MeVisLab Toolbox Reference
mlPCLSupportTools.h File Reference

A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport. More...

#include "MLPCLSupportSystem.h"
#include <mlPCLTypes.h>
#include <mlModuleIncludes.h>
#include <mlReleaseToolsString.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


 Main documentation file for ML users and developers.
 A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport.


#define _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString   "\n"
 A default argument used in some functions for strings and which describes a newline, only for temporary use. More...


enum  ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudDefaultPatterns {
  ml::PCLSupportTools::Empty = 0 , ml::PCLSupportTools::OriginPoint , ml::PCLSupportTools::Triangle , ml::PCLSupportTools::Square ,
 An enumerator defining some basic default patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  { ml::PCLSupportTools::NumberOfPointCloudDefaultPatterns = 5 }
 The number of basic default patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  ml::PCLSupportTools::PointCloudFillPatterns { ml::PCLSupportTools::Fill = 0 , ml::PCLSupportTools::Indexed }
 An enumerator defining some basic value fill patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  { ml::PCLSupportTools::NumberOfPointCloudFillPatterns = 2 }
 The number of basic value fill patterns for point clouds. More...
enum  { ml::PCLSupportTools::ML_PCL_NUMBER_OF_POINT_MEMBER_NAMES = 13 }
 Number of possible members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement". More...
 Possible float members of points which might appear in current implementation, also including "intensityReplacement". More...


MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::PCLSupportTools::getSigned32BitMaximumLimit ()
 Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit signed indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT MLuint64 ml::PCLSupportTools::getUnsigned32BitMaximumLimit ()
 Returns the maximum number of entries allowed in data structured with 32 bit unsigned indexing, for example in Open Inventor MFields or some members in PCL clouds. More...
Eigen::Vector3f ml::PCLSupportTools::castToEigenVector3f (const Vector3 &mlVec)
 Convenience function to convert an ML Vector3f to an Eigen::Vector3f.
Eigen::Vector4f ml::PCLSupportTools::castToEigenVector4f (const Vector4 &mlVec)
 Convenience function to convert an ML Vector4f to an Eigen::Vector4f.
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::PCLSupportTools::castToStdVector (const Eigen::VectorXf &eigenVec, std::vector< MLfloat > &stdVec)
 Convenience function to convert an Eigen::VectorXf to a std::vector<MLfloat>, e.g. More...
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getMaximumNumberOfScalarPointMembers ()
 From the point cloud type with the largest number of scalar members returns the number of scalar values which exist in the corresponding point type, regardless of their types or whether they are stored in structures, arrays or in single members. More...
template<typename PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyPCLObject (PCL_OBJECT_PTR_TYPE &retPCLObjectPtr)
 Creates an empty point cloud of type POINT_CLOUD_PTR_TYPE. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::appendPoint (POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pc, const Vector3f &pos, float fillValue)
 Appends a new point to pc with data[0-2] given by pos and data[3] by fillValue; does nothing if pc is nullptr. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::appendFillPattern (POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pc, PointCloudDefaultPatterns pattern, PointCloudFillPatterns fillMode, float fillValue=0.f)
 Creates a PointCloud point cloud filled with a set of points defined by pattern and fillMode; does nothing if pc is nullptr. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::fourFloatsDiffer (const float data1[4], const float data2[4], double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding data1 and data2 entries are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE >
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsFormattedString (const POINT_TYPE &point, std::string &formatStr, int numDecimalPlaces, size_t pointIndex)
 Replaces placeholders in formatStr with values from the given point. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointListAsString (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, MLint maxNumShownPoints=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstPoint=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator="\n", int numDecimalPlaces=-1, const std::string &pointsPrintFormatStr="")
 Converts at most maxNumShownPoints from pointCloud starting at position indexOfFirstPoint into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding point and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointStructureT (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud)
 Returns an empty string if pointCloud.points are empty, otherwise a concatenated, comma separated string of string descriptions of all members of a point of this point cloud. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLVerticesAsString (const std::vector< pcl::Vertices > &vertices, MLint maxNumShownVertices=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstVertex=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString)
 Converts at most maxNumShownVertices vertices from vertices starting at position indexOfFirstVertex into a string which is separated between points with lineSeparator, each line will contain the x, y, z, and data[3] value of the corresponding vertex and a prefix showing the current index position of the point in pointCloud.points if showIndices is true. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLIndicesAsString (const std::vector< int > &indices, MLint maxNumShownIndices, MLint indexOfFirstIndex, bool showIndices, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString)
 Converts at most maxNumShownIndices indices from indices starting at position indexOfFirstIndex into a string which are separated with lineSeparator, each line will contain the index value and a prefix showing the current index position of the index in indices if showIndices is true. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT void ml::PCLSupportTools::PCLExtractSubIndices (const std::vector< int > &subIndices, std::vector< int > &indices)
 Extract all indices from indices if they are listed in subIndices in the order as given in subIndices; indices out of range in subIndices are ignored. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointFieldValueAsString (std::uint8_t fd, const std::uint8_t *dataPtr, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
 Reinterprets the data at position dataPtr as a pcl::PointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator given by fd and converts the content to a human readable string. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointFieldDataTypeString (std::uint8_t fd, bool aligned)
 Returns a human readable string for a pcl::PCLPointField::PointFieldTypes enumerator. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getCloudDataString (const MLPolygonMesh &polygonMesh, MLint maxNumShownVertices=ML_INT64_MAX, MLint indexOfFirstVertex=0, bool showIndices=true, const std::string &lineSeparator=_PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
 Converts the cloud data of polygonMesh to a human readable string. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getCloudFieldsString (const std::vector< pcl::PCLPointField > &fields)
 Converts the pointField vector fields to a human readable string. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBoxd ml::PCLSupportTools::getBoxForPointCloud (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &inputPointCloud)
 Returns an ML SubImageBoxd whose extents are sufficient in that way that all points of inputPointCloud are located inside or exactly on the box borders. More...
template<typename POINT_CLOUD_TYPE >
SubImageBox ml::PCLSupportTools::getBoxForPointCloud (const POINT_CLOUD_TYPE &pointCloud, Vector3f &pointCloudOrigin, bool includeAll)
 Returns an ML SubImageBox corresponding to pointCloud. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getByteOffset (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const std::string &pointMemberName)
 Returns the offset in bytes between the given member described as string and the first member in the point in bytes; if any member cannot be found then ML_SIZE_T_MAX is returned. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getPCLPointAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &, size_t memberIdx)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberNameAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &, size_t memberIdx)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
size_t ml::PCLSupportTools::getNumberOfScalarPointMembers (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the point or point type contains normal fields/members, otherwise false,. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZ &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZPtr &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormals (const MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr &)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZ &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT std::string ml::PCLSupportTools::getScalarMemberValueAsString (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, size_t memberIdx, int numDecimalPlaces=-1)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
 Copy states of constantFields to the corresponding member of pnt; the contantFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromFields (pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const std::vector< DoubleField * > &constantFields)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, const float val)
 Copy a scalar value into all point fields. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, const float val)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, const float val)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointFromScalar (pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, const float val)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZ &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
 Set resultFields to the corresponding member states of pnt; the resultFields vector must have a sufficient size for all members of the point cloud points, accesses out-of range are not handled. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setFieldsFromPoint (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &pnt, std::vector< DoubleField * > &resultFields)
MLPointCloudXYZPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZ point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZLNormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZLNormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZRGBNormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZRGBNormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZRGBNormal point cloud. More...
MLPointCloudXYZINormalPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyXYZINormalPointCloud ()
 Creates an empty PointCloudXYZLNormal point cloud. More...
MLPolygonMeshPtr ml::PCLSupportTools::createEmptyPolygonMesh ()
 Creates an empty pcl::PolygonMesh object. More...
template<typename POINT_TYPE1 , typename POINT_TYPE2 >
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const POINT_TYPE1 &, const POINT_TYPE2 &, double=FLT_EPSILON)
 Compare all non data members of all supported point types with each other. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZ &, const pcl::PointXYZ &, double=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::doPCLPointNonDataMembersDiffer (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point1, const pcl::PointXYZINormal &point2, double epsilon=FLT_EPSILON)
 Returns true if differences between corresponding non data members of point1 and point2 are found which are >= epsilon, otherwise false is returned. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZ &, float=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
 Sets a scalar value in a member which can be used as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8 opacity=0xff)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setIntensityReplacement (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float value=1.f, MLuint8=0xff)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Gets the scalar value in a member which is considered as storage for an additional value, such as the curvature in a pcl::PointXYZLNormal or in RGB members. More...
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Gets/sets the curvature value as float if the point has one, otherwise return 0 (for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ or do nothing in set). More...
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p)
float ml::PCLSupportTools::getCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZ &, float)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float curvature)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float curvature)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setCurvature (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float curvature)
unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Get the rgba value from PCL point if it has that member otherwise get 0u; for set functionality set that member or do nothing otherwise. More...
unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &rgbaPnt)
unsigned int ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZ &, MLuint32)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZINormal &, MLuint32)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &rgbaPnt, MLuint32 srcVal)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointRGBA (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &, MLuint32)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZ &, float, float, float)
 Sets the normal fields normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point from nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then the call is ignored, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::setPointNormal (pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float nx, float ny, float nz)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZ &, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
 Returns the normal field members normal_x, normal_y, normal_z of a point p in nx, ny, nz if the point contains such members; if the point has no normal members then in nx, ny, and nz 0 is returned, for example in the case of pcl::PointXYZ. More...
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
void ml::PCLSupportTools::getPointNormal (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &p, float &nx, float &ny, float &nz)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a normal, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasNormal (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a label field, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasLabel (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has an rgba field, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasRGBA (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has an intensity field, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensity (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has a curvature field, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasCurvature (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZ &)
 Returns true if the passed point has any field which can be interpreted as an intensity replacement field, otherwise false. More...
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZLNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZRGBNormal &)
bool ml::PCLSupportTools::hasIntensityReplacement (const pcl::PointXYZINormal &)


MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT const char *const ml::PCLSupportTools::PointMemberNames [ML_PCL_NUMBER_OF_POINT_MEMBER_NAMES]
 Possible members of points as strings which might appear in current implementation. More...
MLPCLSUPPORT_EXPORT const char *const ml::PCLSupportTools::FloatPointMemberNames [ML_PCL_NUMBER_OF_FLOAT_POINT_MEMBER_NAMES]
 Number of possible float members as strings which might appear in current implementation. More...

Detailed Description

A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport.

"Wolf Spindler"

A collection of tool functions used in MLPCLSupport.

Definition in file mlPCLSupportTools.h.

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString

#define _PCLSupportTools_NewLineDefaultArgumentString   "\n"

A default argument used in some functions for strings and which describes a newline, only for temporary use.

Do not use!

Definition at line 1050 of file mlPCLSupportTools.h.