
genre Marker
authors Florian Weiler, Ola Friman
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLXMarkerUtils
definition MLXMarkerUtils.def
see also XMarkerAtIndex
keywords Marker, XMarker, points, filter, include, extract, exclude, remove, position, type, size


This module filters XMarkers from an XMarkerList by various properties.


Connect an XMarkerList, select the Filter mode and update your results.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inXMarkerList, type: MLBase

The XMarkerList to be filtered.

Output Fields


name: outXMarkerList, type: MLBase

A new XMarkerList containing those XMarkers from the input list that match the filtering criteria.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Filter Mode

name: filterMode, type: Enum, default: Include

Select whether to include or exclude markers. When filtering for several criteria at once, a boolean AND is applied.


Title Name
Include Include
Exclude Exclude

Enable type filtering

name: filterType, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Enable filtering for marker type.

Enable position filtering

name: filterPosition, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Enable filtering for marker position.

Enable name filtering

name: filterName, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Enable filtering of markers by name.

Enable filtering by vector length

name: filterVectorLength, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Enable filtering of markers by their vector length.

Marker Types

name: markerTypes, type: String

The types to be filtered. Multiple types may be given, separated by a comma. Whitespaces are stripped from the input string.

Marker Name

name: markerName, type: String

Minimum length

name: minVectorLength, type: Double, default: 0

Minimum length of a marker’s vector in order to be considered for filtering.

Maximum length

name: maxVectorLength, type: Double, default: 1

Minimum length of a marker’s vector in order to be considered for filtering.

Use (useMinVectorLength)

name: useMinVectorLength, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggle whether to use the minimal marker length as filtering criteria.

Use (useMaxVectorLength)

name: useMaxVectorLength, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Toggle whether to use the maximal marker length as filtering criteria.


name: filterX, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Toggles specifying to filter for the x coordinate.


name: filterY, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Toggles specifying to filter for the y coordinate.


name: filterZ, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Toggles specifying to filter for the z coordinate.


name: filterC, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggles specifying to filter for the c coordinate.


name: filterT, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggles specifying to filter for the t coordinate.


name: filterU, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Toggles specifying to filter for the u coordinate.

Allow to swap min/max if min>max

name: allowSwapMinMax, type: Bool, default: TRUE

When filtering for a markers position, allow to swap min & max in case min is greater than max. This is useful, when manually defining a region using e.g. a SoView2DRectangle.

Min Ranges

name: minValues, type: Vector6, default: 0 0 0 0 0 0

6D world position for filtering.

Max Ranges

name: maxValues, type: Vector6, default: 1 1 1 0 0 0

6D world position for filtering.

Maximum Number Of Markers

name: maxNumMarkers, type: Integer, default: -1

Allows to restrict the number of passing markers. Use -1 to let all markers pass, otherwise only the first n markers are allowed to pass.

Default is -1.

Num Passing Markers

name: numFilteredMarkers, type: Integer, default: 0

Auto Update

name: autoUpdate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

This field currently acts as a mixed Auto-Apply / Auto-Update option. Might be changed in the future.


name: update, type: Trigger

Triggers a manual update.