MeVisLab Resolution Independence API
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
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 NmlPlatform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context
 CAxisA class to administrate an axis coordinate system drawable in OpenGL
 CFieldSyncA class that synchronizes a list of fields of two SoFieldContainer instances
 CFieldSyncEntryClass that synchronizes two Inventor Fields with each other without using SoField::connectFrom
 CFrameGrabberFrameGrabber class grabs GL frames for movie generation
 CGLElementArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL element array data
 CGLVertexArrayAccessHelper struct for getting access to the OpenGL vertex array data
 CSbFocusInfoClass transporting focus information for one sub graph
 CSbListThis contains the definition of the SbList generic pointer list class; an SbList is a list of (void *) pointers that allows easy insertion, removal, and other operations
 CSbMapOpen Inventor container that associates objects of type KeyType with objects of type ValueType
 CSbMapItemClass SbMapItem is the element type of the SbMap tree
 CSbSamplerInfoOpen Inventor data type and element to store information about a (list of) SbSampler
 CSbSlabRenderingPropertiesOpen Inventor element to store information about current slab mode
 CSoArrowGenerates an arrow the arrow has a position and a reference point, from where he points at
 CSoBackgroundSoBackground renders a background bar It uses the lookuptable element to draw a 8bit Lookuptable on the bar rendering
 CSoBlendModeClass SoBlendMode to manage the blending state in an Open Inventor node
 CSoBlockNotificationSoBlockNotification is a SoGroup that blocks parent notifications on underlying scene changes
 CSoCalculatorWrapperSoCalculatorWrapper wraps the SoCalculator engine to make it usable inside of MeVisLab
 CSoCameraViewAllThe Inventor module class SoCameraViewAll derived from SoNode
 CSoCheckShaderSupportOpen Inventor node to check if OpenGL shader support is provided by the OpenGL driver
 CSoClearShaderStateOpen Inventor node to clear shader state
 CSoClipBoxSoClipBox defines a node with 6 clipping plane manipulators that are arrange on the sides of a box
 CSoDragger3DSoDragger3D is a 3d dragger consisting of a 2d and 1d draggers
 CSoDummySoDummy class is used to create a place holder node if the created node was unknown
 CSoExaminerViewerEncapsulates the So*ExaminerViewer of Open Inventor into an Inventor Node
 CSoFocusSoFocus is a general facility to detect focus changes
 CSoFocusElementOpen Inventor Element defining if the currently rendered Graph has the focus
 CSoFragmentShaderOpen Inventor fragment shader node
 CSoFramebufferSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes based on a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSampler2DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 2D image from a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSampler3DOpen Inventor sampler node that gets it's 3D image from a framebuffer object
 CSoFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoFullViewerSoFullViewer encapsulates SoQtFullViewer from Open Inventor in an Inventor Node
 CSoGeometryShaderOpen Inventor geometry shader node
 CSoGLCompleteShaderShader class which directly takes src for vertex, geometry and/or fragment shader, compiles and links it
 CSoGLInventorShaderProgramDerived class which supports OpenGL legacy emulation and updating of uniforms when rendering Inventor scenes
 CSoGlobalGLContextScopeThe SoGlobalGLContextScope can be used to automatically push and pop the current GL context, and to enable a shared global Open Inventor GL context inside of the scope
 CSoGLRenderStateClass SoGLRenderState to manage the GL state in an Open Inventor node
 CSoGLShaderAbstract base class for shader objects
 CSoGLShaderObjectVertex or fragment shader object class
 CSoGLShaderProgramClass managing an OpenGL shader program
 CSoGLShaderProgramAllowedElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoGLShaderProgramElementOpen Inventor element representing a SoGLShaderProgram in the Open Inventor state
 CSoGLVertexAttributeElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
 CSoImageSamplerThe abstract Inventor class SoImageSampler
 CSoInheritedFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node used to access a previous OpenGL framebuffer sampler
 CSoKeyGrabberSoKeyGrabber is a general facility to grab keyboard events
 CSoMetaInformationMapSoMetaInformationMap allows to record information on the current render state
 CSoMetaInformationMapQtImplements the SoMetaInformationMap using a QVariantMap as underlying storage
 CSoMeVisExaminerViewerSoMeVisExaminerViewer is a base class to be used to create own examiner viewers
 CSoMeVisRenderAreaSoMeVisRenderArea is a base class to be used to create own RenderAreas
 CSoMFShaderObjectOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader objects
 CSoMFUniformShaderParameterOpen Inventor multiple field managing a list of shader parameters
 CSoMLLUTOpen Inventor node implementing an interface to the ml::LUTFunction
 CSoMLLUTChangeColorDefines a change color extension to the SoMLLUT
 CSoMLLUTElementOpen Inventor element to administrate a pointer to a SoMLLUT node in the inventor state
 CSoMLLUTExtensionSoMLLUTExtension is a base class to extends the SoMLLut with functionality
 CSoMLLUTExtensionElementSoMLLUTExtensionElement collects a list of SoGVRExtensions while the scene graph is traversed The list is cleared when the state is popped to force recollection on next rendering step
 CSoMLSamplerAbstract base class for sampler nodes that handle ML images
 CSoMLSampler1DSampler node that uses a 1D ML subimage to define a 1D sampler
 CSoMLSampler2DSampler node that uses a 2D ML subimage to define a 2D sampler
 CSoMLSampler3DSampler node that uses a 3D ML subimage to define a 3D sampler
 CSoMLSamplerCubeMapSampler node that uses 6 2D ML subimages to define a Cubemap sampler
 CSoMLTransformSoMLTransform applies the ML WorldToVoxel matrix to the Inventor scene
 CSoMLVolumeBoxSoMLVolumeBox renders a background bar
 CSoMouseGrabberSoMouseGrabber is a general facility to grab mouse events and to map mouse movement to x/y values
 CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerOpen Inventor node to accumulate multiple render passes in a sampler
 CSoMultiPassFramebufferSamplerElementInternal Open Inventor element not meant to be used in SDK
 CSoMultiplePassOpen Inventor group node traversing its subgraph a number of times
 CSoOffscreenSceneRendererThis class implements rendering of an offscreen inventor scene
 CSoOffscreenViewerProxyThis class implements access to the state of the SoOffscreenRenderer viewer
 CSoOffscreenViewerProxyNodeSoOffscreenViewerProxyNode will put a SoViewerElement with the given SoOffscreenViewerProxy into the scene
 CSoPlaneDraggerDefines a plane dragger that can be used to manipulate a plane (and translation+rotation)
 CSoPlaneSyncOpen Inventor node calculating a new translation from a translation, a rotation and a distance factor
 CSoQtViewerProxyNodeSoQtViewerProxyNode will put a SoViewerElement with the given SoQtViewerProxy into the scene and also handle setting of the cursor shape
 CSoRenderAreaSoRenderArea encapsulates the features of SoQtRenderArea in an Inventor Node
 CSoRotateCameraAllows to rotate the camera around the focal point
 CSoSamplerAbstract Open Inventor base class for sampler nodes
 CSoSampler2DAbstract Open Inventor base class for 2D sampler nodes
 CSoSamplerInfoElementElement stores information about all current sampler nodes
 CSoSceneSetupHelperHelper for equipping an SoQtSceneHandler with necessary nodes for Managed Interaction and cursor setting
 CSoSceneWriterOpen Inventor engine to write scene representation to file
 CSoSFMLBaseThe SoSFMLBase field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output ML Base objects to the outside world
 CSoSFMLConnectorSoSFMLConnector field is the interface used by Inventor nodes to output input/output ML connector fields to the outside world
 CSoSFMLImageThe SoSFMLImage field is the interface used by Inventor Nodes to access image data (in the current implementation from the ML - MeVis Image Processing Library)
 CSoShaderShader-releated types
 CSoShaderObjectAbstract Open Inventor node for vertex or fragment shader nodes
 CSoShaderObjectElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex or fragment shader nodes in the Open Inventor state
 CSoShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor group base class for shader parameter nodes
 CSoShaderParameter1fOpen Inventor uniform shader node that defines one float parameter
 CSoShaderParameter1fvOpen Inventor uniform shader node that defines an array of float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter1iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines one integer parameter
 CSoShaderParameter2fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter2iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters
 CSoShaderParameter3fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three float parameters
 CSoShaderParameter3iOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines three integer parameters
 CSoShaderParameter4fOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderParameterCollectorA helper class that collects uniforms instead of setting them to a shader
 CSoShaderParameterColorOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines tree float parameters using a color selector
 CSoShaderParameterMatrixOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines a matrix parameter
 CSoShaderParameterMLImagePropsOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines integer and float parameters to represent the size and range of a connected ML image
 CSoShaderParameterMLImageSizeOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines two integer parameters to represent the size of a connected ML image
 CSoShaderParameterPlaneOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderParameterRotationOpen Inventor uniform shader parameter node that defines four float parameters
 CSoShaderProgramOpen Inventor shader program node
 CSoShowFPSSoShowFPS renders the current frame rate onto the scene
 CSoSlabRenderingElementInventor element storing SlabRendering properties in the Open Inventor state
 CSoToggleSoToggle is a SoSwitch node that has a boolean field to toggle the underlying scene graph on/off
 CSoUniformParameterBaseBase class for uniform shader parameters
 CSoUniformShaderParameterAbstract Open Inventor base class for uniform shader parameter nodes
 CSoUniformShaderParameterElementOpen Inventor element storing a list of shader parameter nodes
 CSoVectorToFloatSoVectorToFloat transforms vector to float (not an engine)
 CSoVertexAttribute1fVertex attribute of type float
 CSoVertexAttribute1iVertex attribute of type Int32
 CSoVertexAttribute1uiVertex attribute of type UInt32
 CSoVertexAttribute2fVertex attribute of type SbVec2f
 CSoVertexAttribute3fVertex attribute of type SbVec3f
 CSoVertexAttribute4fVertex attribute of type SbVec4f
 CSoVertexAttribute4ubVertex attribute of type UInt32 interpreted as 4 unsigned bytes NOTE: the values are interpreted as RGBA colors in the sense of a SbColor::getPackedValue()
 CSoVertexAttributeBaseOpen Inventor vertex attribute nodes
 CSoVertexAttributeInfoOpen Inventor element storing a list of vertex attributes
 CSoVertexAttributeRotationVertex attribute of type SbRotation
 CSoVertexShaderOpen Inventor vertex shader node
 CSoViewerElementElement that stores a proxy object to the currently active viewer
 CSoViewerNodeBase class for all viewer nodes in MeVisLab
 CSoViewerProxyThis class gives access to state of a viewer during scene graph traversal
 CXVImageSizeSoSFMLImage - field interface to ML images and related classes
 CXVStatusClass for passing status information to a host system