| SoChildList (SoNode *parentNode) |
| Constructors and destructor. More...
| SoChildList (SoNode *parentNode, int size) |
| SoChildList (SoNode *parentNode, const SoChildList &l) |
| ~SoChildList () |
void | append (SoNode *child) |
| All of these override the standard SoBaseList methods so they can maintain auditors correctly. More...
void | insert (SoNode *child, int addBefore) |
void | remove (int which) |
void | truncate (int start) |
void | copy (const SoChildList &l) |
void | set (int i, SoNode *child) |
void | traverse (SoAction *action) |
| Traverses all children to apply action. More...
void | traverse (SoAction *action, int childIndex) |
| Traverses just one child. More...
void | traverse (SoAction *action, int firstChild, int lastChild) |
| Traverses all children between two indices, inclusive. More...
void | addPathAuditor (SoPath *p) |
| SoPath calls these to be notified of changes in scene graph topology: More...
void | removePathAuditor (SoPath *p) |
| SoNodeList () |
| SoNodeList (int size) |
| SoNodeList (const SoNodeList &l) |
| ~SoNodeList () |
| Destructor. More...
void | append (SoNode *ptr) |
| Adds a pointer to the end of the list. More...
SoNodeList & | operator= (const SoNodeList &l) |
| Copies a list, keeping all reference counts correct. More...
SoNode * | operator[] (int i) const |
| SoBaseList () |
| Constructor. More...
| SoBaseList (int size) |
| Constructor that pre-allocates storage for size pointers. More...
| SoBaseList (const SoBaseList &l) |
| Constructor that copies the contents of another list. More...
| ~SoBaseList () |
| Destructor. More...
void | append (SoBase *ptr) |
| Adds a pointer to the end of the list. More...
void | insert (SoBase *ptr, int addBefore) |
| Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index. More...
void | remove (int which) |
| Removes pointer with given index. More...
void | truncate (int start) |
| Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive. More...
void | copy (const SoBaseList &l) |
| Copies a list, keeping all reference counts correct. More...
SoBaseList & | operator= (const SoBaseList &l) |
| Copies a list, keeping all reference counts correct. More...
SoBase * | operator[] (int i) const |
| Access an element of a list. More...
void | set (int i, SoBase *ptr) |
| Sets an element of a list. More...
void | addReferences (bool flag) |
| Indicates whether to call ref() and unref() for bases in the list when adding/removing them. More...
| SbPList () |
| Constructor. More...
| SbPList (int initSize) |
| initSize specifies an initial size for the list, which is useful as an optimization if you can estimate the length of the list before you construct it. More...
| SbPList (const SbPList &pl) |
| Copy constructor. More...
| ~SbPList () |
| Destructor. More...
void | append (void *ptr) |
| Adds given pointer to end of list. More...
int | find (const void *ptr) const |
| Returns index of given pointer in list, or -1 if not found. More...
void | insert (void *ptr, int addBefore) |
| Inserts given pointer in list before pointer with given index. More...
void | remove (int which) |
| Removes pointer with given index. More...
int | getLength () const |
| Returns number of pointers in list. More...
void | truncate (int start) |
| Removes all pointers after one with given index, inclusive. More...
void | copy (const SbPList &pl) |
| Copy a list. More...
SbPList & | operator= (const SbPList &pl) |
| Assignment operator; copies list into this list. More...
void *& | operator[] (int i) const |
| Returns pointer with given index. More...
bool | operator== (const SbPList &pl) const |
| Equality and inequality operators. More...
bool | operator!= (const SbPList &pl) const |
| Equality and inequality operators. More...
void * | get (int i) const |
| Internal versions of [] that do not check for bounds: More...
void | set (int i, void *j) |
It allows children to be added, removed, replaced, and accessed. The SoGroup class has an instance of this class and provides public methods for dealing with children. Other classes can also have an instance of this class and may choose to publicize whatever methods they wish for dealing with them. The SoNode::getChildren() method returns the child list for any node class.
SoChildList automatically maintains the auditor list for parent nodes. That is, when a child is added to the list, the parent node is automatically added as a parent auditor of the child. To make this possible, the parent node must be passed in to the constructors of the SoChildList class.
Definition at line 83 of file SoChildList.h.