
genre PCLClusterStatistics
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
dll MLPCLClusterStatistics
definition MLPCLClusterStatistics.def
see also PCLClusterStatistics
inherits from PCLModule
keywords show, PCL, clusters, statistics


PCLClusterStatisticsToInventor generates an Open Inventor scene which displays some contents of a PCLClusterStatistics module. It also provides some options to change colors and visibility of some components. For each cluster it can display

  • the center of gravity (as sphere)
  • the intersection of the line defined by the center of gravity and the eigenvector correlated to the largest eigenvalue and the user defined plane (see PCLClusterStatistics.planePoint and PCLClusterStatistics.planeNormal) (as sphere)
  • the oriented extents (as lines)
  • a line between center of gravity and the plane intersection described above.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputStatistics, type: MLBase

The connector to a PCLClusterStatistics which contains the results to be displayed.

Output Fields


name: outputSoClusterStatistics, type: SoNode

The connector to be added to an Inventor group node. All displayed components are located under a SoSeparator and should not influence any subsequent parts of the scene graph.

Parameter Fields

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Show (showPlaneIntersection)

name: showPlaneIntersection, type: Bool, default: TRUE

The intersection points of clusters defined in PCLClusterStatistics.clusterPlaneIntersections are displayed as spheres. See also see PCLClusterStatistics.planePoint and PCLClusterStatistics.planeNormal.

Show (showClusterToPlaneIntersectionLine)

name: showClusterToPlaneIntersectionLine, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then a dotted line between the center of gravity of each cluster to the correlated plane intersection is displayed, otherwise no such line is shown.

Color (planeIntersectionColor)

name: planeIntersectionColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

If intersection points of clusters defined in PCLClusterStatistics.clusterPlaneIntersections are displayed as spheres and Color Mapping is MAP_VALUE_TO_COLOR then this color is used for that sphere. Otherwise it is not used.

Sphere Radius (planeIntersectionSphereRadius)

name: planeIntersectionSphereRadius, type: Float, default: 1

If intersection points with the user plane are displayed as spheres then this defines their radius, otherwise it is ignored and insensitive.

Show (showCenterOfGravity)

name: showCenterOfGravity, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then the center of gravity (see PCLClusterStatistics.clusterCenterOfGravities of each cluster is displayed as sphere, otherwise it is not shown.

Color (centerOfGravityColor)

name: centerOfGravityColor, type: Color, default: 1 1 1

If Color Mapping is MAP_VALUE_TO_COLOR then this color is used for most displayed cluster objects, otherwise it is unused.

Sphere Radius (centerOfGravitySphereRadius)

name: centerOfGravitySphereRadius, type: Float, default: 1

If center of gravity spheres are displayed then this defines their radius, otherwise it is ignored and insensitive.

Show Longest

name: showClusterOrientationLine0, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then the cluster extend related to the largest eigenvalue (see PCLClusterStatistics.clusterEigenValues and PCLClusterStatistics.clusterOrientedExtents) of each cluster is displayed as a line, otherwise it is not shown.

Show Middle

name: showClusterOrientationLine1, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then the cluster extend related to the middle eigenvalue (see PCLClusterStatistics.clusterEigenValues and PCLClusterStatistics.clusterOrientedExtents) of each cluster is displayed as a line, otherwise it is not shown.

Show Shortest

name: showClusterOrientationLine2, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then the cluster extend related to the smallest eigenvalue (see PCLClusterStatistics.clusterEigenValues and PCLClusterStatistics.clusterOrientedExtents) of each cluster is displayed as a line, otherwise it is not shown.

Color Mapping

name: mapValueTo, type: Enum, default: MAP_VALUE_TO_RAINBOW

Selects how the sphere for center of gravity, and cluster lines are colored.


Title Name Description
Base MAP_VALUE_TO_BASE The current base color from the Inventor state is used for the cluster objects.
Color MAP_VALUE_TO_COLOR The color from Color is used for the cluster objects.
Rainbow MAP_VALUE_TO_RAINBOW A color from a rainbow map is used for the cluster objects. The minimum cluster index (which the cluster with most points) is mapped to red, the maximum cluster (the one with least points) is mapped to violet.