| CSOVoxelSetList () |
| Standard constructor. More...
| ~CSOVoxelSetList () override |
| Standard destructor. More...
void | destroy () |
| Deletes internal structures. More...
void | setupInternalStructureAsCSOList (CSOList *csoList, PagedImage *image=nullptr) |
| Establishes the internal structure as the given CSOList. More...
void | setupInternalStructureAsImage (const PagedImage *image) |
| Establishes the internal structure fitting to the given image. More...
int | numCSOVoxelSet () const |
| Returns the number of CSOVoxelSets. More...
CSOVoxelSet * | csoVoxelSetAt (size_t index) const |
| Returns the pointer to a CSOVoxelSet at a given index. More...
CSOVoxelSet * | csoVoxelSetWithId (int id) |
| Returns the pointer to a CSOVoxelSet with a given id. NULL if it does not exist. More...
CSOVoxelSet * | addCSOVoxelSet () |
| Adds and returns a new CSOVoxelSet. More...
void | addOrReplaceCSOVoxelSetWithId (int id, const CSOVoxelSet &other) |
| Adds or replaces an existing CSOVoxelSet in this list. More...
void | removeCSOVoxelSetWithId (int id) |
| Removes a CSOVoxelSet. More...
int | numCSOVoxelSetGroup () const |
| Returns the number of CSOVoxelSetGroups. More...
CSOVoxelSetGroup * | csoVoxelSetGroupAt (size_t index) const |
| Returns the pointer to a CSOVoxelSetGroup at a given index. More...
CSOVoxelSetGroup * | csoVoxelSetGroupWithId (int id) |
| Returns the pointer to a CSOVoxelSetGroup with a given id. NULL if it does not exist. More...
CSOVoxelSetGroup * | addCSOVoxelSetGroup () |
| Adds and returns a new CSOVoxelSetGroup. More...
int | getMaxTimepointIndex () const |
| Computes and returns the maximum timepoint index. More...
MLdouble | getMinVoxelValue () const |
| Computes and returns the minimum voxel value. More...
MLdouble | getMaxVoxelValue () const |
| Computes and returns the maximum voxel value. More...
bool | isInsideImage (const Vector3 &position) |
| Returns whether a given position is inside the association image. More...
const SubImageBox & | getImageBox () const |
| Returns the image box (which is empty if no valid PagedImage was available). More...
void | setSubImageBox (const SubImageBox &subImageBox) |
| Sets the SubImageBox. More...
Matrix4 | getVoxelToWorldMatrix () const |
| Returns the image matrix if a valid PagedImage was set. Otherwise returns the identity matrix. More...
void | setVoxelToWorldMatrix (const Matrix4 &voxelToWorldMatrix) |
| Sets the voxelToWorldMatrix. More...
| Base () |
| Constructor. More...
virtual | ~Base () |
| Destructor. More...
virtual Base * | deepCopy () const |
| Creates a deep copy of the given object. More...
bool | isOfAllowedType (const std::vector< const RuntimeType * > &types) const |
| Checks whether this object's type is equal to or derived from one of the types given in the argument. More...
virtual bool | isRefCountedBase () const |
| Returns whether the instance is derived from RefCountedBase. More...
virtual std::string | detailString () const |
| Returns a string describing this object. More...
virtual bool | implementsPersistence (PersistenceInterface) const |
| Override this method to declare which persistence interfaces are implemented by your derived class. More...
virtual std::string | persistentState () const |
| Returns a string describing the object's internal state. More...
virtual void | setPersistentState (const std::string &state) |
| Restores the object's internal state from a string that had been previously generated using persistentState(). More...
virtual void | writeTo (AbstractPersistenceOutputStream *) const |
| Writes the objects state to the data stream object. More...
virtual void | readFrom (AbstractPersistenceInputStream *, int) |
| Reads the objects state from the data stream object. More...
void | addStateToTree (TreeNode *parent) const override |
void | readStateFromTree (TreeNode *parent) override |
| Implements import functionality (as used by the LoadBase module): More...