
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLPagedImageToolModules
definition MLPagedImageToolModules.def
see also Info, View2D
keywords fieldcontainer, show, display, list, element, entry


The FieldContainerView shows the content of a connected FieldContainer base or Module object. It allows the search for up to three field names whose values are copied to corresponding output fields for connecting them to other modules. Validity flags also show whether fields with the specified names have been found or whether the field values are invalid.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputFieldContainer, type: FieldContainer(MLBase)

A Base object of FieldContainer type must be connected as valid input data. All other types are be ignored. Note that connected objects at input0 are preferred if both connector are used.


name: input0, type: Image

A Base object of FieldContainer is retrieved from the connected input if possible. All other types are be ignored. Note that FieldContainer at input0 is preferred if both connector are used, the inputFieldContainer connection is ignored in such cases.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Field Container View: String Valid (fieldValid2): Bool
Field Name Filter1: String Valid (fieldValid3): Bool
Field Name Filter2: String  
Field Name Filter3: String  
Field Output1: String  
Field Output2: String  
Field Output3: String  
Valid (fieldValid1): Bool  

Visible Fields

Field Container View

name: fieldContainerView, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the content of a connected FieldContainer object. It is empty if no valid input is connected.

Field Name Filter1

name: fieldNameFilter1, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly this name is written in the Field Output1, otherwise the Field Output1 is set empty.

Field Name Filter2

name: fieldNameFilter2, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly this name is written in the Field Output2, otherwise the Field Output2 is set empty.

Field Name Filter3

name: fieldNameFilter3, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly this name is written in the Field Output3, otherwise the Field Output3 is set empty.

Field Output1

name: fieldOutput1, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter1 is written in this field, otherwise this field is set empty.

Field Output2

name: fieldOutput2, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter2 is written in this field, otherwise this field is set empty.

Field Output3

name: fieldOutput3, type: String

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input then the value of the first field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter3 is written in this field, otherwise this field is set empty.

Valid (fieldValid1)

name: fieldValid1, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input and a field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter1 is found in it then this value is set true, otherwise false.

Valid (fieldValid2)

name: fieldValid2, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input and a field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter2 is found in it then this value is set true, otherwise false.

Valid (fieldValid3)

name: fieldValid3, type: Bool, default: FALSE

If a valid FieldContainer is connected to the input and a field with exactly the name of Field Name Filter3 is found in it then this value is set true, otherwise false.