
genre Test
author Lennart Tautz
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
definition ApplicationAnalysisResultViewer.def
see also AnalyzeApplication
keywords test, coverage


This modules shows basic statistics of an application test analysis.


Connect an application analysis result object and open the panel.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inAnalysisResult, type: MLBase

An application analysis result object.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Number of Required Modules

name: outNumberOfRequiredModules, type: Integer, persistent: no

The number of modules required by the application.

Number of Modules Without Test

name: outNumberOfModulesWithoutTest, type: Integer, persistent: no

Number of modules that do not have at least one associated test.

Percentage of Tested Modules [%]

name: outPercentageOfTestedModules, type: Integer, persistent: no

Percentage of modules that have at least one associated test. The actual percentage value is rounded the closest integer value.