Modules by Name in Detail

A |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X
AccessDirectDicomImportCache Markus HuellebrandMLModuleDICOMMLAccessDirectDicomImportCache
AccumulateCurves Lennart TautzMLModuleMLAccumulateCurvesAccumulate curves in a curve list
AccumulateXMarkerLists Jan StrehlowMLModuleMLAccumulateXMarkerListsConvenience module to accumulate XMarkerLists
AnalyzeModulesQuality Marcus BarannMacroModuleAnalyzes the quality of given modules and create as csv file report
AppleScriptTest Felix RitterMacroModuleTestTests AppleScript bridge
ApplicationAnalysisResultViewer Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestExplore an application analysis result and associated statistics
ApplySetOperationToModuleList Lennart TautzMacroModuleApply set operation to modules in a module list
ApplyStylePaletteToCSOList Lars BornemannMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOMiscModulesAdapt the style of CSOs of CSO list according to a style palette
ChangeWorldMatrix Christian SchumannMacroModuleCoordinateApplies a transformation to an images world matrix
CLIImporter Hans MeineMacroModuleImports any number of CTK/Slicer CLI modules and makes them available as macro modules in MeVisLab.
ColorFromName Wolf SpindlerMLModuleMLColorFromNameEdits a set of regular expressions to which filter strings to select appropriate colors and transparencies
ComponentsToReTestAfterChange Lennart TautzMacroModuleRe-test dependent components after another component changed
ComposeImageVector Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCoordinateInfrastructureCompose 6D image vector from components
ComposePlaneFromXMarker Jan KleinMLModulePlaneMLPlaneUtilscomposes plane from xmarkers
ComposeVector6 Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCoordinateInfrastructureCompose 6D vector from components
ComposeVector6FromVector3AndComponents Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCoordinateInfrastructureCompose 6D vector from spatial vector and components
CompoundMatrixArithmetic Darko OjdanicMacroModuleFileCalucating arithmetic expressions for several 4x4 homogeneous matrices
CreateEmptyRTObject Andra Maria PascaleMLModuleDICOMMLCreateEmptyRTObject
CreateModuleList Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestCreate a list of modules for application analysis/testing
CreateRandomXMarkers Lennart TautzMacroModuleCreate a list of random XMarkers
CreateRTDose Grzegorz ChlebusMacroModuleCreate RTDose using CT image, dose image and CSOList. Copy patient info, study info etc. from input dicom tree.
CreateRTStruct Grzegorz ChlebusMacroModuleCreate RTStruct using CT or MR image, CSOList and copy patient info, study info etc. from dicom tree.
CreateTestCenterTestCaseList Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestCreate a list of test center test cases for application analysis/testing
CSOFlipNormal Johann DrexlMLModuleCSOModificatorMLCSOMiscModules
CSOListToStylePalette Christoph BrachmannMLModuleMLCSOMiscModulesMaps CSO attributes to StylePalette
CSOManualCorrectionProcessor Frank HeckelMLModuleCSOProcessorSoCSOMiscModulesThis module allows manual correction of CSOs in an intuitive way.
CSOMarkerGenerator Frank HeckelMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOMiscModulesGenerates CSOs from an XMarkerList.
CSOOffset Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLCSOOffsetExtend/shrink CSOs anisotropically.
CSOSplitSelfIntersection Frank Heckel, Hans MeineMLModuleCSOModificatorMLCSOMiscModules
CSOVolume Jan Hendrik MoltzMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOMiscModulesComputes the volume of an object defined by CSOs on all slices.
CSOVoxelSetListInfo Christoph BrachmannMacroModuleInfo module for a CSOVoxelSetList
CSOWorldCrop Jan Hendrik MoltzMLModuleCSOModificatorMLCSOMiscModulesRemoves points outside a box in world coordinates from a CSO.
CurvedMPR Ola FrimanMacroModuleVesselVisCreates a curved MPR image and provides functionality to convert points in the MPR image to points in the world coordinate system.
CurveListContainer Lennart TautzMLModuleDiagramMLCurveListContainerCreates a CurveList where curves can be added dynamically
CurvesFromXMarkerList Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCurvesFromXMarkerListCreate profile curves by sampling marker properties over one of their dimensions
DecomposeImageVector Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCoordinateInfrastructureDecompose 6D image vector into components
DecomposeVector6 Lennart TautzMLModuleMLCoordinateInfrastructureDecompose 6D vector into components
DetermineTestsOfModule Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestDetect components and tests in an application macro module
DetermineTestsOfPackage Lennart TautzMacroModuleCollect all tests from a given package
DicomModifyMLToRTDosePlugin Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDicomModifyRTPluginsPlugin for addition of Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020), RT Dose ROI Sequence (3004,0010), ROI Contour Sequence (3006,0039) and Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence (3006,0010) to a DICOM tree. Also Frame Of Reference UID (0020,0052), Frame Increment Pointer (0028,0009) and Grid Frame Offset Vector (3004,000c) tags are set.
DicomModifyMLToRTStructPlugin Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDicomModifyRTPluginsPlugin for addition of Structure Set ROI Sequence (3006,0020), RT ROI Observations Sequence (3006,0080), ROI Contour Sequence (3006,0039) and Referenced Frame of Reference Sequence (3006,0010) to a DICOM tree.
DicomModifyRTDosePlugin Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDicomModifyRTPluginsPlugin managing all DICOM modules belonging to the RTDose IOD. It enables editing all non-sequence tags, inheriting values from the input DICOM tree and copying all sequence tags.
DicomModifyRTStructPlugin Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDicomModifyRTPluginsPlugin managing all DICOM modules belonging to the RTStruct IOD. It enables editing all non-sequence tags, inheriting values from the input DICOM tree and copying all sequence tags.
DICOMTreeItemModel Hans MeineMacroModuleDICOMMacro module creating an item model that reflects the data from an image's DICOM tree
DicomTreeToRTObject Andra PascaleMLModuleMLDcmtkMLConverterModulesConvert a DicomTreeRefCounted to a RT Base object
DicomTreeValidate Wolf SpindlerMLModuleDICOMMLDicomAnalysisWorkML module class to analyze a DCMTree for issues.
DirectoryDownloader Wolf SpindlerMacroModuleA directory downloader module to mirror subsets of files from a web site.
DrawRectangle Lennart TautzMLModuleDraw,GeometryMLDrawRectangleDraws a rectangle into an image.
DuplicateXMarkers Lennart TautzMLModuleMLDuplicateXMarkersDuplicates each marker N times
EffectAnalysisResultViewer Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestExplore an effect analysis result
ExtrapolateXMarkersLinear Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerMLExtrapolateXMarkersLinearExtend a line of XMarkers by extrapolating linearly in both directions.
ExtrapolateXMarkersPolynomial Lennart TautzMacroModuleExtrapolate XMarkerList by polynomial fitting
FFT Markus Hüllebrand, Ola FrimanMLModuleFourierMLFFTCalculates an n-D FFT
FFTBandPassFilter Volker DickenMacroModuleFiltersPerforms 2D FFT masks with a symetric band pass filter and computed inverse FFT
FieldContainerView Wolf SpindlerMLModuleMLPagedImageToolModulesDisplays and filters a FieldContainer object connected to the input
FilterMarkersByDistanceToPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsFilter markers by distance to a given plane (creates a region extending from the plane).
FilterMarkersByMask Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerMLFilterMarkersByMaskKeep markers in marker list that are covered by the mask. Retains order of markers.
FilterMarkersByPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsFilter markers that are on a given plane (with some tolerance).
FilterModuleList Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestFilter the 'required module' list of an application result (or compatible object) by prefix
FindCSOsOnSamePlane Jonas SingeMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOMiscModulesChecks whether any two CSOs in a CSO list are on same plane
FindMyBelongings Lennart TautzMacroModuleFind modules, projects, Python modules and tests that belong to a given author
FindOverlappingCSOs Jan Hendrik MoltzMLModuleCSOModuleMLCSOMiscModulesChecks whether any two CSOs in a CSO list are overlapping
FindPythonCallsInDependencies Lennart TautzMacroModuleFind calls to specific functions or methods in Python dependencies
FindThirdPartyUsers Lennart TautzMacroModuleFind projects and modules that use a given third-party dependency
GVRGammaCorrection Christian SchumannMacroModuleVolRendExtensionsApplies gamma correction (linearization of inputs, gamma mapping of output) to GVR
HtmlEditor Wolf SpindlerMacroModuleA small html editor.
ImageCumulativeSum Ola FrimanMLModuleMLImageCumulativeSumCalculate the cumulative sum over an image dimension
ImageFileCache Felix Patzelt, Jan-Martin KuhnigkMacroModuleBuffers the input volume in a file and can protect it from input changes.
ImageFromFile Jan-Martin KuhnigkMacroModuleFileMainLoads an image from a file or directory. Might replace 'LoadAny' at some point.
ImageMirror Jan KleinMLModulePlaneMLPlaneUtilsMirrors an image
ImageReceiver Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan receive images from an observable output channel
ImageSegmentationByPlane Jan KleinMLModulePlaneMLPlaneUtilsSegments an image by a given plane
ImageSender Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan send images over an input channel
ImageWarp Ola Friman, Tobias BöhlerMLModuleRegistrationMLImageWarpWarps an input image using a deformation field.
InterpolateXMarkerList Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLInterpolateXMarkerListAdds new XMarkers to an XMarkerList by interpolating between the existing ones.
IntersectCSOWithPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleIntersectCSOWithPlaneCalculate intersection points of CSOs and a plane
JitterXMarkerList Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsAdds Gaussian noise to the positions in an XMarkerList.
KeyToggle Volker DickenMacroModuleSoToggle combined with SoKeyGrabber to easily switch inventor functionality, e.g. overlays or a bool value.
LinePlaneIntersection Lennart TautzMLModuleGeometryMLLinePlaneIntersectionCalculate intersection point of line and plane.
ListActionGeneratorMock Lennart TautzMLModuleTestMLListActionsModule to create ListBase actions in a controlled way
ListActionInspector Lennart TautzMLModuleMLListActionsShow current actions of a ListBase-derived object.
LoadStructuredListFromJSON Lennart TautzMacroModuleLoad APA result data structure
Lut500Colors Volker DickenMacroModuleProvides a tabel LUT with 500 colors for simple visualizations e.g. of ConnectedComponent results in 2D and 3D
LUTLoad Felix RitterMacroModuleLUT
MarkerDistanceToPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsCalculate distance and translation to a plane for all markers.
MarkerDistanceToPoint Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsCalculate distance from a point for all markers.
Matrix4Receiver Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan receive Matrix4 values from an observable output channel
Matrix4Sender Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan send Matrix4 values over an input channel
MaxOfRowAndColumnConstraintConnectionCost Volker DickenMacroModuleMorphologyCombines two ConstraintConnectionCost operating on x and y axis
MetalKernel1 Felix RitterMLModuleMLMetalKernel1Processes input image using Metal kernel
MirrorMarkersWithPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsMirror markers with a given plane.
MLABGraphicsScenePanel Christian RiederMacroModuleAllows to pass a MLABGraphicsScene as base object
MultiFileVolumeListDraftView Wolf SpindlerMLModuleMLMultiFileVolumeListInventorOutputsDisplays the geometric frame and file organization of a MultiFileVolumeList
MultiFileVolumeListRTOutput Andra Maria Pascale, Alexander Koehn, Wolf SpindlerMLModuleDICOM, MultiFileVolumeListMLMultiFileVolumeListRTOutputsAdditional image output which can be appended to a DirectDicomImport modules to access DICOM radio therapy information
MultiFileVolumeListSROutput Wolf SpindlerMLModuleDICOM, MultiFileVolumeListMLMultiFileVolumeListDcmtkOutputsAdditional image output which can be appended to a DirectDicomImport modules to access DICOM structured reports
NearHistogramPeakVoxels Volker DickenMacroModuleSelects voxels close to a histogram peak in an image
NetworkNotifyer Wolf SpindlerMacroModuleTestSome buttons and tools fields doing nothing else than to trigger other connected modules
NotificationCounter Jan-Martin KuhnigkMacroModuleFieldsListen to input image field and count notifications
OpenCLKernel1 Felix RitterMLModuleMLOpenCLKernel1Processes input image using OpenCL kernel
OpenCVVideoBackend Felix RitterMLModuleInputDevicesMLOpenCVVideoCaptureOpenCV video driver backend loader
OpenIGTLinkClient Daniel RombergMacroModuleConvenience client for the OpenIGTLink network protocol
OpenIGTLinkCommunicator Daniel RombergMacroModuleMacro for convenient usage of OpenIGTLinkProtocol together with communication modules
OpenIGTLinkImageAdapter Daniel RombergMLModuleMLOpenIGTLinkAdaptersProvides an fme::Image communication channel over an OpenIGTLink communication channel
OpenIGTLinkPointAdapter Daniel RombergMLModuleMLOpenIGTLinkAdaptersProvides an std::vector<ml::Vector3> communication channel over an OpenIGTLink communication channel
OpenIGTLinkServer Daniel RombergMacroModuleConvenience server for the OpenIGTLink network protocol
OpenIGTLinkStringAdapter Daniel RombergMLModuleMLOpenIGTLinkAdaptersProvides an std::string communication channel over an OpenIGTLink communication channel
OpenIGTLinkTrackingDataAdapter Daniel RombergMLModuleMLOpenIGTLinkAdaptersProvides an std::list<ml::Vector3> communication channel over an OpenIGTLink communication channel
OpenIGTLinkTransformAdapter Daniel RombergMLModuleMLOpenIGTLinkAdaptersProvides an ml::Matrix4 communication channel over an OpenIGTLink communication channel
OrthoViewOverlay Lars BornemannMacroModuleView2DExtendedDisplays the input image as overlay in orthogonal viewers
PageToImageExtent Wolf SpindlerMLModuleMLPagedImageToolModulesSets page extent to image extent
PCLImagenex83xLoader Wolf SpindlerMacroModuleFileMainLoader for .83B and .837 sonar data files as a point cloud
PCLVTKToPointCloud Wolf SpindlerMLModulePCLVisualizationMLPCLVisualizationConverts points from a vtkDataSet or derived object to a point cloud
PointPlaneDistance Lennart TautzMLModuleMLLinePlaneIntersectionCalculate distance from a point to a plane
ProjectMarkersToPlane Lennart TautzMLModuleMarkerPlaneAlgorithmsProject markers to plane defined by themselves, or to a given plane.
PythonCoverage Ruben SteinMacroModuleInfoManagementModule to manually start/stop and store the python coverage
QGraphicsScenePanel Christian RiederMacroModuleAllows to pass a QGraphicsScene as base object
QuadratureFilter Ola Friman, Mats Andersson, Hans Knutsson, Lennart Tautz, Joachim GeorgiiMLModuleFiltersMLQuadratureFilterApplies a set of quadrature Log-Normal (Log-Gabor) filters.
QuadratureToTensor Ola FrimanMLModuleFiltersMLQuadratureFilterEstimates an orientation or structure tensor from quadrature filter input.
ReadTextFile Volker DickenMacroModuleView the content of some text file
ReorderList Lennart TautzMLModuleMLReorderListReorders a Base list by indices
ReverseList Lennart TautzMLModuleMLReverseListReverse a Base list
RTDoseInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Dose.
RTDoseToML Alexander Koehn, Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkMLConverterModulesConvert RT dose to a CSOList and a ML image
RTImageInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Image.
RTImageToML Alexander Koehn, Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkMLConverterModulesConvert RT image to a ML image
RTIonPlanInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Ion Plan.
RTIonRecordInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Ion Beams Treatment Record.
RTObjectSave Alexander KoehnMLModuleMLDcmtkMLConverterModulesSave RT object
RTPlanInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Plan.
RTRecordInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Treatment Summary Record.
RTStructInfo Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkInfoModulesDisplays information about RT Structure Set.
RTStructToML Alexander Koehn, Grzegorz ChlebusMLModuleMLDcmtkMLConverterModulesConvert RT structure set to a CSOList
RunAllTestCases Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns all TestCenter tests contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
RunAllTests Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns all tests contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
RunFunctionalTestCases Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns functional TestCenter tests contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
RunGenericTestCases Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns generic TestCenter tests for modules contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
RunGoogleTests Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns Google tests contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
RunPythonTests Lennart TautzMacroModuleTestRuns Python tests contained in an ApplicationAnalysisResult object
SaveStructuredListToJSON Lennart TautzMacroModuleSave APA result data structure
SetPageExtent Wolf SpindlerMLModuleMLPagedImageToolModulesSets page extent of an image
SeverityChannelLoggingZmqSource Diego Barrios RomeroMLModuleInfoManagementMLSeverityChannelLoggingZmqLog messages received from ZeroMQ to SeverityChannelLogging (which uses boost log).
ShaderParameterColorAlpha Christian RiederMacroModuleShaderShader color and alpha parameter
ShaderParameterSlider1f Christian RiederMacroModuleShaderSlider for Float Parameter
ShaderParameterSlider1i Jan WieferichMacroModuleShaderSlider for Int Parameter
ShaderParameterSlider2f Christian RiederMacroModuleShaderSlider for Vec2 Parameter
ShaderParameterSlider3f Christian RiederMacroModuleShaderSlider for Vec3 Parameter
ShaderParameterSlider4f Christian RiederMacroModuleShaderSlider for Vec4 Parameter
ShortestPath Joachim GeorgiiMLModuleMLShortestPathCompute Dijkstra on cost image and find shortest path between start and end point.
SimulatedHighDPIViewer Felix RitterMacroModuleSimulate High-resolution Rendering in Viewer
SmoothXMarkerList Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsSmooths XMarkers (positions and vectors) in an XMarkerList.
SoAppleRemoteAccess Felix RitterInventorModuleInteractionSoDeviceAccessAccess Apple Remote Control state
SoAppleRemoteDevice Felix RitterInventorModuleInputDevicesMLInventorDevicesdriver for Apple Remote Control input device
SoCameraAccess Felix Ritter, Christian HansenInventorModuleVisualizationSoCameraAccesscamera access
SoComplexityAccess Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoComplexityAccessaccess complexity element in traversal state
SoExtendedAxis Wolf SpindlerMacroModuleAnalysisA more configurable and more detailed coordinate system than SoAxis.
SoGLCapabilities Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoGLCapabilities
SoInteractionInfoYAML Florian LinkMacroModuleallows to query interaction mappings using YAML
SoInteractionMappingYAML Florian LinkMacroModuleallows to specify interaction mappings using YAML
SoPickableShadowCast Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoShadowpickable shadow casting
SoPowerMateAccess Felix RitterInventorModuleInteractionSoDeviceAccessAccess Griffin PowerMate state
SoPowerMateDevice Felix RitterInventorModuleInputDevicesMLInventorDevicesdriver for Griffin PowerMate input device
SoRampLUT Felix RitterMacroModuleLUT
SoScriptOverlay Michael SchmidtInventorModuleSoScriptOverlayRenders graphics described by scripting over a viewer.
SoShadowAwareTransformerManip Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoShadowshadow aware transformer manipulator
SoShadowCast Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoShadowshadow casting
SoShadowMaterial Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoShadowshadow casting
SoShadowSwitch Felix RitterInventorModuleVisualizationSoShadowshadow casting
SoSimulateMouse Felix RitterInventorModuleSoSimulateMouseGenerates standard mouse events and sends them into the connected scene
SoSpacemouseAccess Felix RitterInventorModuleInteractionSoDeviceAccessAccess Spacemouse state
SoSpacemouseDevice Felix RitterInventorModuleInputDevicesMLInventorDevicesdriver for 3DConnexion 6DOF input devices
SoSwipeAccess Felix RitterInventorModuleInteractionSoTouchControlaccess state of swipe gesture detection
SoTextureInspector Alexander KoehnInventorModuleVisualizationSoTextureToolsGet information about OpenGL texture and download it as ML image
SoToggleOnResolution Christian SchumannInventorModuleInventorMainSoToggleOnResolutionToggles visibility of the child graph based on the resolution
SoTouchCameraInteraction Uwe SiemsInventorModuleSoTouchCameraInteractionControl camera/headlight with touch devices.
SoTouchpadDevice Felix RitterInventorModuleInputDevicesSoTouchControlmultitouch touchpad device driver
SoVideoCaptureSampler2D Felix RitterInventorModuleShaderMLVideoCaptureshader sampler 2D parameter
SoView2DSmartBinaryBrush Markus HuellebrandInventorModuleSoView2DSmartBinaryBrushinteractive tool for correction of segmentation masks
SoView2DSmartBrush Markus HuellebrandInventorModuleSoView2DSmartBinaryBrushinteractive tool for correction of segmentation masks
SoView2DTouchControl Felix RitterInventorModuleInteractionSoTouchControlview 2d touchpad control
SplitList Lennart TautzMLModuleMLSplitListSplit a list into two lists.
StringReceiver Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan receive string values from an observable output channel
StringSender Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan send string values over an input channel
Sublist Lennart TautzMLModuleMLSublistExtracts a part of a Base list
TestCommunicationChannel Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceA module channel implementation supporting the tests for this project
TestImageGenerator Ola FrimanMacroModuleGeneratorsGenerates a test image with different properties
ToggleStrings Volker DickenMacroModuleToggle multiple strings at a time, e.g. so choose between sets of related input data in an example or to emptry local path strings in examples
TravelingSalesman Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsSearches for an shortest route that visits all XMarkers in the input XMarkerList. This is equivalent to the traveling salesman problem.
TubularTracking Ola FrimanMLModuleVesselMLTubularTrackingTracks tubular structures using a Multiple Hypothesis tracking approach
Tutorial_AdvancedPython Alexander KoehnMacroModuleTutorialsInteractive Tutorial for advanced Python
Tutorial_BasicPython Alexander KoehnMacroModuleTutorialsInteractive Tutorial for basic Python
Tutorial_MeVisLabAndPython Alexander KoehnMacroModuleTutorialsInteractive Tutorial for basic Python
UDPStringReceiver Jan StrehlowMLModuleMLUDPStringCommunicationProvides a UDP connector that signals string messages received via UDP
UDPStringSender Jan StrehlowMLModuleMLUDPStringCommunicationProvides a UDP connector that sends a string messages via UDP
Vector3Receiver Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan receive Vector3 values from an observable output channel
Vector3Sender Daniel RombergMLModuleFlowControlMLCommunicationInterfaceCan send Vector3 values over an input channel
VideoCapture Felix RitterMLModuleInputDevicesMLVideoCaptureCapture video input
VideoLoad Michael SchwierMLModuleMLVideoLoadUses the VideoCapture class of OpenCV to load a video file
View2DTouch Felix RitterMacroModule2D Viewer with gesture control
WaveImageGenerator Ola FrimanMacroModuleGeneratorsGenerates a wave test image.
WEMClipImagePlanesToCSOList Jan Hendrik MoltzMacroModuleConverts a WEM to a CSOList with CSOs on the planes of an image.
WEMExpandToMarkers Lennart TautzMLModuleWEMInteractionWEMExpandToMarkersExpand a given WEM constrained by a number of XMarkers
XMarkerListBounds Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsFinds bounding box and sphere containing the XMarkers in the input XMarkerList
XMarkerListFilter Florian Weiler, Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsFilter markers from a list
XMarkerListImageData Christian SchumannMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerListImageDataReads image data at marker positions and modifies marker properties (vector, type) based on it.
XMarkerListSort Florian WeilerMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsSorts a list of XMarkers
XMarkerModify Florian WeilerMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsModify positions and vectors in an XMarkerList
XMarkerPathLength Lennart TautzMLModuleMLXMarkerPathLengthInterpret XMarker list as path and calculate its length
XMarkerSamplePattern Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsGenerates a circle pattern around input XMarkers.
XMarkerShortestPath Ola FrimanMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsUses the XMarkers as vertexes in a graph and searches the shortest path from a start XMarker to an end XMarker using the Dijkstra algorithm.
XMarkerToSphere Jan KleinMLModuleMarkerMLXMarkerUtilsGenerates mask with spheres around markers
A |C |D |E |F |G |H |I |J |K |L |M |N |O |P |Q |R |S |T |U |V |W |X

View modules by

Genre 36 genres
Name details 210 names
Keywords details 481 keywords
Thu Mar 06 22:32:41 2025