
The DirectDicomImportRTOutput is a derived version of the MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput module which provides additional information about radio therapy DICOM files for the DirectDicomImport module. It operates similar to the MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput which also creates most of the fields and provides most of the functionality. Therefore see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput for all parameters and functionality which is not described here. See also MultiFileVolumeListImageOutput, DirectDicomImportSROutput, and DirectDicomImport for further information.


The usage is comparable to the usage of MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput. Please also see its documentation.

You may also want to configure the DirectDicomImport module for example not to compose radio therapy plan DICOM files to multiframe files. For the purpose select for example UserConfig1 and replace the line:

{Element = (0008,0060); Name = Modality; Sort = 1; Part = 1; },

by the line:

{Element = (0008,0060); Name = Modality; Sort = 1; Part = 1; PartCondition = "Modality = RTPLAN";},

In this way each RTPlan files are handled as single volumes.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputAccessConnector, type: MLBase

A connector to a MultiFileVolumeList (a typically one providing such a connector is DirectDicomImport) from which an RT volume shall be selected.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.inputAccessConnector

Output Fields


name: outRTObject, type: MLBase

This output provides a Base object containing the RT information of the selected volume. It is typically used by connected modules such as RTImageToML, RTDoseToML, RTDoseInfo, etc. See the C++ libraries MLDcmtkAccessories and MLDcmtkBaseObjects for further information about those objects.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

annotate: Bool Number of volumes: Integer
autoLoadResultCache: Bool numShownBinaryEntries: Integer
Cache File Path: String regExLineFilter: String
Dcm Info String: String Tag Dump: String
dumpPrivateTagValues: Bool Tag Dump Size: Integer
getInfoString: Trigger Use Base Input: Bool
issues: String Volume Index: Integer
Load Result Cache: Trigger Volume Info Dump: String

Visible Fields

Use Base Input

name: useBaseInput, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled the the volume is read from the DirectDicomImport module connected to the base input; otherwise the specified cache file is read.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.useBaseInput

Load Result Cache

name: loadResultCache, type: Trigger

Loads a volume list from cached result volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.loadResultCache

Cache File Path

name: cacheFilePath, type: String

File containing a list of cached image volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.cacheFilePath

Volume Index

name: outVolIdx, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: -1

This read-only field shows the index of the volume currently selected in the volume list.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.outVolIdx

Number of volumes

name: numVolumes, type: Integer, default: 0

This read-only field shows number of available volumes.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.numVolumes

Tag Dump Size

name: tagDumpSize, type: Integer, default: 10000

Maximum number of characters shown in the Tag Dump field. Too large values can degrade performance when viewing the DICOM tag list.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.tagDumpSize

Tag Dump

name: tagDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the DICOM tag list of currently selected volume (the dump will be clamped if the tag list is too large).

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.tagDump

Volume Info Dump

name: volumeInfoDump, type: String, persistent: no

Shows a collection of available information about the currently selected volume.

see also MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.volumeInfoDump

Dcm Info String

name: dcmInfoString, type: String, persistent: no

Shows the radio therapy information of currently selected volume.

Hidden Fields


name: autoLoadResultCache, type: Bool, default: FALSE


name: issues, type: String

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.issues


name: dumpPrivateTagValues, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.dumpPrivateTagValues


name: numShownBinaryEntries, type: Integer, default: 8

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.numShownBinaryEntries


name: annotate, type: Bool, default: FALSE

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.annotate


name: regExLineFilter, type: String

see MultiFileVolumeListBaseOutput.regExLineFilter


name: getInfoString, type: Trigger