MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
ml::PCLSupportTools Namespace Reference

A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport. More...


struct  PointCloudStatistics
 Container for statistical point cloud parameters. More...


enum  PointCloudDefaultPatterns {
  Empty = 0 , OriginPoint , Triangle , Square ,
 An enumerator defining some basic default patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  { NumberOfPointCloudDefaultPatterns = 5 }
 The number of basic default patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  PointCloudFillPatterns { Fill = 0 , Indexed }
 An enumerator defining some basic value fill patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  { NumberOfPointCloudFillPatterns = 2 }
 The number of basic value fill patterns for point clouds. More...
 Number of possible members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement". More...
 Possible float members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement". More...


template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
PointCloudStatistics getStatistics (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, const std::string &floatPointMemberName="intensityReplacement", const bool calculateMedian=false)
 Traverses all points in the pointCloud and returns some statistical parameters. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
float getMedian (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, const std::string &floatPointMemberName)
 Calculate the median of the member floatPointMemberName of all points and returns it as float value. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 getSigned32BitMaximumLimit ()
 Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit signed indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 getUnsigned32BitMaximumLimit ()
 Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit unsigned indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds. More...
Eigen::Vector3f castToEigenVector3f (const Vector3 &mlVec)
 Convenience function to convert an ML Vector3f to an Eigen::Vector3f.
Eigen::Vector4f castToEigenVector4f (const Vector4 &mlVec)
 Convenience function to convert an ML Vector4f to an Eigen::Vector4f.
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void castToStdVector (const Eigen::VectorXf &eigenVec, std::vector< MLfloat > &stdVec)
 Convenience function to convert an Eigen::VectorXf to a std::vector<MLfloat>, e.g. More...
size_t getMaximumNumberOfScalarPointMembers ()
 From the point cloud type with the largest number of scalar members returns the number of scalar values which exist in the corresponding point type, regardless of their types or whether they are stored in structures, arrays or in single members. More...
template<typename PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE >
void createEmptyPCLObject (PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE &retPCLObjectPtr)
 Creates an empty point cloud of type POINT_CLOUD_PTR_TYPE. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void appendPoint (POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pc, const Vector3f &pos, float fillValue)
 Appends a new point to pc with data[0-2] given by pos and data[3] by fillValue; does nothing if pc is nullptr. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void appendFillPattern (POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pc, PointCloudDefaultPatterns pattern, PointCloudFillPatterns fillMode, float fillValue=0.f)
 Creates a PointCloud point cloud filled with a set of points defined by pattern and fillMode; does nothing if pc is nullptr. More...
bool fourFloatsDiffer (const float data1[4], const float data2[4], double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding data1 and data2 entries are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE >
void getPCLPointAsFormattedString (const POINT_TYPE &point, std::string &formatStr, int numDecimalPlaces, size_t pointIndex)
 Replaces placeholders in formatStr with values from the given point. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string getPCLPointListAsString (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, MLint maxNumShownPoints=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstPoint=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator="\n", int numDecimalPlaces=-1, const std::string &pointsPrintFormatStr="")
 Converts at most maxNumShownPoints from pointCloud starting at position indexOfFirstPoint into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding point and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string getPointStructureT (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud)
 Returns an empty string if pointCloud.points are empty, otherwise a concatenated, comma separated string of string descriptions of all members of a point of this point cloud. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLVerticesAsString (const std::vector< pcl::Vertices > &vertices, MLint maxNumShownVertices=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstVertex=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString)
 Converts at most maxNumShownVertices vertices from vertices starting at position indexOfFirstVertex into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding vertex and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLIndicesAsString (const std::vector< int > &indices, MLint maxNumShownIndices, MLint indexOfFirstIndex, bool showIndices, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString)
 Converts at most maxNumShownIndices indices from indices starting at position indexOfFirstIndex into a string which are separated with lineSeparator, each line will contain the index value and a prefix showing the current index position of the index in indices if showIndices is true. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void PCLExtractSubIndices (const std::vector< int > &subIndices, std::vector< int > &indices)
 Extract all indices from indices if they are listed in subIndices in the order as given in subIndices; indices out of range in subIndices are ignored. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPointFieldValueAsString (std::uint8_t fd, const std::uint8_t *dataPtr, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
 Reinterprets the data at position dataPtr as a pcl::PointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator given by fd and converts the content to a human readable string. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPointFieldDataTypeString (std::uint8_t fd, bool aligned)
 Returns a human readable string for a pcl::PCLPointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getCloudDataString (const MLPolygonMesh &polygonMesh, MLint maxNumShownVertices=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstVertex=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
 Converts the cloud data of polygonMesh to a human readable string. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getCloudFieldsString (const std::vector< pcl::PCLPointField > &fields)
 Converts the pointField vector fields to a human readable string. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBoxd getBoxForPointCloud (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &inputPointCloud)
 Returns an ML SubImageBoxd whose extents are sufficient in that way that all points of inputPointCloud are located inside or exactly on the box borders. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBox getBoxForPointCloud (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, Vector3f &pointCloudOrigin, bool includeAll)
 Returns an ML SubImageBox corresponding to pointCloud. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &, size_t memberIdx)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
size_t getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr &)
bool hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the point or point type contains normal fields/members, otherwise false,. More...
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr &)
bool hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr &)
bool hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr &)
bool hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
bool hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr &)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
void setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
 Copy states of constantFields to the corresponding member of pnt; the contantFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled. More...
void setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const float val)
 Copy a scalar value into all point fields. More...
void setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const float val)
void setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const float val)
void setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const float val)
void setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
 Set resultFields to the corresponding member states of pnt; the resultFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled. More...
void setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
void setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
void setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
MLPointCloudXYZPtr createEmptyXYZPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZ point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZRGBNormal point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud. More...
MLPolygonMeshPtr createEmptyPolygonMesh ()
 Creates an empty pcl::PolygonMesh object. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE1 , typename POINT_TYPE2 >
bool doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const POINT_TYPE1 &, const POINT_TYPE2 &, double=FLT_EPSILON)
 Compare all non data members of all supported point types with each other. More...
bool doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZ &, const pcl::PointXYZ &, double=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
void setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZ &, float=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
 Sets a scalar value in a member which can be used as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members. More...
void setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
void setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8 opacity=0xff)
void setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
float getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Gets the scalar value in a member which is considered as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members. More...
float getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p)
float getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p)
float getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p)
float getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Gets/sets the curvature value as float if the point has one, otherwise return 0 (for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ or do nothing in set). More...
float getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p)
float getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p)
float getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p)
void setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZ &, float)
void setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float curvature)
void setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float curvature)
void setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float curvature)
unsigned int getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Get the rgba value from PCL point if it has that member otherwise get 0u; for set functionality set that member or do nothing otherwise. More...
unsigned int getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
unsigned int getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &rgbaPnt)
unsigned int getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
void setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZ &, MLuint32)
void setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZINormal &, MLuint32)
void setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &rgbaPnt, MLuint32 srcVal)
void setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &, MLuint32)
void setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZ &, float, float, float)
 Sets the normal fields normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point from nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then the call is ignored, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ. More...
void setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZ &, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
 Returns the normal field members normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point p in nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then in nx, ny, and nz 0 is returned, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ. More...
void getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
void getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
void getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
bool hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a normal, otherwise false. More...
bool hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a label field, otherwise false. More...
bool hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has an rgba field, otherwise false. More...
bool hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has an intensity field, otherwise false. More...
bool hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a curvature field, otherwise false. More...
bool hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has any field which can be interpreted as an intensity replacement field, otherwise false. More...
bool hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)


 Possible members of points as strings which might appear in current implementation. More...
 Number of possible float members as strings which might appear in current implementation. More...

Detailed Description

A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

The number of basic default patterns for point clouds.


Definition at line 402 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

The number of basic value fill patterns for point clouds.


Definition at line 416 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Number of possible members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement".


Definition at line 1296 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Possible float members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement".


Definition at line 1309 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ PointCloudDefaultPatterns

An enumerator defining some basic default patterns for point clouds.


Definition at line 391 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ PointCloudFillPatterns

An enumerator defining some basic value fill patterns for point clouds.


Definition at line 409 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Function Documentation

◆ appendFillPattern()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::appendFillPattern ( POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pc,
PointCloudDefaultPatterns  pattern,
PointCloudFillPatterns  fillMode,
float  fillValue = 0.f 

Creates a PointCloud point cloud filled with a set of points defined by pattern and fillMode; does nothing if pc is nullptr.

Definition at line 443 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References appendPoint(), Cube, Empty, Fill, Indexed, ML_BAD_PARAMETER, ML_PRINT_ERROR, OriginPoint, Square, and Triangle.

◆ appendPoint()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::appendPoint ( POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pc,
const Vector3f pos,
float  fillValue 

Appends a new point to pc with data[0-2] given by pos and data[3] by fillValue; does nothing if pc is nullptr.

Definition at line 425 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References ml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >::x, ml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >::y, and ml::Vector3DataContainer< DT >::z.

Referenced by appendFillPattern().

◆ castToEigenVector3f()

Eigen::Vector3f ml::PCLSupportTools::castToEigenVector3f ( const Vector3 mlVec)

Convenience function to convert an ML Vector3f to an Eigen::Vector3f.

Definition at line 43 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ castToEigenVector4f()

Eigen::Vector4f ml::PCLSupportTools::castToEigenVector4f ( const Vector4 mlVec)

Convenience function to convert an ML Vector4f to an Eigen::Vector4f.

Definition at line 53 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ castToStdVector()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::PCLSupportTools::castToStdVector ( const Eigen::VectorXf &  eigenVec,
std::vector< MLfloat > &  stdVec 

Convenience function to convert an Eigen::VectorXf to a std::vector<MLfloat>, e.g.

for use with FloatMultiField.

◆ createEmptyPCLObject()

template<typename PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyPCLObject ( PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE &  retPCLObjectPtr)

Creates an empty point cloud of type POINT_CLOUD_PTR_TYPE.

Definition at line 333 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by createEmptyPolygonMesh(), createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud(), createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud(), createEmptyXYZPointCloud(), and createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud().

◆ createEmptyPolygonMesh()

MLPolygonMeshPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyPolygonMesh ( )

Creates an empty pcl::PolygonMesh object.

Definition at line 380 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References createEmptyPCLObject().

◆ createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud()

MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud ( )

Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud.

Definition at line 371 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References createEmptyPCLObject().

◆ createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud()

MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud ( )

Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud.

Definition at line 353 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References createEmptyPCLObject().

◆ createEmptyXYZPointCloud()

MLPointCloudXYZPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZPointCloud ( )

Creates an empty PointCloudXYZ point cloud.

Definition at line 344 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References createEmptyPCLObject().

◆ createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud()

MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud ( )

Creates an empty PointCloudXYZRGBNormal point cloud.

Definition at line 362 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References createEmptyPCLObject().

◆ doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer() [1/5]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
const pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
double  = FLT_EPSILON 

Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned.

Definition at line 527 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer() [2/5]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  point1,
const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  point2,
double  epsilon = FLT_EPSILON 

Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned.

Definition at line 564 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References fourFloatsDiffer(), and MLAbs().

◆ doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer() [3/5]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  point1,
const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  point2,
double  epsilon = FLT_EPSILON 

Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned.

Definition at line 538 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References fourFloatsDiffer(), and MLAbs().

◆ doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer() [4/5]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  point1,
const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  point2,
double  epsilon = FLT_EPSILON 

Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned.

Definition at line 551 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References fourFloatsDiffer(), and MLAbs().

◆ doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer() [5/5]

template<typename POINT_TYPE1 , typename POINT_TYPE2 >
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer ( const POINT_TYPE1 &  ,
const POINT_TYPE2 &  ,
double  = FLT_EPSILON 

Compare all non data members of all supported point types with each other.

Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned; this is the template default implementation which always returns true; all cases which possibly may return false must be implemented specialized.

Definition at line 516 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ fourFloatsDiffer()

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::fourFloatsDiffer ( const float  data1[4],
const float  data2[4],
double  epsilon = FLT_EPSILON 

Returns true if differences between corresponding data1 and data2 entries are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned.

Definition at line 496 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References MLAbs().

Referenced by doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer().

◆ getBoxForPointCloud() [1/2]

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBoxd ml::PCLSupportTools::getBoxForPointCloud ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  inputPointCloud)

Returns an ML SubImageBoxd whose extents are sufficient in that way that all points of inputPointCloud are located inside or exactly on the box borders.

If inputPointCloud is empty then an empty box is returned.

Definition at line 1208 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References ML_FLOAT_MAX, ml::SubImageBoxd::v1, and ml::SubImageBoxd::v2.

◆ getBoxForPointCloud() [2/2]

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::PCLSupportTools::getBoxForPointCloud ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pointCloud,
Vector3f pointCloudOrigin,
bool  includeAll 

Returns an ML SubImageBox corresponding to pointCloud.

If includeAll is false then the returned box is large enough that all coordinates of point from pointCloud can be c-cast to inside the box, however, it may happen that these coordinates are outside the box in continuous space. If includeAll is true then the returned box is large enough that all coordinates of point from pointCloud are inside the box even is checked in continuous space. If inputPointCloud is empty then an empty box is returned. pointCloudOrigin is set to the smallest value of all three dimensions found found in all points or (0,0,0) if point cloud is empty.

Definition at line 1254 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References ml::Tvec3< DT >::assign(), ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::c, ml::SubImageBoxd::isEmpty(), ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::t, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::u, ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v1, ml::SubImageBoxd::v1, ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v2, ml::SubImageBoxd::v2, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::x, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::y, and ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::z.

◆ getByteOffset() [1/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  pnt,
const std::string &  pointMemberName 

Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned.

Referenced by getMedian(), and getStatistics().

◆ getByteOffset() [2/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  pnt,
const std::string &  pointMemberName 

Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned.

◆ getByteOffset() [3/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  pnt,
const std::string &  pointMemberName 

Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned.

◆ getByteOffset() [4/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  pnt,
const std::string &  pointMemberName 

Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned.

◆ getCloudDataString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getCloudDataString ( const MLPolygonMesh polygonMesh,
MLint  maxNumShownVertices = ML_INT64_MAX,
MLint  indexOfFirstVertex = 0,
bool  showIndices = true,
const std::string &  lineSeparator = _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

Converts the cloud data of polygonMesh to a human readable string.

polygonMeshThe polygon mesh whose cloud data it to be converted to a human readable string string.
maxNumShownVerticesThe maximum number of vertices to be printed, starting with indexOfFirstVertex.
indexOfFirstVertexThe index of the first vertex from which the vertex vector is printed.
showIndicesIf enabled then the vertex position and a ":" is printed as prefix before each point line, otherwise only the vertex position and values are printed.
lineSeparatorA string used to separate subsequent point string, usually something like a newline or so.
numDecimalPlacesThe maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.

◆ getCloudFieldsString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getCloudFieldsString ( const std::vector< pcl::PCLPointField > &  fields)

Converts the pointField vector fields to a human readable string.

◆ getCurvature() [1/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Gets/sets the curvature value as float if the point has one, otherwise return 0 (for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ or do nothing in set).

Definition at line 637 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by ml::PCLInventorTools::setMFVecFromPointCloud().

◆ getCurvature() [2/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p)

Definition at line 650 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getCurvature() [3/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p)

Definition at line 642 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getCurvature() [4/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p)

Definition at line 646 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getIntensityReplacement() [1/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Gets the scalar value in a member which is considered as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members.

If the point has no such member then 0 is returned, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ.

Definition at line 612 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by ml::PCLInventorTools::setMFVecFromPointCloud().

◆ getIntensityReplacement() [2/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p)

Definition at line 625 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPCLPointAsFormattedString().

◆ getIntensityReplacement() [3/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p)

Definition at line 617 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getIntensityReplacement() [4/4]

float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p)

Definition at line 621 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getMaximumNumberOfScalarPointMembers()

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getMaximumNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( )

From the point cloud type with the largest number of scalar members returns the number of scalar values which exist in the corresponding point type, regardless of their types or whether they are stored in structures, arrays or in single members.

Definition at line 138 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getMedian()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getMedian ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pointCloud,
const std::string &  floatPointMemberName 

Calculate the median of the member floatPointMemberName of all points and returns it as float value.

Definition at line 110 of file mlPCLSupportStatistics.h.

References getByteOffset(), and ML_SIZE_T_MAX.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [1/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZ )

Definition at line 98 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [2/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormal )

Definition at line 110 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [3/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr )

Definition at line 111 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPointStructureT().

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [4/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal )

Definition at line 102 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [5/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr )

Definition at line 103 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [6/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZPtr )

Definition at line 99 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [7/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal )

Definition at line 106 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [8/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr )

Definition at line 107 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [9/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns the number of scalar values which exist in the corresponding point type, regardless of their types or whether they are stored in structures, arrays or in single members.

Definition at line 97 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [10/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 109 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [11/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 101 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getNumberOfScalarPointMembers() [12/12]

size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 105 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPCLIndicesAsString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLIndicesAsString ( const std::vector< int > &  indices,
MLint  maxNumShownIndices,
MLint  indexOfFirstIndex,
bool  showIndices,
const std::string &  lineSeparator = _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString 

Converts at most maxNumShownIndices indices from indices starting at position indexOfFirstIndex into a string which are separated with lineSeparator, each line will contain the index value and a prefix showing the current index position of the index in indices if showIndices is true.

indicesThe index vector whose indices shall be printed into a string.
maxNumShownIndicesThe maximum number of indices to be printed, starting with indexOfFirstIndex.
indexOfFirstIndexThe index of the first index from which the index vector is printed.
showIndicesIf enabled then the index position and a ":" is printed as prefix before each point line, otherwise only the index position and values are printed.
lineSeparatorA string used to separate subsequent point string, usually something like a newline or so. return The string containing the printed numbers.

◆ getPCLPointAsFormattedString()

template<typename POINT_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsFormattedString ( const POINT_TYPE &  point,
std::string &  formatStr,
int  numDecimalPlaces,
size_t  pointIndex 

Replaces placeholders in formatStr with values from the given point.

pointThe point whose field values shall be used to replace placeholders in formatStr.
formatStrThe following substrings are replaced with field values from point, or, if the field value is not in point, with "": , $(data[0]): x-component of point coordinate , $(data[1]): y-component of point coordinate , $(data[2]): z-component of point coordinate $(data[3]): fourth component of point coordinate , $(data_n[0]): x-component of normal , $(data_n[1]): y-component of normal , $(data_n[2]): z-component of normal $(data_n[3]): fourth component of normal : intensity replacement value. : curvature. : rgba as hexadecimal value if available otherwise 0x00000000. : intensity value. : label as integer. : The index of the point in the point cloud.
numDecimalPlacesThe maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.
pointIndexThe index of the point in the point cloud.

Definition at line 871 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References getIntensityReplacement(), getScalarMemberValueAsString(), hasIntensity(), hasIntensityReplacement(), hasLabel(), hasRGBA(), ml::ReleaseToolsString::replaceAllStr1ByStr2(), ml::ReleaseToolsString::toDblStr(), and ml::ReleaseToolsString::toSize_tStr().

Referenced by getPCLPointListAsString().

◆ getPCLPointAsString() [1/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  point,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

Prints the members of point into the returned string, numDecimalPlaces is the maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.

◆ getPCLPointAsString() [2/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  point,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

Referenced by getPCLPointListAsString().

◆ getPCLPointAsString() [3/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  point,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

◆ getPCLPointAsString() [4/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  point,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

◆ getPCLPointListAsString()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointListAsString ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pointCloud,
MLint  maxNumShownPoints = ML_INT64_MAX,
MLint  indexOfFirstPoint = 0,
bool  showIndices = true,
const std::string &  lineSeparator = "\n",
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1,
const std::string &  pointsPrintFormatStr = "" 

Converts at most maxNumShownPoints from pointCloud starting at position indexOfFirstPoint into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding point and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true.

If pointCloud is nullptr then an empty string will be returned.

pointCloudThe point cloud whose points shall be printed into a string.
maxNumShownPointsThe maximum number of points to be printed, starting with indexOfFirstPoint.
indexOfFirstPointThe index of the first point from which the point list is printed.
showIndicesIf enabled then the point position and a ":" is printed as prefix before each point line, otherwise only the point position and values are printed.
lineSeparatorA string used to separate subsequent point string, usually something like a newline or so.
numDecimalPlacesThe maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.
pointsPrintFormatStrDefault point print format is used if empty. Otherwise it can be an arbitrary string in which defined substrings are replaced with point field values if possible. For replaced substring descriptions see getPCLPointAsFormattedString(). return The string containing the printed numbers.

Definition at line 971 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References getPCLPointAsFormattedString(), getPCLPointAsString(), and ml::ReleaseToolsString::toMLUIntStr().

◆ getPCLVerticesAsString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLVerticesAsString ( const std::vector< pcl::Vertices > &  vertices,
MLint  maxNumShownVertices = ML_INT64_MAX,
MLint  indexOfFirstVertex = 0,
bool  showIndices = true,
const std::string &  lineSeparator = _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString 

Converts at most maxNumShownVertices vertices from vertices starting at position indexOfFirstVertex into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding vertex and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true.

verticesThe vertex vector whose vertices shall be printed into a string.
maxNumShownVerticesThe maximum number of vertices to be printed, starting with indexOfFirstVertex.
indexOfFirstVertexThe index of the first vertex from which the vertex vector is printed.
showIndicesIf enabled then the vertex position and a ":" is printed as prefix before each point line, otherwise only the vertex position and values are printed.
lineSeparatorA string used to separate subsequent point string, usually something like a newline or so. return The string containing the printed numbers.

◆ getPointFieldDataTypeString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointFieldDataTypeString ( std::uint8_t  fd,
bool  aligned 

Returns a human readable string for a pcl::PCLPointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator.

fdAn enumerator from pcl::PCLPointField::PointFieldTypes.
alignedIf true then all possible returned type strings are aligned to the same length, possibly filled with leading spaces; if false then all have the minimum length to returns the type string.

◆ getPointFieldValueAsString()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointFieldValueAsString ( std::uint8_t  fd,
const std::uint8_t *  dataPtr,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

Reinterprets the data at position dataPtr as a pcl::PointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator given by fd and converts the content to a human readable string.

fdData type of the field pointed to by dataPtr.
dataPtrThe data structure to be interpreted as fd converted to a human readable string. dataPtr must point to a valid structure described by fd or undefined behaviour will happen.
numDecimalPlacesThe maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.

◆ getPointNormal() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
float &  nx,
float &  ny,
float &  nz 

Returns the normal field members normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point p in nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then in nx, ny, and nz 0 is returned, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ.

Definition at line 754 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointNormal() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p,
float &  nx,
float &  ny,
float &  nz 

Definition at line 772 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointNormal() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p,
float &  nx,
float &  ny,
float &  nz 

Definition at line 760 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointNormal() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p,
float &  nx,
float &  ny,
float &  nz 

Definition at line 766 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointRGBA() [1/4]

unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Get the rgba value from PCL point if it has that member otherwise get 0u; for set functionality set that member or do nothing otherwise.

Definition at line 681 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by ml::PCLInventorTools::setMFVecFromPointCloud().

◆ getPointRGBA() [2/4]

unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 685 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointRGBA() [3/4]

unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 693 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointRGBA() [4/4]

unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  rgbaPnt)

Definition at line 689 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ getPointStructureT()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointStructureT ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pointCloud)

Returns an empty string if pointCloud.points are empty, otherwise a concatenated, comma separated string of string descriptions of all members of a point of this point cloud.

Definition at line 1033 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References getNumberOfScalarPointMembers(), and getScalarMemberNameAsString().

◆ getScalarMemberNameAsString() [1/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
size_t  memberIdx 

Return the memberIdx'th string name of scalar member p as string, regardless whether it is stored in a structure, array or as single member. Invalid indices are allowed and lead to the return of an empty string.

◆ getScalarMemberNameAsString() [2/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  ,
size_t  memberIdx 

Referenced by getPointStructureT().

◆ getScalarMemberNameAsString() [3/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  ,
size_t  memberIdx 

◆ getScalarMemberNameAsString() [4/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  ,
size_t  memberIdx 

◆ getScalarMemberValueAsString() [1/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  p,
size_t  memberIdx,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

Return the memberIdx'th scalar member of p as string, regardless of its types or whether it is stored in a structures, arrays or single member. Invalid indices are allowed and lead to the return of an empty string. numDecimalPlaces is the maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or full precision of the given field type if -1.

◆ getScalarMemberValueAsString() [2/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p,
size_t  memberIdx,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

◆ getScalarMemberValueAsString() [3/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p,
size_t  memberIdx,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

◆ getScalarMemberValueAsString() [4/4]

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p,
size_t  memberIdx,
int  numDecimalPlaces = -1 

◆ getSigned32BitMaximumLimit()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::PCLSupportTools::getSigned32BitMaximumLimit ( )

Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit signed indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds.

Referenced by ml::PCLInventorTools::setMFVecFromPointCloud().

◆ getStatistics()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
PointCloudStatistics ml::PCLSupportTools::getStatistics ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pointCloud,
const std::string &  floatPointMemberName = "intensityReplacement",
const bool  calculateMedian = false 

Traverses all points in the pointCloud and returns some statistical parameters.

pointCloudThe point cloud from whose members the statistics shall be calculated.
floatPointMemberNameThe name of the floating point member from which the statistical values shall be claculated; if no such member exists the statistical default values are returned.
calculateMedianif true then also the median value is calculated, otherwise not: requires temporary allocation of a float for each point in pointCloud and changes time requirements from O(n) to O(log(n)) if enabled.

Definition at line 69 of file mlPCLSupportStatistics.h.

References ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::average, getByteOffset(), ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::maximum, ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::median, ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::minimum, ML_SIZE_T_MAX, ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::sum, and ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudStatistics::sumAbsolute.

Referenced by ml::StatisticalClusterInfo::finalize().

◆ getUnsigned32BitMaximumLimit()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::PCLSupportTools::getUnsigned32BitMaximumLimit ( )

Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit unsigned indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds.

Referenced by ml::PCLMLTools::appendSubImageVoxelsToPointCloud(), ml::PCLMLTools::createPointCloudFromBaseList(), and ml::PCLMLTools::createPointCloudFromPagedImage().

◆ hasCurvature() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has a curvature field, otherwise false.

Definition at line 829 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasCurvature() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 832 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasCurvature() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 830 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasCurvature() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 831 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensity() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has an intensity field, otherwise false.

Definition at line 818 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensity() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 821 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPCLPointAsFormattedString().

◆ hasIntensity() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 819 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensity() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 820 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensityReplacement() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has any field which can be interpreted as an intensity replacement field, otherwise false.

Definition at line 840 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensityReplacement() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 843 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPCLPointAsFormattedString().

◆ hasIntensityReplacement() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 841 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasIntensityReplacement() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 842 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasLabel() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has a label field, otherwise false.

Definition at line 796 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasLabel() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 799 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPCLPointAsFormattedString().

◆ hasLabel() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 797 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasLabel() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 798 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormal() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has a normal, otherwise false.

Definition at line 785 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormal() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 788 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormal() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 786 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormal() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 787 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [1/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZ )

Definition at line 119 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [2/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormal )

Definition at line 128 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [3/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr )

Definition at line 129 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [4/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal )

Definition at line 122 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [5/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr )

Definition at line 123 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [6/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZPtr )

Definition at line 120 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [7/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal )

Definition at line 125 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [8/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr )

Definition at line 126 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [9/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the point or point type contains normal fields/members, otherwise false,.

Definition at line 118 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [10/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 127 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [11/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 121 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasNormals() [12/12]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 124 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasRGBA() [1/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns true if the passed point has an rgba field, otherwise false.

Definition at line 807 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasRGBA() [2/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 810 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by getPCLPointAsFormattedString().

◆ hasRGBA() [3/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 808 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ hasRGBA() [4/4]

bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 809 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ PCLExtractSubIndices()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::PCLSupportTools::PCLExtractSubIndices ( const std::vector< int > &  subIndices,
std::vector< int > &  indices 

Extract all indices from indices if they are listed in subIndices in the order as given in subIndices; indices out of range in subIndices are ignored.

The result index set is returned in place of indices.

subIndicesVector of indices to extract from indices.
indicesIncoming vector of indices from which one a subset shall be returned inplace.
Result is returned by modifying indices inplace.

◆ setCurvature() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature ( pcl::PointXYZ &  ,

Definition at line 654 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setCurvature() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p,
float  curvature 

Definition at line 666 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setCurvature() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p,
float  curvature 

Definition at line 658 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setCurvature() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p,
float  curvature 

Definition at line 662 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setFieldsFromPoint() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  pnt,
std::vector< DoubleField * > &  resultFields 

Set resultFields to the corresponding member states of pnt; the resultFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled.

Definition at line 281 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setFieldsFromPoint() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  pnt,
std::vector< DoubleField * > &  resultFields 

Definition at line 314 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setFieldsFromPoint() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  pnt,
std::vector< DoubleField * > &  resultFields 

Definition at line 288 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setFieldsFromPoint() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  pnt,
std::vector< DoubleField * > &  resultFields 

Definition at line 301 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setIntensityReplacement() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement ( pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
float  = 1.f,
MLuint8  = 0xff 

Sets a scalar value in a member which can be used as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members.

If the point has no such member then the value is lost, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ. In case of INormals, and LNormals the curvature is set, in the case of RGBNormal values curvature and RGBA will be set; curvature will directly be set to value, r, g, b to 255.9999f*value and alpha to the provided opacity the value which defaults to 0xff which is opaque. opacity is unused in cases of INormal, XYZ, and LNormal points.

Definition at line 585 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Referenced by ml::PCLMLTools::appendSubImageVoxelsToPointCloud().

◆ setIntensityReplacement() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p,
float  value = 1.f,
MLuint8  = 0xff 

Definition at line 599 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setIntensityReplacement() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p,
float  value = 1.f,
MLuint8  = 0xff 

Definition at line 589 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setIntensityReplacement() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p,
float  value = 1.f,
MLuint8  opacity = 0xff 

Definition at line 593 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromFields() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields ( pcl::PointXYZ &  pnt,
const std::vector< DoubleField * > &  constantFields 

Copy states of constantFields to the corresponding member of pnt; the contantFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled.

Value assignments of negative floats to unsigned integers (for example to the label) are performed as cast from absolute floats to have a defined operation.

Definition at line 171 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromFields() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  pnt,
const std::vector< DoubleField * > &  constantFields 

Definition at line 204 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromFields() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  pnt,
const std::vector< DoubleField * > &  constantFields 

Definition at line 178 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References MLAbs().

◆ setPointFromFields() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  pnt,
const std::vector< DoubleField * > &  constantFields 

Definition at line 191 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromScalar() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar ( pcl::PointXYZ &  pnt,
const float  val 

Copy a scalar value into all point fields.

Value assignments of negative floats to unsigned integers (for example to the label) are performed as cast from absolute floats to have a defined operation.

Definition at line 226 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromScalar() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  pnt,
const float  val 

Definition at line 259 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointFromScalar() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  pnt,
const float  val 

Definition at line 233 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

References MLAbs().

◆ setPointFromScalar() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  pnt,
const float  val 

Definition at line 246 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointNormal() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal ( pcl::PointXYZ &  ,
float  ,
float  ,

Sets the normal fields normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point from nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then the call is ignored, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ.

Definition at line 723 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointNormal() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  p,
float  nx,
float  ny,
float  nz 

Definition at line 739 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointNormal() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  p,
float  nx,
float  ny,
float  nz 

Definition at line 727 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointNormal() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  p,
float  nx,
float  ny,
float  nz 

Definition at line 733 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointRGBA() [1/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA ( pcl::PointXYZ &  ,

Definition at line 697 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointRGBA() [2/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA ( pcl::PointXYZINormal &  ,

Definition at line 701 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointRGBA() [3/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA ( pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  ,

Definition at line 710 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

◆ setPointRGBA() [4/4]

void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA ( pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  rgbaPnt,
MLuint32  srcVal 

Definition at line 705 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Variable Documentation

◆ FloatPointMemberNames

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT const char* const ml::PCLSupportTools::FloatPointMemberNames[ML_PCL_NUMBER_OF_FLOAT_POINT_MEMBER_NAMES]

Number of possible float members as strings which might appear in current implementation.

◆ PointMemberNames

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT const char* const ml::PCLSupportTools::PointMemberNames[ML_PCL_NUMBER_OF_POINT_MEMBER_NAMES]

Possible members of points as strings which might appear in current implementation.