| CSOManager (int numInImages=0, int numOutImages=0) |
| Standard constructor. More...
void | updateManager () |
| Updates the tree views and the single CSO/Group fields. More...
void | updateCSOManager () |
| Updates the CSO list view and the single CSO fields. More...
void | updateGroupManager () |
| Updates the Group list view and the single Group fields. More...
int | getSelectionPathPointColoringMode () |
| Returns the coloring mode for selected CSOs (brighten / fixed color). More...
int | getSelectionPathPointWidthMode () |
| Returns the line width mode for selected CSOs (widen / fixed width). More...
void | getSelectionPathPointColor (Vector3 &origColor) |
| Returns the selection color (on base of the given color if in 'brighten' mode). More...
void | getSelectionPathPointWidth (float &origLineWidth) |
| Returns the selection line width (on base of the given line width if in 'widen' mode). More...
Vector3 | getSelectedPathPointsFixedColor () const |
| Returns the fixed color for selected path points without regarding the coloring mode. More...
float | getSelectedPathPointsBrightenValue () const |
| Returns the brighten value for selected path points. More...
float | getSelectedPathPointsFixedLineWidth () const |
| Returns the fixed line width value for selected path points. More...
float | getSelectedPathPointsWidenValue () const |
| Returns the widen value for selected path points. More...
Vector3 | getSelectedSeedPointFixedColor () const |
| Returns the fixed color for selected seed points. More...
float | getSelectedSeedPointBrightenValue () const |
| Returns the brighten value for selected seed points. More...
float | getSelectedSeedPointFixedSize () const |
| Returns the fixed size value for selected seed points. More...
float | getSelectedSeedPointEnlargeValue () const |
| Returns the value for selected seed points. More...
int | getSelectedSeedPointColoringMode () |
| Returns the coloring mode for selected seed points (brighten / fixed color). More...
int | getSelectedSeedPointSizeMode () |
| Returns the size mode for selected seed points (enlarge / fixed size). More...
void | getSelectedSeedPointColor (Vector3 &origColor) |
| Returns the selected seed point color (on base of the given color if in 'brighten' mode). More...
void | getSelectedSeedPointSize (float &origSize) |
| Returns the selected seed point size (on base of the given size if in 'enlarge' mode). More...
std::string | getCSODefaultLabel () |
| Returns the default label for CSOs. More...
std::string | getCSODefaultDescription () const |
| Returns the default description for CSOs. More...
bool | getCSODefaultShowState () const |
| Returns the default show state for CSOs. More...
bool | getCSODefaultVoxelizeState () const |
| Returns the default voxelize state for CSOs. More...
bool | getCSODefaultEditableState () const |
| Returns the default editable state for CSOs. More...
std::string | getGroupDefaultLabel () |
| Returns the default label for CSOGroups. More...
std::string | getGroupDefaultDescription () const |
| Returns the default description for CSOGroups. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultUseTimePointIndex () const |
| Returns whether the member CSOs shall use the CSOGroup's time point index by default. More...
int | getGroupDefaultTimePointIndex () const |
| Returns the default time point index for CSOGroups. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultUseShowState () const |
| Returns whether the member CSOs shall use the CSOGroup's show state by default. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultShowState () const |
| Returns the default show state for CSOGroups. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultUseVoxelizeState () const |
| Returns whether the member CSOs shall use the CSOGroup's voxelize state by default. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultVoxelizeState () const |
| Returns the default voxelize state for CSOGroups. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultUseEditableState () const |
| Returns whether the member CSOs shall use the CSOGroup's editable state by default. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultEditableState () const |
| Returns the default editable state for CSOGroups. More...
bool | getGroupDefaultUsePathPointStyle () const |
| Returns the default line style for CSOGroups. More...
CSOPathPointsStyle | getGroupDefaultPathPointStyle () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUsePathPointWidth () const |
| Returns the default line width for CSOGroups. More...
float | getGroupDefaultPathPointWidth () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUsePathPointColor () const |
| Returns the default color for CSOGroups. More...
Vector3 | getGroupDefaultPathPointColor () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUsePathPointAlpha () const |
| Returns the default alpha value for CSOGroups. More...
float | getGroupDefaultPathPointAlpha () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseSeedPointStyle () const |
| Returns the default marker mode for CSOGroups. More...
int | getGroupDefaultSeedPointStyle () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseSeedPointSize () const |
| Returns the default marker size for CSOGroups. More...
float | getGroupDefaultSeedPointSize () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseSeedPointColor () const |
| Returns the default marker color for CSOGroups. More...
Vector3 | getGroupDefaultSeedPointColor () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseSeedPointAlpha () const |
| Returns the default marker alpha value for CSOGroups. More...
float | getGroupDefaultSeedPointAlpha () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseVoxelWriteMode () const |
| Returns the default voxel write mode for CSOGroups. More...
int | getGroupDefaultVoxelWriteMode () const |
bool | getGroupDefaultUseVoxelWriteValue () const |
| Returns the default voxel write value for CSOGroups. More...
float | getGroupDefaultVoxelWriteValue () const |
int | getGroupDefaultNumMaximumCSOs () const |
| Returns the default maximum number of CSOs for CSOGroups. More...
CSOGroupOverflowHandling | getGroupDefaultOverflowHandling () const |
| Returns the default overflow handling mode for CSOGroups. More...
CSORemoveHandling | getGroupDefaultRemoveFromGroupHandling () const |
| Returns the default remove from group handling mode for CSOGroups. More...
CSORemoveHandling | getGroupDefaultDeleteGroupCSOHandling () const |
CSORemoveEmptyGroupHandling | getDefaultRemoveEmptyGroupHandling () const |
| Returns the default remove empty group handling mode for CSOLists. More...
MLMetaProfilePtr & | getMetaProfile () const |
| Returns the metaprofile for the base operator. More...
const char * | getTypeNameFast () const |
| Macro to declare methods for the ML runtime type system (see mlRuntimeSubClass.h). More...
| Module (int numInputImages, int numOutputImages) |
| Constructor: Initializes numInputImages input images and numOutputImages output images of the module. More...
| ~Module () override |
| Destructor: Destroys this module. More...
InputConnectorField * | getInputImageField (MLint i) const |
| Returns the field representing input image i . i must be a valid index. More...
OutputConnectorField * | getOutputImageField (MLint i=0) const |
| Returns the field representing output image i . i must be a valid index. More...
MLint | getNumInputImages () const |
| Returns the number of input images of this module. More...
MLint | getNumOutputImages () const |
| Returns the number of output images of this module. More...
PagedImage * | getOutputImage (MLint outputIndex=0) const |
| Returns the output image outputIndex . The index needs to be in the range [0, getNumOutputImages()-1]. More...
InputConnectorField * | addInputImage (const char *name=nullptr) |
| Adds a new input image with name to the module. More...
OutputConnectorField * | addOutputImage (const char *name=nullptr) |
| Adds a new output image with name to the module. More...
PagedImage * | getInputImage (MLint inputIndex, bool getReal=false) const |
| Returns the output image of the module connected to input inputIndex . More...
PagedImage * | getUpdatedInputImage (MLint inputIndex, bool getReal=false) const |
| Convenience method for a safe access to the input image at index inputIndex . More...
MLErrorCode | processAllPages (int outputIndex=-1, SubImageBox region=SubImageBox(), MLRequestProgressCB *progressCallback=nullptr, void *progressCallbackUserData=nullptr) |
| Processes all pages of a module for easy implementation of page-based image processing of complete images. More...
MLErrorCode | processAllPages (ProcessAllPagesHandler &handler, SubImageBox region=SubImageBox(), MLRequestProgressCB *progressCallback=nullptr, void *progressCallbackUserData=nullptr) |
| Processes input images with a ProcessAllPagesHandler handler on a temporary output image (which allocates no data). More...
MLErrorCode | processMissingPages (int outputIndex=0, SubImageBox region=SubImageBox(), MLRequestProgressCB *progressCallback=nullptr, void *progressCallbackUserData=nullptr) |
| Processes all missing pages on the given output image. More...
void | clearOutputImage (MLint i=0) |
| Clears cached output image pages of output image i . More...
MLint | getOutputImageInplace (MLint outputIndex=0) const |
| Returns the optimization flag: returns the index of input image whose input tile is used also as output page for output outputIndex in calculateOutputSubImage() (instead of allocating its own memory). More...
MLint | getBypass (MLint outputIndex=0) const |
| Returns the currently bypass index or -1 if bypassing if disabled (default). More...
THREAD_SUPPORT | getThreadSupport () const |
| Returns the multithreading mode supported by this module, default is NO_THREAD_SUPPORT. More...
bool | areRecursiveHandleNotificationsPermitted () const |
| Returns whether recursive entries in handleNotification are permitted. More...
MLint | getHandleNotificationEntryCounter () const |
| A counter returning the current number of (recursive re-)entries in handleNotification. More...
PERMITTED_TYPES | getVoxelDataTypeSupport () const |
| Returns the current state of supported voxel datatypes. More...
bool | isSupportedVoxelDataType (MLDataType dt) const |
| Checks whether a given data type is supported on the module as configured with setVoxelDataTypeSupport. More...
virtual INPUT_HANDLE | handleInput (int, INPUT_STATE) const |
| This method may be reimplemented to enable support for invalid input images on the module. More...
INPUT_STATE | getInputState (MLint index) |
| Returns the current state of the input connection. More...
INPUT_STATE | getUpdatedInputState (MLint index) |
| Returns the updated state of the input image by calling updateImageProperties(index) and returning getInputState(index) afterwards. More...
bool | isInputImageField (Field *field) const |
| Returns whether the given field is an input image field. More...
void | touchOutputImageFields () const |
| Touches all output image fields to indicate that the images have changed. More...
virtual void | beginSaveFields () |
| Called before all fields data contents of this modules are saved. More...
virtual void | endSaveFields () |
| Called after saving all field contents of this module. More...
| FieldContainer () |
| Constructor. More...
| ~FieldContainer () override |
| Destructor: Deletes all added fields. More...
std::string | whoAmI (bool withInstanceName=true) const |
| Returns the type and the instance name of format 'ClassTypeName(instanceName)' if the instance name is not empty and withInstanceName is true . More...
Field * | addField (const char *name, const char *type, const char *value) |
| Adds a new field with name name , type type , and value value (encoded as string) to the container. More...
Field * | addField (Field *field) |
| Adds a field , the ownership of the field is passed to the FieldContainer. More...
BoolField * | addBool (const char *name) |
| Creates a BoolField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is false . More...
BoolField * | addBool (const char *name, bool value) |
| Creates a BoolField with name and adds it to the container. More...
IntField * | addInt (const char *name) |
| Creates an IntField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is 0. More...
IntField * | addInt (const char *name, MLint value) |
| Creates an IntField with name and adds it to the container. More...
EnumField * | addEnum (const char *name, const char *const *enumerationItemNames, MLint numEnumerationItems) |
| Creates an EnumField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
EnumField * | addEnum (const char *name, const std::vector< std::string > &enumerationItemNames) |
| Creates an EnumField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
template<typename EnumType > |
TypedEnumField< EnumType > * | addEnum (const char *name, const EnumValues< EnumType > &values, EnumType initialValue) |
| Creates a TypedEnumField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
FloatField * | addFloat (const char *name) |
| Creates a FloatField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is 0.f. More...
FloatField * | addFloat (const char *name, float value) |
| Creates a FloatField with name and adds it to the container. More...
ProgressField * | addProgress (const char *name) |
| Creates a float ProgressField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is 0.f. More...
ProgressField * | addProgress (const char *name, float value) |
| Creates a float ProgressField with name and adds it to the container. More...
DoubleField * | addDouble (const char *name) |
| Creates a DoubleField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is 0. More...
DoubleField * | addDouble (const char *name, double value) |
| Creates a DoubleField with name and adds it to the container. More...
StringField * | addString (const char *name) |
| Creates a StringField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is empty string. More...
StringField * | addString (const char *name, const std::string &value) |
| Creates a StringField with name and adds it to the container. More...
NotifyField * | addNotify (const char *name) |
| Creates a NotifyField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
TriggerField * | addTrigger (const char *name) |
| Creates a TriggerField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
BaseField * | addBase (const char *name) |
| Creates a Base field with name and adds it to the container. Default value is NULL. More...
BaseField * | addBase (const char *name, Base *value) |
| Creates a Base field with name and adds it to the container. More...
BaseField * | addBase (const char *name, const RefCountedBasePtr &value) |
| Creates a Base field with name and adds it to the container. Sets the value from intrusive pointer. More...
template<typename T > |
BaseField * | addBaseWithAllowedType (const char *name, T *value=nullptr) |
| As above, but also sets the allowed type of the field. More...
template<typename T > |
BaseField * | addBaseWithAllowedType (const char *name, const ::boost::intrusive_ptr< T > &value) |
| As above, but also sets the allowed type of the field. More...
template<typename T > |
TypedBaseField< T > * | addTypedBase (const char *name) |
| Creates a TypedBaseField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is NULL. More...
template<typename T > |
TypedBaseField< T > * | addTypedBase (const char *name, T *value) |
| Creates a TypedBaseField with name and adds it to the container. More...
template<typename T > |
TypedBaseField< T > * | addTypedBase (const char *name, const ::boost::intrusive_ptr< T > &value) |
| Creates a TypedBaseField with name and adds it to the container. Sets the value from intrusive pointer. More...
SoNodeField * | addSoNode (const char *name) |
| Creates a SoNodeField with name and adds it to the container. Default value is NULL. More...
SoNodeField * | addSoNode (const char *name, SoNode *value) |
| Creates a SoNodeField with name and adds it to the container. More...
PointerField * | addPointer (const char *name) |
| Creates a PointerField with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector2Field * | addVector2 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector2Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector2Field * | addVector2 (const char *name, const Vector2 &value) |
| Creates a Vector2Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector2Field * | addVector2 (const char *name, double x, double y) |
| Creates a Vector2Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector3Field * | addVector3 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector3Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector3Field * | addVector3 (const char *name, const Vector3 &value) |
| Creates a Vector3Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector3Field * | addVector3 (const char *name, double x, double y, double z) |
| Creates a Vector3Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector4Field * | addVector4 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector4Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector4Field * | addVector4 (const char *name, const Vector4 &value) |
| Creates a Vector4Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector4Field * | addVector4 (const char *name, double x, double y, double z, double w) |
| Creates a Vector4Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector5Field * | addVector5 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector5Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector5Field * | addVector5 (const char *name, const Vector5 &value) |
| Creates a Vector5Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector6Field * | addVector6 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector6Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector6Field * | addVector6 (const char *name, const Vector6 &value) |
| Creates a Vector6Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector10Field * | addVector10 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Vector10Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Vector10Field * | addVector10 (const char *name, const Vector10 &value) |
| Creates a Vector10Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
ImageVectorField * | addImageVector (const char *name) |
| Creates a ImageVectorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
ImageVectorField * | addImageVector (const char *name, const ImageVector &value) |
| Creates a ImageVectorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
ImageVectorField * | addImageVector (const char *name, MLint x, MLint y, MLint z, MLint c, MLint t, MLint u) |
| Creates a ImageVectorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
SubImageBoxField * | addSubImageBox (const char *name) |
| Creates a SubImageBoxField with name and adds it to the container. More...
SubImageBoxField * | addSubImageBox (const char *name, const SubImageBox &value) |
| Creates a SubImageBoxField with name and adds it to the container. More...
SubImageBoxdField * | addSubImageBoxd (const char *name) |
| Creates a SubImageBoxd field with name and adds it to the container. More...
SubImageBoxdField * | addSubImageBoxd (const char *name, const SubImageBoxd &value) |
| Creates a SubImageBoxd field with name and adds it to the container. More...
ColorField * | addColor (const char *name) |
| Creates a ColorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
ColorField * | addColor (const char *name, float r, float g, float b) |
| Creates a ColorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
ColorField * | addColor (const char *name, const Vector3 &value) |
| Creates a ColorField with name and adds it to the container. More...
PlaneField * | addPlane (const char *name) |
| Creates a PlaneField with name and adds it to the container. More...
PlaneField * | addPlane (const char *name, double f0, double f1, double f2, double f3) |
| Creates a PlaneField with name and adds it to the container. More...
PlaneField * | addPlane (const char *name, const Plane &value) |
| Creates a PlaneField with name and adds it to the container. More...
RotationField * | addRotation (const char *name) |
| Creates a RotationField with name and adds it to the container. More...
RotationField * | addRotation (const char *name, const Rotation &value) |
| Creates a RotationField with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix2Field * | addMatrix2 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Matrix2Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix2Field * | addMatrix2 (const char *name, const Matrix2 &value) |
| Creates a Matrix2Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix3Field * | addMatrix3 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Matrix3Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix3Field * | addMatrix3 (const char *name, const Matrix3 &value) |
| Creates a Matrix3Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix4Field * | addMatrix4 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Matrix4Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix4Field * | addMatrix4 (const char *name, const Matrix4 &value) |
| Creates a Matrix4Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix5Field * | addMatrix5 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Matrix5Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix5Field * | addMatrix5 (const char *name, const Matrix5 &value) |
| Creates a Matrix5Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix6Field * | addMatrix6 (const char *name) |
| Creates a Matrix6Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
Matrix6Field * | addMatrix6 (const char *name, const Matrix6 &value) |
| Creates a Matrix6Field with name and adds it to the container. More...
MatrixField * | addMatrix (const char *name) |
| Creates a MatrixField with name and adds it to the container. More...
MatrixField * | addMatrix (const char *name, const Matrix4 &value) |
| Creates a MatrixField with name and adds it to the container. More...
MLDataTypeField * | addMLDataType (const char *name) |
| Creates a MTDataTypeField with name and adds it to the container. More...
MLDataTypeField * | addMLDataType (const char *name, MLDataType value) |
| Creates a MTDataTypeField with name and adds it to the container. More...
UniversalTypeField * | addUniversalType (const char *name) |
| Creates an UniversalTypeField field with name and adds it to the container. More...
IntListField * | addIntList (const char *name) |
| Creates an IntListField field with name and empty list value and adds it to the container. More...
IntListField * | addIntList (const char *name, const std::vector< MLint > &value) |
| Creates an IntListField field with name and given list value and adds it to the container. More...
DoubleListField * | addDoubleList (const char *name) |
| Creates an DoubleListField field with name and empty list value and adds it to the container. More...
DoubleListField * | addDoubleList (const char *name, const std::vector< double > &value) |
| Creates an DoubleListField field with name and given list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector2ListField * | addVector2List (const char *name) |
| Creates an Vector2ListField field with name and empty list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector2ListField * | addVector2List (const char *name, const std::vector< Vector2 > &value) |
| Creates an Vector2ListField field with name and given list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector3ListField * | addVector3List (const char *name) |
| Creates an Vector3ListField field with name and empty list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector3ListField * | addVector3List (const char *name, const std::vector< Vector3 > &value) |
| Creates an Vector3ListField field with name and given list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector4ListField * | addVector4List (const char *name) |
| Creates an Vector4ListField field with name and empty list value and adds it to the container. More...
Vector4ListField * | addVector4List (const char *name, const std::vector< Vector4 > &value) |
| Creates an Vector4ListField field with name and given list value and adds it to the container. More...
size_t | getNumFields () const |
| Returns the number of added fields. More...
bool | hasField (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns true if the field with name name exists; otherwise, false is returned. More...
Field * | getField (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns the pointer to the field with name name . More...
Field * | getField (MLint index) const |
| Returns pointer of field at index if it exists. If not, -1 is returned. More...
MLint | getFieldIndex (Field *field) const |
| Returns index of field if it exists. If not, -1 is returned. More...
void | setFieldStringValue (const std::string &name, const std::string &value) |
| Sets the value of the field with name if it exists. More...
std::string | getFieldStringValue (const std::string &name) const |
| Returns the string value of the field with name if it is found. More...
virtual void | deactivateAttachments () |
| Disables notification handling, i.e., all fields of this module will not send notifications to attached sensors and fields anymore if their values are set or changed. More...
| Base () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Base () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual Base * | deepCopy () const |
| Creates a deep copy of the given object. More...
bool | isOfAllowedType (const std::vector< const RuntimeType * > &types) const |
| Checks whether this object's type is equal to or derived from one of the types given in the argument. More...
virtual bool | isRefCountedBase () const |
| Returns whether the instance is derived from RefCountedBase. More...
virtual std::string | detailString () const |
| Returns a string describing this object. More...
virtual bool | implementsPersistence (PersistenceInterface) const |
| Override this method to declare which persistence interfaces are implemented by your derived class. More...
virtual std::string | persistentState () const |
| Returns a string describing the object's internal state. More...
virtual void | setPersistentState (const std::string &state) |
| Restores the object's internal state from a string that had been previously generated using persistentState(). More...
virtual void | addStateToTree (TreeNode *) const |
| Attaches the object state as children of the given parent node. More...
virtual void | readStateFromTree (TreeNode *) |
| Reads the object state from the children of the given parent node. More...
virtual void | writeTo (AbstractPersistenceOutputStream *) const |
| Writes the objects state to the data stream object. More...
virtual void | readFrom (AbstractPersistenceInputStream *, int) |
| Reads the objects state from the data stream object. More...