size_t | getPCLMajorVersion () const |
| \script More...
size_t | getPCLMinorVersion () const |
| Returns the minor PCL version. More...
size_t | getPCLRevisionVersion () const |
| Returns the revision of the PCL version. More...
QString | getPCLVersionString () const |
| Returns the PCL version string, for example "1.8.0" or "1.12.1". More...
bool | hasValidPointCloudPointer () const |
| Returns whether the PCL base object contains a valid point cloud. More...
bool | hasValidPolygonMeshPointer () const |
| Returns whether the PCL base object contains a valid polygon mesh. More...
bool | hasValidPCLObjectPointer () const |
| Returns whether the PCL base object contains any valid pcl object mesh. More...
bool | isXYZPointCloud () const |
| Returns true if the point cloud is a XYZ point cloud, otherwise false. More...
bool | isXYZLNormalPointCloud () const |
| Returns true if the point cloud is a XYZLNormal point cloud, otherwise false. More...
bool | isXYZRGBNormalPointCloud () const |
| Returns true if the point cloud is a XYZRGBNormal point cloud, otherwise false. More...
bool | isXYZINormalPointCloud () const |
| Returns true if the point cloud is a XYZINormal point cloud, otherwise false. More...
bool | isPolygonMesh () const |
| Returns true if the object in the wrapper is a polygon mesh, otherwise false. More...
void | clearPCLObjectPointers () |
| Frees the actual pcl object if there is any. More...
void | createEmptyXYZPointCloud () |
| Clears any object and creates an empty XYZ point cloud. More...
void | createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud () |
| Clears any object and creates an empty XYZLNormal point cloud. More...
void | createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud () |
| Clears any object and creates an empty XYZRGBNormal point cloud. More...
void | createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud () |
| Clears any object and creates an empty XYZINormal point cloud. More...
void | createEmptyPolygonMesh () |
| Clears any object and creates an empty polygon mesh. More...
void | resizePointCloud (size_t newNumEntries) |
| Resizes the point cloud to newNumEntries number of points. More...
size_t | getNumberOfPoints () const |
| Returns the number of points of the point cloud. More...
size_t | getWidth () const |
| Returns the width member of the point cloud. More...
size_t | getHeight () const |
| Returns the height member of the point cloud. More...
bool | getIsDense () const |
| Returns the is_dense member of the point cloud. More...
bool | getIsOrganized () const |
| Returns the return value of isOrganized member function of the point cloud. More...
void | setIntensityReplacement (size_t idx, float replVal) |
| Sets the point member value to repl which is the most appropriate to be considered as intensity; if no appropriate members exists then the call is ignored. More...
float | getIntensityReplacement (size_t idx) const |
| Returns the point member value which is the most appropriate to be considered as intensity; if no appropriate members exists then 0 is returned. More...
float | getPointMemberX (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberY (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberZ (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberNormalX (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberNormalY (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberNormalZ (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberCurvature (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberRGBAAsFloat (size_t idx) const |
float | getPointMemberIntensity (size_t idx) const |
quint32 | getPointMemberRGBAAsInt (size_t idx) const |
quint32 | getPointMemberLabel (size_t idx) const |
void | setPointMemberXYZ (size_t idx, float x, float y, float z) |
void | setPointMemberXYZIntensityReplacement (size_t idx, float x, float y, float z, float val) |
void | setPointMemberNormalXYZ (size_t idx, float x, float y, float z) |
void | setPointMemberXYZIntensityReplacement (PyObject *x, PyObject *y, PyObject *z, PyObject *val) |
void | setPointMemberX (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberY (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberZ (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberNormalX (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberNormalY (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberNormalZ (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberCurvature (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberIntensity (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberRGBAAsFloat (size_t idx, float val) |
void | setPointMemberRGBAAsInt (size_t idx, quint32 val) |
void | setPointMemberLabel (size_t idx, quint32 val) |
\script Returns the number index sets in the vector of index sets.
size_t | getNumberOfIndexSetsInIndexVector () const |
size_t | getNumberOfIndicesInNthIndexVector (size_t nthIndexSet) const |
| Returns the number indices in the nthIndexSet index set of the vector of index sets; accesses out of range will except. More...
size_t | getNumberOfComposedIndices () const |
| Return number of total indices in all index sets in the vector of index sets. More...
void | resizeVectorOfIndexVectors (size_t numIndexVectors) |
| Resize vector of index vectors to have numIndexVectors entries; resize is performed as std::vector resize. More...
void | resizeNthVectorOfIndexVectors (size_t nthIndexSet, size_t numIndices) |
| Resize nth entry of vector of index vectors to have numIndices entries; resize is performed as std::vector resize and accesses out of range will except. More...
void | clearVectorOfIndexVectors () |
| Clear entire vector of index vectors to have 0 entries. More...
int | getIndex (size_t idxVecIdx, size_t idx) const |
| Returns index idx in nth entry of vector of index; accesses out of range will except. More...
void | setIndex (size_t idxVecIdx, size_t idx, int newVal) |
| Set index idx in nth entry of vector of index vectors to newVal; accesses out of range will except. More...
void | setIndexSet (size_t idxVecIdx, PyObject *idxSet) |
| Set the nthIndexSet to the numpy array newIdxSet; idxVecIdx accesses out of range will except. More...