
genre Test
author Lennart Tautz
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
definition RunFunctionalTestCases.def
see also RunGenericTestCases, DetermineTestsOfModule
keywords retest, functional, test, case, manual


This module executes all functional TestCenter tests from a test list.


Connect an object that implements the AssociatedTests interface. The GUI will show the TestCenter tests contained in this object. Press Run Tests to execute the tests. The test report will open externally.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inAnalysisResult, type: MLBase

An object that implements the AssociatedTests interface.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields

Exclude manual tests from run

name: inExcludeManualTestsFromRun, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Check this to exclude manual tests (that is, test cases that are in the group “manual”) from being executed. Manual test cases might take a very long time or require resources that are only available on specific machines.

Calculate code coverage

name: inCalculateCodeCoverage, type: Bool, default: FALSE

Check this to calculate Python code coverage. The code coverage is contained in the TestCenter report.

Run Tests

name: runTests, type: Trigger, deprecated name: update

Trigger this to execute the tests.

Test Case List

name: outTestList, type: String, persistent: no

A list of the functional tests contained in the input object.