►Nml | Platform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context |
CGL2DFont | A bridge to the FTGL library that manages font rendering with texture fonts |
►CGLContextStack | Manages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation |
CStoreCurrentGLContextScope | Stores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted |
CTemporaryGLContextScope | Creates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope |
►CGLResourceManager | Manages OpenGL resources |
CGLResourceList | Dynamic list of GLResource objects |
CGLResource | Abstract base class for GLResources |
CGLTexture | Texture class |
CGLTextures | Texture class that manages multiple texture IDs |
CGLFragmentProgramARB | ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM resource |
CGLRenderBuffer | RenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLFrameBuffer | FrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLBuffer | Manages a generic OpenGL buffer object |
CGLPixelBuffer | PixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object) |
CGLVertexBuffer | VertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension) |
CGLSLShader | GLSL Shader resource |
CGLSLVertexShader | GLSL VertexShader resource |
CGLSLFragmentShader | GLSL FragmentShader resource |
CGLSLGeometryShader | GLSL GeometryShader resource |
CGLSLProgram | GLSL Program resource |
►COpenGL | MeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton) |
CTypeInfo | Struct to store infos about a type, e.g., about a uniform |
CGPUInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware specific information |
CMLSnapshot | Snapshot module that outputs the current viewer snapshot as an ML image used internally in the SoRenderArea class |
COffscreenRenderer | OpenInventor Scenes can be rendered to the OffscreenRender who outputs an MLImage |
CAxis | A class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL |
CCoordinateAxis | |
CFieldSync | A class that synchronizes a list of fields of two SoFieldContainer instances |
CFieldSyncEntry | Class that synchronizes two Inventor Fields with each other without using SoField::connectFrom |
CFrameGrabber | FrameGrabber class grabs GL frames for movie generation |
CGLElementArrayAccess | Helper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data |
CGLVertexArrayAccess | Helper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data |
CLabel | |
CLabelText | |
CSbFocusInfo | Class transporting focus information for one sub graph |
CSbList | This contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations |
►CSbMap | Open Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType |
CAccessClass | AccessClass is a temporary class used with the [] operator on an SbMap |
CByLevelIterator | SbMap::ByLevelIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map top to bottom, level by level left to right. |
CIterator | Regular low->high (++) and high->low (–) iterator class for an SbMap |
CParentFirstIterator | SbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from top to bottom |
CParentLastIterator | SbMap::ParentFirstIterator for an SbMap, traversing the map from bottom to top |
CSbMapItem | Class SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree |
CSbSamplerInfo | Open Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler |
CSbSlabRenderingProperties | Open Inventor element to store information about current slab mode |
CSoActionLog | |
CSoActionNotify | |
CSoArrow | Generates an arrow the arrow has a position and a reference point, from where he points at |
CSoAxis | |
CSoBackground | SoBackground renders a background bar It uses the lookuptable element to draw a 8bit Lookuptable on the bar rendering |
CSoBlendMode | Class SoBlendMode to manage the blending state in an Open Inventor node |
CSoBlockNotification | SoBlockNotification is a SoGroup that blocks parent notifications on underlying scene changes |
CSoCalculatorWrapper | SoCalculatorWrapper wraps the SoCalculator engine to make it usable inside of MeVisLab |
CSoCameraViewAll | The Inventor module class SoCameraViewAll derived from SoNode |
CSoCheckShaderSupport | Open Inventor node to check if OpenGL shader support is provided by the OpenGL driver |
CSoClearBuffers | |
CSoClearShaderState | Open Inventor node to clear shader state |
CSoClipBox | SoClipBox defines a node with 6 clipping plane manipulators that are arrange on the sides of a box |
CSoCoordinateSystem | |
CSoCrossHair | |
CSoDragger3D | SoDragger3D is a 3d dragger consisting of a 2d and 1d draggers |
CSoDummy | SoDummy class is used to create a place holder node if the created node was unknown |
CSoExaminerViewer | Encapsulates the So*ExaminerViewer of Open Inventor into an Inventor Node |
CSoFocus | SoFocus is a general facility to detect focus changes |
CSoFocusElement | Open Inventor Element defining if the currently rendered Graph has the focus |
CSoFragmentShader | Open Inventor fragment shader node |
CSoFramebufferSampler | Abstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes based on a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSampler2D | Open Inventor sampler node that gets it's 2D image from a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSampler3D | Open Inventor sampler node that gets it's 3D image from a framebuffer object |
CSoFramebufferSamplerElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoFullViewer | SoFullViewer encapsulates SoQtFullViewer from Open Inventor in an Inventor Node |
CSoGeometryShader | Open Inventor geometry shader node |
CSoGLClearError | |
CSoGLColorDepthInfo | |
CSoGLCompleteShader | Shader class which directly takes src for vertex, geometry and/or fragment shader, compiles and links it |
CSoGLGet | |
CSoGLInventorShaderProgram | Derived class which supports OpenGL legacy emulation and updating of uniforms when rendering Inventor scenes |
CSoGlobalGLContextScope | The SoGlobalGLContextScope can be used to automatically push and pop the current GL context, and to enable a shared global Open Inventor GL context inside of the scope |
CSoGLRenderState | Class SoGLRenderState to manage the GL state in an Open Inventor node |
CSoGLShader | Abstract base class for shader objects |
CSoGLShaderObject | Vertex or fragment shader object class |
►CSoGLShaderProgram | Class managing an OpenGL shader program |
CUniformInfo | Information structure for SoGLShaderObject containing location, type, and size |
CSoGLShaderProgramAllowedElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoGLShaderProgramElement | Open Inventor element representing a SoGLShaderProgram in the Open Inventor state |
CSoGLStateInfo | |
CSoGLVertexAttributeElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes |
CSoImageSampler | The abstract Inventor class SoImageSampler |
CSoInheritedFramebufferSampler | Open Inventor node used to access a previous OpenGL framebuffer sampler |
CSoKeyGrabber | SoKeyGrabber is a general facility to grab keyboard events |
CSoMetaInformationMap | SoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state |
CSoMetaInformationMapQt | Implements the SoMetaInformationMap using a QVariantMap as underlying storage |
CSoMeVisExaminerViewer | SoMeVisExaminerViewer is a base class to be used to create own examiner viewers |
CSoMeVisRenderArea | SoMeVisRenderArea is a base class to be used to create own RenderAreas |
CSoMFShaderObject | Open Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader objects |
CSoMFUniformShaderParameter | Open Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader parameters |
CSoMLLUT | Open Inventor node implementing an interface to the ml::LUTFunction |
CSoMLLUTChangeColor | Defines a change color extension to the SoMLLUT |
CSoMLLUTElement | Open Inventor element to administrate a pointer to a SoMLLUT node in the inventor state |
CSoMLLUTExtension | SoMLLUTExtension is a base class to extends the SoMLLut with functionality |
CSoMLLUTExtensionElement | SoMLLUTExtensionElement collects a list of SoGVRExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step |
CSoMLSampler | Abstract base class for sampler nodes that handle ML images |
CSoMLSampler1D | Sampler node that uses a 1D ML subimage to define a 1D sampler |
CSoMLSampler2D | Sampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler |
CSoMLSampler3D | Sampler node that uses a 3D ML subimage to define a 3D sampler |
CSoMLSamplerCubeMap | Sampler node that uses 6 2D ML subimages to define a Cubemap sampler |
CSoMLTexture2 | |
CSoMLTransform | SoMLTransform applies the ML WorldToVoxel matrix to the Inventor scene |
CSoMLVolumeBox | SoMLVolumeBox renders a background bar |
CSoMouseGrabber | SoMouseGrabber is a general facility to grab mouse events and to map mouse movement to x/y values |
CSoMultiPassFramebufferSampler | Open Inventor node to accumulate multiple render passes in a sampler |
CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerElement | Internal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK |
CSoMultiplePass | Open Inventor group node traversing its subgraph a number of times |
CSoOffscreenSceneRenderer | This class implements rendering of an offscreen inventor scene |
CSoOffscreenViewerProxy | This class implements access to the state of the SoOffscreenRenderer viewer |
CSoOffscreenViewerProxyNode | SoOffscreenViewerProxyNode will put a SoViewerElement with the given SoOffscreenViewerProxy into the scene |
CSoPicking | |
CSoPixelScaleAccess | |
CSoPlaneDragger | Defines a plane dragger that can be used to manipulate a plane (and translation+rotation) |
CSoPlaneSync | Open Inventor node calculating a new translation from a translation, a rotation and a distance factor |
CSoQtViewerProxy | |
CSoQtViewerProxyNode | SoQtViewerProxyNode will put a SoViewerElement with the given SoQtViewerProxy into the scene and also handle setting of the cursor shape |
CSoRenderArea | SoRenderArea encapsulates the features of SoQtRenderArea in an Inventor Node |
CSoResolutionIndependentViewerProxy | |
CSoRotateCamera | Allows to rotate the camera around the focal point |
CSoSampler | Abstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes |
CSoSampler2D | Abstract Open Inventor base class for 2D sampler nodes |
CSoSamplerInfoElement | Element stores information about all current sampler nodes |
CSoSceneSetupHelper | Helper for equipping an SoQtSceneHandler with necessary nodes for Managed Interaction and cursor setting |
►CSoSceneWriter | Open Inventor engine to write scene representation to file |
CCOLORED_POINT | Struct holds point information when VRML_2 output is applied on SGI Inventor scenes |
ChashColoredPoint | For computing a hash value for a colored point |
CSoSelection2 | |
CSoSFMLBase | The SoSFMLBase field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output ML Base objects to the outside world |
CSoSFMLConnector | SoSFMLConnector field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output input/output ML connector fields to the outside world |
CSoSFMLImage | The SoSFMLImage field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to access image data (in the current implementation from the ML - MeVis Image Processing Library) |
CSoShader | Shader-releated types |
CSoShaderBuilder | |
CSoShaderObject | Abstract Open Inventor node for vertex or fragment shader nodes |
CSoShaderObjectElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of vertex or fragment shader nodes in the Open Inventor state |
CSoShaderParameter | Abstract Open Inventor group base class for shader parameter nodes |
CSoShaderParameter1f | Open Inventor uniform shader node that defines one float parameter |
CSoShaderParameter1fv | Open Inventor uniform shader node that defines an array of float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter1i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one integer parameter |
CSoShaderParameter2f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter2i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters |
CSoShaderParameter3f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three float parameters |
CSoShaderParameter3i | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three integer parameters |
CSoShaderParameter4f | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderParameterCollector | A helper class that collects uniforms instead of setting them to a shader |
CSoShaderParameterColor | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines tree float parameters using a color selector |
CSoShaderParameterMatrix | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines a matrix parameter |
CSoShaderParameterMLImageProps | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines integer and float parameters to represent the size and range of a connected ML image |
CSoShaderParameterMLImageSize | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters to represent the size of a connected ML image |
CSoShaderParameterPlane | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderParameterRotation | Open Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters |
CSoShaderProgram | Open Inventor shader program node |
►CSoShaderRepository | |
CSourceInfo | |
CSoShowFPS | SoShowFPS renders the current frame rate onto the scene |
CSoSlabRenderingElement | Inventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state |
CSoToggle | SoToggle is a SoSwitch node that has a boolean field to toggle the underlying scene graph on/off |
CSoUniformParameterBase | Base class for uniform shader parameters |
CSoUniformShaderParameter | Abstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes |
CSoUniformShaderParameterElement | Open Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes |
CSoVectorToFloat | SoVectorToFloat transforms vector to float (not an engine) |
CSoVertexAttribute1f | Vertex attribute of type float |
CSoVertexAttribute1i | Vertex attribute of type Int32 |
CSoVertexAttribute1ui | Vertex attribute of type UInt32 |
CSoVertexAttribute2f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec2f |
CSoVertexAttribute3f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec3f |
CSoVertexAttribute4f | Vertex attribute of type SbVec4f |
CSoVertexAttribute4ub | Vertex attribute of type UInt32 interpreted as 4 unsigned bytes NOTE: the values are interpreted as RGBA colors in the sense of a SbColor::getPackedValue() |
CSoVertexAttributeBase | Open Inventor vertex attribute nodes |
CSoVertexAttributeInfo | Open Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes |
CSoVertexAttributeRotation | Vertex attribute of type SbRotation |
CSoVertexShader | Open Inventor vertex shader node |
CSoViewerElement | Element that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer |
CSoViewerNode | Base class for all viewer nodes in MeVisLab |
CSoViewerProxy | This class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal |
CSoViewportRegion | |
CXVImageSize | SoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes |
CXVStatus | Class for passing status information to a host system |