
PCLVTKToPointCloud converts a vtkDataSet or s derived object such as vtkPolyData to a point cloud of the type selected in Output Point Cloud Type. Scalar components of the vtkDataSet components are usually translated to the “intensity replacement” of the corresponding point cloud points and normals to the point normals (if available in the selected point cloud type). PCLVTKToPointCloud is especially useful to generate a number of geometric (test) objects since vtk provides a large number of predefined sources, functions, and file formats which can be converted.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputInput_vtkObject, type: MLBase

Connect a vtk object of type vtkDataSet or a derived and its point coordinates are convberted to the point cloud provided at the module output.

Output Fields


name: outputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

The conversion result from the connected input vtkDataSet or NULL on an invalid output. This module still does not set up any indices in the output base object, which, however, may be added in the future.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Output Point Cloud Type

name: outputPointCloudType, type: Enum, default: ML_PCL_POINT_XYZ

Output Point Cloud Type is a selector for the desired type of the created point cloud. All supported types in the MeVisLab PCL binding are shown.