MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
ml Namespace Reference

Main documentation file for ML users and developers. More...


 The CSOGeneratePathPoints namespace offers interpolation methods (computing path points between seed points) as a linear interpolation, a spline interpolation and a spline approximation.
 The CSOGenerateSeedPoints namespace offers methods to compute seed points for given CSOs while retaining the path points.
 The CSOGeometry namespace offers some common methods for various geometric problems, e.g., determining whether a CSO lies in a plane, if a CSO is self-intersection, computing the center of gravity, thinning out path points or applying boolean operations.
 The CSOMath namespace offers some common methods for various problems, e.g., computing the area, mapping from voxel to world or computing numerical problems real fast.
 Namespace containing a number of tool function interfaces to create DICOM IODs as tag sets.
 Namespace collecting tools, tables, and dictionaries about known DICOM tags.
 A namespace collecting tools related to DICOM tags and tree tools.
 Tool functions for the extraction and handling of information of specific DICOM frames.
 Tools to convert a DPLImage to one or more MultiFileVolumes.
 Tool function namespace with many tool functions for the conversion of DICOM information and tag values to comparable ML information objects.
 A collection of some tool functions loading files with modules or other backends.
 Tools for MultiFileVolume manipulations.
 A tool library with useful functions to detect, analyze, decompose multi-frame DICOM trees.
 Namespace with a collection of converter tools between the libraries Open Inventor and PCL.
 Namespace with a collection of converter tools between the libraries ML and PCL.
 A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport.
 Namespace containing R2Sonic loader specific functionality..
 A collection of static IO tool functions.
 A collection of miscellaneous tool functions.
 Collection of some string tools.
 A collection of string tools useful for DICOM/ML IO projects.
 The WEMConnectedComponent namespace.
 Helper namespace for operations on cuts (partial, face, or full).
 Helper namespace for performing swap, split and collapse operations on edges of a WEM.
 Helper namespace for performing operations on a face.
 Tool namespace for performing geometric operations on a WEMPatch.
 Helper namespace for performing smoothing on nodes.
 Tool namespace for performing set operations on WEM patches.
 The WEMShortestPath namespace implements Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm for a WEM.


class  ClassicHost
 Classic ML host used internally to calculate getTile and processAllPages requests. More...
class  GetTileJobBase
 Base class for TileRequest based jobs. More...
class  GetTileJob
 Public interface for requesting a tile from a an ML PagedImage using the PageRequestProcessor. More...
class  MultiThreadedPageRequestProcessor
 A multithreaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively. More...
class  PageRequest
 A PageRequest represents the request for the calculation of a single page of a PagedImage. More...
class  PageRequestCursor
 A cursor to create page and tile requests iteratively, allowing breaks and resumption at any time, and avoiding a recursive tree traversal that is difficult to resume. More...
class  PageRequestQueueInterface
 Virtual interface for queuing PageRequests that are ready for processing. More...
class  PageRequestProcessor
 Abstract base class for page request processors. More...
class  PageRequestProcessorBase
 Base class for single and multithreaded processor. More...
class  ProcessAllPagesJob
 Public interface for processing all pages of a temporary output image. More...
class  ProcessingTimeLine
 Stores a processing timeline for multiple threads. More...
class  SingleThreadedPageRequestProcessor
 A single-threaded processor that takes one or even multiple tile requests and can process them iteratively. More...
class  TileRequest
 A TileRequest either represents the input subimage that is needed by a PageRequest or if it is a root TileRequest, it represents the request by a user to get that tile. More...
class  OutputConnector
 Class to manage an output connection for a Module module. More...
class  InputConnector
 Class to manage an input connection of a Module module. More...
class  Engine
 Base class for all ML Engines that are derived from Module, and have no inputs or outputs but implement field connections or operations on fields. More...
class  Field
 Base class for all fields used in the ML. More...
class  FieldContainer
 Defines the class FieldContainer to encapsulate a vector of fields (see class Field). More...
class  BoolField
 Field to encapsulate a boolean value. More...
class  IntField
 Field to encapsulate an integer value. More...
class  EnumField
 Field to encapsulate an enumerated value. More...
class  EnumValues
 Helper class that stores a list of typed enum values and their string names. More...
class  TypedEnumField
 TypedEnumField is used to encapsulate a C++ enum value and work with a real enum value instead of int. More...
class  FloatField
 Field to encapsulate a float value. More...
class  ProgressField
 Field to encapsulate an increasing float value from range [0,1]. More...
class  DoubleField
 Field to encapsulate a double value. More...
class  StringField
 Field to encapsulate a string value. More...
class  NotifyField
 Field without value for notifications. More...
class  OutputConnectorField
 Field to encapsulate a pointer to an output connector which represents a module output. More...
class  InputConnectorField
 Field to encapsulate a pointer to an input connector that represents a module input. More...
class  BaseField
 Field to encapsulate a pointer to an ML base object. More...
class  TypedBaseField
 Templated version of BaseField that only stores the template type as pointer. More...
class  SoNodeField
 Field to encapsulate a pointer to an SoNode instance of OpenInventor. More...
class  PointerField
 Field to encapsulate a void pointer to arbitrary data. More...
class  Vector2Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of two double values. More...
class  Vector3Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of three double values. More...
class  Vector4Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values. More...
class  Vector5Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of five double values. More...
class  Vector6Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of six double values. More...
class  Vector10Field
 Field to encapsulate a vector of ten double values. More...
class  ColorField
 Field to encapsulate a vector of three float values representing an (RGB) color with all properties of Vector3Field. More...
class  Matrix2Field
 Field encapsulating a 2x2 matrix. More...
class  Matrix3Field
 Field encapsulating a 3x3 matrix. More...
class  MatrixField
 Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix, same as Matrix4Field for backward compatibility. More...
class  Matrix4Field
 Field to encapsulate a 4x4 matrix. More...
class  Matrix5Field
 Field encapsulating a 5x5 matrix. More...
class  Matrix6Field
 Field encapsulating a 6x6 matrix. More...
class  MLDataTypeField
 Field to encapsulate an MLDataType value. More...
class  ImageVectorField
 Field to encapsulate an ML vector ImageVector with six integer components. More...
class  SubImageBoxField
 Field to encapsulate an ML integer SubimgBox. More...
class  SubImageBoxdField
 Field to encapsulate an ML double SubimgBox. More...
class  UniversalTypeField
 Field to encapsulate any of the registered ML types. More...
class  RotationField
 Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a rotation with all properties of Vector4Field. More...
class  PlaneField
 Field to encapsulate a vector of four double values representing a plane with all properties of Vector4Field. More...
class  FieldSensor
 Class to define and to manage field sensors. More...
class  Host
 The Host is the central image processing class in the ML. More...
class  ImageProperties
 This class represents basic image properties: More...
class  InputSubImageProperties
 Defines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method. More...
class  ListField
class  IntListField
class  DoubleListField
class  Vector2ListField
class  Vector3ListField
class  Vector4ListField
class  MedicalImageProperties
 This class encapsulates basic medical image properties: More...
class  MemoryImage
 A memory cache for the complete output image of an output connector. More...
class  Module
 Base class for an image processing module of the ML. More...
class  ModuleDiagnosisStackScope
class  UserThreadData
 Base class for thread local data that is passed to CalculateOutputImageHandler::calculateOutputSubImage. More...
class  CalculateOutputImageHandler
 Base class for the calculation of pages of an output image (PagedImage) of a Module. More...
class  ModuleTools
 Class containing some helper functionality for Module programming and/or for the Module class itself. More...
class  PagedImage
 The class PagedImage, representing a fragmented image that manages properties and data of an image located in pages. More...
class  PageIDIterator
 A class that allows to incrementally iterate over all IDs of pages have an intersection with a given box on a given PagedImage. More...
class  ProcessAllPagesHandler
 Base class for handlers that are used for the Module::processAllPages facility. More...
class  OrderedSingleInputProcessAllPagesHandler
 A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on a single input image. More...
class  OrderedProcessAllPagesHandler
 A ProcessAllPages handler that offers ordered tile delivery on any number of input images. More...
class  TScaleShiftData
 The class defines a first order linear transformation. More...
class  MLTStdTypeInfos
 Template class to register the standard integer classes as voxel types in the ML. More...
class  StringConversion
 The class StringConversion provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings. More...
class  SubImage
 This class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory. More...
class  TSubImageBox
 This class defines a rectangular subimage region of standard ML dimensions. More...
class  SubImageBoxd
 SubImageBoxd - SubImageBox with coordinates of float data type. More...
class  TreeNodeException
 The class TreeNodeException is the base class for all exceptions thrown by the class TreeNode and all derived classes. More...
class  TreeNode
 The class TreeNode is the abstract base class for the import/export of ML objects. More...
class  TSubImageCursor
 Predeclaration for cursor. More...
class  ConstTSubImageCursor
 Predeclaration for const cursor. More...
class  TSubImage
 This template class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region in memory that is organized linearly. More...
class  TSubImageCursorBase
 Base class for all TSubImage Cursors. More...
class  TSubImageWithCursor
 A class that offers a TSubImage with a TSubImageCursor. More...
class  VariableType
 Base class for all variable types, mainly for Doxygen documentation purpose. More...
class  TypedProcessAllPagesHandler
 TypedProcessAllPagesHandler can be used as a base class for a custom ProcessAllPages handler and supports up to four type variable types. More...
class  TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler
 TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler can be used as a base class for a custom CalculateOutputImageHandler and supports up to four variable types. More...
struct  TypeTraits
 TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes. More...
struct  DataTypeSelector
 Helper template so select a data type from its type ID. More...
class  TQuaternion
 Declaration of complex type traits. More...
class  Tvec2
 Declaration of float vector type traits. More...
class  Tvec3
 Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies. More...
class  Tvec4
 Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies. More...
class  Tvec5
 Forward declarations to resolve header file dependencies. More...
class  Tvec6
 A six dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec7
 An seven dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec8
 An eight dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec9
 An nine dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec10
 An ten dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec16
 A 16 dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec32
 A 32 dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tvec64
 A 64 dimensional vector class for floating point types. More...
class  Tmat2
 Declaration of matrix type traits. More...
class  Tmat3
 A 3x3 matrix class of three row vectors. More...
class  Tmat4
 A 4x4 matrix class consisting of four row vectors. More...
class  Tmat5
 A 5x5 matrix class of five row vectors. More...
class  Tmat6
 A 6x6 matrix class of six row vectors. More...
class  TVectorNDBase
 Declaration of integer vector type traits. More...
class  BackgroundTask
 Base class for a task that is started in an extra thread. More...
class  BackgroundTaskBaseModule
 Base class for ML modules that use background tasks. More...
class  BackgroundTaskHandle
 A handle to a task that has been created by the background task manager. More...
class  BackgroundTaskHandleAccessor
 This class offers direct access to the contained background task. More...
class  BackgroundTaskManager
 The BackgroundTaskManager is the central singleton that manages running background tasks. More...
class  BackgroundTaskMessageReceiver
 The background task receiver is a light-weight base class that can be inherited (e.g., with multiple inheritance). More...
class  BackgroundTaskMessage
 The base class of all background messages. More...
class  BackgroundTaskMessageQueue
class  BackgroundTaskFinishedMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMLGetTileBaseMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMLGetTileMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMLProcessAllPagesMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMLGetTileResultMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMLProcessAllPagesResultMessage
class  BackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage
 A generic message that allows to call the member function method on a given object, passing the arguments args. More...
class  BackgroundTaskModuleHandler
class  BackgroundTaskStatusInformation
 BackgroundTaskStatusInformation creates a snapshot of the status of a given BackgroundTask to allow for a later read access without race conditions or even destruction of the background task. More...
class  BackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase
 BackgroundTaskTileProcessorBase is the base class for processors that request an input image tile-by-tile. More...
class  BackgroundTaskTileProcessor
 A BackgroundTaskTileProcessor can be used as a base class for processing an input image tile-by-tile without handling the details of an asynchronous request queue yourself. More...
class  DistantObject
 A DistantObject stores the pointer to an object of type T and forbids direct access to the stored pointer. More...
class  DistantObjectAccessor
 The DistantObjectAccessor can be used to get the value stored in a DistantObject. More...
class  ImagingBackgroundTask
class  MainExecutorT
 This class implements an executor that allows you to execute a task in the ML's main loop without implementing a different BackgroundTaskMessage for each occasion. More...
class  ManagedSubImage
 ManagedSubImage is derived from SubImage and frees its allocated memory automatically when it is destructed. More...
class  MessagingBackgroundTask
 MessagingBackgroundTask extends the BackgroundTask with the functionality to call methods on DistantObject instances on the GUI thread to communicate with the GUI (e.g., to send some intermediate result to the GUI). More...
class  PagedImageProperties
 PagedImageProperties extends the MedicalImageProperties with the page extent. More...
class  ModuleBackgroundTask
 ModuleBackgroundTask extends the ImagingBackgroundTask with several useful methods that allow asynchronous access to a Module's images. More...
class  ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask
 Class ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask. More...
class  TileIterator
 Iterator that takes a region and a tile extent, and returns subsequent tiles that cover the region starting at region.v1. More...
class  TypedBackgroundTaskHandle
 The TypedBackgroundTaskHandle class provides a secure interface to communicate with a running BackgroundTask. More...
class  FloatingPointVector
 Template class for vector arithmetic with floating point datatypes. More...
class  FloatingPointMatrix
 Base class of all matrix classes that holds the data buffer and provides some general access methods. More...
class  AbstractPersistenceStream
 AbstactPersistenceStream is the base class for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream and AbstractPersistenceInputStream, and implements the methods that are common for both these classes. More...
class  AbstractPersistenceOutputStream
 Class for writing object data to a stream. More...
class  AbstractPersistenceInputStream
 Class for reading object data from a stream. More...
class  PersistenceStreamException
 This class represents the exceptions that can be thrown while reading from or writing to the persistence stream. More...
class  PersistenceStreamIOException
 Derived class. More...
class  PersistenceStreamFormatException
 Derived class. More...
class  PersistenceStreamInternalError
 Derived class. This exception usually denotes programming errors. More...
class  ApplicationProperties
 Static class that defines an interface to access properties of the host application. More...
struct  ArgumentList0
 Empty argument to allow running with zero arguments. More...
struct  ArgumentList1
 ArgumentList with one argument. More...
struct  ArgumentList2
 ArgumentList with two arguments. More...
struct  ArgumentList3
 ArgumentList with three arguments. More...
struct  ArgumentList4
 ArgumentList with four arguments. More...
struct  ArgumentList5
 ArgumentList with five arguments. More...
class  Barrier
 A barrier class that handles synchronization of multiple threads Thread-safety: This class is thread-safe. More...
class  ScopedBarrierWaiter
 A helper class that ensures barrier waiting even when an exception occurs. More...
class  Base
 Class representing general ML objects that support import/export via strings (setPersistentState() and getPersistentState()), arbitrary tree structures (using addStateToTree() and readStateFromTree()), or a data stream (using writeTo() and readFrom()). More...
class  CompilerInfo
class  ComputerModelInfo
class  ConstantStringValue
 Shared container for the string value and its hash. More...
class  ConstantString
 A ConstantString that contains a std::string and its hash. More...
struct  Is
 In combination with the in function, it returns true if a passed value is in the set of possible values. More...
class  ContainerProxy
 This template implements a proxy for containers that contain a collection of items normally accessed with a get-by-index method. More...
struct  tree_node
class  CPUInfo
 Singleton class that provides hardware-specific information. More...
class  DateTime
 Class for performing date/time arithmetic, comparisons and formatting. More...
class  ErrorOutput
 Class to handle all ML debug prints, errors, warnings, and information. More...
class  ErrorOutputInfos
 Struct that contains all information about errors, fatal errors, warnings, information, or debug prints. More...
class  EventSource
 EventSourceBase class adds event listener handling to Base. More...
class  BaseEvent
 BaseEvent is the base class for all events emitted from EventSourceBase. More...
class  EventSourceDeletedEvent
 EventSourceRemovedEvent is used to indicate when the EventSourceBase object is removed. More...
class  ImagePropertyExtension
 Base class from which one can derive own image properties. More...
class  ImagePropertyExtensionContainer
 This class is a container for extended image properties derived from ImagePropertyExtension. More...
class  Memory
 Basic memory management class for the ML. More...
class  MemoryInfo
 Singleton class that provides hardware specific information. More...
class  Notify
 Class to handle all ML Notify prints, errors, and warnings. More...
class  RefCountedBase
 RefCountedBase class adds intrusive reference counting support to the Base class. More...
class  Runtime
 This class contains the runtime system of the ML. More...
class  RuntimeDict
 This file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes. More...
class  RuntimeType
 RuntimeType contains type and inheritance information of a class and a static dictionary with information on all created instances of RuntimeType. More...
class  StringSwitch
struct  Overload
class  TimeCounter
 Class to measure precise time intervals. More...
class  TraceBuffer
 This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings. More...
class  Trace
 This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor. More...
class  WaitCondition
 WaitCondition implements a wait condition for thread synchronization. More...
class  WMIInterface
 Interface to the Windows Management Instrumentation More...
class  FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase
 Base class of the FloatingPointVector class that holds the data buffer. More...
class  TVector6DBase
 TVector6DBase is the data container class for TVector providing specialized 6D container functionality for vectors of dimension MLMaxImageDimension. More...
class  TImageVector
 ImageVector is the 6D TVector specialization used by the ML for all image indexing. More...
class  TVector
 ML integer image vector class to be specialized for different purposes. More...
class  Line
 Class to define the geometry primitive 'Line' consisting of a position and a direction. More...
class  Plane
 Class defining a plane in 3D. More...
class  Rotation
 Class to handle Rotations (internally, the rotation is stored as a unit quaternion) More...
class  Vector2DataContainer
 Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase. More...
class  Vector3DataContainer
 Specialized base class for the FloatingPointVectorDataContainerBase. More...
class  MLImageFormat
 File format class to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file. More...
class  MLImageFormatCompressionParams
 Helper class for compressor arguments managed inside of a module. More...
class  MLImageFormatAbstractFileHandle
 A base class for abstract read/write access of the MLImageFileFormat. More...
class  MLImageFormatDiskFileHandle
 Implements reading and writing from a given file descriptor. More...
class  MLImageFormatIdxTable
 Internal and private index table for the MLImageFormat. More...
class  MLImageFormatInfos
 A internal structure containing information about an opened file. More...
class  MLImageFormatTag
 Class defining a tag used in the MLImageFormat class. More...
class  MLImageFormatTagList
 Class defining a list of tags used in the MLImageFormat class. More...
class  MLImageFormatTools
 Basic tool functions used to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file, used by the MLImageFormat. More...
class  DicomTree
 The DicomTree class can be used to transport a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr as a ml::RefCountedBase object. More...
class  DicomTreeImagePropertyExtension
 Implements an ImagePropertyExtension object that can be passed to the ML. More...
class  MutableDicomTree
 The DicomTree class can be used to transport a DCMTree::Const_TreePtr as an ml::RefCountedBase object. More...
class  DataCompressor
 Abstract base class for ML data compression algorithms. More...
class  DataCompressorFactory
 Factory for ML data compression algorithms. More...
class  LUTDataId
class  LUTDataBase
 Untyped base class for LUTData template classes. More...
class  LUTData
 A LUTData object stores an instance of a LUT, rendered for a specified visual type, data type, reference range and index/row/layer set. More...
class  LUTFBlend
 Generate a 2/3D-LUT by blending two 1/2D-LUTs. More...
class  LUTFChannelMap
 A LUT function mapping the individual channels of the input LUT to the channels of the output LUT. More...
class  LUTFColor
 LUT transform to apply or remove color to an input LUT. More...
class  LUTFCombine
 A LUT function combining several input LUTs into a single output LUT. More...
class  LUTFCompose
 A LUT function composing several input LUTs into a single output LUT. More...
class  LUTFConcat
 Concatenate LUTs in row or layer direction. More...
class  LUTRGBAPoint
 A LUT sampling point with index position and RGBA channel values,. More...
class  LUTFLinear
 A color/gray LUT with sampling points and linear, nearest neighbor or truncated interpolation inbetween. More...
class  LUTFloatRGBA
 Implements a float RGBA color table. More...
class  LUTFPrimitive
 A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes. More...
class  LUTFRampPair
 An RGBA LUT consisting of a RGB ramp and an alpha ramp. More...
class  LUTFRescale
 LUT transform to rescale a LUT's index range and to convert an absolute to a relative LUT. More...
class  LUTFSelect
 Select a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT. More...
class  LUTFunction
 Common base class for lookup tables. More...
class  LUTIteratorBase
 LUT iterator base class with type independent functionality and declarations. More...
class  LUTIterator
 The LUTIterator class template is used by a LUTFunction object for rendering into a LUTData object. More...
class  PrivateDICOMTagDecoder
 Class decoding all private DICOM tags it finds decoders for to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container. More...
class  PrivateDICOMTagDecoderPluginBase
 Base class for plugins decoding private DICOM tags to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container. More...
class  PrivateDICOMTagInfos
 Small container class managing one decoded sub element of a private DICOM tag. More...
class  PrivateDICOMTagValueFields
 List type managing and maintaining a number of PrivateDICOMTagValueFields::PrivateTagField containers describing information extracted from private tag values. More...
class  BaseItem
 General Base object class for list items that have an id and a name. More...
class  BaseItemParser
 Parser class for BaseItem strings, containing an object's id and name. More...
class  BaseContainerItem
 Base object class BaseContainerItem encapsulates a pointer to a Base object as a list item. More...
class  BaseListSortParameters
 Class that is designed to hold custom list sorting parameters (such as sort mode) More...
class  BaseList
 Base object class BaseList which stores a list of BaseContainerItem entries. More...
class  ComposeBaseList
 Engine module ComposeBaseList composing two base objects. More...
class  CopyBase
 Engine template module CopyBase to copy any Base-derived object that provides a virtual assignment operator which allows to copy from Base. More...
class  CopyList
 Engine module class for copying ListBase derived classes, which is okay because lists have an assignment operator. More...
class  CurveData
 Base object class representing a single curve object, consisting of zero or one X- and any number of Y-data series. More...
class  CurveList
 Base object class CurveList with a list of CurveData (smart) object pointers. More...
class  DecomposeBaseList
 Engine module decomposing a BaseList into one base object and a so-called rest list. More...
class  DiscList
 Base object class DiscList. More...
class  DynamicStylePalette
class  ExtractObjectFromList
 Engine module ExtractObjectFromList extracting a single list item (identified by its index) from a given list. More...
class  KeyFrame
 Class KeyFrame consisting of a 3D position, tangent and up vector. More...
class  KeyFrameList
 Base object class KeyFrameList storing a list of KeyFrame entries. More...
class  ListBase
 Base object class ListBase managing a number of BaseItem objects. More...
class  ListTemplate
 Basic list class template combining properties of ListBase and a vector of the template argument type. More...
class  BaseListTemplate
 Base object template list class for list item classes derived from BaseItem. More...
class  ListContainerBase
 Abstract module class ListContainerBase implementing basic functionality for a list container module. More...
class  ListContainerTemplate
 Template module class ListContainerTemplate for a specific list class. More...
class  ListParser
 Parser class for parsing persistent state strings of list objects. More...
class  MarkerList
 Base object class MarkerList managing a list of markers represented by Vector4's. More...
class  Mat3List
 Base object class Mat3List managing a list of 3x3 matrices. More...
class  Mat4List
 Base object class Mat4List managing a list of 4x4 matrices. More...
class  MergeLists
 Engine module MergeLists merging two BaseListTemplate-derived objects. More...
class  ParserBase
 Basic parser class from which special parser classes can be derived for parsing persistent state strings. More...
class  PointList
 Base object class PointList managing a list of points. More...
class  RasterFunction
 Base object to handle implicit or explicit functions to draw into subimages. More...
class  RasterFunctionList
 Base object class to handle a list of raster functions. More...
class  SphereList
 Base object managing a list of Sphere objects. More...
class  StringList
 Base object class managing a list for items of type BaseItem usable for string storage. More...
class  StringListContainer
 Base object class StringListContainer managing a list of items of type StringList. More...
class  StylePalette
 Base object class StylePalette for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types. More...
class  StylePaletteOp
 Defines the StylePalette operator for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types. More...
class  VecListTemplate
 BaseObject list class template (derived from ListTemplate) for lists of n-tupels of a given type. More...
class  Vec3iList
 Base object class Vec3iList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  Vec4iList
 Base object class Vec4iList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  Vec6iList
 Base object class Vec6iList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  Vec3fList
 Base object class Vec3fList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  Vec4fList
 Base object class Vec4fList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  Vec6fList
 Base object class Vec6fList derived from VecListTemplate. More...
class  VectorList
 Base object representing a list of vectors given as Vector4's. More...
class  XMarker
 Base object class XMarker (derived form baseItem) with 6D pos, 3D vec and type int. More...
class  XMarkerList
 Base object class XMarkerList (derived from BaseListTemplate) specialized for XMarker items. More...
class  XMarkerListContainer
 Base object class XMarkerListContainer (derived from ListContainerTemplate) for XMarkerList objects. More...
class  MLImageFormatFileCache
 An ML module class for file caching and modification of a whole ML PagedImage volume as MLImageFormat file which is changed only if load, clear or auto load is activated. More...
class  MLImageFormatInfo
 Information retrieval module for the .mlimage MLImageFormat files. More...
class  MLImageFormatIOBase
 IO base class to manage/save/load/modify .mlimage files and to derive specific save, load and modification classes from it. More...
class  MLImageFormatLoad
 ML module class to load an ML PagedImage from a file of type MLImageFormat with .mlimage suffix. More...
class  MLImageFormatSave
 ML module class to save an ML PagedImage as file of type MLImageFormat with .mlimage suffix. More...
class  BitMorphologyFilter
 The class to apply BitMorphology based kernel filters to images. More...
class  CloseGapFilter
 The class to apply CloseGap based kernel filters to images. More...
class  CompassFilter
 A class implementing different compass filters. More...
class  ConvolutionFilter
 This class implements convolutions with fixed kernel sizes. More...
class  Correlation
 Correlation of image with kernel image. More...
class  ExtConvolutionFilter
 This class implements different convolution filters with changeable kernel sizes. More...
class  TKernel
 Class to manage a filtering kernel for images. More...
class  KernelBaseModule
 The module base class to apply kernels to an image. More...
class  KernelCurvatureEstimationFilter
 Implements a filter to estimate curvatures. More...
class  KernelEditor
 The class to edit a 6D kernel. More...
class  KernelLineApplicator
 The KernelLineApplicator class takes a Kernel instance and filters one line of an mlSubImage and writes it to an output also given by another mlSubImage. More...
class  KernelLineApplicatorBase
 The KernelLineApplicatorBase class is designed to implement new kernel based filters to be applied to a line of an mlSubImage and and to write the filtered line to an output mlSubImage. More...
class  KernelModule
 The typically used convenience class to apply a kernel to an image. More...
struct  fctLineFilter
 The basic implementation of a filter to filter an image row with kernel operations. More...
struct  useObjectLineFilter
 Wrapper for the use of object bound row filters. More...
class  KernelTools
 Class collecting a set of templated an normal functions for filtering operations using kernels. More...
class  LineApplicator
 The LineApplicator class provides pure virtual functions used by the old applyFiltering functions from the KernelTools class to filter one row of an SubImage and writes it to an output also given by another SubImage. More...
class  LocalMaximaFilter
 Class searching local maxima in images using a kernel based filtering. More...
class  MorphologyFilter
 The class to apply morphology based kernel filters to images. More...
class  RankFilter
 The class to apply rank based kernel filters images. More...
class  RobertsFilter
 Class to apply a kernel based roberts filtering to an image. More...
class  SigmaFilter
 A sigma filter class. More...
class  Sobel3DFilter
 Applies a Sobel edge detection or a Sobel gradient estimation in 3D to a volume image. More...
class  StdDeviationFilter
 This class is a kernel filtering operator, which calculates the standard deviation in the (defined by the kernel) neighborhood of a voxel. More...
class  SurroundFilter
 Class to cover an object specified by a threshold with a voxel thick surface of selected values. More...
class  ZeroCrossingsFilter
 A kernel filtering operator, which searches for zero crossings in the input image. More...
class  EditObject
 allows to edit an ml::base-derived object via its XML description. More...
class  IOHandler
 Handles the different possible IO modes. More...
class  LoadBase
 Allows to load ml::base-derived objects from file. More...
class  SaveBase
 saves an ml::base-derived object to a file class SaveBase More...
class  XMLPersistenceStream
 mix-in class that manages a stack of names for list elements and if the parent scope of the list is suppressed (for handling legacy file formats) More...
class  XMLPersistenceOutputStream
 Implementation for AbstractPersistenceOutputStream using Xerces DOM Parser. More...
class  XMLPersistenceInputStream
 Implementation for AbstractPersistenceInputStream using Xerces DOM Parser. More...
class  XMLTreeNodeException
 The XMLTreeNodeException class extends the exceptions already provided by class TreeNodeException. More...
class  XMLTreeNode
 The class XMLTreeNode implements the abstract class TreeNode to allow export and import of ML objects to and from XML files and strings. More...
class  BitImage
 Class to manage a binary image. More...
class  Disc
 Class to handle the geometry primitive "Disc" consisting of a center, a normal and a radius. More...
class  MultiField
 Field to represent a dynamic vector of DATATYPE values. More...
class  DoubleMultiField
 Save warning state. More...
class  FloatMultiField
 Class FloatMultiField. See MultiField for documentation. More...
class  IntMultiField
 Class IntMultiField. See MultiField for documentation. More...
class  Int32MultiField
 Class Int32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation. More...
class  UInt32MultiField
 Class UInt32MultiField. See MultiField for documentation. More...
class  Sphere
 Defines the class to handle the geometry primitive "Sphere" with a radius and a center point. More...
class  StringLineMultiField
 The field class StringLineMultiField which manages a vector of std::string lines typically separated by "\r\n" on windows systems and by "\n" on non windows systems. More...
class  Tools
 Class which collects some useful functions needed in many places of operator programming. More...
class  TVirtualVolume
 The TVirtualVolume class implements random access to a paged input image or a pure virtual image without mapping more than a limited number of bytes. Pages of the input volume are mapped temporarily into memory when needed. If no input volume is specified the pages are created and filled with a fill value. When the permitted amount of memory is exceeded then older mapped pages are removed. When pages are written they are mapped until the virtual volume instance is removed or if they are explicitly cleared by the application. More...
class  VirtualVolume
 This class manages a virtual volume organizing efficient voxel access to the output image of an input module given as input inIdx of thisBaseOp. More...
struct  PageBuffer
 PageBuffer is a helper structure to manage one page of input data of the VirtualVolume class and it also handles the most important properties of the page. More...
class  ArrowHeadSettings
struct  WEMPersistenceParameters
 Structure to gather persistence parameters. More...
struct  WEMProgressUpdater
 Helper struct for updating the progress bar while loading/saving. More...
struct  WEMReadParameters
 Helper struct for bundling parameters to keep method interfaces small. More...
struct  WEMEventContainer
 This struct holds all necessary data for the different notifications. More...
class  WEM
 A WEM comprises a number of WEMPatches. More...
class  WEMAttributes
 This class comprises some attributes that are common for a WEM and a WEMPatch. More...
class  WEMBoundingBox
 This class represents an axis aligned bounding box for a WEMPatch. More...
struct  WEMDefaults
 Struct providing default values for the WEM library. More...
class  WEMEdge
 Defines the mesh component: edge. More...
class  WEMFace
 Defines the mesh component: face. More...
class  WEMIndexedFace
 Defines the mesh component: an face holding a list of up to 100 indices. More...
class  WEMGenerator
 The WEMGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate WEMs, be it automatically or interactive. More...
class  WEMInspector
 This class is the base class for WEM modules that have one WEM input but no WEM output. More...
class  WEMModule
 The WEMModule class provides some common fields and methods for WEMProcessors, WEMGenerators and WEMInspectors. More...
class  WEMProcessor
 The WEMProcessor is the base class for all modules that process WEMs, be it automatically or interactive. More...
class  WEMNode
 Defines the mesh component: node. More...
struct  CentroidIndex
 Structure used to sort faces in z-direction. More...
class  WEMPatch
 Base class for triangle and quad patches. More...
class  WEMPatchPersistence
 Class to save/load a WEMPatch. More...
class  FileMapReadOutOfBoundsException
class  FileMapWrapper
 Wraps a FileMap so we can handle errors and exceptions more easily. More...
class  OutStreamWrapper
class  WEMPolygon
 Defines the mesh component: polygon. More...
class  WEMPolygonPatch
 This represents a WEMPatch consisting of polygons only. More...
class  WEMPrimitive
 This is the base class for the WEM elements nodes, edges, and faces. More...
struct  WEMMinHeapCompare
class  WEMPrimitiveValueList
 Stores a value list where the values are associated to primitives (WEMNode, WEMEdge, and WEMFace). More...
class  WEMQuad
 Defines the mesh component: quad. More...
class  WEMQuadPatch
 This represents a WEMPatch consisting of quads only. More...
class  WEMRequirements
 This class represents WEMPatch requirements to be used by WEMProcessor. More...
class  WEMTriangle
 Defines the mesh component: triangle. More...
class  WEMTrianglePatch
 This represents a WEMPatch consisting of triangles only. More...
class  WEMContainer
 Container with the ability to detect double inserts. More...
class  WEMFastVector
 Dynamic templated vector. More...
class  WEMHeap
 Min-Heap structure with property v[i]<v[2*i+1] and v[i]<v[2*i+2] Parent at index i has children at indices 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Smallest values are stored closer to root of tree. More...
class  WEMIndexVector
 Dynamic vector, based on a memory pool. Keeps track on entry numbers of stored primitives. More...
class  WEMObjectVector
 Dynamic template vector. More...
class  WEMQueueElement
 The WEMQueueElement represents an element of a single linked list. More...
class  WEMQueue
 The WEMQueue is a single linked list with pointers to its head and tail elements. More...
class  WEMVector
 Dynamic templated vector. More...
class  WEMCut
 Class to manage cut faces. More...
class  WEMFaceCut
 Helper class for performing a cutting on a face. More...
class  WEMPartialFaceCut
 Class for managing partial face cuts. More...
class  WEMEdgeDiagnosis
 This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMEdge. More...
class  WEMFaceDiagnosis
 This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMFace. More...
class  WEMNodeDiagnosis
 This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode. More...
class  WEMPatchDiagnosis
 This class provides diagnostic information on a WEMNode. More...
class  WEMNearestPointOnSurface
 This class constructs a bounding sphere hierarchy of all non-empty triangles (i.e. More...
class  CSO
 The CSO represents a contour segmentation object. More...
class  CSOAttributes
 This class comprises some attributes that are common for a CSO and a CSOGroup. More...
class  CSOBoundingBox
 The CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision. More...
class  CSOEvent
 Class for all CSO events. More...
class  CSOGroup
 A CSOGroup comprises a number of CSOs, which themselves can be in a number of different CSOGroups. More...
class  CSOList
 A CSOList comprises a number of CSOs and CSOGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation objects. More...
class  CSOManager
 The CSOManager allows for storing and iterating CSOs, and implements an undo/redo mechanism. More...
class  CSOBaseModule
 Base class for CSOModules. More...
class  CSOConvertor
 Base class for modules that convert CSOs to voxel images. More...
class  CSOGenerator
 The CSOGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate CSOs, be it automatically or interactive. More...
class  CSOGeneratorBase
class  CSOModificator
 Base class for performing modifications on the CSOs of a CSOList. More...
class  CSOPathPoints
 The CSOPathPoints is a list of world coordinates which are interpolated by a certain interpolation scheme between seed points of a CSO. More...
class  CSOGroupRules
 This handles rules like the maximum number of CSOs in a group and applies them. More...
class  CSOListRules
 The CSOListRules class controls how the CSOList should treat CSOGroups if their CSOs are removed. More...
class  CSOChangeEventScope
 Base class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSO. More...
class  CSOModuleEventGroupScope
 This class is to be used in modules, not in the CSO base library. More...
class  CSOAttributeChangeScope
 Class for sending events if visual attribute of a CSO have changed. More...
class  CSOGeometryChangeScope
 Class for sending events if the geometry of a CSO has changed. More...
class  CSOModificationScope
 Class for sending events if a CSO was changed by an algorithm. More...
class  CSOGroupChangeEventScope
 Base class for event grouping / pre-/post-command of changes of a CSOGroup. More...
class  CSOGroupAttributeChangeScope
 Class for sending events if visual attributes of a CSOGroup have changed. More...
class  CSOGroupAddScope
 Class for sending events if a CSOGroup has been added. More...
class  CSOAddScope
 Class for sending event if a CSO has been added. More...
class  CSOCreationScope
 Class for sending event if a CSO has been created. More...
class  CSOSelectionChangeScope
 Class for sending events if the selection of CSOs has been changed. More...
class  CSOGroupSelectionChangeScope
 Class for sending events if the selection of CSOGroups has been changed. More...
class  CSOAddToGroupScope
 Class for sending events if a CSO was added to a Group. More...
class  CSORemoveFromGroupScope
 Class for sending events if a CSO was removed from a Group. More...
class  CSOSeedPoint
 The CSOSeedPoint can be interactively set and modified and is the framework for contours. More...
class  CSOCommand
 Base class for a CSOCommand for the undo/redo mechanism. More...
class  CSOCmdAddCSO
 Class for undo/redo of adding a new CSO to the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdRemoveCSO
 Class for undo/redo of removing a CSO from the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdAddCSOGroup
 Class for undo/redo of adding a CSOGroup to the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdRemoveCSOGroup
 Class for undo/redo of removing a CSOGroup from the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdAddCSOtoGroup
 Class for undo/redo of adding a CSO to a Group. More...
class  CSOCmdRemoveCSOfromGroup
 Class for undo/redo of removing a CSO from a Group. More...
class  CSOCmdAddCSOList
 Class for undo/redo of adding multiple CSOs to the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdMoveContour
 Class for undo/redo of the moving of a contour. More...
class  CSOCmdMoveSeedPoint
 Class for undo/redo of the moving of a single seed point. More...
class  CSOCmdInsertRemoveSeedPoint
 Class for undo/redo of the insertion/removal of a single seed point. More...
class  CSOCmdAddCSOSet
 Class for undo/redo of of adding a set of CSOs to the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdRemoveCSOSet
 Class for undo/redo of removing a set of CSOs from the CSOList. More...
class  CSOCmdModifySet
 Class for undo/redo of modifying a set of CSOs. More...
class  CSOCmdCSOModifyVisualAttributes
 Class for undo/redo of modifying attributes of a CSO. More...
class  CSOUndoRedoManager
 Manager class for maintaining the undo and the redo stacks. More...
class  CSOVoxelSetPoint
class  CSOVoxelSet
 The CSOVoxelSet represents a contour segmentation object in discrete voxel coordinates. More...
class  CSOVoxelSetGroup
class  CSOVoxelSetList
class  CSOFunction
 Base class for distance functions for application in the marching cubes algorithm. More...
class  CSOInterpolate3DFunctionSettings
 This class encapsulates the settings for CSOInterpolate3DFunction. More...
class  CSOInterpolate3DFunction
 The CSOInterpolate3DFunction holds the interpolation function which is a smooth thin-plate spline surface. More...
class  CSOLiveWireGraph
 The class maintains a graph for applying a shortest path algorithm on. More...
struct  VoxelPos
 Structure holding a 2D voxel position. More...
struct  CSOLiveWireNodeBase
 Structure holding a live wire node for the shortest path algorithm. More...
struct  CSOLiveWireNodeSimple
 Simple node, which stores a single cost value per node. More...
struct  CSOLiveWireNodeExtended
 Extended node, which stores various features per node. More...
class  CSOMarchingSquares
 This class implements the Marching Squares algorithm to find isolines on 2D image slices. More...
class  CSOMarchingSquaresCell
 Marching squares cell. More...
class  CSOObjectHeap
 Heap structure with property i>2*i+1 and i>2*i+2 Parent i has children 2*i+1 and 2*i+2 Smallest values are stored closer to root of tree Elements are sorted while inserting them in the heap. More...
class  CSOObjectVector
 Dynamic templated vector For speed and better memory handling, the vector is an array within an array The base blocks have a BLOCKSIZE of 65535 This allows for quick expanding. More...
class  CSOPathPointIterator
class  CSOPathPointConstIterator
class  ProjectedCSO
 This class is a helper class used internally by CSOPointInPolygon. More...
class  CSOPointInPolygonChecker
 Checks whether a point is inside a planar, closed polygon in an arbitrary plane. More...
class  CSOPredicate
class  CSOIsClosedPredicate
class  CSOIsOpenPredicate
class  CSOIsNotSelfIntersectingPredicate
class  CSOIsInPlanePredicate
class  CSOIsInSamePlaneAsPredicate
class  CSOIsParallelToPlanePredicate
class  CSOValidator
class  CSOVisualizationSettings
class  CSOVisualizationSettingsWithStylePalette
class  CSOLabelPlacementDistanceLines
class  CSOLabelPlacementGlobal
 Label placement strategy. More...
class  CSOLabelPlacementLocal
 Label placement strategy. More...
class  CSOLabelPlacement
 Base module for providing custom label placement strategies. More...
class  CSOLabelRenderer
 Module encapsulation the SoView2D extension for rendering labels for CSOs. More...
class  MainAxisPCA
 This class computes the main axis for a point cloud by a principal component analysis. More...
class  MinimalDistancePointClouds
 The MinimalDistancePointClouds implements a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'. More...
class  TileSphere
 TileSphere is used in the class MinimalDistancePointClouds. More...
class  TileSphereHashTable
 TileSphereHashTable is used in the classes MinimalDistancePointClouds and TileSphere. More...
class  Variant
 The Variant class stores different data types. More...
class  ModelIndex
 This class serves as an index into an AbstractItemModel. More...
class  AbstractItemModel
 This class represents an abstract hierarchical item model where the items have named attributes which can be queried and even modified. More...
class  ItemModelEvent
 This intermediate class only exists to conveniently get the source() as the model() from an event. More...
class  TwoPhaseItemModelEvent
 This is the base class for all events that are sent before and after a change. More...
class  ItemsInsertedEvent
 This event informs about inserted items. More...
class  ItemsRemovedEvent
 This event informs about removed items. More...
class  ItemChangedEvent
 This event tells us that the children of the item have changed completely. More...
class  ItemsDataChangedEvent
 This event informs about attributes that have changed their values. More...
class  ItemModelAttributeFilter
class  ItemModelItemFilter
class  ItemModelProxy
class  StandardItemModel
 This could be the interface for a standard item model. More...
class  ItemChildrenRequestEvent
 This BaseEvent informs that the children of an item are requested for the first time. More...
struct  ComputeClusterParameters
 Structure to hold parameters for cluster computation. More...
class  ClusterAlgorithm
 Type specific implementations of the interface class for clustering algorithms. More...
class  ClusterHandler
 ClusterHandler that is used to provide slice-by-slice data to the cluster algorithm. More...
class  ClusterAlgorithmBase
 Interface class for clustering algorithms. More...
struct  ClusterUserDataParameters
 Cluster user data parameters. More...
struct  ClusterBoundingBox
 Cluster bounding box. More...
class  ClusterInfo
 Holds basic information about a cluster. More...
struct  less
 Implement comparison operator for ClusterInfo used by std::sort. More...
class  ClusterRefType
 Container class derived from ClusterInfo. More...
class  ClusterRefCollection
 Class for handling cluster references. More...
class  ClusterRefVolume
 A stack of slices where each entry encodes an id of a ClusterRef. More...
class  Clusters
 Structure computes and holds all cluster information. For internal use. More...
class  TypedComputeClusters
class  ComputeClusters
 Computes the clusters. More...
class  IdenticalIntensitiesClusterAlgorithm
 Implementation of a clustering algorithm checking for identical image intensity values. More...
class  SelectedClusters
 Class for filtering/selection clusters. More...
class  SimilarIntensitiesClusterAlgorithm
 Implementation of a SimilarIntensities clustering algorithm. More...
class  SimilarVectorDirectionsClusterAlgorithm
 Implementation of a clustering algorithm for vector data types. More...
class  UndirectedGraph
 Tags a Graph object to be handled as undirected graph containing VesselEdges. More...
class  SmartSnapSkeletonFinder
class  VesselVoxelCreator
class  PointMap
 PointMap constitutes a lightweight object for storage of data of two nodes. More...
class  PathInfo
 class to store informations about connection path for use in calculation of distance matrices More...
class  IsomorphismMap
 IsomorphismMap class handles the information of the isomorphism between two Graph structures in form of a PointMap-list. More...
class  AssocGraph
 AssocGraph class provides a matrix representation of the association graph of two Graph objects. More...
class  Slice_iter
 Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::... More...
class  Cslice_iter
 Templated support class for class MatrixTemplate to allow fast element access organisation by slicing using const references This auxiliary class allows the access to matrix elements stored in an valarray by std::... More...
class  MatrixTemplate
 MatricTemplate implements general Matrix class based on valarray of objects with Template class type for nummeric calculations with dynamic size More...
class  MatrixSizedTemplate
 general Matrix class based on MatrixTemplate<T> to allow fixed size setting with object declaration. More...
class  ITKCommandIterationUpdate
 Implementation of the Command Pattern to be invoked every iteration. More...
class  ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper
 Class to provide a number of get/set functions for often used templated objects, for example function pointers. More...
class  FiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper
 Special case wrapper for ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper. More...
class  ITKFlatStructElement
 ML class to wrap the itkFlatStructElement class in an ML module. More...
class  ITKWrapperBase
 Helper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper. More...
class  ITKTypedPointerWrapper
 Class to create a Base wrapper around an object of a certain template type. More...
class  ITKModuleAddOns
 Class to implement much functionality used in ML modules wrapping filters. More...
class  MLITKObjectFactory
 A class to manage a void pointer to an object of a certain class type a type dataType and dimension dim. More...
class  VTKObjectWrapper
 Helper class to have a common base class for all derived wrapper. More...
class  VTKModule
 Base class to derive from all modules which wrap automatically generated VTK classes. More...
class  AlgorithmModule
 ML-Module base class to simplify development of modules encapsulating an algorithm with dedicated input and output interface. More...
class  AlgorithmModuleExample
 Example to demonstrate the development of an ML module based on AlgorithmModule. More...
class  AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImage
 Example to demonstrate the development of an ML module with an output image based on AlgorithmModule. More...
class  AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImageOutputImageHandler
 The AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImageOutputImageHandler handles the page calculation of an output image of AlgorithmModuleExampleWithOutputImage. More...
class  DicomTreeCompare
 ML module class to compare two DCMTrees, to display the differences and to post errors if the difference is not as expected. More...
class  DicomTreeInfo
 ML module class to display general statistical information about a connected DCMTree and to search and extract strings and values from the tag dump, even from private tag values. More...
class  StringLineFilterFieldAddOn
 Class implementing the StringLineFilterFieldAddOn which manages fields for line based filtering of a text string. More...
class  DICOMCachedIOFileHandleBase
 Forward template declaration for typedef'ing. More...
class  DICOMCachedIOFileHandlePlugin
 Class for resolving filenames from a given identifier (url,etc...) for DICOM importing modules. More...
class  DICOMCachedIOFileHandleProvider
 Class for FileHandleProvider for DICOM importing modules. More...
class  DicomMessageCollector
 Class to collect messages and errors related to a given frame handle. More...
class  MessageCollector
 Class to collect messages of different types. More...
class  DicomConfigurableMessageFilter
 ML module class DicomConfigurableMessageFilter usable as plugin for modules which produce many messages and which allows message output configurations. More...
class  DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted
 Provides a configurable message filter for DICOM modules. More...
class  DicomMessageFilter
 Class describing a string id of a message, a set of substrings how it can be found by searching them in a string as well as a match routine performing such a search. More...
class  ApplyDicomPixelModifiers
 ML module class ApplyDicomPixelModifiers which provides the modification of an ML image according to DICOM tags such as RGB palette information, rescale/slope data etc. More...
class  DicomModifyBase
 A base class which allows the modification of DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree. More...
class  DicomModifyCreateTree
 Constructor creating an output connector for the result tree,
a modifyPlugin connector and tree input connection(s). More...
class  DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase
 The class DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase is dedicated to manage fields for ML modules and instances derived from DicomModifyBase to combine field handling and tag modification functionality to modify DCMTree's and to allow concatenation of them to pipelines. More...
class  DicomModifyFieldAddOnList
 Class managing a list of BASE_FIELD_ADD_ON_TYPE to simplify usage of multiple AddOns; AddOns are never owned by DicomModifyFieldAddOnList instances, this the life time of the AddOns must be longer than the usage of DicomModifyFieldAddOnList instances. More...
class  DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn
 DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees. More...
class  DicomModifyImageTagsPlugin
 ML Module class making use of DicomModifyImageTagsFieldAddOn which replaces the image pixel tag in DICOM trees with image data from the image connector and tries to adapt adapt as many as possible related tags accordingly to create mostly DICOM compliant DCMTrees. More...
class  DicomModifyList
 Class which manages a list of DicomModifyBase or derived objects, with an input for concatenation to another DicomModifyList object and which can apply their operations according to their parameters to DCMTrees. More...
class  DicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport
 ML module class DicomModifyMultiFileVolumeExport which exports a MultiFileVolume composed of DICOM frames as files with modified DICOM information into a destination directory. More...
class  DicomModifyOrdinary
 A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of ordinary, non-private, non-sequence DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree. More...
class  DicomModifyOrdinaryFieldAddOn
 FieldAddOn class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOrdinary to modify ordinary DICOM tags. More...
class  DicomModifyOtherTagOperations
 A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows some operations on tag groups in a (cloned) DICOM tree such as removal or modification of all Type 2 or Type 3 tags. More...
class  DicomModifyOtherTagOperationsFieldAddOn
 FieldAddOn class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOtherTagOperations to modify OtherTagOperations DICOM tags. More...
class  DicomModifyPrivateAdd
 A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the addition or replacement of private DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree; see also DicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn. More...
class  DicomModifyPrivateAddFieldAddOn
 DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyPrivate to modify private DICOM tags; see also DicomModifyPrivateAdd. More...
class  DicomModifyPrivateRemove
 A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the removal of non-ordinary, non-sequence, private DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree. More...
class  DicomModifyPrivateRemoveFieldAddOn
 DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyPrivate to modify private DICOM tags. More...
class  DicomModifySequence
 A concrete class derived from DicomModifyBase which allows the modification of ordinary, non-private, non-sequence DICOM tags in a (cloned) DICOM tree. More...
class  DicomModifySequenceFieldAddOn
 DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to represent functionality from DicomModifyOrdinary to modify sequence DICOM tags. More...
class  DicomModifySubTreeSelectorFieldAddOn
 DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase class managing fields to select DCMTree sequence or MeVis SMF subtrees which then can be modified by appended DicomModify instances. More...
class  DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin
 ML module class DicomModifySubTreeSelectorPlugin which allows the selection of DCMTrees inside of Sequence tags or MeVis SMF trees to make it possible that other DicomModifyTagPlugins manipulate them. More...
class  DicomModifyTagsPlugin
 ML Module class DicomModifyTagsPlugin which provides a number of DCMTree::Tag manipulators which can be applied to DCMTree::Trees. More...
class  DicomModifyTagsVariousFieldAddOns
 Class composing many typical DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase classes to a single new and easy to use one and which provides input/output base fields to concatenate many of them to pipelines. More...
class  DicomModifyTree
 ML module class DicomModifyTree for modifying DICOM trees. More...
class  DicomModifyTreeAndImage
 ML module class DicomModifyTreeAndImage for composing and decomposing MLImages with DICOM trees as well as for modifying DICOM trees. More...
class  TreeAndVolumeInputFieldAddOn
 Class implementing a FieldAddOn managing fields and functionality for a multi- purpose input connector for MultiFileVolumeList(s) and DICOM-Tree(s). More...
class  DicomDOCSave
class  DicomDOCSaveAddOnPointers
 Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList. More...
class  DicomEnhancedSave
class  DicomEnhancedSaveAddOnPointers
 Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList. More...
class  DicomFIDSave
class  DicomREGSave
class  DicomSaveBase
class  DicomSCSave
class  DicomSEGSave
class  DicomSEGSaveAddOnPointers
 Structure describing the AddOnPointer; used as private implementation in _fieldAddOnList. More...
class  DicomSRSave
class  DicomAcquisitionContextModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Acquisition Context Module C.7.6.14, currently only by adding an empty Acquisition Context Sequence (0040,0555). More...
class  DicomBoolInheritAndWriteTagInterface
 FieldAddOn class supporting inheritance and optional writing of a boolean tag value. More...
class  DicomCIDEditTagInterface
 Manages a module field interface to edit a list of CID value from a given table. More...
class  DicomCIDSingleEntryEditTagInterface
 Manages a module field interface to edit a single CID value from a given table. More...
class  DicomCommonInstanceReferenceModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to Common Instance Reference Module in DICOM Part 3. More...
class  DicomContentDateTimeTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM ContentDate and ContentTime tags. More...
class  DicomContentIdentificationMacroTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Content Identification macro, 10.9. More...
struct  ContributingEquipmentSettings
 Helper class to inherit, buffer and set an entry of a Contributing Equipment Sequence (0018,A001), see C.12.1 SOP Common Module. More...
class  DicomCopyGroupsTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Equipment, C.7.5.1. More...
class  DicomCopyTagSetInterface
 Provides control to copy/inherit a set of tag (values) from an input DCMTree, buffer it, and add it to the output tree. More...
class  DicomDeformableSpatialRegistrationModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Deformable Spatial Registration C.20.3 without ContentDate, ContentTime, and ContentIdentificationMacro. More...
class  DicomEncapsulatedDocumentModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to Encapsulated Document Module C.24.2. More...
class  DicomEncapsulatedDocumentSeriesModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Series, C.24.1. More...
class  DicomEnhancedMRImageModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Enhanced MR Image Modules C.8.13.1. More...
class  DicomFrameOfReferenceModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface for the DICOM Frame Of Reference Module.
class  DicomGeneralEquipmentModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Equipment, C.7.5.1. More...
class  DicomGeneralImageModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Image, C.7.6.1. More...
class  DicomGeneralSeriesModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Series, C.7.3.1. More...
class  DicomGeneralStudyModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM General Study, C.7.1.3. More...
class  DicomImageDescriptionTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface similar to the Image Description Macro C.8.16.2. More...
class  DicomImagePlaneModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Image Plane Module, C.7.6.2. More...
class  DicomImageTypeTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to the Image Type tag from DICOM Enhanced MR Image Modules C.8.13.1. More...
class  DicomManufacturing3DModelModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Manufacturing 3D Model Module C.35, currently only by adding Measurement Units Sequence with one CID 7063 entry. More...
class  DicomMRSeriesModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Series Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro. More...
class  DicomPatientModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Patient Module, C.7.1.1. More...
class  DicomPresentationStateIdentificationTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM PresentationCreationDate and PresentationCreationTime tags in C.11.10 Presentation State Identification Module, however without Content Identification Macro Attributes, which can be handled with ContentIdentificationMacroTagInterface, for example. More...
class  DicomReferencedImageSequenceTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to Common Instance Reference Module in DICOM Part 3. More...
class  DicomSCEquipmentModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM SC Equipment Module, C.8.8.1.
class  DicomSCMultiframeImageModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM SC-Multi-frame Image, C.8.6.3 Image Pixel module C.7.6.3 SOP Common Module, C.12.1, handled by adding a newly created SOPInstanceUID by default. More...
class  DicomSegmentationImageModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Image Module, C.8.20.2, however, it does not set the tags. More...
class  DicomSegmentationSeriesModuleAttributesTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Series Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro. More...
class  DicomSegmentSequenceTagInterface
 Class managing the module field interface according to DICOM Segmentation Image Module Attributes, C.8.20.2 without ContentIdentification Macro. More...
class  DicomSeriesAndInstanceReferenceMacroTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to Series And Instance Reference Macro in DICOM Part 3. More...
class  DicomSOPCommonModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to SOP Common Module shown in DICOM Table 12-1. More...
class  DicomSOPInstanceReferenceMacroTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to SOP Instance reference Macro shown in DICOM Table 10-8. More...
class  DicomSpatialFiducialsModuleTagInterface
 Manages the module field interface according to DICOM Spatial Fiducials C.21.2 without ContentDate, ContentTime, and ContentIdentificationMacro. More...
class  DicomValueComboBoxSelectorTagInterface
 A complex field interface managing a value selector for combo boxes with a number of predefined values; a checkBox whether the fieldValue shall be checked by the module for validity, an InheritMode which determines in which way the value shall be inherited from the input connection. More...
class  DicomValueInheritAndCreateTagInterface
 FieldAddOn class supporting inheritance and auto creating tag values (for example DICOM UIDs or tag values). More...
class  PrivateDICOMTags
 Class collecting some known private DICOM tag information. More...
class  DicomTagDumpFieldAddOn
 Class managing fields to show and handle a DICOM tree tag dump. More...
class  DirectDicomImport
 Imports image files directly from DICOM or other file types without an intermediate representation. More...
class  DirectDicomImportDPLImporter
 Class handling all DICOM Processor Library Import (DPL) stuff for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  DirectDicomImportDPLLogger
 Extended DPL logger class redirecting messages from the DPL to a DirectDicomImport instance. More...
class  DirectDicomImportDPLSecondPassPartitioner
 A derived DPL SecondPassPartitioner to avoid that multi-frame files are composed when imported by DirectDicomImport instances. More...
class  DirectDicomImportDPLSecondPassPartitioningProvider
 An implementation of the DPL::SecondPassPartitioningProvider class for the DirectDicomImport modules. More...
class  DirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider
 An DPL::TagValueProvider class for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  DirectDicomImportImporterBase
 Base importer class for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  DirectDicomImportOtherImporter
 Derived importer to import non DICOM files into DirectDicomImport. More...
class  DICOMFileListFilter
 An ML module which searches files containing DICOM information, passes them through possibly connected FileListFilterPlugin(s), and provides the found files as list of file paths in a text field. More...
class  FileListFilterPlugin
 A concrete module class for file and DCMTree filtering which can be used by FileList importers to filter, classify and label files. More...
class  FileListFilterPluginBase
 A base class for plugins which can be used by file list importers to filter and classify files. More...
class  FilterMessage
 Helper class to store and handle error messages occuring in filter calls as well as to convert them to std::strings. More...
class  GDCMPrivateDICOMTagDecoders
 Class decoding private Siemens CSA header information with the help of an adapted gdcm::CSADecoder tool class. More...
class  GenericPrivateDICOMTagDecoder
 The GenericPrivateDICOMTagDecoder class is a default decoder usable for all private DICOM tags as well as some tool functions for derived classes. More...
class  DicomSegmentItem
 Class implementing a segmentation item according to the DICOM Segmentation Image Modul as described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES. More...
class  DicomSegmentItemImage
 Class describing one segment as it is described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES. More...
class  DicomSegmentItemImageBase
 Pure virtual base class describing an abstract image type to be read/written as DICOM SEG image as it is described in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES. More...
struct  SourceFrameReference
 Structure to collect important information of input frames. More...
struct  EnhancedMFObjectInfosBase
 Currently empty class used as base for all classes carrying additional IOD object information. More...
struct  LegacyConvertedEnhancedMRInfos
 Structure providing additional (IOD specific) information for Legacy Converted Enhanced MR; still nothing special inside, but used to identify LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR export type via rtti. More...
struct  SegmentInfos
 Structure providing SEG IOD specific information for and about composed BitImage Frame heap to be saved. More...
struct  EnhancedMFSEGObjectInfos
 Structure providing SEG IOD specific information for and about composed BitImage Frame heap to be saved; also used to identify LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR export type via rtti. More...
class  ZTUFileNameSet
 Class to manage a 3D set of handles describing frames or volumes to be composed to a higher dimensional volume where the frames are located in z, t, and u dimension. More...
class  MRSASCIITagDecoder
 Deprecated class decoding private DICOM MRSASCII tag data to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container. More...
class  PMTFToshibaPrivateDICOMTagDecoders
 An experimental DICOM tag decoder class for private Toshiba PMTF tags. More...
class  PrivateSequenceDICOMTagDecoders
 An experimental decoder for private DICOM sequence tags. More...
class  DMFileReader
 A tool classes to load Digital Microscopy files. More...
class  DMImage
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMImageDataStruct
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMTag
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMTagData
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMTagDirectory
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMTagGroup
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  DMFileReaderPlugin
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  FileReaderPluginsBase
 Base class for a generic file reader plugin with factory interface. More...
class  XYLibReaderPlugin
 Representation for the DM file as data structure. More...
class  XYLibHeader
 Header information loader for files supported by xylib. More...
class  ModuleLoaderBackendsControl
 Small class only used for script wrapper and to observe global ModuleLoaderBackends a bit, do not use manually. More...
class  CoreModuleLoaderBackendInterface
 A collection of some tool functions loading files with modules or other backends. More...
class  ByteDataReader
 Base class to implement raw data loaders which need byte swapping and basic file access on byte or raw data level. More...
class  FieldAddOnBase
 Abstract base class for field interfaces to be added to other ML module classes. More...
class  FieldAddOnList
 Class managing a list of FieldAddOns to simplify usage of multiple AddOns; AddOns are never owned by FieldAddOnList instances, this the life time of the AddOns must be longer than the usage of FieldAddOnList instances. More...
class  ProgressLogger
 Configurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging, interruption checks and collection of messages in a user defined stream. More...
class  MultiFileVolume
 Management class used by DirectDicomImport to create, represent and describe volumes composed of multiple DICOM or other files without needing additional intermediate representations or copies of the composed files. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeAdditionalOptions
 Container which stores additional options for MultiFileVolumes which can have an arbitrary number of entries such that future or user defined parameters can be added to MultiFileVolumes without changing the version of the persistent data. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeList
 Class managing a list of MultiFileVolume instances for the DirectDicomImport module; taking ownership of all added, push_back-ed or inserted MultiFileVolume instances. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListFind
 Class implementing some search functionality on MultiFileVolumeLists. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted
 Class managing a list of MultiFileVolume instances for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListSort
 Tool class to sort MultiFileVolumeLists according to specific properties. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput
 The ML module base class MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput used to implement further output modules for the MultiFileVolumeList class. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListDiagnosisOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListDiagnosisOutput applies different types of information, diagnosis and verification tools on MultiFileVolumes(Lists). More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListDOCOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListDOCOutput providing an additional output for (encapsulated documents) DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListFIDOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListFIDOutput providing an additional output for FID (fiducial) DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListFilterOutputs
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListFilterOutputs to filter the volume list of a MultiFileVolumeList module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput for extending the number of image outputs of MultiFileVolumeList modules. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListIteratorOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListIteratorOutput providing some support to specify a list of volumes and then to iterate over them and generating file names and indexes for them. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListREGOutput providing an additional output for spatial REG DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListSEGOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListSEGOutput providing an additional output for SEG DICOM files as a MultiFileVolumeListOutput module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListSMImageOutput
 ML modules class implementing an additional image output for MultiFileVolumeLists for an extended display of Whole Slide Microscopy data. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListView
 Manages the volume list view and its contents for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  RelatedDicomVolumeFieldAddOn
 Class managing fields fields to show and reference other volumes in a MultiFileVolumeList. More...
class  BaseToMultiFileVolumeList
 The ML module class BaseToMultiFileVolumeList class which converts object(s) from the connected input Base field to a MultiFileVolumeList. More...
class  ParameterInfo
 We would normally co-derive from QVariantMap, but this turned out to cause at least linker problems down the line, so we just hold the data. More...
class  BaseWithParameterInfo
 Mixin class to support generic getParameterInfo() object wrapping of supporting classes (e.g. More...
class  UnprotectedMainThreadCommunicator
class  MainThreadCommunicator
class  MainThreadCommunicatorTestSupport
class  PCLClusterStatistics
 ML Module providing arithmetic operations on a selectable subset of members/fields of the points of the input cloud. More...
class  ClusterSubGraph
 Internal helper class to manage OpenInventor visualization stuff for one cluster. More...
class  PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor
 ML Module class to convert the input pcl classes to Inventor SoVertexProperty, SoPointSet, and SoIndexedFaceSet nodes. More...
struct  StatisticalClusterInfo
 Small helper container managing some information about a cluster. More...
class  PCLCloudDistances
 ML Module class to calculate distances between two PCL point clouds. More...
class  PCLFeatureHistogram
 ML Module class applying the pcl::FeatureHistogram filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLPCA
 ML Module class applying the pcl::PCA filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLNormalEstimation
 ML Module class applying the pcl::NormalEstimation filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLBilateralFilter
 ML Module class applying the pcl::BilateralFilter filter to smooth the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLCopy
 ML module class copying points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2. More...
class  PCLCropBox
 ML Module class applying the pcl::CropBox filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLIndexFilter
 ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. More...
class  PCLIntensityRankFilter
 ML Module class applying the pcl::MedianFilter filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLMemberCopy
 ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. More...
class  PCLPassThrough
 ML Module class applying the pcl::PassThrough filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval
 ML Module class applying the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval
 ML Module class applying the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLVoxelGrid
 ML Module class applying the pcl::VoxelGrid filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter
result at two outputs; one containing a grid aligned point cloud and the second one as ML PagedImage. More...
class  PCLToInventor
 ML Module class to convert the input pcl classes to Inventor SoVertexProperty, SoPointSet, and SoIndexedFaceSet nodes. More...
class  PCLLoad
 ML Module class to load a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library from a file. More...
class  PCLSave
 ML Module class to store a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library in a file. More...
class  PCLBaseListToPointCloud
 ML Module class to convert a BaseList(PointList, VectorList, XMarkerList, XMarkerListContainer) to a point cloud. More...
class  PCLMLImageToPointCloud
 ML Module class to convert an ML PagedImage to a point cloud. More...
class  PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList
 ML Module class to convert a point cloud to an XMarkerList. More...
class  PCLR2SonicWCLoader
 ML Module class to load a point cloud from the Point Cloud Library from a file. More...
class  PCLIterativeClosestPoint
 ML Module class wrapping the pcl::IterativeClosestPoint class from the PCL. More...
class  PCLRegistration
 Abstract ML Module class wrapping the pcl::Registration class from the PCL; PCL registration algorithms can/should derive from it to reuse interface descriptions and fields already integrated. More...
class  PCLSampleConsensus
 ML Module class wrapping the pcl::SampleConsensus class from the PCL. More...
class  PCLSampleConsensusModels
 ML Module class wrapping the pcl::SampleConsensusModel model classes of the PCL. More...
class  PCLEuclideanClusterExtraction
 ML Module class applying the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLBaseObject
 Base object containing pointers (as MLPCLObjectPtrsContainer) to objects from the Point Cloud Library (PCL) as well as a vector of PointIndices and to pass point clouds and result indexes from one module to another. More...
class  PCLCompare
 ML Module class to compare two PCL point clouds and optionally to post ML errors for testing purposes. More...
class  PCLInfo
 ML Module class to display information about a connected point cloud. More...
class  PCLModule
 ML Module base class for algorithms from the Point Cloud Library (PCL). More...
struct  MLPCLObjectPtrsContainer
 A container with pointers from the PCL (Point Cloud Library) passed in BaseObjects between PCL modules. More...
class  PCLPointMemberArithmetic
 ML Module providing arithmetic operations on a selectable subset of members/fields of the points of the input cloud. More...
class  PCLScriptOutput
 ML Module class to display ScriptOutputrmation about a connected point cloud. More...
class  PCLConcaveHull
 ML Module class applying the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLConvexHull
 ML Module class applying the pcl::ConvexHull filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. More...
class  PCLMarchingCubesHoppe
 ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe algorithm. More...
class  PCLMarchingCubesRBF
 ML Module class processing an input point cloud and creating a pcl::Surface and a pcl::PointCloud from it using the pcl::MarchingCubesRBF algorithm. More...
class  PCLMovingLeastSquares
 ML Module class processing a point cloud with the MLS (Moving Least Squares) algorithm pcl::MovingLeastSquares from the Point Cloud Library. More...
class  DicomTreeDefaultValidation
 Class implementing some generic DICOM tree checks. More...
class  DicomTreeValidate
 ML module class to validate DCMTree and to display the validation result, and optionally to post errors on validation failures. More...
class  DicomTreeValidationBase
 A pure virtual ML module base class to validate a DCMTree which can be cascaded. More...
struct  DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor
 Default class providing the read function for getDCMTKObjFromFile which needs the option to extent its functionality for different IODs. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListPROutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListPROutput provides additional outputs for structured reporting document information for the MultiFileVolumeList module. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListSROutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListSROutput provides additional outputs for structured reporting document information for the MultiFileVolumeList module. More...
class  PresentationState
 Base object class for passing DVPresentationState objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  SRDoc
 Base object class for passing DSRDocuments between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListDraftView
 A visualization class for the structure of a MultiFileVolume; work in progress. More...
class  MultiFileVolumeListRTOutput
 The ML module class MultiFileVolumeListRTOutput provides additional outputs for radio therapy information for the DirectDicomImport module. More...
class  AccessDirectDicomImportCache
 ML module class AccessDirectDicomImportCache provides access to tool functions implemented in MLDICOMCachedIO and MLDirectDicomImport. More...
class  ContourToCSO
class  CSOListToRTStructureSetIOD
class  DcmtkMLConverters
 The tool function class DcmtkMLConverters. More...
class  Progress
class  RTDoseIODToCSOList
class  RTStructureSetIODToCSOList
class  StructureSetROIToCSOGroup
class  MLToReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence
class  MLToROIContourSequence
class  MLToRTDoseROISequence
class  MLToRTROIObservationsSequence
class  MLToStructureSetROISequence
class  DcmtkBaseObjects
 The toolkit and factory class DcmtkBaseObjects. More...
class  DRTDoseIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTDoseIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTImageIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTImageIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTIonPlanIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTIonPlanIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTPlanIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTPlanIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTStructureSetIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTStructureSetIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIODBase
 Base object class for passing DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIOD objects between MeVisLab modules. More...
class  RTBase
 DcmtkBase derived base object class for base objects that wrap RT related objects. More...
class  DcmDRTAdditionalDrugSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTAdditionalDrugSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTAdmittingDiagnosesCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTApplicationSetupSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTApplicationSetupSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTImageModule. More...
class  DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTApplicatorSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceLeafPairsSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDevicePositionSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTImageModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamLimitingDeviceToleranceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBeamSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBeamSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBlockSequenceInRTImageModule. More...
class  DcmDRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBrachyAccessoryDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBrachyControlPointSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBrachyControlPointSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBrachyReferencedDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBreedRegistrationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBreedRegistrationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTBreedRegistryCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTBreedRegistryCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTChannelSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTChannelSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTChannelShieldSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTChannelShieldSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTChannelSourceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTChannelSourceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTCodingSchemeIdentificationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTCompensatorSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTCompensatorSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTConceptCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTConceptCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTConceptNameCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTConceptNameCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContentItemModifierSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContentItemModifierSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContourImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContourImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContourSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContourSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAdministrationRouteSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContrastBolusAgentSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContrastBolusAgentSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTContributingEquipmentSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTContributingEquipmentSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTControlPointSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTControlPointSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTCorrectedParameterSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTCorrectedParameterSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDeidentificationMethodCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDerivationCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDerivationCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturePurposeCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDigitalSignaturesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDigitalSignaturesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDVHReferencedROISequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDVHReferencedROISequence. More...
class  DcmDRTDVHSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTDVHSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTEncryptedAttributesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTEncryptedAttributesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTExposureSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTExposureSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFixationDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFixationDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFluenceMapSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFluenceMapSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFractionGroupSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFractionGroupSummarySequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFractionGroupSummarySequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFractionStatusSummarySequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFractionStatusSummarySequence. More...
class  DcmDRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTFrameOfReferenceRelationshipSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTHL7StructuredDocumentReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIconImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIconImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTInstitutionCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTInstitutionCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonBeamLimitingDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonBeamSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonBeamSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonBlockSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonBlockSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonControlPointDeliverySequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonControlPointDeliverySequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonControlPointSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonControlPointSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonRangeCompensatorSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonRangeCompensatorSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonToleranceTableSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonToleranceTableSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonWedgePositionSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonWedgePositionSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTIonWedgeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTIonWedgeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTLateralSpreadingDeviceSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTMACParametersSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTMACParametersSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTMeasurementUnitsCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTModalityLUTSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTModalityLUTSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTModifiedAttributesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTModifiedAttributesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTMotionSynchronizationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTMotionSynchronizationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTMultiplexedAudioChannelsDescriptionCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTOriginalAttributesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTOriginalAttributesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTOtherPatientIDsSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTOtherPatientIDsSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTOverrideSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTOverrideSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPatientBreedCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPatientBreedCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPatientSetupSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPatientSetupSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPatientSpeciesCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPerformedProtocolCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPersonIdentificationCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPhysiciansOfRecordIdentificationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPhysiciansReadingStudyIdentificationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPlannedVerificationImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPlannedVerificationImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTProcedureCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTProcedureCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTProtocolContextSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTProtocolContextSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTPurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeModulatorSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeModulatorSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeShifterSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRangeShifterSettingsSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReasonForRequestedProcedureCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedBlockSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedBlockSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedCompensatorSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedCompensatorSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedLateralSpreadingDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeModulatorSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedRangeShifterSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedRangeShifterSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedSnoutSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedSnoutSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRecordedWedgeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRecordedWedgeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTDoseModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBeamSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBolusSequenceInRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTDoseModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedBrachyApplicationSetupSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedControlPointSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedControlPointSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTFractionSchemeModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseReferenceSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedDoseSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedDoseSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedFractionGroupSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedFractionGroupSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedFrameOfReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedInstanceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedInstanceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedPatientSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedPatientSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedPerformedProcedureStepSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedReferenceImageSequenceInRTIonBeamsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralPlanModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInRTImageModule. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedRTPlanSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedRTPlanSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedSetupImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedSetupImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedStructureSetSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedStructureSetSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedStudySequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedStudySequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedTreatmentRecordSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferencedVerificationImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferencedVerificationImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTReferringPhysicianIdentificationSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRelatedRTROIObservationsSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRequestAttributesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRequestAttributesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRequestedProcedureCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTROIContourSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTROIContourSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTROIPhysicalPropertiesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTDoseROISequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTDoseROISequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTReferencedSeriesSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTReferencedSeriesSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTReferencedStudySequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTReferencedStudySequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTRelatedROISequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTRelatedROISequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTROIIdentificationCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTRTROIObservationsSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTRTROIObservationsSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTScheduledProtocolCodeSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTSetupDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTSetupDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTShieldingDeviceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTShieldingDeviceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTSnoutSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTSnoutSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTSourceImageSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTSourceImageSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTSourceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTSourceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTStructureSetROISequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTStructureSetROISequence. More...
class  DcmDRTToleranceTableSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTToleranceTableSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModule. More...
class  DcmDRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentMachineSequenceInRTTreatmentMachineRecordModule. More...
class  DcmDRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSessionIonBeamSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryCalculatedDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTTreatmentSummaryMeasuredDoseReferenceSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTVOILUTSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTVOILUTSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTWedgePositionSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTWedgePositionSequence. More...
class  DcmDRTWedgeSequenceInterface
 Class to provide access to DRTWedgeSequence. More...
class  DcmtkAccessories
 Class collecting some DICOM helper functions. More...
class  DicomModifyApprovalModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyCalculatedDoseReferenceRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyCineModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyClinicalTrialSeriesModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyClinicalTrialStudyModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyClinicalTrialSubjectModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyContrastBolusModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyDeviceModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyFrameOfReferenceModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyGeneralEquipmentModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyGeneralImageModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyGeneralStudyModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyImagePixelModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyImagePlaneModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyMeasuredDoseReferenceRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyModalityLUTModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyMultiFrameModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyMultiFrameOverlayModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyOverlayPlaneModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyPatientModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyPatientStudyModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyROIContourModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTBeamsModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTBrachyApplicationSetupsModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTDoseModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTDoseROIModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTDVHModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTFractionSchemeModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTGeneralPlanModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTGeneralTreatmentRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTImageModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTIonBeamsModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTIonBeamsSessionRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTIonToleranceTablesModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTPatientSetupModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTPrescriptionModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTROIObservationsModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTSeriesModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTToleranceTablesModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTTreatmentMachineRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyRTTreatmentSummaryRecordModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifySOPCommonModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyStructureSetModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyVOILUTModuleFieldAddOn
class  DicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnBase
class  DicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnFactory


typedef void TileRequestFinishedCB(void *data, TileRequest *request)
 Callback for a finished TileRequest. More...
typedef NotifyField TriggerField
 TriggerField is an alias for the NotifyField, which is easier to find for Open Inventor users who are used to the 'SoSFTrigger' field. More...
typedef void CalculateOutputImagePropertiesCB(void *userData, PagedImage *outImage)
 Callback for the calculation of the output image properties for outputImage. More...
typedef TScaleShiftData< MLdoubleScaleShiftData
 Double version of TScaleShiftData for maximum reasonable precision. More...
typedef TSubImageBox< MLintSubImageBox
 Defines the standard SubImageBox type used in the ML. Its size varies with the size of the MLint type. More...
typedef void BackgroundTaskFinishedCB(void *data, BackgroundTask *task)
typedef void BackgroundTaskScheduleProcessPendingMessagesCB(void *data)
typedef MLuint32 BackgroundRequestId
 The ID of a tile request. More...
using AtomicCounter = std::atomic_int32_t
 AtomicCounter is a thread-safe integer counter. More...
typedef void BaseEventCallback(void *, BaseEvent *)
typedef std::vector< ImagePropertyExtension * > ImagePropertyExtensionVector
 Defines the STL container type of ImagePropertyExtension objects. More...
typedef boost::recursive_mutex RecursiveMutex
 Defines a recursive mutex. More...
typedef boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock RecursiveLock
 Defines a lock for locking a recursive mutex. More...
typedef boost::mutex Mutex
 Defines a non-recursive mutex. More...
typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock Lock
 Defines a lock for locking a non-recursive mutex. More...
using low_executor = detail::executor< execute_low >
using default_executor = detail::executor< execute_default >
using high_executor = detail::executor< execute_high >
template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
using is_detected = typename internal::detector< internal::nonesuch, void, Op, Args... >::value_t
template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
using detected_t = typename internal::detector< internal::nonesuch, void, Op, Args... >::type
typedef boost::thread Thread
typedef MLuint16 MLGlobalTraceBufferType
 The type used in the MLGlobalTraceBuffer. More...
typedef TImageVector< MLintImageVector
 Defines the standard ImageVector type that is used by the ML for indexing and coordinates. More...
typedef int VectorDimIdxType
 Signed integer type used as count and index type to traverse the array of the TVector. More...
typedef std::vector< LUTRGBAPointLUTRGBAPointList
 Type definition for a vector of sampling points. More...
typedef std::vector< double > CurveSeries
 Type definition of a standard vector of single series of X- or Y-values. More...
typedef bool ListContainerHandleNotificationCB(void *usrData, Field *field)
 Callback for handleNotification forwarding (return false if notification should not be propagated to ListContainer) More...
typedef bool(* VoxelTestFunction) (const ImageVector &p, void *userData)
 Function type used to decide whether a voxel is within an object or not. More...
typedef bool(* WorldVoxelTestFunction) (const Vector6 &p, void *userData)
 Function type used to decide whether a voxel is within an object or not. More...
typedef void(* ModifierFunction) (SubImage *tSubImg, const ImageVector &p, void *userData)
 Function type which modifies a value in a typed subimage given by tSubImg. More...
typedef FloatingPointVector< int, 3 > vec3i
 A type definition of a 3D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values! More...
typedef FloatingPointVector< int, 4 > vec4i
 A type definition of a 4D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values! More...
typedef FloatingPointVector< int, 6 > vec6i
 A type definition of a 6D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values! More...
typedef void wemNotificationCB(void *data, std::vector< WEMEventContainer > ecList)
 Defines the function signature for the callback methods that is to be touched by a WEM notification. More...
template<typename T >
using WEMIndexVectorProxy = ContainerProxy< WEMIndexVector< T >, T, unsigned int, &WEMIndexVector< T >::num, &WEMIndexVector< T >::at >
 Alias that provides an STL compatible interface for WEMIndexVector. More...
typedef Tvec3< MLintVoxelPosition
typedef void csoNotificationCB(void *data, int notificationFlag)
 Defines the function signature for the callback methods that is to be touched by a CSOList notification. More...
typedef std::vector< Vector3VoxelVector
typedef std::vector< MLdoubleVoxelValueVector
typedef boost::tuple< MLint, MLintPoint2D
typedef TVector< TVectorNDBase< int, 3 > > IntegerPosition3D
typedef itk::Vector< float, 2 > mlItkVector2f
typedef itk::Vector< float, 3 > mlItkVector3f
typedef itk::Vector< float, 4 > mlItkVector4f
typedef itk::Vector< float, 6 > mlItkVector6f
typedef itk::Vector< float, 8 > mlItkVector8f
typedef itk::CovariantVector< float, 2 > mlItkCVVector2f
typedef itk::CovariantVector< float, 3 > mlItkCVVector3f
typedef itk::CovariantVector< float, 4 > mlItkCVVector4f
typedef itk::CovariantVector< float, 6 > mlItkCVVector6f
typedef itk::CovariantVector< float, 8 > mlItkCVVector8f
typedef itk::Vector< double, 2 > mlItkVector2d
typedef itk::Vector< double, 3 > mlItkVector3d
typedef itk::Vector< double, 4 > mlItkVector4d
typedef itk::Vector< double, 6 > mlItkVector6d
typedef itk::Vector< double, 8 > mlItkVector8d
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 2 > mlItkCVVector2d
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 3 > mlItkCVVector3d
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 4 > mlItkCVVector4d
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 6 > mlItkCVVector6d
typedef itk::CovariantVector< double, 8 > mlItkCVVector8d
typedef std::complex< float > mlItkComplexf
typedef std::complex< double > mlItkComplexd
typedef std::complex< float > Complexf
typedef std::complex< double > Complexd
typedef itk::DiffusionTensor3D< float > mlItkDiffusionTensor3Df
typedef itk::DiffusionTensor3D< double > mlItkDiffusionTensor3Dd
typedef itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor< float, 3 > mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Df
typedef itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor< double, 3 > mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Dd
typedef DicomModifyFieldAddOnList< DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase, DicomDOCSaveAddOnPointers * > _DOCFieldAddOnListType
 Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns. More...
typedef DicomModifyFieldAddOnList< DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase, DicomEnhancedSaveAddOnPointers * > _EnhancedFieldAddOnListType
 Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns. More...
typedef DicomModifyFieldAddOnList< DicomModifyFieldAddOnBase, DicomSEGSaveAddOnPointers * > _FieldAddOnListType
 Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns. More...
typedef PrivateDICOMTags::PrivateCreatorIdMap PrivateDICOMTagCreatorIdMap
 Shortcut to internally used map to store private creators. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, int > FileLoadStateLookUp
 Typedef for a map used for fast look up of file load states. More...
typedef FileListFilterPlugin DirectDicomImportImportFilterPlugin
 For backward compatibility: More...
typedef FileListFilterPluginBase DirectDicomImportImportFilterPluginBase
 For backward compatibility: More...
typedef FileListTools::FileAttribute DirectDicomImportImportFileAttribute
 For backward compatibility: More...
typedef FileListTools::FileList DirectDicomImportFileList
 For backward compatibility: More...
typedef std::list< FilterMessageFilterMessageList
 List of messages which can occur during filter calls. More...
typedef std::vector< DicomSegmentItemDicomSegmentItemVector
 Type describing a sequence of SegmentItems similar to its description in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES. More...
typedef DicomSegmentItemImage< SubImageDicomSegmentItemSubImage
 Implementation file of a class describing a unsigned 8 bit sub image type to be read/write as DICOM SEG image. More...
typedef DicomSegmentItemImage< BitImageDicomSegmentItemBitImage
 Implementation file of a class describing a BitImage type to be read/write as DICOM SEG image. More...
typedef std::list< SourceFrameReferenceSourceFrameReferenceVector
 A Vector of entries which should have at least two entries: More...
typedef std::set< std::pair< std::string, std::string > > StringPairSet
 Set of string pairs; typically to store unique pairs of DICOM UIDs. More...
typedef ZTUFileNameSet DirectDicomImportPageFileNameSet
 For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications: More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMFileReaderDMFileReaderPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMFileReader. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMImageDMImagePtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMImage. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMImageDataStructDMImageDataStructPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMIMageDataStruct. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMTagDMTagPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagEntry. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMTagDirectoryDMTagDirectoryPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagMap. More...
typedef std::vector< DMTagPtrDMTagPtrVector
 Vector of shared pointers to DMTags. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMTagGroupDMTagGroupPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagGroup. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DMTagDataDMTagDataPtr
 Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagData. More...
typedef MultiFileVolume DirectDicomImportVolumeReference
 For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications: More...
typedef std::multimap< unsigned int, std::string > TSearchTerm
 Typedef to define filter criteria to filter the list of volume references e.g. More...
typedef MultiFileVolumeList DirectDicomImportOutVolumeList
 For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications: More...
typedef std::vector< pcl::PointIndices > MLPCLPointIndexVector
 Vector of point indexes which are generated by a number of algorithms. More...
typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > TStrStrMap
typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > TStrStrPair
typedef void(* progress_callback_t) (MLdouble progress, void *userData)
 Callback typedef that can be given to certain function that provide progress information. More...
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnBaseModuleFieldAddOnPtr
typedef boost::shared_ptr< DicomModifyModuleFieldAddOnFactoryModuleFieldAddOnFactoryPtr
Specializations for float, double, and long double.
typedef Tmat2< MLfloatMatrix2f
 A 2x2 matrix of type float. More...
typedef Tmat2< MLdoubleMatrix2d
 A 2x2 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat2< MLldoubleMatrix2ld
 A 2x2 matrix of type long double. More...
typedef Tmat2< MLdoubleMatrix2
 The standard 2x2 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat4< MLfloatMatrix4f
 A 4x4 matrix of type float. More...
typedef Tmat4< MLdoubleMatrix4d
 A 4x4 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat4< MLldoubleMatrix4ld
 A 4x4 matrix of type long double. More...
typedef Tmat4< MLdoubleMatrix4
 The standard 4x4 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat5< MLfloatMatrix5f
 A 5x5 matrix of type float. More...
typedef Tmat5< MLdoubleMatrix5d
 A 5x5 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat5< MLldoubleMatrix5ld
 A 5x5 matrix of type long double. More...
typedef Tmat5< MLdoubleMatrix5
 The standard 5x5 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat6< MLfloatMatrix6f
 A 6x6 matrix of type float. More...
typedef Tmat6< MLdoubleMatrix6d
 A 6x6 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat6< MLldoubleMatrix6ld
 A 6x6 matrix of type long double. More...
typedef Tmat6< MLdoubleMatrix6
 The standard 6x6 matrix of type double. More...
typedef TQuaternion< MLfloatQuaternionf
 A smaller Quaternion type as a specialization from TQuaternion. More...
typedef TQuaternion< MLdoubleQuaterniond
 The default Quaternion type used in the ML as a specialization from TQuaternion. More...
typedef TQuaternion< MLldoubleQuaternionld
 A large Quaternion type for further extensions of the ML as a specialization from TQuaternion. More...
typedef TQuaternion< MLdoubleQuaternion
 Defines the default Quaternion type that is used by the ML; it uses double as component type. More...
typedef Tvec10< MLfloatVector10f
 A vector with ten components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec10< MLdoubleVector10d
 A vector with ten components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec10< MLldoubleVector10ld
 A vector with ten components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec10< MLdoubleVector10
 A vector with ten components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec16< MLfloatVector16f
 A vector with 16 components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec16< MLdoubleVector16d
 A vector with 16 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec16< MLldoubleVector16ld
 A vector with 16 components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec16< MLdoubleVector16
 A vector with 16 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec2< MLfloatVector2f
 A vector with two components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec2< MLdoubleVector2d
 A vector with two components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec2< MLldoubleVector2ld
 A vector with two components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec2< MLdoubleVector2
 A vector with two components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec3< MLfloatVector3f
 A vector with three components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec3< MLdoubleVector3d
 A vector with three components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec3< MLldoubleVector3ld
 A vector with three components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec3< MLdoubleVector3
 A vector with three components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec32< MLfloatVector32f
 A vector with 32 components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec32< MLdoubleVector32d
 A vector with 32 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec32< MLldoubleVector32ld
 A vector with 32 components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec32< MLdoubleVector32
 A vector with 32 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec4< MLfloatVector4f
 A vector with four components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec4< MLdoubleVector4d
 A vector with four components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec4< MLldoubleVector4ld
 A vector with four components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec4< MLdoubleVector4
 A vector with four components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec5< MLfloatVector5f
 A vector with five components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec5< MLdoubleVector5d
 A vector with five components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec5< MLldoubleVector5ld
 A vector with five components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec5< MLdoubleVector5
 A vector with five components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec6< MLfloatVector6f
 A vector with six components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec6< MLdoubleVector6d
 A vector with six components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec6< MLldoubleVector6ld
 A vector with six components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec6< MLdoubleVector6
 A vector with six components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec64< MLfloatVector64f
 A vector with 64 components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec64< MLdoubleVector64d
 A vector with 64 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec64< MLldoubleVector64ld
 A vector with 64 components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec64< MLdoubleVector64
 A vector with 64 components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec7< MLfloatVector7f
 A vector with seven components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec7< MLdoubleVector7d
 A vector with seven components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec7< MLldoubleVector7ld
 A vector with seven components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec7< MLdoubleVector7
 A vector with seven components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec8< MLfloatVector8f
 A vector with eight components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec8< MLdoubleVector8d
 A vector with eight components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec8< MLldoubleVector8ld
 A vector with eight components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec8< MLdoubleVector8
 A vector with eight components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec9< MLfloatVector9f
 A vector with nine components of type float. More...
typedef Tvec9< MLdoubleVector9d
 A vector with nine components of type double. More...
typedef Tvec9< MLldoubleVector9ld
 A vector with nine components of type long double. More...
typedef Tvec9< MLdoubleVector9
 A vector with nine components of type double. More...
Specializations for float, double and long double.
typedef Tmat3< MLfloatMatrix3f
 A 3x3 matrix of type float. More...
typedef Tmat3< MLdoubleMatrix3d
 A 3x3 matrix of type double. More...
typedef Tmat3< MLldoubleMatrix3ld
 A 3x3 matrix of type long double. More...
typedef Tmat3< MLdoubleMatrix3
 The standard 3x3 matrix of type double. More...
Name space wide definitions of standard data types specific for kernels.

Kernel type with MLfloat elements.

typedef TKernel< MLfloatFloatKernel
typedef TKernel< MLdoubleDoubleKernel
 Kernel type with MLdouble elements. More...
typedef TKernel< MLldoubleLDoubleKernel
 Kernel type with MLldouble elements. More...
typedef MLdouble KernelDataType
 Define the standard data type for kernel elements to be used in this library. More...
typedef TKernel< KernelDataTypeKernel
 Standard kernel type to be used in this kernel library. More...
Container for storage of classificator informations
typedef std::vector< double > CDouble1Vec
typedef std::vector< CDouble1VecCDouble2Vec
typedef std::vector< CDouble2VecCDoubleArray
Forward declarations to internally used stuff.
typedef DICOMCachedIOFileHandleBase< char > DICOMCachedIOFileHandle
 "Forward" to DICOMCachedIOFileHandle. More...
The point cloud types supported the PLC MeVislab binding and their corresponding shared pointer types.
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ > MLPointCloudXYZ
 The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZ >::Ptr MLPointCloudXYZPtr
 The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZLNormal > MLPointCloudXYZLNormal
 The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZLNormal >::Ptr MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr
 The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal > MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal
 The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal >::Ptr MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr
 The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZINormal > MLPointCloudXYZINormal
 The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PointCloud< pcl::PointXYZINormal >::Ptr MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr
 The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PolygonMesh MLPolygonMesh
 The basic polygon type of a pcl::PolygonMesh used in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...
typedef pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr MLPolygonMeshPtr
 The basic pointer type of a pcl::PolygonMesh in the PCL MeVisLab binding. More...


enum  {
  TNE_VoidImplementation , TNE_NotSupported , TNE_ChildNotFound , TNE_AddingBase ,
  TNE_ReadingBase , TNE_ReadingUChar , TNE_ReadingChar , TNE_ReadingUShort ,
  TNE_ReadingShort , TNE_ReadingUInt , TNE_ReadingInt , TNE_ReadingULong ,
  TNE_ReadingLong , TNE_ReadingFloat , TNE_ReadingDouble , TNE_ReadingLDouble ,
  TNE_ReadingString , TNE_ReadingVector2 , TNE_ReadingVector3 , TNE_ReadingVector4 ,
  TNE_ReadingVector6 , TNE_ReadingImageVector , TNE_ReadingMatrix3 , TNE_ReadingMatrix4 ,
  TNE_ReadingSubImageBox , TNE_ReadingSubImageBoxd , TNE_InvalidReadNext , TNE_InvalidParentNode ,
  TNE_FileNotFound , TNE_ReadingFile , TNE_WritingFile , TNE_UnsupportedClassVersion ,
  TNE_UserDefined , TNE_Unknown , TNE_ReadingMLint64 , TNE_ReadingMLuint64 ,
 TreeNode exceptions. More...
enum  { ML_INTEGER_TYPE = 0x01 , ML_FLOAT_TYPE = 0x02 , ML_SIGNED_TYPE = 0x04 }
enum  { MLMaxImageDimension = 6 }
 The default dimension of images in the ML. More...
enum  LUTVisualType {
 LUT visual type constants to identify the visual interpretation of the individual LUT channels. More...
enum  LUTDimensionality { LUT_1D = 1 , LUT_2D , LUT_3D }
 LUT dimensionality. More...
enum  TestFuncMode { StaticVoxelTest , VirtualVoxelTest , StaticWorldVoxelTest , VirtualWorldVoxelTest }
 The modes how the voxel is tested. More...
enum  {
  TNE_XML_SystemInit = TNE_COUNT , TNE_XML_ParserError , TNE_XML_ReadingRawDataSize , TNE_XML_Unknown ,
 error codes for XMLTreeNode More...
enum  WEMUpdateMode { Off = 0 , AutoUpdate , AutoClear }
 Defines the update modes of WEM modules. More...
enum  WEMNotificationType {
 Defines the available WEM notifications. More...
enum  ColorModes {
 Enumeration of the color modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part. More...
 Enumeration of the node rendering modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part. More...
 Enumeration of bounding box visualization. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part. More...
 Enumeration of the triangulation modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part. More...
enum  PatchTypes : std::int32_t { WEM_PATCH_UNKNOWN = 0 , WEM_PATCH_TRIANGLES = 1 , WEM_PATCH_QUADS = 2 , WEM_PATCH_POLYGONS = 3 }
 Enumeration of mesh types. More...
 Enumeration of primitive value list types. More...
 Enumeration of orientation types. More...
enum  CSOVoxelWriteModes {
 Enumeration of the voxel value modes. More...
enum  CSOPathPointsStyle {
 Enumeration of line styles (order as StylePalette::LineStyle). More...
 Enumeration of selection coloring modes. More...
 Enumeration of selection line width modes. More...
 Enumeration of selected seed point coloring modes. More...
 Enumeration of selected seed point size modes. More...
enum  CSOSeedPointStyle {
 Enumeration of error codes. More...
enum  CSOUpdateModes { MODE_OFF = 0 , MODE_AUTO_UPDATE = 1 , MODE_AUTO_CLEAR = 2 }
 Enumeration of update modes. More...
 Enumeration of Processor modes. More...
 Enumeration of processor picking mode. More...
 Enumeration of smoothing modes. More...
enum  Corner {
  TLR = 0 , TRR = 1 , TRF = 2 , TLF = 3 ,
  BLR = 4 , BRR = 5 , BRF = 6 , BLF = 7
 Enumeration of corner names for array access. More...
enum  Direction {
 Enumeration of directions for marching direction. More...
enum  CrossingSide {
  CrossingTop = 0 , CrossingBottom = 1 , CrossingRight = 2 , CrossingLeft = 3 ,
  CrossingFront = 4 , CrossingRear = 5 , CrossingNone = 6
 Enumeration of sides to which a segment can leave or enter a voxel box. More...
enum  CSOAddToGroupModes { GROUP_NONE = 0 , GROUP_BY_LABEL = 1 , GROUP_BY_ID = 2 }
 Enumeration of the add to group modes. More...
enum  CSOGroupOverflowHandling {
 Enumeration for the group overflow handling modes. More...
 Enumeration for the removal handling of CSOs from group and if group is deleted. More...
 Enumeration for empty groups removal. More...
 Enumeration of the different spline modes. More...
 The neighborhood modes for the graph search. More...
enum  CSOVisibleObjectIdsFor { CSOs = 0 , Groups = 1 }
 Mode for setting the CSOs' or CSOGroups' visibility by their id. More...
enum  CSOStylePaletteLookUpType { CSOId = 0 , CSOIndex , CSOGroupId , CSOGroupIndex }
 Defines how the optionally attached StylePalette should be used. More...
enum  AttachedLabelPlacement { RightmostSeedPoint = 0 , RightmostPathPoint = 1 , RightmostSeedOrPathPoint = 2 }
enum  {
  FMEPrivateTagsGroupId = 0x0041 , FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrame = 1 , FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrame = 2 , FMEPrivateBaseObjectCodingVersion = 16 ,
  FMEPrivateBaseObjectSequence = 17 , FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeType = 18 , FMEPrivateBaseObjectComment = 19 , FMEPrivateBaseObjectData = 20 ,
  FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame = 21 , FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame = 22 , FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrame = 23 , FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsNotOnSameFrame = 24
 Private group and element id constants used for storing the Fraunhofer MEVIS tags. More...
enum  DMEncodedStructureType {
  DM_Short = 2 , DM_Long = 3 , DM_UShort = 4 , DM_ULong = 5 ,
  DM_Float = 6 , DM_Double = 7 , DM_Boolean = 8 , DM_Char = 9 ,
  DM_Octet = 10 , DM_LongLong = 11 , DM_ULongLong = 12 , DM_Struct = 15 ,
  DM_String = 18 , DM_Array = 20 , DM_Undefined = -1 , DM_InvalidType = -2
 Enumerator describing the encoded type; the enumerator value is the same as the stored value in file. More...
enum  DMEncodedVoxelDataType {
  DM_2ByteSignedShort = 1 , DM_4ByteReal = 2 , DM_8ByteComplexF = 3 , DM_Obsolete = 4 ,
  DM_4BytePackedComplex = 5 , DM_1ByteUnsignedByte = 6 , DM_4ByteSignedLong = 7 , DM_4ByteUnusedRedGreenBlueWord = 8 ,
  DM_1ByteSignedByte = 9 , DM_2ByteUnsignedShort = 10 , DM_4ByteUnsignedLong = 11 , DM_8ByteReal = 12 ,
  DM_16ByteComplex = 13 , DM_1ByteBinary = 14 , DM_4ByteZeroRedGreenBlueWord = 23
 Enumerator describing the DMReader encoded voxel data type; the enumerator value corresponds to the values found in files to describe the pixel data types. More...
 Number of enumerator values for precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
 Enumerator for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
 A constant describing an invalid enumerator for a PCL point type. More...
 Number of enumerator values for precompiled object types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
enum  MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators {
 Enumerator for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
 A constant describing an invalid enumerator for a PCL type. More...
enum  DcmModuleType {
enum  CSOLineStyle {
 \Deprecated More...


MLEXPORT void MLInitFields ()
 Initialize all standard fields of the ML. More...
MLEXPORT void MLInitListFields ()
 Initialize all multi-fields of the ML. More...
template<typename... T>
TSubImageVariant< T... > createTSubImageVariant (const SubImage *subImage)
template<typename... T>
TSubImageVariantPair< T... > createTSubImageVariantPair (SubImage &output, const SubImage *input)
template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
TSubImageVariantArray< N, T... > createTSubImageVariantArray (const SubImage *inputs)
template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
TSubImageVariantArrayPair< N, T... > createTSubImageVariantArrayPair (SubImage &output, const SubImage *inputs)
template<class Object , class Method >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method)
 Creates a new method call with zero arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method, const Arg1 &arg1)
 Creates a new method call with one argument. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method, const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2)
 Creates a new method call with two arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method, const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3)
 Creates a new method call with three arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method, const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3, const Arg4 &arg4)
 Creates a new method call with four arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
BackgroundTaskMessageNewBackgroundTaskMethodCall (Object *object, Method method, const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3, const Arg4 &arg4, const Arg5 &arg5)
 Creates a new method call with five arguments. More...
int MLBackgroundTasksInit (void)
ArgumentList0 MLGenerateArgumentList ()
 Creates argument list with zero arguments. More...
template<class Arg1 >
ArgumentList1< Arg1 > MLGenerateArgumentList (const Arg1 &arg1)
 Create argument list with one argument. More...
template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 > MLGenerateArgumentList (const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2)
 Creates argument list with two arguments. More...
template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > MLGenerateArgumentList (const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3)
 Creates argument list with three arguments. More...
template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 > MLGenerateArgumentList (const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3, const Arg4 &arg4)
 Creates argument list with four arguments. More...
template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 > MLGenerateArgumentList (const Arg1 &arg1, const Arg2 &arg2, const Arg3 &arg3, const Arg4 &arg4, const Arg5 &arg5)
 Creates argument list with five arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList0 &)
 Calls a method on given object with zero arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList1< Arg1 > &args)
 Calls a method on given object with one argument. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 > &args)
 Calls a method on given object with two arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > &args)
 Calls a method on given object with three arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 > &args)
 Calls a method on given object with four arguments. More...
template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
void MLCallMethodWithArguments (Object *object, Method method, const ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 > &args)
 Calls a method on given object with five arguments. More...
std::size_t hash_value (ConstantString const &b)
template<class T >
constexpr Is< Tis (T d)
template<typename Range1 , typename Range2 , typename BinaryPredicate >
constexpr Range2::const_iterator is_rotated (const Range1 &range1, const Range2 &range2, BinaryPredicate p)
template<typename Range1 , typename Range2 >
constexpr Range2::const_iterator is_rotated (const Range1 &range1, const Range2 &range2)
template<typename T >
void flatten (const tree_node< T > &tree, std::vector< T > &flatten_elements)
template<typename T >
void insert_set_sorted (tree_node< T > &tree, T newValue, T zero={})
ML_UTILS_EXPORT float roundf (float x)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT double round (double x)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int iroundf (float x)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT int iround (double x)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT long lroundf (float x)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT long lround (double x)
template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr T convertTo (const char(&t)[N])
template<typename T >
constexpr bool almostEqualRelativeAndAbs (T x, T y, T absoluteEpsilon, T relativeEpsilon=std::numeric_limits< T >::epsilon())
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT printTemplateFatalError (const char *location, MLErrorCode reason, const std::string_view &handling)
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT printTemplateError (const char *location, MLErrorCode reason, const std::string_view &handling)
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT printTemplateWarning (const char *location, MLErrorCode reason, const std::string_view &handling)
void intrusive_ptr_add_ref (const ml::RefCountedBase *p)
void intrusive_ptr_release (const ml::RefCountedBase *p)
template<typename T >
bool vector_contains (const std::vector< T > &vec, const T &value)
 Helper template that searches for value in given vector vec and returns whether it was found. More...
template<typename T >
bool vector_remove (std::vector< T > &vec, const T &value)
 Helper template that removes the first occurrence of value in given vector vec and returns whether it was found. More...
template<typename T >
void vector_remove_all (std::vector< T > &vec, const T &value)
 Helper template that removes all occurrences of value in given vector vec. More...
template<typename T >
bool vector_replace_by_NULL (std::vector< T > &vec, const T &value)
 Helper template that replaces the first occurrence of value in given vector vec with NULL and returns whether it was found. More...
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT execute_low (stlab::task< void()> f)
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT execute_default (stlab::task< void()> f)
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT execute_high (stlab::task< void()> f)
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT pre_exit ()
template<class... Ts>
 Overload (Ts...) -> Overload< Ts... >
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT logTypeComponentsFromStringError (const char *function)
template<typename DT >
DT abs (DT val)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::wstring convertUTF8ToWString (const char *text)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::wstring convertUTF8ToWString (const std::string &text)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::string convertToUTF8String (const wchar_t *text)
ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::string convertToUTF8String (const std::wstring &text)
template<class OBJ_TYPE >
void MLSwap (OBJ_TYPE &obj1, OBJ_TYPE &obj2)
 Swaps two objects obj1 and obj2. More...
template<class BASE_TYPE >
BASE_TYPE MLInverseMatHelper (const BASE_TYPE &origMat, bool *isInvertible, const typename BASE_TYPE::ComponentType, const char *const ZeroDetErrString, const BASE_TYPE &Identity, const size_t Dim)
 Computes an N dimensional inverse from given default parameters. More...
template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3< DT > operator* (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tvec3< DT2 > &v)
 Normal multiplication of 3x3 matrix a with 3D vector v with a Tvec3 as result. More...
template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3< DT > operator* (const Tvec3< DT > &v, const Tmat3< DT2 > &a)
 Normal multiplication of 3D vector v with 3x3 matrix with a Tvec3 as result. More...
template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3< DT > operator* (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tvec3< DT2 > &v)
 Interprets v as a 4D homogeneous point, multiplies the 4x4 matrix M with it, and returns a Tvec3 after normalizing the result by dividing by the fourth component. More...
template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3< DT > operator* (const Tvec3< DT > &v, const Tmat4< DT2 > &a)
 Interprets v as a 4D homogeneous point, multiplies it with the 4x4 matrix M, and returns a Tvec3 after normalizing the result by dividing by the fourth component. More...
template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3< DT > operator^ (const Tvec3< DT > &a, const Tvec3< DT2 > &b)
 Returns a vector orthogonal to a and b. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec4< DT > operator* (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tvec4< DT > &v)
 Multiplies 4x4 matrix a with vector v. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec4< DT > operator* (const Tvec4< DT > &v, const Tmat4< DT > &a)
 Multiplies vector v with 4x4 matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec5< DT > operator* (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tvec5< DT > &v)
 Multiplies 5x5 matrix a with vector v. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec5< DT > operator* (const Tvec5< DT > &v, const Tmat5< DT > &a)
 Multiplies vector v with 5x5 matrix a. More...
bool operator== (const MLImageFormatTag &tag1, const MLImageFormatTag &tag2)
 Equality operator. More...
bool operator!= (const MLImageFormatTag &tag1, const MLImageFormatTag &tag2)
 Inequality operator. More...
MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT DCMTree::Const_TreePtr getDicomTreeFromImagePropertyExtension (const ImagePropertyExtension *dicomTreeImagePropertyExtensionPtr)
 Casts the ImagePropertyExtension pointer into a DicomTreeImagePropertyExtension pointer and returns the contained DICOM tree pointer. More...
MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT DCMTree::Const_TagPtr getDicomTagByName (const ImagePropertyExtension *imagePropertyExtensionPtr, const std::string &tagName)
 Returns the tag with the given name from the property extension. If it is not found, the pointer will be NULL. More...
MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT bool getTagIdByATString (const std::string &atString, DCMTree::TagId &tagId)
 Returns the tag ID for (group,element) string (AT format). More...
MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT bool MLIsATString (const std::string &supposedATString)
 Checks whether the given string is a well-formed AT string. More...
MLLUT_EXPORT int LUTNumberOfChannels (LUTVisualType visualType)
 Get number of channels for given LUTVisualType, or 0 if unknown. More...
MLLUT_EXPORT LUTVisualType LUTReducedVisualType (LUTVisualType visualType)
 Get reduced visual type, i.e. ignoring layout variants. More...
MLLUT_EXPORT int LUTAlphaChannelIndex (LUTVisualType visualType)
 Get index of alpha channel, or -1 if none. More...
MLLUT_EXPORT double LUTConvertRGBtoL (double r, double g, double b)
 Convert RGB to luminance. More...
template<typename T >
T LUTCastFromDouble (double value)
 Helper template function to cast from double to type T, performing a proper round operation in case of integer types. More...
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const KeyFrame &frame)
 KeyFrame stream output. More...
template<class T >
void AdjustDimensionInfos (std::vector< T > &dimInfo, MLssize_t newStartPos, size_t newSize, size_t oldSize, T defaultValue=T{})
 Cut a new sub region out of existing C, T, or U dimension infos, filling undefined range with defaultValues. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const std::vector< DATATYPE > &vec)
 Helper output/input stream operators. More...
template<class DATATYPE >
std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, std::vector< DATATYPE > &vec)
 Operator >> for input of streams into std::vector. More...
MLTOOLS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &s, const StringLineMultiField &stringLineMulti)
 All strings of the internal vector are streamed into the output stream and StringLineMultiField::DefaultLineSeparator is streamed out between them. More...
MLTOOLS_EXPORT std::istream & operator>> (std::istream &s, StringLineMultiField &stringLineMulti)
 Operator >> for input from streams into StringLineMultiField where all newline ('
') chars are considered as separator; all carriage returns are removed silently from the created strings. More...
int MLWEMInit (void)
 This is for runtime module initialization. More...
bool MLWEM_EXPORT operator== (const WEMAttributes &x, const WEMAttributes &y)
bool MLWEM_EXPORT operator!= (const WEMAttributes &x, const WEMAttributes &y)
WEMBoundingBox MLWEM_EXPORT operator& (WEMBoundingBox x, const WEMBoundingBox &y)
 Returns the union bounding box of x and y. More...
bool MLWEM_EXPORT nodesAtAlmostIdenticalPositions (const WEMNode &x, const WEMNode &y)
template<typename T >
bool CSOWriteValueToStream (std::ostream &out, const T &value, bool asBinary)
bool CSOWriteValueToStream< Variant > (std::ostream &out, const Variant &value, bool asBinary)
bool CSOWriteValueToStream< CSOPathPoints > (std::ostream &out, const CSOPathPoints &value, bool asBinary)
template<typename T >
bool CSOReadValueFromStream (std::istream &in, T &value, bool asBinary)
bool CSOReadValueFromStream< Variant > (std::istream &in, Variant &value, bool asBinary)
bool CSOReadValueFromStream< CSOPathPoints > (std::istream &in, CSOPathPoints &value, bool asBinary)
template<class T >
void deleteVector (CSOObjectVector< T > *vector, bool deleteEntries=true)
int MLCSOInit (void)
int SoCSOInit (void)
MLGRAPHUTILITIES_EXPORT std::vector< IntegerPosition3Dbresenham3D (const IntegerPosition3D &pos0, const IntegerPosition3D &pos1)
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int ITKCommonFunctionTypesAndWrappersInit ()
 Initializes the wrapper classes. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlITKMakeStdString (const char *str)
 Convert for a char pointer to a std::string safely. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlITKMakeStdString (const std::string &str)
 Convert for a std::string to a std::string safely. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8 (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Convert string from UTF8 to Latin1; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as utf8StdString. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string & mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Like mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1 (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Convert string from Latin1 to UTF8; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as latin1StdString. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string & mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Like mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1(const std::string &latin1StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value. More...
template<typename TemplArrElemType >
void ITKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector (const ITKML_TYPENAME std::vector< TemplArrElemType > &stlVec, TemplArrElemType *arr, size_t TemplArrSize)
 Copies TemplArrSize elements from stlVec to arr and - if not enough elements are available - fills up the rest with 0. More...
template<typename TemplArrElemType , unsigned int TemplArrSize>
const ITKML_TYPENAME std::vector< TemplArrElemType > STLVectorFromFixedSizeITKArray (const TemplArrElemType *theArray)
 Create an STL vector with type TemplArrElemType which contains TemplArrSize elements which are read from theArray, hence the array must have at least TemplArrSize elements. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int ITKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit ()
 Initializes the wrapper classes. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT MLErrorCode setUpDefaultModuleAndApply (const std::string &dataTypeName, const ImageVector &imgExt, const ImageVector &pageExt, bool performOutputUpdate)
 This function takes the default module (a TestPattern from BasicModules) (if it still does not exist then it's created), it sets the image and page extents, the data type and touches the apply field. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT MLErrorCode setAndConnectDefaultModuleWithNotify (Module &thisOp, const std::string &dataTypeName="float", const ImageVector &imgExt=ImageVector(16, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1), MLint minIdx=0, MLint maxIdx=ML_INT32_MAX, const ImageVector &pageExt=ImageVector(16, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1))
 This function takes the default module (if it still does not exist then it's created), it sets the image and page extents, the data type and connects it to the indices minIdx to maxIdx. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void disconnectAllInputs (Module &thisOp)
 Disconnects all connected inputs from thisOp. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT mlModulegetDefaultModule (bool create=true)
 Returns the default module instance. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void destoyDefaultInstance ()
 Destroys the default module instance. More...
void testFunc_processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg ()
 Test function for debugging purposes. More...
template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OIMAGE_TYPE >
bool processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg (typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &filterPointer, int outIndex, MLint usedFilteringDim, const ImageVector &shift, const SubImageBox &outImgBox, SubImage &outSubImg, Module &module)
 Takes the output image of the filter pointed to by filterPointer, and copies overlapping contents into outSubImg. More...
void testFunc_determineImageFilterInRegionTN ()
 Test function for debugging purposes. More...
template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename IN_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox determineImageFilterInRegionTN (typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &filterPointer, Module &module, MLint inIndex, const SubImageBox &outBox, MLint outIndex, MLint numActiveInputs)
 Calculates required input regions for any number of filter inputs. More...
void testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0 ()
 Test function for debugging purposes. More...
template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OUT_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0 (typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &filterPointer, Module &module)
 Calculates the maximum extent of the ITK output image for 0 inputs and returns it as SubImageBox. More...
void testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN ()
 Test function for debugging purposes. More...
template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OUT_IMAGE_TYPE , typename IN_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN (typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &filterPointer, Module &module, int numImageInputs)
 Calculates the maximum extent of the ITK output image for 0 inputs and returns it as SubImageBox. More...
template<class POLYLINEPATHTYPE >
POLYLINEPATHTYPE::Pointer ITKPolylineFromBasePointer (Base *baseVal, bool emptyDefaultToOneZeroVal=true)
 Reads a base field and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and Vectorlists). More...
FINITE_DIFFERENCE_FUNCTION_TYPE::Pointer ITKDifferenceFunctionFromBasePointer (Base *baseVal)
 Checks a base input connector for a base object containing a ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper. More...
template<typename ITK_INDATATYPE , unsigned int DIM>
itk::ImportImageFilter< ITK_INDATATYPE, DIM >::Pointer getITKSpecialInImg (const SubImage &inSubImg, const PagedImage &inImg)
 Takes a SubImage and returns the ImportImageFilter managing the inSubImg as ITK object. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void postITKException (const itk::ExceptionObject &e, const Module *module, MLMessageType messageType, const std::string &handling="")
 Sends all available information from the ITKException itkException to the ML error handler. More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void copyITKDataBufferToMLSubImg (void *itkData, size_t itkDataTypeSize, const SubImageBox &itkBox, SubImage &outSubImg)
 Unpack ITK data buffer to an ML subimage and convert data formats if necessary. More...
template<typename SIZE_TYPE >
SIZE_TYPE ITKSizeFromMLVector (const ImageVector &vec)
 Assign and cast values from an ML ImageVector to an ITK size object. More...
template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
INDEX_TYPE ITKIndexFromMLVector (const ImageVector &vec)
 Assign and cast values from an ML ImageVector to an ITK size object. More...
template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
ImageVector MLVectorFromITKSize (const INDEX_TYPE &sizeObj, MLint defaultVal)
 Assign and cast values from an ITK size object to an ML ImageVector. More...
template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
ImageVector MLVectorFromITKIndex (const INDEX_TYPE &indexObj, MLint defaultVal)
 Assign and cast values from an ITK index object to an ML ImageVector. More...
template<typename VECTOR_TYPE >
VECTOR_TYPE ITKVectorFromMLVec3 (const Vector3 &vec, MLdouble defaultComp)
 Assign and cast values from an ML Vector3 to an ITK size object; all itk components with index > 2 are filled with defaultComp. More...
template<typename VECTOR_TYPE >
VECTOR_TYPE ITKVectorFromMLVec4 (const Vector4 &vec, MLdouble defaultComp)
 Assign and cast values from an ML Vector4 to an ITK size object; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE >
POINT_TYPE ITKPointFromMLVec3 (const Vector3 &vec, MLdouble defaultComp)
 Assign and cast values from an ML Vector3 to an ITK point object; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE >
POINT_TYPE ITKPointFromMLVec4 (const Vector4 &vec, MLdouble defaultComp)
 Assign and cast values from an ML Vector4 to an ITK object of type POINT_TYPE; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp. More...
template<typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE >
REGION_PARENT_TYPE::RegionType ITKRegionFromMLSubImgBox (const SubImageBox &subImgBox)
 Assign and cast values from an ITK region to an ML SubImageBox object. More...
template<typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE >
SubImageBox MLSubImgBoxFromITKRegion (const typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE::RegionType &region)
 Assign and cast values from an ITK region to an ML SubImageBox object. More...
template<typename ARRAY_TYPE , typename STL_VECTOR >
ARRAY_TYPE ITKArrayFromSTLVector (const STL_VECTOR &stlVec)
 Returns an object of an ITK array type ARRAY_TYPE which contains cast copies of all elements of stlVec (in same order and number). More...
template<typename VERSOR_TYPE >
VERSOR_TYPE ITKVersorFromMLVector (const ml::Vector4 &mlVec)
 Returns an object of an ITK array type ARRAY_TYPE which contains cast copies of all elements of stlVec (in same order and number). More...
template<typename ARR_TYP , unsigned int ARR_SIZE>
size_t GetSizeOfAnITKArray (const itk::FixedArray< ARR_TYP, ARR_SIZE > &itkArray)
 Returns the size of an itk::FixedArray. More...
template<typename ITK_ARRAY_TYPE >
size_t GetSizeOfAnITKArray (const ITK_ARRAY_TYPE &itkArray)
 Returns the size of an arbitrary itk array. More...
template<typename STL_CONTAINER , typename ITK_ARRAY_TYPE >
const STL_CONTAINER STLVectorFromITKArray (const ITK_ARRAY_TYPE &itkArray)
 Returns an STL container object of type STL_CONTAINER which contains cast copies of all elements of the ITK_ARRAY_TYPEd itkArray (in same order and number). More...
template<typename ITK_VERSOR_TYPE >
const ml::Vector4 MLVectorFromITKVersor (const ITK_VERSOR_TYPE &itkVersor)
 Returns an STL container object of type STL_CONTAINER which contains cast copies of all elements of the ITK_ARRAY_TYPEd itkArray (in same order and number). More...
template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
INDEX_TYPE ITKIndexFromMLVec6 (const Vector6 &vec)
 Assign and cast values from an ML Vector6 to an ITK index object of type INDEX_TYPE. More...
template<class FilterType >
FilterType::NodeContainer::Pointer ITKNodeContainerFromBasePointer (Base *baseVal)
 Reads a base field and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and VectorLists). More...
MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void setAllowedTypesForITKNodeContainer (BaseField *field)
 Set the allowed types for input Base fields that are converted to ITK NodeContainer objects. More...
template<typename DTYPE , unsigned int ROW_DIM, unsigned int COL_DIM>
itk::Matrix< DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM > ITKMatrixFromMLMatrix (const Matrix4 &mat)
 Converts the ML 4x4 matrix mat function argument to the returned itk::Matrix of type itk::Matrix<DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM>; all components of the returned matrix are set with cast values from mat if their row and column indexes are <=3; all other entries are predefined from an SetIdentity call and a warning will be posted. More...
template<typename DTYPE , unsigned int ROW_DIM, unsigned int COL_DIM>
Matrix4 MLMatrixFromITKMatrix (const ITKML_TYPENAME itk::Matrix< DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM > &mat, bool fillWithID=false, bool suppressDimensionWarning=false)
 Converts itk::Matrix mat of type itk::Matrix<DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM> to the returned ML 4x4 matrix of type double; all components of the returned matrix are set with cast values from existing entries from mat; all other entries are left as predefined with a Matrix4::getIdentity call if fillWithID is true, if false the values are filled with 0. More...
template<class POINTSETTYPE >
POINTSETTYPE::Pointer ITKPointSetFromBasePointer (Base *baseVal)
 Reads the passed baseVal objects and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and VectorLists). More...
template<typename ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE >
void ITKSetOriginFromVec3 (itk::ImportImageFilter< typename ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE::OutputImagePixelType, ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE::OutputImageType::ImageDimension > *importImageFilter, const Vector3 &orig)
 On the given ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE the origin orig is set with the SetOrigin method from an origin type; the origin type conversion is done as described in ITKPointFromMLVec3. More...
template<typename ITK_IMAGE_TYPE >
void ITKSetOriginFromVec3 (itk::Image< typename ITK_IMAGE_TYPE::PixelType, ITK_IMAGE_TYPE::ImageDimension > *image, const Vector3 &orig)
 On the given ITK_IMAGE_TYPE the origin orig is set with the SetOrigin method from a point type; the origin type conversion is done as described in ITKPointFromMLVec3. More...
template<typename ITK_CLASS_TYPE >
void setITKWorldFromMedicalImageProperty (MedicalImageProperties props, ITK_CLASS_TYPE *image, bool correctSVS=true)
 Takes the world transformation of ML MedicalImageProperties and sets spacing, origin and direction cosines (the orientation) of the itk image or import image filter of type ITK_CLASS_TYPE. More...
template<typename ITK_CLASS_TYPE >
void setMLWorldFromITKScaleOriginAndOrientation (const ITK_CLASS_TYPE *image, MedicalImageProperties &props, bool correctSVS=true, bool suppressDimensionWarning=false)
 Sets the world transformation of the ML MedicalImageProperties props from the spacing, origin and direction cosines (the orientation) given by the itk image function argument. More...
template<typename ITK_INDATATYPE , unsigned int DIM>
itk::ImportImageFilter< ITK_INDATATYPE, DIM >::Pointer getITKImportImageFromSubImg (const SubImage &inSubImg, const MedicalImageProperties &props, bool correctSVS=true)
 Takes a SubImage and returns an object of an itk::ImportImageFilter managing the inSubImg as ITK object. More...
template<typename RETURN_TYPE_PTR , typename FILTER_TYPE , typename VOXEL_TYPE >
RETURN_TYPE_PTR getInputAsItkImportImageAndSubImg (Module &op, int inIdx, TSubImage< VOXEL_TYPE > &dataSubImg, bool correctSVS=true)
 Reads and updates an input image from the input number inIdx of Module op and sets up the referenced TSubImage dataSubImg with size, and data allocated from the MLMemoryManager as string memory handle which means that the data will be released when dataSubImg is destroyed. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlVTKMakeStdString (const char *str)
 Convert for a char pointer to a std::string safely. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlVTKMakeStdString (const std::string &str)
 Convert for a std::string to a std::string safely. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8 (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Convert string from UTF8 to Latin1; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as utf8StdString. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string & mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static (const std::string &utf8StdString)
 Like mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1 (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Convert string from Latin1 to UTF8; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as latin1StdString. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string & mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static (const std::string &latin1StdString)
 Like mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1(const std::string &latin1StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value. More...
template<typename TemplArrElemType >
void VTKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector (const typename std::vector< TemplArrElemType > &stlVec, TemplArrElemType *arr, size_t TemplArrSize)
 Copies TemplArrSize elements from stlVec to arr and - if not enough elements are available - fills up the rest with 0. More...
template<typename TemplArrElemType , unsigned int TemplArrSize>
const std::vector< TemplArrElemType > STLVectorFromFixedSizeVTKArray (const TemplArrElemType *theArray)
 Create an STL vector with type TemplArrElemType which contains TemplArrSize elements which are read from theArray, hence the array must have at least TemplArrSize elements. More...
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT vtkObject * checkPointer (const std::string &reqConnectType, vtkObject *vtkObjPtr)
template<class T >
TcheckObject (vtkObject *vtkObjPtr)
MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int VTKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit ()
 Initializes the wrapper classes. More...
vtkMatrix4x4 * VTKMatrix4x4FromMLMatrix (const Matrix4 &mat)
 Convert an ML 4x4 matrix to a VTK 4x4 matrix which is created with vtkMatrix4x4::New() and which must be deleted by caller with vtkMatrix4x4::Delete(). More...
Matrix4 MLMatrixFromVTKMatrix4x4 (const vtkMatrix4x4 *mat)
 Convert a VTK 4x4 matrix to an ML 4x4 matrix. More...
 ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR (DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted)
 Declares smart pointer to an DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted instance. More...
MLDicomMessageFilter_EXPORT void appendDicomMessageFilters (DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted::DicomMessageFilterListType &messageFilterList)
 Append available DicomMessageFilters to messageFilterList. More...
std::string dumpFilterMessageList (const FilterMessageList &msgList)
 Convenience function which dumps an entire list of filter messages into one string. More...
Vector3 convertXYZToRGB (const Vector3 &xyzIn, bool clampToStayInRGB=true)
 Small and bad converter from XYZ in range [0,0,0], [95.047, 100, 108.883] to RGB with r,g,b in [0,0,0] to [1,1,1], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 convertCIELabToXYZ (const Vector3 &cieLabIn)
 Small and bad converter from CIELab in range [0,-128,-128], [100, 128, 128] to XYZ in range [0,0,0], [95.047, 100, 108.883], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 convertCIELabToRGB (const Vector3 &cieLabIn, bool clampToStayInRGB=true)
 Converts an CIELab value to RGB without regarding monitor or observation specific settings, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 convertRGBToXYZ (const Vector3 &rgbIn, bool clampToObserver2IlluminantD65=false)
 Small and bad converter from RGB to XYZ with r,g,b in [0,1], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 convertXYZToCIELab (const Vector3 &xyzIn)
 Small and bad converter from XYZ to CIELab, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 convertRGBToCIELab (const Vector3 &rgbIn)
 Converts an RGB value in [0,1] to CIELab without regarding monitor or observation specific settings, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65. More...
Vector3 scaleCIELabTo16BitUnsigned (Vector3 cieLabIn)
 Scale a given cieLabIn value to 16 bit unsigned integer range as described in DICOM standard C. Encoding of CIELab Values, however, without checking whether cieLabIn is in valid range. More...
Vector3 unscaleCIELabTagValue (Vector3 cieLabScaledIn)
 Unscale a given cieLabScalesIn value to [0,100], [-128,127], [-127,127] ranges as described in DICOM standard C. Encoding of CIELab Values, however, without checking whether cieLabScaledIn is in valid range. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void setPixelMeasuresFunctionalGroupTags (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const Vector2 &pixelSpacing, double sliceThickness, bool addSpacingBetweenSlices=false, double spacingBetweenSlices=1.0)
 Set DCMTree_PixelMeasuresSequence sequence with tags belonging to Pixel Measures Functional Group C. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void setPlanePositionFunctionalGroupTags (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const Vector3 &imagePositionPatient)
 Set DCMTree_PlanePositionSequence sequence with tags belonging to Segmentation Functional Group C. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void setPlaneOrientationFunctionalGroupTags (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const Vector6 &imageOrientationPatient)
 Set DCMTree_PlaneOrientationSequence sequence with tags belonging to Plane Orientation Functional Group C. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void addCIDEntry (const char *const CIDGroupTable[][CIDGroups::NUM_CID_COLUMNS], size_t CIDGroupTableSize, const std::string &entryToAdd, DCMTree::TreePtr itemTree)
 Adds the code sequence entry entryToAdd. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void setDerivationImageFunctionalGroupTags (DCMTree::TreePtr seqItemTreePtr, const std::vector< std::string > &derivationCodeSequence, bool createEmpty=false, const SourceFrameReferenceVector &sourceFrameReferences=SourceFrameReferenceVector(), const size_t entriesToAddZ=std::string::npos, const size_t entriesToAddT=std::string::npos, const size_t entriesToAddU=std::string::npos, const std::string &purposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceEntry="")
 Set DCMTree_DerivationImageSequence sequence with tags belonging to Derivation Image Functional Group C. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void setFrameContentFunctionalGroupTags (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const MedicalImageProperties &medImgProps, bool setTemporalPositionIndex, bool setFrameAcquisitionDateTime, const unsigned int ztuPos[3], const unsigned int ztuNumFrames[3])
 Set DCMTree_FrameContentSequence sequence with tags belonging to Frame Content Functional Group C. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void removedDuplicatedUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree)
 Removes all tags from SharedFunctionalGroupSequence/UnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes which already exist on top level of dcmTree. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void addUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inputDcmTree, DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, bool removeReferencedImageSequence, bool suppressWritingUnassignedContent)
 Adds the UnassignedSharedFunctionaGroupsSequence and a first entry to dcmTree if they still do not exist and copies all tags from inputDcmTree into it. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void getUniqueValuePairSetFromSequence (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr dcmTree, DCMTree::RawTagId sequenceTagId, DCMTree::RawTagId tagId1, DCMTree::RawTagId tagId2, StringPairSet &pairSet)
 Looks for sequence with sequenceTagId in dcmTree and if found then all items of the sequence are parsed for tagId1 and tagId2. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void buildImageEvidenceSequence (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inputDcmTree, DCMTree::RawTagId inputSequenceTagId, DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, DCMTree::RawTagId evidenceSequenceTagId, MLint insertionIndex, bool scanFrames)
 Creates and adds and ImageEvidenceSequence with Tag Id evidenceSequenceTagId to dcmTree and fills it with information from input sequence in inputDcmTree with tagId inputSequenceTagId. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void addMultiFrameFunctionalGroups (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const ImageVector &frameHeapImageExtent, const MedicalImageProperties &medicalImageProps, const std::vector< std::string > &derivationCodeSequence=std::vector< std::string >(), const EnhancedMFObjectInfosBase &enhancedMFObjectInfos=EnhancedMFObjectInfosBase(), DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inputDcmTree=DCMTree::Const_TreePtr(), std::vector< DCMTree::TagPtr > *dicomImageTypeTags=nullptr, std::vector< DCMTree::TagPtr > *dicomImageDescriptionTags=nullptr, bool suppressWritingUnassignedContent=false)
 Adds the perFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence and the SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence for. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void addMultiFrameDimensionTags (DCMTree::TreePtr dcmTree, const ImageVector &frameHeapImageExtent, const MedicalImageProperties &medicalImageProps)
 Adds the perFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence and the SharedFunctionalGroupösSequence for the Segmentation IOD to dcmTree, and adds numberFoFrames pereFrameFunctionalGroups sequence entries. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT std::string addAndSetMultiBinarySEGPixelDataTag (DCMTree::TreePtr resultTree, PagedImage &inputPagedImage, ImageVector &imageExtentToAdapt, const std::vector< DicomSegmentItem > &segmentItems, EnhancedMFSEGObjectInfos &enhancedMFSegmentInfos, bool savePaddedPixelData)
 In case of multiple binary segmentations this routine extracts binary segments from the segment list by using the segmentImageRangeMin/Max ranges and extracting them from the input image. More...
ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void getSourceImageSequenceInformation (DCMTree::Const_TreePtr inputDcmTree, const ImageVector &inputImageExtent, SourceFrameReferenceVector &sourceFrameReferences)
 Analyzes the inputDcmTree and extracts a SourceFrameReference entry for each input frame given by inputImageExtent.z/t/u; found entries are returned in sourceFrameReferences; information is retrieved as far as possible from frame specific sequence entries and if not available there it is taken from top-level. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMFileReader &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::string DMGetDataTypeAsString (DMEncodedStructureType encType)
 Returns a human readable string version for the provided encType. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLDataType DMEncodedStructureTypeToMLType (DMEncodedStructureType encType)
 Converts encType to the corresponding MLDataType or to ML_INVALID_DATA_TYPE if not possible. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLDataType DMPixelDataTypeToMLType (DMEncodedVoxelDataType encType)
 Converts a DM pixel data type to the corresponding MLDataType or to ML_INVALID_DATA_TYPE if not possible. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLuint64 DMGetEncodedSimpleTypeByteSize (DMEncodedStructureType encType)
 Returns the byte size of the encoded simple, on arrays, structs or bad types it returns 0. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT double DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsDouble (DMFileReader &reader, MLuint64 dataPos, DMEncodedStructureType encType, MLuint64 byteOffset=0)
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLuint64 DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLuint64 (DMFileReader &reader, MLuint64 dataPos, DMEncodedStructureType encType, MLuint64 byteOffset=0)
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLint64 DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLint64 (DMFileReader &reader, MLuint64 dataPos, DMEncodedStructureType encType, MLuint64 byteOffset=0)
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr DMGetTag (const std::string &label, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 Returns the first tag with label in tagVec or nullptr if not found. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector DMGetTags (const std::string &label, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 Returns all tags with label in tagVec or an empty vector if not found. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector DMGetTags (const std::string &groupTagName1, const std::string &groupTagName2, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search first group tag with groupTagName2 in it and return its tag vector. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector DMGetTags (const std::string &groupTagName1, const std::string &groupTagName2, const std::string &groupTagName3, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search first group tag with groupTagName2 in it and search first group with groupTagName3 and return its tag vector. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr DMGetTag (const std::string &groupTagName1, const std::string &tagName, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search the first tag with tagName in it and return it. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr DMGetTag (const std::string &groupTagName1, const std::string &groupTagName2, const std::string &tagName, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, then search the first tag with tagGroupName2 in its tags and then search the first tag with tagName in it and return it. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr DMGetTag (const std::string &groupTagName1, const std::string &groupTagName2, const std::string &groupTagName3, const std::string &tagName, const DMTagPtrVector &tagVec)
 If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, then search the first tag with tagGroupName2 in its tags, then search the first tag with tagGroupName3 in its tags and then search the first tag with tagName in it and return it. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::vector< DMImageDataStructPtrDMSetUpImageStructs (DMFileReader &reader)
 Search all image data structures in the open reader and return them as list. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMImage &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMImageDataStruct &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMTag &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMTagData &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const DMTagGroup &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
MLRELEASE_TOOLS_EXPORT std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ByteDataReader &obj)
 Output to std::ostream. More...
 ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR (MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted)
 Declares MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted smart pointer. More...
int MLParameterInfoWrappersInit ()
 Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML. More...
 Declares the smart pointer PCLBaseObjectPtr from PCLBaseObject. More...
template<class MODULE_TYPE >
std::string callSameTyped_filterT (MODULE_TYPE &mod, const std::string &successfullCalledFilterMessage="", const std::string &noValidPointCloudMessage="No input point clouds", const std::string &noInput1PointCloudMessage="No input 1 point cloud", const std::string &noInput2PointCloudMessage="No input 2 point cloud", const std::string &differentPointCloudMessage="Input point clouds do not have same point type")
 Helper function to call. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::shared_ptr< const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE > PCLMakeLocalNonDeletingSharedConstPtr (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pntCloud)
 Many pcl filters and classes require a boost shared pointer to the point cloud to be processed, which however, sometimes is not available, but only a constant reference. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLPointTypeName (int pclPointType)
 Returns a string description for the passed pclPointType. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string getPCLObjectTypeName (int pclObjectType)
 Returns a string description for the passed pclObjectType. More...
bool loadDcmtkFile (const std::string &fName, DcmFileFormat &dcmfile, std::string *errVal)
 Load a DICOM file into the dcmtk DcmFileFormat object. More...
OFString getDcmtkModality (DcmFileFormat &dcmfile, std::string *errVal)
 Return the modality of a given DcmFileFormat. More...
template<typename DCMObjType , typename DCMObjBoostPtrType , class DCMReaderFunctor = DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor>
DCMObjBoostPtrType getDCMTKObjFromFile (DcmFileFormat &dcmFile, std::string *errVal, const std::string &modalityStr, const std::string &typeStr, DCMReaderFunctor *readerFunctor=NULL)
 A template for loading a dcmtk object by a file object. More...
template<typename DCMObjType , typename DCMObjBoostPtrType , class DCMReaderFunctor = DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor>
DCMObjBoostPtrType getDCMTKObjFromString (const std::string &fName, std::string *errVal, DcmFileFormatPtr *dcmFilePtr, const std::string &modalityStr, const std::string &typeStr, DCMReaderFunctor *readerFunctor=NULL)
 A template for loading a dcmtk object by a file name. More...
int MLAccessDirectDicomImportCacheInit ()
 Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML. More...
int MLDicomModifyFieldAddOnsInit ()
 Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML. More...
int MLDcmtkIODWrappersInit ()
 Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML. More...
Casting of SubImage to TSubImage<T>

The tsubimage_cast allows to cast a SubImage (pointer or reference) to a typed TSubImage<T> (pointer or reference).

If the cast is not possible because the data type of the SubImage does not match the T of tsubimage_cast<T>, a fatal ML error occurs.


TSubImage<MLfloat>& tsubimg = tsubimage_cast<MLfloat>(subimg);
template<typename T >
TSubImage< T > & tsubimage_cast (SubImage &subImg)
template<typename T >
const TSubImage< T > & tsubimage_cast (const SubImage &subImg)
template<typename T >
TSubImage< T > * tsubimage_cast (SubImage *subImg)
template<typename T >
const TSubImage< T > * tsubimage_cast (const SubImage *subImg)
mlMin/mlMax Templates in ML namespace
template<typename T >
T mlMin (T a, T b)
 Defines ML specific min template since min template is platform-dependent. More...
template<typename T >
T mlMax (T a, T b)
 Defines ML specific max template since max template is platform-dependent. More...
template<typename T >
T mlAbs (T a)
 Defines ML specific abs template since only type-dependent library functions exists. More...
Standalone functions for FloatingPointVector.
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator+= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise addition. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator-= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise subtraction of buffer from *this. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator*= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, MLdouble value)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise multiplication *this with specialized MLdouble scalar value. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator*= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op2)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise multiplication *this with a vector of the same size. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator/= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, MLdouble value)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise division of *this by scalar value. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator/= (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &op2)
 Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise division of *this by the values of a vector of the same size. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
bool operator! (const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &a)
 Returns whether all components are 0. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator+ (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > lhs, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &rhs)
 Return value is the component-wise addition of lhs and rhs. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator- (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > lhs, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &rhs)
 Return value is the component-wise subtraction of rhs from lhs. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator+ (const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer)
 Unary plus, for completeness and for those who really want to use that. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator- (const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer)
 Unary minus, all components of the vector are multiplied with -1. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
T operator* (const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &a, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &b)
 Dot product, returns More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator* (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > lhs, MLdouble rhs)
 Component-wise multiplication of lhs with rhs. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator* (MLdouble lhs, FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > rhs)
 Component-wise multiplication of rhs with lhs. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator/ (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > lhs, MLdouble rhs)
 Component-wise division of lhs by specialized rhs of type MLdouble. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compMin (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > buffer1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer2)
 Component-wise minimum of buffer1 and buffer2. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compMax (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > buffer1, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &buffer2)
 Component-wise maximum of buffer1 and buffer2. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compAbs (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec)
 Returns a vector with all components from vec without negative sign. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compSqr (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec)
 Returns a vector with all components from vec squared. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compSqrt (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec)
 Returns a vector with all components from vec square-rooted. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compDiv (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &d)
 Component-wise division of vec / d. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clampMin (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &m)
 Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to minimum m. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clampMax (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &m)
 Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to maximum m. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clamp (FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > vec, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &lower, const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &upper)
 Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to range [lower, upper]. More...
template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
T compMul (const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &vec)
 Returns the product of all components. More...
Functions and operators for class Tmat2.

Helper macro only locally defined for Tmat2 matrix multiplication.

template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator* (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tmat2< DT > &b)
template<class DT >
bool operator== (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tmat2< DT > &b)
 a == b ? Returns true if yes. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator!= (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tmat2< DT > &b)
 a != b ? Returns true if yes. More...
Standalone functions and operators for class Tmat2.
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator- (const Tmat2< DT > &a)
 Returns a matrix a with all values negated. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator+ (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tmat2< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator- (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tmat2< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator* (const Tmat2< DT > &a, DT d)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator* (const DT d, const Tmat2< DT > &a)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat2< DT > operator/ (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec2< DT > operator* (const Tmat2< DT > &a, const Tvec2< DT > &v)
 Normal multiplication of 2x2 matrix a with 2D vector v with a Tvec2as result. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec2< DT > operator* (const Tvec2< DT > &v, const Tmat2< DT > &a)
 Normal multiplication of 2D vector v with 2x2 matrix with a Tvec2as result. More...
Global operators and functions of class Tmat3.
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator- (const Tmat3< DT > &a)
 Returns a matrix a with all values negated. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator+ (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tmat3< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator- (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tmat3< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator* (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator* (const DT d, const Tmat3< DT > &a)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator/ (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d. More...
Special Functions
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > operator* (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tmat3< DT > &b)
 Matrix 3 product. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator== (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tmat3< DT > &b)
 a == b ? Return true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator!= (const Tmat3< DT > &a, const Tmat3< DT > &b)
 a != b ? Return true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > identity2D ()
 Returns a 3x3 homogeneous identity2D matrix; synonym for Tmat3<DT>::getIdentity(). More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > translation2D (const Tvec2< DT > &v)
 Returns a 2D translation matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix where the translation is located in the right column. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > rotation2D (const Tvec2< DT > &Center, const DT angleDeg)
 Returns a 2D rotation matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix where center specifies the center of rotation. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat3< DT > scaling2D (const Tvec2< DT > &scaleVector)
 Returns a 2D scale matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator* (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tmat5< DT > &b)
 Matrix product. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator== (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tmat5< DT > &b)
 a == b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator!= (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tmat5< DT > &b)
 a != b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator* (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tmat6< DT > &b)
 Matrix product. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator== (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tmat6< DT > &b)
 a == b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator!= (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tmat6< DT > &b)
 a != b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec6< DT > operator* (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tvec6< DT > &v)
 Multiplies 6x6 matrix a with vector v. More...
template<class DT >
Tvec6< DT > operator* (const Tvec6< DT > &v, const Tmat6< DT > &a)
 Multiplies vector v with 6x6 matrix a. More...
Functions and operators for class Tmat4.
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator* (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tmat4< DT > &b)
 a * b. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator== (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tmat4< DT > &b)
 a == b ? Returns true if yes. More...
template<class DT >
bool operator!= (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tmat4< DT > &b)
 a != b ? Returns true if yes. More...
Global functions and operators for class Tmat4.
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator- (const Tmat4< DT > &a)
 Returns the matrix a with all values negated. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator+ (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tmat4< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator- (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const Tmat4< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator* (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator* (const DT d, const Tmat4< DT > &a)
 Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > operator/ (const Tmat4< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d. More...
Tmat4<DT> member functions
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > identity3D ()
 Returns a 4x4 homogeneous identity3D matrix; synonym for Tmat4<DT>::getIdentity(). More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > translation3D (const Tvec3< DT > &v)
 Returns a 4x4 homogeneous translation matrix with default identity matrix contents and the upper three components in right column given by 3D vector v. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > rotation3D (Tvec3< DT > Axis, const DT angleRad)
 Returns a 4x4 homogeneous 3D rotation matrix describing a rotation with angle angleRad around axis Axis. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > scaling3D (const Tvec3< DT > &scaleVector)
 Scaling 3D. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat4< DT > perspective3D (const DT d)
 Creates a 4x4 homogeneous perspective projection matrix with perspective shortening value given by d that must differ from zero to avoid errors. More...
Standalone operators of class Tmat5.
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator- (const Tmat5< DT > &a)
 Returns a matrix a with all values negated. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator+ (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tmat5< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator- (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const Tmat5< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator* (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise product of matrix a with scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator* (const DT d, const Tmat5< DT > &a)
 Returns the component-wise product of scalar d with matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat5< DT > operator/ (const Tmat5< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d. More...
Standalone operators of class Tmat6.
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator- (const Tmat6< DT > &a)
 Returns a matrix a with all values negated. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator+ (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tmat6< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator- (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const Tmat6< DT > &b)
 Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator* (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise product of matrix a with scalar d. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator* (const DT d, const Tmat6< DT > &a)
 Returns the component-wise product of scalar d with matrix a. More...
template<class DT >
Tmat6< DT > operator/ (const Tmat6< DT > &a, const DT d)
 Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d. More...
template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool _isScalarValueInRange (const DATATYPE &v, bool normal, double minVal, double maxVal, OverloadSelector::OnTrue)
 Global static template functions for line filtering. More...
template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool _isScalarValueInRange (const DATATYPE &, bool, double, double, OverloadSelector::OnFalse)
template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool isScalarValueInRange (const DATATYPE &v, bool normal, double minVal, double maxVal)
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCopyLine (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, MLsoffset srcVoxelOffset)
 Copy the line from input subimage which corresponds to the line to be modified in the output image. More...
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCorrelateLine (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, const K_DATATYPE *valTab, const MLsoffset *indexTab, size_t indexTabSize)
 Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor. More...
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageInterval (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, const K_DATATYPE *valTab, const MLsoffset *indexTab, size_t indexTabSize, MLsoffset srcVoxelOffset, MLdouble minVal, MLdouble maxVal)
 Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor. More...
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithKernelInterval (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, const K_DATATYPE *valTab, const MLsoffset *indexTab, size_t indexTabSize, MLsoffset srcVoxelOffset, MLdouble minVal, MLdouble maxVal)
 Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor. More...
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, const K_DATATYPE *valTab, const MLsoffset *indexTab, size_t indexTabSize, MLsoffset srcVoxelOffset, MLdouble imgIntMinVal, MLdouble imgIntMaxVal, MLdouble kernIntMinVal, MLdouble kernIntMaxVal)
 Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor. More...
template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals (const IN_DATATYPE *inCursor, OUT_DATATYPE *outCursor, size_t numVox, const K_DATATYPE *valTab, const MLsoffset *indexTab, size_t indexTabSize, MLsoffset srcVoxelOffset, MLdouble imgIntMinVal, MLdouble imgIntMaxVal, MLdouble kernIntMinVal, MLdouble kernIntMaxVal, bool useImgInt, bool useKernInt)
 Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor. More...
template<typename DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering (const ImageVector &inImgExt, LineApplicator< DATATYPE > &lineApp, KernelTools::BorderHandling borderHandling, MLdouble fillValue, TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &outSubImg, TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &inSubImg)
 Global template functions for page filtering. More...
template<typename DATATYPE >
static void MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering (const ImageVector &inImgExt, const fctLineFilter< DATATYPE > &lineFilter, const ImageVector &negKernelExt, const ImageVector &posKernelExt, KernelTools::BorderHandling borderHandling, MLdouble fillValue, TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &outSubImg, TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &inSubImg)
 Compute the page outSubImg by filtering inSubImg with the passed function taking care of correct intervals and boundary handling. More...
template<class T >
T mul (const Cslice_iter< T > &v1, const std::valarray< T > &v2)
 implementation of (global) operator functions to assist MatrixTemplate class More...
template<class T >
std::valarray< Toperator* (const MatrixTemplate< T > &m, const std::valarray< T > &v)
 implements standard matrix-vector multiplication More...
template<class T >
std::valarray< Tmul_mv (const MatrixTemplate< T > &m, std::valarray< T > &v)
 alternative definition of m*v More...
template<class T >
std::valarray< Toperator* (std::valarray< T > &v, const MatrixTemplate< T > &m)
 implements standard vector-matrix multiplication More...
template<class T >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, MatrixTemplate< T > &m)
 override operator<<(.,.) for class MatrixTemplate<T> More...
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns the enumerator for a specific point type. More...
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPolygonMesh &)
MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType (const MLPolygonMeshPtr)


const MLint _ML_STD_SLEN =64
 Length of strings for component descriptions and class names. More...
constexpr auto MainExecutor = MainExecutorT{}
 The only necessary instance of this main executor. More...
ML_UTILS_EXPORT ErrorOutput MLErrorOutput
 This is a singleton used for all ML Error input and output;. More...
 Singleton which contains all registered callback functions of the ML. More...
template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
constexpr bool is_detected_v = is_detected<Op, Args...>::value
ML_UTILS_EXPORT TraceBuffer< MLGlobalTraceBufferTypeMLGlobalTraceBuffer
 This is a global singleton of the TraceBuffer class. More...
 Visual type name strings ("L", "LA", ...) More...
const int WEM_PATCH_ID_ALL = -1
 Patch Id meaning: all patches. More...
 Local cut definition: single part. More...
 Local cut definition: single intermediate. More...
 Local cut definition: multi intermediate. More...
 Local cut definition: same edge. More...
const int WEMFACECUT_STAB = 4
 Local cut definition: stab. More...
 Local definition: closed cut. More...
 Local definition: half open cut. More...
 Local definition: open cut. More...
 Error status: no error at all. More...
 Error status: just a notice. More...
 Error status: a warning. More...
 Error status: an error. More...
 Error status: a serious error. More...
 Error status: no error at all. More...
 Error status: just a notice. More...
 Error status: a warning. More...
 Error status: an error. More...
 Error status: a serious error. More...
 Error status: no error at all. More...
 Error status: just a notice. More...
 Error status: a warning. More...
 Error status: an error. More...
 Error status: a serious error. More...
 Error status: no error at all. More...
 Error status: just a notice. More...
 Error status: a warning. More...
 Error status: an error. More...
 Error status: a serious error. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_FIRST = 0
 Output mode: first patch only. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_SECOND = 1
 Output mode: second patch only. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_BOTH = 2
 Output mode: both patches. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_BOOLEAN_UNION = 0
 Set operation: union. More...
 Set operation: intersection. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_BOOLEAN_DIFFERENCE = 2
 Set operation: difference. More...
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_OUTER_FLAG = 1
const unsigned int WEMSETOP_INTERSECTING_FLAG = 5
const std::string nameCommonNumCSOs = "NumCSOs"
 String name for the number of CSOs. More...
const std::string nameCommonNumGroups = "NumGroups"
 String name for the number of CSOGroups. More...
const std::string nameCommonNumSelectedCSOs = "NumSelectedCSOs"
 String name for the number of selected CSOs. More...
const std::string nameCommonNumSelectedGroups = "NumSelectedGroups"
 String name for the number of selected CSOGroups. More...
const std::string nameAttribId = "Id"
 String name for an id. More...
const std::string nameAttribLabel = "Label"
 String name for a label. More...
const std::string nameAttribDescription = "Description"
 String name for a description. More...
const std::string nameAttribTimePointIndex = "TimePointIndex"
 String name for a time point index. More...
const std::string nameAttribShowState = "ShowState"
 String name for the show state. More...
const std::string nameAttribVoxelizeState = "VoxelizeState"
 String name for the voxelize state. More...
const std::string nameAttribEditableState = "EditableState"
 String name for the editable state. More...
const std::string nameAttribPathPointStyle = "PathPointStyle"
 String name for a path point style. More...
const std::string nameAttribPathPointWidth = "PathPointWidth"
 String name for a path point width. More...
const std::string nameAttribPathPointColor = "PathPointColor"
 String name for a path point color. More...
const std::string nameAttribPathPointAlpha = "PathPointAlpha"
 String name for a path point alpha. More...
const std::string nameAttribSeedPointStyle = "SeedPointStyle"
 String name for a seed point style. More...
const std::string nameAttribSeedPointSize = "SeedPointSize"
 String name for a seed point size. More...
const std::string nameAttribSeedPointColor = "SeedPointColor"
 String name for a seed point color. More...
const std::string nameAttribSeedPointAlpha = "SeedPointAlpha"
 String name for a seed point alpha. More...
const std::string nameAttribVoxelWriteMode = "VoxelWriteMode"
 String name for the voxel write mode. More...
const std::string nameAttribVoxelWriteValue = "VoxelWriteValue"
 String name for the voxel write value. More...
const std::string nameAttribNumUserData = "NumUserData"
const std::string nameAttribUserDataName = "UserDataName"
const std::string nameAttribUserDataType = "UserDataType"
const std::string nameAttribUserDataValue = "UserDataValue"
const std::string nameCSONumSeedPoints = "NumSeedPoints"
 String name for the number of seed points. More...
const std::string nameCSONumPathPointLists = "NumPathPointLists"
 String name for the number of path point lists. More...
const std::string namePathNumPoints = "PathNumPoints"
 String name for the number of points in a path point list. More...
const std::string nameCSOFinished = "IsFinished"
 String name for the finished state of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOClosed = "IsClosed"
 String name for the closed state of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOInPlane = "IsInPlane"
 String name for the in-plane state of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOPlaneNormal = "PlaneNormal"
 String name for the plane normal of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOBoundingBox = "BoundingBox"
 String name for the bounding box of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOType = "Type"
 String name for the type of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOSubType = "SubType"
 String name for the subtype of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameCSOCreatorId = "CreatorId"
 String name for the creator id of a CSO. More...
const std::string nameGroupMaximumCSOs = "MaximumCSOs"
const std::string nameGroupOverflowHandling = "OverflowHandling"
const std::string nameGroupRemoveCSOHandling = "RemoveCSOHandling"
const std::string nameGroupDeleteGroupCSOHandling = "DeleteGroupCSOHandling"
const std::string nameGroupUseTimePointIndex = "UseTimePointIndex"
 String name for the use time point index state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseShowState = "UseShowState"
 String name for the use show state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseVoxelizeState = "UseVoxelizeState"
 String name for the use voxelize state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseEditableState = "UseEditableState"
 String name for the use editable state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUsePathPointStyle = "UsePathPointStyle"
 String name for the use path point style of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUsePathPointWidth = "UsePathPointWidth"
 String name for the use path point width of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUsePathPointColor = "UsePathPointColor"
 String name for the use path point color of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUsePathPointAlpha = "UsePathPointAlpha"
 String name for the use path point alpha of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseSeedPointStyle = "UseSeedPointStyle"
 String name for the use seed point style of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseSeedPointSize = "UseSeedPointSize"
 String name for the use seed point size of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseSeedPointColor = "UseSeedPointColor"
 String name for the use seed point color of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseSeedPointAlpha = "UseSeedPointAlpha"
 String name for the use seed point alpha of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseVoxelWriteMode = "UseVoxelWriteMode"
 String name for the use voxel write mode state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseVoxelWriteValue = "UseVoxelWriteValue"
 String name for the use voxel write value state of a CSOGroup. More...
const CSOPathPointIterator CSOPathPointIteratorEnd = CSOPathPointIterator()
 A symbolic iterator that indicates that a CSOPathPointIterator has reached the end of a cso. More...
const CSOPathPointConstIterator CSOPathPointConstIteratorEnd = CSOPathPointConstIterator()
 A symbolic iterator that indicates that a CSOPathPointConstIterator has reached the end of a cso. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEGeneralUIDPrefixString
 The unique DICOM id prefix reserved for general Fraunhofer MEVIS DICOM file exports; note the final "." and that the last characters are "1."; "0." is used by Median, "1." for general export purposes. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateCreatorString
 The typically used private creator of Fraunhofer MEVIS. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrameString
 String representation for corresponding to FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrame. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrameString
 String representation for corresponding to FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrame. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateBaseObjectCodingVersionString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateCodedBaseObjectVersion. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateBaseObjectSequenceString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateCodedBaseObjectVersion. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeTypeString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeType. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateBaseObjectCommentString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectComment. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateBaseObjectDataString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectData. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrameString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrame. More...
MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char *const FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsNotOnSameFrameString
 String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonCodedNotOnSameFrameIds. More...
 String names for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
 String names for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library. More...
const int MultiFileVolumeListDraftViewNumFiles =4
 Number of files to be loaded. More...
Values to be used in the setup of a TypedCalculateOutputImageHandler/TypedProcessAllPagesHandler
const int MLVariableType0 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET
 Defines to use the result type of variable type 0. More...
const int MLVariableType1 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+1
 Defines to use the result type of variable type 1. More...
const int MLVariableType2 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+2
 Defines to use the result type of variable type 2. More...
const int MLVariableType3 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+3
 Defines to use the result type of variable type 3. More...
const int MLGenericType = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+10
 Defines special index to use a generic type. More...


const std::string nameAttribLineStyle = "LineStyle"
 String name for the line style. More...
const std::string nameAttribColor = "Color"
 String name for the line's color. More...
const std::string nameAttribAlpha = "Alpha"
 String name for the line's alpha value. More...
const std::string nameAttribLineWidth = "LineWidth"
 String name for the line width. More...
const std::string nameAttribMarkerMode = "MarkerMode"
 String name for the marker mode. More...
const std::string nameAttribMarkerColor = "MarkerColor"
 String name for the marker's color. More...
const std::string nameAttribMarkerAlpha = "MarkerAlpha"
 String name for the marker's alpha value. More...
const std::string nameAttribMarkerSize = "MarkerSize"
 String name for the marker's size. More...
const std::string nameAttribVoxelValue = "VoxelValue"
 String name for the voxel write value. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseVisuals = "UseVisuals"
 String name for the use visual state of a CSOGroup. More...
const std::string nameGroupUseMarkerSettings = "UseMarkerSettings"
 String name for the use marker settings state of a CSOGroup. More...

Detailed Description

Main documentation file for ML users and developers.

Enables some extension of this module implementing a partial dcmtk-rendering of the presentation state into the output image.

Smart pointer for MultiFileVolumes.

Project includes, boost shared pointers, namespaces.

Platform independent time measurement.

Local includes.

Field AddOn to manage selectors and input connectors for DCMTree.

Include vtMatrix stuff.

Include dll-specific settings.

Include dll-specific settings and basic itk bindings.

Include most ML specific things.

Standard itk function type used to be passed by wrappers.

Include most ml specific things.

Defines the base class MatrixTemplate<type> and slicer for element access to allow a fast matrix implementation based on std::valarray<type> for numerical calculations.

AssocGraph class provides a matrix representation of the association graph of two Graph objects.

Adaptor functions to make mlGraph usable with the Boost Graph Library.

Defines and implements the class ClusterRefCollection ConnectComp.

Define a simple standard implementation for AbstractItemModel.

Defines a Base class for modifying ItemModels.

Defines a Base class for filtering items of ItemModels.

Defines a Base class for filtering attributes of ItemModels.

Defines a Base class for representing hierarchical data.

Defines a class for wrapping various data types.

File contains the library documentation of project PointCloudUtils.

TileSphereHashTable is used in the classes MinimalDistancePointClouds and TileSphere.

TileSphere is used in the class MinimalDistancePointClouds.

The MinimalDistancePointClouds implements a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'.

This class computes the main axis for a point cloud.

Base class for extensions that render all CSOs of a CSOList.

Extension for transforming existing CSOs.

Extension for rendering labels for CSOs.

Label placement strategy.

Extension for gathering voxel information inside CSOs on the current slice.

Extension for rendering CSOs.

Class for setting visualization parameters for CSO editors.

DSO/shared/dynamic library initialization.

Global file for library with important definitions, constants, etc.

Module for visualizing CSOs in 3D as an Open Inventor scene.

This is for runtime module initialization.

Class for checking validity of a CSOList, CSOGroup or std::vector of CSOs.

Implementations of predicates.

A CSOPredicate evaluates whether a single CSO satisfies a certain predicate.

The CSOSmooth namespace offers common methods smoothing a contour, based on a Laplacian smoothing scheme.

The CSOPointInPolygonChecker class offers the functionality of testing whether a point lies inside an arbitrary polygon.

The CSOPointInPolygon class offers the functionality of testing whether a point lies inside an arbitrary polygon.

Helper class for easy forward and backward iterating over all path points of a CSO.

Dynamic vector CSOObjectVector templated over a type T.

Template CSOObjectHeap typed over a type T that is derived from CSOHeapObject.

The CSOMath class offers some common methods for various problems, e.g., computing the area, mapping from voxel to world or computing numerical problems real fast.

Marching squares cell.

This class implements the Marching Squares algorithm to find isolines on 2D image slices.

Structure holding a live wire node for the shortest path algorithm.

The class maintains a graph for applying a shortest path algorithm on.

The CSOInterpolate3DFunction holds the interpolation function which is a smooth thin-plate spline surface.

The CSOGeometry namespace offers some common methods for various geometric problems, e.g., determining whether a CSO lies in a plane, if a CSO is self-intersection, computing the center of gravity, thinning out path points or applying boolean operations.

The CSOGenerateSeedPoints namespace offers methods to compute seed points for given CSOs while retaining the path points.

The CSOGeneratePathPoints namespace offers interpolation methods (computing path points between seed points) as a linear interpolation, a spline interpolation and a spline approximation.

Base class for distance functions for application in the marching cubes algorithm.

File contains the library documentation of project CSO.

A CSOVoxelSetList comprises a number of CSOVoxelSets and CSOVoxelSetGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation objects.

The CSOVoxelSet represents a contour in discrete voxel positions.

Manager class for maintaining the undo and the redo stacks.

Base class for a CSOCommand for the undo/redo mechanism.

The CSOSeedPoint can be interactively set and modified and is the framework for contours.

A collection of scope classes for convenient and safe use of application events.

The CSOListRules class controls how the CSOList should treat CSOGroups if their CSOs are removed.

This handles rules like the maximum number of CSOs in a group and applies them.

The CSOPathPoints is a list of world coordinates which are interpolated by a certain interpolation scheme between seed points of a CSO.

Base class for performing modifications on the CSOs of a CSOList.

The CSOGeneratorBase provides mechanisms to add new CSOs to a group and to set default attributes to new CSOs.

The CSOGenerator is the base class for all modules that generate CSOs.

Base class for modules that convert CSOs to voxel images.

Base class for CSOModules.

The CSOManager allows for storing and iterating CSOs, and implements an undo/redo mechanism.

A CSOList comprises a number of CSOs and CSOGroups and is the central object for contour segmentation objects.

A CSOGroup comprises a number of CSOs, which themselves can be in a number of different CSOGroups.

CSO events for application level use.

Some defines used by CSO modules.

The CSOBoundingBox defines an axis parallel bounding box with double precision.

This class comprises some attributes that are common for a CSO and a CSOGroup.

The CSO represents a contour segmentation object.

Tool class for performing geometric analyzes on a WEMPatch.

File contains the library documentation of project WEM.

File containing the documentation of the WEM data structure.

File containing the hints for debugging WEM modules.

The SoVirtualVolume class for fast voxel based access to paged ML images; see also mlVirtualVolume and mlTVirtualVolume in project MLTools for examples etc.

Draws an overlay image on the SoView2D.

File containing the library documentation of MLTools project.

Defines and implements management and access classes for random access to a paged image or a pure virtual image created on access time.

Defines and implements some useful stuff.

Header of the StringLineMultiField which handles a dynamic number of separated strings representing lines.

Defines a class to handle the geometry primitive "Sphere".

Header of MultiField classes which handle a dynamic number of scalar values (for example integer or double values).

Defines the geometry primitive "Disc".

Implements AdjustDimInfo which is included from various other projects.

Implements a class to manage a binary image.

saves an ml::base-derived object to a file

Loads ml::base-derived objects from file.

Handles the different possible IO modes.

allows to edit an ml::base-derived object via its XML description.

A kernel filtering operator, which searches for zero crossings in the input image.

Class to apply a kernel based standard deviation filtering to an image.

Applies a Sobel edge detection or a Sobel gradient estimation in 3D to a volume image.

A sigma filter module.

Class to apply a kernel based Roberts filtering to an image.

mlModule class for rank based image filters.

A class for morphology based image filters.

Class searching local maxima in images using a kernel based filtering.

Template class to define minimum row filtering functionality needed by and the old applyFiltering functions from the KernelTools class.

A class with untyped and templated code with static functions to simplify standard kernel filter operations.

Defines a convenience class for kernel base image filtering.

Template base class to apply a kernel to a voxel row of a subimage.

Template class to apply a kernel to a voxel row in a subimage.

Implements an editor to editor a kernel matrix.

Overview page for Kernel based image processing.

Defines and header of a Kernel Class.

Defines the base class for page based kernel operations.

Class to define a filter kernel.

Defines and header of a kernel class for convoluting images with changable kernel.

The ML module class Correlation.

Defines and implements a module for convolution filtering with some fixed kernel sizes.

This module implements four different compass filters.

A special morphology filter module class especially to close gaps in images.

An ML module class for (bit separate) morphology based filtering.

Interface file for the ML module class MLImageFormatSave storing ML pages images as .mlimage files.

Interface file for the ML module class MLImageFormatLoad loading .mlimage files as ML paged image.

Interface file for the ML module class MLImageFormatIOBase designed as IO base class to manage/save/load/modify .mlimage files and to derive specific save, load and modification classes from it.

Interface file for the ML module class MLImageFormatInfo showing .mlimage file information in an ML module.

Interface file for the ML module class MLImageFormatFileCache storing/reloading/modifying .mlimage files on disc.

Base object classes XMarker, XMarkerList and XMarkerListContainer for general marker lists.

Base object representing a list of vectors.

Base object classes Vec??List (where ?? in {3, 4, 6} x {i, f}) for lists of 3/4/6-dimensional integer/float-vectors.

ML Module class implementing a StylePalette providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types.

Base object class StylePalette for providing a collection of colors, line styles and marker types.

Base object classes StringList and StringListContainer.

Base object class managin a list of Spheres, with get & set functions of given index etc.

Base object class managing a list of raster functions.

Base Object class managing a general raster function class.

Base object class PointList managing a list of points.

Utility classes ParserBase is a base class from which special parser for parsing persistent state strings.

Engine module MergeLists: Merged two lists of the same arbitrary (BaseListTemplate-derived) class.

Base object classes Mat?List (where ? in {3, 4}) for lists of 3x3 and 4x4 float matrices.

Base object class MarkerList managing a list of markers represented by Vector4's.

Utility classes ParserBase, ListParser and BaseItemParser for parsing persistent state strings.

Basic list container classes ListContainerBase and ListContainerTemplate.

Base object list base classes ListBase, ListTemplate, and BaseListTemplate.

Base object class KeyFrameList and class KeyFrame describing position and orientation in space.

Engine module ExtractObjectFromList: Extracts a single list item (identified by its index) from a given list which has to be derived from BaseListTemplate.

Base object class DiscList managing a list of Discs objects.

Engine module DecomposeBaseList: Operator with two output fields, decomposing a ListBase input into a single base object and a so-called "rest list".

Base object class for Diagrams: CurveList.

Base object class for Diagrams: A single curve object, consisting of one X- and any number of Y-data series.

Engine module CopyBase: Operator template to copy any Base-derived object that provides a virtual assignment operator which allows to copy from Base.

Engine module ComposeBaseList: Operator with two base inputs that combines those input object in a single output BaseList object.

Base object class managing containers/lists of BasePointers as BaseItems.

Utility class BaseItemParser for parsing persistent state strings.

Base object list base class BaseItem.

File containing the library documentation of project MLBase.

List type managing and maintaining a number of PrivateDICOMTagValueFields::PrivateTagField containers describing information extracted from private tag values.

Small container class managing one decoded sub element of a private DICOM tag.

Base class for plugins decoding private DICOM tags to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container.

Class decoding all private DICOM tags it finds decoders for to a PrivateDICOMTagValueFields container.

Defines the LUTIterator class used for rendering a LUT into a LUTData object.

Defines the LUTFunction class representing an abstract lookup table.

Select a 1D-LUT from a specified row/layer of a 2D- or 3D-LUT.

LUT transform to rescale a LUT's index range and to convert an absolute to a relative LUT.

An RGBA LUT consisting of a RGB ramp and an alpha ramp.

A single channel LUT with predefined primitives of different shapes.

Implements a float RGBA color table.

A color/gray LUT with sampling points and linear or truncated interpolation.

Concatenate LUTs in row or layer direction.

A LUT function composing several input LUTs into a single output LUT.

A LUT function combining several input LUTs into a single output LUT.

LUT transform to apply or remove color to an input LUT.

A LUT function mapping the individual channels of the input LUT to the channels of the output LUT.

Generate a 2/3D-LUT by blending two 1/2D-LUTs.

Defines the LUTData class for storing instances of a LUT.

Basic type and constant definitions.

Factory class for ML data compression algorithms.

Abstract base class for ML data compression algorithms.

Introduces a ImagePropertyExtension managing a DICOM tree referenced with a shared pointer.

Grants access to the DCMTree inside the MLDicomImagePropertyExtension.

Basic tool functions used to store, load, and modify a PagedImage in a file, used by the MLImageFormat.

Class to manage a list of tags used in the MLImageFormat.

Tag class used in the MLImageFormat.

Internal and private structures for the MLImageFormat, not to be used, because they are subject to change.

Internal and private index table for the MLImageFormat.

The manager class for compressor parameters in MLImageFormat modules.

File containing the library documentation of project mlImageFormat.

File format class to store, load, and modify a PagedImage or subimages in a file.

Template class for a 9D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 8D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 7D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 64D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 6D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 5D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 4D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 32D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 3D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 2D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 16D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Template class for a 10D vector for floating point types, derived from FloatingPointVector.

Defines a class to represent a Rotation.

Template class for quaternion numerics.

Defines a class to handle the geometry primitive 'Plane'.

Template class for a 6x6 matrix of 6 rows of Tvec6 vectors.

Template class for a 5x5 matrix of five rows of Tvec5 vectors.

Template class for a 4x4 matrix of four rows of Tvec4 vectors.

Template class for a 3x3 matrix of three rows of Tvec3 vectors.

Template class for a 2x2 matrix of two rows of Tvec2 vectors.

Template class for a 3x3 matrix of 3 rows of Tvec3 vectors.

Main documentation file for mlLinearAlgebra library.

Defines the geometry primitive "Line".

Template class TVector for integer types.

Template class TImageVector for 6D integer types and the specialization ImageVector, which is typically used in the ML as indexing and coordinate type.

Template base class for floating point matrices.

Platform independent class to manage a wait condition that can be used with a mutex to do signalling between threads.

Define the namespace name like in the ML. Default is ml.

File containing the library documentation of project mlUtils.

Defines named constants for Unicode code points.

Class to manage a buffer for a stack and a list of string pointers for tracing debug and release code.

Class to measure precise time intervals in seconds.

Platform-independent class to manage a thread.

A switch()-like statement where the cases are string literals.

This file declares the class RuntimeType that contains runtime-generated type and inheritance information of associated classes.

This file declares the class RuntimeDict that manages a set of instances of class RuntimeTypes.

This class contains the global runtime system of the ML.

RefCountedBase class that adds reference counting to Base.

Class to notify registered instances about ML changes.

Platform-independent class to manage a mutex for safe operations on code sections which must be used only by one thread at a time.

Singleton class that provides information about system memory.

Basic memory management class for the ML.

Implementation of basic cross-platform math routines.

This file defines the class ImagePropertyExtensionContainer.

This file defines the class ImagePropertyExtension, used as a base class for extended image property objects that can be appended to the ImagePropertyExtensionContainer inside MedicalImageProperties.

Define EventSource class that adds event listener handling to Base and a BaseEvent class needed for that.

Information container for error, debug, or tracing information.

Central error handling and redirection class for the ML.

Defines the class DateTime for processing date and time values.

Singleton class that provides information about CPU.

A light-weight shared constant string (not thread-safe!).

Gather compiler information.

Platform independent class to manage a barrier that is used to make a group of threads wait for each other.

Platform independent class to manage thread-safe atomic counting.

Template classes for storing up to five arguments in a ArgumentList and calling a method with a given argument list.

Defines an interface to access properties of the host application.

These abstract classes define an interface to allow the storing and restoring of structured objects.

Defines the class ProcessAllPagesBackgroundTask.

The ML module class BackgroundTaskBaseModule.

Define template functions for converting values to/from string.

This file defines the class TSubImage to administrate/manage/access typed images or subimages, which reside in memory.

This abstract class defines an interface to allow the storing and restoring of complex objects.

Class to define a subimage region with Vector6 corners.

Define the template class TSubImageBox and the specialization SubImageBox.

This file defines the class SubImage to administrate/manage/access images or subimages which reside in memory.

This class provides static methods to convert ML objects to and from strings.

Template class to register the standard integer datatypes as voxel types in the ML.

Defines the class TScaleShiftData.

Defines the class ProcessAllPagesHandler.

Defines the class PageIDIterator.

Contains the class PagedImage, representing a fragmented image that manages properties and data of an image located in pages.

Some tools for Module programming.

Defines the class MemoryImage that manages memory mapped images in ML output connectors.

This file defines the classes ImageProperties and MedicalImageProperties.

Define classes for multi-valued fields.

Define a template class for multi-valued fields.

Defines the class InSubImageProps, a simple container for some properties that can be defined for an input subimage that is to be delivered to the corresponding call of the module's calculateOutputSubImage method.

This file defines the classes ImageProperties.

Defines the class Host for the processing of image processing graphs (see class PagedImage and Module).

Defines the class FieldSensor to realize the concept of field sensors that can observe fields.

Defines the base class Field from which many classes are derived, like StringField and IntField for unified access to image processing parameters of ML module subclasses.

Defined and implements an engine that is an ML module implementing only operations on fields.

This file contains definitions of input and output connectors for the mlModule class, which are necessary to connect ML modules.

Defines the class TileRequest.

Defines the class ProcessingTimeLine.

Defines the class ProcessAllPagesJob.

Defines the class.

Defines the class PageRequestCursor.

Defines the class PageRequest.

Defines the class GetTileJob.

Implements the classic host processing for getTile/processAllPages Thread-safety: This class is not thread-safe and should only be used from the main thread.

It contains source code documentation, release notes and known problems pages.

With field sensors, functions can be registered that shall be called when a corresponding field is modified.

Note that this file needs to be included explicitly, as it is part of the hidden C++ API of the ML. Do not use it, as it is part of the ML internals. If you need functionality, see the wrapped functionality in Module and PagedImage.

Thread-safety: This class is not thread-safe and should only be used from the main thread.

They describe properties of images and sometimes of subimages.

Note that this file needs to be included explicitly, as it is not part of mlModuleIncludes.h.

The image data can be partially available or not. This class has the following properties:

  • The image is composed of a number of numbered pages with an identical data type and extent. Pages can be available or not.
  • The properties of the image are inherited from the class MedicalImageProperties.
  • New properties of the pages are:
    • page extents
    • page number
    • the location within the entire image.
    • a reference to the memory chunk of type MLWeakMemoryBlockHandle
  • The PagedImage owns methods to create, remove, or copy pages, and to copy page contents to a subimage corresponding to them.
  • It also contains a MemoryImage, which can be used to maintain the entire image as a continuous memory area.

NOTE: Only one instance should be created of this class!

It represents a 6D box like image region defined by two 6D corner points.

The struct ErrorOutputInfos is passed to any call of a user registered function of type ErrorOutputCB to notify about detailed debug, error, or other runtime information. It passes the registered userData pointer for the callback function, a completely composed information string for convenience, and a structure of type ErrorOutputInfos to the function. The struct contains:

  • a type identifier (information, warning, error, fatal error, or debug),
  • a prefix string for the library that created the information,
  • a prefix string with arbitrary information printed before a function,
  • the function name
  • the error code
  • the reason/info string,
  • the string with information about the handling of the error,
  • the file name,
  • the line number, and
  • the time stamp when message was received by the error handler of the error/warning/information/debug position.

Objects/classes derived from the abstract class ImagePropertyExtension can be added to this container to define extensions of the MedicalimageProperties of an ML paged image.

This is a class where any instance can register itself with a callback. The callback will be called if any state flag in the ML changes. This way, these instances can update themselves if the ML changes. Note that the notify callbacks may be called from within any environment. This way, critical sections (to avoid parallel execution) could be active or field notifications could be disabled. For example, updating fields within such a callback may fail or critical sections could block. However, the caller should try to avoid that in general.

It manages a dictionary of runtime types, and it can create and remove runtime types. This class contains only static components and must be initialized with init() and destroyed with destroy() on ML initialization/destruction.

See also classes RuntimeType and RuntimeDict.

The class Runtime uses one global instance of this class for the runtime type system of the ML.

See also classes Runtime and RuntimeType.

To track this information, the macros defined in RuntimeSubClass.h have to be inserted in the declaration and implementation of the associated classes.

The StringSwitch class is a simple form of a switch() statement that determines whether the given string matches one of the given string literals. The template type parameter T is the type of the value that will be returned from the string-switch expression. For example, the following code switches on the name of a color in argv[i]: (The code was taken from the LLVM project and modified for MBS's environment.)

Color color = StringSwitch<Color>(argv[i])
.Case("red", Red)
.Case("orange", Orange)
.Case("yellow", Yellow)
.Case("green", Green)
.Case("blue", Blue)
.Case("indigo", Indigo)
.Cases("violet", "purple", Violet)
.StartsWith("white", White)
.EndsWith("gray", Gray)

Another class Trace to be used in tracing macros is also implemented here. Note:

  • Both classes are implemented in one file to avoid tricky circular header dependencies which cannot be solved by moving code into .cpp files for performance reasons.

Macro to put all following code into the namespace ml to avoid collisions with symbols of other libraries. Use END_NAMESPACE_ML to close the namespace. Closes the namespace for all ML code after the usage of ML_UTILS_START_NAMESPACE.

Implementation of a Quaternion with common operations; for definition and examples see as reference page. It is also the source of many comments.

See mlImageFormatDoc.h for additional information.

Not to be used, as it is subject to change. See mlImageFormatBaseDoc.h for additional information.

See mlImageFormatBaseDoc.h for additional information.

See MLDataCompressorDoc.h for further information.

The output LUT is generated by chained evaluation of the input LUTs.

This class ought to be instantiated for a fixed index/value range. The instantiated object wraps a float rgba color table. A color at a certain index can be queried via the 'getColorAt' method, which takes an index/value as an argument and returns a float array, holding the r,g,b and a (red, green, blue, alpha) values. The range of these RGBA values is [0..1].

An object of class BaseList acts as a container for objects of different base-derived classes, allowing the composition and decomposition of different objects on network level.

This is useful if you want to modify the list while still needing the original one.

See also mlDiagramData and mlCurveList.

See also mlCurveData.h.

See also concrete implementations available as classes ListParser and BaseItemParser.


When a new mode is added, it should be registered here.

The class supports creating, clearing, resizing, loading saving, scaling and copying from/to SubImages 6d bitmaps. Access functions to the bits in the bitmap are available as set/get/cleared/toggle methods and by a cursor manager which can move a cursor through the image. Bits under the cursor can also be set/get/cleared or toggled. Debug printing is available with the symbol ML_BITIMAGE. Class instances can enable/disable error handling so that error cause exceptions to be thrown as MLErrorCodes. Typical are e.g. OUT_OUF_RANGE or ML_NO_MEMORY.

This is a wrapper for the VirtualVolume class specialized to a certain data type and with data access functions. Creation is not very expensive, so it can be done e.g. in each calcOutSubImg. It implements fast getValue and setValue access methods to image data. Both call optimized functions for image extents and data type. See class documentation for further class description by an example.

The CSOEvents are implemented parallel to the notification system. While the notification system is used for the communication between modules, the CSOEvents are to be used for application communication.

Persistence methods are implemented in CSOListPersistence.cpp

The constructor typically sends an openEventGroup event and a pre-command, the destructor typically sends a post-command and a closeEventGroup event. Just add an object to a scope (e.g., a method or the body of any condition).

Works even on closed CSOs and over seed point boundaries.

Sublcasses are derived to specify predicates and are used by the CSOValidator class.

It defines a single sub sphere for a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'. TileSphere will generate its own sub spheres if necessary.

The TileSphereHashTable is the underlying data structure for a fast nearest pair search algorithm described by Sean Quinlan in 'Efficient Distance Computation between Non-Convex Objects'.

The design is derived from Qt's QAbstractItemModel, but does away with the row/column scheme for supporting tables. Instead we just have child items with abstract data attributes.

Give a list of selected attributes of source model to the constructor.

Derived classes must override the filterItem method.


Helper class for handling cluster references

A voxel array holds references (indices) to elements of a ClusterRefCollection. By this references the cluster id and the cluster size for every voxel can be determined

Include most ML specific things. Get C-API of ML.

Include all basic stuff for ITK wrapping.

Include most ml specific things. Include most ML specific things. Include base list containers for point-like lists etc.

Include most ML specific things. Include base list containers for point-like lists etc. Include required ITK stuff needed by many macros.

ML basics. Base input of of reference counted DicomModifyBaseLists. Reference-counted DCMTree. Field AddOn to manage selectors and input connectors for DCMTree. File handles used in MultiFileVolumes. Set of frames organized in z,t,u-dimension. Decomposition of multiple lines of z t u components. Prevents automatic removal of DICOM caches to prevent reloads during ovbject life time.

Configurable message collector class(es).

MultiFileVolumeList and stuff to pass it to the base output.

This still does not work, probably, because of a simple error. For a complete implementation NOT an assignment from PR-files to images on which they must be rendered is needed, but for an image the PR files to be rendered on it should be searched, i.e. the current way with the "mlRelatedDicomVolumeFieldAddOn.h" should be inverted. Also dcmtk allows only rendering in 8-Bit result images with another scaling, a 16 bit version is not supported/implemented. It is questionable whether an 8 bit rendering would be sufficient. Dcmtk, however, maybe could be very helpful when an exporter shall be created, because for that purpose the dcmtk PR class is well suited.

Typedef Documentation

◆ _DOCFieldAddOnListType

Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns.

Definition at line 43 of file mlDicomDOCSave.h.

◆ _EnhancedFieldAddOnListType

Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns.

Definition at line 43 of file mlDicomEnhancedSave.h.

◆ _FieldAddOnListType

Container type which handles all internally used DicomModifyFieldAddOns.

Definition at line 45 of file mlDicomSEGSave.h.

◆ BackgroundRequestId

The ID of a tile request.

Definition at line 30 of file mlImagingBackgroundTask.h.

◆ BackgroundTaskFinishedCB

typedef void ml::BackgroundTaskFinishedCB(void *data, BackgroundTask *task)

Definition at line 35 of file mlBackgroundTask.h.

◆ BackgroundTaskScheduleProcessPendingMessagesCB

typedef void ml::BackgroundTaskScheduleProcessPendingMessagesCB(void *data)

Definition at line 50 of file mlBackgroundTaskManager.h.

◆ BaseEventCallback

typedef void ml::BaseEventCallback(void *, BaseEvent *)

Definition at line 25 of file mlEventSource.h.

◆ CalculateOutputImagePropertiesCB

typedef void ml::CalculateOutputImagePropertiesCB(void *userData, PagedImage *outImage)

Callback for the calculation of the output image properties for outputImage.

Definition at line 27 of file mlModuleInterfaces.h.

◆ CDouble1Vec

typedef std::vector<double> ml::CDouble1Vec

Definition at line 33 of file AssocGraph.h.

◆ CDouble2Vec

typedef std::vector<CDouble1Vec> ml::CDouble2Vec

Definition at line 34 of file AssocGraph.h.

◆ CDoubleArray

typedef std::vector<CDouble2Vec> ml::CDoubleArray

Definition at line 35 of file AssocGraph.h.

◆ Complexd

typedef std::complex<double> ml::Complexd

Definition at line 55 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ Complexf

typedef std::complex<float> ml::Complexf

Definition at line 54 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ csoNotificationCB

typedef void ml::csoNotificationCB(void *data, int notificationFlag)

Defines the function signature for the callback methods that is to be touched by a CSOList notification.

Definition at line 32 of file CSOList.h.

◆ CurveSeries

typedef std::vector<double> ml::CurveSeries

Type definition of a standard vector of single series of X- or Y-values.

Definition at line 36 of file mlCurveData.h.

◆ default_executor

Definition at line 57 of file mlTaskSystem.h.

◆ detected_t

template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
using ml::detected_t = typedef typename internal::detector<internal::nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::type

Definition at line 80 of file mlTemplateHelpers.h.

◆ DICOMCachedIOFileHandle

"Forward" to DICOMCachedIOFileHandle.

Typical filename is encoded in a std::string therefore using char as string component.

Forward declaration to internally used stuff.

Definition at line 24 of file mlDICOMCachedIODCMTreeLoaderPlugin.h.

◆ DicomSegmentItemBitImage

Implementation file of a class describing a BitImage type to be read/write as DICOM SEG image.

Definition at line 87 of file mlDicomSegmentItemImage.h.

◆ DicomSegmentItemSubImage

Implementation file of a class describing a unsigned 8 bit sub image type to be read/write as DICOM SEG image.

Definition at line 84 of file mlDicomSegmentItemImage.h.

◆ DicomSegmentItemVector

Type describing a sequence of SegmentItems similar to its description in the DICOM standard under SEGMENTATION IMAGE MODULE ATTRIBUTES.

Definition at line 123 of file mlDicomSegmentItem.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportFileList

For backward compatibility:

Definition at line 228 of file mlFileListToolsFileList.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportImportFileAttribute

For backward compatibility:

Definition at line 126 of file mlFileListToolsFileAttribute.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportImportFilterPlugin

For backward compatibility:

Definition at line 483 of file mlFileListFilterPlugin.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportImportFilterPluginBase

For backward compatibility:

Definition at line 136 of file mlFileListFilterPluginBase.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportOutVolumeList

For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications:

Definition at line 418 of file mlMultiFileVolumeList.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportPageFileNameSet

For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications:

Definition at line 315 of file mlZTUFileNameSet.h.

◆ DirectDicomImportVolumeReference

For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications:

Definition at line 481 of file mlMultiFileVolume.h.

◆ DMFileReaderPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMFileReader> ml::DMFileReaderPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMFileReader.

Definition at line 34 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMImageDataStructPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMImageDataStruct> ml::DMImageDataStructPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMIMageDataStruct.

Definition at line 40 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMImagePtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMImage> ml::DMImagePtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMImage.

Definition at line 37 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMTagDataPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMTagData> ml::DMTagDataPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagData.

Definition at line 55 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMTagDirectoryPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMTagDirectory> ml::DMTagDirectoryPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagMap.

Definition at line 46 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMTagGroupPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMTagGroup> ml::DMTagGroupPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagGroup.

Definition at line 52 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMTagPtr

typedef boost::shared_ptr<DMTag> ml::DMTagPtr

Boost shared-pointer type definitions for DMTagEntry.

Definition at line 43 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMTagPtrVector

typedef std::vector<DMTagPtr> ml::DMTagPtrVector

Vector of shared pointers to DMTags.

Definition at line 49 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DoubleKernel

Kernel type with MLdouble elements.

Definition at line 2173 of file mlKernel.h.

◆ FileLoadStateLookUp

typedef std::map< std::string, int> ml::FileLoadStateLookUp

Typedef for a map used for fast look up of file load states.

Definition at line 47 of file mlDirectDicomImportDPLTagValueProvider.h.

◆ FilterMessageList

typedef std::list< FilterMessage > ml::FilterMessageList

List of messages which can occur during filter calls.

Definition at line 58 of file mlFilterMessage.h.

◆ FloatKernel

Definition at line 2170 of file mlKernel.h.

◆ high_executor

Definition at line 58 of file mlTaskSystem.h.

◆ ImagePropertyExtensionVector

Defines the STL container type of ImagePropertyExtension objects.

Definition at line 99 of file mlImagePropertyExtension.h.

◆ ImageVector

Defines the standard ImageVector type that is used by the ML for indexing and coordinates.

Definition at line 285 of file mlImageVector.h.

◆ IntegerPosition3D

Definition at line 20 of file mlBresenham3D.h.

◆ is_detected

template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
using ml::is_detected = typedef typename internal::detector<internal::nonesuch, void, Op, Args...>::value_t

Definition at line 74 of file mlTemplateHelpers.h.

◆ Kernel

Standard kernel type to be used in this kernel library.

Definition at line 2183 of file mlKernel.h.

◆ KernelDataType

Define the standard data type for kernel elements to be used in this library.

Definition at line 2180 of file mlKernel.h.

◆ LDoubleKernel

Kernel type with MLldouble elements.

Definition at line 2176 of file mlKernel.h.

◆ ListContainerHandleNotificationCB

typedef bool ml::ListContainerHandleNotificationCB(void *usrData, Field *field)

Callback for handleNotification forwarding (return false if notification should not be propagated to ListContainer)

Definition at line 40 of file mlListContainer.h.

◆ Lock

typedef boost::mutex::scoped_lock ml::Lock

Defines a lock for locking a non-recursive mutex.

Definition at line 41 of file mlMutex.h.

◆ low_executor

Definition at line 56 of file mlTaskSystem.h.

◆ LUTRGBAPointList

typedef std::vector<LUTRGBAPoint> ml::LUTRGBAPointList

Type definition for a vector of sampling points.

Definition at line 108 of file mlLUTFLinear.h.

◆ Matrix2

The standard 2x2 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 518 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ Matrix2d

A 2x2 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 514 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ Matrix2f

A 2x2 matrix of type float.

Definition at line 512 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ Matrix2ld

A 2x2 matrix of type long double.

Definition at line 516 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ Matrix3

The standard 3x3 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 711 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ Matrix3d

A 3x3 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 707 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ Matrix3f

A 3x3 matrix of type float.

Definition at line 705 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ Matrix3ld

A 3x3 matrix of type long double.

Definition at line 709 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ Matrix4

The standard 4x4 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 713 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ Matrix4d

A 4x4 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 709 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ Matrix4f

A 4x4 matrix of type float.

Definition at line 707 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ Matrix4ld

A 4x4 matrix of type long double.

Definition at line 711 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ Matrix5

The standard 5x5 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 705 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ Matrix5d

A 5x5 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 701 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ Matrix5f

A 5x5 matrix of type float.

Definition at line 699 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ Matrix5ld

A 5x5 matrix of type long double.

Definition at line 703 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ Matrix6

The standard 6x6 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 636 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ Matrix6d

A 6x6 matrix of type double.

Definition at line 632 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ Matrix6f

A 6x6 matrix of type float.

Definition at line 630 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ Matrix6ld

A 6x6 matrix of type long double.

Definition at line 634 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ MLGlobalTraceBufferType

The type used in the MLGlobalTraceBuffer.

Definition at line 238 of file mlTrace.h.

◆ mlItkComplexd

typedef std::complex<double> ml::mlItkComplexd

Definition at line 50 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkComplexf

typedef std::complex<float> ml::mlItkComplexf

Definition at line 49 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector2d

typedef itk::CovariantVector<double, 2> ml::mlItkCVVector2d

Definition at line 41 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector2f

typedef itk::CovariantVector<float, 2> ml::mlItkCVVector2f

Definition at line 28 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector3d

typedef itk::CovariantVector<double, 3> ml::mlItkCVVector3d

Definition at line 42 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector3f

typedef itk::CovariantVector<float, 3> ml::mlItkCVVector3f

Definition at line 29 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector4d

typedef itk::CovariantVector<double, 4> ml::mlItkCVVector4d

Definition at line 43 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector4f

typedef itk::CovariantVector<float, 4> ml::mlItkCVVector4f

Definition at line 30 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector6d

typedef itk::CovariantVector<double, 6> ml::mlItkCVVector6d

Definition at line 44 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector6f

typedef itk::CovariantVector<float, 6> ml::mlItkCVVector6f

Definition at line 31 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector8d

typedef itk::CovariantVector<double, 8> ml::mlItkCVVector8d

Definition at line 45 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkCVVector8f

typedef itk::CovariantVector<float, 8> ml::mlItkCVVector8f

Definition at line 32 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkDiffusionTensor3Dd

typedef itk::DiffusionTensor3D<double> ml::mlItkDiffusionTensor3Dd

Definition at line 60 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkDiffusionTensor3Df

typedef itk::DiffusionTensor3D<float> ml::mlItkDiffusionTensor3Df

Definition at line 59 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Dd

typedef itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor<double,3> ml::mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Dd

Definition at line 62 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Df

typedef itk::SymmetricSecondRankTensor<float, 3> ml::mlItkSymmetricSecondRankTensor3Df

Definition at line 61 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector2d

typedef itk::Vector<double, 2> ml::mlItkVector2d

Definition at line 36 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector2f

typedef itk::Vector<float, 2> ml::mlItkVector2f

Definition at line 23 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector3d

typedef itk::Vector<double, 3> ml::mlItkVector3d

Definition at line 37 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector3f

typedef itk::Vector<float, 3> ml::mlItkVector3f

Definition at line 24 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector4d

typedef itk::Vector<double, 4> ml::mlItkVector4d

Definition at line 38 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector4f

typedef itk::Vector<float, 4> ml::mlItkVector4f

Definition at line 25 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector6d

typedef itk::Vector<double, 6> ml::mlItkVector6d

Definition at line 39 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector6f

typedef itk::Vector<float, 6> ml::mlItkVector6f

Definition at line 26 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector8d

typedef itk::Vector<double, 8> ml::mlItkVector8d

Definition at line 40 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ mlItkVector8f

typedef itk::Vector<float, 8> ml::mlItkVector8f

Definition at line 27 of file mlITKNonScalarSupport.h.

◆ MLPCLPointIndexVector

typedef std::vector<pcl::PointIndices> ml::MLPCLPointIndexVector

Vector of point indexes which are generated by a number of algorithms.

Definition at line 77 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZ

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ml::MLPointCloudXYZ

The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 83 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZINormal

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZINormal> ml::MLPointCloudXYZINormal

The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 104 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZINormal>::Ptr ml::MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr

The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 107 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZLNormal

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZLNormal> ml::MLPointCloudXYZLNormal

The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 90 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZLNormal>::Ptr ml::MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr

The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 93 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZPtr

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr ml::MLPointCloudXYZPtr

The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 86 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal> ml::MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal

The basic point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 97 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr

typedef pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal>::Ptr ml::MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr

The basic pointer type of a point cloud type used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 100 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPolygonMesh

typedef pcl::PolygonMesh ml::MLPolygonMesh

The basic polygon type of a pcl::PolygonMesh used in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 111 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPolygonMeshPtr

typedef pcl::PolygonMesh::Ptr ml::MLPolygonMeshPtr

The basic pointer type of a pcl::PolygonMesh in the PCL MeVisLab binding.

Definition at line 114 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ ModifierFunction

typedef void(* ml::ModifierFunction) (SubImage *tSubImg, const ImageVector &p, void *userData)

Function type which modifies a value in a typed subimage given by tSubImg.

It receives the global position p of the voxel to be modified and a user data pointer set when the function is passed to the class. Note that this function must consider the data type of tSubImg.

Definition at line 63 of file mlRasterFunction.h.

◆ ModuleFieldAddOnFactoryPtr

◆ ModuleFieldAddOnPtr

◆ Point2D

typedef boost::tuple<MLint, MLint> ml::Point2D

Definition at line 34 of file CSOLabelPlacementGlobal.h.

◆ PrivateDICOMTagCreatorIdMap

Shortcut to internally used map to store private creators.

Definition at line 259 of file mlPrivateDICOMTags.h.

◆ progress_callback_t

typedef void(* ml::progress_callback_t) (MLdouble progress, void *userData)

Callback typedef that can be given to certain function that provide progress information.

Definition at line 34 of file mlDcmtkMLConverters.h.

◆ Quaternion

Defines the default Quaternion type that is used by the ML; it uses double as component type.

Definition at line 925 of file mlQuaternion.h.

◆ Quaterniond

The default Quaternion type used in the ML as a specialization from TQuaternion.

Definition at line 919 of file mlQuaternion.h.

◆ Quaternionf

A smaller Quaternion type as a specialization from TQuaternion.

Definition at line 916 of file mlQuaternion.h.

◆ Quaternionld

A large Quaternion type for further extensions of the ML as a specialization from TQuaternion.

Definition at line 922 of file mlQuaternion.h.

◆ RecursiveLock

typedef boost::recursive_mutex::scoped_lock ml::RecursiveLock

Defines a lock for locking a recursive mutex.

Definition at line 34 of file mlMutex.h.

◆ ScaleShiftData

Double version of TScaleShiftData for maximum reasonable precision.

Definition at line 326 of file mlScaleShiftData.h.

◆ SourceFrameReferenceVector

A Vector of entries which should have at least two entries:

Definition at line 46 of file mlEnhancedMultiFrameTools.h.

◆ StringPairSet

typedef std::set<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > ml::StringPairSet

Set of string pairs; typically to store unique pairs of DICOM UIDs.

Definition at line 154 of file mlEnhancedMultiFrameTools.h.

◆ SubImageBox

Defines the standard SubImageBox type used in the ML. Its size varies with the size of the MLint type.

Definition at line 255 of file mlSubImageBox.h.

◆ Thread

typedef boost::thread ml::Thread

Definition at line 26 of file mlThread.h.

◆ TileRequestFinishedCB

typedef void ml::TileRequestFinishedCB(void *data, TileRequest *request)

Callback for a finished TileRequest.

Definition at line 34 of file mlTileRequest.h.

◆ TriggerField

TriggerField is an alias for the NotifyField, which is easier to find for Open Inventor users who are used to the 'SoSFTrigger' field.

Definition at line 626 of file mlFields.h.

◆ TSearchTerm

typedef std::multimap< unsigned int, std::string > ml::TSearchTerm

Typedef to define filter criteria to filter the list of volume references e.g.

with tag ids of unsigned int type.

Definition at line 40 of file mlMultiFileVolumeList.h.

◆ TStrStrMap

typedef std::map< std::string, std::string > ml::TStrStrMap

Definition at line 59 of file mlCSOListToRTStructureSetIOD.h.

◆ TStrStrPair

typedef std::pair< std::string, std::string > ml::TStrStrPair

Definition at line 60 of file mlCSOListToRTStructureSetIOD.h.

◆ vec3i

typedef FloatingPointVector<int, 3> ml::vec3i

A type definition of a 3D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values!

Definition at line 97 of file mlVecList.h.

◆ vec4i

typedef FloatingPointVector<int, 4> ml::vec4i

A type definition of a 4D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values!

Definition at line 123 of file mlVecList.h.

◆ vec6i

typedef FloatingPointVector<int, 6> ml::vec6i

A type definition of a 6D integer vector derived from FloatingPointVector; note that some FloatingPointVector functionality will not work precisely on integer values!

Definition at line 148 of file mlVecList.h.

◆ Vector10

A vector with ten components of type double.

Definition at line 103 of file mlVector10.h.

◆ Vector10d

A vector with ten components of type double.

Definition at line 99 of file mlVector10.h.

◆ Vector10f

A vector with ten components of type float.

Definition at line 97 of file mlVector10.h.

◆ Vector10ld

A vector with ten components of type long double.

Definition at line 101 of file mlVector10.h.

◆ Vector16

A vector with 16 components of type double.

Definition at line 110 of file mlVector16.h.

◆ Vector16d

A vector with 16 components of type double.

Definition at line 106 of file mlVector16.h.

◆ Vector16f

A vector with 16 components of type float.

Definition at line 104 of file mlVector16.h.

◆ Vector16ld

A vector with 16 components of type long double.

Definition at line 108 of file mlVector16.h.

◆ Vector2

A vector with two components of type double.

Definition at line 159 of file mlVector2.h.

◆ Vector2d

A vector with two components of type double.

Definition at line 155 of file mlVector2.h.

◆ Vector2f

A vector with two components of type float.

Definition at line 153 of file mlVector2.h.

◆ Vector2ld

A vector with two components of type long double.

Definition at line 157 of file mlVector2.h.

◆ Vector3

A vector with three components of type double.

Definition at line 286 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ Vector32

A vector with 32 components of type double.

Definition at line 134 of file mlVector32.h.

◆ Vector32d

A vector with 32 components of type double.

Definition at line 130 of file mlVector32.h.

◆ Vector32f

A vector with 32 components of type float.

Definition at line 128 of file mlVector32.h.

◆ Vector32ld

A vector with 32 components of type long double.

Definition at line 132 of file mlVector32.h.

◆ Vector3d

A vector with three components of type double.

Definition at line 282 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ Vector3f

A vector with three components of type float.

Definition at line 280 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ Vector3ld

A vector with three components of type long double.

Definition at line 284 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ Vector4

A vector with four components of type double.

Definition at line 162 of file mlVector4.h.

◆ Vector4d

A vector with four components of type double.

Definition at line 158 of file mlVector4.h.

◆ Vector4f

A vector with four components of type float.

Definition at line 156 of file mlVector4.h.

◆ Vector4ld

A vector with four components of type long double.

Definition at line 160 of file mlVector4.h.

◆ Vector5

A vector with five components of type double.

Definition at line 207 of file mlVector5.h.

◆ Vector5d

A vector with five components of type double.

Definition at line 203 of file mlVector5.h.

◆ Vector5f

A vector with five components of type float.

Definition at line 201 of file mlVector5.h.

◆ Vector5ld

A vector with five components of type long double.

Definition at line 205 of file mlVector5.h.

◆ Vector6

A vector with six components of type double.

Definition at line 194 of file mlVector6.h.

◆ Vector64

A vector with 64 components of type double.

Definition at line 159 of file mlVector64.h.

◆ Vector64d

A vector with 64 components of type double.

Definition at line 155 of file mlVector64.h.

◆ Vector64f

A vector with 64 components of type float.

Definition at line 153 of file mlVector64.h.

◆ Vector64ld

A vector with 64 components of type long double.

Definition at line 157 of file mlVector64.h.

◆ Vector6d

A vector with six components of type double.

Definition at line 190 of file mlVector6.h.

◆ Vector6f

A vector with six components of type float.

Definition at line 188 of file mlVector6.h.

◆ Vector6ld

A vector with six components of type long double.

Definition at line 192 of file mlVector6.h.

◆ Vector7

A vector with seven components of type double.

Definition at line 98 of file mlVector7.h.

◆ Vector7d

A vector with seven components of type double.

Definition at line 94 of file mlVector7.h.

◆ Vector7f

A vector with seven components of type float.

Definition at line 92 of file mlVector7.h.

◆ Vector7ld

A vector with seven components of type long double.

Definition at line 96 of file mlVector7.h.

◆ Vector8

A vector with eight components of type double.

Definition at line 99 of file mlVector8.h.

◆ Vector8d

A vector with eight components of type double.

Definition at line 95 of file mlVector8.h.

◆ Vector8f

A vector with eight components of type float.

Definition at line 93 of file mlVector8.h.

◆ Vector8ld

A vector with eight components of type long double.

Definition at line 97 of file mlVector8.h.

◆ Vector9

A vector with nine components of type double.

Definition at line 102 of file mlVector9.h.

◆ Vector9d

A vector with nine components of type double.

Definition at line 98 of file mlVector9.h.

◆ Vector9f

A vector with nine components of type float.

Definition at line 96 of file mlVector9.h.

◆ Vector9ld

A vector with nine components of type long double.

Definition at line 100 of file mlVector9.h.

◆ VectorDimIdxType

typedef int ml::VectorDimIdxType

Signed integer type used as count and index type to traverse the array of the TVector.

Definition at line 29 of file mlIntegerVector.h.

◆ VoxelPosition

Definition at line 314 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ VoxelTestFunction

typedef bool(* ml::VoxelTestFunction) (const ImageVector &p, void *userData)

Function type used to decide whether a voxel is within an object or not.

This function is applied directly to the voxel volume without voxel to world transformation. It must return true if p is in object, otherwise false.

Definition at line 51 of file mlRasterFunction.h.

◆ VoxelValueVector

typedef std::vector<MLdouble> ml::VoxelValueVector

Definition at line 26 of file CSOVoxelSet.h.

◆ VoxelVector

typedef std::vector<Vector3> ml::VoxelVector

Definition at line 25 of file CSOVoxelSet.h.

◆ WEMIndexVectorProxy

template<typename T >
using ml::WEMIndexVectorProxy = typedef ContainerProxy<WEMIndexVector<T>, T, unsigned int, &WEMIndexVector<T>::num, &WEMIndexVector<T>::at>

Alias that provides an STL compatible interface for WEMIndexVector.

Definition at line 70 of file WEMIndexVector.h.

◆ wemNotificationCB

typedef void ml::wemNotificationCB(void *data, std::vector< WEMEventContainer > ecList)

Defines the function signature for the callback methods that is to be touched by a WEM notification.

Definition at line 72 of file WEM.h.

◆ WorldVoxelTestFunction

typedef bool(* ml::WorldVoxelTestFunction) (const Vector6 &p, void *userData)

Function type used to decide whether a voxel is within an object or not.

This function is applied directly after a transformation of a voxel coordinate to world coordinate. It must return true if p is in object, otherwise false.

Definition at line 57 of file mlRasterFunction.h.

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

TreeNode exceptions.

They have been placed outside of the class to prevent the user from having to add TreeNodeException:: at the beginning of each code. Do not forget to edit the array TreeNodeException::_stdErrorMsg[] when modifying the enum!


Definition at line 41 of file mlTreeNode.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

The default dimension of images in the ML.


Definition at line 29 of file mlImageVector.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Definition at line 84 of file mlTypeTraits.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

error codes for XMLTreeNode


Only for number calculations; do not use.


Definition at line 40 of file mlXMLTreeNode.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Private group and element id constants used for storing the Fraunhofer MEVIS tags.


The (fixed) private group in which the Fraunhofer MEVIS private tags are stored.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store original index of decomposed EnhancedMF frame, shall have Vr UL.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store original SOPInstanceUID of decomposed EnhancedMF frame, shall have Vr UI.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the version of the private tags related to BaseObject, Type 1, shall have Vr UL.


Lower 8 bits of element id of sequence tag to store a set of Base objects, shall have Vr SQ.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the runtime type id of the BaseObject, Type 1, shall have Vr UT.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store a user comment for the BaseObject, Type 3, shall have Vr UT.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store BaseObject.persistentState(), Type 1, shall have Vr UT.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the ids of Base items which were converted to GraphicAnnotations although they were located on frames but outside pixel areas, Type 1C (required if such Base items occur), shall have Vr SL.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the ids of Base items which were not converted to GraphicAnnotations because they were located on frames, however also outside pixel areas, Type 1C (required if such Base items occur), shall have Vr SL.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the ids of Base object items which were not converted to GraphicAnnotations because they could not be assigned to any frame, Type 1C (required if such Base items occur), shall have Vr SL.


Lower 8 bits of element id of tag to store the ids of Base items which make use of more than one position (lines, vectors), which, however, could not be converted to GraphicAnnotations, because they are not on the same frame, Type 1C (required if such Base items occur), shall have Vr SL.

Definition at line 62 of file mlDICOMPrivateFMETags.h.

◆ AttachedLabelPlacement


Definition at line 22 of file CSOLabelPlacementLocal.h.

◆ BoundingBoxModes

Enumeration of bounding box visualization. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part.


Axis aligned bounding box.


Object aligned (PCA) bounding box.

Definition at line 137 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ ColorModes

Enumeration of the color modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part.


A general color is taken for the whole WEM.


The nodes' colors are takes for coloring.


The nodes' LUT values are taken to read out the color of a LUT.


The nodes' LUT values are taken to read out the color of an integer LUT.


The nodes' are textured using textureS and textureT primitive value lists.


No internal SoMaterial node is used in the output scene.

Definition at line 114 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ Corner

enum ml::Corner

Enumeration of corner names for array access.


top left rear


top right rear


top right front


top left front


bottom left rear


bottom right rear


bottom right front


bottom left front

Definition at line 175 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CrossingSide

Enumeration of sides to which a segment can leave or enter a voxel box.

Includes 'NONE', if the segments ends or starts in the voxel box.


The voxel box is crossed to the top.


The voxel box is crossed to the bottom.


The voxel box is crossed to the right.


The voxel box is crossed to the left.


The voxel box is crossed to the front.


The voxel box is crossed to the rear.


The voxel box is not crossed at all.

Definition at line 206 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOAddToGroupModes

Enumeration of the add to group modes.


Add to group with label as defined by _addCSOToGroupWithLabelFld. A new group is generated if no group with this label exists.


Add to group with is as defined by _addCSOToGroupWithIdFld. If no group with this id exists, the CSO is not added to a group!

Definition at line 30 of file CSOGeneratorBase.h.

◆ CSOErrorCode

Enumeration of error codes.


Error code: no error, all is well.


Error code: no input image.


Error code: the input image is invalid (though not NULL).


Error code: out of memory.

Definition at line 125 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOGroupOverflowHandling

Enumeration for the group overflow handling modes.


If a CSOGroup is full, the first CSO in the group is replaced by the newly generated CSO.


If a CSOGroup is full, the last CSO in the group is replaced by the newly generated CSO.


If a CSOGroup is full, all CSOs in the group are deleted.


If a CSOGroup is full, one can not generate a new one.


Number of modes.

Definition at line 29 of file CSOGroupRules.h.

◆ CSOLineStyle



Definition at line 51 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOLiveWireNeighborhoodMode

The neighborhood modes for the graph search.


4 neighborhood (just the main directions).


8 neighborhood (main directions and the diagonals).

Definition at line 30 of file CSOLiveWireGraph.h.

◆ CSOMarkerDisplayMode


Definition at line 113 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOPathPointsStyle

Enumeration of line styles (order as StylePalette::LineStyle).


No line is drawn.


A solid line is drawn.


A dashed line is drawn.


A dotted line is drawn.


A short dashed line is drawn.

Definition at line 41 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOProcessorMode

Enumeration of Processor modes.


Processor mode: modificator only (no generation).


Processor mode: generator only (no modification).


Processor mode: generator and modificator.

Definition at line 146 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOProcessorPickingMode

Enumeration of processor picking mode.


Processor needs to pick seed points (and path point if no seed point was in the vicinity).


Processor needs to pick path points only. Seed points are not tested.

Definition at line 156 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSORemoveEmptyGroupHandling

Enumeration for empty groups removal.


Definition at line 30 of file CSOListRules.h.

◆ CSORemoveHandling

Enumeration for the removal handling of CSOs from group and if group is deleted.


If a CSO is removed from a group, it is also deleted from the list.


If a CSO is removed from a group, it is not deleted from the list.


If a CSO is removed from a group, it is only deleted from the list if it is in no group anymore.


Number of modes.

Definition at line 39 of file CSOGroupRules.h.

◆ CSOSeedPointStyle


Definition at line 99 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOSelectedSeedPointColoring

Enumeration of selected seed point coloring modes.


Brightens the selected seed points by an adjustable amount.


Sets the selected seed points to an adjustable color.

Definition at line 82 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOSelectedSeedPointSize

Enumeration of selected seed point size modes.


Enlarges the selected seed points by an adjustable amount.


Sets the selected seed points to an adjustable size.

Definition at line 91 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOSelectionColoring

Enumeration of selection coloring modes.


Brightens the selected CSOs by an adjustable amount.


Sets the selected CSOs to an adjustable color.

Definition at line 64 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOSelectionLineWidth

Enumeration of selection line width modes.


Widens the selected CSOs by an adjustable amount.


Sets the selected CSOs to an adjustable line width.

Definition at line 73 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOSmoothingModes

Enumeration of smoothing modes.


No smoothing.


Smoothing by applying a spline approximation (B-Spline).


Smoothing by applying a spline interpolation (Catmull-Rom).

Definition at line 165 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOStylePaletteLookUpType

Defines how the optionally attached StylePalette should be used.


Definition at line 39 of file CSOVisualizationSettingsWithStylePalette.h.

◆ CSOUpdateModes

Enumeration of update modes.


No new calculation on input changes.


Start a new calculation if any input field has changed.


Invalidate output image if any input field has changed.

Definition at line 136 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ CSOVisibleObjectIdsFor

Mode for setting the CSOs' or CSOGroups' visibility by their id.


Ids represent CSO ids.


Ids represent Group ids.

Definition at line 31 of file CSOVisualizationSettingsWithStylePalette.h.

◆ CSOVoxelWriteModes

Enumeration of the voxel value modes.


If a CSO is voxelized, its id (or the group id) is written into the image.


If a CSO is voxelized, this constant is written into the image.


If a CSO is voxelized, its id (or the group id) added to the constant value is written into the image.


A CSO (-Group) with this value is voxelized with the according module's values.

This is the default setting.




Definition at line 24 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ DcmModuleType


Definition at line 53 of file mlDcmtkAccessories.h.

◆ Direction

Enumeration of directions for marching direction.


Definition at line 190 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ DMEncodedStructureType

Enumerator describing the encoded type; the enumerator value is the same as the stored value in file.


short: data size = 2


long: data size = 4


unsigned short: data size = 2


unsigned long: data size = 4


float: data size = 4


double: data size = 8


boolean: data size = 1


char: data size = 1


octet: data size = 1


64 bit long unknown if signed or not (only .dm4)


64 bit long unknown if signed or not (only .dm4)


struct: contains the following data: struct_name: data size = struct_namelength x 1 [ for the n fields in the struct ] field_name: data size = field_namelength x 1 field_value: data size = sizeof(fieldtype)


string: data size = 2 x string length, stored as 2 byte unicode


data size = array_length x sizeof(array_type)


Undefined type, still not read from file or if mode does not match.


Invalid type, already read from file but value is wrong.

Definition at line 60 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ DMEncodedVoxelDataType

Enumerator describing the DMReader encoded voxel data type; the enumerator value corresponds to the values found in files to describe the pixel data types.


Definition at line 86 of file mlDMFileReaderDefs.h.

◆ LUTDimensionality

LUT dimensionality.


1D-LUT, consists of a single row


2D-LUT, consists of multiple rows in a single layer


3D-LUT, consists of multiple layers

Definition at line 78 of file mlLUTBasic.h.

◆ LUTVisualType

LUT visual type constants to identify the visual interpretation of the individual LUT channels.


Luminance (Gray)


Luminance and Alpha.


Red, Green, Blue.


Red, Green, Blue, Alpha.


Blue, Green, Red.


Alpha, Blue, Green, Red.


Number of visual types, including layout variants.


Number of visual types, ignoring layout variants.

Definition at line 30 of file mlLUTBasic.h.


Number of enumerator values for precompiled object types of the Point Cloud Library.


Definition at line 53 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


Number of enumerator values for precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library.


Definition at line 29 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


A constant describing an invalid enumerator for a PCL type.


Definition at line 68 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


A constant describing an invalid enumerator for a PCL point type.


Definition at line 43 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators

Enumerator for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library.


Enumerator for point clouds of pcl::PointXYZ.


Enumerator for point clouds of pcl::PointXYZLNormal.


Enumerator for point clouds of pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal.


Enumerator for point clouds of pcl::PointXYZINormal.

Enumerator for polygon mesh objects.

Definition at line 59 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators

Enumerator for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library.


Enumerator for pcl::PointXYZ.


Enumerator for pcl::PointXYZLNormal.


Enumerator for pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal.

Enumerator for pcl::PointXYZINormal.

Definition at line 35 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

◆ NodeRenderingModes

Enumeration of the node rendering modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part.


Only the nodes' positions are rendered.


As 'normal', but with the faces' centroids.


As 'high', but with positions on all edges.

Definition at line 127 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ OrientationTypes

Enumeration of orientation types.


Orientation: unknown.


Orientation: outward normals (positive volume).

Definition at line 179 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ PatchTypes

enum ml::PatchTypes : std::int32_t

Enumeration of mesh types.


Patch type: the type of the faces is unknown.


Patch type: all faces are triangles.


Patch type: all faces are quads.


Patch type: the faces can be n-polygons with up to WEM_MAX_NUM_NODES.

Definition at line 157 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ PrimitiveValueListTypes

enum ml::PrimitiveValueListTypes : std::int32_t

Enumeration of primitive value list types.


Node values.


Edge values.


Face values.

Definition at line 169 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ SplineModes

Enumeration of the different spline modes.


Interpolating spline: Catmull-Rom.


Interpolating spline: B-Spline.

Definition at line 30 of file CSOGeneratePathPoints.h.

◆ TestFuncMode

The modes how the voxel is tested.

Static or virtual functions can be used to test voxel or world coordinates.


Definition at line 40 of file mlRasterFunction.h.

◆ TriangulationModes

Enumeration of the triangulation modes. Note that these are 'mirrored' in the SoWEM part.


A new node is created at the center of the face.


A triangle fan is created out of the face.


A triangle strip is created out of the face.

Definition at line 146 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ WEMNotificationType

Defines the available WEM notifications.


Notification flag: no notification at all (for initializing).


Notification flag: a part has been selected.


Notification flag: an interaction on a part has been finished.


Notification flag: a part needs a repainting.


Notification flag: an interaction module needs initialization.

Definition at line 97 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

◆ WEMUpdateMode

Defines the update modes of WEM modules.


Module does not react on input change, output WEM remains.


Module computes anew on any input change.


Module clears its output on any input change (output WEM is empty).

Definition at line 87 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

Function Documentation

◆ _isScalarValueInRange() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool ml::_isScalarValueInRange ( const DATATYPE &  ,
bool  ,
double  ,
double  ,

Definition at line 134 of file mlKernelTools.h.

Referenced by isScalarValueInRange().

◆ _isScalarValueInRange() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool ml::_isScalarValueInRange ( const DATATYPE &  v,
bool  normal,
double  minVal,
double  maxVal,

Global static template functions for line filtering.

Check if a value is in the given range. If normal is true, the range is inclusive, otherwise the range is exclusive (i.e. the value may not lay in the range). The check always returns true if the value is not a scalar type.

Definition at line 122 of file mlKernelTools.h.

◆ abs()

template<typename DT >
DT ml::abs ( DT  val)

◆ addAndSetMultiBinarySEGPixelDataTag()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT std::string ml::addAndSetMultiBinarySEGPixelDataTag ( DCMTree::TreePtr  resultTree,
PagedImage inputPagedImage,
ImageVector imageExtentToAdapt,
const std::vector< DicomSegmentItem > &  segmentItems,
EnhancedMFSEGObjectInfos enhancedMFSegmentInfos,
bool  savePaddedPixelData 

In case of multiple binary segmentations this routine extracts binary segments from the segment list by using the segmentImageRangeMin/Max ranges and extracting them from the input image.

resultTreeThe DCMTree in which the pixel data tag is inserted.
inputPagedImageThe valid image from which the data type is loaded pixel data with min/max range with getTile.
imageExtentToAdaptImage extent which should default to input image extent and which is adapted to final composed extent of multi-frame heap extent: note that the written heap of frames is a composition of bounding-boxed segments which usually differ from input image extent since multiple segments with different threshold may be extracted which come from same or overlapping regions.
segmentItemsThe description of the segment items of the segment sequence of the SegmentationImageModule.
enhancedMFSegmentInfosContainer which is initialized with information about the found segments and to be passed to addMultiFrameFunctionalGroups().
savePaddedPixelDataAllow saving of old-style between-frame padded pixel data; recommended to be false.

◆ addCIDEntry()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::addCIDEntry ( const char *const  CIDGroupTable[][CIDGroups::NUM_CID_COLUMNS],
size_t  CIDGroupTableSize,
const std::string &  entryToAdd,
DCMTree::TreePtr  itemTree 

Adds the code sequence entry entryToAdd.

CIDGroupTableA CID code table in which a CID entry shall be searched.
CIDGroupTableSizeThe size of a CID code table in which a CID entry shall be searched.
entryToAddThe string which must match the column1 entry of the table entry to find and which shall be added.
itemTreeThe DCMTree in which the CID item shall be added.

◆ addMultiFrameDimensionTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::addMultiFrameDimensionTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const ImageVector frameHeapImageExtent,
const MedicalImageProperties medicalImageProps 

Adds the perFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence and the SharedFunctionalGroupösSequence for the Segmentation IOD to dcmTree, and adds numberFoFrames pereFrameFunctionalGroups sequence entries.

dcmTreeis the DICOM tree into which the tags shall be inserted.
frameHeapImageExtentis the extent of the frame heap to be stored.
medicalImagePropsProperties of the input image.
Maythrow DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ addMultiFrameFunctionalGroups()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::addMultiFrameFunctionalGroups ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const ImageVector frameHeapImageExtent,
const MedicalImageProperties medicalImageProps,
const std::vector< std::string > &  derivationCodeSequence = std::vector< std::string >(),
const EnhancedMFObjectInfosBase enhancedMFObjectInfos = EnhancedMFObjectInfosBase(),
DCMTree::Const_TreePtr  inputDcmTree = DCMTree::Const_TreePtr(),
std::vector< DCMTree::TagPtr > *  dicomImageTypeTags = nullptr,
std::vector< DCMTree::TagPtr > *  dicomImageDescriptionTags = nullptr,
bool  suppressWritingUnassignedContent = false 

Adds the perFrameFunctionalGroupsSequence and the SharedFunctionalGroupsSequence for.

  • Segmentation or
  • LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR IODs to dcmTree, and adds numberFoFrames pereFrameFunctionalGroups sequence entries. Note that the also required Type 1 Content Date and Content Time are not added here.
    dcmTreeis the DICOM tree into which the tags shall be inserted.
    frameHeapImageExtentis the extent of the frame heap to be stored; has to be in valid, > 0 and 2^31 range; consider getting input image extent from medicalImageProps if needed.
    medicalImagePropsis the source from which Image Orientation and Position as well as pixel spacing slice thickness etc are derived; its image extent is not of importance.
    derivationCodeSequenceThe code values to be inserted into the DerivationCodeSequence. If empty then this function does nothing and no Derivation Image Functional Group is added.
    enhancedMFObjectInfosObject information needed for the setup of the functional group tags; it will be used to determine the type of FunctionalGroups by using dynamic rtti casting it to known types, currently only EnhancedMFSEGObjectInfos for Segmentation IOD and LegacyConvertedEnhancedMRInfos for Legacy Converted Enhanced MR are supported.
    inputDcmTreeMaybe null in some contexts (e.g. SEG IOD), however, needed if ReferencedImageSequence or SourceImageSequence must be copied or added to destination.
    dicomImageTypeTagsMust pass the tags created of the instance of the DicomImageTypeTagInterface in case of LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR IOD, otherwise not needed.
    dicomImageDescriptionTagsMust pass the tags created of the instance of the DicomImageTypeTagInterface in case of LegacyConvertedEnhancedMR IOD, otherwise not needed.
    suppressWritingUnassignedContentIf true then no contents are written into Unassigned[PerFrame|Shared]ConvertedAttributes this is usually for testing since some tools complain about them for proper operation it should be false.
    Maythrow DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ addUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::addUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes ( DCMTree::Const_TreePtr  inputDcmTree,
DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
bool  removeReferencedImageSequence,
bool  suppressWritingUnassignedContent 

Adds the UnassignedSharedFunctionaGroupsSequence and a first entry to dcmTree if they still do not exist and copies all tags from inputDcmTree into it.

dcmTreeis the DICOM tree into which the UnassignedSharedFunctionaGroupsSequence and a first item shall be inserted.
inputDcmTreeThe tree whose tags shall be inserted in the first item.
removeReferencedImageSequenceWill remove ReferencedImageSequence from first item if true and if it is found there after adding.
suppressWritingUnassignedContentWill suppress addition of tags to first item (but not the removal of ReferencedImageSequence if there might be one!)

◆ AdjustDimensionInfos()

template<class T >
void ml::AdjustDimensionInfos ( std::vector< T > &  dimInfo,
MLssize_t  newStartPos,
size_t  newSize,
size_t  oldSize,
T  defaultValue = T{} 

Cut a new sub region out of existing C, T, or U dimension infos, filling undefined range with defaultValues.

dimInfodimension infos to be modified
newStartPosnew starting position, removing anything before
newSizeoffset to newStartPos for the new range
oldSizeusually takes the old image extent and is only used to
defaultValueThe value that should be used, when the dimInfo vector is extended check if something needs to be done at all, and to check consistency with dimInfo.size() (if not equal, dimInfo is cleared).

Definition at line 39 of file mlCTUDimensionInfoSupport.h.

◆ almostEqualRelativeAndAbs()

template<typename T >
constexpr bool ml::almostEqualRelativeAndAbs ( T  x,
T  y,
T  absoluteEpsilon,
T  relativeEpsilon = std::numeric_limits<T>::epsilon() 

Definition at line 43 of file mlNumericHelpers.h.

References T.

◆ appendDicomMessageFilters()

Append available DicomMessageFilters to messageFilterList.

◆ bresenham3D()

MLGRAPHUTILITIES_EXPORT std::vector<IntegerPosition3D> ml::bresenham3D ( const IntegerPosition3D pos0,
const IntegerPosition3D pos1 

◆ buildImageEvidenceSequence()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::buildImageEvidenceSequence ( DCMTree::Const_TreePtr  inputDcmTree,
DCMTree::RawTagId  inputSequenceTagId,
DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
DCMTree::RawTagId  evidenceSequenceTagId,
MLint  insertionIndex,
bool  scanFrames 

Creates and adds and ImageEvidenceSequence with Tag Id evidenceSequenceTagId to dcmTree and fills it with information from input sequence in inputDcmTree with tagId inputSequenceTagId.

The tags SeriesInstanceUID and StudyInstanceUID are also retrieved from inputDcmTree and added to inputSequenceTagId.

inputDcmTreeThe tree to get SeriesInstanceUID, StudyinstanceUID and contents of inputSequenceTagId (typically DCMTree_ReferencedImageSequence or DCMTree_SourceImageSequence) from.
inputSequenceTagIdThe sequence in inputDcmTree to get the SOPClass/SopInstanceUIDs from to insert into the evidence sequence.
dcmTreeThe output tree into which the evidence sequence is inserted.
evidenceSequenceTagIdThe id of the evidence sequence to create (typically DCMTree_ReferencedImageEvidenceSequence or DCMTree_SourceImageEvidenceSequence)
insertionIndex-1: Append a new entry to the end of the evidence sequence, >=0: The entry into which the entries added, otherwise undefined.
scanFramesIf true then also all SMF frames are scanned for UID unique pairs, if false then only the top-level is scanned. throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures. TODO: Possibly not all possible entries are detected. Only unique entries from the Image Sequence are taken and top-level Series and StudyInstaceUID. This might not be fully correct and is still to check.

◆ callSameTyped_filterT()

template<class MODULE_TYPE >
std::string ml::callSameTyped_filterT ( MODULE_TYPE &  mod,
const std::string &  successfullCalledFilterMessage = "",
const std::string &  noValidPointCloudMessage = "No input point clouds",
const std::string &  noInput1PointCloudMessage = "No input 1 point cloud",
const std::string &  noInput2PointCloudMessage = "No input 2 point cloud",
const std::string &  differentPointCloudMessage = "Input point clouds do not have same point type" 

Helper function to call.

Allow tool function to call _filterT.

template <typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE1, typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE2>
void mod._filterT(const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE1 &inputPointCloud1, const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE2 &inputPointCloud2);

if inputPointCloud1 from first MLPCLObjectPtrsContainer and inputPointCloud2 from second MLPCLObjectPtrsContainer have same non nullptr point cloud members.

modThe module on which _filterT shall be called; MODULE_TYPE must declare _filterT as friend or public to make this possible (for example with
template <class MODULE_TYPE> friend std::string callSameTyped_filterT(MODULE_TYPE &mod, ...);)
std::string callSameTyped_filterT(MODULE_TYPE &mod, const std::string &successfullCalledFilterMessage="", const std::string &noValidPointCloudMessage="No input point clouds", const std::string &noInput1PointCloudMessage="No input 1 point cloud", const std::string &noInput2PointCloudMessage="No input 2 point cloud", const std::string &differentPointCloudMessage="Input point clouds do not have same point type")
Helper function to call.
successfullCalledFilterMessageString to be returned if mod._filterT has been called.
noValidPointCloudMessageString to be returned if no point cloud is provided at both inputs.
noInput1PointCloudMessageString to be returned if no point cloud is provided at first input.
noInput2PointCloudMessageString to be returned if no point cloud is provided at first input.
differentPointCloudMessageString to be returned if both inputs have differently typed point clouds.
An string according to defined messages.

Definition at line 246 of file mlPCLObjectPtrsContainer.h.

◆ checkObject()

template<class T >
T* ml::checkObject ( vtkObject *  vtkObjPtr)

Definition at line 43 of file mlVTKCommonWrappers.h.

◆ checkPointer()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT vtkObject* ml::checkPointer ( const std::string &  reqConnectType,
vtkObject *  vtkObjPtr 

Helper function for check if vtkObjPtr or its output is of requested type recConnectType.

reqConnectTypeis the name of the type which must match with the type of vtkObjPtr.
vtkObjPtris the pointer to the vtk object whose type shall be checked.
is vtkObjPtr if its type matches; otherwise it is its output if it matches; otherwise NULL.

◆ clamp()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clamp ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  lower,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  upper 

Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to range [lower, upper].

Note that this does not hold if components in lower are greater than their corresponding ones in upper. See FloatingPointVector<T, size, DataContainer>::clamp().

Definition at line 523 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ clampMax()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clampMax ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  m 

Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to maximum m.

See FloatingPointVector<T, size, DataContainer>::clampMax().

Definition at line 508 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ clampMin()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > clampMin ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  m 

Returns a new vector with all components from vec clamped to minimum m.

See FloatingPointVector<T, size, DataContainer>::clampMin().

Definition at line 495 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ compAbs()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compAbs ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec)

Returns a vector with all components from vec without negative sign.

Definition at line 447 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

Referenced by ml::TVector< TVectorBase >::compAbs().

◆ compDiv()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compDiv ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  d 

Component-wise division of vec / d.

Division by zeros are not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 482 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ compMax()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compMax ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  buffer1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer2 

◆ compMin()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compMin ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  buffer1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer2 

◆ compMul()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
T compMul ( const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  vec)

Returns the product of all components.

Definition at line 537 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

Referenced by ml::TVector< TVectorBase >::compMul(), ml::ImageProperties::getNumVoxels(), and ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getNumVoxels().

◆ compSqr()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compSqr ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec)

Returns a vector with all components from vec squared.

Definition at line 458 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ compSqrt()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > compSqrt ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  vec)

Returns a vector with all components from vec square-rooted.

Definition at line 470 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ convertCIELabToRGB()

Vector3 ml::convertCIELabToRGB ( const Vector3 cieLabIn,
bool  clampToStayInRGB = true 

Converts an CIELab value to RGB without regarding monitor or observation specific settings, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

Even with valid input values RGB values may be out of range after conversion since RGB cannot represent all XYZ values.

Definition at line 84 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

References convertCIELabToXYZ(), and convertXYZToRGB().

◆ convertCIELabToXYZ()

Vector3 ml::convertCIELabToXYZ ( const Vector3 cieLabIn)

Small and bad converter from CIELab in range [0,-128,-128], [100, 128, 128] to XYZ in range [0,0,0], [95.047, 100, 108.883], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

See for demonstration pseudo code.

Definition at line 57 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

Referenced by convertCIELabToRGB().

◆ convertRGBToCIELab()

Vector3 ml::convertRGBToCIELab ( const Vector3 rgbIn)

Converts an RGB value in [0,1] to CIELab without regarding monitor or observation specific settings, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

Definition at line 150 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

References convertRGBToXYZ(), and convertXYZToCIELab().

◆ convertRGBToXYZ()

Vector3 ml::convertRGBToXYZ ( const Vector3 rgbIn,
bool  clampToObserver2IlluminantD65 = false 

Small and bad converter from RGB to XYZ with r,g,b in [0,1], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

See for demonstration pseudo code.

Definition at line 90 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

Referenced by convertRGBToCIELab().

◆ convertTo()

template<typename T , std::size_t N>
constexpr T ml::convertTo ( const char(&)  t[N])

Definition at line 25 of file mlNumericHelpers.h.

References N, and T.

◆ convertToUTF8String() [1/2]

ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::string ml::convertToUTF8String ( const std::wstring &  text)

◆ convertToUTF8String() [2/2]

ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::string ml::convertToUTF8String ( const wchar_t *  text)

◆ convertUTF8ToWString() [1/2]

ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::wstring ml::convertUTF8ToWString ( const char *  text)

◆ convertUTF8ToWString() [2/2]

ML_UTILS_EXPORT std::wstring ml::convertUTF8ToWString ( const std::string &  text)

◆ convertXYZToCIELab()

Vector3 ml::convertXYZToCIELab ( const Vector3 xyzIn)

Small and bad converter from XYZ to CIELab, assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

See for demonstration pseudo code.

Definition at line 125 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

Referenced by convertRGBToCIELab().

◆ convertXYZToRGB()

Vector3 ml::convertXYZToRGB ( const Vector3 xyzIn,
bool  clampToStayInRGB = true 

Small and bad converter from XYZ in range [0,0,0], [95.047, 100, 108.883] to RGB with r,g,b in [0,0,0] to [1,1,1], assuming observer = 2° and illuminant = D65.

Even with valid input values RGB values may be out of range after conversion since RGB cannot represent all XYZ values. See for demonstration pseudo code.

Definition at line 25 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

Referenced by convertCIELabToRGB().

◆ copyITKDataBufferToMLSubImg()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::copyITKDataBufferToMLSubImg ( void *  itkData,
size_t  itkDataTypeSize,
const SubImageBox itkBox,
SubImage outSubImg 

Unpack ITK data buffer to an ML subimage and convert data formats if necessary.

itkData needs to point to the ITK data buffer and itkDataTypeSize is the size of one voxel in the itkData buffer. outSubImg is the output page to be filled with data from itkData. itkBox describes the location and extent of the ITK data buffer. Note that the itkData region is considered contiguous without gaps.

Referenced by processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg().

◆ createTSubImageVariant()

template<typename... T>
TSubImageVariant<T...> ml::createTSubImageVariant ( const SubImage subImage)

Creates from the provided SubImage a variant of any of the provided types T containing the TSubImage<T>.


void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(SubImage *outSubImage, int outIndex,
SubImage *inputSubImage)
MLuint64, MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble>(inputSubImage);
MLuint64, MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble>(outSubImage);
auto visitor = [this, outIndex](auto &out, const auto &in)
{ calculateOutputSubImage(out, outIndex, in); };
std::visit(visitor, output, input);
template <typename T, typename U>
void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(TSubImage<T> &outputSubImage,
int outputIndex,
const TSubImage<U> &inputSubImage)
// do the output image calculation here
UINT64 MLuint64
Introduce platform-independent 64-bit unsigned integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:425
unsigned int MLuint32
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:185
unsigned char MLuint8
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:109
double MLdouble
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:217
unsigned short MLuint16
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:142
signed short MLint16
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:125
char MLint8
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:97
INT64 MLint64
Include 64-bit integer support for Windows or Unix.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:412
signed int MLint32
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:161
float MLfloat
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:201
TSubImageVariant< T... > createTSubImageVariant(const SubImage *subImage)
imageThe input SubImage

Definition at line 242 of file mlTSubImageVariant.h.

References T.

◆ createTSubImageVariantArray()

template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
TSubImageVariantArray<N, T...> ml::createTSubImageVariantArray ( const SubImage inputs)

Creates from input SubImages an array of variant of any of the provided types T containing the TSubImage<T>.


void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(SubImage *outSubImage,
int outIndex,
SubImage *inSubImage)
auto inputs =
MLuint64, MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble>(outSubImage);
auto visitor = [this, outIndex](auto &out, const auto &in)
{ calculateOutputSubImage(out, outIndex, in); };
std::visit(visitor, output, inputs);
template <typename T, typename U, std::size_t N>
void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(TSubImage<T> &outputSubImage,
int outputIndex,
const std::array<TSubImage<U>, N> &inputSubImage)
// do the output image calculation here
@ N
Definition: SoKeyGrabber.h:65
TSubImageVariantArray< N, T... > createTSubImageVariantArray(const SubImage *inputs)
inputA C-array of size N of valid input pointers

Definition at line 316 of file mlTSubImageVariant.h.

References N, and T.

◆ createTSubImageVariantArrayPair()

template<std::size_t N, typename... T>
TSubImageVariantArrayPair<N, T...> ml::createTSubImageVariantArrayPair ( SubImage output,
const SubImage inputs 

Creates from the provided output and input SubImages a variant of a pair of TSubImage and array of TSubImages. Input and output types are always the same.


void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(SubImage *outputSubImage,
int outIndex,
SubImage *inputSubImages)
auto variantArrayPair =
MLint32, MLuint64, MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble>(*outputSubImage,
auto visitor = [this, outIndex](auto &ip)
{ calculateOutputSubImage(ip.output, outIndex, ip.inputs); };
std::visit(visitor, variantArrayPair);
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(TSubImage<T> &outputSubImage,
int outIndex,
const std::array<TSubImage<T>, N> &inputSubImages)
// do the output image calculation here
TSubImageVariantArrayPair< N, T... > createTSubImageVariantArrayPair(SubImage &output, const SubImage *inputs)
outputThe output image
inputA C-array of size N of valid input pointers

Definition at line 355 of file mlTSubImageVariant.h.

References ml::SubImage::getDataType(), N, and T.

◆ createTSubImageVariantPair()

template<typename... T>
TSubImageVariantPair<T...> ml::createTSubImageVariantPair ( SubImage output,
const SubImage input 

Creates from the provided output and input SubImage a variant of any of the provided types T containing the TSubImage<T>. The input and output voxel types are always the same.


void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(SubImage* outputSubImage, int outIndex, SubImage* inputSubImage)
auto imagePair =
MLint64, MLfloat, MLdouble>(*outputSubImage, inputSubImage);
auto visitor = [this, outIndex](auto& ip) { calculateOutputSubImage(ip.output, outIndex, ip.input); };
std::visit(visitor, imagePair);
template <typename T>
void ExampleModule::calculateOutputSubImage(TSubImage<T>& outputSubImage, int, TSubImage<T>& inputSubImage0)
// do the output image calculation here
TSubImageVariantPair< T... > createTSubImageVariantPair(SubImage &output, const SubImage *input)
outputThe output SubImage
inputA valid pointer to a single input image

Definition at line 276 of file mlTSubImageVariant.h.

References T.

◆ CSOReadValueFromStream()

template<typename T >
bool ml::CSOReadValueFromStream ( std::istream &  in,
T value,
bool  asBinary 

Definition at line 75 of file CSOAttributes.h.

References ml::Variant::asType(), ml::Variant::isValid(), ml::Variant::read(), and T.

◆ CSOReadValueFromStream< CSOPathPoints >()

bool ml::CSOReadValueFromStream< CSOPathPoints > ( std::istream &  in,
CSOPathPoints value,
bool  asBinary 

◆ CSOReadValueFromStream< Variant >()

bool ml::CSOReadValueFromStream< Variant > ( std::istream &  in,
Variant value,
bool  asBinary 

Definition at line 92 of file CSOAttributes.h.

References ml::Variant::read().

◆ CSOWriteValueToStream()

template<typename T >
bool ml::CSOWriteValueToStream ( std::ostream &  out,
const T value,
bool  asBinary 

Definition at line 36 of file CSOAttributes.h.

References ml::Variant::write().

◆ CSOWriteValueToStream< CSOPathPoints >()

bool ml::CSOWriteValueToStream< CSOPathPoints > ( std::ostream &  out,
const CSOPathPoints value,
bool  asBinary 

◆ CSOWriteValueToStream< Variant >()

bool ml::CSOWriteValueToStream< Variant > ( std::ostream &  out,
const Variant value,
bool  asBinary 

Definition at line 45 of file CSOAttributes.h.

References ml::Variant::write().

◆ deleteVector()

template<class T >
void ml::deleteVector ( CSOObjectVector< T > *  vector,
bool  deleteEntries = true 

Definition at line 103 of file CSOObjectVector.h.

References ml::CSOObjectVector< T >::destroy().

◆ destoyDefaultInstance()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::destoyDefaultInstance ( )

Destroys the default module instance.

◆ determineImageFilterInRegionTN()

template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename IN_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::determineImageFilterInRegionTN ( typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &  filterPointer,
Module module,
MLint  inIndex,
const SubImageBox outBox,
MLint  outIndex,
MLint  numActiveInputs 

Calculates required input regions for any number of filter inputs.

filterPointeris the pointer to the itkImageToImageFilter which shall be used to calculate the requested inRegion.
moduleis the reference to the ML module wrapping the
object denoted by filterPointer.
inIndexspecifies the input index from which the region is to be calculated.
outBoxspecifies the output region which shall be calculated by the filter.
outIndexspecifies the output from which the region comes for which the input region need to be calculated.

Definition at line 138 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

References ml::ImageProperties::getBoxFromImageExtent(), ml::Module::getInputImage(), ML_ERROR, ML_UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION, MLPrintAndNotify(), postITKException(), and testFunc_determineImageFilterInRegionTN().

◆ determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0()

template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OUT_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0 ( typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &  filterPointer,
Module module 

Calculates the maximum extent of the ITK output image for 0 inputs and returns it as SubImageBox.

Definition at line 208 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

References ML_ERROR, postITKException(), and testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0().

◆ determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN()

template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OUT_IMAGE_TYPE , typename IN_IMAGE_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN ( typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &  filterPointer,
Module module,
int  numImageInputs 

Calculates the maximum extent of the ITK output image for 0 inputs and returns it as SubImageBox.

Definition at line 253 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

References ml::ImageProperties::getImageExtent(), ml::Module::getInputImage(), ML_ERROR, postITKException(), and testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN().

◆ disconnectAllInputs()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::disconnectAllInputs ( Module thisOp)

Disconnects all connected inputs from thisOp.

◆ DMEncodedStructureTypeToMLType()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLDataType ml::DMEncodedStructureTypeToMLType ( DMEncodedStructureType  encType)

Converts encType to the corresponding MLDataType or to ML_INVALID_DATA_TYPE if not possible.

◆ DMGetDataTypeAsString()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::string ml::DMGetDataTypeAsString ( DMEncodedStructureType  encType)

Returns a human readable string version for the provided encType.

◆ DMGetEncodedSimpleTypeByteSize()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::DMGetEncodedSimpleTypeByteSize ( DMEncodedStructureType  encType)

Returns the byte size of the encoded simple, on arrays, structs or bad types it returns 0.

◆ DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsDouble()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT double ml::DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsDouble ( DMFileReader reader,
MLuint64  dataPos,
DMEncodedStructureType  encType,
MLuint64  byteOffset = 0 
readerThe open reader from which the data shall be read.
dataPosThe position where the binary data is located.
encTypeThe type to be decoded.
byteOffsetOffset to be added to the read position of the data, (usually added to dataPos).
The value of type encType as double value or ML_DOUBLE_MAX on any error or if the conversion makes no sense.

◆ DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLint64()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLint64 ml::DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLint64 ( DMFileReader reader,
MLuint64  dataPos,
DMEncodedStructureType  encType,
MLuint64  byteOffset = 0 
readerThe open reader from which the data shall be read.
dataPosThe position where the binary data is located.
encTypeThe type to be decoded.
byteOffsetOffset to be added to the read position of the data, (usually added to dataPos).
The value of type encType as MLint64 value or ML_INT64_MAX on any error or if the conversion makes no sense.

◆ DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLuint64()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::DMGetSimpleEncodedMemoryValueAsMLuint64 ( DMFileReader reader,
MLuint64  dataPos,
DMEncodedStructureType  encType,
MLuint64  byteOffset = 0 
readerThe open reader from which the data shall be read.
dataPosThe position where the binary data is located.
encTypeThe type to be decoded.
byteOffsetOffset to be added to the read position of the data, (usually added to dataPos).
The value of type encType as MLuint64 value or ML_UINT64_MAX on any error or if the conversion makes no sense.

◆ DMGetTag() [1/4]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr ml::DMGetTag ( const std::string &  groupTagName1,
const std::string &  groupTagName2,
const std::string &  groupTagName3,
const std::string &  tagName,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, then search the first tag with tagGroupName2 in its tags, then search the first tag with tagGroupName3 in its tags and then search the first tag with tagName in it and return it.

If groupTagName1, groupTagName2, or groupTagName2 do not result to a group tag or any tag is not found then a nullptr tag is returned.

◆ DMGetTag() [2/4]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr ml::DMGetTag ( const std::string &  groupTagName1,
const std::string &  groupTagName2,
const std::string &  tagName,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, then search the first tag with tagGroupName2 in its tags and then search the first tag with tagName in it and return it.

If groupTagName1 or groupTagName2 do not result to a group tag or any tag is not found then a nullptr tag is returned.

◆ DMGetTag() [3/4]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr ml::DMGetTag ( const std::string &  groupTagName1,
const std::string &  tagName,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search the first tag with tagName in it and return it.

If groupTagName1 does not result to a group tag or any tag is not found then a nullptr tag is returned.

◆ DMGetTag() [4/4]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtr ml::DMGetTag ( const std::string &  label,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

Returns the first tag with label in tagVec or nullptr if not found.

◆ DMGetTags() [1/3]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector ml::DMGetTags ( const std::string &  groupTagName1,
const std::string &  groupTagName2,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search first group tag with groupTagName2 in it and return its tag vector.

If any tag is not a group tag or any tag is not found then an empty vector is returned.

◆ DMGetTags() [2/3]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector ml::DMGetTags ( const std::string &  groupTagName1,
const std::string &  groupTagName2,
const std::string &  groupTagName3,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

If possible then search the first group tag with groupTagName1 in tagVec, and search first group tag with groupTagName2 in it and search first group with groupTagName3 and return its tag vector.

If any tag is not a group tag or any tag is not found then an empty vector is returned.

◆ DMGetTags() [3/3]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT DMTagPtrVector ml::DMGetTags ( const std::string &  label,
const DMTagPtrVector tagVec 

Returns all tags with label in tagVec or an empty vector if not found.

◆ DMPixelDataTypeToMLType()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT MLDataType ml::DMPixelDataTypeToMLType ( DMEncodedVoxelDataType  encType)

Converts a DM pixel data type to the corresponding MLDataType or to ML_INVALID_DATA_TYPE if not possible.

◆ DMSetUpImageStructs()

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::vector<DMImageDataStructPtr> ml::DMSetUpImageStructs ( DMFileReader reader)

Search all image data structures in the open reader and return them as list.

◆ dumpFilterMessageList()

std::string ml::dumpFilterMessageList ( const FilterMessageList msgList)

Convenience function which dumps an entire list of filter messages into one string.

◆ execute_default()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::execute_default ( stlab::task< void()>  f)

◆ execute_high()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::execute_high ( stlab::task< void()>  f)

◆ execute_low()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::execute_low ( stlab::task< void()>  f)

◆ flatten()

template<typename T >
void ml::flatten ( const tree_node< T > &  tree,
std::vector< T > &  flatten_elements 

Definition at line 33 of file mlContainers.h.

References ml::tree_node< T >::children, and ml::tree_node< T >::value.

◆ getDcmtkModality()

OFString ml::getDcmtkModality ( DcmFileFormat &  dcmfile,
std::string *  errVal 

Return the modality of a given DcmFileFormat.

Definition at line 47 of file mlMultiFileVolumeListDcmtkTools.h.

Referenced by getDCMTKObjFromFile().

◆ getDCMTKObjFromFile()

template<typename DCMObjType , typename DCMObjBoostPtrType , class DCMReaderFunctor = DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor>
DCMObjBoostPtrType ml::getDCMTKObjFromFile ( DcmFileFormat &  dcmFile,
std::string *  errVal,
const std::string &  modalityStr,
const std::string &  typeStr,
DCMReaderFunctor *  readerFunctor = NULL 

A template for loading a dcmtk object by a file object.

It loads an DICOM (rt image, dt dose, rt struct, rt plan or sr doc, etc.) object and returns a boost pointer wrapping the loaded object. Another user defined DCMReaderFunctor can be passed to extend the reader functionality, for example if the read function needs additional flags.

dcmFileA DcmFileFormat object which must have been initialized with a file name and loaded; it will be used to load/open the DICOM object to be loaded.
errValAn optional string which will be filled with an error description if passed as non NULL. Otherwise it is ignored.
modalityStrOnly if modalityStr matches the modality tag string of dcmFile then a valid DCMObjBoostObject around the loaded dcmtk object is returned.
typeStrFor error logging: The type of the dcmtk object to be loaded.
readerFunctorCan be passed to extend the reader functionality, for example if the read function needs additional flags; used if non-null, otherwise only a DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor reader is used.
Template Parameters
DCMObjTypeThe type of the dcmtk object to be loaded.
DCMObjTypePtrThe boost shared pointer type of the dcmtk object to be loaded.
DCMReaderFunctorThe type of the reader to be used for loading the dcmtk object.
A boost pointer wrapping the loaded DICOM object, or in case of failure a default NULL boost pointer. The function operates silently without error logging if errVal is NULL.

Definition at line 97 of file mlMultiFileVolumeListDcmtkTools.h.

References getDcmtkModality().

◆ getDCMTKObjFromString()

template<typename DCMObjType , typename DCMObjBoostPtrType , class DCMReaderFunctor = DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor>
DCMObjBoostPtrType ml::getDCMTKObjFromString ( const std::string &  fName,
std::string *  errVal,
DcmFileFormatPtr dcmFilePtr,
const std::string &  modalityStr,
const std::string &  typeStr,
DCMReaderFunctor *  readerFunctor = NULL 

A template for loading a dcmtk object by a file name.

Opens and loads a DICOM (rt image, dt dose, rt struct, rt plan or sr doc etc.) object and returns a boost pointer wrapping the loaded object. Another user defined DCMReaderFunctor can be passed to extend the reader functionality, for example if the read function needs additional flags.

fNameThe name of the DICOM file containing the object to be loaded.
errValAn optional string which will be filled with an error description if passed as non NULL. Otherwise it is ignored.
dcmFilePtrIf passed NULL a temporary DcmFile is used to load fName. If passed boost ptr points to NULL DcmFileFormat will be created and assigned to it. Is passed boost ptr is valid the DcmFileFormat object will be used to load the DICOM object.
modalityStrOnly if modalityStr matches the modality tag string of fName then a valid DCMObjBoostObject around the loaded dcmtk object is returned.
readerFunctorCan be passed to extend the reader functionality, for example if the read function needs additional flags; used if non-null, otherwise only a DefaultDcmtkReaderFunctor reader is used.
typeStrA string passed to the constructor of the DCMReaderFunctor as fourth argument.
Template Parameters
DCMObjTypeThe type of the dcmtk object to be loaded.
DCMObjBoostPtrTypeThe boost shared pointer type of the dcmtk object to be loaded.
DCMReaderFunctorThe type of the reader to be used for loading the dcmtk object.
A boost pointer wrapping the loaded DICOM object, or in case of failure a default NULL boost pointer.

Definition at line 148 of file mlMultiFileVolumeListDcmtkTools.h.

References loadDcmtkFile().

◆ getDefaultModule()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT mlModule* ml::getDefaultModule ( bool  create = true)

Returns the default module instance.

If create is true (default) then it is created if it still does not exist. Otherwise NULL could be returned.

◆ getDicomTagByName()

MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT DCMTree::Const_TagPtr ml::getDicomTagByName ( const ImagePropertyExtension imagePropertyExtensionPtr,
const std::string &  tagName 

Returns the tag with the given name from the property extension. If it is not found, the pointer will be NULL.

◆ getDicomTreeFromImagePropertyExtension()

MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT DCMTree::Const_TreePtr ml::getDicomTreeFromImagePropertyExtension ( const ImagePropertyExtension dicomTreeImagePropertyExtensionPtr)

Casts the ImagePropertyExtension pointer into a DicomTreeImagePropertyExtension pointer and returns the contained DICOM tree pointer.

◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [1/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const MLPointCloudXYZ )

Definition at line 133 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [2/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormal )

Definition at line 142 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [3/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr)

Definition at line 143 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [4/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal )

Definition at line 136 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [5/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr)

Definition at line 137 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [6/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZPtr)

Definition at line 134 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [7/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal )

Definition at line 139 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [8/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr)

Definition at line 140 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [9/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const MLPolygonMesh )

Definition at line 145 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [10/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const  MLPolygonMeshPtr)

Definition at line 146 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [11/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Definition at line 132 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [12/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 141 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [13/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 135 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType() [14/14]

MLPCLObjectTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLObjectType ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 138 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [1/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const MLPointCloudXYZ )

Definition at line 120 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

References ML_PCL_POINT_XYZ.

◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [2/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const MLPointCloudXYZINormal )

Definition at line 129 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [3/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr)

Definition at line 130 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [4/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal )

Definition at line 123 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [5/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr)

Definition at line 124 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [6/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZPtr)

Definition at line 121 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

References ML_PCL_POINT_XYZ.

◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [7/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal )

Definition at line 126 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [8/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const  MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr)

Definition at line 127 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [9/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const pcl::PointXYZ &  )

Returns the enumerator for a specific point type.

Definition at line 119 of file mlPCLTypes.h.

References ML_PCL_POINT_XYZ.

◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [10/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const pcl::PointXYZINormal &  )

Definition at line 128 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [11/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &  )

Definition at line 122 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType() [12/12]

MLPCLPointTypeEnumerators ml::getEnumeratorOfPCLPointType ( const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &  )

Definition at line 125 of file mlPCLTypes.h.


◆ getInputAsItkImportImageAndSubImg()

template<typename RETURN_TYPE_PTR , typename FILTER_TYPE , typename VOXEL_TYPE >
RETURN_TYPE_PTR ml::getInputAsItkImportImageAndSubImg ( Module op,
int  inIdx,
TSubImage< VOXEL_TYPE > &  dataSubImg,
bool  correctSVS = true 

Reads and updates an input image from the input number inIdx of Module op and sets up the referenced TSubImage dataSubImg with size, and data allocated from the MLMemoryManager as string memory handle which means that the data will be released when dataSubImg is destroyed.

If the data in dataSubImg has exactly the same region and has already allocated memory, then its memory is reused, otherwise it is freed and reallocated. If correctSVS is enabled (the default) the difference between itk and ML voxel origins is corrected by a half voxel shift. A typical call to get an ML input image region as TSubImage and as itk image whose size is defined in myFloatTSubImg could be itk::Image<float,3>::Pointer _fixedImageOrPointSet = getInputAsItkImportImageAndSubImg<ITKML_TYPENAME itk::Image<float,3>::Pointer, ITKML_TYPENAME itk::ImportImageFilter<float,3>, MLfloat> (*this, 0, myFloatTSubImg);

Definition at line 953 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::SubImage::allocateAsMemoryBlockHandle(), ml::SubImage::free(), ml::SubImage::getBox(), ml::TSubImage< DATATYPE >::getData(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getExtent(), ml::ImageProperties::getImageExtent(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getNumVoxels(), ml::PagedImage::getTile(), ml::Module::getUpdatedInputImage(), ML_FATAL_MEMORY_ERROR, ML_PRINT_ERROR, ML_RESULT_OK, ml::SubImage::setBox(), ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::x, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::y, and ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::z.

◆ getITKImportImageFromSubImg()

template<typename ITK_INDATATYPE , unsigned int DIM>
itk::ImportImageFilter<ITK_INDATATYPE, DIM>::Pointer ml::getITKImportImageFromSubImg ( const SubImage inSubImg,
const MedicalImageProperties props,
bool  correctSVS = true 

Takes a SubImage and returns an object of an itk::ImportImageFilter managing the inSubImg as ITK object.

Additional properties such as origin, spacing, direction cosines, and region are set as described in setITKWorldFromMedicalImageProperty() and ITKRegionFromMLSubImgBox(). The inSubImg data will not be owned by the returned ImportImageFilter object and its life time must be at least as long as the one of the returned object. param ITK_INDATATYPE is the data type of the input inSubImg. param DIM is the dimension of the ImportImageFilter to be returned.

inSubImgprovides the data to be wrapped by the returned ImportImageFilter.
propsare the image properties (world matrix, scaling etc.) to be translated and set as scaling, origin, and direction cosines of the import filter.
correctSVSIf enabled (the default) the difference between itk and ML voxel origins is corrected by a half voxel shift.
An ITK ImageImporterFilter instance managing the data which is also wrapped by inSubImg.

Definition at line 906 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::SubImage::getBox(), ml::SubImage::getData(), and ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getNumVoxels().

◆ getITKSpecialInImg()

template<typename ITK_INDATATYPE , unsigned int DIM>
itk::ImportImageFilter<ITK_INDATATYPE, DIM>::Pointer ml::getITKSpecialInImg ( const SubImage inSubImg,
const PagedImage inImg 

Takes a SubImage and returns the ImportImageFilter managing the inSubImg as ITK object.

It differs from getITKImportImageFromSubImg() because it also set MLTypeInfos for carrier types.

ITK_INDATATYPEis the ITK voxel type of the input image.
DIMis the dimension of the ImportImageFilter to be returned.
inSubImgprovides the data to be wrapped by the returned ImportImageFilter.
inImgSpacingis the voxel size of the data within inSubImg.
An ITK ImageImporterFilter instance managing the data which is also wrapped by inSubImg.

Definition at line 38 of file mlITKSpecialInputsSupport.h.

References ML_ERROR, and postITKException().

◆ getPCLObjectTypeName()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::getPCLObjectTypeName ( int  pclObjectType)

Returns a string description for the passed pclObjectType.

◆ getPCLPointTypeName()

MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::getPCLPointTypeName ( int  pclPointType)

Returns a string description for the passed pclPointType.

◆ GetSizeOfAnITKArray() [1/2]

template<typename ARR_TYP , unsigned int ARR_SIZE>
size_t ml::GetSizeOfAnITKArray ( const itk::FixedArray< ARR_TYP, ARR_SIZE > &  itkArray)

Returns the size of an itk::FixedArray.

Definition at line 348 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ GetSizeOfAnITKArray() [2/2]

template<typename ITK_ARRAY_TYPE >
size_t ml::GetSizeOfAnITKArray ( const ITK_ARRAY_TYPE &  itkArray)

Returns the size of an arbitrary itk array.

Definition at line 357 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

Referenced by STLVectorFromITKArray().

◆ getSourceImageSequenceInformation()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::getSourceImageSequenceInformation ( DCMTree::Const_TreePtr  inputDcmTree,
const ImageVector inputImageExtent,
SourceFrameReferenceVector sourceFrameReferences 

Analyzes the inputDcmTree and extracts a SourceFrameReference entry for each input frame given by inputImageExtent.z/t/u; found entries are returned in sourceFrameReferences; information is retrieved as far as possible from frame specific sequence entries and if not available there it is taken from top-level.

◆ getTagIdByATString()

MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT bool ml::getTagIdByATString ( const std::string &  atString,
DCMTree::TagId tagId 

Returns the tag ID for (group,element) string (AT format).

Returns false if the tag could not be retrieved.

◆ getUniqueValuePairSetFromSequence()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::getUniqueValuePairSetFromSequence ( DCMTree::Const_TreePtr  dcmTree,
DCMTree::RawTagId  sequenceTagId,
DCMTree::RawTagId  tagId1,
DCMTree::RawTagId  tagId2,
StringPairSet pairSet 

Looks for sequence with sequenceTagId in dcmTree and if found then all items of the sequence are parsed for tagId1 and tagId2.

If any of both or both exist, then a value pair of both values if necessary empty) is created and inserted into pairSet.

dcmTreeThe tree to get the sequence tag values from, nullptr makes function a no-op.
sequenceTagIdThe id of the sequence to read the tag values from.
tagId1The id of the first tag whose value is to be retrieved from the sequence.
tagId2The id of the second tag whose value is to be retrieved from the sequence.
pairSetEach unique combination of (tagValue1,tagValue2) is inserted into it; pairSet is not cleared in call, i.e. it can be filled with multiple calls.

◆ hash_value()

std::size_t ml::hash_value ( ConstantString const &  b)

Definition at line 179 of file mlConstantString.h.

References ml::ConstantString::getHash().

◆ identity2D()

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::identity2D ( )

Returns a 3x3 homogeneous identity2D matrix; synonym for Tmat3<DT>::getIdentity().

Definition at line 502 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ identity3D()

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::identity3D ( )

Returns a 4x4 homogeneous identity3D matrix; synonym for Tmat4<DT>::getIdentity().

Definition at line 597 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ insert_set_sorted()

template<typename T >
void ml::insert_set_sorted ( tree_node< T > &  tree,
T  newValue,
T  zero = {} 

Definition at line 51 of file mlContainers.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_add_ref()

void ml::intrusive_ptr_add_ref ( const ml::RefCountedBase p)

Definition at line 67 of file mlRefCountedBase.h.

◆ intrusive_ptr_release()

void ml::intrusive_ptr_release ( const ml::RefCountedBase p)

Definition at line 72 of file mlRefCountedBase.h.

◆ iround()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT int ml::iround ( double  x)

◆ iroundf()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT int ml::iroundf ( float  x)

◆ is()

template<class T >
constexpr Is<T> ml::is ( T  d)

◆ is_rotated() [1/2]

template<typename Range1 , typename Range2 >
constexpr Range2::const_iterator ml::is_rotated ( const Range1 &  range1,
const Range2 &  range2 

Definition at line 231 of file mlContainerHelpers.h.

◆ is_rotated() [2/2]

template<typename Range1 , typename Range2 , typename BinaryPredicate >
constexpr Range2::const_iterator ml::is_rotated ( const Range1 &  range1,
const Range2 &  range2,
BinaryPredicate  p 

Definition at line 191 of file mlContainerHelpers.h.

◆ isScalarValueInRange()

template<typename DATATYPE >
static bool ml::isScalarValueInRange ( const DATATYPE &  v,
bool  normal,
double  minVal,
double  maxVal 

◆ ITKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector()

template<typename TemplArrElemType >
void ml::ITKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector ( const ITKML_TYPENAME std::vector< TemplArrElemType > &  stlVec,
TemplArrElemType *  arr,
size_t  TemplArrSize 

Copies TemplArrSize elements from stlVec to arr and - if not enough elements are available - fills up the rest with 0.

Definition at line 77 of file mlITKCommonToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKArrayFromSTLVector()

template<typename ARRAY_TYPE , typename STL_VECTOR >
ARRAY_TYPE ml::ITKArrayFromSTLVector ( const STL_VECTOR &  stlVec)

Returns an object of an ITK array type ARRAY_TYPE which contains cast copies of all elements of stlVec (in same order and number).

Definition at line 324 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKCommonFunctionTypesAndWrappersInit()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int ml::ITKCommonFunctionTypesAndWrappersInit ( )

Initializes the wrapper classes.

◆ ITKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int ml::ITKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit ( )

Initializes the wrapper classes.

◆ ITKDifferenceFunctionFromBasePointer()

FINITE_DIFFERENCE_FUNCTION_TYPE::Pointer ml::ITKDifferenceFunctionFromBasePointer ( Base baseVal)

Checks a base input connector for a base object containing a ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper.

If not then nullptr is returned. It yes, then the object is asked for a FiniteDifferenceFunction matching the required type. If it contains a valid function then the function pointer is returned, otherwise nullptr is returned.

Definition at line 143 of file mlITKSpecialFieldsSupport.h.

References ml::ITKFiniteDifferenceFunctionWrapper::GetFiniteDifferenceFunction().

◆ ITKIndexFromMLVec6()

template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
INDEX_TYPE ml::ITKIndexFromMLVec6 ( const Vector6 vec)

Assign and cast values from an ML Vector6 to an ITK index object of type INDEX_TYPE.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored, itk size dimensions higher than ML vector sizes are handled fatally. Component values are cast to the target type which implies information loss if the target type does not provide sufficient size or precision. param INDEX_TYPE is the return ITK index object type.

vecis the ML Vector6 from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components in the returned INDEX_TYPEd object.
the ITK index object representing the Vector6.

Definition at line 402 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.


◆ ITKIndexFromMLVector()

template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
INDEX_TYPE ml::ITKIndexFromMLVector ( const ImageVector vec)

Assign and cast values from an ML ImageVector to an ITK size object.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored, itk size dimensions higher than ML vector sizes are handled fatally. Component values are cast to the target type which implies information loss if target types for example use 32 bit while vec uses 64 bit integers. param INDEX_TYPE is the ITK index object type.

vecis the ML vector from which the components are copied to the corresponding components in the INDEX_TYPE object.
the INDEX_TYPE object representing vec.

Definition at line 108 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >::dim(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, and ML_PRINT_FATAL_ERROR.

◆ ITKMatrixFromMLMatrix()

template<typename DTYPE , unsigned int ROW_DIM, unsigned int COL_DIM>
itk::Matrix<DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM> ml::ITKMatrixFromMLMatrix ( const Matrix4 mat)

Converts the ML 4x4 matrix mat function argument to the returned itk::Matrix of type itk::Matrix<DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM>; all components of the returned matrix are set with cast values from mat if their row and column indexes are <=3; all other entries are predefined from an SetIdentity call and a warning will be posted.

If DTYPE does not match the double type information loss may occur.

Definition at line 519 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.


Referenced by setITKWorldFromMedicalImageProperty().

◆ ITKNodeContainerFromBasePointer()

template<class FilterType >
FilterType::NodeContainer::Pointer ml::ITKNodeContainerFromBasePointer ( Base baseVal)

Reads a base field and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and VectorLists).

If there is one then it is converted to an ITK NodeContainer and returns that list. If lists are empty or cannot be created then NULL is returned.

Definition at line 423 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::BaseListTemplate< T >::getItemAt(), ml::ListContainerTemplate< T >::getList(), ml::PointList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getPoint(), ml::PointList::getValue(), and ML_BASE_IS_A.

◆ ITKPointFromMLVec3()

template<typename POINT_TYPE >
POINT_TYPE ml::ITKPointFromMLVec3 ( const Vector3 vec,
MLdouble  defaultComp 

Assign and cast values from an ML Vector3 to an ITK point object; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp.

If the returned object uses components with less precision than double than information loss may occur. param POINT_TYPE is the return ITK point or origin object type.

vecis the ML Vector3 from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components in the returned POINT_TYPEd object.
defaultCompis the value assigned to sizeObj for component with indexes > 2.
the ITK point object representing the Vector3.

Definition at line 236 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKPointFromMLVec4()

template<typename POINT_TYPE >
POINT_TYPE ml::ITKPointFromMLVec4 ( const Vector4 vec,
MLdouble  defaultComp 

Assign and cast values from an ML Vector4 to an ITK object of type POINT_TYPE; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp.

If the returned object uses components with less precision than double than information loss may occur. param POINT_TYPE is the ITK point object type.

vecis the ML Vector4 from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components in the returned POINT_TYPEd object.
defaultCompis the value assigned to sizeObj for component with indexes > 3.
the ITK point object representing the ML Vector4.

Definition at line 259 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKPointSetFromBasePointer()

template<class POINTSETTYPE >
POINTSETTYPE::Pointer ml::ITKPointSetFromBasePointer ( Base baseVal)

Reads the passed baseVal objects and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and VectorLists).

If there is one then it is converted and returned as a POINTSETTYPEd ITK PointSet. If the baseVal does not provide an appropriate type or if it is empty, NULL or cannot be converted then NULL is returned.

Definition at line 605 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::BaseListTemplate< T >::getItemAt(), ml::ListContainerTemplate< T >::getList(), ml::PointList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getPoint(), ml::PointList::getValue(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, ML_BASE_IS_A, and ML_PRINT_WARNING.

◆ ITKPolylineFromBasePointer()

template<class POLYLINEPATHTYPE >
POLYLINEPATHTYPE::Pointer ml::ITKPolylineFromBasePointer ( Base baseVal,
bool  emptyDefaultToOneZeroVal = true 

Reads a base field and looks for point like data structures (XMarkerLists, XMarkerListContainers, PointLists and Vectorlists).

If there is one then it is converted to an itk PointSet and returns that point set. If lists are empty or cannot be created then an empty list is returned. if emptyDefaultToOneZeroVal is true (the default) then even in empty lists one vertex with value (0,0,0) is appended. This is useful, because itk filters are known to be instable if lists are empty.

Definition at line 47 of file mlITKSpecialFieldsSupport.h.

References ml::BaseListTemplate< T >::getItemAt(), ml::ListContainerTemplate< T >::getList(), ml::PointList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getNum(), ml::VectorList::getPoint(), ml::PointList::getValue(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, ML_BASE_IS_A, and ML_PRINT_WARNING.

◆ ITKRegionFromMLSubImgBox()

template<typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE >
REGION_PARENT_TYPE::RegionType ml::ITKRegionFromMLSubImgBox ( const SubImageBox subImgBox)

Assign and cast values from an ITK region to an ML SubImageBox object.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored, itk size dimensions higher than ML vector sizes are handled fatally. Component values are cast to the target type which implies information loss if target types for example use 32 bit while subImgBox uses 64 bit integers. param REGION_PARENT_TYPE is the ITK region object type.

subImgBoxis the ML SubImageBox to be assigned and cast to the returned REGION_PARENT_TYPEs region object.
the ITK region representing the ML subImgBox.

Definition at line 281 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::getExtent(), and ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v1.

◆ ITKSetOriginFromVec3() [1/2]

template<typename ITK_IMAGE_TYPE >
void ml::ITKSetOriginFromVec3 ( itk::Image< typename ITK_IMAGE_TYPE::PixelType, ITK_IMAGE_TYPE::ImageDimension > *  image,
const Vector3 orig 

On the given ITK_IMAGE_TYPE the origin orig is set with the SetOrigin method from a point type; the origin type conversion is done as described in ITKPointFromMLVec3.

Definition at line 713 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKSetOriginFromVec3() [2/2]

template<typename ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE >
void ml::ITKSetOriginFromVec3 ( itk::ImportImageFilter< typename ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE::OutputImagePixelType, ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE::OutputImageType::ImageDimension > *  importImageFilter,
const Vector3 orig 

On the given ITK_IMPORT_IMAGE_FILTER_TYPE the origin orig is set with the SetOrigin method from an origin type; the origin type conversion is done as described in ITKPointFromMLVec3.

Definition at line 700 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKSizeFromMLVector()

template<typename SIZE_TYPE >
SIZE_TYPE ml::ITKSizeFromMLVector ( const ImageVector vec)

Assign and cast values from an ML ImageVector to an ITK size object.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored, itk size dimensions higher than ML vector sizes are handled fatally. Component values are cast to the target type which implies information loss if target types for example use 32 bit while vec uses 64 bit integers. param SIZE_TYPE is the ITK size object type.

vecis the ML vector from which the components are copied to the corresponding components in the SIZE_TYPE object.
the SIZE_TYPE object representing vec.

Definition at line 80 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >::dim(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, and ML_PRINT_FATAL_ERROR.

◆ ITKVectorFromMLVec3()

template<typename VECTOR_TYPE >
VECTOR_TYPE ml::ITKVectorFromMLVec3 ( const Vector3 vec,
MLdouble  defaultComp 

Assign and cast values from an ML Vector3 to an ITK size object; all itk components with index > 2 are filled with defaultComp.

If the returned object uses components with less precision than double than information loss may occur. param VECTOR_TYPE is the return ITK vector object type.

vecis the ML Vector3 from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components VECTOR_TYPEd object.
defaultCompis the value assigned to sizeObj for component with indexes > 2.
the ITK vector object representing the Vector3.

Definition at line 190 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKVectorFromMLVec4()

template<typename VECTOR_TYPE >
VECTOR_TYPE ml::ITKVectorFromMLVec4 ( const Vector4 vec,
MLdouble  defaultComp 

Assign and cast values from an ML Vector4 to an ITK size object; all itk components with index > 3 are filled with defaultComp.

If the returned object uses components with less precision than double than information loss may occur. param VECTOR_TYPE is the return ITK vector object type.

vecis the ML Vector4 from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components in the returned VECTOR_TYPEd object.
defaultCompis the value assigned to sizeObj for component with indexes > 3.
the ITK vector object representing the Vector4.

Definition at line 213 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ ITKVersorFromMLVector()

template<typename VERSOR_TYPE >
VERSOR_TYPE ml::ITKVersorFromMLVector ( const ml::Vector4 mlVec)

Returns an object of an ITK array type ARRAY_TYPE which contains cast copies of all elements of stlVec (in same order and number).

Definition at line 337 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ loadDcmtkFile()

bool ml::loadDcmtkFile ( const std::string &  fName,
DcmFileFormat &  dcmfile,
std::string *  errVal 

Load a DICOM file into the dcmtk DcmFileFormat object.

Definition at line 29 of file mlMultiFileVolumeListDcmtkTools.h.

Referenced by getDCMTKObjFromString().

◆ logTypeComponentsFromStringError()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::logTypeComponentsFromStringError ( const char *  function)

◆ lround()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT long ml::lround ( double  x)

◆ lroundf()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT long ml::lroundf ( float  x)

◆ LUTAlphaChannelIndex()

MLLUT_EXPORT int ml::LUTAlphaChannelIndex ( LUTVisualType  visualType)

Get index of alpha channel, or -1 if none.

Referenced by ml::LUTIterator< T >::init().

◆ LUTCastFromDouble()

template<typename T >
T ml::LUTCastFromDouble ( double  value)

Helper template function to cast from double to type T, performing a proper round operation in case of integer types.

Definition at line 67 of file mlLUTBasic.h.

References T.

◆ LUTConvertRGBtoL()

MLLUT_EXPORT double ml::LUTConvertRGBtoL ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Convert RGB to luminance.

Referenced by ml::LUTIterator< T >::convertRGBtoL().

◆ LUTNumberOfChannels()

MLLUT_EXPORT int ml::LUTNumberOfChannels ( LUTVisualType  visualType)

Get number of channels for given LUTVisualType, or 0 if unknown.

Referenced by ml::LUTIteratorBase::getNumChannels(), and ml::LUTIterator< T >::init().

◆ LUTReducedVisualType()

MLLUT_EXPORT LUTVisualType ml::LUTReducedVisualType ( LUTVisualType  visualType)

Get reduced visual type, i.e. ignoring layout variants.

Referenced by ml::LUTIterator< T >::init().


ml::ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR ( DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted  )

Declares smart pointer to an DicomConfigurableMessageFilterBaseRefCounted instance.


ml::ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR ( MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted  )

Declares MultiFileVolumeListRefCounted smart pointer.


ml::ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR ( PCLBaseObject  )

Declares the smart pointer PCLBaseObjectPtr from PCLBaseObject.


ml::ML_REFCOUNTED_PTR ( VTKObjectWrapper  )

◆ mlAbs()

template<typename T >
T ml::mlAbs ( T  a)

Defines ML specific abs template since only type-dependent library functions exists.

Definition at line 84 of file mlUtilsSystem.h.

Referenced by ml::TKernel< KDATATYPE >::get1DGauss(), ml::CSOPathPointIterator::numProcessedPoints(), and ml::CSOPathPointConstIterator::numProcessedPoints().

◆ MLAccessDirectDicomImportCacheInit()

int ml::MLAccessDirectDicomImportCacheInit ( )

Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML.

◆ MLBackgroundTasksInit()

int ml::MLBackgroundTasksInit ( void  )

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [1/6]

template<class Object , class Method >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList0  

Calls a method on given object with zero arguments.

Definition at line 108 of file mlArgumentList.h.

Referenced by ml::BackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage< Object, Method, ArgumentList >::execute().

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [2/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList1< Arg1 > &  args 

Calls a method on given object with one argument.

Definition at line 113 of file mlArgumentList.h.

References ml::ArgumentList1< Arg1 >::_arg1.

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [3/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 > &  args 

Calls a method on given object with two arguments.

Definition at line 118 of file mlArgumentList.h.

References ml::ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 >::_arg1, and ml::ArgumentList2< Arg1, Arg2 >::_arg2.

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [4/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 > &  args 

Calls a method on given object with three arguments.

Definition at line 124 of file mlArgumentList.h.

References ml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >::_arg1, ml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >::_arg2, and ml::ArgumentList3< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3 >::_arg3.

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [5/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList4< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4 > &  args 

◆ MLCallMethodWithArguments() [6/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
void ml::MLCallMethodWithArguments ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const ArgumentList5< Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5 > &  args 

◆ MLCSOInit()

int ml::MLCSOInit ( void  )

◆ MLDcmtkIODWrappersInit()

int ml::MLDcmtkIODWrappersInit ( )

Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML.

◆ MLDicomModifyFieldAddOnsInit()

int ml::MLDicomModifyFieldAddOnsInit ( )

Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML.

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [1/6]

ArgumentList0 ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( )

Creates argument list with zero arguments.

Definition at line 80 of file mlArgumentList.h.

Referenced by NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall().

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [2/6]

template<class Arg1 >
ArgumentList1<Arg1> ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( const Arg1 &  arg1)

Create argument list with one argument.

Definition at line 84 of file mlArgumentList.h.

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [3/6]

template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
ArgumentList2<Arg1, Arg2> ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2 

Creates argument list with two arguments.

Definition at line 89 of file mlArgumentList.h.

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [4/6]

template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
ArgumentList3<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3> ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3 

Creates argument list with three arguments.

Definition at line 93 of file mlArgumentList.h.

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [5/6]

template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
ArgumentList4<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4> ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3,
const Arg4 &  arg4 

Creates argument list with four arguments.

Definition at line 98 of file mlArgumentList.h.

◆ MLGenerateArgumentList() [6/6]

template<class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
ArgumentList5<Arg1, Arg2, Arg3, Arg4, Arg5> ml::MLGenerateArgumentList ( const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3,
const Arg4 &  arg4,
const Arg5 &  arg5 

Creates argument list with five arguments.

Definition at line 102 of file mlArgumentList.h.

◆ MLInitFields()

MLEXPORT void ml::MLInitFields ( )

Initialize all standard fields of the ML.

◆ MLInitListFields()

MLEXPORT void ml::MLInitListFields ( )

Initialize all multi-fields of the ML.

◆ MLInverseMatHelper()

template<class BASE_TYPE >
BASE_TYPE ml::MLInverseMatHelper ( const BASE_TYPE &  origMat,
bool *  isInvertible,
const typename BASE_TYPE::ComponentType  ,
const char *const  ZeroDetErrString,
const BASE_TYPE &  Identity,
const size_t  Dim 

Computes an N dimensional inverse from given default parameters.

The used algorithm is the Gauss-Jordan elimination with partial pivoting.

origMatThe matrix to be inverted.
isInvertibleIf a non-NULL boolean pointer is passed to isInvertible, then true is returned in *isInvertible in the case of a successful inversion or false if the inversion is not possible (function returns the identity then). If a NULL pointer is passed as isInvertible, the matrix must be invertible; otherwise, errors will occur.
ZeroEpsilonUnused. Former versions used this as an epsilon value to compare to decide whether the determinant is zero. Now, an MLValueIs0WOM check is used.
ZeroDetErrStringError to be posted if isInvertible is NULL and inverse cannot be calculated.
IdentityIdentity to be returned in case of errors.
DimThe dimension of the matrix.

Definition at line 60 of file mlLinearAlgebraTools.h.

References ML_BAD_PARAMETER, MLAbs(), MLSwap(), MLValueIs0WOM(), and printTemplateError().

Referenced by ml::Tmat3< DT >::inverse(), ml::Tmat4< DT >::inverse(), ml::Tmat5< DT >::inverse(), and ml::Tmat6< DT >::inverse().

◆ MLIsATString()

MLDICOM_TREE_IMAGE_PROPERTY_EXTENSION_EXPORT bool ml::MLIsATString ( const std::string &  supposedATString)

Checks whether the given string is a well-formed AT string.

◆ mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8 ( const std::string &  utf8StdString)

Convert string from UTF8 to Latin1; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as utf8StdString.

Invalid characters are coded to ?. A non empty utf8StdString will always lead to a non empty return value, on failure "?" is returned if necessary.

◆ mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string& ml::mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static ( const std::string &  utf8StdString)

Like mlITKGetLatin1FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.

Note that this method is not thread or recursion safe and that the next call to this function will overwrite the return value. Thus be careful with referencing the return value!

◆ mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1 ( const std::string &  latin1StdString)

Convert string from Latin1 to UTF8; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as latin1StdString.

Invalid characters are coded to ?. A non empty latin1StdString will always lead to a non empty return value, on failure "?" is returned if necessary.

◆ mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string& ml::mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static ( const std::string &  latin1StdString)

Like mlITKGetUTF8FromLatin1(const std::string &latin1StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.

Note that this method is not thread or recursion safe and that the next call to this function will overwrite the return value. Thus be careful with referencing the return value!

◆ mlITKMakeStdString() [1/2]

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlITKMakeStdString ( const char *  str)

Convert for a char pointer to a std::string safely.

◆ mlITKMakeStdString() [2/2]

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlITKMakeStdString ( const std::string &  str)

Convert for a std::string to a std::string safely.

◆ MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering() [1/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering ( const ImageVector inImgExt,
const fctLineFilter< DATATYPE > &  lineFilter,
const ImageVector negKernelExt,
const ImageVector posKernelExt,
KernelTools::BorderHandling  borderHandling,
MLdouble  fillValue,
TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  outSubImg,
TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  inSubImg 

Compute the page outSubImg by filtering inSubImg with the passed function taking care of correct intervals and boundary handling.

Note that for each voxel in outSubImg the corresponding voxel in the inSubImg must be defined when it's filtered with the lineFilter function. The Necessary image region is defined by negFilterExt and posFilterExt parameter. This method is designed to be called in calcOutSubImg() with a valid inSubImg and outSubImg pointer. To filter the page it includes settings of border handling, the fill value, the lineFilter Function which contains the kernel algorithm and the filter interval.

Definition at line 1026 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::c, ml::SubImage::getBox(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::intersect(), ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >::set(), ml::TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE >::setCursorImagePosition(), ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::t, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::u, ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v1, ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v2, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::x, ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::y, and ml::TVector6DBase< CompIntType >::z.

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::applyFiltering(), and MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering().

◆ MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering() [2/2]

template<typename DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering ( const ImageVector inImgExt,
LineApplicator< DATATYPE > &  lineApp,
KernelTools::BorderHandling  borderHandling,
MLdouble  fillValue,
TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  outSubImg,
TSubImageWithCursor< DATATYPE > &  inSubImg 

Global template functions for page filtering.

Compute the page outSubImg by filtering inSubImg with the lineApp instance which contains the kernel and intervals. Note that for each voxel in outSubImg the corresponding voxel in the inSubImg must be defined when it's filtered with the kernel from lineApp. This method is designed to be called in calcOutSubImg() with a valid inSubImg and outSubImg pointer. To filter the page it includes settings of the kernel border handling, the fill value, and lineApp which contains the kernel (algorithm) and the filter interval.

The general way of customizing the Kernel-Filter is provide an own object implementing the LineApplicator interface. The light-wighted LineApplicator class should take care, that the algorithm sticks to the requested voxel surrounding fits. The wrapping of the protected function _applyFiltering follows more esthetic reasons for having a base implementation with simple atomic arguments.

Definition at line 995 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References ml::LineApplicator< DATATYPE >::getNegativeExtent(), ml::LineApplicator< DATATYPE >::getPositiveExtent(), and MLKernelToolsApplyFiltering().

◆ MLKernelToolsCopyLine()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCopyLine ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
MLsoffset  srcVoxelOffset 

Copy the line from input subimage which corresponds to the line to be modified in the output image.

So the filtered area in the output subimage remains unchanged. Cursors in input and output subimage and index table must be up to date.

Definition at line 151 of file mlKernelTools.h.

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::copyLine().

◆ MLKernelToolsCorrelateLine()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCorrelateLine ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
const K_DATATYPE *  valTab,
const MLsoffset indexTab,
size_t  indexTabSize 

Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor.

The number of voxels to be filtered is numVox. The element values of the kernel to correlate with are in valTab. The voxels covered by kernel elements in the input image are given by the current cursor position + the values in indexTab. Their entry indexes correspond to the elements in valTab. indexTabSize is the number of elements in indexTab and in valTab. Cursors in input and output subimage and index table must be on row start positions.

Definition at line 185 of file mlKernelTools.h.

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::correlateLine(), and MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals().

◆ MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
const K_DATATYPE *  valTab,
const MLsoffset indexTab,
size_t  indexTabSize,
MLsoffset  srcVoxelOffset,
MLdouble  imgIntMinVal,
MLdouble  imgIntMaxVal,
MLdouble  kernIntMinVal,
MLdouble  kernIntMaxVal,
bool  useImgInt,
bool  useKernInt 

Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor.

Dependent on the flags useImgInt and useKernInt the correct call of one of the methods

  • correlateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval
  • correlateLineWithKernelInterval
  • correlateLineWithImageInterval or
  • correlateLine is used to accomplish filtering. For more infos read documentation of those methods and their parameters.

Definition at line 472 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References MLKernelToolsCorrelateLine(), MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval(), MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageInterval(), and MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithKernelInterval().

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::correlateLineEvtWithIntervals().

◆ MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
const K_DATATYPE *  valTab,
const MLsoffset indexTab,
size_t  indexTabSize,
MLsoffset  srcVoxelOffset,
MLdouble  imgIntMinVal,
MLdouble  imgIntMaxVal,
MLdouble  kernIntMinVal,
MLdouble  kernIntMaxVal 

Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor.

Only input image voxels are filtered which fulfil the interval [imgIntMinVal, imgIntMaxVal]. All input image voxels under kernel elements which are not in the interval [kernIntMinVal, kernIntMaxVal] are not multiplied with kernel element values and are not added to the result value. If no value under kernel elements is within [kernIntMinVal, kernIntMaxVal] then the input image voxel is passed unchanged to the output subimage. Note that both intervals are also considered exclusive, so if min > max then also voxels bigger than min or smaller than max are inside interval. The number of voxels in row to be filtered is numVox. The element values of the kernel to correlate with are in valTab. The voxels covered by kernel elements in input image are given by the current cursor position + the values in indexTab. Their entry indexes correspond to the elements in valTab. indexTabSize is the number of elements in indexTab and in valTab. Cursors in input and output subimage and index table must be on row start positions.

Definition at line 386 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References isScalarValueInRange(), and MLValueIs0WOM().

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::correlateLineWithImageAndKernelInterval(), and MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals().

◆ MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageInterval()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithImageInterval ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
const K_DATATYPE *  valTab,
const MLsoffset indexTab,
size_t  indexTabSize,
MLsoffset  srcVoxelOffset,
MLdouble  minVal,
MLdouble  maxVal 

Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor.

All voxels which are not within interval minVal and maxVal are simply copied. Note that the interval is also considered exclusive, so if min > max then also voxels bigger than min or smaller than max are inside interval. The number of voxels to be filtered is numVox. The element values of the kernel to correlate with are in valTab. The voxels covered by kernel elements in input image are given by the current cursor position + the values in indexTab. Their entry indexes correspond to the elements in valTab. indexTabSize is the number of elements in indexTab and in valTab. Cursors in input and output subimage and index table must be on row start positions.

Definition at line 234 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References isScalarValueInRange().

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::correlateLineWithImageInterval(), and MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals().

◆ MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithKernelInterval()

template<typename IN_DATATYPE , typename OUT_DATATYPE , typename K_DATATYPE >
static void ml::MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineWithKernelInterval ( const IN_DATATYPE *  inCursor,
OUT_DATATYPE *  outCursor,
size_t  numVox,
const K_DATATYPE *  valTab,
const MLsoffset indexTab,
size_t  indexTabSize,
MLsoffset  srcVoxelOffset,
MLdouble  minVal,
MLdouble  maxVal 

Correlate all voxels of the a row pointed to by inCursor with the current kernel and write the result into the row pointed to by outCursor.

All input image voxels under kernel elements which are not in the kernel interval are not multiplied with kernel element values and are not added to the result value. If no value under kernel elements is within interval then the input image voxel is passed unchanged. Note that the interval is also considered exclusive, so if min > max then also voxels bigger than min or smaller than max are inside interval. The number of voxels in row to be filtered is numVox. The element values of the kernel to correlate with are in valTab. The voxels covered by kernel elements in input image are given by the current cursor position + the values in indexTab. Their entry indexes correspond to the elements in valTab. indexTabSize is the number of elements in indexTab and in valTab. Cursors in input and output subimage and index table must be on row start positions.

Definition at line 304 of file mlKernelTools.h.

References isScalarValueInRange(), and MLValueIs0WOM().

Referenced by ml::KernelTools::correlateLineWithKernelInterval(), and MLKernelToolsCorrelateLineEvtWithIntervals().

◆ MLMatrixFromITKMatrix()

template<typename DTYPE , unsigned int ROW_DIM, unsigned int COL_DIM>
Matrix4 ml::MLMatrixFromITKMatrix ( const ITKML_TYPENAME itk::Matrix< DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM > &  mat,
bool  fillWithID = false,
bool  suppressDimensionWarning = false 

Converts itk::Matrix mat of type itk::Matrix<DTYPE, ROW_DIM, COL_DIM> to the returned ML 4x4 matrix of type double; all components of the returned matrix are set with cast values from existing entries from mat; all other entries are left as predefined with a Matrix4::getIdentity call if fillWithID is true, if false the values are filled with 0.

If DTYPE does not match the double type information loss may occur. itk Matrix entries with higher dimensions than the 4 ML matrix dimensions will be ignored and warned if suppressDimensionWarning is false. If suppressDimensionWarning is true then these warnings will be suppressed.

Definition at line 561 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ML_BAD_DIMENSION, ML_PRINT_WARNING, and ml::Tmat4< DT >::set().

Referenced by setMLWorldFromITKScaleOriginAndOrientation().

◆ MLMatrixFromVTKMatrix4x4()

Matrix4 ml::MLMatrixFromVTKMatrix4x4 ( const vtkMatrix4x4 *  mat)

Convert a VTK 4x4 matrix to an ML 4x4 matrix.

Definition at line 44 of file mlVTKSpecialFieldsSupport.h.

◆ mlMax()

template<typename T >
T ml::mlMax ( T  a,
T  b 

Defines ML specific max template since max template is platform-dependent.

See also ML_MIN and ML_MAX macros in mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 75 of file mlUtilsSystem.h.

◆ mlMin()

template<typename T >
T ml::mlMin ( T  a,
T  b 

Defines ML specific min template since min template is platform-dependent.

See also ML_MIN and ML_MAX macros in mlTypeDefs.h.

Definition at line 71 of file mlUtilsSystem.h.

◆ MLParameterInfoWrappersInit()

int ml::MLParameterInfoWrappersInit ( )

Calls init functions of all modules to add their types to the runtime type system of the ML.

◆ MLSubImgBoxFromITKRegion()

template<typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::MLSubImgBoxFromITKRegion ( const typename REGION_PARENT_TYPE::RegionType &  region)

Assign and cast values from an ITK region to an ML SubImageBox object.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored and filled with 0. ITK dimensions higher than ML dimensions are warned and ignored. param REGION_PARENT_TYPE is the expected ITK region type.

regionis the itk object whose index and size are translated to the components of the returned SubImageBox.
the returned SubImageBox representing the ITK region.

Definition at line 303 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References MLVectorFromITKIndex(), MLVectorFromITKSize(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v1, and ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v2.

◆ MLSwap()

template<class OBJ_TYPE >
void ml::MLSwap ( OBJ_TYPE &  obj1,
OBJ_TYPE &  obj2 

Swaps two objects obj1 and obj2.

It requires valid assignment operators on OBJ_TYP.

Definition at line 33 of file mlLinearAlgebraTools.h.

Referenced by MLInverseMatHelper().

◆ MLVectorFromITKIndex()

template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
ImageVector ml::MLVectorFromITKIndex ( const INDEX_TYPE &  indexObj,
MLint  defaultVal 

Assign and cast values from an ITK index object to an ML ImageVector.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored and filled with 0. ITK dimensions higher than ML dimensions are warned and ignored. param INDEX_TYPE is the ITK index object type.

indexObjis the object from which the components are copied and cast to the corresponding components in the returned ImageVector object.
defaultValis assigned to all components which are not given by indexObj.
the ML ImageVector representing the indexObj.

Definition at line 162 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >::dim(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, and ML_PRINT_WARNING.

Referenced by MLSubImgBoxFromITKRegion().

◆ MLVectorFromITKSize()

template<typename INDEX_TYPE >
ImageVector ml::MLVectorFromITKSize ( const INDEX_TYPE &  sizeObj,
MLint  defaultVal 

Assign and cast values from an ITK size object to an ML ImageVector.

ML dimensions higher than ITK dimensions are ignored and filled with 0. ITK dimensions higher than ML dimensions are warned and ignored. param INDEX_TYPE is the ITK size object type.

sizeObjis the ITK size object to be filled with values from vec.
defaultValis assigned to all ImageVector components which are not given sizeObj.
the ML ImageVector representing the sizeObj.

Definition at line 135 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::TImageVector< CompIntType >::dim(), ML_BAD_DIMENSION, and ML_PRINT_WARNING.

Referenced by MLSubImgBoxFromITKRegion().

◆ MLVectorFromITKVersor()

template<typename ITK_VERSOR_TYPE >
const ml::Vector4 ml::MLVectorFromITKVersor ( const ITK_VERSOR_TYPE &  itkVersor)

Returns an STL container object of type STL_CONTAINER which contains cast copies of all elements of the ITK_ARRAY_TYPEd itkArray (in same order and number).

Definition at line 382 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

◆ mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8 ( const std::string &  utf8StdString)

Convert string from UTF8 to Latin1; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as utf8StdString.

Invalid characters are coded to ?. A non empty utf8StdString will always lead to a non empty return value, on failure "?" is returned if necessary.

◆ mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string& ml::mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8Static ( const std::string &  utf8StdString)

Like mlVTKGetLatin1FromUTF8(const std::string &utf8StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.

Note that this method is not thread or recursion safe and that the next call to this function will overwrite the return value. Thus be careful with referencing the return value!

◆ mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1 ( const std::string &  latin1StdString)

Convert string from Latin1 to UTF8; return empty string on failure or if "" is passed as latin1StdString.

Invalid characters are coded to ?. A non empty latin1StdString will always lead to a non empty return value, on failure "?" is returned if necessary.

◆ mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string& ml::mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1Static ( const std::string &  latin1StdString)

Like mlVTKGetUTF8FromLatin1(const std::string &latin1StdString); the only difference is that the return value is stored in a static variable to maintain the return value.

Note that this method is not thread or recursion safe and that the next call to this function will overwrite the return value. Thus be careful with referencing the return value!

◆ mlVTKMakeStdString() [1/2]

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlVTKMakeStdString ( const char *  str)

Convert for a char pointer to a std::string safely.

◆ mlVTKMakeStdString() [2/2]

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::mlVTKMakeStdString ( const std::string &  str)

Convert for a std::string to a std::string safely.

◆ MLWEMInit()

int ml::MLWEMInit ( void  )

This is for runtime module initialization.

◆ mul()

template<class T >
T ml::mul ( const Cslice_iter< T > &  v1,
const std::valarray< T > &  v2 

implementation of (global) operator functions to assist MatrixTemplate class

vector multiplication interpret valarray v2 as line vector This function is used to assist implementation of the other matrix multiplications.

Definition at line 384 of file mlMatrixTemplate.h.

References T.

Referenced by operator*().

◆ mul_mv()

template<class T >
std::valarray<T> ml::mul_mv ( const MatrixTemplate< T > &  m,
std::valarray< T > &  v 

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [1/6]

template<class Object , class Method >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method 

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [2/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const Arg1 &  arg1 

Creates a new method call with one argument.

Definition at line 62 of file mlBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage.h.

References MLGenerateArgumentList().

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [3/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2 

Creates a new method call with two arguments.

Definition at line 68 of file mlBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage.h.

References MLGenerateArgumentList().

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [4/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3 

Creates a new method call with three arguments.

Definition at line 74 of file mlBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage.h.

References MLGenerateArgumentList().

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [5/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3,
const Arg4 &  arg4 

Creates a new method call with four arguments.

Definition at line 80 of file mlBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage.h.

References MLGenerateArgumentList().

◆ NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall() [6/6]

template<class Object , class Method , class Arg1 , class Arg2 , class Arg3 , class Arg4 , class Arg5 >
BackgroundTaskMessage* ml::NewBackgroundTaskMethodCall ( Object *  object,
Method  method,
const Arg1 &  arg1,
const Arg2 &  arg2,
const Arg3 &  arg3,
const Arg4 &  arg4,
const Arg5 &  arg5 

Creates a new method call with five arguments.

Definition at line 86 of file mlBackgroundTaskMethodCallMessage.h.

References MLGenerateArgumentList().

◆ nodesAtAlmostIdenticalPositions()

bool MLWEM_EXPORT ml::nodesAtAlmostIdenticalPositions ( const WEMNode x,
const WEMNode y 

◆ operator!()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
bool operator! ( const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  a)

Returns whether all components are 0.

Definition at line 326 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator!=() [1/7]

bool ml::operator!= ( const MLImageFormatTag tag1,
const MLImageFormatTag tag2 

Inequality operator.

◆ operator!=() [2/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator!= ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tmat2< DT > &  b 

a != b ? Returns true if yes.

Definition at line 433 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator!=() [3/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator!= ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tmat3< DT > &  b 

a != b ? Return true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 486 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator!=() [4/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator!= ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tmat4< DT > &  b 

a != b ? Returns true if yes.

Definition at line 376 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator!=() [5/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator!= ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tmat5< DT > &  b 

a != b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 686 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator!=() [6/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator!= ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tmat6< DT > &  b 

a != b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 596 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator!=() [7/7]

bool MLWEM_EXPORT ml::operator!= ( const WEMAttributes x,
const WEMAttributes y 

◆ operator&()

WEMBoundingBox MLWEM_EXPORT ml::operator& ( WEMBoundingBox  x,
const WEMBoundingBox y 

Returns the union bounding box of x and y.

◆ operator*() [1/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator* ( const DT  d,
const Tmat2< DT > &  a 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a.

Definition at line 474 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator*() [2/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator* ( const DT  d,
const Tmat3< DT > &  a 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a.

Definition at line 302 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator*() [3/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator* ( const DT  d,
const Tmat4< DT > &  a 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of scalar d with matrix a.

Definition at line 417 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator*() [4/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator* ( const DT  d,
const Tmat5< DT > &  a 

Returns the component-wise product of scalar d with matrix a.

Definition at line 338 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator*() [5/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator* ( const DT  d,
const Tmat6< DT > &  a 

Returns the component-wise product of scalar d with matrix a.

Definition at line 335 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator*() [6/32]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
T operator* ( const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  a,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  b 

Dot product, returns

Definition at line 383 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

Referenced by ml::ContainerProxy< T, R, I, Count, Access >::iterator::operator->().

◆ operator*() [7/32]

template<class T >
std::valarray<T> ml::operator* ( const MatrixTemplate< T > &  m,
const std::valarray< T > &  v 

implements standard matrix-vector multiplication

Definition at line 394 of file mlMatrixTemplate.h.

References ML_BAD_PARAMETER, mul(), printTemplateError(), ml::MatrixTemplate< T >::row(), ml::MatrixTemplate< T >::sizeX(), and ml::MatrixTemplate< T >::sizeY().

◆ operator*() [8/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tmat2< DT > &  b 

Definition at line 414 of file mlMatrix2.h.

References _ML_MAT2_RC.

◆ operator*() [9/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec2<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tvec2< DT > &  v 

Normal multiplication of 2x2 matrix a with 2D vector v with a Tvec2as result.

Definition at line 492 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator*() [10/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
DT  d 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d.

Definition at line 467 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator*() [11/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d.

Definition at line 295 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator*() [12/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tmat3< DT > &  b 

Matrix 3 product.

Definition at line 462 of file mlMatrix3.h.

References _ML_MAT3_RC.

◆ operator*() [13/32]

template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tvec3< DT2 > &  v 

Normal multiplication of 3x3 matrix a with 3D vector v with a Tvec3 as result.

Definition at line 216 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ operator*() [14/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise multiplication of matrix a with scalar d.

Definition at line 410 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator*() [15/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tmat4< DT > &  b 

a * b.

Standard matrix multiplication.

Hint on concatentation of matrices: b.transformPoint(a.transformPoint(v)) is equivalent to (b*a).transformPoint(v)

Definition at line 352 of file mlMatrix4.h.

References _ML_MAT4_RC.

◆ operator*() [16/32]

template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tvec3< DT2 > &  v 

Interprets v as a 4D homogeneous point, multiplies the 4x4 matrix M with it, and returns a Tvec3 after normalizing the result by dividing by the fourth component.

It is up to the caller to guarantee that matrix a multiplied with a homogeneous 4D point results in a homogeneous point to avoid divisions by zero on normalizing the result.

Definition at line 242 of file mlVector3.h.

References ml::Tvec3< DT >::affinePoint().

◆ operator*() [17/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec4<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tvec4< DT > &  v 

Multiplies 4x4 matrix a with vector v.

Definition at line 135 of file mlVector4.h.

References _ML_VEC4_RC.

◆ operator*() [18/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise product of matrix a with scalar d.

Definition at line 331 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator*() [19/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tmat5< DT > &  b 

Matrix product.

Definition at line 655 of file mlMatrix5.h.

References _ML_MAT5_RC.

◆ operator*() [20/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec5<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tvec5< DT > &  v 

Multiplies 5x5 matrix a with vector v.

Definition at line 180 of file mlVector5.h.

References _ML_VEC5_RC.

◆ operator*() [21/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise product of matrix a with scalar d.

Definition at line 328 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator*() [22/32]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tmat6< DT > &  b 

Matrix product.

Definition at line 567 of file mlMatrix6.h.

References _ML_MAT6_RC.

◆ operator*() [23/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec6<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tvec6< DT > &  v 

Multiplies 6x6 matrix a with vector v.

Definition at line 607 of file mlMatrix6.h.

References _ML_MAT6_RC.

◆ operator*() [24/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec2<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec2< DT > &  v,
const Tmat2< DT > &  a 

Normal multiplication of 2D vector v with 2x2 matrix with a Tvec2as result.

Definition at line 500 of file mlMatrix2.h.

References ml::Tmat2< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [25/32]

template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec3< DT > &  v,
const Tmat3< DT2 > &  a 

Normal multiplication of 3D vector v with 3x3 matrix with a Tvec3 as result.

Definition at line 228 of file mlVector3.h.

References ml::Tmat3< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [26/32]

template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec3< DT > &  v,
const Tmat4< DT2 > &  a 

Interprets v as a 4D homogeneous point, multiplies it with the 4x4 matrix M, and returns a Tvec3 after normalizing the result by dividing by the fourth component.

It is up to the caller to guarantee that matrix a multiplied with a homogeneous 4D point results in a homogeneous point to avoid divisions by zero on normalizing the result.

Definition at line 257 of file mlVector3.h.

References ml::Tmat4< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [27/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec4<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec4< DT > &  v,
const Tmat4< DT > &  a 

Multiplies vector v with 4x4 matrix a.

Definition at line 145 of file mlVector4.h.

References ml::Tmat4< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [28/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec5<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec5< DT > &  v,
const Tmat5< DT > &  a 

Multiplies vector v with 5x5 matrix a.

Definition at line 190 of file mlVector5.h.

References ml::Tmat5< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [29/32]

template<class DT >
Tvec6<DT> ml::operator* ( const Tvec6< DT > &  v,
const Tmat6< DT > &  a 

Multiplies vector v with 6x6 matrix a.

Definition at line 617 of file mlMatrix6.h.

References ml::Tmat6< DT >::transpose().

◆ operator*() [30/32]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator* ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  lhs,
MLdouble  rhs 

Component-wise multiplication of lhs with rhs.

Definition at line 393 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator*() [31/32]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator* ( MLdouble  lhs,
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  rhs 

Component-wise multiplication of rhs with lhs.

Definition at line 403 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator*() [32/32]

template<class T >
std::valarray<T> ml::operator* ( std::valarray< T > &  v,
const MatrixTemplate< T > &  m 

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator*= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op2 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise multiplication *this with a vector of the same size.

Definition at line 285 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator*= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
MLdouble  value 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise multiplication *this with specialized MLdouble scalar value.

Definition at line 274 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator+() [1/7]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator+ ( const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer)

Unary plus, for completeness and for those who really want to use that.

Definition at line 360 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator+() [2/7]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator+ ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tmat2< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 453 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator+() [3/7]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator+ ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tmat3< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 281 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator+() [4/7]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator+ ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tmat4< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 396 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator+() [5/7]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator+ ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tmat5< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 317 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator+() [6/7]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator+ ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tmat6< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise sum of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 314 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator+() [7/7]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator+ ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  lhs,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  rhs 

Return value is the component-wise addition of lhs and rhs.

Definition at line 338 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator+=()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator+= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise addition.

Definition at line 252 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator-() [1/12]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator- ( const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer)

Unary minus, all components of the vector are multiplied with -1.

Definition at line 371 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator-() [2/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a)

Returns a matrix a with all values negated.

Definition at line 446 of file mlMatrix2.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ operator-() [3/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tmat2< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 460 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator-() [4/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a)

Returns a matrix a with all values negated.

Definition at line 274 of file mlMatrix3.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ operator-() [5/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tmat3< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 288 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator-() [6/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a)

Returns the matrix a with all values negated.

Definition at line 389 of file mlMatrix4.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ operator-() [7/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tmat4< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 403 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator-() [8/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a)

Returns a matrix a with all values negated.

Definition at line 310 of file mlMatrix5.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ operator-() [9/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tmat5< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 324 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator-() [10/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a)

Returns a matrix a with all values negated.

Definition at line 307 of file mlMatrix6.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ operator-() [11/12]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator- ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tmat6< DT > &  b 

Returns the component-wise difference of matrix a and matrix b.

Definition at line 321 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator-() [12/12]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator- ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  lhs,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  rhs 

Return value is the component-wise subtraction of rhs from lhs.

Definition at line 349 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator-=()

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator-= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  buffer 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise subtraction of buffer from *this.

Definition at line 263 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator/() [1/6]

template<class DT >
Tmat2<DT> ml::operator/ ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 482 of file mlMatrix2.h.

◆ operator/() [2/6]

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::operator/ ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 310 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator/() [3/6]

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::operator/ ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 425 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator/() [4/6]

template<class DT >
Tmat5<DT> ml::operator/ ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 346 of file mlMatrix5.h.


◆ operator/() [5/6]

template<class DT >
Tmat6<DT> ml::operator/ ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const DT  d 

Returns the component-wise division of matrix a by scalar d.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by caller.

Definition at line 343 of file mlMatrix6.h.


◆ operator/() [6/6]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > operator/ ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer >  lhs,
MLdouble  rhs 

Component-wise division of lhs by specialized rhs of type MLdouble.

Definition at line 413 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator/= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
const FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op2 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise division of *this by the values of a vector of the same size.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by user.

Definition at line 312 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

template<class T , size_t size, class DataContainer >
FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > & operator/= ( FloatingPointVector< T, size, DataContainer > &  op1,
MLdouble  value 

Arithmetic assignment: Component-wise division of *this by scalar value.

Division by zero is not handled and must be avoided by user.

Definition at line 297 of file mlFloatingPointVector.h.

◆ operator<<() [1/11]

MLRELEASE_TOOLS_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const ByteDataReader obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [2/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMFileReader obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [3/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMImage obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [4/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMImageDataStruct obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [5/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMTag obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [6/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMTagData obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [7/11]

MLDMFileReader_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const DMTagGroup obj 

Output to std::ostream.

◆ operator<<() [8/11]

template<class T >
std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
MatrixTemplate< T > &  m 

override operator<<(.,.) for class MatrixTemplate<T>

Definition at line 459 of file mlMatrixTemplate.h.

References ml::MatrixTemplate< T >::sizeX(), and ml::MatrixTemplate< T >::sizeY().

◆ operator<<() [9/11]

std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  out,
const KeyFrame frame 

KeyFrame stream output.

◆ operator<<() [10/11]

template<class DATATYPE >
std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const std::vector< DATATYPE > &  vec 

Helper output/input stream operators.

Operator << for output of std::vector into streams

Definition at line 36 of file mlMultiFields.h.

◆ operator<<() [11/11]

MLTOOLS_EXPORT std::ostream& ml::operator<< ( std::ostream &  s,
const StringLineMultiField stringLineMulti 

All strings of the internal vector are streamed into the output stream and StringLineMultiField::DefaultLineSeparator is streamed out between them.

After the last element no separator is sent.

◆ operator==() [1/7]

bool ml::operator== ( const MLImageFormatTag tag1,
const MLImageFormatTag tag2 

Equality operator.

◆ operator==() [2/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator== ( const Tmat2< DT > &  a,
const Tmat2< DT > &  b 

◆ operator==() [3/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator== ( const Tmat3< DT > &  a,
const Tmat3< DT > &  b 

a == b ? Return true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 475 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ operator==() [4/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator== ( const Tmat4< DT > &  a,
const Tmat4< DT > &  b 

a == b ? Returns true if yes.

Definition at line 366 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ operator==() [5/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator== ( const Tmat5< DT > &  a,
const Tmat5< DT > &  b 

a == b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 673 of file mlMatrix5.h.

◆ operator==() [6/7]

template<class DT >
bool ml::operator== ( const Tmat6< DT > &  a,
const Tmat6< DT > &  b 

a == b ? Returns true if yes; otherwise, it returns false.

Definition at line 582 of file mlMatrix6.h.

◆ operator==() [7/7]

bool MLWEM_EXPORT ml::operator== ( const WEMAttributes x,
const WEMAttributes y 

◆ operator>>() [1/2]

template<class DATATYPE >
std::istream& ml::operator>> ( std::istream &  s,
std::vector< DATATYPE > &  vec 

Operator >> for input of streams into std::vector.

Definition at line 48 of file mlMultiFields.h.

◆ operator>>() [2/2]

MLTOOLS_EXPORT std::istream& ml::operator>> ( std::istream &  s,
StringLineMultiField stringLineMulti 

Operator >> for input from streams into StringLineMultiField where all newline ('
') chars are considered as separator; all carriage returns are removed silently from the created strings.

◆ operator^()

template<class DT , class DT2 >
Tvec3<DT> ml::operator^ ( const Tvec3< DT > &  a,
const Tvec3< DT2 > &  b 

Returns a vector orthogonal to a and b.

Definition at line 268 of file mlVector3.h.

◆ Overload()

template<class... Ts>
ml::Overload ( Ts...  ) -> Overload< Ts... >

◆ PCLMakeLocalNonDeletingSharedConstPtr()

template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::shared_ptr<const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE> ml::PCLMakeLocalNonDeletingSharedConstPtr ( const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &  pntCloud)

Many pcl filters and classes require a boost shared pointer to the point cloud to be processed, which however, sometimes is not available, but only a constant reference.

If it is guaranteed that lifetime of pntCloud is longer than the life time of the shared pointer then a the returned shared pointer without a deleter can be used to pass the const & pcl object via a shared pointer to the filter. Use this with extreme care!

Definition at line 303 of file mlPCLObjectPtrsContainer.h.

Referenced by ml::StatisticalClusterInfo::finalize().

◆ perspective3D()

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::perspective3D ( const DT  d)

Creates a 4x4 homogeneous perspective projection matrix with perspective shortening value given by d that must differ from zero to avoid errors.

Definition at line 661 of file mlMatrix4.h.


◆ postITKException()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::postITKException ( const itk::ExceptionObject &  e,
const Module module,
MLMessageType  messageType,
const std::string &  handling = "" 

Sends all available information from the ITKException itkException to the ML error handler.

Error code will be ML_EXTERNAL_ERROR.

eis the ITK exception to be posted.
modulethe module which uses the ITK object which caused the exception. May be NULL.
messageTypethe message type (for example ML_FATAL_ERROR, ML_ERROR, ML_WARNING, ...). May be NULL.
handlingis an optional string used as handling component of the error message. Default is "".

Referenced by determineImageFilterInRegionTN(), determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0(), determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN(), getITKSpecialInImg(), and processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg().

◆ pre_exit()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::pre_exit ( )

◆ printTemplateError()

◆ printTemplateFatalError()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::printTemplateFatalError ( const char *  location,
MLErrorCode  reason,
const std::string_view &  handling 

◆ printTemplateWarning()

void ML_UTILS_EXPORT ml::printTemplateWarning ( const char *  location,
MLErrorCode  reason,
const std::string_view &  handling 

◆ processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg()

template<typename FILTER_TYPE , typename OIMAGE_TYPE >
bool ml::processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg ( typename FILTER_TYPE::Pointer &  filterPointer,
int  outIndex,
MLint  usedFilteringDim,
const ImageVector shift,
const SubImageBox outImgBox,
SubImage outSubImg,
Module module 

Takes the output image of the filter pointed to by filterPointer, and copies overlapping contents into outSubImg.

FILTER_TYPE is the type of the ITK filter. OIMAGE_TYPE is the type of the ITK output image.

filterPointeris the pointer to the ITK filter instance.
outIndexis the output index of the filter to be used.
usedFilteringDimmust be the dimension of the image which is filtered.
shiftis the translation from ML image region to ITK image region.
outImgBoxis the ML region of the output image.
outSubImgis the ML subimage to be filled with data from the output of the ITK filter instance.
moduleis the ML Module instance managing the ITK filter. It is passed to the error handler and its state can be analyzed by the error handler if enabled. Can be passed as NULL.
On success true is returned, otherwise false.

Definition at line 47 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

References copyITKDataBufferToMLSubImg(), ml::SubImage::getBox(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::intersect(), ITKML_TYPENAME, ML_ERROR, postITKException(), testFunc_processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::translate(), ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v1, and ml::TSubImageBox< intT >::v2.

◆ removedDuplicatedUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::removedDuplicatedUnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree)

Removes all tags from SharedFunctionalGroupSequence/UnassignedSharedConvertedAttributes which already exist on top level of dcmTree.

◆ rotation2D()

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::rotation2D ( const Tvec2< DT > &  Center,
const DT  angleDeg 

Returns a 2D rotation matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix where center specifies the center of rotation.

Definition at line 524 of file mlMatrix3.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ rotation3D()

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::rotation3D ( Tvec3< DT >  Axis,
const DT  angleRad 

Returns a 4x4 homogeneous 3D rotation matrix describing a rotation with angle angleRad around axis Axis.

Definition at line 621 of file mlMatrix4.h.

References DCMTree::DT.

◆ round()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT double ml::round ( double  x)

◆ roundf()

ML_UTILS_EXPORT float ml::roundf ( float  x)

◆ scaleCIELabTo16BitUnsigned()

Vector3 ml::scaleCIELabTo16BitUnsigned ( Vector3  cieLabIn)

Scale a given cieLabIn value to 16 bit unsigned integer range as described in DICOM standard C. Encoding of CIELab Values, however, without checking whether cieLabIn is in valid range.

Definition at line 157 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

◆ scaling2D()

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::scaling2D ( const Tvec2< DT > &  scaleVector)

Returns a 2D scale matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix.

Definition at line 539 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ scaling3D()

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::scaling3D ( const Tvec3< DT > &  scaleVector)

Scaling 3D.

Definition at line 647 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ setAllowedTypesForITKNodeContainer()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::setAllowedTypesForITKNodeContainer ( BaseField field)

Set the allowed types for input Base fields that are converted to ITK NodeContainer objects.

◆ setAndConnectDefaultModuleWithNotify()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT MLErrorCode ml::setAndConnectDefaultModuleWithNotify ( Module thisOp,
const std::string &  dataTypeName = "float",
const ImageVector imgExt = ImageVector(16, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1),
MLint  minIdx = 0,
MLint  maxIdx = ML_INT32_MAX,
const ImageVector pageExt = ImageVector(16, 16, 1, 1, 1, 1) 

This function takes the default module (if it still does not exist then it's created), it sets the image and page extents, the data type and connects it to the indices minIdx to maxIdx.

The contents of the output image are left undefined.

thisOpis the module to which shall the default module shall be connected.
dataTypeNameis the string value of the data type name which shall be used as voxel type of the output image; default is "float";
imgExtdefines the extent of the output image; default is (16,16,1,1,1,1).
minIdxis the first input index of thisOp which shall be connected; default is 0. Invalid or out of range indices are legal and will be ignored.
maxIdxis the last input index of thisOp which is to be connected; default is ML_INT32_MAX. Non existing or to large indices are legal and will be ignored and not connected. If values smaller than 0 are passed then the default module is not connected to any input.
pageExtdefines the page extent of the output image; default is (16,16,1,1,1,1).

◆ setDerivationImageFunctionalGroupTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::setDerivationImageFunctionalGroupTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  seqItemTreePtr,
const std::vector< std::string > &  derivationCodeSequence,
bool  createEmpty = false,
const SourceFrameReferenceVector sourceFrameReferences = SourceFrameReferenceVector(),
const size_t  entriesToAddZ = std::string::npos,
const size_t  entriesToAddT = std::string::npos,
const size_t  entriesToAddU = std::string::npos,
const std::string &  purposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceEntry = "" 

Set DCMTree_DerivationImageSequence sequence with tags belonging to Derivation Image Functional Group C.

seqItemTreePtrThe sequence item in which the derivation image macro attributes shall be inserted; if nullptr then this function does nothing and no Derivation Image Functional Group is added.
derivationCodeSequenceThe code values to be inserted into the DerivationCodeSequence. If empty then this function does nothing and no Derivation Image Functional Group is added.
createEmptyIf passed true then regardless of other settings the sequence is created empty.
sourceFrameReferencesA list of SOPClass or InstanceUIDs or frame or segment references to be inserted into the SourceImageSequence of the DerivationImageSequence.
entriesToAddZIf std::string::npos then all possible entries of sourceFrameReferences are added, otherwise only only the one matching the (entriesToAddZ,entriesToAddT,entriesToAddU) coordinates, no entries are added to SourceImageSequence if sourceFrameReferences is empty.
entriesToAddTSee entriesToAddZ.
entriesToAddUSee entriesToAddZ.
purposeOfReferenceCodeSequenceEntryThe entry to be added from CID7202 as single entry of the PurposeOfReferenceCodeSequence (0040,A170) for each added entry of sourceFrameReferences (Type 1C). throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ setFrameContentFunctionalGroupTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::setFrameContentFunctionalGroupTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const MedicalImageProperties medImgProps,
bool  setTemporalPositionIndex,
bool  setFrameAcquisitionDateTime,
const unsigned int  ztuPos[3],
const unsigned int  ztuNumFrames[3] 

Set DCMTree_FrameContentSequence sequence with tags belonging to Frame Content Functional Group C.

dcmTreeThe DICOM tree to which the tags shall be added.
medImgPropsMedical image properties used as source for time points if possible.
setTemporalPositionIndexIf true then the temporal position index according to ztu index is set, otherwise the tag is not set.
setFrameAcquisitionDateTimeIf true then it is tried to get the time point information according to the ztu index and to add it as FrameAcquisitionDateTime tag; otherwise the tag is not added.
ztuPosDefines the frame in z, t, and u dimension; needed if setTemporalPositionIndex or setFrameAcquisitionDateTime is true. ztuPos[0] must be < ztuNumFrames[0], ztuPos[1] must be < ztuNumFrames[1], and ztuPos[2] must be < ztuNumFrames[2],
ztuNumFramesDescribes the extent of the image in z, time, and u dimension, entries 0, 1, and 2 must all be > 0. throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ setITKWorldFromMedicalImageProperty()

template<typename ITK_CLASS_TYPE >
void ml::setITKWorldFromMedicalImageProperty ( MedicalImageProperties  props,
ITK_CLASS_TYPE *  image,
bool  correctSVS = true 

Takes the world transformation of ML MedicalImageProperties and sets spacing, origin and direction cosines (the orientation) of the itk image or import image filter of type ITK_CLASS_TYPE.

ITK spacing, origin , or direction cosine components are set up to three dimensions; higher dimensions are left on sensible default values, because the ML only supports three dimensional world coordinates. Perspective and shearing information is not converted.

ITK_CLASS_TYPEThe itk class type of the itk image or importer whose world transformation shall be set.
propsThe MedicalImageProperties or PagedImage which is the source of the world matrix.
imageThe pointer to the itk image or importer whose spacing, origin and direction shall be set from the ML world transformation. The call will be a no operation call if NULL.
correctSVSIf enabled (the default) the difference between itk and ML voxel origins is corrected by a half voxel shift.

Definition at line 741 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ml::MedicalImageProperties::getVoxelSize(), ml::MedicalImageProperties::getVoxelToWorldMatrix(), ITKMatrixFromMLMatrix(), MLValueIs0WOM(), and ml::MedicalImageProperties::translateVoxelToWorldMatrix().

◆ setMLWorldFromITKScaleOriginAndOrientation()

template<typename ITK_CLASS_TYPE >
void ml::setMLWorldFromITKScaleOriginAndOrientation ( const ITK_CLASS_TYPE *  image,
MedicalImageProperties props,
bool  correctSVS = true,
bool  suppressDimensionWarning = false 

Sets the world transformation of the ML MedicalImageProperties props from the spacing, origin and direction cosines (the orientation) given by the itk image function argument.

Dimensions > 3 provided by itk cannot be handled by the ML and are ignored; itk dimensions < 3 are handled by using "1" for spacing values and 0 as origin. Perspective and shearing information is not converted. 1D itk images will be handled as an error and by setting the identity as world matrix.

ITK_CLASS_TYPEThe itk type of the itk image whose world transformation shall be translated to the ML world matrix.
propsThe MedicalImageProperties or PagedImage which is the target of the world matrix to be set.
imageThe pointer to the itk image or importer whose spacing, origin and direction shall be translated to the ML world matrix. The call will be a no operation call if NULL.
correctSVSIf enabled (the default) the difference between itk and ML voxel origins is corrected by a half voxel shift.
suppressDimensionWarningitk Matrix entries with higher dimensions than the 4 ML matrix dimensions will be ignored and warned if suppressDimensionWarning is false. If true then these warnings will be suppressed.

Definition at line 825 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References ML_BAD_PARAMETER, ML_PRINT_ERROR, MLMatrixFromITKMatrix(), ml::MedicalImageProperties::setVoxelToWorldMatrix(), and ml::MedicalImageProperties::translateVoxelToWorldMatrix().

◆ setPixelMeasuresFunctionalGroupTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::setPixelMeasuresFunctionalGroupTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const Vector2 pixelSpacing,
double  sliceThickness,
bool  addSpacingBetweenSlices = false,
double  spacingBetweenSlices = 1.0 

Set DCMTree_PixelMeasuresSequence sequence with tags belonging to Pixel Measures Functional Group C.

dcmTreeThe DICOM tree to which the tags shall be added.
pixelSpacingThe values to be added as PixelSpacing tag to dcmTree.
sliceThicknessThe value to be added as SliceThickness tag to dcmTree.
addSpacingBetweenSlicesIf true then the SpacingBetweenSlicesTag is added with the value spacingBetweenSlices.
spacingBetweenSlicesValue to be used for the Spacing Between Slices tag if it is added. throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ setPlaneOrientationFunctionalGroupTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::setPlaneOrientationFunctionalGroupTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const Vector6 imageOrientationPatient 

Set DCMTree_PlaneOrientationSequence sequence with tags belonging to Plane Orientation Functional Group C.

dcmTreeThe DICOM tree to which the tags shall be added.
imageOrientationPatientThe values to be added as ImageOrientationPatient tag to dcmTree. throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ setPlanePositionFunctionalGroupTags()

ML_MLToDicomTools_EXPORT void ml::setPlanePositionFunctionalGroupTags ( DCMTree::TreePtr  dcmTree,
const Vector3 imagePositionPatient 

Set DCMTree_PlanePositionSequence sequence with tags belonging to Segmentation Functional Group C.

dcmTreeThe DICOM tree to which the tags shall be added.
imagePositionPatientThe value to be added as ImagePositionPatient tags to dcmTree. throws May throw DCMTree::Exceptions on failures.

◆ setUpDefaultModuleAndApply()

MLITK_SUPPORT_EXPORT MLErrorCode ml::setUpDefaultModuleAndApply ( const std::string &  dataTypeName,
const ImageVector imgExt,
const ImageVector pageExt,
bool  performOutputUpdate 

This function takes the default module (a TestPattern from BasicModules) (if it still does not exist then it's created), it sets the image and page extents, the data type and touches the apply field.

The contents of the output image are left undefined.

dataTypeNameis the string value of the data type name which shall be used as voxel type of the output image; default is "float";
imgExtdefines the extent of the output image; default is (16,16,1,1,1,1).
minIdxis the first input index of thisOp which shall be connected; default is 0. Invalid or out of range indices are legal and will be ignored.
maxIdxis the last input index of thisOp which is to be connected; default is ML_INT32_MAX. Non existing or to large indices are legal and will be ignored and not connected. If values smaller than 0 are passed then the default module is not connected to any input.
pageExtExtdefines the page extent of the output image; default is (16,16,1,1,1,1).
performOutputUpdateif true the output image is updated, otherwise the output is left as it is.

◆ SoCSOInit()

int ml::SoCSOInit ( void  )

◆ STLVectorFromFixedSizeITKArray()

template<typename TemplArrElemType , unsigned int TemplArrSize>
const ITKML_TYPENAME std::vector<TemplArrElemType> ml::STLVectorFromFixedSizeITKArray ( const TemplArrElemType *  theArray)

Create an STL vector with type TemplArrElemType which contains TemplArrSize elements which are read from theArray, hence the array must have at least TemplArrSize elements.

Definition at line 90 of file mlITKCommonToolFunctions.h.

◆ STLVectorFromFixedSizeVTKArray()

template<typename TemplArrElemType , unsigned int TemplArrSize>
const std::vector<TemplArrElemType> ml::STLVectorFromFixedSizeVTKArray ( const TemplArrElemType *  theArray)

Create an STL vector with type TemplArrElemType which contains TemplArrSize elements which are read from theArray, hence the array must have at least TemplArrSize elements.

Definition at line 90 of file mlVTKCommonToolFunctions.h.

◆ STLVectorFromITKArray()

template<typename STL_CONTAINER , typename ITK_ARRAY_TYPE >
const STL_CONTAINER ml::STLVectorFromITKArray ( const ITK_ARRAY_TYPE &  itkArray)

Returns an STL container object of type STL_CONTAINER which contains cast copies of all elements of the ITK_ARRAY_TYPEd itkArray (in same order and number).

Definition at line 368 of file mlITKSupportToolFunctions.h.

References GetSizeOfAnITKArray().

◆ testFunc_determineImageFilterInRegionTN()

void ml::testFunc_determineImageFilterInRegionTN ( )

Test function for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 122 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

Referenced by determineImageFilterInRegionTN().

◆ testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0()

void ml::testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0 ( )

Test function for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 201 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

Referenced by determineImageFilterOutImageRegionT0().

◆ testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN()

void ml::testFunc_determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN ( )

Test function for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 246 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

Referenced by determineImageFilterOutImageRegionTN().

◆ testFunc_processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg()

void ml::testFunc_processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg ( )

Test function for debugging purposes.

Definition at line 27 of file mlITKFilterSupport.h.

Referenced by processDataWithITKFilterAndFillOutSubImg().

◆ translation2D()

template<class DT >
Tmat3<DT> ml::translation2D ( const Tvec2< DT > &  v)

Returns a 2D translation matrix as 3D homogeneous matrix where the translation is located in the right column.

Definition at line 512 of file mlMatrix3.h.

◆ translation3D()

template<class DT >
Tmat4<DT> ml::translation3D ( const Tvec3< DT > &  v)

Returns a 4x4 homogeneous translation matrix with default identity matrix contents and the upper three components in right column given by 3D vector v.

Definition at line 608 of file mlMatrix4.h.

◆ tsubimage_cast() [1/4]

template<typename T >
const TSubImage<T>& ml::tsubimage_cast ( const SubImage subImg)

◆ tsubimage_cast() [2/4]

template<typename T >
const TSubImage<T>* ml::tsubimage_cast ( const SubImage subImg)

◆ tsubimage_cast() [3/4]

template<typename T >
TSubImage<T>& ml::tsubimage_cast ( SubImage subImg)

◆ tsubimage_cast() [4/4]

template<typename T >
TSubImage<T>* ml::tsubimage_cast ( SubImage subImg)

◆ unscaleCIELabTagValue()

Vector3 ml::unscaleCIELabTagValue ( Vector3  cieLabScaledIn)

Unscale a given cieLabScalesIn value to [0,100], [-128,127], [-127,127] ranges as described in DICOM standard C. Encoding of CIELab Values, however, without checking whether cieLabScaledIn is in valid range.

Definition at line 167 of file mlCIELabToRGBTools.h.

◆ vector_contains()

template<typename T >
bool ml::vector_contains ( const std::vector< T > &  vec,
const T value 

Helper template that searches for value in given vector vec and returns whether it was found.

Definition at line 27 of file mlStdAlgorithms.h.

◆ vector_remove()

template<typename T >
bool ml::vector_remove ( std::vector< T > &  vec,
const T value 

Helper template that removes the first occurrence of value in given vector vec and returns whether it was found.

Definition at line 33 of file mlStdAlgorithms.h.

◆ vector_remove_all()

template<typename T >
void ml::vector_remove_all ( std::vector< T > &  vec,
const T value 

Helper template that removes all occurrences of value in given vector vec.

Definition at line 45 of file mlStdAlgorithms.h.

◆ vector_replace_by_NULL()

template<typename T >
bool ml::vector_replace_by_NULL ( std::vector< T > &  vec,
const T value 

Helper template that replaces the first occurrence of value in given vector vec with NULL and returns whether it was found.

Definition at line 58 of file mlStdAlgorithms.h.

◆ VTKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector()

template<typename TemplArrElemType >
void ml::VTKArrayFromFixedSizeSTLVector ( const typename std::vector< TemplArrElemType > &  stlVec,
TemplArrElemType *  arr,
size_t  TemplArrSize 

Copies TemplArrSize elements from stlVec to arr and - if not enough elements are available - fills up the rest with 0.

Definition at line 77 of file mlVTKCommonToolFunctions.h.

◆ VTKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit()

MLVTK_SUPPORT_EXPORT int ml::VTKCommonTypesAndWrappersInit ( )

Initializes the wrapper classes.

◆ VTKMatrix4x4FromMLMatrix()

vtkMatrix4x4* ml::VTKMatrix4x4FromMLMatrix ( const Matrix4 mat)

Convert an ML 4x4 matrix to a VTK 4x4 matrix which is created with vtkMatrix4x4::New() and which must be deleted by caller with vtkMatrix4x4::Delete().

Definition at line 30 of file mlVTKSpecialFieldsSupport.h.

Variable Documentation


const MLint ml::_ML_STD_SLEN =64

Length of strings for component descriptions and class names.

Definition at line 33 of file mlStdTypeInfos.h.

◆ CSOPathPointConstIteratorEnd

const CSOPathPointConstIterator ml::CSOPathPointConstIteratorEnd = CSOPathPointConstIterator()

A symbolic iterator that indicates that a CSOPathPointConstIterator has reached the end of a cso.

Definition at line 340 of file CSOPathPointIterator.h.

◆ CSOPathPointIteratorEnd

const CSOPathPointIterator ml::CSOPathPointIteratorEnd = CSOPathPointIterator()

A symbolic iterator that indicates that a CSOPathPointIterator has reached the end of a cso.

Definition at line 337 of file CSOPathPointIterator.h.



Error status: no error at all.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMEdgeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::EDGE_SEVERITY_ERROR = 3

Error status: an error.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMEdgeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::EDGE_SEVERITY_FATAL = 4

Error status: a serious error.

Definition at line 25 of file WEMEdgeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::EDGE_SEVERITY_NOTICE = 1

Error status: just a notice.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMEdgeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::EDGE_SEVERITY_WARNING = 2

Error status: a warning.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMEdgeDiagnosis.h.



Error status: no error at all.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMFaceDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::FACE_SEVERITY_ERROR = 3

Error status: an error.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMFaceDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::FACE_SEVERITY_FATAL = 4

Error status: a serious error.

Definition at line 25 of file WEMFaceDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::FACE_SEVERITY_NOTICE = 1

Error status: just a notice.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMFaceDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::FACE_SEVERITY_WARNING = 2

Error status: a warning.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMFaceDiagnosis.h.

◆ FMEGeneralUIDPrefixString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEGeneralUIDPrefixString

The unique DICOM id prefix reserved for general Fraunhofer MEVIS DICOM file exports; note the final "." and that the last characters are "1."; "0." is used by Median, "1." for general export purposes.

◆ FMEPrivateBaseObjectCodingVersionString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateBaseObjectCodingVersionString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateCodedBaseObjectVersion.

◆ FMEPrivateBaseObjectCommentString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateBaseObjectCommentString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectComment.

◆ FMEPrivateBaseObjectDataString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateBaseObjectDataString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectData.

◆ FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeTypeString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeTypeString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateBaseObjectRuntimeType.

◆ FMEPrivateBaseObjectSequenceString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateBaseObjectSequenceString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateCodedBaseObjectVersion.

◆ FMEPrivateCreatorString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateCreatorString

The typically used private creator of Fraunhofer MEVIS.

◆ FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame.

◆ FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsNotOnSameFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsNotOnSameFrameString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonCodedNotOnSameFrameIds.

◆ FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrameString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsOutOfFrame.

◆ FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrameString

String representation for corresponding FMEPrivateIdsOfNonConvertedBaseItemsWithNoFrame.

◆ FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrameString

String representation for corresponding to FMEPrivateSourceIndexOfDecomposedFrame.

◆ FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrameString

MLDICOMTags_EXPORT const char* const ml::FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrameString

String representation for corresponding to FMEPrivateSourceSOPInstanceUIDOfDecomposedFrame.

◆ is_detected_v

template<template< class... > class Op, class... Args>
constexpr bool ml::is_detected_v = is_detected<Op, Args...>::value

Definition at line 77 of file mlTemplateHelpers.h.

◆ LUTVisualTypeName


Visual type name strings ("L", "LA", ...)

◆ MainExecutor

constexpr auto ml::MainExecutor = MainExecutorT{}

The only necessary instance of this main executor.

Usage: MainExecutor([_field = _myProgressField, value] { _field->setValue(value); }); When spawned from any background thread, this will update the passed ProgressField in the main loop with the given value.

Definition at line 66 of file mlMainExecutor.h.

◆ MLErrorOutput

ML_UTILS_EXPORT ErrorOutput ml::MLErrorOutput

This is a singleton used for all ML Error input and output;.

◆ MLGenericType

const int ml::MLGenericType = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+10

Defines special index to use a generic type.

Definition at line 61 of file mlTypedHandlers.h.

◆ MLGlobalTraceBuffer

ML_UTILS_EXPORT TraceBuffer<MLGlobalTraceBufferType> ml::MLGlobalTraceBuffer

This is a global singleton of the TraceBuffer class.

It is used by all ML_TRACE_IN macros in the ML and by ErrorOutput class for dumping in error cases.

◆ MLNotify

ML_UTILS_EXPORT Notify ml::MLNotify

Singleton which contains all registered callback functions of the ML.

◆ MLPCLObjectTypeNames


String names for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library.

◆ MLPCLPointTypeNames


String names for the precompiled point types of the Point Cloud Library.

◆ MLVariableType0

const int ml::MLVariableType0 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET

Defines to use the result type of variable type 0.

Definition at line 53 of file mlTypedHandlers.h.

◆ MLVariableType1

const int ml::MLVariableType1 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+1

Defines to use the result type of variable type 1.

Definition at line 55 of file mlTypedHandlers.h.

◆ MLVariableType2

const int ml::MLVariableType2 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+2

Defines to use the result type of variable type 2.

Definition at line 57 of file mlTypedHandlers.h.

◆ MLVariableType3

const int ml::MLVariableType3 = _ML_SWITCH_SELECT_OFFSET+3

Defines to use the result type of variable type 3.

Definition at line 59 of file mlTypedHandlers.h.

◆ MultiFileVolumeListDraftViewNumFiles

const int ml::MultiFileVolumeListDraftViewNumFiles =4

Number of files to be loaded.

Definition at line 32 of file mlMultiFileVolumeListDraftView.h.

◆ nameAttribAlpha

const std::string ml::nameAttribAlpha = "Alpha"

String name for the line's alpha value.

Definition at line 258 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribColor

const std::string ml::nameAttribColor = "Color"

String name for the line's color.

Definition at line 257 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribDescription

const std::string ml::nameAttribDescription = "Description"

String name for a description.

Definition at line 229 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribEditableState

const std::string ml::nameAttribEditableState = "EditableState"

String name for the editable state.

Definition at line 234 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribId

const std::string ml::nameAttribId = "Id"

String name for an id.

Definition at line 227 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribLabel

const std::string ml::nameAttribLabel = "Label"

String name for a label.

Definition at line 228 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribLineStyle

const std::string ml::nameAttribLineStyle = "LineStyle"

String name for the line style.

Definition at line 256 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribLineWidth

const std::string ml::nameAttribLineWidth = "LineWidth"

String name for the line width.

Definition at line 259 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribMarkerAlpha

const std::string ml::nameAttribMarkerAlpha = "MarkerAlpha"

String name for the marker's alpha value.

Definition at line 263 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribMarkerColor

const std::string ml::nameAttribMarkerColor = "MarkerColor"

String name for the marker's color.

Definition at line 262 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribMarkerMode

const std::string ml::nameAttribMarkerMode = "MarkerMode"

String name for the marker mode.

Definition at line 261 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribMarkerSize

const std::string ml::nameAttribMarkerSize = "MarkerSize"

String name for the marker's size.

Definition at line 264 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribNumUserData

const std::string ml::nameAttribNumUserData = "NumUserData"

Definition at line 249 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribPathPointAlpha

const std::string ml::nameAttribPathPointAlpha = "PathPointAlpha"

String name for a path point alpha.

Definition at line 239 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribPathPointColor

const std::string ml::nameAttribPathPointColor = "PathPointColor"

String name for a path point color.

Definition at line 238 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribPathPointStyle

const std::string ml::nameAttribPathPointStyle = "PathPointStyle"

String name for a path point style.

Definition at line 236 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribPathPointWidth

const std::string ml::nameAttribPathPointWidth = "PathPointWidth"

String name for a path point width.

Definition at line 237 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribSeedPointAlpha

const std::string ml::nameAttribSeedPointAlpha = "SeedPointAlpha"

String name for a seed point alpha.

Definition at line 244 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribSeedPointColor

const std::string ml::nameAttribSeedPointColor = "SeedPointColor"

String name for a seed point color.

Definition at line 243 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribSeedPointSize

const std::string ml::nameAttribSeedPointSize = "SeedPointSize"

String name for a seed point size.

Definition at line 242 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribSeedPointStyle

const std::string ml::nameAttribSeedPointStyle = "SeedPointStyle"

String name for a seed point style.

Definition at line 241 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribShowState

const std::string ml::nameAttribShowState = "ShowState"

String name for the show state.

Definition at line 232 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribTimePointIndex

const std::string ml::nameAttribTimePointIndex = "TimePointIndex"

String name for a time point index.

Definition at line 231 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribUserDataName

const std::string ml::nameAttribUserDataName = "UserDataName"

Definition at line 250 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribUserDataType

const std::string ml::nameAttribUserDataType = "UserDataType"

Definition at line 251 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribUserDataValue

const std::string ml::nameAttribUserDataValue = "UserDataValue"

Definition at line 252 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribVoxelizeState

const std::string ml::nameAttribVoxelizeState = "VoxelizeState"

String name for the voxelize state.

Definition at line 233 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribVoxelValue

const std::string ml::nameAttribVoxelValue = "VoxelValue"

String name for the voxel write value.

Definition at line 266 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribVoxelWriteMode

const std::string ml::nameAttribVoxelWriteMode = "VoxelWriteMode"

String name for the voxel write mode.

Definition at line 246 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameAttribVoxelWriteValue

const std::string ml::nameAttribVoxelWriteValue = "VoxelWriteValue"

String name for the voxel write value.

Definition at line 247 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCommonNumCSOs

const std::string ml::nameCommonNumCSOs = "NumCSOs"

String name for the number of CSOs.

Definition at line 220 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCommonNumGroups

const std::string ml::nameCommonNumGroups = "NumGroups"

String name for the number of CSOGroups.

Definition at line 221 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCommonNumSelectedCSOs

const std::string ml::nameCommonNumSelectedCSOs = "NumSelectedCSOs"

String name for the number of selected CSOs.

Definition at line 223 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCommonNumSelectedGroups

const std::string ml::nameCommonNumSelectedGroups = "NumSelectedGroups"

String name for the number of selected CSOGroups.

Definition at line 224 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOBoundingBox

const std::string ml::nameCSOBoundingBox = "BoundingBox"

String name for the bounding box of a CSO.

Definition at line 277 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOClosed

const std::string ml::nameCSOClosed = "IsClosed"

String name for the closed state of a CSO.

Definition at line 274 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOCreatorId

const std::string ml::nameCSOCreatorId = "CreatorId"

String name for the creator id of a CSO.

Definition at line 280 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOFinished

const std::string ml::nameCSOFinished = "IsFinished"

String name for the finished state of a CSO.

Definition at line 273 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOInPlane

const std::string ml::nameCSOInPlane = "IsInPlane"

String name for the in-plane state of a CSO.

Definition at line 275 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSONumPathPointLists

const std::string ml::nameCSONumPathPointLists = "NumPathPointLists"

String name for the number of path point lists.

Definition at line 271 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSONumSeedPoints

const std::string ml::nameCSONumSeedPoints = "NumSeedPoints"

String name for the number of seed points.

Definition at line 270 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOPlaneNormal

const std::string ml::nameCSOPlaneNormal = "PlaneNormal"

String name for the plane normal of a CSO.

Definition at line 276 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOSubType

const std::string ml::nameCSOSubType = "SubType"

String name for the subtype of a CSO.

Definition at line 279 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameCSOType

const std::string ml::nameCSOType = "Type"

String name for the type of a CSO.

Definition at line 278 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupDeleteGroupCSOHandling

const std::string ml::nameGroupDeleteGroupCSOHandling = "DeleteGroupCSOHandling"

Definition at line 286 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupMaximumCSOs

const std::string ml::nameGroupMaximumCSOs = "MaximumCSOs"

Definition at line 283 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupOverflowHandling

const std::string ml::nameGroupOverflowHandling = "OverflowHandling"

Definition at line 284 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupRemoveCSOHandling

const std::string ml::nameGroupRemoveCSOHandling = "RemoveCSOHandling"

Definition at line 285 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseEditableState

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseEditableState = "UseEditableState"

String name for the use editable state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 291 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseMarkerSettings

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseMarkerSettings = "UseMarkerSettings"

String name for the use marker settings state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 309 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUsePathPointAlpha

const std::string ml::nameGroupUsePathPointAlpha = "UsePathPointAlpha"

String name for the use path point alpha of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 296 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUsePathPointColor

const std::string ml::nameGroupUsePathPointColor = "UsePathPointColor"

String name for the use path point color of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 295 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUsePathPointStyle

const std::string ml::nameGroupUsePathPointStyle = "UsePathPointStyle"

String name for the use path point style of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 293 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUsePathPointWidth

const std::string ml::nameGroupUsePathPointWidth = "UsePathPointWidth"

String name for the use path point width of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 294 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseSeedPointAlpha

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseSeedPointAlpha = "UseSeedPointAlpha"

String name for the use seed point alpha of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 301 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseSeedPointColor

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseSeedPointColor = "UseSeedPointColor"

String name for the use seed point color of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 300 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseSeedPointSize

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseSeedPointSize = "UseSeedPointSize"

String name for the use seed point size of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 299 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseSeedPointStyle

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseSeedPointStyle = "UseSeedPointStyle"

String name for the use seed point style of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 298 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseShowState

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseShowState = "UseShowState"

String name for the use show state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 289 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseTimePointIndex

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseTimePointIndex = "UseTimePointIndex"

String name for the use time point index state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 288 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseVisuals

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseVisuals = "UseVisuals"

String name for the use visual state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 308 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseVoxelizeState

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseVoxelizeState = "UseVoxelizeState"

String name for the use voxelize state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 290 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseVoxelWriteMode

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseVoxelWriteMode = "UseVoxelWriteMode"

String name for the use voxel write mode state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 303 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ nameGroupUseVoxelWriteValue

const std::string ml::nameGroupUseVoxelWriteValue = "UseVoxelWriteValue"

String name for the use voxel write value state of a CSOGroup.

Definition at line 304 of file CSODefines.h.

◆ namePathNumPoints

const std::string ml::namePathNumPoints = "PathNumPoints"

String name for the number of points in a path point list.

Definition at line 272 of file CSODefines.h.



Error status: no error at all.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMNodeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::NODE_SEVERITY_ERROR = 3

Error status: an error.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMNodeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::NODE_SEVERITY_FATAL = 4

Error status: a serious error.

Definition at line 25 of file WEMNodeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::NODE_SEVERITY_NOTICE = 1

Error status: just a notice.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMNodeDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::NODE_SEVERITY_WARNING = 2

Error status: a warning.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMNodeDiagnosis.h.



Error status: no error at all.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMPatchDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::PATCH_SEVERITY_ERROR = 3

Error status: an error.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMPatchDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::PATCH_SEVERITY_FATAL = 4

Error status: a serious error.

Definition at line 25 of file WEMPatchDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::PATCH_SEVERITY_NOTICE = 1

Error status: just a notice.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMPatchDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::PATCH_SEVERITY_WARNING = 2

Error status: a warning.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMPatchDiagnosis.h.


const int ml::WEM_PATCH_ID_ALL = -1

Patch Id meaning: all patches.

Definition at line 109 of file MLWEMIncludes.h.

Referenced by ml::WEMEventContainer::WEMEventContainer().



Local cut definition: multi intermediate.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMFaceCut.h.


const int ml::WEMFACECUT_SAME_EDGE = 3

Local cut definition: same edge.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMFaceCut.h.



Local cut definition: single intermediate.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMFaceCut.h.


const int ml::WEMFACECUT_SINGLE_PART = 0

Local cut definition: single part.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMFaceCut.h.


const int ml::WEMFACECUT_STAB = 4

Local cut definition: stab.

Definition at line 25 of file WEMFaceCut.h.



Local definition: closed cut.

Definition at line 21 of file WEMPartialFaceCut.h.



Local definition: half open cut.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMPartialFaceCut.h.



Local definition: open cut.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMPartialFaceCut.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_BOOLEAN_DIFFERENCE = 2

Set operation: difference.

Definition at line 30 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_BOOLEAN_INTERSECTION = 1

Set operation: intersection.

Definition at line 29 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_BOOLEAN_UNION = 0

Set operation: union.

Definition at line 28 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_INTERSECTING_FLAG = 5

Definition at line 35 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_OUTER_FLAG = 1

Definition at line 34 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_BOTH = 2

Output mode: both patches.

Definition at line 24 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_FIRST = 0

Output mode: first patch only.

Definition at line 22 of file WEMSetOp.h.


const unsigned int ml::WEMSETOP_OUTPUT_SECOND = 1

Output mode: second patch only.

Definition at line 23 of file WEMSetOp.h.