
genre PCLCommon
author Wolf Spindler
package FMEstable/PCL
dll MLPCLCommon
definition MLPCLCommon.def
inherits from PCLModule
keywords points, clouds, PCL, histogram, mean, curve


Calculates the pcl::FeatureHistogram on the input point cloud, passes the meanValue to Mean Value, and converts the histogram to an CurvaData object available at outputHistogramCurve. See pcl::PCA for details.


Default Panel


Input Fields


name: inputPCLObject0, type: MLBase

Connect the point cloud whose properties shall be calculated and whose projection shall be passed to the output.

Output Fields


name: outputHistogramCurve, type: MLBase

Provides the calculated histogram as CurveData object. If no histogram is available then an empty curve is provided.

Parameter Fields

Field Index

Auto Set Min Max: Bool Symbol: String
Bin Entry Max: Integer Threshold Max: Float
Center Values In Bins: Bool Threshold Min: Float
Mean Value: Float Title: String
Number Of Bins: Integer Unit: String
Number Of Elements: Integer  
Output Curve Type: Enum  
Status: String  

Visible Fields


name: status, type: String, persistent: no

see PCLModule.status

Threshold Min

name: thresholdMin, type: Float, default: 0

The lower limit of the histogram range, all smaller values are not included in histogram calculations.

Threshold Max

name: thresholdMax, type: Float, default: 1

The high limit of the histogram range, all higher values are not included in histogram calculations.

Auto Set Min Max

name: autoSetMinMax, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If checked then Threshold Min and Threshold Max are automatically determined from input values, otherwise the values from the input fields are used. As an example: if input values are from [1,3] and four bins are used then Threshold Min is set to 1 and Threshold Max to [3-1]/4 +

Center Values In Bins

name: centerValuesInBins, type: Bool, default: TRUE

If enabled then a half width of a bin is added to the values before they are inserted into the histogram to round them appropriately.

Number Of Bins

name: numberOfBins, type: Integer, default: 65536

The number of bin to be used in the histogram.

Mean Value

name: meanValue, type: Float, persistent: no

Outputs the mean value of the calculated histogram.

Number Of Elements

name: numberOfElements, type: Integer, persistent: no

Output field showing the number of values which were not skipped at [Threshold Min, Threshold Max] and which were truly added to the histogram.

Bin Entry Max

name: binEntryMax, type: Integer, default: -1

Defines the maximum value of bin entries to be shown in the output curve; -1 means unlimited. The data of the internally histogram itself is not changed nor Mean Value or Number Of Elements are changed. It is useful to limit the height of the displayed curve to be able to check areas with lower values. In this way huge peaks can be cut and smaller ones can be examined.

Output Curve Type

name: outputCurveType, type: Enum, default: CombStyle

Determines the format of the output curve.


Title Name Description
Comb Style CombStyle The first entry of the output curve will be a point (Threshold Min, 0), the last one will be (Threshold Max, 0) and between them for each bin entry with index x which contains the number y three points are inserted into the output curve: (x,0) (x,y), and (x,0). If the result curve is drawn then the histogram appears like a comb with a ground line at 0 which has peaks at the bin positions showing the number of entries in the bin.
Bin Value Pairs BinValuePairs The output curve is filled only with pairs containing the bin index with its corresponding number of entries.


name: title, type: String, default: Histogram

The string to be set as curve title.


name: unit, type: String

The string to be set as curve unit.


name: symbol, type: String

The string to be set as curve symbol.