MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // Copyright (c) Fraunhofer MEVIS, Germany. All rights reserved.
2 // **InsertLicense** code
3 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
10 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
11 #pragma once
14 #include <mlTypeDefs.h>
15 #include <ThirdPartyWarningsDisable.h>
16 #include <list>
17 #include <map>
18 #include <set>
19 #include <string>
20 #include <vector>
21 #include <ThirdPartyWarningsRestore.h>
28 // Forwards internally used types.
29 class DicomMessageCollector;
30 class MultiFileVolume;
31 class ProgressLogger;
32 namespace DICOMTagTools{
33  class ZTUIndex;
34 };
36 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40 typedef std::multimap<unsigned int, std::string> TSearchTerm;
42 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 class MLMULTI_FILE_VOLUME_EXPORT MultiFileVolumeList : public std::vector<MultiFileVolume*> {
48  public:
52  typedef void ProgressCB(void *usrData,
53  const std::string &info,
54  float state);
59  typedef void RemoveUserFileCB(const size_t volumeIndex,
60  const std::string& validCacheDir,
61  const std::string& validCacheFileName);
63  // Default constructor, deletes all MultiFileVolumes in its list.
76  void setUpIssues(const DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector = nullptr);
79  std::string getIssues(const DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector = nullptr) const;
85  bool equals(const MultiFileVolumeList &obj) const;
89  bool sortUpwards,
90  MLint rawTagId,
91  bool useNumericTagStringValueSorting);
94  MultiFileVolume* findVolumeByInstanceUID(std::string sopClassUID,
95  std::string sopInstanceUID) const;
100  std::vector<MLuint32>& outVolumeIds,
102  bool searchAnyValue) const;
115  MLErrorCode appendToCache(const std::string &cacheDirPath,
116  std::string &currCacheState,
117  bool useRelativePaths,
118  const std::string &optionalFilePrefix="") const;
145  MLErrorCode setFromString(const std::string &state,
146  const std::string &cacheDirPath,
147  ProgressCB progressCB = nullptr,
148  void *userData = nullptr,
149  const float startPercentage = 0.0f,
150  const float percentageRange = 1.0f,
151  std::list<std::string> *cacheFileList = nullptr,
152  DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector = nullptr);
154  //--------------------------------------------------
156  //--------------------------------------------------
167  static std::string getResultCacheFileName(const std::string &fileNameInput,
168  const std::string &cachePathInput,
169  std::string &fileName,
170  std::string &cacheDirPath,
171  const MLint fileIndex=-1);
183  static MLErrorCode clearResultCacheFiles(const std::string &fileNameInput,
184  const std::string &cachePathInput,
185  ProgressLogger *progressLogger = nullptr,
186  RemoveUserFileCB userFileDeleter = nullptr);
204  MLErrorCode loadResultCache(const std::string &fileNameInput,
205  const std::string &cachePathInput,
206  ProgressLogger *progressLogger,
207  bool &volumeListChanged,
208  ProgressCB progressCallback,
209  void *userData);
221  MLErrorCode writeResultCache(const std::string &fileNameInput,
222  const std::string &cachePathInput,
223  const bool useRelativePaths,
224  const bool writeSingleVolumeCaches,
225  ProgressLogger *progressLogger) const;
261  MLErrorCode loadResultCacheIntoVolumeList(const std::string &sourceFileName,
262  const std::string &cacheDirPath,
263  bool *volumeListChanged = nullptr,
264  ProgressCB progressCB = nullptr,
265  void *userData = nullptr,
266  const float startPercentage = 0.0f,
267  const float percentageRange = 1.0f,
268  std::list<std::string> *cacheFileList = nullptr,
269  DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector = nullptr);
274  MLErrorCode loadMultiFileVolumeListCache(const std::string &fileName,
275  bool *volumeListChanged = nullptr,
276  ProgressCB progressCB = nullptr,
277  void *userData = nullptr,
278  const float startPercentage = 0.0f,
279  const float percentageRange = 1.0f,
280  std::list<std::string> *cacheFileList = nullptr);
287  MLErrorCode clearResultFiles(ProgressLogger *progressLogger = nullptr) const;
308  bool searchFrameWithSOPInstanceUID(const std::string &sopInstanceUID,
309  DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &foundHandle,
310  DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex &ztuPosition,
311  MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator &volumeIt,
312  bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles,
313  bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees,
314  DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const;
334  bool searchFrameWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId,
335  const std::string &tagValue,
336  DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &foundHandle,
337  DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex &ztuPosition,
338  MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator &volumeIt,
339  bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles,
340  bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees,
341  DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const;
354  std::vector<MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator> searchVolumesWithFramesWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId,
355  const std::string &tagValue,
356  bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles,
357  bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees,
358  DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const;
371  std::set<size_t> searchVolumeIndexesWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId,
372  const std::string &tagValue,
373  bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles,
374  bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees,
375  DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const;
377  protected:
406  MLErrorCode _setFromMultiCacheFile(const std::string &state,
407  const std::string &cacheDirPath,
408  ProgressCB progressCB ,
409  void *userData ,
410  const float startPercentage ,
411  const float percentageRange ,
412  std::list<std::string> *cacheFileList ,
413  size_t &readPos,
414  DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector);
415 };
Project global and OS specific declarations.
Only for diagnostic purposes.
Class managing a multi-frame Z, T, and U-dimension plus a string value.
Definition: mlZTUIndex.h:26
Class to collect messages and errors related to a given frame handle.
An enumeration to define the boolean op to be performed on the results of all search items.
Possible modes how to reorder the volumes.
Class managing a list of MultiFileVolume instances for the DirectDicomImport module; taking ownership...
MLErrorCode appendToCache(const std::string &cacheDirPath, std::string &currCacheState, bool useRelativePaths, const std::string &optionalFilePrefix="") const
Converts the current state of this to a string.
void setUpIssues(const DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector=nullptr)
Sets up the 'issues' members of all volumes; see MultiFileVolume::setUpIssues() for details.
bool equals(const MultiFileVolumeList &obj) const
Returns true if basic properties of *this and obj are identical, otherwise false.
std::set< size_t > searchVolumeIndexesWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId, const std::string &tagValue, bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles, bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const
Returns a set of indexes to volumes which contain a frame with a tag with id tagId with value tagValu...
MLErrorCode _setFromMultiCacheFile(const std::string &state, const std::string &cacheDirPath, ProgressCB progressCB, void *userData, const float startPercentage, const float percentageRange, std::list< std::string > *cacheFileList, size_t &readPos, DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector)
Helper function for setFromString: Reads the state of this from the string state; returns ML_RESULT_O...
void ProgressCB(void *usrData, const std::string &info, float state)
Progress callback which can be passed to some functions for progress bar updates in DirectDicomImport...
bool findVolumesByCriteria(TSearchTerm searchTerm, std::vector< MLuint32 > &outVolumeIds, MultiFileVolumeListFind::BooleanOperation booleanOperation, bool searchAnyValue) const
Find volumes in *this using given searchTerm (containing e.g.
void freeAllVolumes()
Deletes all volumes and reduce vector size to 0.
MLErrorCode clearResultFiles(ProgressLogger *progressLogger=nullptr) const
Clear all stored SMF-Tree files for the MultiFileVolumeList instance; cache files are not removed.
bool searchFrameWithSOPInstanceUID(const std::string &sopInstanceUID, DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &foundHandle, DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex &ztuPosition, MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator &volumeIt, bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles, bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const
Returns position and file handle of the first frame in the first volume with the given SOPInstanceUID...
virtual ~MultiFileVolumeList()
MLErrorCode writeResultCache(const std::string &fileNameInput, const std::string &cachePathInput, const bool useRelativePaths, const bool writeSingleVolumeCaches, ProgressLogger *progressLogger) const
Writes all information into the cache file in the cache file directory.
MultiFileVolumeList(const MultiFileVolumeList &ref)
Copy constructor.
std::vector< MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator > searchVolumesWithFramesWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId, const std::string &tagValue, bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles, bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const
Returns a vector of iterators to volumes which contain a frame with a tag with id tagId with value ta...
MLErrorCode setFromString(const std::string &state, const std::string &cacheDirPath, ProgressCB progressCB=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, const float startPercentage=0.0f, const float percentageRange=1.0f, std::list< std::string > *cacheFileList=nullptr, DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector=nullptr)
Reads the state of this from the string state; returns ML_RESULT_OK on successful load and false on f...
MultiFileVolume * findVolumeByInstanceUID(std::string sopClassUID, std::string sopInstanceUID) const
Find a volume in *this using given SOPClassUID and SOPInstanceUID; see MultiFileVolumeListFind for de...
MLErrorCode loadResultCacheIntoVolumeList(const std::string &sourceFileName, const std::string &cacheDirPath, bool *volumeListChanged=nullptr, ProgressCB progressCB=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, const float startPercentage=0.0f, const float percentageRange=1.0f, std::list< std::string > *cacheFileList=nullptr, DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector=nullptr)
Reload all information from the cache file in the cache file directory into *this.
void sortVolumes(MultiFileVolumeListSort::SortModes sortMode, bool sortUpwards, MLint rawTagId, bool useNumericTagStringValueSorting)
Sorts the volume list according the given sort criteria sortMode; see MultiFileVolumeListSort for det...
static std::string getResultCacheFileName(const std::string &fileNameInput, const std::string &cachePathInput, std::string &fileName, std::string &cacheDirPath, const MLint fileIndex=-1)
Returns the full name path of the result cache file.
MultiFileVolumeList & operator=(const MultiFileVolumeList &ref)
Assignment operator *creating copied duplicates from ref).
bool searchFrameWithValueInTag(unsigned int tagId, const std::string &tagValue, DICOMCachedIOFileHandle &foundHandle, DICOMTagTools::ZTUIndex &ztuPosition, MultiFileVolumeList::const_iterator &volumeIt, bool forceSearchInEnhancedHandles, bool alsoSearchInSMFTrees, DicomMessageCollector &dcmMsgCollector) const
Returns file handle and position of the first frame in the first volume with tagValue in a tag with i...
std::string getIssues(const DicomMessageCollector *dcmMsgCollector=nullptr) const
Returns a collected string with all issues; requires that issues have been set up before.
MLErrorCode loadResultCache(const std::string &fileNameInput, const std::string &cachePathInput, ProgressLogger *progressLogger, bool &volumeListChanged, ProgressCB progressCallback, void *userData)
Reload all information from the cache file in the cache file directory into the internal volume list ...
static MLErrorCode clearResultCacheFiles(const std::string &fileNameInput, const std::string &cachePathInput, ProgressLogger *progressLogger=nullptr, RemoveUserFileCB userFileDeleter=nullptr)
Clear all files from the cache containing result volume files in the cache file directory.
MLErrorCode loadMultiFileVolumeListCache(const std::string &fileName, bool *volumeListChanged=nullptr, ProgressCB progressCB=nullptr, void *userData=nullptr, const float startPercentage=0.0f, const float percentageRange=1.0f, std::list< std::string > *cacheFileList=nullptr)
Alternative load routine for a MultiFileVolume(List) from a cache file which first splits fileName to...
void RemoveUserFileCB(const size_t volumeIndex, const std::string &validCacheDir, const std::string &validCacheFileName)
A function callback which removes a user added cache file related to a volume which is stored in the ...
Management class used by DirectDicomImport to create, represent and describe volumes composed of mult...
Configurable logger and progress handler class which can be used as base class for logging,...
MLint32 MLErrorCode
Type of an ML Error code.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:818
Header of FileHandle class which should be used in DICOM importing modules to resolve the filename fo...
Class implementing some search functionality on MultiFileVolumeLists.
Tool class to sort MultiFileVolumeLists according to specific properties.
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:578
MultiFileVolumeList DirectDicomImportOutVolumeList
For backward compatibility to DirectDicomImport applications:
std::multimap< unsigned int, std::string > TSearchTerm
Typedef to define filter criteria to filter the list of volume references e.g.