CSoGLLazyElement::GLLazyState | Provide a public typedef for GLLazyState, so that GLRenderCache can use it: |
CSoLazyElement::ivStateStruct | Struct to hold the inventor state: |
CSbBox2d | 2D box class |
CSbBox2f | 2D box class |
CSbBox2s | 2D box class |
►CSbBox3d | 3D box class |
CSbXfBox3d | 3D box with an associated transformation matrix |
►CSbBox3f | 3D box class |
CSbXfBox3f | 3D box with an associated transformation matrix |
CSbCylinder | Class for representing a cylinder |
CSbCylinderd | Class for representing a cylinder with double values |
CSbDict | This is a dictionary mapping (size_t) integer keys to (void *) data pointers |
CSbDictEntry | A dictionary is stored as a collection of entries, each of which is an SbDictEntry |
CSbGL | Class that offers static wrappers around OpenGL functions |
CSbLine | Directed line in 3D |
CSbLined | Directed line in 3D with double values |
CSbMatrix | 4x4 matrix class |
CSbMatrixd | 4x4 matrix class with double values |
CSbName | Character string stored in a hash table |
CSbNameEntry | This is used to make lists of SbName instances |
CSbOpenGL | Include the glew header, which allows to access the whole OpenGL and extensions API without using native windows or unix headers |
CSbPlane | Oriented plane in 3D |
CSbPlaned | Oriented plane in 3D with double values |
►CSbPList | List of generic (void *) pointers |
CSbIntList | List of generic (void *) pointers |
CSbStringList | A list of strings |
CSbVec3fList | List of vectors |
CSoActionMethodList | Internal class |
CSoAuditorList | SoAuditorList class |
►CSoBaseList | Subclasses of the SbPList class which hold lists of pointers of a specific type |
CSoEngineList | Maintains a list of pointers to engines |
►CSoNodeList | Maintains a list of pointers to nodes |
CSoChildList | This class maintains a list of child nodes for any node |
CSoPathList | Maintains a list of pointers to paths |
CSoDetailList | Maintains a list of instances of details |
CSoEngineOutputList | Maintains a list of pointers to engine outputs |
CSoFieldList | Maintains a list of pointers to fields |
CSoPickedPointList | Maintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances |
CSoTypeList | Maintains a list of SoTypes |
►CSbProjector | Base class for representing projectors |
►CSbCylinderProjector | Cylinder projector |
►CSbCylinderSectionProjector | Cylinder-section projector |
CSbCylinderPlaneProjector | Cylinder-plane projector |
CSbCylinderSheetProjector | Cylinder-sheet projector |
CSbLineProjector | Line projector |
CSbPlaneProjector | Plane projector |
►CSbSphereProjector | Sphere projector |
►CSbSphereSectionProjector | Sphere-section projector |
CSbSpherePlaneProjector | Sphere-plane projector |
CSbSphereSheetProjector | Sphere-sheet projector |
CSbRotation | Class for representing a rotation |
CSbRotationd | Class for representing a rotation with double values |
CSbSphere | Class for representing a sphere |
CSbSphered | Class for representing a sphere with double values |
CSbString | Class for smart character strings |
CSbTime | Class for representation of a time |
CSbVec2d | 2D vector class with double members |
CSbVec2f | 2D vector class |
CSbVec2s | 2D vector class |
CSbVec3d | 3D vector class with double values |
►CSbVec3f | 3D vector class |
CSbColor | Color vector class |
CSbVec3s | 3D vector used to represet points or directions |
CSbVec4d | 4D vector class with double values |
CSbVec4f | 4D vector class |
CSbViewportRegion | Class for representing a viewport |
CSbViewVolume | 3D viewing volume class |
CSoShape::SimpleVertexArrayCache | Helper struct used by primitive types like cube, sphere, .. |
►CSoAction | Abstract base class for all actions |
CSoCallbackAction | Performs a generic traversal of the scene graph |
►CSoGLRenderAction | Renders a scene graph using OpenGL |
CSoBoxHighlightRenderAction | Box highlight - a subclass of SoGLRenderAction which renders the scene graph, then renders wireframe boxes surrounding each selected object |
CSoLineHighlightRenderAction | Line highlight - a subclass of SoGLRenderAction which renders the scene graph, then renders wireframe boxes surrounding each selected object |
CSoGetBoundingBoxAction | Computes bounding box of a scene |
CSoGetMatrixAction | Computes transformation matrix for subgraph |
CSoHandleEventAction | Allows nodes in a graph to receive input events |
►CSoPickAction | Abstract base class for picking objects in a scene |
CSoRayPickAction | Intersects objects with a ray cast into scene |
CSoSearchAction | Searches for nodes in a scene graph |
CSoWriteAction | Writes a scene graph to a file |
CSoAmbientColorElement | This class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class |
►CSoBase | Base class for all nodes, paths, and engines |
►CSoFieldContainer | Abstract base class for objects that contain fields |
►CSoEngine | Base class for all engines |
CSoBoolOperation | Performs Boolean operations |
CSoCalculator | A general-purpose calculator |
CSoComposeMatrix | Matrix composition engine |
CSoComposeRotation | Rotation composition engines |
CSoComposeRotationFromTo | Composes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another |
CSoComposeVec2f | Vector composition engines |
CSoComposeVec3f | Composes 3D vectors from floating-point values |
CSoComposeVec4f | Composes 4D vectors from floating-point values |
CSoComputeBoundingBox | Computes the bounding box and center of a scene graph |
CSoConcatenate | Joins separate fields into a single multiple-value field |
CSoCounter | Triggered integer counter |
CSoDecomposeMatrix | Matrix decomposition engine |
CSoDecomposeRotation | Rotation decomposition engine |
CSoDecomposeVec2f | Vector decomposition engines |
CSoDecomposeVec3f | Decomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values |
CSoDecomposeVec4f | Decomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values |
CSoElapsedTime | Basic controllable time source |
CSoFieldConverter | Abstract base class for all field converter engines |
CSoGate | Selectively copies its input to its output |
►CSoInterpolate | Base class for all interpolator engines |
CSoInterpolateFloat | Interpolaters for the builtin field types |
CSoInterpolateRotation | Interpolates rotation values |
CSoInterpolateVec2f | Interpolates 2D floating-point vectors |
CSoInterpolateVec3f | Interpolates 3D floating-point vectors |
CSoInterpolateVec4f | Interpolates 4D floating-point vectors |
CSoOnOff | Engine that functions as an on/off switch |
CSoOneShot | Timer that runs for a pre-set amount of time |
CSoSelectOne | Selects one value from a multiple-value field |
CSoTimeCounter | Timed integer counter |
CSoTransformVec3f | Transforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix |
CSoTriggerAny | Provides fan-in for triggers |
CSoUnknownEngine | |
►CSoNode | Abstract base class for all database nodes |
CSoBaseColor | Node that defines an object's base color |
►CSoBaseKit | Base class for all node kits |
CSoAppearanceKit | Appearance nodekit class |
CSoCameraKit | Camera nodekit class |
►CSoInteractionKit | Base class for all interaction nodekit classes |
►CSoDragger | Base class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events |
CSoCenterballDragger | Striped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse |
CSoDirectionalLightDragger | Directional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse |
CSoDragPointDragger | Object you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
CSoHandleBoxDragger | Box you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse |
CSoJackDragger | Jack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse |
CSoPointLightDragger | Sun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
CSoRotateCylindricalDragger | Object you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse |
CSoRotateDiscDragger | Object you can rotate like a knob by dragging With the mouse |
CSoRotateSphericalDragger | Object you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse |
CSoScale1Dragger | Object you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse |
CSoScale2Dragger | Object you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse |
CSoScale2UniformDragger | Object you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse |
CSoScaleUniformDragger | Object you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse |
CSoSpotLightDragger | Spotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam |
CSoTabBoxDragger | Cubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse |
CSoTabPlaneDragger | Object you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse |
CSoTrackballDragger | Striped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse |
CSoTransformBoxDragger | Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse |
CSoTransformerDragger | Box-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse |
CSoTranslate1Dragger | Object you can translate along a line by dragging With the mouse |
CSoTranslate2Dragger | Object you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse |
CSoLightKit | Light nodekit class |
CSoSceneKit | Scene nodekit class |
►CSoSeparatorKit | Separator nodekit class |
CSoShapeKit | NOTE TO DEVELOPERS: For info about the structure of SoShapeKit: [1] compile: /usr/share/src/Inventor/samples/ivNodeKitStructure [2] type: ivNodeKitStructure SoShapeKit |
CSoWrapperKit | Wrapper nodekit class |
CSoCallback | Provides custom behavior during actions |
►CSoCamera | Abstract base class for camera nodes |
CSoOrthographicCamera | Orthographic camera node |
CSoPerspectiveCamera | Perspective camera node |
CSoClipPlane | Clipping plane node |
CSoComplexity | Shape complexity node |
CSoCoordinate3 | Coordinate point node |
CSoCoordinate4 | Rational coordinate point node |
CSoDrawStyle | Node that defines the style to use when rendering |
CSoEnvironment | Global environment node |
CSoEventCallback | Node which invokes callbacks for events |
CSoFile | Node that reads children from a named file |
►CSoFont | Node that defines font type and size for text |
CSoFontStyle | Simple 3D text shape node |
►CSoGroup | Base class for all group nodes |
CSoArray | Group node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children |
CSoLOD | Distance-based level-of-detail switching group node |
CSoLevelOfDetail | Level-of-detail switching group node |
CSoMultipleCopy | Group node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices |
CSoPathSwitch | Group node that traverses only when traversed along a given path |
►CSoSeparator | Group node that saves and restores traversal state |
CSoAnnotation | Annotation group node |
►CSoLocateHighlight | Special separator that performs locate highlighting |
CSoWWWAnchor | Separator group node with a URL hyperlink |
CSoSelection | Manages a list of selected objects |
►CSoSwitch | Group node that traverse one chosen child |
CSoBlinker | Animated cycling switch node |
CSoTransformSeparator | Group node that saves and restores transformation state |
CSoUnknownNode | The Unknown Node! This node is created during file reading when a node is read that is unrecognized by Inventor and a DSO cannot be found for it |
CSoInfo | Node containing information text string |
CSoLabel | Node containing label text string |
►CSoLight | Abstract base class for all light source nodes |
►CSoDirectionalLight | Node representing a directional light source |
CSoDirectionalLightManip | Directional light node with 3D interface for editing direction |
►CSoPointLight | Node representing a point light source |
CSoPointLightManip | Point light node with 3D interface for editing location |
►CSoSpotLight | Node representing a spotlight source |
CSoSpotLightManip | Description: This file defines a manipulator for a spot light nodes |
CSoLightModel | Node that defines the lighting model to use when rendering |
CSoMaterial | Surface material definition node |
CSoMaterialBinding | Node that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes |
CSoNodeKitListPart | Group node with restricted children |
CSoNormal | Node that defines surface normals for shapes |
CSoNormalBinding | Node that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes |
CSoPackedColor | Node that defines base colors using packed representation |
CSoPickStyle | Picking style node |
CSoPolygonOffset | |
►CSoProfile | Abstract base class for all profile nodes |
CSoLinearProfile | Piecewise-linear profile curve |
CSoNurbsProfile | NURBS profile curve |
CSoProfileCoordinate2 | Profile coordinate node |
CSoProfileCoordinate3 | Rational profile coordinate node |
►CSoShape | Abstract base class for all shape nodes |
CSoAsciiText | Simple 3D text shape node |
CSoCone | Cone shape node |
CSoCube | Cube shape node |
CSoCylinder | Cylinder shape node |
CSoIndexedNurbsCurve | Indexed NURBS curve shape node |
CSoIndexedNurbsSurface | Indexed NURBS surface shape node |
CSoNurbsCurve | NURBS curve shape node |
CSoNurbsSurface | NURBS surface shape node |
CSoSphere | Sphere shape node |
CSoText2 | Internal class |
CSoText3 | 3D text shape node |
►CSoVertexShape | Abstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes |
►CSoIndexedShape | Abstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes |
CSoIndexedFaceSet | Indexed polygonal face shape node |
CSoIndexedLineSet | Indexed polyline shape node |
CSoIndexedTriangleSet | Indexed set of triangles |
CSoIndexedTriangleStripSet | Indexed triangle strip set shape node |
►CSoNonIndexedShape | Abstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes |
CSoFaceSet | Polygonal face shape node |
CSoLineSet | Polyline shape node |
CSoPointSet | Point set shape node |
CSoQuadMesh | Quadrilateral mesh shape node |
CSoTriangleStripSet | Triangle strip set shape node |
CSoShapeHints | Node that provides hints about shapes |
CSoTexture2 | Texture mapping node |
CSoTexture2Transform | 2D texture transformation node |
CSoTextureCoordinate2 | 2D texture coordinate node |
CSoTextureCoordinateBinding | Node that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes |
►CSoTextureCoordinateFunction | Abstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes |
CSoTextureCoordinateDefault | Node that removes texture coordinates from state |
CSoTextureCoordinateEnvironment | Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a environment |
CSoTextureCoordinatePlane | Node that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane |
►CSoTransformation | Abstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes |
CSoAntiSquish | Transformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales |
CSoMatrixTransform | Node that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix |
CSoResetTransform | Node that resets the current transformation to identity |
►CSoRotation | Node representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis |
CSoPendulum | Animated oscillating rotation node |
CSoRotor | Animated rotation node |
CSoRotationXYZ | Node representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis |
CSoScale | Node representing a 3D geometric scaling |
CSoSurroundScale | Transformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects |
►CSoTransform | General 3D geometric transformation node |
►CSoTransformManip | Base class for all transform Nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces |
CSoCenterballManip | Transform node with 3D interface for editing rotation and center |
CSoHandleBoxManip | Transform node with 3D Interface for Editing ScaleFactor and Translation |
CSoJackManip | Transform node with 3D interface for rotating, scaling, and translating |
CSoTabBoxManip | Transform node with 3D Interface for editing scale and translation |
CSoTrackballManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing rotation and scaling |
CSoTransformBoxManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation |
CSoTransformerManip | Transform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation |
►CSoTranslation | Node representing a 3D translation |
CSoShuttle | Animated oscillating translation node |
CSoUnits | Node that scales to convert units of length |
CSoVertexProperty | Vertex property node |
CSoWWWInline | Node that refers to children through a URL |
►CSoPath | Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodes |
►CSoFullPath | This SoEXTENDER class allows expert users to examine "hidden" children in paths |
CSoTempPath | This class is internal to Inventor |
CSoNodeKitPath | Path that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits |
►CSoBundle | This is the abstract base class for bundles |
CSoMaterialBundle | Bundle that allows shapes to deal with materials more easily |
CSoNormalBundle | Bundle that allows shapes to deal with normals and normal bindings more easily |
CSoTextureCoordinateBundle | Bundle that allows shapes to deal with texture coordinates more easily |
CSoByteStream | Converts scene graph objects to character byte streams |
►CSoCache | |
CSoBoundingBoxCache | Class SoBoundingBoxCache: |
CSoGLRenderCache | |
CSoNormalCache | Class SoNormalCache: |
CSoCacheContextElement | Element that stores the cache context |
CSoCallbackList | Manages a list of callback functions and associated data |
CSoCatch | Class containing static functions to control global exception handling for OpenInventor |
CSoColorPacker | This class is meant to be used by all property nodes that set either a diffuse color or transparency in the lazy element |
CSoCompactPathList | This class represents a list of paths (like an SoPathList) in a more compact form |
CSoDB | Scene graph database class |
CSoDebug | List of environment variables for tracing: |
►CSoDetail | Base class for describing detail information about a shape node |
CSoConeDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCone node |
CSoCubeDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCube node |
CSoCylinderDetail | Stores detail information about the SoCylinder node |
CSoFaceDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces |
CSoLineDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments |
CSoNodeKitDetail | Stores detail information about a nodekit |
CSoPointDetail | Stores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of points |
CSoTextDetail | Stores detail information about a text node |
►CSoElement | This is the abstract base class for all state elements |
►CSoAccumulatedElement | This is the abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set |
►CSoClipPlaneElement | Element that stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes |
CSoGLClipPlaneElement | Element that adds a clipping plane to the set currently in GL |
►CSoModelMatrixElement | Element that stores the current model matrix - the cumulative transformation applied to subsequent shapes |
CSoBBoxModelMatrixElement | Element that stores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction |
CSoGLModelMatrixElement | Element that stores the current model matrix in GL |
CSoProfileElement | Element storing 2D profiles for nurbs and 3d text |
►CSoTextureMatrixElement | Element that stores the current texture matrix - the cumulative transformation applied to subsequent shapes |
CSoGLTextureMatrixElement | Element that stores the current texture matrix in GL |
CSoCacheElement | Element that stores the most recently opened cache |
►CSoFloatElement | Subclasses store a single float, int, or enum value |
CSoComplexityElement | Element that stores the current shape complexity |
CSoCreaseAngleElement | Element that stores the current crease angle that is used to determine whether default normals should be computed to create a sharp edge or a smooth surface |
CSoFocalDistanceElement | Element that stores the current focal distance of the camera |
CSoFontSizeElement | Element storing the current font size |
►CSoLineWidthElement | Element that stores the current line width |
CSoGLLineWidthElement | Element that stores the current line width in GL |
►CSoPointSizeElement | Element that stores the current point size |
CSoGLPointSizeElement | Element that stores the current point size in GL |
CSoTextureQualityElement | Element that stores the current texture quality |
CSoGLCacheContextElement | |
CSoGLRenderPassElement | Element that stores the current rendering pass, a non-negative integer that can be used during multi-pass rendering to implement special effects such as motion blur or anti-aliasing |
CSoGLUpdateAreaElement | Element that stores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering |
CSoGLVBOElement | Manage the currently registered VBOs in the state (for coordinates, normals, colors and tex coords) (MeVis ONLY) |
►CSoInt32Element | Subclasses store a single int32_t, int, or enum value |
CSoComplexityTypeElement | Element that stores the current complexity type |
►CSoDrawStyleElement | Element that stores the current draw style |
CSoGLDrawStyleElement | Element that changes the current draw style in GL |
CSoGLLightIdElement | Element that stores the id of the current light |
CSoGLTextureEnabledElement | Element that enables/disables textures |
►CSoLinePatternElement | Element that stores the current line stipple pattern |
CSoGLLinePatternElement | Element that stores the current line pattern in GL |
CSoMaterialBindingElement | Element that stores the current material binding |
CSoNormalBindingElement | Element that stores the current normal binding |
CSoPickStyleElement | Element that stores the current pick style |
►CSoStencilBitsElement | |
CSoGLStencilBitsElement | |
CSoSwitchElement | Element that stores the current switch index |
CSoTextureCoordinateBindingElement | Element storing the current texture coordinate binding |
CSoUnitsElement | Element that stores the current units type |
►CSoLazyElement | Element that manages several properties such as colors, that need to be lazily tracked by GL |
CSoGLLazyElement | Element that manages the GL state for the SoLazyElement |
CSoLocalBBoxMatrixElement | Element that stores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction |
CSoOverrideElement | Element that stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden |
CSoPickRayElement | Element that stores the current ray to use for picking |
►CSoReplacedElement | This is the abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set |
►CSoCoordinateElement | Element that stores the current coordinates |
CSoGLCoordinateElement | Element that stores the current coordinates |
CSoFontNameElement | Element storing the current font name |
CSoGLMaterialIndexElement | Element that stores the indices into the current GL material map of the ambient, diffuse, and specular components of the current surface material, as defined by GL's color index lighting model |
CSoLightAttenuationElement | Element that stores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment |
►CSoNormalElement | Element that stores the current surface normals |
CSoGLNormalElement | Element that stores the current surface normals |
►CSoPolygonOffsetElement | |
CSoGLPolygonOffsetElement | |
CSoProfileCoordinateElement | Element storing the current profile coordinates, as either 2-D or 3-D points |
►CSoProjectionMatrixElement | Element that stores the current projection matrix - the projective part of the matrix set up by the camera |
CSoGLProjectionMatrixElement | Element that stores the current projection matrix in GL |
►CSoTextureCoordinateElement | Element storing the current texture coordinates |
CSoGLTextureCoordinateElement | Element storing the current gltexture coordinates |
►CSoTextureImageElement | Element storing the current texture image |
CSoGLTextureImageElement | Element that stores the current texture image in GL |
CSoViewVolumeElement | Element that stores the current viewing volume |
►CSoViewingMatrixElement | Element that stores the current viewing matrix - the non-projection part of the matrix set up by the camera |
CSoGLViewingMatrixElement | Element that stores the current viewing matrix in GL |
►CSoShapeHintsElement | Element that stores current shape hints |
CSoGLShapeHintsElement | Element that stores current shape hints and sends commands to GL based on them |
CSoShapeStyleElement | This elements stores some information shapes need to quickly determine whether or not they should render, and, if they should render, how they should render |
CSoTextureOverrideElement | Element that stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden |
►CSoViewportRegionElement | Element that stores the current viewport region, which indicates which part of the window is being rendered into |
CSoGLViewportRegionElement | Element that stores the current viewport region in GL |
CSoWindowElement | This is a legacy element which should not be used |
CSoEmissiveColorElement | This class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class |
CSoEnabledElementsList | Internal class |
CSoEngineOutput | Class for all engine outputs |
CSoEngineOutputData | Holds data about engine outputs: the number of outputs the engine has, the names of the outputs |
►CSoError | Error handling base class |
CSoDebugError | Debug error handling |
CSoMemoryError | Memory error handling |
CSoReadError | Read error handling |
►CSoEvent | Base class for all events |
►CSoButtonEvent | Base class for all button events |
CSoKeyboardEvent | Keyboard key press and release events |
CSoMouseButtonEvent | Mouse button press and release events |
CSoSpaceballButtonEvent | Spaceball button press and release events |
CSoEnterLeaveEvent | Open Inventor SoEvent that represents a mouse enter or mouse leave event |
►CSoLocation2Event | 2D location events |
CSoLocation2RefreshEvent | Open Inventor SoEvent that refreshes the current pointer location |
CSoMotion3Event | 3D motion events |
CSoMouseWheelEvent | Open Inventor SoEvent that represents a MouseWheel movement |
►CSoField | Base class for all fields |
►CSoMField | Base class for all multiple-valued fields |
CSoMFBool | Multiple-value field containing any number of boolean values |
CSoMFColor | Multiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats |
CSoMFDouble | Multiple-value field containing any number of doubleing point values |
CSoMFEngine | Multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to engines |
►CSoMFEnum | Multiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values |
CSoMFBitMask | Multiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags |
CSoMFFloat | Multiple-value field containing any number of floating point values |
CSoMFInt32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers |
CSoMFMatrix | Multiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices |
CSoMFMatrixd | Multiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrixds |
CSoMFName | Multiple-value field containing any number of names |
CSoMFNode | Multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to nodes |
CSoMFPath | Multiple-value field containing any number of pointers to paths |
CSoMFPlane | Field containing several plane equations |
CSoMFPlaned | Field containing several plane equations |
CSoMFRotation | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations |
CSoMFRotationd | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbRotationds |
CSoMFShort | Multiple-value field containing any number of short integers |
CSoMFString | Multiple-value field containing any number of strings |
CSoMFTime | Multiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values |
CSoMFUInt32 | Multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_tegers |
CSoMFUShort | Multiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers |
CSoMFVec2d | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
CSoMFVec2f | Multiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors |
CSoMFVec3d | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
CSoMFVec3f | Multiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors |
CSoMFVec4d | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
CSoMFVec4f | Multiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors |
►CSoSField | Abstract base class for all single-value fields |
CSoSFBool | Field containing a single boolean value |
CSoSFColor | Field containing an RGB color |
CSoSFDouble | Field containing a doubleing-point value |
CSoSFEngine | Field containing a pointer to a engine |
►CSoSFEnum | Field containing an enumerated value |
CSoSFBitMask | Single-value field containing a set of bit flags |
CSoSFTypedEnum< T > | End of macros |
CSoSFFloat | Field containing a floating-point value |
CSoSFImage | Field containing a 2D image |
CSoSFInt32 | Field containing a int32_t integer |
CSoSFMatrix | Field containing a 4x4 matrix |
CSoSFMatrixd | Field containing a 4x4 matrix of double values |
CSoSFName | Field containg a name |
CSoSFNode | Field containing a pointer to a node |
CSoSFPath | Field containing a pointer to an SoPath |
CSoSFPlane | Field containing a plane equation |
CSoSFPlaned | Field containing a plane equation of double values |
CSoSFRotation | Field containing a rotation |
CSoSFRotationd | Field containing a rotation of double values |
CSoSFShort | Field containing a short integer |
CSoSFString | Field containing a string |
CSoSFTime | Field containing an SbTime |
CSoSFTrigger | Field used to trigger engines or connection networks |
CSoSFUInt32 | Field containing an unsinged int32_t integer |
CSoSFUShort | Field containing an unsigned short integer |
CSoSFVec2d | Field containing a two-dimensional vector of double values |
CSoSFVec2f | Field containing a two-dimensional vector |
CSoSFVec2s | |
CSoSFVec3d | Field containing a three-dimensional vector of double values |
CSoSFVec3f | Field containing a three-dimensional vector |
CSoSFVec3s | |
CSoSFVec4d | Field containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector of double values |
CSoSFVec4f | Field containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector |
CSoFieldData | Holds data about fields of an object: the number of fields the object has, the names of the fields, and a pointer to a prototype instance of the field |
CSoGLCacheList | |
CSoGLDisplayList | Class SoGLDisplayList: |
CSoInput | Used to read Inventor data files |
CSoInputFile | Structure: SoInputFile (internal) |
CSoInteraction | Initializes Inventor interaction classes |
CSoLightModelElement | Element that stores the current lighting model |
CSoLightweightPath | A SoLightweightPath is a light-weight version of an SoTempPath, intended to be used just to keep track of the current path during traversal |
CSoNodeKit | Initializes nodekit classes |
CSoNodekitCatalog | Nodekit catalog class |
CSoNodekitCatalogEntry | Internal class that should be accessed only by an SoNodekitCatalog |
CSoNodekitParts | |
CSoNormalGenerator | This class can be used by polyhedral shape classes to generate surface normals when they do not have valid ones specified |
CSoNotList | Holds a list of SoNotRec notification records |
CSoNotRec | Records one step in the path taken by notification |
CSoOutput | Used to write Inventor data files |
CSoPickedPoint | Represents point on surface of picked object |
CSoPrimitiveVertex | Represents a vertex of a generated primitive |
CSoProfiling | Static class that offers profiling callbacks for a number of selected Open Inventor features, e.g |
CSoRef< T > | SoRef proves an intrusive smart pointer for any SoBase derived class and uses the ref()/unref() methods of SoBase to manage the ref counting |
CSoSceneManager | Manages scene graph rendering and event handling |
►CSoSensor | Abstract base class for Inventor sensors |
►CSoDelayQueueSensor | Abstract base class for sensors not dependent on time |
►CSoDataSensor | Abstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene |
►CSoFieldSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Inventor fields |
►CSoFieldSensorCallback | Base class for typed field sensor callbacks |
CSoTypedFieldSensorCallback< Object, Method > | Typed field sensor that called given member function on object when triggered |
CSoNodeSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Inventor nodes |
CSoPathSensor | Sensor class that can be attached to Inventor paths |
CSoIdleSensor | Sensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle |
CSoOneShotSensor | Sensor for one-time only callbacks |
►CSoTimerQueueSensor | Abstract base class for sensors dependent on time |
CSoAlarmSensor | Triggers a callback once sometime in the future |
CSoTimerSensor | Sensor that triggers callback repeatedly at regular intervals |
CSoSensorManager | |
CSoShininessElement | Mostly superceded by SoLazyElement |
CSoSpecularColorElement | This class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class |
CSoState | An SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph |
CSoTexture | Texture node |
CSoTrace< INDEXTYPE > | This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor |
CSoTraceBuffer< INDEXTYPE > | This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings |
CSoTranReceiver | Interprets database changes for transcription |
CSoTranSender | Sends database changes for transcription |
CSoType | SoType has no virtual functions to keep it small.. |
CSoVBO | SoVBO is used to manage OpenGL vertex buffer objects |
CSoVertexArrayIndexer | SoVertexArrayIndexer is a class that manages rendering of indexed primitives using Vertex Array rendering |
CSoVertexPropertyCache | |