add |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
align |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
arithmetic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
average |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
axes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
axis |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
base |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
PCLModule | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | No operation module; it is the base class for all PCL modules. |
blur |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBilateralFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::BilateralFilter to smooth an input point cloud |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
box |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCropBox | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::CropBox point cloud filter to filter all the data inside of a given, possibly transformed, box |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
circle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
circle2d |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
circle3d |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
class |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLModule | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | No operation module; it is the base class for all PCL modules. |
cleanup |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
cloud |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
clouds |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLBilateralFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::BilateralFilter to smooth an input point cloud |
PCLCloudDistances | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Calculates Hausdorff and minimum Euclidean distances between two point clouds. |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLCompare | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Compares two PCL point clouds and optionally posts an ML error if they differ. |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLCropBox | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::CropBox point cloud filter to filter all the data inside of a given, possibly transformed, box |
PCLEuclideanClusterExtraction | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSegmentation | MLPCLSegmentation | Wraps the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction point cloud feature filter to find clusters in a point cloud |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLInfo | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Displays information about the connected point cloud. |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
PCLMLImageToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
PCLModule | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | No operation module; it is the base class for all PCL modules. |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLNormalEstimation | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFeatures | MLPCLFeatures | Wraps the pcl::NormalEstimation feature filter to extract normals from the given point cloud |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
PCLScriptOutput | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | A no operation module providing nothing but a PCL output connector for scripting purposes. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
cluster |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLEuclideanClusterExtraction | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSegmentation | MLPCLSegmentation | Wraps the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction point cloud feature filter to find clusters in a point cloud |
clusters |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Displays results from PCLClusterStatistics in an Open Inventor Scene. |
column |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
compare |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCompare | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Compares two PCL point clouds and optionally posts an ML error if they differ. |
component |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
concave |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
cone |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
convert |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLMLImageToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
convex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
copy |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
crop |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCropBox | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::CropBox point cloud filter to filter all the data inside of a given, possibly transformed, box |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
curve |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
cylinder |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
detect |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
dilate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
dilation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
distance |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCloudDistances | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Calculates Hausdorff and minimum Euclidean distances between two point clouds. |
div |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
divide |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
division |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
duplicate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
eigen |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
eigenvalues |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
eigenvectors |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
erode |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
ersosion |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
estimation |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLNormalEstimation | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFeatures | MLPCLFeatures | Wraps the pcl::NormalEstimation feature filter to extract normals from the given point cloud |
Estimator |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
export |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
extract |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
field |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
filter |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
find |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
grid |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
histogram |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
hoppe |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
hull |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
image |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMLImageToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
import |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
importer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
indexes |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
indices |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
information |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
inspector |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
interval |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
least |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
library |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
Likelihood |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
line |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
LMedS |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
load |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
loader |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
M-estimator |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
main |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
match |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIterativeClosestPoint | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLRegistration | MLPCLRegistration | ML Module class wrapping pcl::IterativeClosestPoint class. |
maximum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
mean |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
median |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
member |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
merge |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
metric |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCloudDistances | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Calculates Hausdorff and minimum Euclidean distances between two point clouds. |
minimum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
mls |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
models |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
moving |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
multiply |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
nan |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
neighborhood |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
neighbourhood |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
noise |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
normal |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
normalize |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
normals |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLNormalEstimation | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFeatures | MLPCLFeatures | Wraps the pcl::NormalEstimation feature filter to extract normals from the given point cloud |
number |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
of |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
output |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
parallel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLBilateralFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::BilateralFilter to smooth an input point cloud |
PCLCloudDistances | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Calculates Hausdorff and minimum Euclidean distances between two point clouds. |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Displays results from PCLClusterStatistics in an Open Inventor Scene. |
PCLCompare | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Compares two PCL point clouds and optionally posts an ML error if they differ. |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLCropBox | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::CropBox point cloud filter to filter all the data inside of a given, possibly transformed, box |
PCLEuclideanClusterExtraction | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSegmentation | MLPCLSegmentation | Wraps the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction point cloud feature filter to find clusters in a point cloud |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLInfo | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Displays information about the connected point cloud. |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
PCLMLImageToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
PCLModule | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | No operation module; it is the base class for all PCL modules. |
PCLNormalEstimation | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFeatures | MLPCLFeatures | Wraps the pcl::NormalEstimation feature filter to extract normals from the given point cloud |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
PCLScriptOutput | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | A no operation module providing nothing but a PCL output connector for scripting purposes. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
perpenticular |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
plane |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
point |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
PointCloudToMLImage |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
PointList |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
points |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLBilateralFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::BilateralFilter to smooth an input point cloud |
PCLCloudDistances | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Calculates Hausdorff and minimum Euclidean distances between two point clouds. |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLCompare | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Compares two PCL point clouds and optionally posts an ML error if they differ. |
PCLConcaveHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConcaveHull filter to determine the concave hull of the given input cloud |
PCLConvexHull | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::ConvexHull filter to determine the convex hull of the given input cloud |
PCLCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Copy points or point components from points in input 1 to points in input 2, optionally using indices. |
PCLCropBox | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::CropBox point cloud filter to filter all the data inside of a given, possibly transformed, box |
PCLEuclideanClusterExtraction | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSegmentation | MLPCLSegmentation | Wraps the pcl::EuclideanClusterExtraction point cloud feature filter to find clusters in a point cloud |
PCLFeatureHistogram | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::FeatureHistogram to create a Histogram from the in point cloud filter and to provide it as a curve base object |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
PCLInfo | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Displays information about the connected point cloud. |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
PCLMemberCopy | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class allowing to copy a point member to another. |
PCLMLImageToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts an ML PagedImage to a point cloud |
PCLModule | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | No operation module; it is the base class for all PCL modules. |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLNormalEstimation | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFeatures | MLPCLFeatures | Wraps the pcl::NormalEstimation feature filter to extract normals from the given point cloud |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
PCLScriptOutput | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | A no operation module providing nothing but a PCL output connector for scripting purposes. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
principle |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPCA | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLCommon | MLPCLCommon | Wraps the pcl::pca point cloud filter to filter input points with an interval |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
python |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLScriptOutput | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | A no operation module providing nothing but a PCL output connector for scripting purposes. |
quantile |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
r2 |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
r2sonic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
Randomized |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
rank |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
rbf |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
read |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLLoad | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Loads a point cloud from file. |
reader |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
reconstruction |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
reduce |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
registration |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIterativeClosestPoint | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLRegistration | MLPCLRegistration | ML Module class wrapping pcl::IterativeClosestPoint class. |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
sample |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLVoxelGrid | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::VoxelGrid point cloud filter and produces a grid aligned point cloud as well as an ML image output. |
save |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
scripting |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLScriptOutput | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | A no operation module providing nothing but a PCL output connector for scripting purposes. |
search |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
show |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Displays results from PCLClusterStatistics in an Open Inventor Scene. |
smooth |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBilateralFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::BilateralFilter to smooth an input point cloud |
PCLIntensityRankFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Performs a rank filtering on intensity replacements of each point of a point cloud |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
sonar |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
sonic |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
sphere |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
squares |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
PCLSampleConsensus | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | ML Module class wrapping pcl::SampleConsensus classes class which search objects in point clouds. |
statistics |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Displays results from PCLClusterStatistics in an Open Inventor Scene. |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
PCLRadiusOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::RadiusOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
PCLStatisticalOutlierRemoval | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::StatisticalOutlierRemoval point cloud filter which filters input points using point neighborhood statistics to filter outliers and noise. |
stick |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSampleConsensusModels | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSampleConsensus | MLPCLSampleConsensus | Wraps currently available pcl::SampleConsensusModels of the PCL. |
subset |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLIndexFilter | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | ML PCL module class creating a subset of indices of input one given by indices at input 1, then of input 2, and so on. |
subtract |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPointMemberArithmetic | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Provides a number of convenient operations on point members, such as set, scale, min/max, normalize etc. |
sum |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLClusterStatistics | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLClusterStatistics | MLPCLClusterStatistics | Extracting same integer valued clusters and calculating statistics for each of them. |
surface |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMarchingCubesHoppe | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MarchingCubesHoppe reconstruction filter to create a surface from the input point cloud |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
test |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLCompare | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSupport | MLPCLSupport | Compares two PCL point clouds and optionally posts an ML error if they differ. |
threshold |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLPassThrough | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLFilters | MLPCLFilters | Wraps the pcl::PassThrough point cloud filter which filters input points with an interval over one or all fields. |
translate |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
upsampling |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
VectorList |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
vertex |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
vertices |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLToInventor | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLInventorAdapters | MLPCLInventorAdapters | Converts a point set to a vertex set in a SoVertexProperty. |
voxel |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLMovingLeastSquares | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLSurface | MLPCLSurface | Wraps the pcl::MovingLeastSquares surface algorithm of the point cloud library |
water |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
watercolumn |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLR2SonicWCLoader | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | FileMain | MLPCLR2SonicWCLoader | Loader for R2 sonic watercolumn files as a point cloud |
wrapper |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLInspector | Wolf Spindler | MacroModule | GUI | | Output inspector module for PCL connectors |
write |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLSave | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLIO | MLPCLIO | Saves a point cloud in a file. |
XMarkerList |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |
XMarkerListContainer |
Module | Authors | Type | Genre | Dll | Comment |
PCLBaseListToPointCloud | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a BaseList to a point cloud |
PCLPointCloudToXMarkerList | Wolf Spindler | MLModule | PCLMLAdapters | MLPCLMLAdapters | Converts a point cloud to an XMarkerList |