MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
MeVisLab Toolbox Class Reference

This documentation contains reference pages to the following libraries:

  • ml::AbstractItemModel - A general interface for a structure of hierarchical data items
  • CSO - Contour Segmentation Objects: Module library for interactive segmentation
  • DCMTree - DICOM image property access
  • InventorWrapper - Translate between ML and OpenInventor objects and data types
  • ML - The MeVis Image Processing Library
  • MLBackgroundTasks - Asynchronous processing for ML modules
  • MLBase - Predefined interchangeable list objects and templates for custom objects
  • MLDataCompressor - ML data compression support
  • MLDicomTreeImagePropertyExtension - DICOM image property access from ML image properties
  • MLImageFormat - ML file IO support with MLImageFormat
  • MLITKSupport - ML-ITK Interface used mainly by modules generated by the ITKVTKGenerator
  • MLKernel - Support classes for kernel filter operations
  • MLLinearAlgebra - Basic linear algebra functionality (vectors and matrices)
  • MLLUT - Class library for the implementation of lookup tables
  • MLMemoryManager - The memory manager for managing greater allocations
  • MLParser - Store persistent objects in XML files
  • MLPrivateDICOMTagDecoders - Base class to implement private DICOM tag decoders
  • MLTools - ML module utility classes and functions
  • MLUtilities - Basic utility classes and functionality
  • MLVesselGraph - Library for representing (vessel) graph structures
  • MLVTKSupport - ML-VTK Interface used mainly by modules generated by the ITKVTKGenerator
  • ObjMgr - MeVisLab application data and message exchange concept SDK
  • OpenGL: MeVis OpenGL Information Interface
  • PointCloudUtils - Computes main axis PCA of a point cloud or the minimal distance between two point clouds
  • MLClusterAlgorithm - Computes voxel clusters as connected components and offers selection and filtering of those clusters
  • SoShader - OpenGL Shading Language SDK
  • Managed Interaction - Providing interaction objects in an OpenInventor scene
  • SoView2D - Extendible 2D rendering and interaction modules
  • SoVirtualVolume - Fast and convenient voxel access in ML images
  • WEM - Module library for generating, processing and rendering winged-edge mesh surfaces.

These classes/libraries are only available with the Standard SDK:

  • ml::marker_conversion - A set of free C++ functions for conversion of ml::XMarker and ml::XMarkerList instances between World Coordinates, Floating Point Voxel Coordinates and Integer (i.e. Index) Voxel Coordinates
  • MLAlgorithmModule - ML-Module base class to simplify development of modules containing an algorithm with input and output values
  • MLDICOMCachedIO - Tool and singleton library to manage a MeVisLab wide cahce for DICOM file, tree and tag cache
  • MLDICOMTags - Library of tool function for DICOM tag handling
  • MLDicomTagInterfaces - A collection of ml::FieldAddOnBase for DICOM tag manipulations
  • MLDicomToMLTools - Converter tools to translate DICOM (data) structures to ML data structures.
  • MLMLDicomToMLTools - Conversion functionality to convert ML to DICOM data structures especially to export standard compliant DICOM.
  • MLFileListTools - Library with modules, tools and classes to scan directories for files, assign attributes to files and to filter file sets
  • MLFileReaderPlugins - a small base class to implement new file loader plugins for example for ml::DirectDicomImport
  • MLMultiFileVolume - Module and class library to handle file volumes composed of multiple files as well as ml::DicomToMLTools and ml::MLToDicomTools
  • MLReleaseTools - Collection of tool functions and base classes of string, DICOM, IO manipulations, and progress logging and interrupt handling
  • AsynchronousIO - Convenient support for asynchronous operations and networking
  • SeverityChannelLogging - Convenient support for efficient logging using different channels and severity levels.
  • ml::MainThreadCommunicator - Conveniently and safely send method call requests to the main thread
  • ml::ParameterInfo - Data structure for C++ for documenting algorithm parameterizations, translatable to python and inspectable in a MeVisLab network.