
The SoShadowAwareTransformerManip module resembles a SoTransformerManip but does not cast shadow if placed within a shadow subgraph.

See: Illustrative Shadows: Integrating 3D and 2D Information Displays. Felix Ritter, Henry Sonnet, Knut Hartmann, and Thomas Strothotte. Proceedings of ACM Intelligent User Interfaces 2003, pp. 166-173.



Connect the SoShadowAwareTransformerManip module to the scenegraph preceding shapes you wish to manipulate.

Output Fields


name: self, type: SoNode

The module has one output connector to include the module into the parent scene.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Center: Vector3
Rotation: Rotation
Scale Factor: Vector3
Scale Orientation: Rotation
Translation: Vector3

The SoShadowAwareTransformerManip module has the same parameters as the SoTransformerManip module.

Visible Fields


name: translation, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0


name: rotation, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0

Scale Factor

name: scaleFactor, type: Vector3, default: 1 1 1

Scale Orientation

name: scaleOrientation, type: Rotation, default: 0 0 1 0


name: center, type: Vector3, default: 0 0 0