| SoCSOTransformEditor () |
| Standard constructor. More...
| ~SoCSOTransformEditor () override |
| Destructor. More...
void | draw (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &drawSliceInfo, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) override |
| Drawing routine. More...
virtual bool | evaluateHitPoint (const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, View2DSliceList *slicelist, ml::CSOList *csoList, ml::CSO *&cso, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
bool | evaluateHitPoint (const ml::Vector3 &, View2DSliceList *, ml::CSOList *, const ml::CSOBoundingBox &, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *, ml::CSO *&, ml::CSOSeedPoint *&, ml::CSOPathPoints *&, float &) override |
| Overload the method and always return false so no CSO can be picked. More...
bool | isModificationEditor () const override |
| Returns whether the editor is a modification editor. More...
void | cancel () override |
| Cancels an action like generating a CSO. Depends on concrete editor. More...
bool | isEligibleForTransforming (ml::CSO *cso, View2DSliceList *slicelist, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Returns whether the given CSO is eligible for transforming by this editor. More...
void | transformStartPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &pos) |
void | transformDragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &pos) |
SoPointingAction * | transformEndPress (int clickCount) |
void | createStartPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &) override |
void | createDragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &) override |
bool | createEndPress (int) override |
void | pointerPositionIfAllowedAt (const SoPointerPosition &) override |
| Sets seed points while moving the mouse – but not while dragging. More...
void | selectAndMoveStartPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &) override |
void | selectAndMoveDragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &) override |
SoPointingAction * | selectAndMoveEndPress (int) override |
int | cursorShape () const override |
| Returns the cursor shape that indicates the next creation. More...
bool | shouldRenderSpecific (ml::CSO *) const override |
| Returns whether a given CSO should be rendered by this specific extension. More...
bool | shouldRenderGeneral (ml::CSO *) const override |
| Returns whether a given CSO should be rendered by this general extension. More...
void | setExtensibleEditor (SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *extensibleEditor) |
| Sets the pointer to the calling extensible editor. More...
virtual void | activate (SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *extensibleEditor) |
| Is called when an extension is activated by the SoView2DExtensibleEditor. More...
virtual void | deactivate () |
| Is called when an extension is deactivated by the SoView2DExtensibleEditor. More...
virtual void | buttonMaskChanged () |
| Is called when the button mask of the SoView2DExtensibleEditor has changed. More...
virtual void | editingOnChanged () |
| Is called when the editingOn field of the SoView2DExtensibleEditor has changed. More...
virtual void | startDrawing (View2DSliceList *) |
| Is called before drawing. More...
virtual void | drawingDone () |
| Is called when all drawing is done. More...
virtual void | setVisibleCSOs (const std::vector< CSODrawCSOInfos > &drawCSOInformation, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Sets visible CSOs that have been determined in the extensible editor. More...
virtual void | drawSecondPass (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &sliceInfo, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Drawing routine that comes between 'main' and 'overlay'. More...
virtual void | drawOverlay (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &sliceInfo, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Routine for drawing after the main routine has drawn. More...
virtual void | drawAdditionalGeometry (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Routine for drawing additional geometry of the extension. More...
virtual void | insertSeedPointStartPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &) |
virtual void | insertSeedPointDragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &) |
virtual SoPointingAction * | insertSeedPointEndPress (int) |
virtual void | bulgeStartPressAt (const SoPointerPosition &) |
virtual void | bulgeDragMoveTo (const SoPointerPosition &) |
virtual SoPointingAction * | bulgeEndPress (int) |
virtual void | pointerPosition (const SoPointerPosition &) |
| Called when the mouse moves over a viewer. More...
virtual void | pointerLeftWindow () |
| Called when mouse pointer leaves the window. More...
virtual bool | isCreationAllowed () const |
| Returns whether the editor is allowed to create a new CSO. More...
virtual bool | isCreationAllowedAt (const SoPointerPosition &) const |
| Returns whether the editor is allowed to create a new CSO at the given position, by default calls the previous method. More...
virtual bool | isModificationAllowed () const |
| Returns whether the editor is allowed to modify an existing CSO. More...
virtual bool | shouldRenderCSOs () const |
| Returns whether the editor should render. More...
virtual bool | canCreateCSOs () const |
| Returns whether the editor can create a CSO. More...
virtual ml::CSO * | getActiveCSO () const |
| Returns the currently active CSO. More...
virtual bool | expectsToCreateCSO () |
| Returns whether an editor is awaiting to create a new CSO, depending on the requireMousemovement flag. More...
SbString | getCreatorExtensionId () const |
void | setActiveCSOList (ml::CSOList *hitCSOList) |
void | setSelectAndMoveInformation (ml::CSOList *hitCSOList, ml::CSO *hitCSO, ml::CSOSeedPoint *hitSeedPoint, ml::CSOPathPoints *hitPathPoints, float hitDistance) |
void | setCSOUnderMouse (ml::CSO *cso) |
ml::CSO * | getCSOUnderMouse () const |
bool | hasSelectedSeedPoint () const |
bool | hasSelectedCSO () const |
virtual SbString | getSubType () const |
| Returns the sub type string of the derived class. More...
virtual bool | isDefaultRenderer () const |
| Returns whether the editor is the default editor. More...
virtual void | resetCache () |
| Resets internal module caches, if there are any. More...
virtual bool | deleteSeedPoint (ml::CSO *cso, ml::CSOSeedPoint *) |
| Removes the given seed point from the given CSO and returns whether that was successful. More...
ml::CSOSeedPoint * | getPreviousSeedPoint (ml::CSOSeedPoint *seedPoint) const |
| Returns the previous seed point of the given seed point for setting it as the next selected seed point. More...
virtual void | mouseWheelEventReceived (SoMouseWheelEvent::Orientation, int, View2DEvent *) |
| Method is called when the extensible editor received a mouse wheel event. More...
void | reset () |
ml::CSOVisualizationSettings * | getVisualizationSettings () |
| Returns a pointer to the visual settings that are either the default ones or the ones set to the extensible editor (if present). More...
bool | shouldShowCSOForCurrentTimePoint (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, ml::CSO *cso) |
| Returns whether the given CSO should be rendered for the current time point. More...
void | sendCSOEventsOnCancel (ml::CSO *cso) |
| Sends CSO events for completing a creation or interaction when canceling it. More...
virtual void | sendCSOEventsOnCancel (ml::CSOList *csoList) |
void | drawInteractionHandleAsSeedPointAt (ml::CSO *cso, float deviceX, float deviceY) |
void | initMembers () override |
| SoCSOEditorExtension () |
| Hidden constructor. More...
| ~SoCSOEditorExtension () override |
| Hidden destructor. More...
void | sendCSONotificationRepaint () |
| Sends a CSO notification to repaint the CSOList. More...
void | sendCSONotificationMove () |
| Sends a CSO notification on moving a CSO or seed point. More...
void | sendCSONotificationFinishInteraction () |
| Sends a CSO notification on finishing an interaction with a CSO. More...
void | sendCSONotificationResetInteractionState () |
| Sends a CSO notification on having the interaction state being reset. More...
void | sendCSONotificationInsertSeedPoint () |
| Sends a CSO notification on inserting a seed point. More...
void | sendCSONotificationNewCSOStarted () |
| Sends a CSO notification on having started to create a new CSO. More...
void | setExtensionIdAsSubType () |
| Sets the subtype member to the value of the extension ID string. More...
virtual void | setCreationData (const SoPointerPosition &pos, ml::CSO *newCSO) |
| Sets creation data to a newly created CSO. More...
void | extensionIdCB (SoField *) |
SoCSOEditorTools::LineRenderSettings | getLineRenderSettingsOnSlice () |
| Creates a LineRenderSettings struct from the editors visualization settings "onSlice" section. More...
SoCSOEditorTools::LineRenderSettings | getLineRenderSettingsForCSO (ml::CSO *cso) |
| Creates a LineRenderSettings struct from the visualization attributes of the given CSO. More...
void | drawPathPoints (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &drawSliceInfo, const SbVec2f &shadowOffsetDevice, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Draws the CSO by drawing lines between the path points. Renders different types of CSOs. More...
void | renderPathPoints (const CSOPathPointsRenderSettings &renderSettings, const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > &pathPointsLists, GLint lineMode, const SbVec2f &shadowOffsetDevice) |
| Draws path points with given render settings. More...
void | drawPathAndCrossingPoints (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const SbVec2f &shadowOffsetDevice, const std::vector< CSOSliceCrossing > &pathAndCrossingPoints, GLint lineMode) |
| Draws the path and crossing points. More...
void | drawShape (int style, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor, ml::CSOVisualizationSettings *visualizationSettings, float deviceX, float deviceY, float size, float lineWidth=1.f) |
| Draws the shape with the given style with the given center and size. More...
void | drawSeedPoints (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &drawSliceInfo, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Draws the seed points of the CSO. More...
void | drawFixedSizeCircleAt (float deviceX, float deviceY) |
| Renders a fixed size circle at the given position. More...
bool | isCSOVisible (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos, const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, const CSODrawSliceInformation &drawSliceInfo, SoView2DCSOExtensibleEditor *editor) |
| Returns whether the CSO is visible on the current slice. More...
void | mapWorldToDevice (const SoPointerPosition &pos, const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, float &deviceX, float &deviceY) |
| Returns device coordinates for a given world position. More...
void | mapWorldToDevice (View2DSliceList *slicelist, const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition, float &deviceX, float &deviceY) |
| Returns device coordinates for a given world position. More...
ml::Vector3 | mapDeviceToWorld (const SoPointerPosition &pos, float deviceX, float deviceY) |
| Returns world coordinates for given device position. More...
ml::Vector3 | mapWorldToVoxel (const SoPointerPosition &pos, const ml::Vector3 &worldPosition) |
| Returns a voxel position for a given world position. More...
ml::Vector3 | mapWorldToVoxel (const SoPointerPosition &pos, const SbVec3f &worldPosition) |
| Returns a voxel position for a given world position. More...
ml::Vector3 | mapVoxelToWorld (const SoPointerPosition &pos, const ml::Vector3 &voxelPosition) |
| Returns a world position for a given voxel position. More...
SbVec2f | nonShadowOffset () const |
| Returns the default offset for non-shadows in pixels. More...
SbVec2f | shadowOffset () const |
| Returns the default offset for shadows in pixels. More...
GLint | getLineMode (ml::CSO *cso) |
| Returns the correct line mode for open and for closed CSOs. More...
void | setupGLForCSO (const CSODrawCSOInfos &csoInfos) |
| Sets up GL state for color, line width, and point size. More...
void | setupGLShadow (float generalAlpha=1.0f) |
| Sets up the GL state for shadow rendering (color and line width). More...
void | glSetAlpha (float alpha) |
| Sets an alpha value but retains the set color. More...
float | getDepthAlpha (int maxSliceDistance, int currentSliceDistance) const |
| Returns an alpha factor based on the max distance and the current distance. More...
bool | doesCSOTimePointMatchCurrentTimePoint (const CSODrawView2DInfos &view2DInfos, ml::CSO *cso) |
| Returns true if the CSO's time point matches the (overwritten) current time point. More...
Extension for transforming existing CSOs.
Definition at line 29 of file SoCSOTransformEditor.h.