MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Namespace List
Here is a list of all namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 NboostForward declaration for the boost::mutex class
 NDCMTreeClass to dump a DCMTree DICOM message into a human-readable file
 NDCMTree_UtilsDictionary class to provide DICOM meta information
 NDPLForward and includes of internally used DPL classes
 NFileListToolsNamespace containing a number of tools and classes to scan directories for files, assign attributes to files and to filter file sets
 NgdcmNamespace of the Grassroots DICOM library
 NitkInclude dll-specific settings
 NlightweightNamespace lightweight, provides utilities to wrap large objects in a lightweight variant whose static size is 2*sizeof(void*)
 NmlMain documentation file for ML users and developers
 NMLPCLTestToolsNamespace containing useful tools for Google tests written for PCL related classes in MeVisLab
 NSoView2DShaderBuiltInIncludesAll includes implemented by the GVR itself shall be included in this namespace
 NstdSTL namespace
 NXERCES_CPP_NAMESPACEImplement the AbstractPersistence(Input/Output)Stream classes with XML backend