MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
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3 ** Copyright 2007, MeVis Medical Solutions AG
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13 #ifndef ML_SUB_IMAGE_H
14 #define ML_SUB_IMAGE_H
20 #include "mlInitSystemML.h"
21 #include "mlImageProperties.h"
23 #include "mlMemoryBlockHandle.h"
24 #include "mlScaleShiftData.h"
30 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
73 //-------------------------------------------------------------------------
75 {
77 public:
79  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
82  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
84  inline SubImage() :
85  //_box (),
86  _sourceImageExtent(0),
87  _data (nullptr),
88  _stride (0),
89  _dataType (MLuint8Type),
90  _dataTypeSize (1)
91  {
92  }
97  inline SubImage(const SubImage &si) :
98  _box (si._box),
99  _sourceImageExtent(si._sourceImageExtent),
100  _data (si._data),
101  _memoryBlock (si._memoryBlock),
102  _stride (si._stride),
103  _dataType (si._dataType),
104  _dataTypeSize (si._dataTypeSize)
105  {
106  }
111  inline SubImage(const SubImageBox& box, MLDataType datatype, void* data = nullptr) :
112  _box (box),
113  _sourceImageExtent(0),
114  _data (data),
115  _stride (box.getExtent().getStrides()),
116  _dataType (datatype),
117  _dataTypeSize(MLSizeOf(datatype))
118  {
119  }
124  inline SubImage(const SubImage &si, const ImageVector& offset) :
125  _box (si._box),
126  _sourceImageExtent(si._sourceImageExtent),
127  _data (si._data),
128  _memoryBlock (si._memoryBlock),
129  _stride (si._stride),
130  _dataType (si._dataType),
131  _dataTypeSize (si._dataTypeSize)
132  {
133  _box.translate(offset);
134  }
137  inline virtual ~SubImage() = default;
141  inline SubImage &operator=(const SubImage &si)
142  {
143  if (this != &si)
144  {
145  _box = si._box;
146  _sourceImageExtent = si._sourceImageExtent;
147  _data = si._data;
148  _memoryBlock = si._memoryBlock;
149  _stride = si._stride;
150  _dataType = si._dataType;
151  _dataTypeSize = si._dataTypeSize;
152  }
153  return *this;
154  }
157  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
160  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
163  inline void setBox(const SubImageBox &subImageBox)
164  {
165  _box = subImageBox;
166  _stride.set(subImageBox.getExtent().getStrides());
167  }
173  inline void setBox(const ImageVector &imageExtent)
174  {
175  _box = SubImageBox(imageExtent);
176  _stride.set(imageExtent.getStrides());
177  }
180  inline void translate(const ImageVector &offset)
181  {
182  _box.translate(offset);
183  }
186  inline const ImageVector& getOrigin() const { return _box.v1; }
190  inline void setOrigin(const ImageVector& newOrigin) {
191  ImageVector offset = _box.v2 - _box.v1;
192  _box.v1 = newOrigin;
193  _box.v2 = newOrigin + offset;
194  }
197  inline ImageVector getExtent() const { return _box.getExtent(); }
201  inline void setExtent(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z = 1, MLint c = 1, MLint t = 1, MLint u = 1) {
202  setExtent(ImageVector(x,y,z,c,t,u));
203  }
206  inline void setExtent(const ImageVector& newExtent) {
207  _box.v2 = _box.v1 + newExtent -1;
208  _stride.set(newExtent.getStrides());
209  }
212  inline SubImageBox getBoxFromExtent() const { return SubImageBox(getExtent()); }
218  inline SubImageBox getBoxFromImageExtent() const { return getBoxFromExtent(); }
222  inline ImageVector getImageExtent() const { return getExtent(); }
226  inline void setImageExtent(const ImageVector& newExtent) { setExtent(newExtent);}
230  inline const SubImageBox& getBox() const
231  {
232  return _box;
233  }
237  inline void setSourceImageExtent(const ImageVector& extent) { _sourceImageExtent = extent; }
241  inline ImageVector getSourceImageExtent() const { return _sourceImageExtent; }
248  inline SubImageBox getValidRegion() const {
249  SubImageBox sourceBox(_sourceImageExtent);
250  return SubImageBox::intersect(_box, sourceBox);
251  }
255  inline MLint getNumVoxels() const { return _box.getNumVoxels(); }
259  inline MLint getSizeInBytes() const { return getNumVoxels() * static_cast<MLint>(_dataTypeSize); }
264  inline ImageVector getStride() const
265  {
266  return _stride;
267  }
270  inline MLint getOffset(const ImageVector& voxelPosition) const
271  {
272  return ImageVector::dot(voxelPosition,_stride);
273  }
277  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
280  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
281  inline void setDataType(MLDataType dataType)
282  {
283  _dataType = dataType;
284  _dataTypeSize = MLSizeOf(dataType);
285  }
288  inline MLDataType getDataType() const { return _dataType; }
291  inline const MLTypeInfos* getDataTypeInfos() const { return MLGetTypeInfosForDataType(_dataType); }
294  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
297  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
301  inline void* getSubImagePointer(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
302  {
303  // Use pointer arithmetic with one-byte sized data type, therefore we use a char pointer.
304  // (casting the offset to an unsigned type is ok - the resulting offset needs to be positive, and because of the wrap-around
305  // this would work for negative values anyway)
306  return static_cast<void*>(static_cast<char*>(_data) + static_cast<size_t>(ImageVector::dot(voxelPosition, _stride) * static_cast<MLint>(_dataTypeSize)));
307  }
312  inline void* getSubImagePointer(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
313  {
314  // Use pointer arithmetics with one-byte sized data type, therefore we use a char pointer.
315  // (casting the offset to an unsigned type is ok - the resulting offset needs to be positive, and because of the wrap-around
316  // this would work for negative values anyway)
317  return static_cast<void*>(static_cast<char*>(_data) + static_cast<size_t>((x*_stride.x + y*_stride.y + _stride.z*z) * static_cast<MLint>(_dataTypeSize)));
318  }
323  inline void* getImagePointer(const ImageVector& voxelPosition) const
324  {
325  return getSubImagePointer(voxelPosition-_box.v1);
326  }
331  inline void* getImagePointer(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
332  {
333  return getSubImagePointer(x-_box.v1.x, y-_box.v1.y, z-_box.v1.z);
334  }
338  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
341  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
354  MLEXPORT void copySubImage(const SubImage& fromImage, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData);
359  MLEXPORT void copySubImage(const SubImage& fromImage);
363  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
366  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
369  MLEXPORT bool isValid() const;
372  inline void* getData() const { return _data; }
377  MLEXPORT void setData(void* data) { _memoryBlock.clear(); _data = data; }
383  MLEXPORT void setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle(const MLMemoryBlockHandle& data) { _memoryBlock = data; _data =; }
388  inline const MLMemoryBlockHandle& getMemoryBlockHandle() const { return _memoryBlock; }
390  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
395  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
396  MLEXPORT static MLint coordToIndex(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, MLint c, MLint t, MLint u, const ImageVector& size);
398  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
402  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
403  MLEXPORT static MLint coordToIndex(const ImageVector& voxelPosition, const ImageVector& size);
405  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
409  //----------------------------------------------------------------------
410  MLEXPORT static ImageVector indexToCoord(MLint index, const ImageVector& extent);
414  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
417  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
422  inline bool isValidSubImagePosition(const ImageVector& voxelPosition) const
423  {
424  const ImageVector extent = getExtent();
425  return ((voxelPosition.x>=0) && (voxelPosition.y>=0) && (voxelPosition.z>=0) &&
426  (voxelPosition.c>=0) && (voxelPosition.t>=0) && (voxelPosition.u>=0) &&
427  voxelPosition.x < extent.x && voxelPosition.y < extent.y && voxelPosition.z < extent.z &&
428  voxelPosition.c < extent.c && voxelPosition.t < extent.t && voxelPosition.u < extent.u );
429  }
435  inline bool isValidSubImagePosition(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
436  {
437  const ImageVector extent = getExtent();
438  return ((x>=0) && (y>=0) && (z>=0) &&
439  (x < extent.x) && (y < extent.y) && (z < extent.z));
440  }
446  inline bool isValidImagePosition(const ImageVector& voxelPosition) const
447  {
448  return ((voxelPosition.x>=_box.v1.x) && (voxelPosition.y>=_box.v1.y) && (voxelPosition.z>=_box.v1.z) &&
449  (voxelPosition.c>=_box.v1.c) && (voxelPosition.t>=_box.v1.t) && (voxelPosition.u>=_box.v1.u) &&
450  (voxelPosition.x<=_box.v2.x) && (voxelPosition.y<=_box.v2.y) && (voxelPosition.z<=_box.v2.z) &&
451  (voxelPosition.c<=_box.v2.c) && (voxelPosition.t<=_box.v2.t) && (voxelPosition.u<=_box.v2.u) );
452  }
458  inline bool isValidImagePosition(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
459  {
460  return ((x>=_box.v1.x) && (y>=_box.v1.y) && (z>=_box.v1.z) &&
461  (x<=_box.v2.x) && (y<=_box.v2.y) && (z<=_box.v2.z) );
462  }
465  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
468  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
496  MLEXPORT void free();
500  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
503  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
505  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
509  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
510  MLEXPORT bool isOneValued() const;
512  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
523  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
525  const SubImageBox* const validBox=nullptr) const;
527  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
548  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
549  MLEXPORT void compare(const SubImage& subImage2,
550  bool* regionsMatch,
551  bool* dataTypesMatch,
552  bool* thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2,
553  bool* region2IsPartOfThisBox,
554  bool* overlapHasSameValues,
555  ImageVector* firstMismatchPos) const;
559  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
562  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
564  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
566  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
567  MLEXPORT void fill(MLdouble value);
569  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
574  //---------------------------------------------------------------------------
577  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
582  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
584  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
586  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
593  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
594  MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithTypeData(const SubImageBox &box, const MLTypeData *fillValue);
596  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
605  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
606  MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithInputValues(const SubImageBox &box, const SubImage &inputSubImage);
608  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
615  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
621  fillBordersWithScalarValue(getValidRegion(), value);
622  }
626  inline void fillInvalidRegionWithTypeData(const MLTypeData *value) {
627  fillBordersWithTypeData(getValidRegion(), value);
628  }
634  fillBordersWithBorderValues(getValidRegion());
635  }
639  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
643  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
646  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
651  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
652  MLEXPORT void setFromImageProperties(const ImageProperties& imageProperties);
654  // Debug output to std::ostream, unoptimized.
655  void toStream(std::ostream &ostr) const;
657 protected:
658  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
675  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
677  const SubImageBox &maxValidInputRegion,
678  ImageVector &boxV1, ImageVector &boxV2,
679  ImageVector &outputTSubImageV1, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV2,
680  MLint &fullLineLenX,
681  MLint &fullLineLenXB,
682  MLint &leftLineStartX,
683  MLint &leftLineLenX,
684  MLint &leftLineLenXB,
685  MLint &rightLineStartX,
686  MLint &rightLineLenX,
687  MLint &rightLineLenXB);
690  void _copySubImageGeneric(const SubImage& fromImage, const ScaleShiftData& scaleShiftData);
702  void* _data;
715 private:
718  size_t _dataTypeSize;
719 };
723 // Stream output for std::ostream
724 namespace std {
726  MLEXPORT ostream& operator<<(ostream& s, const ML_NAMESPACE::SubImage &fc);
727 }
729 #endif //of __mlSubImage_H
The strong handle of a MLMemoryBlock.
void * data() const
Returns the data of the memory block. If this handle is NULL, then NULL is returned.
This class represents basic image properties:
This class manages/represents a rectangular 6D image region that is organized linearly in memory.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:75
void * getData() const
Returns the memory address of the memory managed by the subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:372
void fillInvalidRegionWithScalarValue(MLdouble value)
Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:620
ImageVector _stride
Stride vector to address the memory efficiently.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:710
void setBox(const SubImageBox &subImageBox)
Sets a rectangular 6D region of the subimage to subImageBox.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:163
MLEXPORT void compare(const SubImage &subImage2, bool *regionsMatch, bool *dataTypesMatch, bool *thisBoxIsPartOfRegion2, bool *region2IsPartOfThisBox, bool *overlapHasSameValues, ImageVector *firstMismatchPos) const
Compares two subimages with respect to their regions and their contents.
bool isValidSubImagePosition(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
Returns true if the 6D voxelPosition is a valid position within the subimage region,...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:422
void fillInvalidRegionWithTypeData(const MLTypeData *value)
Fills the invalid region (everything outside of getValidRegion()) with the given value.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:626
virtual ~SubImage()=default
Virtual destructor to suppress compiler warnings.
void setDataType(MLDataType dataType)
Override the inherited setDataType method to set type of data to dataType.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:281
void translate(const ImageVector &offset)
Translates the box of the subimage by adding the vector offset.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:180
void * getSubImagePointer(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6D voxelPosition relative to the origin of the subi...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:301
MLEXPORT void allocateAsMemoryBlockHandle(MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure=ML_RETURN_NULL)
Allocates data using the ML memory manager. For failure handing, see SubImage::allocate().
MLDataType getDataType() const
Returns the type of image data.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:288
MLEXPORT bool isOneValued() const
Returns true if all page voxels have the same value or if the page contains only one voxel.
SubImageBox getBoxFromImageExtent() const
Definition: mlSubImage.h:218
const MLTypeInfos * _getDataTypeInfos(MLDataType dt) const
Returns MLTypeInfos for used datatypes, indicates error if the type dt is not registered.
SubImage(const SubImage &si, const ImageVector &offset)
Copy constructor to get identical copy.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:124
MLMemoryBlockHandle _memoryBlock
Memory block used by this subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:705
SubImageBox _box
The box of the subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:696
void _calcFillAreaParams(const SubImageBox &box, const SubImageBox &maxValidInputRegion, ImageVector &boxV1, ImageVector &boxV2, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV1, ImageVector &outputTSubImageV2, MLint &fullLineLenX, MLint &fullLineLenXB, MLint &leftLineStartX, MLint &leftLineLenX, MLint &leftLineLenXB, MLint &rightLineStartX, MLint &rightLineLenX, MLint &rightLineLenXB)
Helper method to calculate important parameters for page based border filling.
void setExtent(const ImageVector &newExtent)
Sets the extent of the subimage to newExtent. This also changes the strides.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:206
SubImage(const SubImage &si)
Copy constructor to get identical copy.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:97
MLEXPORT MLint calculateMinMax(MLdouble &minValue, MLdouble &maxValue, const SubImageBox *const validBox=nullptr) const
Scans subimage and determines minimum and maximum values on region, which is part of subimage box and...
ImageVector getExtent() const
Returns the extent of the subimage, which is identical to getBox().getExtent().
Definition: mlSubImage.h:197
ImageVector getStride() const
Returns a stride vector to address the memory efficiently.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:264
SubImageBox getValidRegion() const
Returns the valid region of the SubImage, which is defined by the intersection of the SubImage::getBo...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:248
void setExtent(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z=1, MLint c=1, MLint t=1, MLint u=1)
Sets the extent of the subimage to newExtent.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:201
void _copySubImageGeneric(const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
Generic, non-optimized version of copySubImage.
void toStream(std::ostream &ostr) const
MLEXPORT void free()
Frees data pointed to by getData() with MLFree().
MLEXPORT void allocate(MLMemoryErrorHandling handleFailure)
Allocates data with MLAlloc().
void setSourceImageExtent(const ImageVector &extent)
Sets the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage to extent.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:237
SubImage & operator=(const SubImage &si)
Assignment operator to get identical copy.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:141
void * _data
Memory chunk managed by this subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:702
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex(const ImageVector &voxelPosition, const ImageVector &size)
Converts the coordinate voxelPosition into the image with extents size to an index.
MLEXPORT void copySubImage(const SubImage &fromImage)
Implements a special case for void copySubImage(const TSubImage<FROM_DATATYPE> &typedFromImg,...
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithInputValues(const SubImageBox &box, const SubImage &inputSubImage)
Fills all regions with values from inputSubImage which are not covered by box; however,...
static MLEXPORT MLint coordToIndex(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, MLint c, MLint t, MLint u, const ImageVector &size)
Converts the coordinate (x, y, z, c, t,u) to an index into an image with 6D extents given by size.
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithScalarValue(const SubImageBox &box, MLdouble fillValue)
Fills all regions with the fill value fillValue that are not covered by box.
void setOrigin(const ImageVector &newOrigin)
Sets the origin of the subimage, which moves the box of the subimage to newOrigin.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:190
void fillInvalidRegionWithBorderValues()
Fills the invalid region.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:633
SubImage(const SubImageBox &box, MLDataType datatype, void *data=nullptr)
Constructor for a rectangular 6D image region with position and extent given by box,...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:111
const SubImageBox & getBox() const
Returns the box describing the origin/extent of the subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:230
MLint getOffset(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
Returns the array index offset from the origin (0,0,0,0,0,0) to the voxelPosition.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:270
const MLTypeInfos * getDataTypeInfos() const
Returns MLTypeInfos for image data type.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:291
bool isValidImagePosition(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
Returns true if the 3D position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within the subimage region,...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:458
void * getImagePointer(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3D position p=(x, y, z) relative to the origin of t...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:331
Constructor: Creates a subimage with no data.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:84
bool isValidSubImagePosition(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
Returns true if the 3D position p=(x, y, z) is a valid position within the subimage region,...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:435
MLEXPORT bool isValid() const
Returns 1 (=true) if image region and data is valid.
SubImageBox getBoxFromExtent() const
Returns the size of image as box with origin 0.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:212
MLint getSizeInBytes() const
Returns number of potential bytes in (sub)image.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:259
ImageVector getSourceImageExtent() const
Returns the image extent of the source image that was used to create this SubImage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:241
bool isValidImagePosition(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
Returns true if the 6D voxelPosition is a valid position within the subimage region,...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:446
void setImageExtent(const ImageVector &newExtent)
Definition: mlSubImage.h:226
MLEXPORT void setFromImageProperties(const ImageProperties &imageProperties)
Sets the image box and data type from the imageProperties extent and data type.
const MLMemoryBlockHandle & getMemoryBlockHandle() const
Returns the memory block handle that manages the data of this SubImage if it has been set via setData...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:388
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithTypeData(const SubImageBox &box, const MLTypeData *fillValue)
Fills all regions with the fill value fillValue which are not covered by box.
MLEXPORT ImageProperties toImageProperties() const
Converts the Subimage's data type and extend to an ImageProperties object.
MLint getNumVoxels() const
Returns number of voxels in (sub)image.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:255
MLEXPORT void fillWithTypeData(const MLTypeData *value)
Fills the subimage with a value given as MLTypeData.
MLEXPORT void fill(MLdouble value)
Fills the subimage with a value that is cast to the data type of the subimage.
MLEXPORT void setDataFromMemoryBlockHandle(const MLMemoryBlockHandle &data)
Sets the managed data from a given MLMemoryBlockHandle, the subimage will store this handle and thus ...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:383
ImageVector getImageExtent() const
Definition: mlSubImage.h:222
static MLEXPORT ImageVector indexToCoord(MLint index, const ImageVector &extent)
Converts an index into an array with extents extent to a coordinate.
const ImageVector & getOrigin() const
Returns the origin of the subimage, which is identical to getBox().v1.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:186
MLEXPORT void fillBordersWithBorderValues(const SubImageBox &box)
Each voxel that is not inside box is filled with the voxel value of the nearest voxel that is inside ...
MLEXPORT void copySubImage(const SubImage &fromImage, const ScaleShiftData &scaleShiftData)
Copies image data from the subimage fromImage into the overlapping region of this subimage.
MLEXPORT void setData(void *data)
Sets data as a new memory block for the subimage.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:377
void setBox(const ImageVector &imageExtent)
Sets a rectangular 6D region of the subimage to imageExtent.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:173
ImageVector _sourceImageExtent
The extent of the source image, which is used for getValidRegion().
Definition: mlSubImage.h:699
void * getSubImagePointer(MLint x, MLint y, MLint z) const
Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 3D position p=(x,y,z) relative to the origin of the...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:312
MLDataType _dataType
Data type of the image.
Definition: mlSubImage.h:713
void * getImagePointer(const ImageVector &voxelPosition) const
Returns a pointer to voxel data of image voxel at 6D position voxelPosition relative to the origin of...
Definition: mlSubImage.h:323
void set(const ComponentType v=0)
Sets all components to v or - if v is not specified - to 0.
VectorType getExtent() const
Returns the extents of the subimage region.
ComponentType c
Color component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:65
ComponentType t
Time component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:67
ComponentType u
Unit/Modality/User component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:69
ComponentType z
Z component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:63
ComponentType x
X component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:59
ComponentType y
Y component of the vector.
Definition: mlImageVector.h:61
TVector< TVectorBase > getStrides(const ComponentType offset=1) const
Interprets the vector as image extension and returns a stride vector.
MLEXPORT size_t MLSizeOf(MLDataType dataType)
Returns the size of the data type dataType in bytes.
MLint32 MLDataType
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:596
@ MLuint8Type
Enumerator for the unsigned 8-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:621
MLEXPORT MLTypeInfos * MLGetTypeInfosForDataType(MLDataType dataType)
Returns the MLTypeInfos for the data type dataType, or NULL on non-registered or invalid type.
MLEXPORT std::ostream & operator<<(std::ostream &s, const ml::Field &v)
Overloads the operator '<<' for stream output of Field objects.
#define MLEXPORT
To export symbols from a DLL/shared object, we need to mark them with the MLEXPORT symbol.
Enumerator to specify memory error handling.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:676
On allocation failure, NULL is returned without error handling.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:676
double MLdouble
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:217
unsigned char MLTypeData
This is the pointer type used to point to the data of MLType data instances.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1300
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:490
MLWEM_EXPORT void intersect(WEMTrianglePatch *inPatch1, WEMTrianglePatch *inPatch2, WEMTrianglePatch *outPatch, unsigned int outputMode, TriangulationModes triangulationMode, WEMVector< WEMCut > *cuts=nullptr)
Returns the intersection of the given patches.
TSubImageBox< MLint > SubImageBox
Defines the standard SubImageBox type used in the ML. Its size varies with the size of the MLint type...
TImageVector< MLint > ImageVector
Defines the standard ImageVector type that is used by the ML for indexing and coordinates.
Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operati...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1330