Open Inventor Reference
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
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 CSoGLLazyElement::GLLazyStateProvide a public typedef for GLLazyState, so that GLRenderCache can use it:
 CSoLazyElement::ivStateStructStruct to hold the inventor state:
 CSbBox2d2D box class
 CSbBox2f2D box class
 CSbBox2s2D box class
 CSbBox3d3D box class
 CSbBox3f3D box class
 CSbCylinderClass for representing a cylinder
 CSbCylinderdClass for representing a cylinder with double values
 CSbDictThis is a dictionary mapping (size_t) integer keys to (void *) data pointers
 CSbDictEntryA dictionary is stored as a collection of entries, each of which is an SbDictEntry
 CSbGLClass that offers static wrappers around OpenGL functions
 CSbLineDirected line in 3D
 CSbLinedDirected line in 3D with double values
 CSbMatrix4x4 matrix class
 CSbMatrixd4x4 matrix class with double values
 CSbNameCharacter string stored in a hash table
 CSbNameEntryThis is used to make lists of SbName instances
 CSbOpenGLInclude the glew header, which allows to access the whole OpenGL and extensions API without using native windows or unix headers
 CSbPlaneOriented plane in 3D
 CSbPlanedOriented plane in 3D with double values
 CSbPListList of generic (void *) pointers
 CSbProjectorBase class for representing projectors
 CSbRotationClass for representing a rotation
 CSbRotationdClass for representing a rotation with double values
 CSbSphereClass for representing a sphere
 CSbSpheredClass for representing a sphere with double values
 CSbStringClass for smart character strings
 CSbTimeClass for representation of a time
 CSbVec2d2D vector class with double members
 CSbVec2f2D vector class
 CSbVec2s2D vector class
 CSbVec3d3D vector class with double values
 CSbVec3f3D vector class
 CSbVec3s3D vector used to represet points or directions
 CSbVec4d4D vector class with double values
 CSbVec4f4D vector class
 CSbViewportRegionClass for representing a viewport
 CSbViewVolume3D viewing volume class
 CSoShape::SimpleVertexArrayCacheHelper struct used by primitive types like cube, sphere, ..
 CSoActionAbstract base class for all actions
 CSoAmbientColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoBaseBase class for all nodes, paths, and engines
 CSoBundleThis is the abstract base class for bundles
 CSoByteStreamConverts scene graph objects to character byte streams
 CSoCacheContextElementElement that stores the cache context
 CSoCallbackListManages a list of callback functions and associated data
 CSoCatchClass containing static functions to control global exception handling for OpenInventor
 CSoColorPackerThis class is meant to be used by all property nodes that set either a diffuse color or transparency in the lazy element
 CSoCompactPathListThis class represents a list of paths (like an SoPathList) in a more compact form
 CSoDBScene graph database class
 CSoDebugList of environment variables for tracing:
 CSoDetailBase class for describing detail information about a shape node
 CSoElementThis is the abstract base class for all state elements
 CSoEmissiveColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoEnabledElementsListInternal class
 CSoEngineOutputClass for all engine outputs
 CSoEngineOutputDataHolds data about engine outputs: the number of outputs the engine has, the names of the outputs
 CSoErrorError handling base class
 CSoEventBase class for all events
 CSoFieldBase class for all fields
 CSoFieldDataHolds data about fields of an object: the number of fields the object has, the names of the fields, and a pointer to a prototype instance of the field
 CSoGLDisplayListClass SoGLDisplayList:
 CSoInputUsed to read Inventor data files
 CSoInputFileStructure: SoInputFile (internal)
 CSoInteractionInitializes Inventor interaction classes
 CSoLightModelElementElement that stores the current lighting model
 CSoLightweightPathA SoLightweightPath is a light-weight version of an SoTempPath, intended to be used just to keep track of the current path during traversal
 CSoNodeKitInitializes nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogNodekit catalog class
 CSoNodekitCatalogEntryInternal class that should be accessed only by an SoNodekitCatalog
 CSoNormalGeneratorThis class can be used by polyhedral shape classes to generate surface normals when they do not have valid ones specified
 CSoNotListHolds a list of SoNotRec notification records
 CSoNotRecRecords one step in the path taken by notification
 CSoOutputUsed to write Inventor data files
 CSoPickedPointRepresents point on surface of picked object
 CSoPrimitiveVertexRepresents a vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProfilingStatic class that offers profiling callbacks for a number of selected Open Inventor features, e.g
 CSoRef< T >SoRef proves an intrusive smart pointer for any SoBase derived class and uses the ref()/unref() methods of SoBase to manage the ref counting
 CSoSceneManagerManages scene graph rendering and event handling
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for Inventor sensors
 CSoShininessElementMostly superceded by SoLazyElement
 CSoSpecularColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoStateAn SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph
 CSoTextureTexture node
 CSoTrace< INDEXTYPE >This class simply implements a constructor and a destructor
 CSoTraceBuffer< INDEXTYPE >This class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings
 CSoTranReceiverInterprets database changes for transcription
 CSoTranSenderSends database changes for transcription
 CSoTypeSoType has no virtual functions to keep it small..
 CSoVBOSoVBO is used to manage OpenGL vertex buffer objects
 CSoVertexArrayIndexerSoVertexArrayIndexer is a class that manages rendering of indexed primitives using Vertex Array rendering