MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
Go to the documentation of this file.
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3 ** Copyright 2007, MeVis Medical Solutions AG
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13 #ifndef ML_STD_TYPE_INFOS_H
14 #define ML_STD_TYPE_INFOS_H
20 // ML-includes
21 #include "mlErrorMacros.h"
22 #include "mlErrorOutput.h"
23 #include "mlInitSystemML.h"
24 #include "mlTypeDefTraits.h"
25 #include "mlTypeTraits.h"
27 #include <algorithm>
28 #include <cmath>
35 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
37 //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 template <typename VTYP>
40 {
42 public:
46  static inline const char *typeName(MLint8 *) { static const char name[]="int8"; return name; }
47  static inline const char *typeName(MLuint8 *) { static const char name[]="unsigned int8"; return name; }
48  static inline const char *typeName(MLint16 *) { static const char name[]="int16"; return name; }
49  static inline const char *typeName(MLuint16 *) { static const char name[]="unsigned int16"; return name; }
50  static inline const char *typeName(MLint32 *) { static const char name[]="int32"; return name; }
51  static inline const char *typeName(MLuint32 *) { static const char name[]="unsigned int32"; return name; }
52  static inline const char *typeName(MLfloat *) { static const char name[]="float"; return name; }
53  static inline const char *typeName(MLdouble *) { static const char name[]="double"; return name; }
54  static inline const char *typeName(MLint64 *) { static const char name[]="int64"; return name; }
55  static inline const char *typeName(MLuint64 *) { static const char name[]="unsigned int64"; return name; }
58 protected:
60  static const VTYP _typeMin;
63  static const VTYP _typeMax;
66  static const VTYP _typeDefault;
69  static const char _typeInfoString[_ML_STD_SLEN];
86  static inline VTYP& value_cast( MLTypeData* v) { return *(reinterpret_cast< VTYP*>(v)); }
87  static inline const VTYP& value_cast(const MLTypeData* v) { return *(reinterpret_cast<const VTYP*>(v)); }
92  static inline VTYP castToType(MLdouble v) { return static_cast<VTYP>(floor(v+0.5)); }
96  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLint8, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
97  {
98  num = 5;
99  static const char *v[] =
100  {
101  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint16 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint16 *>(nullptr)),
102  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint32 *>(nullptr)),
103  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
104  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
105  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr))
106  };
107  typeNames = v;
108  }
110  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint8, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
111  {
112  num = 8;
113  static const char *v[] =
114  {
115  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint16 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint16 *>(nullptr)),
116  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint16 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint16 *>(nullptr)),
117  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint32 *>(nullptr)),
118  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint32 *>(nullptr)),
119  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
120  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
121  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr)),
122  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint64 *>(nullptr))
123  };
124  typeNames = v;
125  }
127  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLint16, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
128  {
129  num = 4;
130  static const char *v[] =
131  {
132  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint32 *>(nullptr)),
133  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
134  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
135  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr))
136  };
137  typeNames = v;
138  }
140  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint16, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
141  {
142  num = 6;
143  static const char *v[] =
144  {
145  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint32 *>(nullptr)),
146  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint32 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint32 *>(nullptr)),
147  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
148  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
149  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr)),
150  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint64 *>(nullptr))
151  };
152  typeNames = v;
153  }
155  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLint32, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
156  {
157  num = 3;
158  static const char *v[] =
159  {
160  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
161  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
162  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr))
163  };
164  typeNames = v;
165  }
167  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint32, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
168  {
169  num = 4;
170  static const char *v[] =
171  {
172  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
173  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
174  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLint64 *>(nullptr)),
175  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint64 >::typeName(static_cast<MLuint64 *>(nullptr))
176  };
177  typeNames = v;
178  }
180  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLfloat, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
181  {
182  num = 1;
183  static const char *v[] =
184  {
185  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
186  };
187  typeNames = v;
188  }
190  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLdouble, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
191  {
192  num = 0;
193  typeNames = nullptr;
194  }
196  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLint64, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
197  {
198  num = 2;
199  static const char *v[] =
200  {
201  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
202  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
203  };
204  typeNames = v;
205  }
207  inline void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint64, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
208  {
209  num = 2;
210  static const char *v[] =
211  {
212  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::typeName(static_cast<MLfloat *>(nullptr)),
213  MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::typeName(static_cast<MLdouble *>(nullptr)),
214  };
215  typeNames = v;
216  }
226 public:
232  {
233  if (_numInstances > 0)
234  {
235  ML_PRINT_FATAL_ERROR("MLTStdTypeInfos", ML_PROGRAMMING_ERROR, "Too many instances of MLTStdTypeInfos created.");
237  }
238  _numInstances++;
240  // Save pointer to the one instance of this class.
241  _myInfos = this;
246  // Determine the type to which this type can be cast without information loss.
247  MLuint numLocalGoodCastTos=0;
248  const char **goodLocalCastTos=nullptr;
249  _getGoodCastTos(static_cast<VTYP>(0), numLocalGoodCastTos, goodLocalCastTos);
310  VTYP buf=0;
311  void *addr[1];
312  addr[0] = &buf;
313  MLTypeInfosInit(this,
314  sizeof(VTYP),
315  typeName(static_cast<VTYP*>(nullptr)),
316  _typeMin,
317  _typeMax,
318  reinterpret_cast<const MLTypeData*>(&_typeMin),
319  reinterpret_cast<const MLTypeData*>(&_typeMax),
320  reinterpret_cast<const MLTypeData*>(&_typeDefault),
321  _typeInfoString,
322  true,
324  _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(static_cast<VTYP>(0)),
325  addr,
326  numLocalGoodCastTos,
327  goodLocalCastTos
328  );
329  }
332  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
333  // Methods to be overloaded:
334  //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340  static char *MLTYPE_getStringValue (const MLTypeData *p) { return MLTypeComponentsToString(_myInfos, p); }
342  static void MLTYPE_setStringValue (const char *s, MLTypeData *r)
343  {
344  if (auto result = MLTypeComponentsFromString(_myInfos, s, reinterpret_cast<const MLTypeData*>(&_typeDefault), r); result != 1)
345  {
346  logTypeComponentsFromStringError(__FUNCTION__);
347  }
348  }
351  static void MLTYPE_setToMinimum (MLTypeData *p) { value_cast(p) = _typeMin; }
353  static void MLTYPE_setToMaximum (MLTypeData *p) { value_cast(p) = _typeMax; }
355  static void MLTYPE_setToDefault (MLTypeData *p) { value_cast(p) = _typeDefault; }
357  static MLdouble MLTYPE_getComponent (const MLTypeData *p, size_t /*n*/) { return static_cast<MLdouble>(value_cast(p)); }
359  static void MLTYPE_setComponent (MLTypeData *p, size_t /*n*/, MLdouble v) { value_cast(p) = static_cast<VTYP>(v); }
361  static void MLTYPE_copy (const MLTypeData *source, MLTypeData *dest) { value_cast(dest) = value_cast(source); }
363  static void MLTYPE_arrayCopy (const MLTypeData *source, MLTypeData *dest, size_t size) { memcpy(dest, source, sizeof(VTYP)*size); }
365  static void MLTYPE_arrayCopyWithStrides (const MLTypeData *source, MLssize_t sourceStride, MLTypeData *dest, MLssize_t destStride, size_t size)
366  {
367  for (size_t i=0;i<size;i++)
368  {
369  value_cast(dest) = value_cast(source);
370  source += sizeof(VTYP)*sourceStride;
371  dest += sizeof(VTYP)*destStride;
372  }
373  }
376  static void MLTYPE_arrayFill (const MLTypeData *fillValue, MLTypeData *dest, size_t n)
377  {
378  const VTYP value = value_cast(fillValue);
379  VTYP* arrayPtr = &value_cast(dest);
381  // Use memset if 8bit integer is used or if fillValue is 0
382  if (TypeTraits<VTYP>::is8BitInteger || value == 0) {
383  if (arrayPtr){ // Avoid complaining memory checkers in memset if arrayPtr and n is NULL/0.
384  memset(arrayPtr, value, n* sizeof(VTYP) );
385  }
386  } else {
387  for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
388  *arrayPtr++ = value;
389  }
390  }
391  }
394  static bool MLTYPE_castToBool (const MLTypeData *p) { return MLValuesDifferWOM(value_cast(p), static_cast<VTYP>(0)); }
396  static MLint MLTYPE_castToInt (const MLTypeData *p) { return static_cast<MLint>(value_cast(p)); }
398  static MLdouble MLTYPE_castToDouble (const MLTypeData *p) { return static_cast<MLdouble>(value_cast(p)); }
400  static void MLTYPE_castToOtherType(const MLTypeData *myData, const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, MLTypeData *otherData) { MLTypeCastToOtherType(_myInfos, myData, otherInfos, otherData); }
403  static void MLTYPE_castFromInt (MLint p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = static_cast<VTYP>(p); }
405  static void MLTYPE_castFromDouble (MLdouble p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = static_cast<VTYP>(p); }
407  static void MLTYPE_castFromOtherType (const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData,
408  MLTypeData *myData) { MLTypeCastToOtherType(otherInfos,otherData, _myInfos, myData); }
411  static bool MLTYPE_isEqualToType (const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q) { return MLValuesAreEqualWOM(value_cast(p), value_cast(q)); }
413  static bool MLTYPE_isEqualToTypeWithEpsilon(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble eps) { return MLAbs(value_cast(p)-value_cast(q)) < eps; }
416  static void MLTYPE_negate (const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = -value_cast(p); }
419  static void MLTYPE_normalize (const MLTypeData * /*p*/, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = 1; }
424  static void MLTYPE_arrayRescale (const MLTypeData* source, MLdouble factor, const MLTypeData* offset, MLTypeData* dest, size_t size) {
425  const VTYP* srcPtr = &value_cast(source);
426  VTYP* destPtr = &value_cast(dest);
427  const VTYP offsetValue = value_cast(offset);
428  for (size_t i = 0; i<size; i++) {
429  *destPtr++ = castToType((*srcPtr++) * factor + offsetValue);
430  }
431  }
436  static bool MLTYPE_arrayEqualsValue (const MLTypeData* value, const MLTypeData* buffer, size_t size) {
437  const VTYP constValue = value_cast(value);
438  const VTYP* arrayPtr = &value_cast(buffer);
439  for (size_t i=0; i<size; i++) {
440  if (*arrayPtr++ != constValue) { return false; }
441  }
442  return true;
443  }
448  static void MLTYPE_arrayGetMinMax (const MLTypeData* p, size_t s, MLdouble& min, MLdouble& max) {
450  const auto *begin = reinterpret_cast<const VTYP *>(p);
451  auto min_max = std::minmax_element(begin, begin + s);
452  min = static_cast<double>(*min_max.first);
453  max = static_cast<double>(*min_max.second);
454  }
460  static void MLTYPE_interpolate (const MLTypeData* p, const MLTypeData* q, MLdouble r, MLTypeData* t) {
461  value_cast(t) = castToType(value_cast(p) * (1.0-r) + value_cast(q) * r);
462  }
465  static void MLTYPE_multWithInt (const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = static_cast<VTYP>(value_cast(p) * q); }
467  static void MLTYPE_multWithDouble (const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = static_cast<VTYP>(value_cast(p) * q); }
469  static void MLTYPE_multWithType (const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = value_cast(p)*value_cast(q); }
471  static void MLTYPE_multWithOtherType (const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData,
472  const MLTypeData *myData, MLTypeData *r) { MLTypeMultWithOtherType(_myInfos, myData, otherInfos, otherData, r); }
475  static void MLTYPE_plusInt (const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = value_cast(p) + q; }
477  static void MLTYPE_plusDouble (const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = static_cast<VTYP>(value_cast(p) + q); }
479  static void MLTYPE_plusType (const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *r) { value_cast(r) = value_cast(p) + value_cast(q); }
482 };
484 template<> inline MLfloat MLTStdTypeInfos<MLfloat >::castToType(MLdouble v) { return static_cast<MLfloat >(v); }
485 template<> inline MLdouble MLTStdTypeInfos<MLdouble >::castToType(MLdouble v) { return v; }
488 // For unsigned types, implement specialized negations to avoid warnings due to negations of unsigned types. We just copy instead of negating.
489 template<> inline void MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint8 >::MLTYPE_negate (const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = value_cast(p); }
490 template<> inline void MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint16 >::MLTYPE_negate (const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = value_cast(p); }
491 template<> inline void MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint32 >::MLTYPE_negate (const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = value_cast(p); }
492 template<> inline void MLTStdTypeInfos<MLuint64 >::MLTYPE_negate (const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q) { value_cast(q) = value_cast(p); }
495 // Member initializations for unspecialized class members.
496 template <typename VTYP> const VTYP MLTStdTypeInfos<VTYP>::_typeDefault = VTYP(0);
497 template <typename VTYP> MLTypeInfos* MLTStdTypeInfos<VTYP>::_myInfos = nullptr;
498 template <typename VTYP> MLint32 MLTStdTypeInfos<VTYP>::_numInstances = 0;
503 #endif //of __mlStdTypeInfos_H
Template class to register the standard integer classes as voxel types in the ML.
static void MLTYPE_multWithOtherType(const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData, const MLTypeData *myData, MLTypeData *r)
Implements multiplication with another type. Result is written into parameter three.
static void MLTYPE_castToOtherType(const MLTypeData *myData, const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, MLTypeData *otherData)
Returns the parameter cast to double. Usually implemented by default with function casting component-...
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLuint32)
static VTYP castToType(MLdouble v)
Implements a method that rounds a double value when casting to an integer but does not round when cas...
static void MLTYPE_arrayGetMinMax(const MLTypeData *p, size_t s, MLdouble &min, MLdouble &max)
Gets the mininum and maximum component values from the array in the first argument,...
static bool MLTYPE_arrayEqualsValue(const MLTypeData *value, const MLTypeData *buffer, size_t size)
Checks that the first argument equals all the values given with the second argument (and the size in ...
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLuint64)
void _getGoodCastTos(MLfloat, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint32, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint64, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static void MLTYPE_plusInt(const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements integer addition to parameter one. Result is written into parameter three.
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLdouble)
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLuint16)
static void MLTYPE_multWithInt(const MLTypeData *p, MLint q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements multiplication with integer. Result is written into parameter three.
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLint32)
static const char * typeName(MLfloat *)
static bool MLTYPE_isEqualToType(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q)
Returns true if both parameters are equal; otherwise, it returns false.
static void MLTYPE_multWithType(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements multiplication with its own type. Result is written into parameter three.
static void MLTYPE_multWithDouble(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements multiplication with double. Result is written into parameter three.
static void MLTYPE_setToMinimum(MLTypeData *p)
Sets value to minimum value. Must be implemented.
static const char * typeName(MLdouble *)
static void MLTYPE_copy(const MLTypeData *source, MLTypeData *dest)
Copies first parameter to second one.
static const char * typeName(MLuint8 *)
static void MLTYPE_setComponent(MLTypeData *p, size_t, MLdouble v)
Sets n-th component from double value. Must be implemented.
static const char * typeName(MLint8 *)
static const char * typeName(MLint32 *)
void _getGoodCastTos(MLint32, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static const VTYP _typeMax
Permanent instance of the maximum value.
static const char * typeName(MLuint32 *)
static bool MLTYPE_isEqualToTypeWithEpsilon(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble eps)
Returns true if both parameters are equal within a static epsilon; otherwise, it returns false.
static MLTypeInfos * _myInfos
Permanent instance of a pointer to the typeInfos used by this class.
void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint8, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static void MLTYPE_arrayRescale(const MLTypeData *source, MLdouble factor, const MLTypeData *offset, MLTypeData *dest, size_t size)
Scales the values from the first parameter with the second parameter and offsets it with the value fr...
static const VTYP _typeMin
Permanent instance of the minimum value.
static void MLTYPE_setStringValue(const char *s, MLTypeData *r)
Converts the string s to a value and writes result into r. Use MLTypeComponentsFromString() if possib...
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLfloat)
static VTYP & value_cast(MLTypeData *v)
Avoid using reinterpret_casts.
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLuint8)
static MLdouble MLTYPE_getComponent(const MLTypeData *p, size_t)
Returns n-th component as double value. Must be implemented.
void _getGoodCastTos(MLdouble, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static bool MLTYPE_castToBool(const MLTypeData *p)
Returns the parameter cast to bool. Typically, it returns false if it is identically to the default e...
static void MLTYPE_setToDefault(MLTypeData *p)
Sets value to default value. Must be implemented.
static void MLTYPE_interpolate(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLdouble r, MLTypeData *t)
Interpolates linearly between the first and the second parameter, at the position given by the third ...
static char * MLTYPE_getStringValue(const MLTypeData *p)
Returns the value as string to be freed by MLFree(). Use MLTypeComponentsToString() if possible.
static void MLTYPE_castFromOtherType(const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData, MLTypeData *myData)
Casts the first parameters to data type and writes it into the second parameter.
static MLint32 _numInstances
The number of instances of this class.
static const VTYP & value_cast(const MLTypeData *v)
static void MLTYPE_negate(const MLTypeData *p, MLTypeData *q)
Negates the value. See also the specialized negations for unsigned types that leave the value unchang...
void _getGoodCastTos(MLint64, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static MLint MLTYPE_castToInt(const MLTypeData *p)
Returns the parameter cast to integer. Often the integer cast of the first component.
static void MLTYPE_castFromDouble(MLdouble p, MLTypeData *q)
Casts the first parameters to data type and writes it into the second parameter.
static const char * typeName(MLuint16 *)
static void MLTYPE_plusType(const MLTypeData *p, const MLTypeData *q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements parameter two addition to parameter one. Result is written into parameter three.
void _getGoodCastTos(MLuint16, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static void MLTYPE_arrayCopy(const MLTypeData *source, MLTypeData *dest, size_t size)
Copies s elements from the first parameter to the second one.
static void MLTYPE_castFromInt(MLint p, MLTypeData *q)
Casts the first parameters to data type and writes it into the second parameter.
static const VTYP _typeDefault
Permanent instance of the default value.
static void MLTYPE_plusDouble(const MLTypeData *p, MLdouble q, MLTypeData *r)
Implements double addition to parameter one. Result is written into parameter three.
static const char * typeName(MLuint64 *)
static void MLTYPE_arrayFill(const MLTypeData *fillValue, MLTypeData *dest, size_t n)
Copies the first parameter to the second one as often as given in the third parameter.
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLint64)
void _getGoodCastTos(MLint16, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static void MLTYPE_normalize(const MLTypeData *, MLTypeData *q)
Normalizes the type.
static void MLTYPE_setToMaximum(MLTypeData *p)
Sets value to minimum value. Must be implemented.
static const char * typeName(MLint64 *)
static void MLTYPE_arrayCopyWithStrides(const MLTypeData *source, MLssize_t sourceStride, MLTypeData *dest, MLssize_t destStride, size_t size)
Same as MLTYPE_arrayCopy, but allows to specify stride values for source and destination.
void _getGoodCastTos(MLint8, MLuint &num, const char **&typeNames)
static MLdouble MLTYPE_castToDouble(const MLTypeData *p)
Returns the parameter cast to double. Often the integer cast of the first component.
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLint8)
static const char * typeName(MLint16 *)
MLDataType _rangeAndPrecisionEquiv(MLint16)
MLint32 MLDataType
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:596
DT MLAbs(const DT val)
Defines a templated MLAbs version to circumvent fabs ambiguities on different platforms.
bool MLValuesDifferWOM(MLint8 a, MLint8 b)
Returns true if values differ; otherwise, it returns false.
bool MLValuesAreEqualWOM(MLint8 a, MLint8 b)
Returns true if values a and b are equal; otherwise, it returns false.
@ MLuint8Type
Enumerator for the unsigned 8-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:621
@ MLuint32Type
Enumerator for the unsigned 32-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:625
@ MLfloatType
Enumerator for the signed 32-bit ML floating point type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:626
@ MLuint16Type
Enumerator for the unsigned 16-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:623
@ MLint64Type
Enumerator for the signed 64-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:628
@ MLint16Type
Enumerator for the signed 16-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:622
@ MLint32Type
Enumerator for the signed 32-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:624
@ MLdoubleType
Enumerator for the signed 64-bit ML floating point type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:627
@ MLint8Type
Enumerator for the signed 8-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:620
@ MLuint64Type
Enumerator for the unsigned 64-bit ML integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:629
A case occurred that should not appear and there are a variety of reasons, typically it is a programm...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:788
Like ML_PRINT_FATAL_ERROR_DUMP(FUNC_NAME, REASON, HANDLING, RT_OBJ) without a runtime object to be du...
MLEXPORT MLint32 MLTypeComponentsFromString(const MLTypeInfos *infos, const char *stringData, const MLTypeData *defaultValue, MLTypeData *data)
Converts a string of a data type instance to instance data, i.e., similar to sscanf.
MLEXPORT void MLTypeMultWithOtherType(const MLTypeInfos *myInfos, const MLTypeData *myData, const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData, MLTypeData *targetData)
Casts another data element otherData with attributes given by otherInfos to a local buffer of a type ...
MLEXPORT void MLTypeCastToOtherType(const MLTypeInfos *otherInfos, const MLTypeData *otherData, const MLTypeInfos *myInfos, MLTypeData *myData)
Converts a data instance referenced by otherData of a type specified by otherInfos to another data in...
MLEXPORT char * MLTypeComponentsToString(const MLTypeInfos *infos, const MLTypeData *data)
Converts a data type instance to a string.
MLEXPORT MLint32 MLTypeInfosInit(MLTypeInfos *infos, size_t typeSize, const char *name, MLdouble dblMin, MLdouble dblMax, const MLTypeData *typeMinPtr, const MLTypeData *typeMaxPtr, const MLTypeData *typeDefaultPtr, const char *typeStructInfo, MLint32 isScalarType, MLTypeGroup typeGroup, MLDataType rangeAndPrecisionEquiv, void **componentAddresses, size_t numGoodCastTos, const char **goodCastTos)
Initialization of the main properties of MLTypeInfos.
This logs the fatal error with file and line number.
Definition: mlErrorMacros.h:93
#define MLEXPORT
To export symbols from a DLL/shared object, we need to mark them with the MLEXPORT symbol.
UINT64 MLuint64
Introduce platform-independent 64-bit unsigned integer type.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:425
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1549
unsigned int MLuint32
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:185
unsigned char MLuint8
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:109
MLuint64 MLuint
An unsigned ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images ev...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:506
double MLdouble
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:217
unsigned char MLTypeData
This is the pointer type used to point to the data of MLType data instances.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1300
@ MLScalarTypeGroup
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1318
unsigned short MLuint16
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:142
signed short MLint16
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:125
char MLint8
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:97
INT64 MLint64
Include 64-bit integer support for Windows or Unix.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:412
MLint64 MLint
A signed ML integer type with at least 64 bits used for index calculations on very large images even ...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:490
SSIZE_T MLssize_t
The signed ML size type that is a signed 32-bit size_t on 32-bit platforms and 64-bit one on 64-bit p...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:566
signed int MLint32
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:161
float MLfloat
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:201
boost::graph_traits< ml_graph_ptr >::vertex_descriptor source(graph_traits< ml_graph_ptr >::edge_descriptor e, const ml_graph_ptr)
Returns the vertex descriptor for u of the edge (u,v) represented by e.
void ML_UTILS_EXPORT logTypeComponentsFromStringError(const char *function)
const MLint _ML_STD_SLEN
Length of strings for component descriptions and class names.
Structure containing all data type features and pointers to all functions needed to implement operati...
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1330
const char * name
Pointer to the data type name.
Definition: mlTypeDefs.h:1342
TypeTraits for scalar ML datatypes.
Definition: mlTypeTraits.h:52