
author Volker Dicken
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
definition NearHistogramPeakVoxels.def


IntervalThreshold segmentation based on closeness to histogram peak position.


Connect an image and a related histogram to the two inputs. Specify drop levels from peak to define boundary if the interval thresholding performing the segmentation.


The modules simply performes an interval thresholding using the gray values were the histogram first drops below the stated percentage of the max histogram bin value when moving up / down from the max. bin position.


Connect an input image and a histogram of the relevant part of the input image or the relevant subset of the histogram range.


You may need to smooth the input histogram and perform morphological filtering on the output to get meaningful segmentations from noisy images.

If using the full input image histogram you will probably end up with a segmentation of the background only.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: input0, type: Image

Some scalar input image.


name: curveInput, type: MLBase

Histogram or smoothed histogram of the input image or probably more useful some region of interest in the input image.

Output Fields


name: output0, type: Image

Thresholded image


name: outImageBypass, type: Image

Just a copy of the input may be used for simpler network layouts.


name: outCurveList, type: MLBase, deprecated name: outCurveBypass

CurveList visualizing the peak and the drop levels / values used in thresholding. Mainly intended for debugging.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Peak Lower Drop Level

name: peakLowerDropLevel, type: Double, default: 90, minimum: 0, maximum: 100

Specified percentage of highest frequency in histogram. The highest x value below the peak position that were the frequency in the histogram falls below that percentage of the max. frequency determines the lower threshold (c.f. Peak Lower Drop Value).

Peak Upper Drop Level

name: peakUpperDropLevel, type: Double, default: 90, minimum: 0, maximum: 100

Specified percentage of highest frequency in histogram. The lowest x value above the peak position that were the frequency in the histogram falls below that percentage of the max. frequency determines the upper threshold (c.f. Peak Upper Drop Value).

Peak Lower Drop Value

name: peakLowerDropValue, type: Double, default: 556

c.f. Peak Lower Drop Level

Peak Upper Drop Value

name: peakUpperDropValue, type: Double, default: 627

c.f. Peak Upper Drop Level

Peak Position

name: peakPosition, type: Double, default: 596

The grey value with highest value in the histogram. If there are multiple values with the same frequency the lowest will be used as starting point for the drop levels search.


name: update, type: Trigger

Update computation.

Autp Update

name: autpUpdate, type: Bool, default: TRUE

Auto update results on input or parameter changes.