genre PCLSupport
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
dll MLPCLSupport
definition MLPCLSupport.def
see also Info, DicomTreeInfo
inherits from PCLModule
keywords points, clouds, PCL


PCLInfo displays information about a connected point cloud or polygon mesh, either for diagnostic or for display purposes. It allows peeking into basic cloud or polygon mesh settings and its point and vertex values. See http://pointclouds.org/documentation/tutorials/basic_structures.php#basic-structures for details about the basic point cloud members, especially about the Width and Height fields, which have two meanings.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

Connect the point cloud or polygon mesh from which information shall be retrieved.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Average: Double Max Num Shown Points: Integer Row Step: Integer
Bounding Box V1: Vector3 Max Num Shown Vertices: Integer Sensor Orientation: Vector4
Bounding Box V2: Vector3 Maximum: Double Sensor Origin: Vector4
fields (offset, data type, count, name): String Median: Double Seq: Integer
Frame Id: String Minimum: Double showIndexIndices: Bool
Height: Integer Num Decimal Places: Integer showPointIndices: Bool
Index Of First Index: Integer Number Of Indices: Integer showVertexIndices: Bool
Index Of First Point: Integer Number Of Points: Integer Stamp: Integer
Index Of First Vertex: Integer Number Of Vertices: Integer Status: String
indexSliderStartMaximum: Integer Pcl Object Type: String Sum: Double
Indices: String Point Step: Integer Sum Absolute: Double
Is Big Endian: Integer Point Structure: String vertexSliderStartMaximum: Integer
Is Dense: Bool Points: String Vertices: String
Is Organized: Bool Points Print Format: String Width: Integer
Max Num Shown Indices: Integer pointSliderStartMaximum: Integer  

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Pcl Object Type

name: pclObjectType, type: String, persistent: no

Shows of which type the connected PCL object is.

Number Of Points

name: numberOfPoints, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the number of points in the connected point cloud. It is not a member of the point cloud but the product of the Width and the Height member. See Height and Is Organized for details.


name: width, type: Integer, persistent: no

The width of the point cloud extent, or, if Height is 1, the total number of points in the point cloud. See Height and Is Organized for details.


name: height, type: Integer, persistent: no

The height of the point cloud extent (the total number of rows) if the point cloud is organized (if Height is > 1), or, if Height is 1, it denotes that the point cloud is not organized.


name: seq, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the header.seq member of the point cloud.


name: stamp, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the header.stamp member of the point cloud.

Frame Id

name: frameId, type: String, persistent: no

Displays the header.frame_id member of the point cloud.

Is Organized

name: isOrganized, type: Bool, persistent: no

Displays whether the point cloud is organized or not. This corresponds with the Height member of the cloud: if Height is > 1 then the cloud is organized, otherwise not. See Height for details.

Is Dense

name: isDense, type: Bool, persistent: no

Is Dense is true if all values in the point set are finite, that is, all values are not Inf and not NaN.

Sensor Origin

name: sensorOrigin, type: Vector4, persistent: no

Displays the position of the acquisition sensor of the point set if there was any, it is of type Eigen::Vector4f.

Sensor Orientation

name: sensorOrientation, type: Vector4, persistent: no

Displays the orientation of the acquisition sensor of the point set if there was any, it is of type Eigen::Quaternionf.

Bounding Box V1

name: boundingBoxV1, type: Vector3, persistent: no

The first (smaller) corner of the bounding box of the point cloud. If larger than Bounding Box V2 the box is empty or undefined. For surfaces the box is considered empty.

Bounding Box V2

name: boundingBoxV2, type: Vector3, persistent: no

The second (larger) corner of the bounding box of the point cloud. If smaller than Bounding Box V1 the box is empty or undefined. For surfaces the box is considered empty.


name: minimum, type: Double, persistent: no

The minimum of all replacement values or DBL_MAX if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.


name: maximum, type: Double, persistent: no

The maximum of all replacement values or -DBL_MAX if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.


name: average, type: Double, persistent: no

The average of all intensity replacement values or 0 if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.


name: sum, type: Double, persistent: no

The sum of all intensity replacement values or 0 if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.

Sum Absolute

name: sumAbsolute, type: Double, persistent: no

The sum of all absolute values of intensity replacement values or 0 if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.


name: median, type: Double, persistent: no

The Number Of Points/2 value after sorting all intensity replacement values or 0 if no values or empty point cloud. This value is only calculated for point clouds, not for surfaces.

Index Of First Point

name: indexOfFirstPoint, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: :field:`pointSliderStartMaximum`

Determines the index of the first point to be shown in Points.

Max Num Shown Points

name: maxNumShownPoints, type: Integer, default: 12, minimum: 0

Controls the maximum number of displayed points in Points.

Num Decimal Places

name: numDecimalPlaces, type: Integer, default: -1

The maximum number of digits to be printed after the comma or the full precision of the given field type if -1. The printed value is rounded appropriately.

Points Print Format

name: pointsPrintFormat, type: String
Only for normal point clouds: If empty then all point fields are printed, otherwise substrings of Points Print Format are replaced with field values from each printed point (or with “” if not available). For example for one point at index 67 $(index):$(x), $(y), $(z): $(ir) prints the point index followed by the point coordinates and the intensity replacement value (such as 67:0.3, 1.7, 5.2: 200.0 or so). Other fields are ignored even if they are available. Substrings to replace are:
$(x) or $(data[0]): x-component of point coordinate
$(y) or $(data[1]): y-component of point coordinate
$(z) or $(data[2]): z-component of point coordinate
$(data[3]): fourth component of point coordinate
$(nx) or $(data_n[0]): x-component of normal
$(ny) or $(data_n[1]): y-component of normal
$(nz) or $(data_n[2]): z-component of normal
$(data_n[3]): fourth component of normal
$(ir): intensity replacement value.
$(curvature): curvature.
$(rgba): rgba as hexadecimal value if available otherwise 0x00000000.
$(intensity): intensity value.
$(label): label as integer.
$(index): The index of the point in the point cloud.

Is Big Endian

name: isBigEndian, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the pcl::uint8_t is_bigendian member value of a PCLPointCloud2 of a possibly connected pcl::PolygonMesh. 0 if no such mesh is connected.

fields (offset, data type, count, name)

name: fields, type: String, persistent: no

Displays the std::vector<pcl::PCLPointField> fields member value of a PCLPointCloud2 of a possibly connected pcl::PolygonMesh. Empty if no such mesh is connected.

Point Step

name: pointStep, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the pcl::uint32_t point_step member value of a PCLPointCloud2 of a possibly connected pcl::PolygonMesh. 0 if no such mesh is connected.

Row Step

name: rowStep, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the pcl::uint32_t row_step member value of a PCLPointCloud2 of a possibly connected pcl::PolygonMesh. 0 if no such mesh is connected.

Index Of First Vertex

name: indexOfFirstVertex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: :field:`vertexSliderStartMaximum`

Determines the index of the first vertex to be shown in Vertices.

Max Num Shown Vertices

name: maxNumShownVertices, type: Integer, default: 12, minimum: 0

Controls the maximum number of displayed vertices in Vertices.

Number Of Vertices

name: numberOfVertices, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the number of vertices of a connected input polygon mesh; for point clouds it will always be 0.


name: vertices, type: String, persistent: no

A text field displaying at most Max Num Shown Vertices starting at Index Of First Vertex of the connected point set. It references points displayed in Points whose meaning is described in fields (offset, data type, count, name).

Index Of First Index

name: indexOfFirstIndex, type: Integer, default: 0, minimum: 0, maximum: :field:`indexSliderStartMaximum`

Determines the index of the first vertex to be shown in Indices.

Max Num Shown Indices

name: maxNumShownIndices, type: Integer, default: 12, minimum: 0

Controls the maximum number of displayed vertices in Indices.

Number Of Indices

name: numberOfIndices, type: Integer, persistent: no

Displays the number of Indices of a connected input point clooud.


name: indices, type: String, persistent: no

A text field displaying at most Max Num Shown Indices starting at Index Of First Index of the connected point cloud.

Point Structure

name: pointStructure, type: String, persistent: no

Displays the member structure of a point of the connected point cloud if the cloud has at least one point. In this way the meaning of the values in Points is easier to understand.


name: points, type: String, persistent: no

A text field displaying at most Max Num Shown Points starting at Index Of First Point of the connected point set. See Point Structure to understand which meaning the values of the points have. In case of displayed polygon meshes it displays the decoded data section which is coded as described in fields (offset, data type, count, name).

Hidden Fields


name: showPointIndices, type: Bool, default: TRUE, deprecated name: showIndexes,showIndices

If enabled then the index (followed by a “:”) of each point is shown at the begin of each point in Points.


name: pointSliderStartMaximum, type: Integer, default: 0


name: showVertexIndices, type: Bool, default: TRUE, deprecated name: showVertexIndexes

If enabled then the index (followed by a “:”) of each vertex is shown at the begin of each vertex in Vertices.


name: vertexSliderStartMaximum, type: Integer, default: 0


name: showIndexIndices, type: Bool, default: TRUE, deprecated name: showIndexIndexes


name: indexSliderStartMaximum, type: Integer, default: 0