
This module is meant to bridge the gap between the DicomTreeRefCounted outputs and the RTModules which except an RTBase object.


The module convert the DicomTreeRefCounted input to an RTBase object, depending on the modality tag of the dicom tree.


Unsupported modalities create a NULL object. Supported modalities are: RTIMAGE, RTDOSE,RTIMAGE, RTSTRUCT, RTPLAN and RTRECORD. RT IonPlan and RT IonBeamsTreatmentRecord should have the modalities RTPLAN and RTRECORD respectively, but their SOPClassUID tag should be correctly set for their specific character. The expected SOPClassUID for RT IonPlan is “1.2.840.10008.” and for RT IonBeamsTreatmentRecord is “1.2.840.10008.”.

The RTObject module, as seen in the example network, sets the SOPClassUID tags correctly for all the supported modalities, including the ION ones.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inDicomTreeObject, type: MLBase

The input is of type DicomTreeRefCounted. This type of object is outputted for example by the ModifyDicomTree module. The DicomModify project has no dependency on dcmtk projects, and thus all the modules which output a generic DicomTreeRefCounted which internally is an RTBase object ( since RTBase is inherited from DicomTreeRefCounted), can be used as input to this module.

Output Fields


name: outRTBaseObject, type: MLBase

A proper RTBase object of the modality contained in the modality tag of the internal dicom tree of the input object. Supported types: DRTImageIODBase DRTDoseIODBase DRTStructureSetIODBase DRTPlanIODBase DRTIonPlanIODBase DRTIonBeamsTreatmentRecordIODBase DRTTreatmentSummaryRecordIODBase

NULL for unsupported modalities.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto Apply: Bool
Input valid: Bool
Output valid: Bool
status: String
Update: Trigger

Visible Fields


name: update, type: Trigger

Updated the output.

Auto Apply

name: autoApply, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Recommended to be on, since the conversion is a fast process.

Input valid

name: isBaseInputValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

Input is valid if it is a valid DicomTreeRefCounted object with the modality tag set to the supported types as described in the Input section.

Output valid

name: isBaseOutputValid, type: Bool, persistent: no

If the Dicom tree of the input is not NULL and it is of the supported modality, then the output should be valid.

Hidden Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no