Open Inventor Reference
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CSbBox2d2D box class
 CSbBox2f2D box class
 CSbBox2s2D box class
 CSbBox3d3D box class
 CSbBox3f3D box class
 CSbColorColor vector class
 CSbCylinderClass for representing a cylinder
 CSbCylinderdClass for representing a cylinder with double values
 CSbCylinderPlaneProjectorCylinder-plane projector
 CSbCylinderProjectorCylinder projector
 CSbCylinderSectionProjectorCylinder-section projector
 CSbCylinderSheetProjectorCylinder-sheet projector
 CSbDictThis is a dictionary mapping (size_t) integer keys to (void *) data pointers
 CSbDictEntryA dictionary is stored as a collection of entries, each of which is an SbDictEntry
 CSbGLClass that offers static wrappers around OpenGL functions
 CSbIntListList of generic (void *) pointers
 CSbLineDirected line in 3D
 CSbLinedDirected line in 3D with double values
 CSbLineProjectorLine projector
 CSbMatrix4x4 matrix class
 CSbMatrixd4x4 matrix class with double values
 CSbNameCharacter string stored in a hash table
 CSbNameEntryThis is used to make lists of SbName instances
 CSbOpenGLInclude the glew header, which allows to access the whole OpenGL and extensions API without using native windows or unix headers
 CSbPlaneOriented plane in 3D
 CSbPlanedOriented plane in 3D with double values
 CSbPlaneProjectorPlane projector
 CSbPListList of generic (void *) pointers
 CSbProjectorBase class for representing projectors
 CSbRotationClass for representing a rotation
 CSbRotationdClass for representing a rotation with double values
 CSbSphereClass for representing a sphere
 CSbSpheredClass for representing a sphere with double values
 CSbSpherePlaneProjectorSphere-plane projector
 CSbSphereProjectorSphere projector
 CSbSphereSectionProjectorSphere-section projector
 CSbSphereSheetProjectorSphere-sheet projector
 CSbStringClass for smart character strings
 CSbStringListA list of strings
 CSbTimeClass for representation of a time
 CSbVec2d2D vector class with double members
 CSbVec2f2D vector class
 CSbVec2s2D vector class
 CSbVec3d3D vector class with double values
 CSbVec3f3D vector class
 CSbVec3fListList of vectors
 CSbVec3s3D vector used to represet points or directions
 CSbVec4d4D vector class with double values
 CSbVec4f4D vector class
 CSbViewportRegionClass for representing a viewport
 CSbViewVolume3D viewing volume class
 CSbXfBox3d3D box with an associated transformation matrix
 CSbXfBox3f3D box with an associated transformation matrix
 CSoAccumulatedElementThis is the abstract base class for each state element whose value may be accumulated when it is set
 CSoActionAbstract base class for all actions
 CSoActionMethodListInternal class
 CSoAlarmSensorTriggers a callback once sometime in the future
 CSoAmbientColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoAnnotationAnnotation group node
 CSoAntiSquishTransformation node that undoes non-uniform 3D scales
 CSoAppearanceKitAppearance nodekit class
 CSoArrayGroup node that creates a regular IxJxK array of copies of its children
 CSoAsciiTextSimple 3D text shape node
 CSoAuditorListSoAuditorList class
 CSoBaseBase class for all nodes, paths, and engines
 CSoBaseColorNode that defines an object's base color
 CSoBaseKitBase class for all node kits
 CSoBaseListSubclasses of the SbPList class which hold lists of pointers of a specific type
 CSoBBoxModelMatrixElementElement that stores the current model matrix for use with the SoGetBoundingBoxAction
 CSoBlinkerAnimated cycling switch node
 CSoBoolOperationPerforms Boolean operations
 CSoBoundingBoxCacheClass SoBoundingBoxCache:
 CSoBoxHighlightRenderActionBox highlight - a subclass of SoGLRenderAction which renders the scene graph, then renders wireframe boxes surrounding each selected object
 CSoBundleThis is the abstract base class for bundles
 CSoButtonEventBase class for all button events
 CSoByteStreamConverts scene graph objects to character byte streams
 CSoCacheContextElementElement that stores the cache context
 CSoCacheElementElement that stores the most recently opened cache
 CSoCalculatorA general-purpose calculator
 CSoCallbackProvides custom behavior during actions
 CSoCallbackActionPerforms a generic traversal of the scene graph
 CSoCallbackListManages a list of callback functions and associated data
 CSoCameraAbstract base class for camera nodes
 CSoCameraKitCamera nodekit class
 CSoCatchClass containing static functions to control global exception handling for OpenInventor
 CSoCenterballDraggerStriped ball you rotate and re-center by dragging with the mouse
 CSoCenterballManipTransform node with 3D interface for editing rotation and center
 CSoChildListThis class maintains a list of child nodes for any node
 CSoClipPlaneClipping plane node
 CSoClipPlaneElementElement that stores the current set of clipping planes, specified as SbPlanes
 CSoColorPackerThis class is meant to be used by all property nodes that set either a diffuse color or transparency in the lazy element
 CSoCompactPathListThis class represents a list of paths (like an SoPathList) in a more compact form
 CSoComplexityShape complexity node
 CSoComplexityElementElement that stores the current shape complexity
 CSoComplexityTypeElementElement that stores the current complexity type
 CSoComposeMatrixMatrix composition engine
 CSoComposeRotationRotation composition engines
 CSoComposeRotationFromToComposes a rotation that rotates from one vector into another
 CSoComposeVec2fVector composition engines
 CSoComposeVec3fComposes 3D vectors from floating-point values
 CSoComposeVec4fComposes 4D vectors from floating-point values
 CSoComputeBoundingBoxComputes the bounding box and center of a scene graph
 CSoConcatenateJoins separate fields into a single multiple-value field
 CSoConeCone shape node
 CSoConeDetailStores detail information about the SoCone node
 CSoCoordinate3Coordinate point node
 CSoCoordinate4Rational coordinate point node
 CSoCoordinateElementElement that stores the current coordinates
 CSoCounterTriggered integer counter
 CSoCreaseAngleElementElement that stores the current crease angle that is used to determine whether default normals should be computed to create a sharp edge or a smooth surface
 CSoCubeCube shape node
 CSoCubeDetailStores detail information about the SoCube node
 CSoCylinderCylinder shape node
 CSoCylinderDetailStores detail information about the SoCylinder node
 CSoDataSensorAbstract base class for sensors attached to parts of a scene
 CSoDBScene graph database class
 CSoDebugList of environment variables for tracing:
 CSoDebugErrorDebug error handling
 CSoDecomposeMatrixMatrix decomposition engine
 CSoDecomposeRotationRotation decomposition engine
 CSoDecomposeVec2fVector decomposition engines
 CSoDecomposeVec3fDecomposes 3D vectors into floating-point values
 CSoDecomposeVec4fDecomposes 4D vectors into floating-point values
 CSoDelayQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors not dependent on time
 CSoDetailBase class for describing detail information about a shape node
 CSoDetailListMaintains a list of instances of details
 CSoDirectionalLightNode representing a directional light source
 CSoDirectionalLightDraggerDirectional icon you rotate and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoDirectionalLightManipDirectional light node with 3D interface for editing direction
 CSoDraggerBase class for nodekits that move in response to click-drag-release mouse events
 CSoDragPointDraggerObject you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoDrawStyleNode that defines the style to use when rendering
 CSoDrawStyleElementElement that stores the current draw style
 CSoElapsedTimeBasic controllable time source
 CSoElementThis is the abstract base class for all state elements
 CSoEmissiveColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoEnabledElementsListInternal class
 CSoEngineBase class for all engines
 CSoEngineListMaintains a list of pointers to engines
 CSoEngineOutputClass for all engine outputs
 CSoEngineOutputDataHolds data about engine outputs: the number of outputs the engine has, the names of the outputs
 CSoEngineOutputListMaintains a list of pointers to engine outputs
 CSoEnterLeaveEventOpen Inventor SoEvent that represents a mouse enter or mouse leave event
 CSoEnvironmentGlobal environment node
 CSoErrorError handling base class
 CSoEventBase class for all events
 CSoEventCallbackNode which invokes callbacks for events
 CSoFaceDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of faces
 CSoFaceSetPolygonal face shape node
 CSoFieldBase class for all fields
 CSoFieldContainerAbstract base class for objects that contain fields
 CSoFieldConverterAbstract base class for all field converter engines
 CSoFieldDataHolds data about fields of an object: the number of fields the object has, the names of the fields, and a pointer to a prototype instance of the field
 CSoFieldListMaintains a list of pointers to fields
 CSoFieldSensorSensor class that can be attached to Inventor fields
 CSoFieldSensorCallbackBase class for typed field sensor callbacks
 CSoFileNode that reads children from a named file
 CSoFloatElementSubclasses store a single float, int, or enum value
 CSoFocalDistanceElementElement that stores the current focal distance of the camera
 CSoFontNode that defines font type and size for text
 CSoFontNameElementElement storing the current font name
 CSoFontSizeElementElement storing the current font size
 CSoFontStyleSimple 3D text shape node
 CSoFullPathThis SoEXTENDER class allows expert users to examine "hidden" children in paths
 CSoGateSelectively copies its input to its output
 CSoGetBoundingBoxActionComputes bounding box of a scene
 CSoGetMatrixActionComputes transformation matrix for subgraph
 CSoGLClipPlaneElementElement that adds a clipping plane to the set currently in GL
 CSoGLCoordinateElementElement that stores the current coordinates
 CSoGLDisplayListClass SoGLDisplayList:
 CSoGLDrawStyleElementElement that changes the current draw style in GL
 CSoGLLazyElementElement that manages the GL state for the SoLazyElement
 CSoGLLightIdElementElement that stores the id of the current light
 CSoGLLinePatternElementElement that stores the current line pattern in GL
 CSoGLLineWidthElementElement that stores the current line width in GL
 CSoGLMaterialIndexElementElement that stores the indices into the current GL material map of the ambient, diffuse, and specular components of the current surface material, as defined by GL's color index lighting model
 CSoGLModelMatrixElementElement that stores the current model matrix in GL
 CSoGLNormalElementElement that stores the current surface normals
 CSoGLPointSizeElementElement that stores the current point size in GL
 CSoGLProjectionMatrixElementElement that stores the current projection matrix in GL
 CSoGLRenderActionRenders a scene graph using OpenGL
 CSoGLRenderPassElementElement that stores the current rendering pass, a non-negative integer that can be used during multi-pass rendering to implement special effects such as motion blur or anti-aliasing
 CSoGLShapeHintsElementElement that stores current shape hints and sends commands to GL based on them
 CSoGLTextureCoordinateElementElement storing the current gltexture coordinates
 CSoGLTextureEnabledElementElement that enables/disables textures
 CSoGLTextureImageElementElement that stores the current texture image in GL
 CSoGLTextureMatrixElementElement that stores the current texture matrix in GL
 CSoGLUpdateAreaElementElement that stores the rectangular area within the current viewport region that needs to be updated when rendering
 CSoGLVBOElementManage the currently registered VBOs in the state (for coordinates, normals, colors and tex coords) (MeVis ONLY)
 CSoGLViewingMatrixElementElement that stores the current viewing matrix in GL
 CSoGLViewportRegionElementElement that stores the current viewport region in GL
 CSoGroupBase class for all group nodes
 CSoHandleBoxDraggerBox you can scale, stretch and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoHandleBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for Editing ScaleFactor and Translation
 CSoHandleEventActionAllows nodes in a graph to receive input events
 CSoIdleSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks when the application is idle
 CSoIndexedFaceSetIndexed polygonal face shape node
 CSoIndexedLineSetIndexed polyline shape node
 CSoIndexedNurbsCurveIndexed NURBS curve shape node
 CSoIndexedNurbsSurfaceIndexed NURBS surface shape node
 CSoIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all indexed vertex-based shapes
 CSoIndexedTriangleSetIndexed set of triangles
 CSoIndexedTriangleStripSetIndexed triangle strip set shape node
 CSoInfoNode containing information text string
 CSoInputUsed to read Inventor data files
 CSoInputFileStructure: SoInputFile (internal)
 CSoInt32ElementSubclasses store a single int32_t, int, or enum value
 CSoInteractionInitializes Inventor interaction classes
 CSoInteractionKitBase class for all interaction nodekit classes
 CSoInterpolateBase class for all interpolator engines
 CSoInterpolateFloatInterpolaters for the builtin field types
 CSoInterpolateRotationInterpolates rotation values
 CSoInterpolateVec2fInterpolates 2D floating-point vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec3fInterpolates 3D floating-point vectors
 CSoInterpolateVec4fInterpolates 4D floating-point vectors
 CSoJackDraggerJack-shaped object you rotate, translate, or scale by dragging with the mouse
 CSoJackManipTransform node with 3D interface for rotating, scaling, and translating
 CSoKeyboardEventKeyboard key press and release events
 CSoLabelNode containing label text string
 CSoLazyElementElement that manages several properties such as colors, that need to be lazily tracked by GL
 CSoLevelOfDetailLevel-of-detail switching group node
 CSoLightAbstract base class for all light source nodes
 CSoLightAttenuationElementElement that stores the light attenuation(s) of the current environment
 CSoLightKitLight nodekit class
 CSoLightModelNode that defines the lighting model to use when rendering
 CSoLightModelElementElement that stores the current lighting model
 CSoLightweightPathA SoLightweightPath is a light-weight version of an SoTempPath, intended to be used just to keep track of the current path during traversal
 CSoLinearProfilePiecewise-linear profile curve
 CSoLineDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of line segments
 CSoLineHighlightRenderActionLine highlight - a subclass of SoGLRenderAction which renders the scene graph, then renders wireframe boxes surrounding each selected object
 CSoLinePatternElementElement that stores the current line stipple pattern
 CSoLineSetPolyline shape node
 CSoLineWidthElementElement that stores the current line width
 CSoLocalBBoxMatrixElementElement that stores the transformation matrix from object space to some local coordinate space during application of an SoGetBoundingBoxAction
 CSoLocateHighlightSpecial separator that performs locate highlighting
 CSoLocation2Event2D location events
 CSoLocation2RefreshEventOpen Inventor SoEvent that refreshes the current pointer location
 CSoLODDistance-based level-of-detail switching group node
 CSoMaterialSurface material definition node
 CSoMaterialBindingNode that specifies how multiple materials are bound to shapes
 CSoMaterialBindingElementElement that stores the current material binding
 CSoMaterialBundleBundle that allows shapes to deal with materials more easily
 CSoMatrixTransformNode that specifies a 3D geometric transformation as a matrix
 CSoMemoryErrorMemory error handling
 CSoMFBitMaskMultiple-value field containing any number of masks of bit flags
 CSoMFBoolMultiple-value field containing any number of boolean values
 CSoMFColorMultiple-value field containing any number of RGB colors stored as three floats
 CSoMFDoubleMultiple-value field containing any number of doubleing point values
 CSoMFEngineMultiple-value field containing any number of pointers to engines
 CSoMFEnumMultiple-value field containing any number of enumerated type values
 CSoMFFloatMultiple-value field containing any number of floating point values
 CSoMFieldBase class for all multiple-valued fields
 CSoMFInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of int32_t integers
 CSoMFMatrixMultiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrices
 CSoMFMatrixdMultiple-value field containing any number of 4x4 matrixds
 CSoMFNameMultiple-value field containing any number of names
 CSoMFNodeMultiple-value field containing any number of pointers to nodes
 CSoMFPathMultiple-value field containing any number of pointers to paths
 CSoMFPlaneField containing several plane equations
 CSoMFPlanedField containing several plane equations
 CSoMFRotationMultiple-value field containing any number of SbRotations
 CSoMFRotationdMultiple-value field containing any number of SbRotationds
 CSoMFShortMultiple-value field containing any number of short integers
 CSoMFStringMultiple-value field containing any number of strings
 CSoMFTimeMultiple-value field containing any number of SbTime values
 CSoMFUInt32Multiple-value field containing any number of uint32_tegers
 CSoMFUShortMultiple-value field containing any number of unsigned short integers
 CSoMFVec2dMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec2fMultiple-value field containing any number of two-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec3dMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec3fMultiple-value field containing any number of three-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4dMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoMFVec4fMultiple-value field containing any number of four-dimensional vectors
 CSoModelMatrixElementElement that stores the current model matrix - the cumulative transformation applied to subsequent shapes
 CSoMotion3Event3D motion events
 CSoMouseButtonEventMouse button press and release events
 CSoMouseWheelEventOpen Inventor SoEvent that represents a MouseWheel movement
 CSoMultipleCopyGroup node that traverses multiple times, applying matrices
 CSoNodeAbstract base class for all database nodes
 CSoNodeKitInitializes nodekit classes
 CSoNodekitCatalogNodekit catalog class
 CSoNodekitCatalogEntryInternal class that should be accessed only by an SoNodekitCatalog
 CSoNodeKitDetailStores detail information about a nodekit
 CSoNodeKitListPartGroup node with restricted children
 CSoNodeKitPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodekits
 CSoNodeListMaintains a list of pointers to nodes
 CSoNodeSensorSensor class that can be attached to Inventor nodes
 CSoNonIndexedShapeAbstract base class for all non-indexed vertex-based shapes
 CSoNormalNode that defines surface normals for shapes
 CSoNormalBindingNode that specifies how multiple surface normals are bound to shapes
 CSoNormalBindingElementElement that stores the current normal binding
 CSoNormalBundleBundle that allows shapes to deal with normals and normal bindings more easily
 CSoNormalCacheClass SoNormalCache:
 CSoNormalElementElement that stores the current surface normals
 CSoNormalGeneratorThis class can be used by polyhedral shape classes to generate surface normals when they do not have valid ones specified
 CSoNotListHolds a list of SoNotRec notification records
 CSoNotRecRecords one step in the path taken by notification
 CSoNurbsCurveNURBS curve shape node
 CSoNurbsProfileNURBS profile curve
 CSoNurbsSurfaceNURBS surface shape node
 CSoOneShotTimer that runs for a pre-set amount of time
 CSoOneShotSensorSensor for one-time only callbacks
 CSoOnOffEngine that functions as an on/off switch
 CSoOrthographicCameraOrthographic camera node
 CSoOutputUsed to write Inventor data files
 CSoOverrideElementElement that stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden
 CSoPackedColorNode that defines base colors using packed representation
 CSoPathPath that points to a list of hierarchical nodes
 CSoPathListMaintains a list of pointers to paths
 CSoPathSensorSensor class that can be attached to Inventor paths
 CSoPathSwitchGroup node that traverses only when traversed along a given path
 CSoPendulumAnimated oscillating rotation node
 CSoPerspectiveCameraPerspective camera node
 CSoPickActionAbstract base class for picking objects in a scene
 CSoPickedPointRepresents point on surface of picked object
 CSoPickedPointListMaintains a list of pointers to SoPickedPoint instances
 CSoPickRayElementElement that stores the current ray to use for picking
 CSoPickStylePicking style node
 CSoPickStyleElementElement that stores the current pick style
 CSoPointDetailStores detail information about vertex-based shapes made of points
 CSoPointLightNode representing a point light source
 CSoPointLightDraggerSun-shaped icon you can translate in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoPointLightManipPoint light node with 3D interface for editing location
 CSoPointSetPoint set shape node
 CSoPointSizeElementElement that stores the current point size
 CSoPrimitiveVertexRepresents a vertex of a generated primitive
 CSoProfileAbstract base class for all profile nodes
 CSoProfileCoordinate2Profile coordinate node
 CSoProfileCoordinate3Rational profile coordinate node
 CSoProfileCoordinateElementElement storing the current profile coordinates, as either 2-D or 3-D points
 CSoProfileElementElement storing 2D profiles for nurbs and 3d text
 CSoProfilingStatic class that offers profiling callbacks for a number of selected Open Inventor features, e.g
 CSoProjectionMatrixElementElement that stores the current projection matrix - the projective part of the matrix set up by the camera
 CSoQuadMeshQuadrilateral mesh shape node
 CSoRayPickActionIntersects objects with a ray cast into scene
 CSoReadErrorRead error handling
 CSoRefSoRef proves an intrusive smart pointer for any SoBase derived class and uses the ref()/unref() methods of SoBase to manage the ref counting
 CSoReplacedElementThis is the abstract base class for each state element whose value is replaced whenever it is set
 CSoResetTransformNode that resets the current transformation to identity
 CSoRotateCylindricalDraggerObject you rotate along a cylindrical surface by dragging with the mouse
 CSoRotateDiscDraggerObject you can rotate like a knob by dragging With the mouse
 CSoRotateSphericalDraggerObject you can rotate about a spherical surface by dragging with the mouse
 CSoRotationNode representing a 3D rotation about an arbitrary axis
 CSoRotationXYZNode representing a 3D rotation about the x-, y-, or z-axis
 CSoRotorAnimated rotation node
 CSoScaleNode representing a 3D geometric scaling
 CSoScale1DraggerObject you can scale in one dimension by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScale2DraggerObject you can scale in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScale2UniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in two dimensions by dragging with the mouse
 CSoScaleUniformDraggerObject you can scale uniformly in 3D by dragging with the mouse
 CSoSceneKitScene nodekit class
 CSoSceneManagerManages scene graph rendering and event handling
 CSoSearchActionSearches for nodes in a scene graph
 CSoSelectionManages a list of selected objects
 CSoSelectOneSelects one value from a multiple-value field
 CSoSensorAbstract base class for Inventor sensors
 CSoSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores traversal state
 CSoSeparatorKitSeparator nodekit class
 CSoSFBitMaskSingle-value field containing a set of bit flags
 CSoSFBoolField containing a single boolean value
 CSoSFColorField containing an RGB color
 CSoSFDoubleField containing a doubleing-point value
 CSoSFEngineField containing a pointer to a engine
 CSoSFEnumField containing an enumerated value
 CSoSFFloatField containing a floating-point value
 CSoSFieldAbstract base class for all single-value fields
 CSoSFImageField containing a 2D image
 CSoSFInt32Field containing a int32_t integer
 CSoSFMatrixField containing a 4x4 matrix
 CSoSFMatrixdField containing a 4x4 matrix of double values
 CSoSFNameField containg a name
 CSoSFNodeField containing a pointer to a node
 CSoSFPathField containing a pointer to an SoPath
 CSoSFPlaneField containing a plane equation
 CSoSFPlanedField containing a plane equation of double values
 CSoSFRotationField containing a rotation
 CSoSFRotationdField containing a rotation of double values
 CSoSFShortField containing a short integer
 CSoSFStringField containing a string
 CSoSFTimeField containing an SbTime
 CSoSFTriggerField used to trigger engines or connection networks
 CSoSFTypedEnumEnd of macros
 CSoSFUInt32Field containing an unsinged int32_t integer
 CSoSFUShortField containing an unsigned short integer
 CSoSFVec2dField containing a two-dimensional vector of double values
 CSoSFVec2fField containing a two-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec3dField containing a three-dimensional vector of double values
 CSoSFVec3fField containing a three-dimensional vector
 CSoSFVec4dField containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector of double values
 CSoSFVec4fField containing a homogeneous three-dimensional vector
 CSoShapeAbstract base class for all shape nodes
 CSoShapeHintsNode that provides hints about shapes
 CSoShapeHintsElementElement that stores current shape hints
 CSoShapeKitNOTE TO DEVELOPERS: For info about the structure of SoShapeKit: [1] compile: /usr/share/src/Inventor/samples/ivNodeKitStructure [2] type: ivNodeKitStructure SoShapeKit
 CSoShapeStyleElementThis elements stores some information shapes need to quickly determine whether or not they should render, and, if they should render, how they should render
 CSoShininessElementMostly superceded by SoLazyElement
 CSoShuttleAnimated oscillating translation node
 CSoSpaceballButtonEventSpaceball button press and release events
 CSoSpecularColorElementThis class is being superceded by the SoLazyElement class
 CSoSphereSphere shape node
 CSoSpotLightNode representing a spotlight source
 CSoSpotLightDraggerSpotlight shaped dragger that allows you to change position, direction, and width of the beam
 CSoSpotLightManipDescription: This file defines a manipulator for a spot light nodes
 CSoStateAn SoState collects and holds state while traversing a scene graph
 CSoSurroundScaleTransformation node that adjusts the current matrix so a default cube will surround other objects
 CSoSwitchGroup node that traverse one chosen child
 CSoSwitchElementElement that stores the current switch index
 CSoTabBoxDraggerCubic object you can translate and scale by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTabBoxManipTransform node with 3D Interface for editing scale and translation
 CSoTabPlaneDraggerObject you can translate or scale within a plane by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTempPathThis class is internal to Inventor
 CSoText2Internal class
 CSoText33D text shape node
 CSoTextDetailStores detail information about a text node
 CSoTextureTexture node
 CSoTexture2Texture mapping node
 CSoTexture2Transform2D texture transformation node
 CSoTextureCoordinate22D texture coordinate node
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingNode that specifies how texture coordinates are bound to shapes
 CSoTextureCoordinateBindingElementElement storing the current texture coordinate binding
 CSoTextureCoordinateBundleBundle that allows shapes to deal with texture coordinates more easily
 CSoTextureCoordinateDefaultNode that removes texture coordinates from state
 CSoTextureCoordinateElementElement storing the current texture coordinates
 CSoTextureCoordinateEnvironmentNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a environment
 CSoTextureCoordinateFunctionAbstract base class for texture coordinate function nodes
 CSoTextureCoordinatePlaneNode that specifies texture coordinates by projection from a plane
 CSoTextureImageElementElement storing the current texture image
 CSoTextureMatrixElementElement that stores the current texture matrix - the cumulative transformation applied to subsequent shapes
 CSoTextureOverrideElementElement that stores a flag for each type of element which can be overridden
 CSoTextureQualityElementElement that stores the current texture quality
 CSoTimeCounterTimed integer counter
 CSoTimerQueueSensorAbstract base class for sensors dependent on time
 CSoTimerSensorSensor that triggers callback repeatedly at regular intervals
 CSoTraceThis class simply implements a constructor and a destructor
 CSoTraceBufferThis class manages a list and a stack of pointers to permanent strings
 CSoTrackballDraggerStriped ball you can rotate or scale uniformly by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTrackballManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing rotation and scaling
 CSoTranReceiverInterprets database changes for transcription
 CSoTranSenderSends database changes for transcription
 CSoTransformGeneral 3D geometric transformation node
 CSoTransformationAbstract base class for all geometric transformation nodes
 CSoTransformBoxDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTransformBoxManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
 CSoTransformerDraggerBox-like object you scale, rotate, and translate by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTransformerManipTransform node with 3D interface for changing scaling, rotation, and translation
 CSoTransformManipBase class for all transform Nodes with built-in 3D user interfaces
 CSoTransformSeparatorGroup node that saves and restores transformation state
 CSoTransformVec3fTransforms a 3D vector by a 4x4 matrix
 CSoTranslate1DraggerObject you can translate along a line by dragging With the mouse
 CSoTranslate2DraggerObject you can translate within a plane by dragging with the mouse
 CSoTranslationNode representing a 3D translation
 CSoTriangleStripSetTriangle strip set shape node
 CSoTriggerAnyProvides fan-in for triggers
 CSoTypeSoType has no virtual functions to keep it small..
 CSoTypedFieldSensorCallbackTyped field sensor that called given member function on object when triggered
 CSoTypeListMaintains a list of SoTypes
 CSoUnitsNode that scales to convert units of length
 CSoUnitsElementElement that stores the current units type
 CSoUnknownNodeThe Unknown Node! This node is created during file reading when a node is read that is unrecognized by Inventor and a DSO cannot be found for it
 CSoVBOSoVBO is used to manage OpenGL vertex buffer objects
 CSoVertexArrayIndexerSoVertexArrayIndexer is a class that manages rendering of indexed primitives using Vertex Array rendering
 CSoVertexPropertyVertex property node
 CSoVertexShapeAbstract base class for all vertex-based shape nodes
 CSoViewingMatrixElementElement that stores the current viewing matrix - the non-projection part of the matrix set up by the camera
 CSoViewportRegionElementElement that stores the current viewport region, which indicates which part of the window is being rendered into
 CSoViewVolumeElementElement that stores the current viewing volume
 CSoWindowElementThis is a legacy element which should not be used
 CSoWrapperKitWrapper nodekit class
 CSoWriteActionWrites a scene graph to a file
 CSoWWWAnchorSeparator group node with a URL hyperlink
 CSoWWWInlineNode that refers to children through a URL