the mouse cursor is over the viewer area More...
SliceInitFunc _sliceInitFunc
 external slice initialization callback More...
void * _sliceInitUser
 user data for _sliceInitFunc More...
unsigned int _imageSerialNumber
 last serial number of image More...
bool _useHighColorDepth
bool _allowHighColorDepthUpgrade
MLDataType _currentLUTImageDataType
 current LUT settings More...
double _currentLUTImageMin
double _currentLUTImageMax
int _currentLUTImageNumChannels

Static Protected Attributes

static ml::LUTFunction_localLut
 an internal lut which is used if there is no lut in the scene More...
 Delegate that handles events for the new interaction scheme. More...
 Delegate that provides the interaction objects from the SoView2DExtensions. More...
class View2DInteractionHandler
 support for new interaction scheme More...
class View2DInteractionProvider

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from SoInteractionProvider
typedef SoInteractionProvider *(* GetProviderFunc) (SoNode *)

Detailed Description

SoView2D is a 2D viewer for image data.

It is integrated into OpenInventor and provides event handling and drawing on slices by the use of the SoView2DExtension classes. For a detailed description of its usage, see the html documentation in MeVisLab.

Definition at line 61 of file SoView2D.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ SoView2D()

SoView2D::SoView2D ( )


◆ ~SoView2D()

SoView2D::~SoView2D ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ adjustSliceOriginToCenter()

void SoView2D::adjustSliceOriginToCenter ( float  newSliceZoom)

sets the new sliceZoom value and adjusts the sliceOrigin to zoom to the center of the ROI

◆ checkValid()

bool SoView2D::checkValid ( )

checks if image, start slice, timepoint, and user index are valid

◆ cineParametersChangedCB()

void SoView2D::cineParametersChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls updateCineParameters()

◆ computeBBox()

void SoView2D::computeBBox ( SoAction *  action,
SbBox3f &  box,
SbVec3f &  center 

when rendering in 3D, calculate the bounding box of the drawn slice(s)

◆ deleteSelectedObjectAction()

void SoView2D::deleteSelectedObjectAction ( )

delete the selected object

◆ deleteSelectedObjectCB()

void SoView2D::deleteSelectedObjectCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls deleteSelectedObjectAction();

◆ editObjectsAction()

void SoView2D::editObjectsAction ( )

switch extensions to edit mode

◆ editObjectsCB()

void SoView2D::editObjectsCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls deleteSelectedObjectAction();

◆ enableViewingCenterChangedCB()

void SoView2D::enableViewingCenterChangedCB ( SoField *  )

enable / disable viewing center usage.

Can only be enabled if alignX and alignY are set to CENTER

◆ forceImageUpdateChangedCB()

void SoView2D::forceImageUpdateChangedCB ( SoField *  field = nullptr)

◆ generatePrimitives()

void SoView2D::generatePrimitives ( SoAction *  action)

used for 3D picking

◆ getAction()

SoAction* SoView2D::getAction ( )

get pointer to current action.

If there is no current action the function returns NULL. May be used to access the Open Inventor state.

Definition at line 311 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ getCurrentCenterSlice()

int SoView2D::getCurrentCenterSlice ( )

returns the central of all currently visible slices (e.g. startSlice, if numSlices is 1)

◆ getDefaultLut()

ml::LUTFunction* SoView2D::getDefaultLut ( )

get the default lut object (just a relative ramp from 0 to 1)

Definition at line 384 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ getDICOMTagValue()

static std::string SoView2D::getDICOMTagValue ( SoSFMLImage image,
const std::string &  dicomTagName 

Returns the value of a DICOM tag with the given name as a string, or an empty string if the tag was not found in the given image.

◆ getEventLocation()

bool SoView2D::getEventLocation ( SoHandleEventAction *  action,
bool &  hit,
float &  dx,
float &  dy,
SbVec3f &  voxelHit,
int &  sliceID 

get event location of the event contained in action, returns if the image is hit, the device location and the voxel position (extracted from handleEvent).

If sliceID is set to NO_SLICE_ID, it will be set to the index of the slice that was hit by this test. If sliceID is any other value, it is taken to be the index of a slice and the test is only performed on this slice. This is used to grab the mouse for this slice at a mouse press.

◆ getID()

std::string SoView2D::getID ( ) const

Returns the id string for identifying the provider (and its actions)

Reimplemented from SoInteractionOwner.

◆ getInteractionProvider()

static SoInteractionProvider* SoView2D::getInteractionProvider ( SoNode *  node)

static method to register with SoInteractionProvider for this class

◆ getLutFromScene() [1/2]

ml::LUTFunction* SoView2D::getLutFromScene ( SoAction *  action)

get the lut from the scene (default ramp if no lut is set)

◆ getLutFromScene() [2/2]

void SoView2D::getLutFromScene ( SoAction *  action,
View2DLut data 

render the lut into the given lut data object

◆ getMaxStartSlice()

int SoView2D::getMaxStartSlice ( )

returns the highest sensible value for startSlice

◆ getSingleSliceSize()

SbVec2f SoView2D::getSingleSliceSize ( int  windowX,
int  windowY 

get the size of a single slice in the window area (this can be used to align annotation font size across several SoView2Ds)

◆ getSliceInitFunc()

SliceInitFunc SoView2D::getSliceInitFunc ( void  )

Get slice position initialization callback.

Definition at line 368 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ getSliceList()

View2DSliceList* SoView2D::getSliceList ( )

returns the slicelist that is used to manage the slices

◆ getSliceSize()

SbVec2f SoView2D::getSliceSize ( )

get slice size x/y in millimeters (used by SoOrthoView2D)

◆ getStatusString()

void SoView2D::getStatusString ( SbString &  string)

access status string

◆ getViewerId()

SbString SoView2D::getViewerId ( ) const

returns the viewer id of this viewer

Definition at line 302 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ globalFont() [1/2]

static View2DFont* SoView2D::globalFont ( )

get the global font used for annotations etc.

(only call this within a valid GL context!) (This just forwards the call to View2DFont::globalFont())

◆ globalFont() [2/2]

static View2DFont* SoView2D::globalFont ( int  )

DEPRECATED: cache context id is no longer needed.

Definition at line 351 of file SoView2D.h.

References globalFont().

Referenced by globalFont().

◆ globalFontRef()

static View2DFont& SoView2D::globalFontRef ( )

Always return an existing font singleton as from globalFont(); used for annotations etc.

To be called only from within a valid GL context!

◆ GLRender()

void SoView2D::GLRender ( SoGLRenderAction *  action)

reimplemented Inventor method which renders the slices

◆ handleEvent()

void SoView2D::handleEvent ( SoHandleEventAction *  action)

handle the mouse and keyboard events and send them to extensions

◆ handleKeyboardEvent()

bool SoView2D::handleKeyboardEvent ( int  nKey,
bool  shift,
bool  alt,
bool  ctrl 

handle standard key, returns true if handles

◆ handleScheduledActions()

void SoView2D::handleScheduledActions ( const SoNodeList *  primitives)

handle the actions given by deleteSelectedObject and editObjects

◆ imageChanged()

void SoView2D::imageChanged ( )

React on image changed.

◆ imageChangedCB()

void SoView2D::imageChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls imageChanged();

◆ initClass()

static void SoView2D::initClass ( )

inventor runtime type system

◆ isDeviceCoordInViewerArea()

bool SoView2D::isDeviceCoordInViewerArea ( float  dx,
float  dy,
const SbVec2s &  viewportSize 
) const

Returns if the event of the given action is located over the viewer area for a given viewportSize The coordinate must be relative to the current viewport origin.

◆ isMouseButtonPressed()

SbBool SoView2D::isMouseButtonPressed ( int  i)

returns if given mousebutton (0-2) is currently pressed this is handles by the View2D, since Inventor only sends down individual MouseButtonPressed events and doesn't keep this state information

◆ keepSlicesInViewCB()

void SoView2D::keepSlicesInViewCB ( SoField *  )

if keepSlicesInView is activated, set startSlice to a permitted value

◆ layoutSlices()

void SoView2D::layoutSlices ( int  wx,
int  wy 

layout slices inside of the window area

◆ maxSizeChangedCB()

void SoView2D::maxSizeChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback that prevents maxSizes go out of image size

◆ minSliceZoomKeyboardCB()

void SoView2D::minSliceZoomKeyboardCB ( SoField *  )

callback for minimum slice zoom modification that performs clamping to value range

◆ objRef()

void SoView2D::objRef ( )

Overriding SoInteractionProvider methods:

Memory management by reference counting for SoInteractionProvider

Implements SoInteractionOwner.

Definition at line 422 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ objUnref()

void SoView2D::objUnref ( )

Implements SoInteractionOwner.

Definition at line 423 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ rayPick()

void SoView2D::rayPick ( SoRayPickAction *  action)

implements 3D picking

◆ setSliceInitFunc()

void SoView2D::setSliceInitFunc ( SliceInitFunc  fn,
void *  user 

Set slice position initialization callback The callback function set by this method is called when the input image changes.

If the callback return value is >= 0, it determines the initial slice position, otherwise it is ignored. At the time the callback is executed, most of the View2D's properties are not initialized, so the View2D* pointer passed to the callback should be used for object identification only.

Definition at line 364 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ setStartSlice()

int SoView2D::setStartSlice ( int  slice,
bool  keepInView = false,
bool  noCB = false 

set start slice, but obey possible restrictions (returns effective value) if keepInView is set, the slice will be restricted to the visible range if noCB is set, the field sensor is temporarily disabled when changing the value

◆ sliceUnzoomAction()

void SoView2D::sliceUnzoomAction ( void  )

Reset slice zoom and translation.

◆ sliceUnzoomCB()

void SoView2D::sliceUnzoomCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls sliceUnzoomAction();

◆ sliceZoomChanged()

void SoView2D::sliceZoomChanged ( )

updates the member sliceZoomSynchronized

◆ sliceZoomChangedCB()

void SoView2D::sliceZoomChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback which forwards to sliceToomChanged

◆ sliceZoomSynchronizedChanged()

void SoView2D::sliceZoomSynchronizedChanged ( )

updates the sliceZoom and corrects the slice origin, so that the viewing center of the slice remains in thew center of the view

◆ sliceZoomSynchronizedChangedCB()

void SoView2D::sliceZoomSynchronizedChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback which forwards to sliceZoomSynchronizedChanged

◆ startCineMode()

void SoView2D::startCineMode ( )

start the cine mode

◆ startCineModeCB()

void SoView2D::startCineModeCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls startCineMode();

◆ stopCineMode()

void SoView2D::stopCineMode ( )

stop the cine mode

◆ stopCineModeCB()

void SoView2D::stopCineModeCB ( SoField *  )

callback that calls stopCineMode();

◆ translateInnerSlice()

void SoView2D::translateInnerSlice ( float  x,
float  y 

translates the inner slice x/y pixel on the screen

◆ updateCineParameters()

void SoView2D::updateCineParameters ( )

updates the cine parameters to the current field values

◆ updateHighColorDepthFlag()

void SoView2D::updateHighColorDepthFlag ( )

Checks if the current GL context has a bigger bit depth than 8 per channel and if so upgrades the flag to true.


◆ updateKeyboardActionEnabledState()

void SoView2D::updateKeyboardActionEnabledState ( )

◆ updateKeyboardActionEnabledStateCB()

void SoView2D::updateKeyboardActionEnabledStateCB ( SoField *  )

update enabled state of the keyboard actions

◆ updateLayout()

void SoView2D::updateLayout ( int  viewportX,
int  viewportY,
int  viewportWidth,
int  viewportHeight,
bool  is3D = false 

Update layout for given viewport size.

◆ updateLayoutAndDraw()

void SoView2D::updateLayoutAndDraw ( int  originX,
int  originY,
int  width,
int  height,
bool  updateLayoutOnly,
SoNodeList *  primitives = nullptr,
int  sharedCacheContext = -1,
bool  is3D = false,
bool  reverse = false 

update layout and draw in 2D or 3D

◆ updateLutData()

bool SoView2D::updateLutData ( ml::LUTFunction lut,
View2DLut data,
SoSFMLImage img,
View2DLutPrecision  precision 

renders the lut data from the lut function according to the image data (lut may be NULL, SoView2D will then use a default ramp) returns if the lut could be rendered or if the rendering failed.

When the rendering fails, you can always call with lut==NULL and will get a correct default ramp)

◆ updateSliceListOnImageChange()

void SoView2D::updateSliceListOnImageChange ( )

update the slice list if the image has changed

◆ updateSliceRepresentingPlane()

void SoView2D::updateSliceRepresentingPlane ( const SbVec3f &  worldCenter)

◆ updateViewingCenterAndPlane()

void SoView2D::updateViewingCenterAndPlane ( )

update viewing center from sliceOrigin and sliceNumber

◆ updateViewingCenterAndPlaneCB()

void SoView2D::updateViewingCenterAndPlaneCB ( SoField *  )

callback which forwards to updateViewingCenterAndPlane()

◆ viewingCenterChanged()

void SoView2D::viewingCenterChanged ( )

sets slice origins of all viewers according to current viewing center if synchronizePanning is on

◆ viewingCenterChangedCB()

void SoView2D::viewingCenterChangedCB ( SoField *  )

callback which forwards to viewingCenterChanged()

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ View2DInteractionHandler

friend class View2DInteractionHandler

support for new interaction scheme

Definition at line 581 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ View2DInteractionProvider

friend class View2DInteractionProvider

Definition at line 582 of file SoView2D.h.

Member Data Documentation

◆ _action

SoAction* SoView2D::_action

pointer to current action

Definition at line 530 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _allowHighColorDepthUpgrade

bool SoView2D::_allowHighColorDepthUpgrade

Definition at line 596 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _cine

View2DCine* SoView2D::_cine

Definition at line 546 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _currentLUTImageDataType

MLDataType SoView2D::_currentLUTImageDataType

current LUT settings

Definition at line 540 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _currentLUTImageMax

double SoView2D::_currentLUTImageMax

Definition at line 542 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _currentLUTImageMin

double SoView2D::_currentLUTImageMin

Definition at line 541 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _currentLUTImageNumChannels

int SoView2D::_currentLUTImageNumChannels

Definition at line 543 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _deleteSelectedObjectScheduled

bool SoView2D::_deleteSelectedObjectScheduled

flag if delete of object on extension should be activated

Definition at line 565 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _dragging

bool SoView2D::_dragging

remember if we are during a drag operation

Definition at line 568 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _editObjectsScheduled

bool SoView2D::_editObjectsScheduled

flag if edit mode on extensions should be activated

Definition at line 563 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _imageSerialNumber

unsigned int SoView2D::_imageSerialNumber

last serial number of image

Definition at line 578 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _interactionHandler

SoInteractionHandler* SoView2D::_interactionHandler

Delegate that handles events for the new interaction scheme.

Definition at line 585 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _interactionProvider

SoInteractionProvider* SoView2D::_interactionProvider

Delegate that provides the interaction objects from the SoView2DExtensions.

Definition at line 587 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _localLut

ml::LUTFunction* SoView2D::_localLut

an internal lut which is used if there is no lut in the scene

Definition at line 535 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _lutData

View2DLut* SoView2D::_lutData

the currently allocated lut data

Definition at line 537 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _mouseButton

SbBool SoView2D::_mouseButton[3]

state of the mouse buttons (kept up-to-date with the handleEvent method)

Definition at line 549 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _mouseOverViewer

bool SoView2D::_mouseOverViewer

remember if the mouse cursor is over the viewer area

Definition at line 570 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _sliceInitFunc

SliceInitFunc SoView2D::_sliceInitFunc

external slice initialization callback

Definition at line 573 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _sliceInitUser

void* SoView2D::_sliceInitUser

user data for _sliceInitFunc

Definition at line 575 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _sliceList

View2DSliceList* SoView2D::_sliceList

the internal slice list which stores and handles rendered slices

Definition at line 533 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _sliceOriginSensor

SoFieldSensor* SoView2D::_sliceOriginSensor

sensor for slice origin

Definition at line 560 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _sliceZoomSynchronizedSensor

SoFieldSensor* SoView2D::_sliceZoomSynchronizedSensor

Definition at line 557 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _startSliceSensor

SoFieldSensor* SoView2D::_startSliceSensor

sensor for start slice

Definition at line 555 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _useHighColorDepth

bool SoView2D::_useHighColorDepth

Definition at line 595 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ _viewingCenterSensor

SoFieldSensor* SoView2D::_viewingCenterSensor

sensor for start slice

Definition at line 552 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ alphaFactor

SoSFFloat SoView2D::alphaFactor

alpha factor for rendering

Definition at line 91 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ applyLut

SoSFBool SoView2D::applyLut

select if the View2d should apply the scene LUT to the slice data (default is true)

Definition at line 98 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ backgroundAlphaFactor

SoSFFloat SoView2D::backgroundAlphaFactor

background alpha factor (0=background invisible)

Definition at line 209 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ backgroundColor

SoSFColor SoView2D::backgroundColor

fill slice background with given color

Definition at line 207 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ baseColor

SoSFColor SoView2D::baseColor

base color in which the slices are drawn

Definition at line 93 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ blendMode

SoSFEnum SoView2D::blendMode

blend mode for rendering

Definition at line 85 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cacheMode

SoSFEnum SoView2D::cacheMode

caching of slices

Definition at line 89 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineAlwaysReset

SoSFBool SoView2D::cineAlwaysReset

Always reset to start slice/time point and forward direction on start press (start with current position and direction otherwise)

Definition at line 264 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineCenterT

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::cineCenterT

center of timepoint cine

Definition at line 241 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineCenterZ

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::cineCenterZ

center of z cine

Definition at line 245 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineDirection

SoSFEnum SoView2D::cineDirection

direction of Cinemode

Definition at line 251 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineFullRangeT

SoSFBool SoView2D::cineFullRangeT

flag if the full time range or the time interval is used

Definition at line 260 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineFullRangeZ

SoSFBool SoView2D::cineFullRangeZ

flag if the full z range or the z interval is used

Definition at line 258 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineIntervalT

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::cineIntervalT

interval of timepoint cine

Definition at line 243 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineIntervalZ

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::cineIntervalZ

interval of z cine

Definition at line 247 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineMode

SoSFEnum SoView2D::cineMode

mode of the Cinemode (Z,T,ZT)

Definition at line 249 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineModeActive

SoSFBool SoView2D::cineModeActive

read-only flag indicating whether cine mode is active or not

Definition at line 267 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineRepeat

SoSFEnum SoView2D::cineRepeat

flag to indicated if loop or ping-pong is used

Definition at line 253 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ cineSpeed

SoSFFloat SoView2D::cineSpeed

speed of cine mode (in seconds), minimum cine speed is fixed to one repaint per image

Definition at line 255 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ clipBackgroundToImage

SoSFBool SoView2D::clipBackgroundToImage

clip background to image rect

Definition at line 212 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ deleteSelected

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::deleteSelected

Interaction fields for extensions.

delete current object in active SoView2DExtension

Definition at line 275 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ deletingEnabled

SoSFBool SoView2D::deletingEnabled

enable/disable delete-events for SoView2D-Extensions

Definition at line 288 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ devicePixelSize

SoSFFloat SoView2D::devicePixelSize

size of a pixel in mm when rendering in 3D

Definition at line 230 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ drawImageData

SoSFBool SoView2D::drawImageData

if set to false, only the extensions of the SoView2D are drawn, not the images

Definition at line 79 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ edit

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::edit

set the extensions into edit mode

Definition at line 277 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ enableViewingCenter

SoSFBool SoView2D::enableViewingCenter

If enabled, the viewing center is activated for reading and writing.

Definition at line 175 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ enableZBuffer

SoSFBool SoView2D::enableZBuffer

use Z buffer in 3D rendering

Definition at line 224 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ enableZWrite

SoSFBool SoView2D::enableZWrite

write Z buffer in 3D rendering

Definition at line 227 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ filterMode

SoSFEnum SoView2D::filterMode

filter mode for rendering

Definition at line 87 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ forceImageUpdate

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::forceImageUpdate

Forces an immediate update of all fields that depend on the input image.

Definition at line 129 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ frameOfReferenceUID

SoSFString SoView2D::frameOfReferenceUID

the DICOM frameOfReferenceUID of the image currently displayed.

Definition at line 285 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ handle2DEvents

SoSFBool SoView2D::handle2DEvents

handle events when rendering in 2D

Definition at line 215 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ handle3DEvents

SoSFBool SoView2D::handle3DEvents

handle events when rendering in 3D

Definition at line 218 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ image

SoSFMLImage SoView2D::image

input ML image

Definition at line 76 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ instanceName

SoSFString SoView2D::instanceName


Defines interface field to store the instance name.

Definition at line 70 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ interactionProviderID

SoSFString SoView2D::interactionProviderID

This field overrides the instanceName as providerID if specified.

Definition at line 73 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ invertKeyPanningDirections

SoSFBool SoView2D::invertKeyPanningDirections

invert panning by keyboard

Definition at line 195 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ invertKeySlicingDirection

SoSFBool SoView2D::invertKeySlicingDirection

invert slicing by keyboard

Definition at line 197 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ keepSlicesInView

SoSFBool SoView2D::keepSlicesInView

if this is set, the slices are prevented from leaving the visible area.

This option can interfere with option enableViewingCenter

Definition at line 114 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ lowerLeft

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::lowerLeft

restrict the rendering to a subpart of the viewer, in normalized coordinated

Definition at line 140 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ lutPrecision

SoSFEnum SoView2D::lutPrecision

defines the precision of the LUT

Definition at line 100 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ margin

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::margin

margin to the border of the viewer

Definition at line 132 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ maxSlice

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::maxSlice

the maximum slice number, read from the image, used to restrict startSlice

Definition at line 111 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ maxTimePoint

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::maxTimePoint

the maximum timepoint, read from the image, used to restrict timePoint

Definition at line 118 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ maxUserIndex

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::maxUserIndex

the maximum user index, read from the image, used to restrict userIndex

Definition at line 122 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ minSliceZoomKeyboard

SoSFFloat SoView2D::minSliceZoomKeyboard

minimum slice zoom for keyboard modifications (always clamped by MIN_MIN_SLICE_ZOOM and 1.0)

Definition at line 178 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ numSlices

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::numSlices

number of slices that are rendered

Definition at line 107 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ numXSlices

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::numXSlices

number of slices that are rendered in X

Definition at line 109 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ overrideAspectRatio

SoSFBool SoView2D::overrideAspectRatio

set if the aspect ratio should be overwritten by user aspect ratio

Definition at line 202 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ overrideAspectRatioValue

SoSFFloat SoView2D::overrideAspectRatioValue

user defined aspect ratio, is only used if overrideAspectRatio is set to true

Definition at line 204 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ passHandledFlagToInventor

SoSFBool SoView2D::passHandledFlagToInventor

Set this true if following inventor nodes should not react to events that have been handled by a SoView2DExtension Depricated name: updateInventorEvent;.

Definition at line 157 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ plane

SoSFPlane SoView2D::plane

plane representing the slice in world coordinates

Definition at line 137 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ renderingDone

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::renderingDone

output field is triggered from the inside when all rendering is done.

Definition at line 293 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ reverseExtensionDrawingOrder

SoSFBool SoView2D::reverseExtensionDrawingOrder

Reverse drawing order of extensions.

Definition at line 160 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ seriesInstanceUID

SoSFString SoView2D::seriesInstanceUID

the DICOM seriesInstanceUID of the image currently displayed

Definition at line 283 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ slab

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::slab

the slab that is rendered (1=only one slice)

Definition at line 124 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceAlignX

SoSFEnum SoView2D::sliceAlignX

align the image inside of the slice if there is space left, default is VIEW2D_ALIGN_CENTER

Definition at line 184 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceAlignY

SoSFEnum SoView2D::sliceAlignY

align the image inside of the slice if there is space left, default is VIEW2D_ALIGN_CENTER

Definition at line 186 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceOrigin

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::sliceOrigin

the internal origin of the slice in voxels (for shifting inside of the view)

Definition at line 163 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceStep

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::sliceStep

step to next rendered slice

Definition at line 105 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceZoom

SoSFFloat SoView2D::sliceZoom

the internal zoom of the slice (for zooming inside if the view)

Definition at line 165 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ sliceZoomSynchronized

SoSFFloat SoView2D::sliceZoomSynchronized

same as sliceZoom, except that changes to this member update the slice origin so that the viewing center remains in the center of the viewer

Definition at line 167 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ snapToCenter

SoSFBool SoView2D::snapToCenter

if set, the viewer snaps to center of image on each input image change

Definition at line 145 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ spacing

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::spacing

spacing between slices

Definition at line 134 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ standardKeys

SoSFBool SoView2D::standardKeys

enable the keypad and 0-9 keys

Definition at line 148 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ standardKeysNeedValidPosition

SoSFBool SoView2D::standardKeysNeedValidPosition

set if the keys work anywhere or only if pressed with mouse inside of a slice (needed for SoOrthoView2D)

Definition at line 152 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ standardKeysNumbers

SoSFBool SoView2D::standardKeysNumbers

enable number keys 0-9, depends on standardKeys being enabled

Definition at line 150 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ startCine

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::startCine

Cinemode fields.

start the cine mode

Definition at line 237 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ startSlice

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::startSlice

current start slice

Definition at line 103 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ status

SoSFString SoView2D::status

status of current extension

Definition at line 280 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ stopCine

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::stopCine

stop the cine mode

Definition at line 239 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ timePoint

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::timePoint

the timepoint the viewers is currently showing

Definition at line 116 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ unzoom

SoSFTrigger SoView2D::unzoom

sets sliceOrigin to (0,0) and sliceZoom to 1.0

Definition at line 181 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ unzoomOnImageChange

SoSFBool SoView2D::unzoomOnImageChange

If enabled, the module unzooms automatically on an input image change.

Definition at line 126 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ upperRight

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::upperRight

restrict the rendering to a subpart of the viewer, in normalized coordinated

Definition at line 142 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ useManagedInteraction

SoSFBool SoView2D::useManagedInteraction

prefer to use managed interaction instead of classical event handling if a SoView2DExtension provides it

Definition at line 221 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ userIndex

SoSFInt32 SoView2D::userIndex

the user index the viewers is currently showing

Definition at line 120 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ useShaders

SoSFBool SoView2D::useShaders

if enabled, the SoView2D tries to emulate a hardware lut by using hardware shaders, only works on hardware that supports shaders and is ignored otherwise

Definition at line 96 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ viewerId

SoSFString SoView2D::viewerId

id string, needs to be unique in a network if used

Definition at line 82 of file SoView2D.h.

Referenced by CSODrawView2DInfos::getViewerId().

◆ viewingCenter

SoSFVec3f SoView2D::viewingCenter

world position of the current center of the viewer

Definition at line 172 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ wrapAroundTimePointScrolling

SoSFBool SoView2D::wrapAroundTimePointScrolling

wrap-around timepoint scrolling

Definition at line 199 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ zoomCenter

SoSFVec2f SoView2D::zoomCenter

center of zoom/scale operation in normalized coordinates

Definition at line 169 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ zoomMode

SoSFEnum SoView2D::zoomMode

zoom mode that defines mapping to the viewer area

Definition at line 190 of file SoView2D.h.

◆ zoomModeParameter

SoSFFloat SoView2D::zoomModeParameter

zoom mode parameter, depends on zoomMode what its value means

Definition at line 192 of file SoView2D.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: