
genre PCLSurface
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
dll MLPCLSurface
definition MLPCLSurface.def
see also ConvexHull, PCLConcaveHull, PCLCropBox
inherits from PCLModule
keywords points, clouds, PCL, hull, convex, concave


Applies the pcl::ConvexHull filter to the input point cloud and provides the filter result at the output. See pcl::ConvexHull for details.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

Connect the point cloud which shall be filtered by the module.

Output Fields


name: outputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

Provides the result pcl::PointCloud if there is any, otherwise it will contain NULL output data. Corresponding indices produced by the filter are also provided in the output base object.

Parameter Fields

For the documentation of the filter parameters see pcl::ConvexHull.

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Compute Area Volume

name: computeAreaVolume, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then the values of Total Area and Total Volume will be calculated whenever a new convex hull is computed. Otherwise they will be set to 0.

Total Area

name: totalArea, type: Double, persistent: no

0 if Compute Area Volume is off or if no convex hull is computed, otherwise the area calculated together with the convex hull.

Total Volume

name: totalVolume, type: Double, persistent: no

0 if Compute Area Volume is off or if no convex hull is computed, otherwise the volume calculated together with the convex hull.