MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
The MLVesselGraph library provides a basic data structure that can be used to model tubular structures with graph-like topologies such as vascular systems. The main object class is Graph, which contains sets of nodes, edges and roots. The basic implementation of nodes and edges are VesselNode and VesselEdge. These classes describe the topology of a graph only. The more advanced classes VesselNode and VesselEdge can carry further information usually required for the description of anatomical structures such as centerlines.
By definition, the MLVesselGraph library knows only directed edges, i.e. there are no bidirectional edges. While algorithms may choose to neglect the directions of edges, effectively handling all edges as undirected, there is no official method for marking only a subset of the edges as undirected.
Basic classes to use are:
Graph objects can be conveniently created from segmentation masks using the DTFSkeletonization module.