
genre Visualization
author Alexander Koehn
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
dll SoTextureTools
definition SoTextureTools.def
keywords texture, inspector, download, gpu


Use the SoTextureInspector to get information about OpenGL textures. If a texture with the given ID exists, the module collects information about color channels, bit depth, pixel format and extent. One can also download the texture to ml memory or render it directly onto a viewport.


Enter the texture ID you wish to inspect. The information fields update automatically. To download the texture to CPU memory, press Update MLOutput.

Output Fields


name: outputImage, type: Image

The currently selected texture as a ML image.


name: self, type: SoNode

Inventor output to render the current texture onto a viewport (e.g. SoRenderArea).

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Alpha Channel Bits: Integer Internal Pixel Format: String Red Channel Bits: Integer
Blue Channel Bits: Integer Luminance Channel Bits: Integer Texture Type: Enum
Current Slice: Integer LUT Center: Float Update MLOutput: Trigger
Depth: Integer LUT Width: Float Width: Integer
Depth Channel Bits: Integer Mag Filter: String  
Green Channel Bits: Integer maxSlice: Integer  
Height: Integer Min Filter: String  
Intensity Channel Bits: Integer OpenGL Texture Id: Integer  

Visible Fields

OpenGL Texture Id

name: textureID, type: Integer, default: 1, minimum: 1

The OpenGL texture ID of the texture you want to inspect.

LUT Center

name: centerLUT, type: Float, default: 0.5, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

The center of the LUT that is used to render the texture.

LUT Width

name: widthLUT, type: Float, default: 1, minimum: 0, maximum: 1

The width of the LUT that is used to render the texture.

Current Slice

name: currentSlice, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: :field:`maxSlice`

The current slice of the texture to render.

Texture Type

name: textureTarget, type: Enum, default: TEXTURE_2D

The type of the texture.


Title Name Description
1d TEXTURE_1D It is a 1D texture.
2d TEXTURE_2D It is a 2D texture.
3d TEXTURE_3D It is a 3D texture.
1d Array TEXTURE_1D_ARRAY It is a 2D texture interpreted as a 1D array (i.e. interpolation is only applied to x-dimension).
2d Array TEXTURE_2D_ARRAY It is a 3D texture interpreted as a 2D array (i.e. interpolation is only applied to x and y-dimension).
Cubemap TEXTURE_CUBEMAP It is a 3D texture with z=6 to be used as a cubemap.

Mag Filter

name: texMagFilter, type: String, default: UNKNOWN

The magnification filter of the texture.

Min Filter

name: texMinFilter, type: String, default: UNKNOWN

The minification filter of the texture.

Internal Pixel Format

name: texInternalFormatStr, type: String, default: UNKNOWN

The internal pixel format of the texture.


name: texWidth, type: Integer, default: 0

The width of the texture.


name: texHeight, type: Integer, default: 0

The height of the texture.


name: texDepth, type: Integer, default: 0

The depth of the texture.

Red Channel Bits

name: texRedSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the red channel of the texture.

Green Channel Bits

name: texGreenSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the green channel of the texture.

Blue Channel Bits

name: texBlueSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the blue channel of the texture.

Alpha Channel Bits

name: texAlphaSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the alpha channel of the texture.

Luminance Channel Bits

name: texLuminanceSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the luminance channel of the texture.

Intensity Channel Bits

name: texIntensitySize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the intensity channel of the texture.

Depth Channel Bits

name: texDepthSize, type: Integer, default: 0

The number of bits used for the depth channel of the (depth-)texture.

Update MLOutput

name: updateMLOutput, type: Trigger

Triggers the download of the texture to ML memory.

Hidden Fields


name: maxSlice, type: Integer, default: 0