MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234567]
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListView::_ColumnNameHeadValueComposition of a column name, the head entry, and the column value
 C_ml_numeric_limits< T >Defines a template to get the minimum and maximum values for each basic integer type
 C_ml_numeric_limits< char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< double >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< float >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< short >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< signed char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned char >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned int >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned long long >
 C_ml_numeric_limits< unsigned short >
 C_MLFloatRangeCheck< Target, Source >
 C_MLFloatRangeCheck< float, double >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< CheckLowerBounds, CheckUpperBounds, Target, Source >Compile-check functions only if needed
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLIntegerRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< isTargetFloat, isSourceFloat, Target, Source >Utility template that multiplexes between the different combinations of casting between integer and float types
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< false, true, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, false, Target, Source >
 C_MLRangeCheck< true, true, Target, Source >
 Cml::AbstractPersistenceStreamAbstactPersistenceStream is the base class for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream and AbstractPersistenceInputStream, and implements the methods that are common for both these classes
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::AccessClassAccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator on an SbMap
 Cml::MLToDicomTools::AdvancedTagSetUpArgsSome dedicated parameters for advanced tag setups when setting pixel data and related tags in DICOM files
 Cml::ApplicationPropertiesStatic class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application
 Clightweight::make_lightweight::apply< T >
 Cml::ArgumentList0Empty argument to allow running with zero arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList1< Arg1 >ArgumentList with one argument
 Cml::ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 >ArgumentList with two arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >ArgumentList with three arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 >ArgumentList with four arguments
 Cml::ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 >ArgumentList with five arguments
 Cml::AssocGraphAssocGraph class provides a matrix representation of the association graph of two Graph objects
 Cml::ImagingBackgroundTask::AsyncTileRequestAn asynchronous tile request. This is copyable!
 Cml::StandardItemModel::AttributeDefines the name of an attribute and its default value
 CAxisA class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL
 Cml::BackgroundTaskBase class for a task that is started in an extra thread
 Cml::BackgroundTaskHandleA handle to a task that has been created by the background task manager
 Cml::BackgroundTaskHandleAccessorThis class offers direct access to the contained background task
 Cml::BackgroundTaskManagerThe BackgroundTaskManager is the central singleton that manages running background tasks
 Cml::BackgroundTaskMessageThe base class of all background messages
 Cml::BackgroundTaskMessageReceiverThe background task receiver is a light-weight base class that can be inherited (e.g., with multiple inheritance)
 Cml::BackgroundTaskStatusInformationBackgroundTaskStatusInformation creates a snapshot of the status of a given BackgroundTask to allow for a later read access without race conditions or even destruction of the background task
 Cml::BackgroundTaskTileProcessorBaseBackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase is the base class for processors that request an input image tile-by-tile
 Cml::BarrierA barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe
 Cml::BaseClass representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()), arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree()), or a data stream (using writeTo() and readFrom())
 Cml::BaseEventBaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase
 Cml::BaseListSortParametersClass that is designed to hold custom list sorting parameters (such as sort mode)
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
 Cbroken_VC_ptr_traits< T, ValueType >Since the correct std::iterator_traits rely on partial template specialization which is not supported by VC6 we must use a special traits class to get value_type correct
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ByLevelIteratorSbMap::ByLevelIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map top to bottom, level by level left to right.
 Cml::ByteDataReaderBase class to implement raw data loaders which need byte swapping and basic file access on byte or raw data level
 Cml::CalculateOutputImageHandlerBase class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module
 Cml::CentroidIndexStructure used to sort faces in z-direction
 CDCMTree::CharacterSetConverterThe class CharacterSetConverter is used for converting string values from one DICOM character set to another; character set names are those specified for the SpecificCharacterSet DICOM tag
 Cml::ClassicHostClassic ML host used internally to calculate getTile and processAllPages requests
 Cml::ClusterAlgorithmBaseInterface class for clustering algorithms
 Cml::ClusterBoundingBoxCluster bounding box
 Cml::ClusterInfoHolds basic information about a cluster
 Cml::ClusterRefCollectionClass for handling cluster references
 Cml::ClusterRefVolumeA stack of slices where each entry encodes an id of a ClusterRef
 Cml::ClustersStructure computes and holds all cluster information. For internal use
 Cml::ClusterSubGraphInternal helper class to manage OpenInventor visualization stuff for one cluster
 Cml::ClusterUserDataParametersCluster user data parameters
 CSoSceneWriter::COLORED_POINTStruct holds point information when VRML_2 output is applied on SGI Inventor scenes
 CcompareEdges— Class compareEdges
 Cml::ComputeClusterParametersStructure to hold parameters for cluster computation
 Cml::ComputeClustersComputes the clusters
 Casio::ConnectionAbstract base class for a connection between two I/O processors
 Cml::ConstantStringA ConstantString that contains a std::string and its hash
 Cml::ConstantStringValueShared container for the string value and its hash
 Cml::ContainerProxy< T, R, I, Count, Access >This template implements a proxy for containers that contain a collection of items normally accessed with a get-by-index method
 Cml::ContributingEquipmentSettingsHelper class to inherit, buffer and set an entry of a Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001), see C.12.1 SOP Common Module
 Cml::DirectDicomImportDPLImageToMultiFileVolume::ConversionParametersContainer for all parameters needed to convert a DPL::Image to MultiFileVolume(s)
 Cml::CoreModuleLoaderBackendInterfaceA collection of some tool functions loading files with modules or other backends
 Cml::CPUInfoSingleton class that provides hardware-specific information
 Cgdcm::CSADecoderClass CSADecoder adopted from gdcm implementation to decode Siemens CSA DICOM header tags
 Cml::Cslice_iter< T >Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing using const references This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::..
 Cml::CSOThe CSO represents a contour segmentation object
 Cml::CSOAddScopeClass for sending event if a CSO has been added
 Cml::CSOAddToGroupScopeClass for sending events if a CSO was added to a Group
 Cml::CSOAttributesThis class comprises some attributes that are common for a CSO and a CSOGroup
 Cml::CSOBoundingBoxThe CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision
 Cml::CSOChangeEventScopeBase class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSO
 Cml::CSOCreationScopeClass for sending event if a CSO has been created
 CCSOEditorStateStructure holding information about the processor/editor state
 Cml::CSOFunctionBase class for distance functions for application in the marching cubes algorithm
 Cml::CSOGroupA CSOGroup comprises a number of CSOs, which themselves can be in a number of different CSOGroups
 Cml::CSOGroupAddScopeClass for sending events if a CSOGroup has been added
 Cml::CSOGroupChangeEventScopeBase class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSOGroup
 Cml::CSOGroupRulesThis handles rules like the maximum number of CSOs in a group and applies them
 Cml::CSOGroupSelectionChangeScopeClass for sending events if the selection of CSOGroups has been changed
 CCSOHeapObjectCSOHeapObject: base class for objects to be used with the heap
 Cml::CSOInterpolate3DFunctionSettingsThis class encapsulates the settings for CSOInterpolate3DFunction
 CCSOLabelRenderInformationStructure to store render information for a certain CSO and viewer
 Cml::CSOListRulesControls how the CSOList should treat CSOGroups if their CSOs are removed
 Cml::CSOLiveWireGraphThe class maintains a graph for applying a shortest path algorithm on
 Cml::CSOMarchingSquaresThis class implements the Marching Squares algorithm to find isolines on 2D image slices
 Cml::CSOMarchingSquaresCellMarching squares cell
 Cml::CSOModuleEventGroupScopeThis class is to be used in modules, not in the CSO base library
 Cml::CSOList::CSONotificationCBDataThis struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism
 Cml::CSOObjectVector< T >Dynamic templated vector For speed and better memory handling, the vector is an array within an array The base blocks have a BLOCKSIZE of 65535 This allows for quick expanding
 Cml::CSOPathPointsThe CSOPathPoints is a list of world coordinates which are interpolated by a certain interpolation scheme between seed points of a CSO
 CCSOPathPointsRenderSettingsClass for setting visualization parameters for CSO editors
 Cml::CSOPointInPolygonCheckerChecks whether a point is inside a planar, closed polygon in an arbitrary plane
 Cml::CSORemoveFromGroupScopeClass for sending events if a CSO was removed from a Group
 Cml::CSOSeedPointThe CSOSeedPoint can be interactively set and modified and is the framework for contours
 Cml::CSOSelectionChangeScopeClass for sending events if the selection of CSOs has been changed
 CCSOTrailIntersectionStruct holding the CSO/trail point index and the computed intersection point
 Cml::CSOUndoRedoManagerManager class for maintaining the undo and the redo stacks
 CCSOVisualParametersStructure to hold visual parameters for the old editor
 Cml::CSOVoxelSetThe CSOVoxelSet represents a contour segmentation object in discrete voxel coordinates
 CCSOVoxelSlabDefines the z slab of a CSO bounding box in voxel coordinates
 Cml::DataTypeSelector< dataTypeId >Helper template so select a data type from its type ID
 CDCMTree::DateDate class for DCMTree library
 Cml::DateTimeClass for performing date/time arithmetic, comparisons and formatting
 Cml::DcmDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTAdditionalDrugSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTApplicationSetupSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTApplicationSetupSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule
 Cml::DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBeamSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBeamSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule
 Cml::DcmDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBrachyControlPointSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBreedRegistrationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTChannelSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTChannelSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTChannelShieldSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTChannelShieldSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTChannelSourceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTChannelSourceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTCompensatorSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTCompensatorSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTConceptCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTConceptCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTConceptNameCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContentItemModifierSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContentItemModifierSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContourImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContourImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContourSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContourSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTContributingEquipmentSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTControlPointSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTControlPointSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTCorrectedParameterSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDerivationCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDerivationCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDVHReferencedROISequence
 Cml::DcmDRTDVHSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTDVHSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTExposureSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTExposureSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFixationDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFixationDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFluenceMapSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFluenceMapSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFractionGroupSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence
 Cml::DcmDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIconImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIconImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTInstitutionCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonBeamSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonBeamSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonBlockSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonBlockSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonControlPointSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonControlPointSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonToleranceTableSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonWedgePositionSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTIonWedgeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTIonWedgeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTMACParametersSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTMACParametersSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTModalityLUTSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTModalityLUTSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTModifiedAttributesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTOriginalAttributesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTOverrideSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTOverrideSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPatientSetupSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPatientSetupSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTProcedureCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTProcedureCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTProtocolContextSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTProtocolContextSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeModulatorSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeShifterSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedBlockSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedBlockSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedSnoutSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRecordedWedgeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedControlPointSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedDoseSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedInstanceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedPatientSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedPatientSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedStudySequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedStudySequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRequestAttributesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRequestAttributesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTROIContourSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTROIContourSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTDoseROISequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTDoseROISequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTReferencedStudySequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTRelatedROISequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTRelatedROISequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTRTROIObservationsSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTSetupDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTSetupDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTShieldingDeviceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTSnoutSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTSnoutSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTSourceImageSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTSourceImageSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTSourceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTSourceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTStructureSetROISequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTStructureSetROISequence
 Cml::DcmDRTToleranceTableSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTToleranceTableSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule
 Cml::DcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule
 Cml::DcmDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTVOILUTSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTVOILUTSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTWedgePositionSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTWedgePositionSequence
 Cml::DcmDRTWedgeSequenceInterfaceClass to provide access to DRTWedgeSequence
 Cml::DICOMTagTools::DcmTagIdToRemoveSmall helper class describing the raw-id of the DICOM tag as well as its human readable name
 Cml::DcmtkAccessoriesClass collecting some DICOM helper functions
 Cml::DcmtkBaseObjectsThe toolkit and factory class DcmtkBaseObjects
 Cml::DcmtkMLConvertersThe tool function class DcmtkMLConverters
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::DCMTreeInfoSmall container for statistical information about a DCMTree
 Cml::DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctorDefault class providing the read function for getDCMTKObjFromFile which needs the option to extent its functionality for different IODs
 CDefaultValueCreatorBaseBase class for classes creating default values
 Cml::Memory::DeleterA custom delete that can be used in std::unique_ptr and std::shared_ptr
 CDCMTree_Serialization::DeserializableInterface that provides a method to deserialize an object
 CDCMTree_Serialization::DeserializerIntf< T >Interface of a class that can be used to deserialize objects without a default constructor
 Cml::internal::detector< Default, class, Op, Args >
 Cml::internal::detector< Default, void_t< Op< Args... > >, Op, Args... >
 Cml::DICOMCachedIOFileHandlePluginClass for resolving filenames from a given identifier (url,etc...) for DICOM importing modules
 Cml::DICOMCachedIOFileHandleProviderClass for FileHandleProvider for DICOM importing modules
 CDicomDOCSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of Encapsulated Document IOD and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 Cml::DicomDOCSaveAddOnPointersStructure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList
 CDicomEnhancedSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of Enhanced modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 Cml::DicomEnhancedSaveAddOnPointersStructure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList
 CDicomFIDSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of FID modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::DicomFrameSetMinMaxCalculationClass to collect incrementally per frame all min/max related parameters of a DICOM frame set
 Cml::DicomMessageFilterClass describing a string id of a message, a set of substrings how it can be found by searching them in a string as well as a match routine performing such a search
 Cml::DicomModifyBaseA base class which allows the modification of DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree
 Cml::DICOMTagTools::DicomPaletteInfoDICOM palette container which is to be used for ML index image to RGB image voxel translation
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::DICOMPixelReadAndCopyParameterResultsContainer storing parameters needed to copy data from DICOM pixel data into a SubImage
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::DICOMPixelReadAndCopyParametersSmall container storing and validating all input and result parameters needed to copy data from a DCMTree given by a DICOMCachedIOFileHandle into a SubImage
 CDicomREGSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of REG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfil the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 CDicomSaveBaseBase class for modules implementing their own specialized DICOM exporters
 CDicomSCSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of modality secondary capture (SC). At the required input #0 the image must be connected whose content shall written as secondary capture image data. At optional input #1 an image can be connected from which secondary DICOM tag information shall be derived. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 Cml::DicomSegmentItemClass implementing a segmentation item according to the DICOM Segmentation Image Modul as described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES
 Cml::DicomSegmentItemImageBasePure virtual base class describing an abstract image type to be read/written as DICOM SEG image as it is described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES
 CDicomSEGSaveCreates and composes a DICOM file of SEG modality and provides the option to compose the necessary tags to fulfill the standard. It derives much generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase. Currently this module only writes mandatory tags and very few optional ones
 Cml::DicomSEGSaveAddOnPointersStructure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList
 CDicomSRSaveCreates and composes a DICOM structured report and exports it to different file formats or fields. It derives the generic DICOM save functionality from DicomSaveBase
 Cml::DICOMTagInformation::DICOMTagDescriptionsContainer to manage some tag information such as the indexes to all appearances of the tag in DICOMTagFullInfos and a bit mask indicating which types the tag can have
 Cml::DICOMTagInformation::DICOMTagInfoEntryClass managing some bits needed to initialize tag tables as well as a vector of indexes into table where the tag appears
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListView::DirectDicomImportColumnDescSimple class to manage a list view column
 Cml::DiscClass to handle the geometry primitive "Disc" consisting of a center, a normal and a radius
 Cml::DistantObject< T >A DistantObject stores the pointer to an object of type T and forbids direct access to the stored pointer
 Cml::DistantObject< ml::FloatField >
 Cml::DistantObject< ml::StringField >
 Cml::DistantObjectAccessorThe DistantObjectAccessor can be used to get the value stored in a DistantObject
 CDCMTree::DLLInitThis class is responsible for initializing the DLL when it is loaded
 Cml::DMImageRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::DMImageDataStructRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::DMTagRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::DMTagDataRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::DMTagDirectoryRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::DMTagGroupRepresentation for the DM file as data structure
 Cml::R2SonicWC::WaterColumnM1OrM2::DoubleMLint16Vector entry for storage for data from M2 sections
 Cml::FileListTools::DPLConfigurationManages some DPL (DICOM Processing Library) configurations which control sorting and partitioning of imported DICOM frames
 CEdgeAnalyser— Class EdgeAnalyser
 Cml::EnhancedMFObjectInfosBaseCurrently empty class used as base for all classes carrying additional IOD object information
 Cml::EnumValues< EnumType >::EntryDefines the entry for one enum value
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLine::TimeLine::EntrySingle timeline entry
 Cml::EnumField::EnumEntryDefines the entry for one enum value
 Cml::EnumValues< EnumType >Helper class that stores a list of typed enum values and their string names
 Cml::ErrorOutputClass to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information
 Cml::ErrorOutputInfosStruct that contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information, or debug prints
 CDCMTree::ExceptionException class for DCMTree
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Casio::ExecutableType< Args >
 Casio::ExecutionPolicyAbstract base class for all asio::ExecutionPolicy derivatives
 Cml::detail::executor< Execute >
 CDCMTree::CharacterSetConverter::FactoryFactory class must be installed by the implementing DLL
 Cml::fctLineFilter< DATATYPE >The basic implementation of a filter to filter an image row with kernel operations
 Cml::FieldBase class for all fields used in the ML
 Cml::FieldAddOnBaseAbstract base class for field interfaces to be added to other ML module classes
 Cml::FieldSensorClass to define and to manage field sensors
 Cml::FileListTools::FileAttributeAttributes assigned to files in a FileList according to filter operations on the file names or DICOM tags found in the files
 Cml::FileListTools::FileListA tool class to manage a list of file/frame names/urls associated with attributes
 Cml::FileMapWrapperWraps a FileMap so we can handle errors and exceptions more easily
 Cml::FileReaderPluginsBaseBase class for a generic file reader plugin with factory interface
 Cml::FilterMessageHelper class to store and handle error messages occuring in filter calls as well as to convert them to std::strings
 Cml::FiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapperSpecial case wrapper for ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper
 Cml::Field::FlagsFlags for internal usage
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< VectorT, size >Base class of all matrix classes that holds the data buffer and provides some general access methods
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec2< DT >, 2 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec3< DT >, 3 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec4< DT >, 4 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec5< DT >, 5 >
 Cml::FloatingPointMatrix< Tvec6< DT >, 6 >
 Cml::FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase< DT, size >Base class of the FloatingPointVector class that holds the data buffer
 Cml::FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase< T, size >
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListDraftView::FrameInfoCollects all information about a frame to be displayed
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::FrameSpecificTagA struct containing a information about a specific frame (position, tagId, tagPtr, and whether it's from tree root)
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::FrameSpecificTagsHelper structure to store a z, t, u position of a frame in a structured multi-frame tree, and a tag belonging to that frame
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::FrameSpecificValueTag< VALUE_TYPE >A struct containing a information about a specific frame (position, tagId, tagPtr, and whether it's from tree root) as well as an associated value retrieved from the tag and the value validity
 Cml::GetTileJobBaseBase class for TileRequest based jobs
 CGLContextStackManages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation
 CGLElementArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data
 CGLResourceCollection of OpenGL related resource classes, such as textures, buffers, fragment programs etc
 CGLResourceManager::GLResourceListDynamic list of GLResource objects
 CGLResourceManagerManages OpenGL resources
 CGLVertexArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data
 CGPUInfoSingleton class that provides information about GPU
 Cboost::graph_traits< ml_graph_ptr >Definition of traits for ml::Graph class
 Cboost::graph_traits< ml_undirected_graph_ptr >Definition of traits for ml::Graph class
 CGraphActionDefines the GraphAction class
 CGraphAnalyser— Class GraphAnalyser
 Cml::DirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider::HardOverwriteTagSimple structure of a tag id and a string which overwrites this tag value
 CSoSceneWriter::hashColoredPointFor computing a hash value for a colored point
 Clightweight::heap_storage< T >Wrapper for large objects (i.e
 Cml::HostThe Host is the central image processing class in the ML
 Cml::ImagePropertiesThis class represents basic image properties:
 Cml::ImagePropertyExtensionBase class from which one can derive own image properties
 Cml::ImagePropertyExtensionContainerThis class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension
 Cml::PCLMLTools::ImageToPointCloudConversionParametersA container with parameters for the conversion from ML images to point clouds
 CSoView2DShaderBuiltInIncludes::IncludeContainerContainer class for includes
 Cml::InputConnectorClass to manage an input connection of a Module module
 Cml::InputSubImagePropertiesDefines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method
 Cstd14::integer_sequence< T, Ints >
 Cstd14::integer_sequence< T, Is... >
 CIntrusivePtrBase< Derived >A base-class enabling the use of boost::intrusive_ptr in derived classes
 CIntrusivePtrBase< DefaultPropertyAccessor< T > >
 CIntrusivePtrBase< PropertyManager >
 CIntrusivePtrBase< SmartPropertyIndex >
 Cml::IOHandlerHandles the different possible IO modes
 CDCMTree::IOParameterBase class to wrap parameters to be used for reading/writing messages
 Cml::Is< T >In combination with the in function, it returns true if a passed value is in the set of possible values
 Cml::IsomorphismMapIsomorphismMap class handles the information of the isomorphism between two Graph structures in form of a PointMap-list
 Cml::ContainerProxy< T, R, I, Count, Access >::iterator
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::IteratorRegular low->high (++) and high->low (–) iterator class for an SbMap
 Cml::ITKModuleAddOnsClass to implement much functionality used in ML modules wrapping filters
 Cml::ITKTypedPointerWrapper< OBJ_TYPE, WRAPPER_CLASS_NAME >Class to create a Base wrapper around an object of a certain template type
 Cml::KernelToolsClass collecting a set of templated an normal functions for filtering operations using kernels
 Cml::KeyFrameClass KeyFrame consisting of a 3D position, tangent and up vector
 CLegendItemClass holds legend item information
 Cml::lessImplement comparison operator for ClusterInfo used by std::sort
 Cstd::less< ml::BaseContainerItem >Specialize comparison class for BaseContainerItem
 Clightweight::lightweight_visitor< VisitorType >
 Cml::LineClass to define the geometry primitive 'Line' consisting of a position and a direction
 Cml::LineApplicator< DATATYPE >The LineApplicator class provides pure virtual functions used by the old applyFiltering functions from the KernelTools class to filter one row of an SubImage and writes it to an output also given by another SubImage
 CDCMTree_Utils::LoadLibraryDelegateThe delegate that is responsible for loading the specific DICOM library
 Cml::LUTDataBaseUntyped base class for LUTData template classes
 Cml::LUTFCombine::LUTEntryStores a lut function entry that should be combined
 Cml::LUTFloatRGBAImplements a float RGBA color table
 Cml::LUTIteratorBaseLUT iterator base class with type independent functionality and declarations
 Cml::LUTRGBAPointA LUT sampling point with index position and RGBA channel values,
 Cml::MainAxisPCAThis class computes the main axis for a point cloud by a principal component analysis
 Cml::MainExecutorTThis class implements an executor that allows you to execute a task in the ML's main loop without implementing a different BackgroundTaskMessage for each occasion
 Cstd14::make_integer_sequence< T, N, Is >
 CManagedActionTriggerManagedActionTrigger is a base class for all triggers of managed interactions
 CSoView2DAnnotation::MarginsStores top/bottom/left/right margins
 CMatrixHashFunctionStruct for retrieving a hash key for a Matrix4 which is used in the caches for voxel bounding boxes
 CMatrixHashPairStruct for storing hash information for hashing by a Matrix4 and its precomputed hash key
 Cml::MatrixTemplate< T >MatricTemplate implements general Matrix class based on valarray of objects with Template class type for nummeric calculations with dynamic size
 CmeasureSkeletonAgent— Class measureSkeletonAgent
 Cml::MemoryBasic memory management class for the ML
 Cml::MemoryImageA memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector
 Cml::MemoryInfoSingleton class that provides hardware specific information
 Cml::MessageCollectorClass to collect messages of different types
 Cml::MinimalDistancePointCloudsThe MinimalDistancePointClouds implements a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'
 Cboost::ml_iterator_map< IteratorTraits, IDMap >This is a helper template to create an external property map for an std random access container
 Cboost::ml_ug_edgeSimple wrapper to store an ml::VesselEdge together with a ml::VesselNode, so that the source() function and the out_edge_iterator will always be able to return an edge which points away from a vertex
 CMLApplicationPropertyCallbacksDefines all callbacks that an application has to support for property access
 CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeLoaderPluginBase class for plugins which support loading of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file loading)
 CMLDICOMCachedIODCMTreeWriterPluginBase class for plugins which support writing of DICOM trees (this class already implements basic file saving)
 CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCacheClass for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOPixelFrameCacheContainerStructure containing a container for pixel frames and an index of the most recently used one
 CMLDICOMCachedIOProxiesAn instance of this class creates singleton proxies for DICOMCachedIO cache classes such that all caches are not removed as long as an instance of this exists
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheClass for cached DICOM tag loading from files for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheMapStructure containing the DCMTag look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheClass for DICOM tree accesses and caching of them for DICOM importing modules
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMapClass containing the DCMTree look up map and the list of most recently used DICOM files as names
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheMapEntryClass describing one entry in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache of cached DICOM trees
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTreeCacheSingleMFMapEntryClass describing one SingleMultiFrameFrame entry in the map of locked single frames in the MLDICOMCachedIOTreeCache
 Cml::MLImageFormatFile format class to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file
 Cml::MLImageFormatAbstractFileHandleA base class for abstract read/write access of the MLImageFileFormat
 Cml::MLImageFormatCompressionParamsHelper class for compressor arguments managed inside of a module
 Cml::MLImageFormatIdxTableInternal and private index table for the MLImageFormat
 Cml::MLImageFormatInfosA internal structure containing information about an opened file
 Cml::MLImageFormatTagClass defining a tag used in the MLImageFormat class
 Cml::MLImageFormatToolsBasic tool functions used to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file, used by the MLImageFormat
 Cml::MLITKObjectFactoryA class to manage a void pointer to an object of a certain class type a type dataType and dimension dim
 CMLMemoryAllocatorThe memory allocator used by the memory manager
 CMLMemoryBlockHandleThe strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 CMLMemoryManagerThe memory manager
 CMLMetaProfilePtrThe pointer is automatically reset when the metaprofile is destroyed
 CMLMFPixDataFramesCacheEntrySmall helper class to manage a list of data frames related to a filename
 Cml::MLPCLObjectPtrsContainerA container with pointers from the PCL (Point Cloud Library) passed in BaseObjects between PCL modules
 CMLTimeStatisticsTime is stored in seconds
 CMLTypeInfosStructure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operations on any extended type
 CMLWeakMemoryBlockHandleThe weak handle of a MLMemoryBlock
 Cml::ModelIndexThis class serves as an index into an AbstractItemModel
 Cml::ModuleToolsClass containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeManagement class used by DirectDicomImport to create, represent and describe volumes composed of multiple DICOM or other files without needing additional intermediate representations or copies of the composed files
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeAdditionalOptionsContainer which stores additional options for MultiFileVolumes which can have an arbitrary number of entries such that future or user defined parameters can be added to MultiFileVolumes without changing the version of the persistent data
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListFindClass implementing some search functionality on MultiFileVolumeLists
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListSortTool class to sort MultiFileVolumeLists according to specific properties
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListViewManages the volume list view and its contents for the DirectDicomImport module
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::NeedsSignednessCorrectionShiftingOrMaskingTool class to retrieve the values of HightBit, BitsAllocated, BitsStored, and PixelRepresentation from dcmTree and to set needsCorrection to true if pixel data needs post processing such as masking of retired overlay planes, sign extension, or shifting
 CNodeAnalyser— Class NodeAnalyser
 Cml::NotifyClass to handle all ML Notify prints, errors, and warnings
 Casio::ObservableConnectionInput< Args >Templated input configuration class for the asio::ObservableConnection
 Casio::ObservableType< Args >
 Cml::BackgroundTask::ObserverAbstract interface to observe the BackgroundTask
 Cml::BackgroundTaskManager::ObserverAbstract interface to observe the BackgroundTaskManager
 COpenGLMeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton)
 Cml::OutputConnectorClass to manage an output connection for a Module module
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput::OutputImagePropertiesHelper container to manage fields related to an image output
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput::OverallTabTagsContains values of overall tab tags
 Cml::PageBufferPageBuffer is a helper structure to manage one page of input data of the VirtualVolume class and it also handles the most important properties of the page
 Cml::PageIDIteratorA class that allows to incrementally iterate over all IDs of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage
 Cml::MLImageFormatIdxTable::PageIdxTypeInternal helper class
 Cml::PageRequestA PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage
 Cml::PageRequestQueueInterfaceVirtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing
 Casio::ParameterPack< Args >
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentFirstIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from top to bottom
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >::ParentLastIteratorSbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from bottom to top
 Cml::ParserBaseBasic parser class from which special parser classes can be derived for parsing persistent state strings
 Cml::PathInfoClass to store informations about connection path for use in calculation of distance matrices
 CSoCSOEditorTools::PathPointsSegmentStructure for handling path points segments
 Cml::PersistenceStreamExceptionThis class represents the exceptions that can be thrown while reading from or writing to the persistence stream
 Cml::PageRequestProcessorBase::PerThreadStorageData that is available on a per-thread basis to cache items that are reused across PageRequest calls, e.g., the UserThreadData
 CDCMTree::PixelDataContains pixel data that is either shared/ref-counted or a direct pointer
 Cml::PlaneClass defining a plane in 3D
 Cml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatisticsContainer for statistical point cloud parameters
 Cml::PointMapPointMap constitutes a lightweight object for storage of data of two nodes
 Cml::DicomToMLTools::PositionSpecificDoubleHelper structure to store a z, t, u position with an associated double value
 Cml::PrivateDICOMTagDecoderClass decoding all private DICOM tags it finds decoders for to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container
 Cml::PrivateDICOMTagInfosSmall container class managing one decoded sub element of a private DICOM tag
 Cml::PrivateDICOMTagsClass collecting some known private DICOM tag information
 Cml::PrivateDICOMTagValueFieldsList type managing and maintaining a number of PrivateDICOMTagValueFields::PrivateTagField containers describing information extracted from private tag values
 Cml::PrivateDICOMTags::PrivateTagDescSmall helper container to manage private tag information
 Casio::ProcessableType< Result, Args >
 Cml::ImagingBackgroundTask::ProcessAllPagesRequestAn asynchronous process all pages request. This is copyable!
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLineStores a processing timeline for multiple threads
 Casio::ProcessorBase class for all asynchronous I/O interfaces
 Casio::ProcessorConnection< Args >
 Cml::internal::ProfilingScopeHelper class that stops measuring when it gets out of scope
 Cml::ProgressLoggerConfigurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging, interruption checks and collection of messages in a user defined stream
 Cml::ProjectedCSOThis class is a helper class used internally by CSOPointInPolygon
 Cboost::property_map< ml_graph_ptr, edge_weight_t >
 Cboost::property_map< ml_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t >
 Cboost::property_map< ml_undirected_graph_ptr, edge_weight_t >
 Cboost::property_map< ml_undirected_graph_ptr, vertex_index_t >
 CPropertyTraits< T >Class PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way
 CPropertyTraits< double >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint16 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint32 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint64 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLint8 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint16 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint32 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint64 >
 CPropertyTraits< MLuint8 >
 CPropertyTraits< Vector3 >
 CPropertyTraits< Vector6 >
 CPropertyValueClass PropertyValue, which is used to hold properties of a given set of allowed types in typesafe way
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput::REGMatrixMatrix and matrix type values:
 Cml::MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput::REGMatrixVectorThe Vector type representing matrices of one Registration sequence entries
 Casio::ResourceDestructionGuardA guard that protects resources of a given class from being detroyed if another thread still works with them
 Cml::WEMNearestPointOnSurface::ResultResult structure for getNearestTriangle:
 Cml::RotationClass to handle Rotations (internally, the rotation is stored as a unit quaternion)
 Cml::RuntimeThis class contains the runtime system of the ML
 Cml::RuntimeDictThis file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes
 Cml::RuntimeTypeRuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType
 CSbFocusInfoClass transporting focus information for one sub graph
 CSbList< Type >This contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations
 CSbList< SbString >
 CSbMap< KeyType, ValueType >Open Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType
 CSbMapItem< KeyType, ValueType >Class SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree
 CSbMLImagePropertiesInventor element storing ML image properties in the OpenInventor state
 CSbSamplerInfoOpen Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler
 CSbSlabRenderingPropertiesOpen Inventor element to store information about current slab mode
 Cml::ScopedBarrierWaiterA helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs
 Cscl::ScopedLog< LoggerType, level >
 Casio::ScopedSemaphoreAccessA scoped semaphore access object that increments on construction and decrements on destruction
 Cml::ScopeGuardDetail::ScopeGuard< Functor >
 Cml::PageRequestProcessorBase::ScopeStackEntryEach processing scope has its own GUI work queue and flags/counters for errors and tiles to wait for
 Cml::SegmentInfosStructure providing SEG IOD specific information for and about composed BitImage Frame heap to be saved
 Casio::SemaphoreA simple semaphore with increment and decrement functionality
 CDCMTree_Serialization::SerializableInterface that provides a method to serialize an object
 CDCMTree_Serialization::SerializerIntf< T >Interface of a class that can be used to serialize objects
 Cstd::set< K >STL class
 CView2DShaderGLSL::ShaderStores a full shader program for the given configuration
 CView2DShaderGLSL::ShaderConfigStores a shader configuration
 CSoView2DShaderDiagnosis::ShaderDiagnosisClass that is used for returning advanced shader diagnosis
 CSiemensASCIIConvertParserDeprecated helper class SiemensASCIIConvertParser to partially decode Siemens ASCII CSAHeader contents and providing by-name access to values of the ASCIIConvert-Part of a Siemens proprietary MR Spectroscopy data set
 CDCMTree_Serialization::SinkInterface of a data sink for the serialization of objects
 Cml::Slice_iter< T >Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::..
 Casio::SocketAbstract base class for an asynchronous channel supporting read and write of binary data
 CSoGLShaderAbstract base class for shader objects
 CSoInteractionSoInteraction is the base class for SoCommandAction, SoPointingAction, and SoOffsetAction
 CSoInteractionCoordinatorProvides a coordinating interface to the SoInteractionHandlers in the scene
 CSoInteractionHandlerSoInteractionHandler is a mix-in class for instances of SoNode to handle the interactions it provides in the handleEvent method
 CSoInteractionMapperSoInteractionMapper is the base class for instances that map SoPointingActions or SoCommandActions to other key/button combinations
 CSoInteractionOwnerListenerInterfaceInterface for getting notified about changes in the interaction list of an owner
 CSoInteractionProviderSoInteractionProvider is an abstract interface class that provides interactions to the SoInteractionController
 CSoMetaInformationMapSoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state
 CSoPointerPositionSoPointerPosition manages the current position of the mouse cursor
 CSoShaderShader-releated types
 CSoUniformParameterBaseBase class for uniform shader parameters
 CDCMTree_Serialization::SourceInterface of a data source for the deserialization of objects
 Cml::SourceFrameReferenceStructure to collect important information of input frames
 CSoVertexAttributeInfoOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes
 CSoView2DDrawingSettingsDrawing settings that can be overwritten by extensions
 CSoView2DShaderOperationContainer class to specify a change operation for the shader pipeline shader
 CSoView2DShaderOverlayInfoStores information for each overlay to render
 CSoView2DShaderStateStores the state that defines the shader of the shader pipeline, used to detect if a regeneration of the shader is needed
 CSoViewerProxyThis class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal
 CSoVirtualVolumeFor fast voxel based access to paged ML images; see also mlVirtualVolume and mlTVirtualVolume in project MLTools for examples etc
 Cml::SphereDefines the class to handle the geometry primitive "Sphere" with a radius and a center point
 Cml::StatisticalClusterInfoSmall helper container managing some information about a cluster
 CGLContextStack::StoreCurrentGLContextScopeStores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted
 Cml::StringConversionThe class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings
 Cml::StringSwitch< T, R >
 CStringXDefines library specific stuff, mostly for system independence
 CDCMTree::StructuredMFSupport for structured multi-frame (SMF) DICOM objects
 Cml::SubImageThis class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory
 Cml::SubImageBoxdSubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type
 COverloadSelector::SwitchType< b >Helper types to switch between implementations of functions by overloading
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheMap::TagHashFunctionThis is a self defined hash function for the boost::unordered map used as cache for tags
 CMLDICOMCachedIOTagCacheMap::TagKeyTagKey for the tag cache
 Casio::TcpAcceptorA TCP acceptor listening on a given port and interface address
 CGLContextStack::TemporaryGLContextScopeCreates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope
 CDCMTree_Utils::thread_scoped_criticalsectionClass to manage thread specific critical sections
 Casio::ThreadPoolA thread pool executing an asio::Context's run method with a bunch of threads
 Cml::TileIteratorIterator that takes a region and a tile extent, and returns subsequent tiles that cover the region starting at region.v1
 Cml::TileRequestA TileRequest either represents the input subimage that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile
 Cml::TileSphereTileSphere is used in the class MinimalDistancePointClouds
 Cml::TileSphereHashTableTileSphereHashTable is used in the classes MinimalDistancePointClouds and TileSphere
 CDCMTree::TimeTime class for DCMTree library
 Cml::TimeCounterClass to measure precise time intervals
 Cml::ProcessingTimeLine::TimeLineTimeline for a single thread
 Cml::TKernel< KDATATYPE >Class to manage a filtering kernel for images
 Cml::TKernel< KernelDataType >
 Cml::ToolsClass which collects some useful functions needed in many places of operator programming
 Cml::TQuaternion< DT >Declaration of complex type traits
 Cml::Trace< INDEXTYPE >This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor
 Cml::TraceBuffer< INDEXTYPE >This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings
 Cml::tree_node< T >
 Cml::TreeNodeThe class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects
 Cml::TreeNodeExceptionThe class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes
 Cml::TScaleShiftData< DT >The class defines a first order linear transformation
 Cml::TScaleShiftData< MLdouble >
 Cml::TSubImageBox< intT >This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions
 Cml::TSubImageBox< MLint >
 Cml::TSubImageCursorBase< DATATYPE >Base class for all TSubImage Cursors
 Cml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension
 Cml::TVectorNDBase< CompIntType, NumDim >Declaration of integer vector type traits
 Cml::TVirtualVolume< DATATYPE >The TVirtualVolume class implements random access to a paged input image or a pure virtual image without mapping more than a limited number of bytes. Pages of the input volume are mapped temporarily into memory when needed. If no input volume is specified the pages are created and filled with a fill value. When the permitted amount of memory is exceeded then older mapped pages are removed. When pages are written they are mapped until the virtual volume instance is removed or if they are explicitly cleared by the application
 CTypedObjectHolderBaseBase class for all derived classes containing an itk object type pointer and some of its basic information
 COpenGL::TypeInfoStruct to store infos about a type, e.g., about a uniform
 Cml::TypeTraits< T >TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes
 CDCMTree_Utils::UIDGeneratorClass to generate unique IDs, valid to be used in a DICOM environment
 CSoGLShaderProgram::UniformInfoInformation structure for SoGLShaderObject containing location, type, and size
 Cml::UserThreadDataBase class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage
 Cml::VariableTypeBase class for all variable types, mainly for Doxygen documentation purpose
 Cml::VariableType< SingleTypeCaller< Processor, VariableType >, 0, internal::EmptyType >
 Cml::VariantStores different data types
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class
 Cml::Vector2DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
 Cml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
 CSoCSOEditorTools::vectorXSortFor sorting Vector3s according to their x-component
 CView2DCineParametersThis class provides the cine mode for SoView2D and SoView2DCine
 CView2DDrawGL extended drawing routines, used by SoView2DExtensions, e.g. SoView2DSphere
 CView2DEventView2DEvent stores all information on an event on a SoView2D
 CView2DFontAbstract GL font drawing using FTGL
 CView2DIconsDefines and implements a class to store multiple images and draw them via OpenGL
 CView2DLutA small wrapper class for the LUT data
 CView2DPositionThis class stores all position information needed by SoView2DExtensions to handle the pointer position
 CView2DShaderBase class for hardware shaders that can be used on a View2DTexture
 CView2DShaderCacheGLSLGlobal GLSL shader cache for all shaders that are used in the SoView2D
 CView2DSliceSingle slice that is stored in a View2DSliceList, typically created by a View2DSliceList
 CView2DSliceListList that holds all View2DSlice objects (lazily created) of a SoView2D
 CView2DTextureA class to render images as OpenGL Textures
 Cml::VirtualVolumeThis class manages a virtual volume organizing efficient voxel access to the output image of an input module given as input inIdx of thisBaseOp
 Cml::internal::voider<... >
 Casio::VoidOrArgsObservable< Args >
 Casio::VoidOrArgsObservable< void >
 Cml::VoxelPosStructure holding a 2D voxel position
 Cml::WaitConditionWaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization
 Cml::R2SonicWC::WaterColumnDataSetClass describing the common data header of a WaterColumn data package
 Cml::R2SonicWC::WaterColumnDataSetPingClass managing all sections belonging to the same ping
 Cml::R2SonicWC::WaterColumnM1AndM2HeaderA structure describing the common data header of an M1_Data and an M2_Data section of a WaterColumn data package
 Cml::R2SonicWC::WaterColumnSectionBaseA base class for all WaterColumn section formats
 Cml::WEMAttributesThis class comprises some attributes that are common for a WEM and a WEMPatch
 Cml::WEMBoundingBoxThis class represents an axis aligned bounding box for a WEMPatch
 Cml::WEMCutClass to manage cut faces
 Cml::WEMDefaultsStruct providing default values for the WEM library
 Cml::WEMEdgeDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMEdge
 Cml::WEMEventContainerThis struct holds all necessary data for the different notifications
 Cml::WEMFaceCutHelper class for performing a cutting on a face
 Cml::WEMFaceDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMFace
 Cml::WEMFastVector< T >Dynamic templated vector
 Cml::WEMIndexedFaceDefines the mesh component: an face holding a list of up to 100 indices
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< T >Dynamic vector, based on a memory pool. Keeps track on entry numbers of stored primitives
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< ml::WEMEdge >
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< ml::WEMNode >
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< ml::WEMPolygon >
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< ml::WEMQuad >
 Cml::WEMIndexVector< ml::WEMTriangle >
 Cml::WEMNearestPointOnSurfaceThis class constructs a bounding sphere hierarchy of all non-empty triangles (i.e
 Cml::WEMNodeDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode
 Cml::WEM::WEMNotificationCBDataThis struct combines a function pointer, a user data pointer and a flag for the notification observer mechanism
 Cml::WEMObjectVector< T >Dynamic template vector
 Cml::WEMPartialFaceCutClass for managing partial face cuts
 Cml::WEMPatchBase class for triangle and quad patches
 Cml::WEMPatchDiagnosisThis class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode
 Cml::WEMPatchPersistenceClass to save/load a WEMPatch
 Cml::WEMPersistenceParametersStructure to gather persistence parameters
 Cml::WEMPrimitiveThis is the base class for the WEM elements nodes, edges, and faces
 Cml::WEMPrimitiveValueListStores a value list where the values are associated to primitives (WEMNode, WEMEdge, and WEMFace)
 Cml::WEMProgressUpdaterHelper struct for updating the progress bar while loading/saving
 Cml::WEMQueue< T >The WEMQueue is a single linked list with pointers to its head and tail elements
 Cml::WEMQueueElement< T >The WEMQueueElement represents an element of a single linked list
 Cml::WEMReadParametersHelper struct for bundling parameters to keep method interfaces small
 Cml::WEMRequirementsThis class represents WEMPatch requirements to be used by WEMProcessor
 Cml::WEMVector< T, fixedBufferSize >Dynamic templated vector
 Cml::WEMVector< WEMPrimitive >
 Cml::WMIInterfaceInterface to the Windows Management Instrumentation
 Cml::XMLPersistenceStreamMix-in class that manages a stack of names for list elements and if the parent scope of the list is suppressed (for handling legacy file formats)
 CXStringClass transcoding local code page to XMLCh data for display
 CXVImageSizeSoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes
 CXVStatusClass for passing status information to a host system
 Cml::XYLibHeaderHeader information loader for files supported by xylib
 Cml::ZTUFileNameSetClass to manage a 3D set of handles describing frames or volumes to be composed to a higher dimensional volume where the frames are located in z, t, and u dimension
 Cml::DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndexClass managing a multi-frame Z, T, and U-dimension plus a string value