genre PCLIO
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
definition MLPCLIO.def
see also PCLLoad, ImageSave, MLImageFormatSave, WEMSave
inherits from PCLModule
keywords points, clouds, PCL, export, save, write


PCLSave stores a point cloud which is connected to the input in a file. See pcl::PCDWriter and pcl::PLYWriter for details. Note that indices possibly provided at connected input are not stored.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

Here the point cloud must be connected which shall be stored in a file. Note that indices possibly available with the input, are not stored.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Compress: Bool
File Format: Enum
Full File Path: String
Save: Trigger
Save As ASCII: Bool
Status: String
Success: Bool

For additional parameter information see pcl::PCDWriter and pcl::PLYWriter for details.

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

File Format

name: fileFormat, type: Enum, default: PLY

Determines the file format used to store the data.


name: saveAsASCII, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then the point cloud - if the file format provides the option - is written in ASCII format; otherwise the file is written in the format generically used by the writer selected in File Format.


name: compress, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then the point cloud - if the file format provides the option - is written as compressed data; otherwise the file is written as the writer does it generically.

Full File Path

name: fullFilePath, type: String

The absolute file path to be used for the written file. It must end with a suffix supported by the writer. Currently “.ply” and “.pcd” are supported. If no suffix is given then it will be appended automatically.


name: save, type: Trigger

Performs the actual file save operation.


name: fileIOHasSucceeded, type: Bool, persistent: no

This flag is reset to false on any input parameter change, only after a successful save operation it is set to true. It can be used to check whether the lastmost save operation has been completed successfully.