
genre Diagram
author Lennart Tautz
package FMEwork/ReleaseMeVis
dll MLCurveInfrastructure
definition MLCurveInfrastructure.def
see also CurveImport
keywords curve, list, data, add


This module provides a curve list for scripting access.


Press Create Empty List to create a new curve list, and Add Empty Curve to add a curve to the list.

Connect a curve list to inCurveList and press Copy Input List to get a copy.


This module creates and owns a curve list. It can add curves to the list dynamically, which can then be modified by scripting.

If the input list is copied, a deep copy is created that is owned by this module.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inCurveList, type: MLBase

Optional input curve list to copy.

Output Fields


name: outCurveList, type: MLBase

A curve list object.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Add Empty Curve: Trigger
Clear: Trigger
Copy Input List: Trigger
Create Empty List: Trigger
Has valid output?: Bool

Visible Fields


name: clear, type: Trigger

Removes all added curves and the curve list.

Create Empty List

name: createEmptyList, type: Trigger

Provide an empty list at the output. Previously added curves are removed.

Add Empty Curve

name: addEmptyCurve, type: Trigger

Add an empty curve to the output list.

Copy Input List

name: copyInputList, type: Trigger

Provide a copy of the input list at the output. The previous output list is removed.

Has valid output?

name: hasValidOutput, type: Bool, default: FALSE

True if there is a valid curve list at the output, false otherwise.