Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- I
: SoKeyboardEvent
- identity()
: SbMatrix
, SbMatrixd
, SbRotation
, SbRotationd
- ignored
: SoField
- image
: SoTexture2
: SoAction
: SoTabPlaneDragger
, SoTrackballDragger
, SoTransformerDragger
: SoUnits
, SoUnitsElement
- increment()
: SoGLLightIdElement
- incrementCurrentWriteCounter()
: SoBase
- incrementIndent()
: SoOutput
- indent()
: SoOutput
- independentLines
: SoLineSet
- index
: SoProfile
, SoSelectOne
, SoType
: SoDebugError
- init()
: SbOpenGL
, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement
, SoCacheElement
, SoClipPlaneElement
, SoComplexityElement
, SoComplexityTypeElement
, SoCoordinateElement
, SoCreaseAngleElement
, SoDB
, SoDrawStyleElement
, SoElement
, SoFocalDistanceElement
, SoFontNameElement
, SoFontSizeElement
, SoGLCacheContextElement
, SoGLDrawStyleElement
, SoGLLazyElement
, SoGLLightIdElement
, SoGLLinePatternElement
, SoGLLineWidthElement
, SoGLMaterialIndexElement
, SoGLModelMatrixElement
, SoGLNormalElement
, SoGLPointSizeElement
, SoGLPolygonOffsetElement
, SoGLRenderPassElement
, SoGLShapeHintsElement
, SoGLTextureCoordinateElement
, SoGLTextureEnabledElement
, SoGLTextureImageElement
, SoGLUpdateAreaElement
, SoGLVBOElement
, SoGLViewingMatrixElement
, SoGLViewportRegionElement
, SoInput
, SoInteraction
, SoLazyElement
, SoLightAttenuationElement
, SoLinePatternElement
, SoLineWidthElement
, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
, SoMaterialBindingElement
, SoModelMatrixElement
, SoNodeKit
, SoNormalBindingElement
, SoNormalElement
, SoOverrideElement
, SoPickRayElement
, SoPickStyleElement
, SoPointSizeElement
, SoPolygonOffsetElement
, SoProfileCoordinateElement
, SoProfileElement
, SoProjectionMatrixElement
, SoReplacedElement
, SoShapeHintsElement
, SoShapeStyleElement
, SoStencilBitsElement
, SoSwitchElement
, SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement
, SoTextureCoordinateElement
, SoTextureImageElement
, SoTextureMatrixElement
, SoTextureOverrideElement
, SoTextureQualityElement
, SoType
, SoUnitsElement
, SoViewingMatrixElement
, SoViewportRegionElement
, SoViewVolumeElement
, SoWindowElement
- initClass()
: SoAccumulatedElement
, SoAction
, SoAnnotation
, SoAntiSquish
, SoAppearanceKit
, SoArray
, SoAsciiText
, SoBase
, SoBaseColor
, SoBaseKit
, SoBBoxModelMatrixElement
, SoBlinker
, SoBoolOperation
, SoBoxHighlightRenderAction
, SoButtonEvent
, SoCacheElement
, SoCalculator
, SoCallback
, SoCallbackAction
, SoCamera
, SoCameraKit
, SoCatch
, SoCenterballDragger
, SoCenterballManip
, SoClipPlane
, SoClipPlaneElement
, SoComplexity
, SoComplexityElement
, SoComplexityTypeElement
, SoComputeBoundingBox
, SoConcatenate
, SoCone
, SoConeDetail
, SoCoordinate3
, SoCoordinate4
, SoCoordinateElement
, SoCounter
, SoCreaseAngleElement
, SoCube
, SoCubeDetail
, SoCylinder
, SoCylinderDetail
, SoDebugError
, SoDetail
, SoDirectionalLight
, SoDirectionalLightDragger
, SoDirectionalLightManip
, SoDragger
, SoDragPointDragger
, SoDrawStyle
, SoDrawStyleElement
, SoElapsedTime
, SoElement
, SoEngine
, SoEnterLeaveEvent
, SoEnvironment
, SoError
, SoEvent
, SoEventCallback
, SoFaceDetail
, SoFaceSet
, SoField
, SoFieldContainer
, SoFieldConverter
, SoFile
, SoFloatElement
, SoFocalDistanceElement
, SoFont
, SoFontNameElement
, SoFontSizeElement
, SoFontStyle
, SoGate
, SoGetBoundingBoxAction
, SoGetMatrixAction
, SoGLCacheContextElement
, SoGLClipPlaneElement
, SoGLCoordinateElement
, SoGLDrawStyleElement
, SoGLLazyElement
, SoGLLightIdElement
, SoGLLinePatternElement
, SoGLLineWidthElement
, SoGLMaterialIndexElement
, SoGLModelMatrixElement
, SoGLNormalElement
, SoGLPointSizeElement
, SoGLPolygonOffsetElement
, SoGLProjectionMatrixElement
, SoGLRenderAction
, SoGLRenderPassElement
, SoGLShapeHintsElement
, SoGLStencilBitsElement
, SoGLTextureCoordinateElement
, SoGLTextureEnabledElement
, SoGLTextureImageElement
, SoGLTextureMatrixElement
, SoGLUpdateAreaElement
, SoGLVBOElement
, SoGLViewingMatrixElement
, SoGLViewportRegionElement
, SoGroup
, SoHandleBoxDragger
, SoHandleBoxManip
, SoHandleEventAction
, SoIndexedFaceSet
, SoIndexedLineSet
, SoIndexedNurbsCurve
, SoIndexedNurbsSurface
, SoIndexedShape
, SoIndexedTriangleSet
, SoIndexedTriangleStripSet
, SoInfo
, SoInt32Element
, SoInteractionKit
, SoInterpolate
, SoJackDragger
, SoJackManip
, SoKeyboardEvent
, SoLabel
, SoLazyElement
, SoLevelOfDetail
, SoLight
, SoLightAttenuationElement
, SoLightKit
, SoLightModel
, SoLinearProfile
, SoLineDetail
, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
, SoLinePatternElement
, SoLineSet
, SoLineWidthElement
, SoLocalBBoxMatrixElement
, SoLocateHighlight
, SoLocation2Event
, SoLocation2RefreshEvent
, SoMaterial
, SoMaterialBinding
, SoMaterialBindingElement
, SoMatrixTransform
, SoMemoryError
, SoMFBitMask
, SoMFBool
, SoMFColor
, SoMFDouble
, SoMFEngine
, SoMFEnum
, SoMFFloat
, SoMField
, SoMFInt32
, SoMFMatrix
, SoMFMatrixd
, SoMFName
, SoMFNode
, SoMFPath
, SoMFPlane
, SoMFPlaned
, SoMFRotation
, SoMFRotationd
, SoMFShort
, SoMFString
, SoMFTime
, SoMFUInt32
, SoMFUShort
, SoMFVec2d
, SoMFVec2f
, SoMFVec3d
, SoMFVec3f
, SoMFVec4d
, SoMFVec4f
, SoModelMatrixElement
, SoMotion3Event
, SoMouseButtonEvent
, SoMouseWheelEvent
, SoMultipleCopy
, SoNode
, SoNodekitCatalog
, SoNodeKitDetail
, SoNodeKitListPart
, SoNonIndexedShape
, SoNormal
, SoNormalBinding
, SoNormalBindingElement
, SoNormalElement
, SoNurbsCurve
, SoNurbsProfile
, SoNurbsSurface
, SoOneShot
, SoOnOff
, SoOrthographicCamera
, SoOverrideElement
, SoPackedColor
, SoPath
, SoPathSwitch
, SoPendulum
, SoPerspectiveCamera
, SoPickAction
, SoPickRayElement
, SoPickStyle
, SoPickStyleElement
, SoPointDetail
, SoPointLight
, SoPointLightDragger
, SoPointLightManip
, SoPointSet
, SoPointSizeElement
, SoPolygonOffset
, SoPolygonOffsetElement
, SoProfile
, SoProfileCoordinate2
, SoProfileCoordinate3
, SoProfileCoordinateElement
, SoProfileElement
, SoProjectionMatrixElement
, SoQuadMesh
, SoRayPickAction
, SoReadError
, SoReplacedElement
, SoResetTransform
, SoRotateCylindricalDragger
, SoRotateDiscDragger
, SoRotateSphericalDragger
, SoRotation
, SoRotationXYZ
, SoRotor
, SoScale1Dragger
, SoScale2Dragger
, SoScale2UniformDragger
, SoScale
, SoScaleUniformDragger
, SoSceneKit
, SoSearchAction
, SoSelection
, SoSelectOne
, SoSensor
, SoSeparator
, SoSeparatorKit
, SoSFBitMask
, SoSFBool
, SoSFColor
, SoSFDouble
, SoSFEngine
, SoSFEnum
, SoSFFloat
, SoSField
, SoSFImage
, SoSFInt32
, SoSFMatrix
, SoSFMatrixd
, SoSFName
, SoSFNode
, SoSFPath
, SoSFPlane
, SoSFPlaned
, SoSFRotation
, SoSFRotationd
, SoSFShort
, SoSFString
, SoSFTime
, SoSFTrigger
, SoSFUInt32
, SoSFUShort
, SoSFVec2d
, SoSFVec2f
, SoSFVec2s
, SoSFVec3d
, SoSFVec3f
, SoSFVec3s
, SoSFVec4d
, SoSFVec4f
, SoShape
, SoShapeHints
, SoShapeHintsElement
, SoShapeKit
, SoShapeStyleElement
, SoShuttle
, SoSpaceballButtonEvent
, SoSphere
, SoSpotLight
, SoSpotLightDragger
, SoSpotLightManip
, SoStencilBitsElement
, SoSurroundScale
, SoSwitch
, SoSwitchElement
, SoTabBoxDragger
, SoTabBoxManip
, SoTabPlaneDragger
, SoText2
, SoText3
, SoTextDetail
, SoTexture2
, SoTexture2Transform
, SoTextureCoordinate2
, SoTextureCoordinateBinding
, SoTextureCoordinateBindingElement
, SoTextureCoordinateDefault
, SoTextureCoordinateElement
, SoTextureCoordinateEnvironment
, SoTextureCoordinateFunction
, SoTextureCoordinatePlane
, SoTextureImageElement
, SoTextureMatrixElement
, SoTextureOverrideElement
, SoTextureQualityElement
, SoTimeCounter
, SoTrackballDragger
, SoTrackballManip
, SoTransform
, SoTransformation
, SoTransformBoxDragger
, SoTransformBoxManip
, SoTransformerDragger
, SoTransformerManip
, SoTransformManip
, SoTransformSeparator
, SoTransformVec3f
, SoTranslate1Dragger
, SoTranslate2Dragger
, SoTranslation
, SoTriangleStripSet
, SoTriggerAny
, SoUnits
, SoUnitsElement
, SoUnknownEngine
, SoUnknownNode
, SoVertexProperty
, SoVertexShape
, SoViewingMatrixElement
, SoViewportRegionElement
, SoViewVolumeElement
, SoWindowElement
, SoWrapperKit
, SoWriteAction
, SoWWWAnchor
, SoWWWInline
- initClasses()
: SoAction
, SoDetail
, SoDragger
, SoEngine
, SoError
, SoEvent
, SoField
, SoFieldConverter
, SoInterpolate
, SoNode
- initCopyDict()
: SoFieldContainer
- initDragState()
: SoTrackballDragger
- initElements()
: SoElement
- initGenerator()
: SoNormalBundle
- initPlaneProjector()
: SoTranslate2Dragger
- initSphereProjector()
: SoTrackballDragger
- initStripeProjector()
: SoTrackballDragger
- input
: SoConcatenate
, SoGate
, SoSelectOne
- input0
: SoInterpolateFloat
, SoInterpolateRotation
, SoInterpolateVec2f
, SoInterpolateVec3f
, SoInterpolateVec4f
, SoTriggerAny
- input1
: SoInterpolateFloat
, SoInterpolateRotation
, SoInterpolateVec2f
, SoInterpolateVec3f
, SoInterpolateVec4f
, SoTriggerAny
- input2
: SoTriggerAny
- input3
: SoTriggerAny
- input4
: SoTriggerAny
- input5
: SoTriggerAny
- input6
: SoTriggerAny
- input7
: SoTriggerAny
- input8
: SoTriggerAny
- input9
: SoTriggerAny
- inputChanged()
: SoCalculator
, SoComputeBoundingBox
, SoCounter
, SoElapsedTime
, SoEngine
, SoGate
, SoOneShot
, SoOnOff
, SoTimeCounter
- insert()
: SbIntList
, SbPList
, SbStringList
, SbVec3fList
, SoBaseList
, SoChildList
, SoDetailList
, SoEngineOutputList
, SoFieldList
: SoKeyboardEvent
- insert()
: SoPickedPointList
, SoTranSender
, SoTypeList
- insertChild()
: SoGroup
, SoNodeKitListPart
- insertDelaySensor()
: SoSensorManager
- insertIndex()
: SoPath
- insertSpace()
: SoMField
- insertTimerSensor()
: SoSensorManager
- intensity
: SoLight
- Interest
: SoSearchAction
- internalMasks
: SoLazyElement
- interpret()
: SoTranReceiver
- intersect()
: SbBox2d
, SbBox2f
, SbBox2s
, SbBox3d
, SbBox3f
, SbCylinder
, SbCylinderd
, SbLine
, SbLined
, SbPlane
, SbPlaned
, SbSphere
, SbSphered
, SbViewVolume
, SbXfBox3d
, SbXfBox3f
, SoRayPickAction
- intersectFront
: SbCylinderProjector
, SbSphereProjector
- invalidate()
: SoCache
, SoCacheElement
, SoSurroundScale
, SoVertexPropertyCache
- invalidateAll()
: SoGLCacheList
- invalidateState()
: SoAction
, SoGLRenderAction
- invalidateSurroundScaleCB()
: SoJackDragger
, SoTabBoxDragger
, SoTransformBoxDragger
- invalidBits
: SoLazyElement
- inverse()
: SbMatrix
, SbMatrixd
, SbRotation
, SbRotationd
, SoBoolOperation
- invert()
: SbRotation
, SbRotationd
: SoDrawStyle
, SoDrawStyleElement
- invokeCallbacks()
: SoCallbackList
- invokeDeleteCallback()
: SoDataSensor
- invokeLineSegmentCallbacks()
: SoCallbackAction
, SoShape
- invokePointCallbacks()
: SoCallbackAction
, SoShape
- invokePostCallbacks()
: SoCallbackAction
- invokePreCallbacks()
: SoCallbackAction
- invokeSelectionPolicy()
: SoSelection
- invokeTriangleCallbacks()
: SoCallbackAction
, SoShape
- is2D()
: SoProfileCoordinateElement
, SoTextureCoordinateElement
- is2PassTransp
: SoGLCacheContextElement
- is3D()
: SoCoordinateElement
: SoBase
: SoBase
- isActive
: SoDragger
, SoOneShot
, SoSceneManager
- isAdequateConstraintMotion()
: SoDragger
- isAnimationEnabled()
: SoTrackballDragger
- isAutoRedraw()
: SoSceneManager
- isAutoRepeat()
: SoKeyboardEvent
- isBad()
: SoType
- isBaseNameChar()
: SbName
- isBaseNameStartChar()
: SbName
- isBefore()
: SoSensor
- isBetweenPlanes()
: SoRayPickAction
- isBinary()
: SoInput
, SoOutput
- isBuiltIn
: SoFieldContainer
- isButtonPressEvent()
: SoMouseButtonEvent
, SoSpaceballButtonEvent
- isButtonReleaseEvent()
: SoMouseButtonEvent
, SoSpaceballButtonEvent
- isCacheOpen()
: SoState
- isCenterSet()
: SoBoundingBoxCache
, SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- isChildPermitted()
: SoNodeKitListPart
- isColinear()
: SoTransformerDragger
- isColorOnly()
: SoMaterialBundle
- isCompact()
: SoOutput
- isConnected()
: SoField
- isConnectedFromEngine()
: SoField
- isConnectedFromField()
: SoField
- isConnectionEnabled()
: SoField
- isContainerNotifyEnabled()
: SoField
- isCullingEnabled()
: SoPickAction
- isDefault()
: SoField
- isDelaying()
: SoGLRenderAction
- isDelaySensorPending()
: SoSensorManager
- isDerivedFrom()
: SoType
- isDoingTranslations()
: SoSurroundScale
- isDoubleClick()
: SoMouseButtonEvent
- isElementEnabled()
: SoState
- isEmpty()
: SbBox2d
, SbBox2f
, SbBox3d
, SbBox3f
, SbNameEntry
, SbXfBox3d
, SbXfBox3f
- isEnabled()
: SoEngineOutput
, SoProfiling
- isEngineModifying
: SoField
- isEqual()
: SbNameEntry
- isExceptionHandlingEnabled()
: SoCatch
- isFound()
: SoSearchAction
- isFront()
: SbCylinderProjector
, SbSphereProjector
- isFunction()
: SoTextureCoordinateBundle
- isHandled()
: SoEventCallback
, SoHandleEventAction
- isIdentChar()
: SbName
- isIdentStartChar()
: SbName
- isIdleOnly()
: SoDelayQueueSensor
- isIgnored()
: SoField
- isIgnoreInBbox()
: SoDragger
, SoSurroundScale
- isInCameraSpace()
: SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- isInHalfSpace()
: SbPlane
, SbPlaned
- isInitialized()
: SoDB
- isKeyPressEvent()
: SoKeyboardEvent
- isKeyReleaseEvent()
: SoKeyboardEvent
- isLastPathListAppliedTo()
: SoAction
- isLeaf()
: SoNodekitCatalog
, SoNodekitCatalogEntry
- isList()
: SoNodekitCatalog
, SoNodekitCatalogEntry
- isLocateHighlighting()
: SoTransformerDragger
, SoTransformerManip
- isModelIdentity
: SoModelMatrixElement
- isNotifyEnabled()
: SoField
, SoFieldContainer
- isNotifying()
: SoDB
, SoEngine
- isNullByDefault()
: SoNodekitCatalog
, SoNodekitCatalogEntry
- isOff
: SoOnOff
- isOfType()
: SoAction
, SoBase
, SoDetail
, SoError
, SoEvent
, SoField
- isOn
: SoOnOff
- isOnGeometry()
: SoPickedPoint
- isOrientToEye()
: SbCylinderProjector
, SbPlaneProjector
, SbSphereProjector
- isOverride()
: SoNode
- isPacked()
: SoLazyElement
- isPassUpdate()
: SoGLRenderAction
- isPathSurrogateInMySubgraph()
: SoInteractionKit
- isPickAll()
: SoRayPickAction
- isPickMatching()
: SoSelection
- isPointInFront()
: SbCylinderProjector
, SbSphereProjector
- isPublic()
: SoNodekitCatalog
, SoNodekitCatalogEntry
, SoType
- isRawData()
: SoByteStream
- isReadOnly()
: SoField
- isRealTimeUpdateEnabled()
: SoSceneManager
- isRelevantNotification()
: SoPath
- isRenderingDelayedPaths()
: SoGLRenderAction
- isResetBefore()
: SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- isResetPath()
: SoGetBoundingBoxAction
- isSame()
: SoField
, SoFieldData
- isScheduled()
: SoDelayQueueSensor
, SoSensor
, SoTimerQueueSensor
- isScreenDoor()
: SoShapeStyleElement
- isSearchingAll()
: SoSearchAction
- isSearchingChildren()
: SoBaseKit
- isSelected()
: SoSelection
- isSmoothing()
: SoGLRenderAction
- isTextureFunction()
: SoShapeStyleElement
- isTimerSensorPending()
: SoSensorManager
- isTransparent()
: SoLazyElement
, SoPackedColor
- isTypeLocked()
: SoNodeKitListPart
- isTypePermitted()
: SoNodeKitListPart
- isURLDataHere()
: SoWWWInline
- isURLDataRequested()
: SoWWWInline
- isValid()
: SoCache
, SoGLRenderCache
- isValidFile()
: SoInput
- isValidHeader()
: SoDB
- isVBOUsed()
: SoShapeHintsElement
- isVertexArrayRenderingAllowed()
- isVisible()
: SoBoxHighlightRenderAction
, SoLineHighlightRenderAction
- isWithinTolerance()
: SbCylinderSectionProjector
, SbSphereSectionProjector
: SoFontStyle
- ivState
: SoLazyElement
- ivVersion
: SoInputFile
- SbIntList()
: SbIntList
- SoIdleSensor()
: SoIdleSensor
- SoIndexedFaceSet()
: SoIndexedFaceSet
- SoIndexedLineSet()
: SoIndexedLineSet
- SoIndexedNurbsCurve()
: SoIndexedNurbsCurve
- SoIndexedNurbsSurface()
: SoIndexedNurbsSurface
- SoIndexedShape()
: SoIndexedShape
- SoIndexedTriangleSet()
: SoIndexedTriangleSet
- SoIndexedTriangleStripSet()
: SoIndexedTriangleStripSet
- SoInfo()
: SoInfo
- SoInput()
: SoInput
- SoInputFile()
: SoInputFile
- SoInteractionKit()
: SoInteractionKit
- SoInterpolate()
: SoInterpolate