MeVisLab Resolution Independence API
▼Nml | Platform independent interface class to manage an OpenGL context |
CGL2DFont | A bridge to the ftgl library that manages font rendering with texture fonts |
CGLBuffer | Manages a generic OpenGL buffer object |
▼CGLContextStack | Manages a stack of GL contexts and their correct activation (NOTE: This is only accessible in the GUI main thread!) |
CStoreCurrentGLContextScope | Stores the current GL context and re-activates it when the scope object is deleted |
CTemporaryGLContextScope | Creates a temporary OpenGL context and destroys it when the object goes out of scope |
CGLFragmentProgramARB | ARB_FRAGMENT_PROGRAM resource |
CGLFrameBuffer | FrameBufferObject resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLPixelBuffer | PixelBuffer resource (pixel_buffer_object) |
CGLRenderBuffer | RenderBuffer resource (frame_buffer_object extension) |
CGLResource | Abstract base class for GLResources |
▼CGLResourceManager | Manages OpenGL resources |
CGLResourceList | Dynamic list of GLResource objects |
CGLSLFragmentShader | GLSL FragmentShader resource |
CGLSLGeometryShader | GLSL GeometryShader resource |
CGLSLProgram | GLSL Program resource |
CGLSLShader | GLSL Shader resource |
CGLSLVertexShader | GLSL VertexShader resource |
CGLTexture | Texture class |
CGLTextures | Texture class that manages multiple texture ids |
CGLVertexBuffer | VertexBuffer resource (vertex_buffer_object extension) |
CGPUInfo | Singleton class that provides hardware specific information |
CMLSnapshot | Snapshot module that outputs the current viewer snapshot as an ML image used internally in the SoRenderArea class |
COffscreenRenderer | OpenInventor Scenes can be rendered to the OffscreenRender who outputs an MLImage |
▼COpenGL | MeVis OpenGL Information Interface (Singleton) |
CTypeInfo | Struct to store infos about a type, e.g. about a uniform |